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Volume 12, Issue 7 The Local Newsletter for Carnmore and Claregalway April 2008
This issue is sponsored by Galway Fine Foods
Claregalway Youth Club 2
Editorial 3
Trouble sleeping? 4
Claregalway Bypass? 6
Claregalway Surgery 6
Compántas Lir Success 7
Information Page 8
Special News 9
The Battle of Knockdoe 10
Mobile Library 11
Gardening: Climbers & 12
Update from your Local 14
Councillor, Jim Cuddy
Claregalway Community 15 Yvonne Curry and Mary O’Connell of Claregalway Market
Development Association The local market created quite a stir when it arrived on the 5th April
News Update
last in Cois Chláir Shopping Centre. The car park was full to capacity.
Naíonra Clúidín na mBabaí 23 It was great to see such a huge turn-out in support of local produce.
Information Home grown and organic veg, Carnmore ice-cream, cheese, breads,
A Brief History of 24 meat, flowers and lots more were on offer. The atmosphere was
Claregalway Castle brilliant with music playing in the background creating an ambience
Motivational Thoughts to 25 of fun and chill out.
Ponder The produce on sale included Burren Life meat, Carnmore Ice Cream,
Don’t Quit 26 Eggs by Carmel, Cheese by Dave, French Baking by Marilyne, Fruit
Claregalway Basketball 27 & Veg by Súileen, Flowers by Claire & Abbey Florists and Foods of
Club Athenry. More traders are coming on board within the next few
weeks. Encouragement is given to anybody out there with a product
Claregalway Church 27
or idea to sell, so do come along and join this exciting venture.
Interior Design - Hints and 28 The market is the brainchild of local girl Mary O’Connell. Mary
Tips hails from Cloonbiggeen and is a qualified horticultorist. She works
Claregalway GAA Notes 30 in Horkan’s Lifestyle and Garden Centre. Her partner is her cousin
Yvonne Curry who teaches in Gaelscoil in Inverin, Spiddal. Both are
Nuacht Chláir March 30
Crossword Solution avid gardeners and have a keen interest in organic veg.. The Market
will be a regular feature in Claregalway every Saturday from
Nuacht Chláir April 31
10am to 1pm,so whatever you do don’t miss it.
Page 2 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

Claregalway Study Centre

now taking applications for
After-School Supervised Study beginning September 2008
Facilitating Junior and Leaving Certificate students
Contact Josette Farrell at 086-3913852 for further details

English Teacher for Foreign Nationals
Contact Claregalway Study Centre at 086 3913852

Grave Care
Is your loved one’s grave in need of maintenance but you can’t attend to it?
If so, Contact Marguerite at o87-9522696


We would like to publicise what we as a club have done so far for the year.
1) We had a dodge ball night, which everyone in the club enjoyed. I would like to thank the referees
for the night Simon Monaghan, Brian Moran, Eoin Clarke and Donal Conroy.
2) On the night we broke up for Halloween we had a Halloween Party where we played traditional
Halloween games.
3) After coming back from the break we had a Foroige quiz night. The MC for the night was Chris
Carroll and we would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all the work he does for the
4) Before Christmas we had Project Circus come to the club. They taught us how to juggle, do
acrobatics and use devil sticks.
5) The week we broke up for Christmas we had a disco hosted by the Craughwell Foroige group.
6) On the 18 January we hosted the local band “Die Flows first gig. We wish the band every success
in the future. The band members are Eanna Burke, Mike Grunning, Liam Dolan, Matt Mahon and
Colm Brennan.
We would like to thank:
Ger O’Connell for the table tennis table.
Dana Rosemary Scanlon for the table tennis table.
Mike Murray for the speakers for the sound system.
Martin & Jacinta Dowd for donating a music system to the youth club.
We have purchased:
A television, Playstation 2 and Buzz.
Membership for the youth club is closed for this year. A waiting list is in place.

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 3

Congratulations and best wishes to Compántas Lir on getting through to the All-Ireland in Strabane
later on this month. Compántas Lir have given tremendous enjoyment to the community . It would
be wonderful if we could have our own Theatre in Claregalway - we have such talent and interest.
The Theatre could also incorporate local activity, i.e. music classes, drama, etc.etc. Is there anybody
out there who could provide such a venue? After all, Claregalway is swelling with population and
new people bring new ideas. Think on!
The recent arrival of the Claregalway Market did indeed create quite a stir. People seem to be
harbourimg an interest in days gone by. Markets were to the fore in those days and for most people
a day out. Best of luck to Súileen (Mary and Yvonne) in this venture. There is no doubt but that it
will be a huge success.
I hope you enjoyed last month’s poem about the River Clare. This month the late Edward
Coppinger’s poem on The Battle of Knockdoe is featured on page 10.
On page 12 read all about gardening tips. The gardening season is now upon us and Horky’s tips are
Update from your Local Councillor Jim Cuddy on page 14 gives us an update on what’s happening in
A brief history of Claregalway Castle is included in this issue which makes for fascinating reading.
The Castle is currently being renovated at the moment and will be a breath-taking feature in
Claregalway in years to come. Congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Eamon O’Donoghue for his
Mary Kelly is our Interior Decorator on page 28 and has some brilliant tips for us every month - now
is the time for some spring cleaning!!
Until next time,

Claregalway Market began trading at Cois Chláir on Saturday 5th April Page 3
Page 4 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

Claregalway, Co. Galway
Tel/Fax: (091) 799754 V.A.T. No. IE 8286400

Insomnia – trouble with sleeping- is a very common problem. 1 in 7 adults suffer regularly. Some
practical tips for better sleep and understanding insomnia follow.

