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Providing the resources to

help sustain livelihoods &

alleviate poverty through
the protection of coral
reefs & tropical forests

Welcome to Coral Cay Conservation

As these vital ecosystems degrade and disappear, their services are diminished, resulting in huge
natural losses to biodiversity, disruption to the earths natural balance as well as big economic
losses to entire communities.
Our Belief: Coral reefs are fundamental to the future of our planet. To neglect or destroy reefs
means greater poverty for future generations.
Our Vision: To lead recognition of the importance and management of coral reefs for everyones
future prosperity.
Our Mission: Using the best science we will support the preservation of coral reefs and through
learning and education support the dependant communities, in the most cost-effective means
Coral Cay Conservation (CCC) is one of the leading successful specialists in organising conservation expeditions with volunteers at the front-line of our work, capacity building at the core and
science in the driving seat. Local organisations and governments call on us for manpower and expertise and we work in partnership to run effective conservation projects that benefit both the environment and local communities. We take a holistic biosphere approach and run both marine and
tropical forest conservation projects. The combined efforts of CCC volunteers, field staff and local
project partners have helped to create marine reserves and wildlife sanctuaries, thereby securing a
future for local people whose livelihoods depend on healthy, thriving and protected coral reefs
and tropical forests.
Providing the resources to help sustain livelihoods and alleviate poverty through the
protection of coral reefs & tropical forests

David Bellamy OBE

CCC President
Since 1986, Coral Cay Conservation
has been at the forefront of
community-based coral reef and
tropical forest conservation.
Teams of people from all walks of
life are taking part in an experience
of a lifetime, living and working
together in remote tropical
environments and helping to
protect the livelihoods of millions
of local people.

Our Cause

The health of coral reefs and tropical forests worldwide are under threat from increasing global
demands and pressures as our population grows and the climate changes. Coral reefs, mangroves
and tropical forests are critical components of the global environment. They provide vital natural
services to support and protect life and balance global climate as well as providing economic
benefit to local and national economies through tourism and food production. Coral reefs and tropical forests together support almost two-thirds of all recorded living species.

Through CCC you can play a key

role in survey work above and
below the waves, experiencing
environments and cultures you
never dreamed you would see.
Thank you for caring.

Its great to have so many smiling people

around you!
Hilary Crane, Philippines

Only 3% of coral reefs worldwide are protected

Coral reefs have become known as the rainforests of the seas due
to their incredible biodiversity. They have evolved over the past 450
million years to become the most bio-diverse marine ecosystem in
recorded history.

What Are They Worth?

Coral reefs provide food, protection and breeding grounds for some
25% of all marine life! They are a vital component of the global
Today, technology enables us to travel further, dive deeper and
exploit resources faster than ever before. Our impact is as
exponential as our growing population. The combination of climate
change and human activity now pose a real and direct threat to the
survival of coral reefs. This onslaught of impacts is proving too much
for reefs to combat. If current trends continue, reefs as we know
them will disappear by 2055! Over half a billion people in coastal
communities risk being displaced if they can no longer support
themselves through the fruits that healthy reefs provide to the
oceans. The situation is now critical!
People are largely unaware of the scale of the damage to reefs and
forests around the world. The current rate of destruction simply
cannot continue if these vital natural ecosystems are to exist by the
end of the century. We need to change our attitude towards natural
resources and start protecting and sustaining them rather than
exploiting them for our immediate gain until they are destroyed. Our
generation is the instrument of change. If we dont act now it will be
too late.
This is why Coral Cay Conservation exists!

