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STUDENT ID NO: 0320311
ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605)

The Day After Tomorrow Vs 2012

Natural disaster happens all around the world and over the past few years the number
earthquake had increase ultimately . People are spreading all around the world it is the
message of the end of the world and rumors talk about 2012 is the year of the end of the
world . We couldn't imagine what is going to happen when the end of the world is
approaching on us . Movie industry made some of the clear pictures of how it will be .
There is some of the interesting disaster movie such as The Day After Tomorrow and
2012 had shown us how the end of the world will be like .These two movies showed a
different kind of disaster might be happening but these two movies shows some similarities
in terms of plot , causes of apocalypse disaster , characteristic and messages .

The most similar things we can be compared to these two movies which are the plot . At
the beginning of these two movies its show the symptoms of beginning of the end of the
world . In The Day After Tomorrow disaster was beginning with an ice break in Alaska
which is caused by the changing current of the sea water and Tokyo appeared hail storms
. In 2012 beginnings , Dr. Adrian Helmsley a geologist visited India and discovered what
the temperature of inner core of the earth had risen insanely . After three years , the
Yellowstone National Parks lake had discovered dried due to the risen temperature of the
earth . In rising action , both movies also shows how the symptoms increases . For
example , the weather of the northern area had become worst and heavy storm in New
York city in The Day After Tomorrow while the 2012 show a terrible earthquake in
California and the greatest volcano explosion ever in Yellowstone national park . The
climax of these two movies show that how they escape from the horrendous disaster .
After an endless storm in The Day After Tomorrow , New York had covered with water
and tsunami occur when they wanted to leave New York City . They all been survived and

keep warm inside the state library while the weather of northern part getting worsen . In
2012 , John Cusack and his families survived after taking off from Las Vegas to China for
finding the ark location . The falling action of these two movies also show the similarity
which is the disaster had continuously spread and they started lost hope . In The Day
After Tomorrow they all trapped in the state library with five levels of thickness snow while
hopping for Sam Halls father to save their live . John Cusack and his family survived after
the airplane landed in China but Yuri Karpov ditched them when the Chineses police
found them in 2012 . After being ditched , John Cusack and his families hoping for
someone discovered them and send Karpov and his two sons into the ark . In resolution ,
both movies show them all been survived and rescued from other help . The Day After
Tomorrow show that Sam Halls father found them after a long travel from southern area
to New York City , while 2012 show they all sneaked into the ark and survived but some
of mechanical problem been faced during they sneak into the ark .
Beside that , the similarity that we can compare between these two movies is the cause of
the apocalypse disaster . These two movies shows that the causes of the apocalypse
disaster was the changes of the world . In The Day After Tomorrow , the disaster was the
world return to the ice-age . Slightly different compared with 2012 which is called earth
crust displacement . This event will cause the lands change their position . At the end of
this movie the three arks approach the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, where the
Drakensbergn mount range has now emerged .

Next , these two movies also show the main character both has same characteristics . The
character that needs to be compare is Jack Hall from The Day After Tomorrow and John
Cusack in 2012 . They both play the same role in these two movies which is a workaholic

father but being not interact with their children for a long time . But during the occurrence
of the disaster , they both show courage to save their families live . For example , they
both never give up on saving their families and risk their life to save them . Another
characteristic can be found from them are heroism . They both be the one who sacrifice
their life to save their families life which which show up the heroism of themselves . As
workaholic father , they also a family orientate person in term of willing to spending time
with their children .

Last but not least , these two movie also show some of the same moral value message .
First thing you can learn from these movies is humanity . Nowadays the amount of
pollution had been increasing and causes some of disaster such as floods . We always
never what will going to happen the next . So , the next message is Appreciation .
Appreciate the people surround by you especially your family members . Although its show
the end of the world but without losing the hope they all get saved and survived at the end
. These carry out the message of never lost hope even when the end of the world had
come approach .

In conclusion , the days after tomorrow and 2012 have some of the similarity in term of
plot , characteristic and the messages . These two movies let us predict what will happen
when the end of the world comes , but we never will predict when it going to come . so ,
appreciate the people surrounded by you and never lost hope on saving people life .

The Day After Tomorrow [Motion picture]. (2004). United State America: 20th
Century Fox.

2012 [Motion picture]. (2009). United State America: Columbia Pictures.

Kois, D. (2009, November 13). Movie retire: '2012' is a perfect disaster. The
Washington Post. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

Ebert, R. (2004, May 28). The Day After Tomorrow. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

Ebert, R. (2009, November 11). 2012. Retrieved April 7, 2015, from

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