Insomnia can mean one or more of the following;

- Trouble getting off to sleep
- Waking frequently throughout the night
- Early morning waking
- A general sense of not having had enough sleep
- Feeling unrefreshed after sleeping

During the day, people with insomnia may feel tired and less able to cope with routine activities.
They may be more prone to accidents or to becoming ill. There are many possible causes of
insomnia. Some are lifestyle induced or short term for example after an upsetting experience. But
insomnia may become long term. One the most common causes of insomnia is depression.

Lifestyle causes of insomnia include: too much caffeine, especially in the evening, excess alcohol,
nicotine, stimulating activities late in the evening, irregular sleeping and waking times, too much
light, heat or noise in the bedroom, shift work, jet lag.

Medical causes of insomnia include: physical problems, such as pain, heartburn and sleep
apnoea (airway blockage while sleeping), psychological problems such as depression and anxiety,
prescribed medicines such as steroid treatments and over-the-counter medicines containing
caffeine or pseudoephedrine.

Many people find that changes to their daytime and bedtime routines can improve sleep without
the need for sleeping tablets, although for many people they are necessary. Changes that often help
include being physically active, 30 minutes most days can prove beneficial, limit catnaps during
the day, avoid caffeine late in the day, before bedtime avoid large meals, vigorous exercise, work or
competitive games, don’t use alcohol to aid sleep it can make insomnia worse. Make the bedroom
as comfortable as possible. Some people find relaxation tapes and exercises useful.

If you are still having trouble after making these lifestyle changes ask your local GP for advice.

John Duffy MPSI.

Claregalway pharmacy is open late Monday to Friday until 8pm and 7pm on Saturday.
Tel. 091-799754.

Prescriptions - Photography - Roc - Vichy - Bourjois

Veterinary - Perfumes - Instant Passport Photos - Gift Vouchers
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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 5 Page 5
Page 6 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

As it is now clear that there is no plan to build a local bypass for Claregalway, a
meeting of residents, who are concerned about the worsening situation, will be held
in Claregalway Parish Meeting Room on Thursday 17 April next at 8.30pm.

Recent statements in the Dail and in the media clearly show that the Government
does not intend to honour its commitment stated in the Programme for Government
of Bypassing the traffic blackspot of Claregalway.

The serious Safety and Health issues in the village and surrounding “rat-runs” have
not been addressed or apparently even considered either by Government, NRA or
Galway County Council. These Safety and Health issues were described in detail
by resident after resident at the public meeting held in July 2006 attended by
Deputy Frank Fahey TD, Minister Eamon Ó Cúiv and Deputy Noel Grealish TD .
We see no evidence of meaningful response to these Safety issues from our elected
representatives in Government.

Residents of Claregalway and adjoining areas are encouraged to attend the meeting
on Thursday 17 April and to indicate whether they will campaign vigorously for a
bypass or suffer on indefinitely.

Madeline Flanagan

Starting 1st May 2008
Hours: 9am-12.30pm

By appointment only
Tel: 091-798301
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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 7


Congratulations and well done to Compantas Lir who won three Firsts, 1 Second and 3
Thirds for Best Play, as well as host of other awards on the Drama circuit recently.

Glenamaddy: 1st
Best Producer: Brid Conneely

Best Actor: Vincent Moran

Best Actress: Liz Hession

Best Supporting Actor: Dermot Hession

Best Set

Best Supporting Actress: nomination: Ruth O’Driscoll

Claremorris 1st
Best Producer: Brid Conneely

Best Actor: Vincent Moran

Best Actress: Liz Hession

Best Supporting Actor: Dermot Hession

Best Lighting

Best Sound: John Keane

Claregalway 1st
Best Producer: Brid Conneely

Best Supporting Actress: Fidelma O’Rourke

Best Actor: Philip Cribbin

Due to their impressive production of The Year of the Hiker, Glenammaddy have offered
the use of their Theatre to Compantas Lir to stage yet another production of the play. A
date has yet to be arranged within the next few weeks, so watch out for further details. Page 7
Page 8 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

Nuacht Chláir is published as a service to the community and is published completely voluntarily
by a committee. It is an open access publication and will generally carry any material submitted
to it subject to the law of the land and editorial judgement. This judgement is exercised by
the Editorial Board in order to preserve the balance of the newsletter. The views and opinions
expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial
Board. In case of error of fact we will publish corrections when we become aware of them. In
case of unfairly contradicting the reputation of any person, we hereby offer that person or their
representative the right to reply in this newsletter, subject only to reasonable length, the laws of
libel and our right to respond to such reply.

Nuacht Chláir is published every month, with combined issues for January/February and July/
August and has a circulation of approximately 750 copies.