Biodiversity: Coral reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean floor yet
support over 4,000 fish species, 800 coral species and thousands more
plants and animals with new species being discovered all the time
Food: In Asia alone over 1 billion people rely on fish as their main source
of protein. 1km2 of healthy reef can produce up to 30 metric tons of fish
annually, enough to feed 600 people for a year
Livelihoods: Some 600 million people in coastal communities rely on
coral reefs for their livelihoods
Medicine: Reefs are genetic banks for new life-saving drugs.
Compounds from reef organisms have been used to treat cancer, HIV
and cardiovascular diseases
Economy: Reefs provide humans with living resources (such as fish) and
services (such as tourism returns and coastal protection) worth about
$375 billion each year

Hard Facts!
30% of coral reefs have already been destroyed and a further 60% are
severely threatened due to a combination of local and regional impacts.
Every year 3,000km2 of reefs are destroyed, an area the size of Luxembourg!
If current rates of destruction continue we will have lost 50% of all coral
reefs by 2030, and the vast majority of them by 2055
A single anchor drop from a cruise ship in the Virgin Islands destroyed
over 300 metres of reef. This took 20 years to grow back!

Reefs At Risk

Reefs under Threat

Only 4% of tropical rainforests are protected

Tropical forests also play a crucial role in regulating the planets global
climate by absorbing and storing carbon dioxide - a service of huge value
with the imminent threat of global warming. They also receive almost half
of all the rain that falls on land, releasing it slowly into rivers.
Deforestation is the number one threat to tropical forests. An area twice
the size of Portugal is cleared each year to meet increasing
demands for crops, oil, gas, minerals, timber and forest products with new
roads carved through forests to access them.
Some 140 species face extinction every day as a direct result of
deforestation. With insufficient trees to protect watersheds and high rainfall
in tropical regions, mass flooding is inevitable, putting homes, farmland,
and entire communities at risk and destroying the ecosystem on which
they depend.

Forests At Risk

60% of tropical forests have been destroyed and

80-90% of remaining forests are threatened
191,000km2 of tropical forests are destroyed annually
Extinction rates are high - 137 species are currently lost
every day and 50,000 each year
Around 350 million of the worlds poorest people depend
almost entirely on forest resources to meet their needs
25% of western medicinal drugs come from rainforest
ingredients. The US National Cancer Institute has identified 3,000 plants that are active against cancer, 70% are
from rainforests
At the current rate of destruction 50% will be gone by 2025
and all our tropical forest could be lost by 2060

All the worlds ecosystems are interconnected, which makes tropical

forests our priority too. Tropical forests are a vital part of the global
ecosystem. They cover less than 7% of the earths surface, yet provide
habitat for over 5 million species - over half of all living things.

CCC is made up of a family of thousands of volunteers, specialists,

organisations, communities and scholars from all over the world people just like you - who are working together to make a real

Habitat Mapping
We need to know whats there if we are to protect it. Thats
where your part is vital. CCC volunteers are out on the front line
of conservation, gathering data about reef and forest species to
create habitat maps. These maps are used to identify candidate
sites where the conservation efforts of local communities will be
best placed to create sustainable management plans.
Capacity Building
We offer full science development training to empower you with
knowledge about the ecosystem in order to take action to protect
it. You can go on to develop your skills further by going through our
PADI training up to Divemaster level. We direct a portion of volunteers
funds into Scholarship Programmes where local people can apply to
learn these skills themselves and our Train the Trainer courses
allow local stakeholders to continue the work into the future.
We work with our partners to encourage alternative livelihood
practices that respect the people and the culture to minimise the use
of destructive logging and fishing techniques.
Raising Awareness
Knowledge is power so we channel a significant portion of
our efforts into education. We run workshops, activity days and
education programmes locally and internationally to raise awareness
about issues facing reefs and forests and what appropriate action to
take. The most popular awareness tool is our Fred the Fish puppet
show for the kids, thought up by volunteers just like you!
We publish all our reports and findings online as a resource for use in
further efforts to expand conservation knowledge and understanding.

