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Magna Carta + DCCC MMXV

As a result of the Magna Carta in 1215 the Crown began to issue licences to do various
things non obstante any laws passed by Parliament to the contrary. In the Bill of Rights 1688
Parliament gave itself the power to overrule decisions of Judges and declared non obstante licences
were void. Judges must always have the power to rule on decisions of Parliament and to hold
Parliament to account. The independence of the judiciary must never be compromised which
means Judges must always be separate from the Government at every level and must never be
influenced by the Government in a way which may alter what they otherwise might decide. It is
essential any future Bill of Rights or similar provision does not damage this in any way.
The maxim ignorance of the law is no excuse should no longer apply in certain circumstances
because of the current saturation of law.
Knowledge of the Law should be categorised into a minimum of 3 groups each with different levels
of complexity.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse shall only apply where the contravention alleged is within the
category of which the accused is deemed (expected) to have knowledge.
The law should be taught in schools starting with the lowest category. Fully qualified experienced
Solicitors should provide this service free of charge as a public service to reduce crime, protect
people from being ripped off , prevent other problems and reduce stress.
Justice must not be eroded for the sake of convenience, lack of finance, or to accommodate
Organisations should be subject to Supervision not Regulation. Supervision allows an
organisation the freedom to carry out its function properly whilst being subject to scrutiny when
necessary. Regulation imposes interference often from Managers with no knowledge of nor skill in
the work of the organisation they regulate with the result that Regulation and compliance with
rules of Regulation occupies most of the working time of the organisation and the actual purpose
of the organisation becomes secondary to it.
Young people who have no criminal activity recorded against them should be given a financial
bonus from the government when they reach the age of 18 and again when they become 25 with a
Certificate in recognition of their good citizenship which would act as an incentive.
Citizens should be permitted to challenge the Government by competition to solve social problems.

Where a Referendum is held, examples should be provided by the Government to show why the
proposal in the Referendum is necessary including as precisely as possible examples of what
is likely to happen if the result of the Referendum is in favour of any of the respective options
available and including real numerical references, not figure-fiddled statistical information, to
enable those voting to understand the possible consequences of how they may vote. Waffle, mere
speculation and posturing should not be tolerated. A Referendum should include an option for a
voter to declare that insufficient information has been provided for them to make up their mind
how they wish to vote and to be valid a Referendum should require a certain number of votes to
be cast for all the other options in total. If the necessary information is not provided to them the
electorate would have the power to make the Referendum invalid until the information is available
to their satisfaction.
The Government should provide an internet facility to enable citizens to inform them publicly of
aspects of the law which those citizens wish to receive attention but this should be limited to one
submission per calendar month per person or designated group of persons.
A Balance of standards should be applied to all organisations which have power to penalise
the public so the greater the power to penalise then the greater should be the standard of care
accuracy and fairness which the organisation must apply. The law requires Proportionality. When
an organisation issues amended rules it should show the first set of changes in red followed by the
second set of changes in green and the third set in blue so that those reading them do not have to
re-read the entire document every time.
In order to prevent people paying fines which are unlawfully demanded the Government should
publish a list of those who have the power to fine others in the community and the precise
circumstances in which they may do so. .
British behaviour has been traditionally characterised by Pride, Shame and Common Sense which
led to people having the right attitude towards each other and a desire to do the right thing. The
idea of not doing the right thing never entered the mind of most people, let alone the attitude
that prevails in some business circles of we will see what we can get away with, its worth the
gamble . Pride, Shame and Common Sense should be restored as the principal motivating factors.
Allowing Banks to compensate people for what they describe as mis-selling as a euphemism
to cover up for fraud has led to a widespread belief in financial institutions that they can do as
they like because theres no risk of prison so the worst that can happen would be a requirement
to repay money obtained by a scam together with some compensation, but if they get away with
it they will be laughing. This has led financial institutions to adopt practices which increase
their control over their customers, deprive customers of a fair deal, cause financial difficulties and
damage the interests of customers who are totally unaware of the new risks to which they have
become exposed.
The Government should prosecute Bank staff who committed fraud within the definitions
of Sections 1 & 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 because ordinary members of the public have been
prosecuted for far less serious crimes.

Banks should be required to disclose annually the number of people claiming to be victims of fraud
as a result of online Banking.
Rather than risk being arrested for committing fraud by past involvement in payment protection
insurance arrangements, bank staff who are individually informed by the Police that they are
believed to have been guilty of this crime should be permitted to avoid an arrest by voluntarily
attending by appointment for interview by the Police by utilising the process which is already in
existence and to receive a Caution if appropriate which will be removed from their records in due
course by process of law.
Credit Reference Agencies should be required to advise the public of their rights against the Agency
in the event of the Agencies providing inaccurate information.
Financial institutions who advertise a change in their terms of business should be required to
advertise with equal media prominence when any of those changes cease to be operative.
The public should be made aware that the law controls everything and everyone. Business Policies
will be invalid unless they comply with the law and staff should not attempt to fob off customers
who have a legitimate demand with references to company policies as an attempt to prevent them
exercising their rights.
Companies should also be reminded of the long-standing legal principle that in contract law
silence does not constitute acceptance.
Corporate organisations must not believe their staff are exempt from prosecution and on
conviction, imprisonment if they commit fraud e.g. by seeking to improve their own financial
position by contriving to mislead customers into entering into a new contract by falsely informing
them their existing contract has in some way been terminated by the actions of a third party.
News media must be free to report events as they wish but they should be reminded to take
care not to give the impression that an arrest is equivalent to being found guilty because many
innocent people are arrested. Additionally, investigative media programmes must take care not to
mislead by appearing to provide relevant legal advice when featuring an inappropriately qualified
person purporting to be an expert, whilst producers of drama in the media should ensure the law
is portrayed as accurately as reasonably possible because many viewers believe fictional scenes
nevertheless depict real law.
Everyone should be made aware of their rights and their duties to other citizens.
Young people should be taught respect for their elders but tolerance must be shown in return
allowing young people to express themselves and to have fun so they may enjoy their childhood
years, unfettered within reasonable limits by unreasonable restrictions and expectations, with
special allowance as hitherto for their behaviour in circumstances such as the end of their exams.
The public need to be informed of the nature and effect of Deferred Prosecution Agreements.