Contributions in the form of articles or letters to the editor are welcome and may be sent to any
member of the editorial committee.

Copies are available at the following outlets: Centra Supermarket, Hughes Supermarket,
Spar Supermarket, Video Paradiso, Carnmore Stores and Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore.

For any items or advertisements you wish to have included in the next issue of Nuacht
Chláir, please contact the following: Josette Farrell (091 798430 086-3913852), email:

Deadline: Please submit before the 3rd of each month

or the 20th in the case of a combined issue.

Articles in Irish most welcome.

Abbey Restaurant Decorating Options
ACS Communications Galway Fine Foods
Anri Design Galway Glass Centre
Bank of Ireland, Galway Shopping Centre Geraldine O’Neill Glynn
Central Tavern Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore
Claregalway Agricultural Show Glynn’s Fruit & Veg, Lydican
Claregalway Festival of Drama Hughes Supermarket
Claregalway GAA Club Martyn’s Fuel
Claregalway Hotel Mary Thornton & Associates
Claregalway Leisure Centre Monaghan & Sons Ltd.
Claregalway Medical Centre Nico’s Takeaway
Claregalway Pharmacy Raftery’s Centra
Compántas Lir Summerfield Bar
Cregmore Construction Ltd. Walter King Construction
Sponsorship of Nuacht Chláir for one year generally costs €300.
You will be allocated one issue in that year where you will be entitled to free advertising.
Please contact a member of the editorial team above if you are interested in sponsoring the Nuacht Chláir.
Non-sponsors are welcome to advertise. The rates are €100 for a full-page per issue, €50 for a half-
page per issue and €25 for a quarter page per issue. Those interested in advertising should ensure that
their draft advertising copy is lodged with us at the details above before the deadline.
Visit us online at
Newsletter and Website designed by Niall Farrell | email:
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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 9

Congratulations to Compántas Lir on their wins at Claregalway Drama Festival for Best
Actress, Best Producer and Best Play in the Confined Section. They are now through to
the All-Ireland Drama Festival in Strabane which begins on 18th April.

Congratulations to Rachel Farrell, Cregboy who won Girls Singles at the Badminton
County Championships in the Lawn Tennis Club. Also, congratulations to Liam Brennan,
Loughgeorge, who won Boys Singles at the event.

Congratulations to Ciara Newell, Lauren Murray and Alexis Giwa, all from Claregalway,
who have been selected for the U-15 National Basketball Squad.

Congratulations to Eva (nee Hughes) and Kevin Campion on the birth of their baby boy
James Patrick on the 7th March.

Congratulations to Paul and Mairead Casserly, Cloon on the birth of their baby boy
Dylan onthe 17th March.

Congratulations to Gerard Noone, Cahergowan and Sinéad Dolan, Loughgeorge who got
married on the 15th March.

Congratulations to Claire Greaney, Loughgeorge who came first in the World Irish
Dancing Championship for the second time in Belfast recently.

Paddy O’Connell, Loughgeorge, March 2008

To: The Rockwood Residents

Michael and Bridie Cummins would like to take this opportunity to thank all
the residents of Rockwood for the mass and party they laid on for them on the
occasion of their moving to live in Gortatleva at their new house with their daughter

To walk in, totally unexpectedly, and find such a collection of familiar faces was such
a thrill and gave them many hours of reflection and discussion for days afterwards.

Michael and Bridie want to express particular thanks to Bernie Faherty and
Geraldine McManus for arranging the party and indeed to everyone who gave up
precious time to attend and thanks also for the lovely card and plant which holds
pride of place in their new living room.

Michael and Bridie were extremely happy living in Rockwood surrounded by such
wonderful neighbours and they will miss you all, but hope that maybe you might take
time to call to them in Gortatleva where you will be heartedly welcomed.

Geraldine Carr Page 9
Page 10 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008


19th August 1504
Oh mother dear soon you’ll hear, on this earth I am no more,
in the ranks of death I will be, in a grave near Turloughmore.
This earth I share with others, lads hardly grown,
forever we’ll lie beneath the sky at a place called Ballyabrone.
Curse the day they passed this way and urged us all to go,
to join a fight that was not our right, on a hill called Knockdoe.
Proudly marched these armed men, as rank and rank passed by
I followed horse and gallowglass and joined up in Athenry.
Brightly shone the autumn sun, t’was a beautiful morn,
cheerfully did harvesters wave from their fields of corn.
There were men from Mayo, and many more from Clare,
some just had knives and sticks and lots of feet were bare.
Arrayed in lines for battle on that slope towards south east,
our battle cry rent the sky that would frighten man and beast.
Ready was the enemy with battleaxe bow and spear,
As slowly and inexorably our fighting lines drew near.
Loudly clashed steel on steel, and bowmen let the arrows fly,
so many were released they darkened out the sky.
We rushed charged pushed and cut, and battled to and fro,
red became that emerald field at the battle of Knockdoe.
Arrows caused the greatest loss to infantry and pikemen,
thus we lost the heart, lost the fight, and the will to win.
The foe fought us well, their courage carried them the day,
and we beaten Connaught men fled in disarray.
Numerous were the fallen who lay in awful gore,
many wounded died at Laughtgeorge and Turloughmore,
at Ballyabrone and Kiltrogue were buried in graves amasse,
friend and foe rich and poor under Irish grass!
Much is said of the glory of Clanricardes name
but we the slain and fallen do not to that acclaim.
There will come a time when wars and battles cease
and Ireland will at long long last gain rightful peace.
So mother dear, when the news you hear, don’t shed tears or cry,
just leave me here in Ballyabrone, far from Athenry.
Come other times, come other days of us no one will know,
future men will not speak again; of the Battle of Knockdoe.
Edward Coppinger