I have been privy to the desperate lives of

people who live around these fabulous
beaches. I have witnessed for myself
fisher folk neighbours struggling to get
food on their tables and my own relatives
scrambling for their share of peso bills
dangled by corrupt politicians. All it takes
to change this is a simple concerted effort from people willing and
able to teach and give people a better understanding of what they
have. Some time during underwater surveying, studying corals and
fish, and doing community work, I had a change of heart. This
made me wonder if someone had taken the effort to teach me
when I was younger - how it would have changed the course of my
Learning from and among people who have travelled from across
the world to do volunteer work was amazing. I watched in amusement as they fussed over a tiny fish that normally would not have
received such fanfare from Filipinos. The most ordinary things fascinated them, and they lent me a vantage point that I never knew
existed. I believe this is the best thing CCC volunteers can leave
for local counterparts like me.

Coral Cay Action

Our work has three key components:

Grace Quiton
CCC Scholar. Philippines
Corals, children, and tiny fish - Ill never
look at them the same way after my CCC

Being trapped on a tropical island is something I can handle.

Kirsten Schett Volunteer, Cambodia

We have run over 25 successful

conservation projects in some 13
different countries around the world

Over 10,000 volunteers have joined our


Many CCC volunteers go on to

careers in conservation

Our scholarship programme has seen

several hundred local scholars trained in
conservation skills they can use in the

CCC is proud to have won multiple

international awards over the years

Coral Cay Success

Coral Cay Highlights

You may be thinking at this point - is this really for me, and its a question youll
want to give serious consideration. After all, its your time and money we are
talking about and you want to make sure you spend both wisely.

People who join us range in age from 16 to 75 plus and come from a broad range
of backgrounds but share one common interest they all want to make a
difference! Whatever you are looking for, we endeavour to cater for you. Have a
look at the range of opportunities we can offer by visiting
Well support you throughout the process with everything from buying your kit to
fundraising and our online booking process makes organising your trip that much
easier! So, if youre aged 16 or over, have a good team spirit, moderate level of
fitness and are looking for something adventurous, worthwhile and fun to do
during your career break, gap year, retirement or holiday, then look no further.
This is the chance to feed your passion into something with long lasting
impact that will be valued and remembered long after your trip has
finished. An experience you can take with you for the rest of your life.
We need your help. Join us now and play your part.

Is It For Me?

As a CCC volunteer you can make a difference. We have built a great reputation
running safe and successful marine and forest expeditions since 1986 and have
an impeccable record for being true to our word in offering hands-on conservation
All you need is:
Team Spirit
Moderate level of fitness
Consideration for people and culture
Willingness to try new things
Sense of fun and adventure!

Leaving is one of the hardest things

that I have ever done as the group of
like-minded people that you spend a
least 16 hours a day with become like
your family.
George Brown, Philippines

We have several different options to suit your specific needs

Mini-Expeditions - We recognise in our high-speed world that some of you may want to do something
worthwhile but have only a week or two to spare. We have developed our expeditions to cater for that.
You can now join our expeditions for a time to suit you, from one week up to a year if you wish!
CCC projects form part of the host countrys long-term conservation aims, so you can be confident that
whichever you choose, your participation will have a direct and lasting effect.
Family Friendly Conservation Expeditions - We appreciate that families want to travel and
experience responsible and conservation orientated expeditions together. On selected expeditions, we
now offer families the opportunity to do exactly that! Call us to find out more.
We also offer Unique Expeditions, Group Discounts and Research Opportunities!
Full details are on our website

What will I be involved in?

What will I come away with?

Making a unique difference to a community and

valuable ecosystem
Front line conservation
Community workshops and education programmes
Marine and/or terrestrial surveys
Beach clean ups and activity days
Puppet shows
A real expedition experience with volunteers from all
walks of life
Practical conservation work out in the field
The results of careful planning with local partners
Environmentally, economically and socially ethical

Expertise in tropical ecology, biodiversity and species

New friends and unforgettable memories
Experience in front line conservation!
Independence, perspective and improved self esteem
SCUBA dive training up to Divemaster level
Cultural understanding and appreciation of the natural world
Improved career prospects
Valuable transferable skills and a broader outlook on life
An experience that may just change your life!

What Can I Do?

Expeditions - These are no 5-star holidays! Expedition life is for people who like mucking in and getting their
hands dirty. We all bunk in together, cook and clean together and there is many-a-story told over a
campfire dinner. You hard-core travellers out there will love it!

