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Paltinu Dam is located in Prahova County, Doftana River valley, downstream from its

Because of the geomorphological conditions of the site difficult, was adopted version of a
concrete dam with double curvature arch perimeter point. This solution involved the creation of a
foundation base extended with a wing on the left side dish. This base allows a symmetrization
section where the concrete dam itself and allows a better reception modules of elasticity of
ROCE differences on the two slopes. It also allowed a better adaptation to base the local
geological conditions by stopping altered rock zones. The plot of the foundation was reinforced
by a veil of realities by sealing grout injections. Parabolic barrier between May and run to the left
side and a concrete abutment, which contributes to a better cooperation with the slope of the
The dam has a height of 108 m above the foundation, the rate of dam crest is at elevation
For stabilization works have been executed by both sides to strengthen the anchoring tensioned
With all this work during the first filling of the lake, they found large infiltration under the
cap, exceeding 150 l / s and displacement of the structure at the contact between the central and
wing parabolic arc. As a result, various works were executed including adding additional sealing
veil, enhancing the drainage system and cover the downstream part of the slope with concrete
blocks left in increments of 6 -8 m, tensioned cables anchored in depth.
With these measures, and the reaction stopped dam seepage and slope remained within
Paltinu implementation works of the dam began in 1966, the dam was commissioned in 1971.
A second phase of consolidation was carried out between 1976 to 1982.
Paltinu dam serves mainly to supply drinking water to municipalities and industrial plant in
Campina and Ploiesti. Alternatively, the dam also provides water for irrigation of 9,000 ha in the
meadow river area Bicoi-Prahova Ploiesti Ploiesti mound for river cleaning
Paltinu dam is located on the Doftana River (Prahova) downstream of the confluence with the Pltinoasa
River in the gorges known as "La Tocile". The cross-section of the valley is assymetric. On the left bank,
there is a terrace of around 100 m width. The base rock issandstone with marlstone intercallations. The
foundation rock has several faults and also has complex fractures.

The Dam


The height of the dam over foundation is 108.00 m, the crest elevation being 654 m above sea level. The
total length of the dam crest is 455 m.

Due to the difficult geological conditions of the site, the solution of an arch dam with double curvature set
on a peripheric joint. This solution implied the creation of a foundation base extended with a parabolic
wing on the west bank. This base allows a simetrisation of the cross-section in which the arch is located.
The base also allowed the filling the areas with weak bedrock. The foundation was consolidated with
cement injections. In order to increase stability, both abutments of the dam were consolidated with prestressed steel cables.

Plan of Paltinu Dam

Added by Afil

Cross section of Paltinu Dam

Added by Afil

Despite all the precautions taken, during the first filling of the reservoir, important water leaks, exceeding
150 l/s, could be assessed under the base as well as a shifting in the contact area between the central
arch and the parabolic wing on the left bank. The structure was further consolidated by an additional
range of cement injections and a cover of the downstream part of the left abutment by concrete blocks
anchored by pre-stressed steel cables. Following these works the water leaks ceased and the shifts of the
structure were kept within the acceptable limits.
The construction of the dam started in 1966 and was completed in 1971. The additional consolidation was
carried out between 1976 and 1982.

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