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 11

The Galway County Libraries Mobile Library (servicing Claregalway) operates on the dates below
(every 2 weeks on Tuesday). Phone 091-562471 or see for more details.
Jan........................................... 15th, 29th July....................................1st, 15th, 29th
Feb .......................................... 12th, 26th Aug .......................................... 12th, 26th
March .......................................11th, 25th Sept ...........................................9th, 23rd
April .........................................8th, 22nd Oct .............................................. 7th, 21st
May ...........................................6th, 20th Nov ............................................ 4th, 18th
June .......................................... 3rd, 17th Dec ........................................... 2nd, 16th

This Route includes :

Brooklodge .......................... 10.30 -10.45 Brierfield ................................ 1.45 -2.00
Abbeyknockmoy ...................10.55 -11.10 Barnaderg ............................... 2.10 -2.20
Kilkerrin ..............................11.30 - 12.00 Corofin ................................... 2.45 - 3.30
Clonberne ............................12.15 - 12.45 Claregalway ..............................3.50 -4.15
Lunch ......................................12.45 -1.15



Experienced Solicitor Offering Professional and Efficient Service

• Family law • Conveyancing • Wills and Probate
• All other legal services • Free parking outside office
Cois Chlair, Claregalway, Co. Galway.

Tel: 091 739 665/739666

Fax: 091 739667
email: Page 11
Page 12 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008


Covering with climbers
Gardening with climbers has become very popular in our modern concrete jungle over the past number of
Climbers offer a softer option and in general are maintenance free. Now is the ideal time to start planting
new climbers for fast establishment before summer.
Some of the best
The choice of available plants suitable as climbers is added to every year with new and improved varieties
but many of the older varieties are still very useful.
One of my own favourites is Clematis pearl de zure a beautiful easy to grow free flowering climber ideal
for covering large sheltered walls. The bright blue flowers form in early June and flower through to late
summer. The foliage is deep green and luscious.
A super wall plant for a sunny sheltered location. The side branches are tied in throughout the summer and
there is little need for pruning. Clematis pearl de zure is also ideal for planting through existing climbers like
ivies, conifers, or hedges.
Evergreen Ivies
For good foliage colour consider planting the evergreen ivies including gold heart, sulphur heart or
canariensis which are self clinging with all year round foliage colour and ideal for mixed planting with free
flowering summer clematis.
Look for the bright foliage variety called gold child which has wonderful butter yellow foliage with a green
splash – excellent on a wall for year round colour.
Ivies offer you year round colour ideal for any wall and perfect to support other intertwining flowering
climbers like clematis and honey suckles to scramble through the ivy offering additional colour & interest.
Boston Ivy
Parthenocissus vetchii has beautiful large green foliage, fast growing stems cover large areas quickly. The
foliage turns deep scarlet and reds throughout autumn.
Boston ivy is suitable for large wall areas or tree stumps where quick growth and cover is important.
A wonderful large leaved fast growing climber at home on a large or small wall. Superb colour in summer
and autumn.
Winter Colour
Pyracantha or firethorn is a very popular wall shrub. Strong growth with evergreen foliage covered in may
with white flowers and super bunches of berries from mid September.
Pyracantha is hardy and very easy to grow tolerating all soil types and berrying as young plants.
Look for the French varieties, which are prolific croppers of very large berries on young plants.
Horkys tip: plant summer flowering clematis at the base of your established Pyracantha to give lots of
summer colour the clematis can be cut back hard in October to reveal the bunches of red berries.
The most popular of all the flowering climbers and rightly so. Clematis produces an abundance of flower
colour in spring; summer and autumn depending on the variety you plant.
Customers often find clematis difficult to establish.
Remember clematis need good soil preparation and the addition of composted organic matter is essential.
Summer flowering varieties should be planted eight inches deeper than the existing root ball.
If you continue to experience difficulty growing clematis try the easier spring flowering clematis Montana
Rubens or the mid summer clematis viticella varieties.
Clematis requires regular feeding throughout the summer and water during dry periods.
They can be planted through existing larger shrubs or hedges for added colour.
Look for excellent varieties like gipsy queen, hagley hybrid and dr rupple.
Overall a wonderful fast growing free flowering climber rewarding you with lots of spring and summer
Can be grown in containers on patios etc.