Government Ministers should be required:

(1) To publish details on a well-known, publicly accessible part of the internet at the beginning of
each calendar month during the time when Parliament is sitting outlining the nature and effect of
proposed legislation.
(2) To be questioned in a face to face TV debate within one week of publishing such details and
shall be required to respond meaningfully to questions of genuine concern raised by a Qualified
Members Forum set up by members of the public and comprising unpaid persons with substantial
expertise and experience in the relevant area of legislation.
(3) To publish details of the nature and effect of all laws which are due to come into force the
following month.
When explaining the law it is essential to provide examples of the type of action which would be
an offence and also that which would not, to ensure a better understanding.
The offence of Rape should be explained to the public.
Citizens should be held responsible for their actions based on their mental age not their physical
More Police should be provided to deal with criminal activity. They should be respected for the
work they do which should be better explained to the public, who in turn should contribute to a
culture of mutual respect in view of video evidence of incidents being made available to the public
by social media.
The Police should be permitted to control their own operations free from operational interference
from so-called Managers or Administrators who are required to clutter up Police operations with
incongruous and sometimes unjust procedures.
The Police should keep a National Record of Complainants to protect against repetitive false
complaints by the same person.
The Police should be under a duty to notify any person as soon as reasonably practical (not
practicable) of any criminal allegation of domestic violence made against that person by anyone if
they intend to rely upon it in any future proceedings, whether or not the Police intend to take any
action in respect of the allegation at the time the allegation is made..
There should be a televised 3-stage debate over a period of 3 weeks on the subject of Domestic
Abuse to which members of the public can contribute their observations for inclusion in the second

People accused of crimes should be allowed to prepare their defence thoroughly though not wasting
time unnecessarily, instead of as speedily as possible to suit the convenience of the Government.
Providing evidence to someone on the same day as they are expected to make a decision about
it and punishing them more severely if after reading the evidence they need to request an
adjournment to seek evidence of their own to help their case, and incorporating a threat to the
accused person that the Government will charge them a large sum of money over which the Court
has no control which will increase if they do not simply plead guilty quickly, is not justice. If the
Government uses the word justice when introducing any procedure it should not be permitted to
do so merely as flavouring to the procedure but shall ensure that no previous elements of fairness
are diminished.
Vague technical references particularly to mental conditions of anyone accused of a crime should be
accompanied by a detailed explanation of the nature and effect of that condition otherwise such a
technical reference is meaningless to most people who need to make allowance for it.
The public must have explained to them in a method of communication which is likely to come to
the notice of the majority of members of the public and in a form which they can comprehend, the
provisions which relate to the recording of any involvement with the criminal system which may
affect their prospects of employment.
An Oversight Rectifier should be appointed and remunerated by the Government but should be
separate from the Government, for the purpose of publishing details of errant legislation which is
detrimental to the public and requires rectification.
In daily life all citizens should be expected to perform their tasks thoroughly and properly instead
of pretending to perform functions by ticking imprecise boxes and all businesses should avoid the
use of Inadequates which are persons placed in a Duffer-buffer Zone to create an illusion of
liaising meaningfully with the public.
Any fine or similar penalty imposed upon any citizen or organisation shall be declared invalid
unless it is accompanied by details of the legal authority by which it is levied.
A claim to have followed procedures should not be acceptable as an excuse if the procedures did not
achieve the desired effect.
Many young people have taken account of their state welfare entitlement when planning their
lifestyle, so if any Government wishes to take severe measures greatly to reduce or abolish certain
entitlements without substitution they should announce plans to do so 20 years in advance to
give some protection to the present generation and prevent any future generation complaining of
Health & Safety legislative reform is necessary to restore the principles of reasonableness as well
established by law for many decades instead of allowing various insufficiently qualified though
well-meaning persons in positions of responsibility to believe, erroneously, that they have the
authority to make new law.

Government ministers and other officials need to be reminded that the public should not to be
treated as though they are all fools. Many Ministerial utterances in the media are akin to the
swindlers story in The Kings New Clothes song.
Upside-down thinking must be reversed as it is causing problems particularly in the Health
Service. Instead of a very knowledgeable well-qualified and experienced practitioner deciding if
someone with far less qualifications experience and much less knowledge can be entrusted to deal
with a situation, which is how it should be, the present system is for the person with insufficient
knowledge to make the decision which requires, to make the correct decision, knowledge that
person does not possess.
An urgent need has arisen for the public to be informed by the Government whether or not citizens
of this country are at risk of being the subject of an application for their extradition to a foreign
country to face allegations of committing an act which that foreign country has deemed to be
a crime notwithstanding the citizen has never been to nor had any dealings with that country
and was unaware their act constituted a crime in the foreign country. The rapid evolution of the
Internet makes the need for this information essential without delay.
Nominated Interveners wearing distinctive clothing should be utilised wherever possible to
marshal and disperse members of their group to prevent alcohol induced problems outside venues.
Visitors to this country and immigrants must have the law explained to them otherwise they
will exist in ignorance and at risk of arrest which puts an unnecessary burden on the public purse.
Many law abiding immigrants believe they are acting legally by behaving in a way which is
perfectly acceptable in their country of origin but which is criminal in this country.
Respectfully presented as a request for consideration by Her Majestys Government.


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