Safety First

Every Field Base has a Satellite Telephone, Personal Locator Beacon, Satellite Broadband and a Global Positioning
System Handset (GPS). All Field Bases are linked to our 24-hour telemedical system with doctors on-call 24-hours a day.
Our Operations Room is active 24-hours a day, whilst groups are overseas. With our team of incident managers on alert to
coordinate rescue work.
Coral Cay Conservation are members of the Year Out Group, Young Explorers Trust and the Expedition Providers
Association. Coral Cay Conservation have been independently assessed against British Standard 8848.
As well as making a lasting contribution to science, team members may also:

Qualify through our PADI instructors to become Divemasters

Complete our Reef Check course
Gain up to 70 UCAS points
Complete their Duke of Edinburghs Award residential section
Gain First Aid qualifications
Fulfil the criteria for the John Muir Awards

Please contact our office or further details.

Safety & Value Added

Our staff are individually selected to lead groups overseas. Selection of staff is based on many factors, including both hard
and soft skills. We select our Field Base Managers for their ability to communicate with groups and be fun people to have
around! All Field Base staff must complete an arduous training and selection process, assessed by our experienced coreteam of instructors.

The expedition fee includes:

Community education



Theres never a dull moment at AmpoFred the Fish, planting

mangroves, crazy fairs, secret Santa, rescue scenarios, counterparts what
an action packed fun filled time!
Heather Jones, Philippines
Trekking through the dense, mountainous tropical forest, catching birds,
bats and small mammals and lying in pitch black darkness surrounded by
beautiful forest sounds.
Yee Chow, Volunteer

UK briefing sessions
Field accommodation
PADI Open Water & Advanced Open Water
BCDs & regulator hire (dive trainees)
Weights & weight belts
Free Reef Check training
Free First Aid training
Expedition & research training & surveying
Community work
CCC Trust membership
Field staff supervision

The fee does not include:

International flights
In-transit accommodation
PADI manuals
Dive certification
Personal dive equipment
First Aid certification (optional)
Personal equipment

Where The Money Goes


logistics &

Marine Expeditions

CCC marine expeditions are for those of you interested in diving and we offer full
SCUBA training if needed to Divemaster level. As qualified divers you then undergo
training in conservation science, where you learn about reef ecology, underwater
surveying and how to species spot when you are down there diving!
You will gain familiarity with coral reef habitats, and learn how we can help protect
these threatened ecosystems into the future. From learning new skills through to
meeting new people, there is no doubt that you will come away with many memories
that are uniquely individual.
Who knows what marine species you will encounter when diving in the tropical
waters of the world!

The ability to dive daily on beautiful un-dived reefs was a fantastic bonus!
But its the people that make a CCC expedition what it is - living amongst
other people who want to do something to help preserve coral reefs for future
generations, but who can also conjure a fancy dress costume from whatever
you can scrounge.
Jake Turner, Philippines


Ever dreamt of diving the fish-filled tropical waters of the world plus contributing to
conservation? Well if the ocean is your thing, then a CCC marine expedition is perfect
for you. You will help survey coral reefs in remote tropical locations, making for an
exclusive and worthwhile experience that you will never forget!

Sign up as a School Group!

SCUBA diving and coral reef and tropical forest survey training - Pupils are trained to
identify a range of species and use their skills to contribute to local conservation efforts
Duke of Edinburghs Award - Gold residential programmes overseas
70 UCAS points Pupils can earn up to 70 UCAS points on our programmes
John Muir Award Environmental awards for pupils
CPD Our programmes provide valuable support for the teachers development
(teachers travel free)
Team Building Taking part will increase pupils self esteem and invoke a can do attitude
through a truly life-changing experience!

Our programmes fit with the aims of the curriculum and the framework of personal learning and
thinking skills. It enables all pupils to become successful learners, confident individuals and
responsible citizens, contributing to local environmental conservation efforts.

Incredible people, amazing places, having fun whilst doing good.