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 13
Sweet scent
Summer flowering honey suckles are always a good choice. The beautiful sweet scent is carried from July to
late September.
Honeysuckle grows and establishes very quickly and is ideal for all soil types.
Horkys tip: plant summer flowering climbing roses now including the beautiful scented patio climbers
which are ideal for all sized gardens and perform well even in their first year with repeat flowers and super
sweet scent. Patio climbers are ideal for growing out of containers.
Roses to plant now
Roses can be planted now in mid March for super colour in early summer.
We profile some of the best varieties….
Rich red flowers produced in abundance until early winter, excellent disease resistance and repeat flowering
A mc gready rose bred in Ireland by the famous rose grower in 1978.
Trumpeter is a low growing bush rose with dark green foliage with a lovely red colour to the younger growth.
The flower buds form in June in abundance up to fifteen per stem and open gradually. The flowers are deep
blood red and stand out from a long distance creating a real splash of colour from late June onwards. The
foliage is glossy and keeps many of the rose diseases at bay
Plant trumpeter in groups to create a uniform stunning display, space your plants two feet apart. Dead head
the flowers throughout the summer to encourage the production of new flowering wood.
Horkys tip: prepare the soil for all roses with Westland composted farmyard manure , as roses are hungry
feeders and appreciate well prepared soil.
Sweet Dream
Excellent Rich orange flowers right throughout the summer – excellent in containers or flower borders
– Wonderful show of colour all summer.
A popular patio rose with a super show of colour throughout the summer.
Sweet dream has a deep apricot colour starting in June and flowering to late autumn. The bush is very
compact with nice dark green foliage.
Ideal for patio containers mixed with summer bedding or for bedding out in rose borders and as a dot plant
through mixed shrub borders.
Sweet Dream is trouble free and settles into even to the smallest flower border.
Space the plants eighteen inches apart and plant in groups and add nursery stock compost to the planting
Horkys tip: Feed your roses with top rose once a month and remember to dead head throughout the
summer. For added colour consider the patio Peter Pan and Sunhit for a splash of vibrant colours.
Ruby Wedding
Ruby Wedding is one of the outstanding red hybrid tea roses you could grow.
A very neat hybrid tea rose ideal for the front of a mixed rose border or used on mass in a larger bed.
The flowers are a rich crimson colour which are unfading as they mature.
The flowers are produced in profusion and perfectly shaped.
Disease resistance is excellent on the dark green foliage. A very good choice for the smaller garden where
quality and shape is important.
The free flowering bushes are well clothed with healthy foliage which is coppery red when young.
Horkys tip: Apply Roseclear spray now and repeat every two weeks to give your roses protection from
greenfly and disease.

Plantex will prevent weed growth

To create excellent weed control cover the soil with plantex material and place a layer of bark mulch over
this material. Plantex can be used on shrub borders, rose beds, rockeries and fruit borders for superb weed
control with out the use of chemicals.
By Padraic Horkan
Visit Horkan’s Lifestyle and Garden Centre in Lydican for all your gardening needs
091 739958 | Page 13
Page 14 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008


Community Defibrillator Scheme
I am glad to be able to say that at the Monthly meeting of Galway Co. Co. on
March 31st. sanction was given for a grant of 2,500 Euro for a defibrillator for
the Claregalway Community Development Association along with training.
This is very good news for the area. The granting of this very important piece of Councillor Jim
equipment is facilitated under the Community Based Community Scheme of the Cuddy

Bottle Banks
Recently three bottle banks were placed in the grounds of the Claregalway Community Centre
without consultation with anyone least of all the nearby residents. This location is totally
unsuitable for bottle banks and I have had a meeting with the Environment Section of Galway Co.
Co. on March 1st. and they have assured me that they will be removed. In the meantime I would
ask that dumping in that area stop immediately. What happened was that the firm who operate the
bottle banks were asked by the Council to see what suitable areas were available in the Claregalway
area and to come back to the council. Instead they went ahead and placed the bottle banks in the
grounds of the Community Centre.

School Flashing Lights

It is over two years since I asked Galway Co. Co. to erect school flashing lights at the approaches to
Carnmore National School. In the past few weeks they have been provided so this should improve
the safety on the approaches to the school. I would like to thank the local Area Office and the
council workers for their assistance on this project.

Gortacleva Rd. Junction

The very poor condition of the road surface at the junction of the Gortacleva Rd. with the N 18 has
been brought to the notice of the local area engineer and he has undertaken to have the matter
dealt with.

Roads Programme 2008

The roads programme for the Claregalway area has now been approved by the full council and
hereunder are some of the areas to benefit this year;
Work on the Mullaghruttery Rd is to cost 151,099 Euro this year.
Work on the road between Lydons of Knockdoe and the Old Lackagh Cemetery to cost 128,466
Euro this year.
€6,000 is to be spent on Town and Village Improvements and Maintainance in Claregalway
€6,000 is to be spent on an improvements scheme in Claregalway.
I would like to wish every success to the Claregalway Drama Committee who are hosting the Drama
Festival and in particular to our local Drama Group Compantas Lir under the direction of Brid
Conneely who have chosen “The Year of the Hiker” as their play this year.
I can be contacted any day or evening at 798136 or (087) 6360242.

