Parnashavari Information

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Associated with the mysterious Shavari tribe of ancient India, the Forest Goddess, Parnashavari, with

three faces and six hands, wears a skirt and a garland of thatched green leaves. She is associated with
jungle tribes and the practice of healing, particularly curing contagious diseases. In the Himalayas and
Tibet when a large group of people congregate to receive extended religious teachings, it is common to
first give the initiation and blessing for the Forest Goddess in order to stave off sickness.
The Forest Goddess is an example of an Indian folk deity absorbed into Tantric Buddhism. She is a
popular practice and has numerous forms with varying emphases. For the practitioner of Esoteric
Buddhist meditation, the Forest Goddess is an emanation of the Buddha, and her special characteristic
or metaphor is that of sickness and healing.
"...the Bhagavan Parnashavari with a body the colour of pure gold; with three faces, six hands; the main
yellow face is slightly smiling and slightly wrathful. The right face is white with a calm expression.
The left face is red with an expression of desire; each of the three faces has three eyes. The first right
hand holds a vajra at the heart; second, an axe in the manner of striking; third, brandishing an arrow.
The first left holds a vajra lasso wound around the fore-finger; second, a fan of new leaves with fruit
and flowers hanging; third a bow; adorned with various flowers and jewels. Having an upper garment
of red cloth of divine material and a lower garment of new leaves thatched together and adorned with
many flowers and fruit. With long hair in a tuft, bound upward by a jeweled white snake and in the
prime of youth; the body is very beautiful, dexterous and slightly wrathful. The knee of the right leg is
pressing down on the seat and the heel is positioned underneath in support. The left is being raised up,
seated in a haughty manner." (Thartse Panchen Namkha Palzang. sGrub Thabs Kun bTus, vol.6,
[46] Parnashavari.
"...Parnashavari, [with] three faces and six hands. The main face is yellow, the right white and the left
yellow. Also, each [face] has three eyes and is haughty and smiling. The three right hands hold, a vajra,
axe and arrow. The three left, a wrathful [gesture] together with a lasso, a fan of new leaves and a bow.
Having a crown of hair tied with a flower. Adorned with jewel ornaments and wearing a lower garment
of new leaves. Kneeling above hindrances, the right heel blocking the lower door and the sole of the
left foot placed on the seat." (Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub, 1497-1557. Based on the Bari Gyatsa of
Bari Lotsawa Rinchen Drag, 1040-1112).

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