Hands down the best time of my life!
Oenone Scott Volunteer, Philippines

School Groups

Our expedition programmes structure incorporates the educational framework of Learning Outside
the Classroom objectives. It also highlights the benefits of taking part in one of our environmental
expeditions in a safe and rewarding environment. Key benefits of our programmes include:

University Group Expeditions

PADI SCUBA diving Students are trained to PADI Advanced Open Water level and beyond

Skills Development Programme All students are trained in coastal ecology, including courses on:

Species Identification

Coastal Ecology

Coral Reef and Tropical Forest Surveying

Natural Resource Management

Introduction to Data Analysis and GIS

Local Community Engagement

Personal growth Being at the forefront of grass-roots conservation efforts, working in teams to conduct surveys and involvement in local
community work and expedition life will provide students with a life-changing experience and invoke a can do attitude!

Our programmes can be tailored to the needs of your curriculum and range from full 3-week tropical marine survey, to 1-week turtle conservation
projects. Alternatively, we can provide a suitable research centre for students to carry out their independent fieldwork under the supervision of our
project scientists.

Ultimately my time with Coral Cay turned out

to be a true life changing experience as it
spurred me into making a career change. The
expedition has made me more committed to
marine conservation and in September, I start
an MSc in Marine Resource Development and
Bethan OLeary, Philippines

University Groups

Coral Cay can deliver students a rewarding overseas learning experience whilst being actively involved in coastal management conservation
efforts in some of the worlds most stunning yet endangered habitats. We provide bespoke packages to student groups, including:

Group Discounts

Bigger discounts for bigger groups! School, college or university groups of 10 or more
are eligible for free teacher placements and student bursaries offering discounts of
up to 25%!
CCC expeditions are operated to the most stringent of safety procedures and are all
managed by our highly qualified and experienced tropical field staff.

Research Opportunities
CCC has numerous ties with the academic world and a strong grounding in science.
We are proud to say that many a CCC volunteer, intern and scholar have developed
their career through working with us and many have gone on to become key players
in the conservation world.
We are connected with some pivotal people in the field and pride ourselves in posting the
latest publications and news releases up on our website. We are always open to accepting
research requests from post graduates and offer research opportunities to scientists and
students alike. We are willing to offer advice and support to university students and
academics who wish to pursue their research objectives with us.

Come complete your thesis, help contribute

to your environmental and community
conservation work, while making friends for
life; research doesnt have to be lonely!
Fiona Mills, Philippines

Groups & Research

On marine and forest expeditions we offer fantastic group discounts for groups of ten
or more people - 10% off for the group and one goes free!

You dont have to go out on a CCC expedition to help our cause. Simply spreading the
word helps people become more aware about the plight of coral reefs and tropical
forests and how they can help - so if you fancy putting some posters up in your area,
thats great! You can get involved in Coral Cay Conservation in loads of ways:

Get involved! Check out

Help protect the future of our natural world and the people that depend on it!

Help At Home

Join the Coral Cay Conservation Charity

Put on a fundraising event or let us know about events coming up in your area
Become a Coral Cay Ambassador
Distribute posters or leaflets within your local area
Look into current Advisory or Internship opportunities
Join our Facebook group and chat with CCC volunteers about what its like out there!

Coral Cay Conservation set me on the road to everything thats

now going on today!
Monty Halls, CCC Patron - Explorer and TV Presenter

Contact Us

This is just an appetiser about what we offer, go to our website for full details of what
we offer or give us a call, wed be happy to help.

As a partner in the Know Before You Go campaign, we are working with the Foreign
and Commonwealth Office to do all that we can to help British travellers stay safe
overseas. Before you go overseas, check the FCO website at
knowbeforeyougo It is packed with essential travel advice and tips, and up to date
country information.

Get In Touch

Tel number: +44 (0)20 7620 1411
Fax number :+44 (0)1483 810223
Skype: coral.cay

Think Before You Print

Coral Cay Conservation is a not-for-profit division of the Lifesigns Group

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