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 15

No Name Club
The club is up and running very successfully since before Christmas. A special thanks to Fr Noel Mullins
PP for his active support in promoting the meetings needed to setup the club. Thanks also to Josette
for allocating space in the Nuacht Chlair in order to make the formation of the club known to the

Defibrillator Project
A big thank you to all who contributed to our church gate collection on the weekend of the 16th and 17th
February. We would also like to acknowledge 2 large donations including one from the Dunleavy Family
Cois Chlair and the other donor who wishes to remain anonymous. We are looking for volunteers to be
trained for the existing defibrillator located in the reception area of the Claregalway Hotel. We are also
delighted to announce that Claregalway Community Development Association has been successful in is
application to Galway Council for the provision of a defibrillator at the Claregalway Community Centre.

School Safety
We are actively involved in the campaign regarding safety at the school. One of our committee members
Michael Hannon is one of the leaders of this campaign to make school safety at Claregalway National
School a priority issue for the NRA and Galway County Council. A negative answer is no longer
acceptable from either organisation.

Claregalway Bypass
We have been working with the local politicians since the general election to progress this necessary
infrastructure for the people of Claregalway. The bypass is part of the solution to the safety problem
at the school. Just to put perspective on the traffic through Claregalway 8,553,023 (yes that is over 8.5
million) vehicles passed through the village in 2007 including 6,987 vehicles on Christmas Day. This
bypass is included in the program for government. As far as we are concerned this is a project that has
to be delivered by central government. It is not acceptable to put the onus for delivery on Galway County
Council without providing the funding to enable the bypass to be constructed.

Wastewater Treatment Plant

As you are aware from the local press the NPWS (National Parks and Wildlife Service) raised issues
with the council concerning the treatment plant. These issues have now been resolved. We have got
agreement from Galway County Council regarding the provision of a walkway along the perimeter of the
treatment plant. This along with agreement from the landowners along the bank of the river will allow
us to create a looped walk starting at the handball alley going down along the bank of the river out by
the treatment plant access road and along the Montiagh road back up to Hughes Supermarket giving a
circular route of 1.9Km’s long. This is only one of 4 walking routes in our long-term plan for the village.

Village Cleanup
It is spring-cleaning time again!! We are planning a major cleanup of the village and the surrounding
areas on the weekend of the 26th-27th April. We are hoping for massive co-operation from all the
residents. Let’s all work together to make Claregalway a better place. More details nearer the time.

Oiche Buiochas
See full details in the following pages of this Nuacht Chláir. Let’s recognise all those who make a
difference in our community and we are looking forward to seeing you all on the 18th
Vincent Lyons (Chairman) Page 15
Page 16 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

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Looking for Summer Work?

Come join our friendly team at the Claregalway


We are now hiring Summer Bar and Waiting Staff.

Casual baby sitters over 18 also required.

(Must be available evenings and weekends)

Please forward CV’s to HR Department,

Claregalway Hotel or

Liam Glynn of Glynn’s Centra, Carnmore presenting the pupils of SN Cearn Mor with a free laptop Page 19
Page 20 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

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Page 22 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

Loughgeorge, Claregalway
Phone: 091-798202
As the Summer is approaching why not enjoy a Bar~Be~Que at the
Central Tavern out on our newly designed decking area

Wide selection of menus available

For all enquiries please contact 091~798202


Call 091-798202
We will look after all of your party needs
(Christening, 21st, 30th, 40th, 50th, Engagement, Anniversaries, etc)
Tara Room Bistro
Bar & Lounge
Take Away
Private Room for all of your Celebratory needs

Take Away Meals available Daily from 8.00am ~ 9.00pm

Live Entertainment Every Saturday Night
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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 23


Naíonra Clúidín na mBabaí was founded in 1999 by concerned residents of Claregalway who
realised that a Naíonra in the heart of the community was a vital ingredient in any Gaeltacht area.
Thus our Naíonra resides in the G.A.A. building beside the Community Centre.
In 2008 the Naíonra has 10 children on its roll book and is open Monday-Friday (inclusive) from
Irish is the spoken language in our Naíonra and the children adapt to this quite easily. Their
enthusiastic and fearless use of Irish is a lesson to us all. They learn early that a new language
is not necessarily a new boundary. In the Naíonra the emphasis is on the spoken word and the
children are educated through play, music, poetry, dance, art, drama, puppetry and laughter. We
concentrate on giving the children the tools to approach primary education with confidence and
Naíonra’s can be a victim of fashion trends so it is up to us, the staff, to ensure that Cluidin na
mBabai reaches such high standards that it is always seen to be a positive choice in children’s pre-
school education.
We would like to thank our kind landlords the Claregalway G.A.A., the people of our community for
their enthusiasm and Comhar Naíonraí na Gaeltachta Teoranta our constant mentors. We would
especially like to thank Roinn na Gaeltachta, Gnóthaí agus Pobal for their grant of €2,900 towards
the building of our new children’s bathrooms.
This year our parent’s information night is at 8pm on Wednesday 30th April and our Open Day for
prospective students is on Friday the 9th May from 10am-12noon. (No previous knowledge of Irish
is necessary for parent or child).
Tá fáilte roimh cách,
Lisa Bn Uí Mhairtín
087-2070558 Page 23
Page 24 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008


