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This post was republished to Odinala in the Internet Age at 5:32:28 PM 6/12/2015

7 Essential Tools of a Master of Reality



In ancient Igbo villages, there was an all-knowing

person who cured diseases, gave prophesies,
punished transgressors and pacified the gods.
This person was the dibia.


A dibia is the priest, healer, and diviner of a

traditional Igbo community. He's the intercessor
between a community and the gods. A master of

A modern day dibia, or cyberdibia, is more

concerned with forming a partnership with his chi
than mediating between a community and its
A cyberdibia may intercede spiritually on behalf of
friends, family members and even total strangers,
but his major objective is to develop his power to
influence reality through his chi.
To become a cyberdibia, you need 7 basic tools:
1. Personal shrine: A personal shrine is any
place you reserve for communicating with your

A bedroom can serve as a personal shrine

A shrine could be your bedroom, your car, your

bathroom, or a temple. Any quiet place, free from
interruption, may serve as your personal shrine.
You get better results from your rituals when you
perform them in your personal shrine.
2. Energy: Ike, or energy, is essential for
accomplishing anything in the physical and
spiritual worlds.

A person with a high energy level will perform

tasks faster and better than a low energy person.
The simplest form of spiritual energy is emotion.
We create spiritual energy when we're happy,
joyful, sad or angry.

Emotions generate spiritual energy

A cyberdibia constantly replenishes his spiritual

energy to maintain and increase his power to
influence reality.
3. Words: Words channel your thoughts and
desires to your chi.
A single word could be the difference between a
successful ritual and a failed ritual.
Be precise with words when speaking to your chi.

Words matter to a cyberdibia

4. Imagination: This is the highest faculty

of onwe, the self.
Your imagination helps you see and create objects
that don't exist in the physical world.

Free your imagination

It connects you to the creative abilities of Chukwu,

the Supreme Being who imagined the universe
into existence.
Don't suppress your imagination, let it roam free
and it will surprise you.

5. Commitment: Dedicate yourself to developing

a relationship with your chi.

You need commitment on your spiritual journey

When things don't happen the way you want, you

will feel frustrated.
You may think that your chi has abandoned you.
You may even say harsh words against it.
But stick to your chi. In sickness and in health, till
death do you part.
6. Responsibility: A dibia bears full
responsibility for her spiritual growth.
You may seek spiritual advice from another
person, a book, or a website like,
but youand only youhave to decide whether to
fully implement the advice, to implement parts of
it, or to ignore it completely.

Spiritual growth can't be outsourced.

7. Diary: An Odinala diary chronicles your
progress in working with your chi to achieve your
Write down the rituals you performed and the
results or non-results you got.

Keep an Odinala diary

There are times when you'll have a difficult

problem and then discover the solution in your
When you forget what you asked your chi to do for
you, a diary quickly reminds you of your request.
Used together, these 7 tools will give you power
over circumstances and the freedom to pursue
your goals.

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