Bo Q&a

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Question.1 What is business objects?

Answer: BUSINESS OBJECTS is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution

for business professionals that allow them to access the data in their corporat
e databases directly from their desktop and present and analyze this information
in a BUSINESS OBJECTS document. It is an OLAP tool that high-level management c
an use as a part of a Decision Support Systems (DSS).
Question.2 What are the advantages of Business Objects over other DSS?
Answer: User Friendly
Familiar Business Terms
Graphical Interface
Enterprise wide Deployment of documents using WebI
Drag and Drop
Powerful reports in less time
Question.3 What are the various Business Objects products?
Answer: User Module
Set Analyzer
Info View (Web Intelligence)
Business Objects Software Development Kit (SDK)
Broadcast Agent
Question.4 What is Designer?
Answer: Designer is a Business Objects IS module used by universe designers to c
reate and maintain universes. Universes are the semantic layer that isolates end
users from the technical issues of the database structure. Universe designers c
an distribute universes to end users by moving them as files through the file sy
stem, or by exporting them to the repository.
Question.5 How many modes are there in Business objects and Designer?
Answer: There are 2 types
Enterprise Mode
Workgroup Mode
Question.6 What are the different Multidimensional analysis methods available in
Business Objects?
Answer: There are 2 Multidimensional analysis methods available in BO, they are

Slice and Dice

Drill Down
Question.7 What are the types of users in Business Objects?
Answer: General Supervisor
Graphical Interface
End User
Versatile Use
Question.8 What data sources are available?
Answer: BUSINESS OBJECTS let you access data from a wide range of sources. You c
an access data from Relational databases (RDBMS), such as ORACLE, Microsoft SQL
Server, Informix and IBM DB2. Multidimensional (OLAP) databases, such as Microso
ft OLAP Services, Hyperion Essbase, and ORACLE Express.Virtually any data source
using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) procedures.
Question.9 Which are the different types of data providers?
Answer: Queries on Universes
Stored Procedures
Free-hand SQL
Personal Data files
VBA Procedures
OLAP Servers
Question.10 What is drill mode?
Answer: Drill mode is a Business objects analysis mode that allows you to break
down data and view it from different angles and on different levels of detail to
discover what is the driving factor behind a good or bad result.
Question.11 What are new in BO 5.1?
Answer: Save business objects documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
Add hyperlinks to reports such as mail addresses and web site addresses.
These hyperlinks are maintained when you save the report in HTML or PDFZero Admi
Only the business objects client software installed on the windows pc
; all middleware is stored and administered on the web intelligence web server a

nd the server side processing is handled by the web intelligence system.

Question.12 What is a database connection?
Answer: A connection is a set of parameters that provides access to an RDBMS. Th
ese parameters include system information such as the data account, user identif
ication, and the path to the database. Designer provides three types of connecti
ons: secured, shared, and personal.
Question.13 What are the types of connections we use when connecting to the data
Answer: There are three types of connections namely Secured, Shared and Personal
A secured connection is used to centralize and control access to sensitive or cr
itical data. It is the safest type of connection for protecting access to data.
A shared connection is used to access common resources such as universes or docu
ments. Several users can thus use it.
A personal connection is specific to one user and can be used only from the comp
uter on which it was created.
Question.14 What are strategies?
Answer: A strategy is a script that automatically extracts structural informatio
n from a database or flat file.
Question.15 What is a Business Objects Repository?
Answer: The Business Objects repository is a centralized set of relational data
structures stored on a database. This relational device enables BUSINESSOBJECTS
and WEBINTELLIGENCE users to share resources in a controlled and secured environ
ment. The repository is made up of three domains: the security domain, the unive
rse domain, and the document domain.
Question.16 What are the different @ Functions?
Answer: @Aggregate_Aware
Question.17 What is Universe?
Answer: A universe is a set of classes and objects intended for a specific appli
cation or group of users.
Question.18 What is a Chasm trap?
Answer: Many to one joins from two fact tables converge on a single lookup table
. This type of join convergence is called a Chasm trap.

Question.19 What are the standard mode and extended mode and secured mode?
Answer: Standard mode

able to access users only within that group

Extended mode to allow the group supervisors access to users outside their own g
roup(s) so that they can add or remove users to their own groups, then you can d
o so by setting Scope Management to Extended Mode.
Secured mode restrict the access of specific users to specific commands. the gen
eral supervisor by default uses the Secured mode of operation.

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