Two de Burgo Septs: McWilliam Uachtar(Galway) and Iochtar( Mayo) – the former more
prominent in latter centuries as the Earls of Clanrickarde - remain bitter enemies and contribute
much to conflict in Connacht throughout much of 15th and 16th Centuries.
1469 Annals of the Four Masters mentions Claregalway as mansion residence of McWilliam
Uachtar de Burgo (Clanrickard Burke).
1470 In retaliation for earlier defeat of Mayo Burkes (McWilliam Iochtar) near Athenry ,
O’Donnell of Tir Conall with the Mayo Burkes “encamped for a night in Claregalway and then
burned it and continued for a while laying waste the country around it” The Clanrickardes pursue
and suffer another defeat at Kilcoona and subsequently at Carigin.
1495 Clanrickard wreaks revenge – Lower Connacht (Mayo) “was entirely destroyed by him”
1504 Battle of Knockdoe – a pitched battle on an unprecedented scale – takes place on a low
hill 2 miles east of castle…… Earl of Kildare concerned by Clanrickard growing strength and
independence (not tempered by Clanrickards marriage to Kildares’s sister Eustacia). Kildare also
receives appeals from Galway Townsfolk, from Mayo Burkes (weakening after succession dispute)
and from O’Kellys (who have 3 of their Castles destroyed by De Burgo).
1538 Lord Deputy Grey takes the part of Ulick na gCeann (of the Heads) - one of the claimants in
a Clanrickard succession struggle. Aided by 250 regular troops combined with Ulicks followers and
Artillery ( a half culverin, a saker and double falcons) brought by sea to Galway from Limerick, the
castle surrenders and is received by Ulick , it is said, for cash,.
1543 Ulick created 1st Earl of Clanrickard by Henry VIII. He returns to Connacht with gifts
including The Irish Harp which Henry himself had been gifted by the Pope some years earlier when
elevated to the title Defender of the Faith. Ulick contracts a fever and dies.
1544 Lord Deputy receives complaint from citizens of Athenry (presumably abuse of strategic
position of CGC controlling road to Galway city) takes CGC from Clanrickard. (subsequently
resored to him).
1570 The new President of Connacht Sir Edward Fitton aided by Clanrickarde takes Shrule in an
encounter against O’Flaherty and Mayo Burkes.
1571 Fitton, camped outside Claregalway reports that “we are refused at the Earl’s castle by the
Earl’s son where the rebel is the constable of the castle and upon hearing of our coming to pass by
it to Galway, he burned the town, uncovered the castle and offered plain resistance”. It is captured
by Fitton and the garrison of 16 men are put to death.
1603-25 Clanrickard granted licence for weekly Wednesday market at Claregalway.
1642 Castle strongly garrisoned by Clanrickard – Kings Governor of Connacht but later reluctant
rebel- and used as a base for overcoming city of Galway and there receives the proposals for
surrender signed by Mayor Walter Lynch from Dominic Daly.
1643 Captain Thomas Burke of Anbally (aided by Burke of Derrymaclachnyn) is prominent
in attack on Galway Fort and went on to take CG Castle for the Confederation – through the
“treachery of a tenant, the carelessness of the wardens and the management of a Franciscan friar”.
1648 Papal Nuncio in Galway intercedes for the release of a Franciscan Thomas McKiernan from
Claregalway Castle
1651 Sir Charles Coote seizes Claregalway castle for the Cromwellians.
See for more information about Claregalway Castle

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 25


You’ll only succeed in life if you learn to control your thoughts. Your mind is like a garden,
and your thoughts are what you allow to grow in it. You must eliminate the negative
thinking, or weeds, and only allow positive thinking, or good seeds, to grow if you want to
succeed. Your mottos will become:
In with the positive and out with the negative;
In with the good and out with the bad;
In with love and out with hate;
In with truth and out with lies;
In with praise and out with criticism;
In with courage and out with fear;
In with generosity and out with greed;
In with action and out with laziness;
In with good habits and out with bad.
Your mind can’t focus on positive and negative thoughts at the same time, so the secret is to
keep your mind full of positive thoughts.
J.R. Parrish Page 25
Page 26 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit –
Rest if you must, but don’t you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out,
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow –
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the victor’s cup;
And he learned too late when the night slipped dawn,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit –
It’s when things seem worst that you mustn’t quit.

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 27


As the season is drawing to a close, our last few weeks have been very busy with the various teams playing
their league games and going to tournaments.
On Saturday April 5th in NUIG we have three teams in the County Finals – U 16 Girls, U 16 Boys and U 12
Liam Egan with the U 12 Boys held a tournament in Claregalway in March.
This is what happened!
On Saturday, March 1st with teams from Neptune Cork, Templeogue Dublin, Limerick and Ennistymon.
First up Claregalway played Ennistymon winning 28 to 15. Then they played Limerick emerging winners 25
to 13. Up next was Templeogue, Claregalway was looking for revenge after losing to the same team last year
in the final by 1 basket. In a very tense game Claregalway won by 30 pts to 18 pts. With Neptune beating
all three teams it was Claregalway against Neptune in the final. With a crowded centre Claregalway started
well with baskets from Rohan, Manning and Carroll, with the first quarter finishing 6 pts each. In the second
quarter it ended 12 pts to 10 for Claregalway with two baskets from Egan and one from Boyd. At the end of
the third quarter Claregalway was up by 1 pt, 19 pts to 18pts with scores from O’Connor, Egan and two from
Kearney. With the final quarter starting the atmosphere was electrifying and with scores from P.O’Connor,
Rohan, Dolan and Kearney, Claregalway won a fantastic game by 27 pts to 20 pts. This team also won the
Kerry tournament in November.
Team: John O’Connor, Liam Egan, Dara Nash, Mark Rohan, Damien Dolan, Peter O’Connor, Ryan
Manning, Keith Costello, Chris Carroll, Pauric Kearney, Aidan Boyd, Keith Herwood, Ciaran Conlon, Tomas
Griffin, Cian Faherty.
A BIG thanks to all the parents’ of children who made all the sandwiches and tea’s and collected €250 euro
for CD Helping Hands a local Childrens’ Cancer Charity.
The U 16 Boys won a tournament in Castlebar having very tough games against Castlebar Comets and
Maree who they beat in the final. The team was Kenneth Hansberry, Ciaran Harte, Sean Hannon, Conor
Keady, Eoin Lyskey, Stephen Fee, Shane Broderick, Matthew Duggan, John Evans, Jonathan Healy, Daire
MacMaighmis, Killian Moore. Congratulations to Coach Adrian O’Neill & David Hansberry.
So all in all the club has had a very successful year. Best of luck to all our club players who made it on to the
Irish squad. A lot of our members have had success with their schools also Oranmore and Taylors Hill. Our
very successful Summer Camp will be on again this year. Details and brochures will be available in the near
Sunday Masses: Sat: 7.30 p.m. Additional Mass Friday: 7.30 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. & 11 a.m. Confessions: 7 - 7.30 p.m. on Saturdays.
Weekdays: Mon - Sat: 9.30 a.m. Baptisms:1st&3rdSundaysofthemonthat12.30p.m.
Canon Noel Mullin: Tel: 798104
Parish Secretary: Teresa Payne.
Telephone: 091-798741
The Office is situated in the Curate’s House, beside Canon’s Mullin’s house.
Office Hours: 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
All requests for Baptism and Confirmation Certificates, Anniversary Masses and other Mass
bookings should be made directly to the Secretary during office hours.
Items for the Church Newsletter should also be handed in or phoned to the Office. The deadline is
midday on Wednesdays. Page 27
Page 28 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008


Clothes and Shoes
When you have guests, do you rush around the house gathering up un-ironed laundry, unread
papers, unused gadgets etc. and throw them into a bedroom and close the door. If so, you are
not alone. But this doesn’t create a peaceful retreat for sleeping or taking time out. It also does
nothing for the clothes and shoes that are stored there. Clothes and shoes often cost a lot of money,
but if they’re stored properly, they will last longer and look better. It will also make it easier to
get dressed. Whether you start with a new house or creating order out of what you’ve got, think
carefully about your storage requirements and plan it. Allow space for hanging and folded clothes,
storage for shoes and somewhere to put the odds and ends. Also consider space available, your
budget, style that suits your needs best etc. There are many options available, from the simple self-
assembly wardrobe to the luxurious custom built system.

Fitted Storage
If you have the space or room for a walk-in wardrobe or a dressing room, it’s a great luxury. The
clothes are allowed to breathe, you can enjoy their fabrics and colours and have plenty of room to
hide away items you don’t need on a regular basis. It also frees up valuable space in the bedroom. If
you start from scratch, you could place a dressing room between a bedroom and bathroom.
The next best thing is a built-in wardrobe. You can design it to suit your own requirements. It will
be the main storage area in your bedroom, so it deserves as much space as you can spare. Maybe
you don’t need the bed as big as you think. If you intend to live in the house for a long time, a built-
in wardrobe is a good choice. A fitted wardrobe with sliding doors makes full use of space, both
outside and inside the wardrobe. They can be fitted from floor to ceiling, using up every inch of
space. If you use mirrored or glossy doors, instead of solid matt ones, it will give the illusion of a
much larger room, great for a small room. You also don’t have to worry about space for opening
doors. In small rooms fitted wardrobes in classic cream or white, so that the doors will seem to
disappear into the walls. Some fitted wardrobes can look like a sea of one material and make the
room lack interest, overcome this by using different finishes together.
Custom built furniture is made to fit the room, so it can cope with sloping ceilings and other
awkward features. These are a good idea for older houses with low and sloping ceilings. Use up
space that maybe going to waste, e.g. build a wardrobe around the bed with cupboards over the bed
area. These cupboards can be used for items used less frequently e.g. out of season clothes.
Before you buy fitted furniture, decide what you want to store and plan the best way to do it. Make
use of different types of storage – use a combination of shelves, hanging rails, baskets etc to suit
your needs. But remember these internal fittings will add to the cost. You could fit a rail and some
shelves and add the extras at a later stage. Decide if you need full length hanging space, half-length
or a mix of the two. Make use of the space above the hanging rail, by having a shelf, which can be
used to store bags, hats, and other accessories. If you are very organised you can have your clothes
grouped by colour and coat hangers facing the same way, which will allow you to see what goes
with what. Some units came with built-in lights, which makes dressing easy.

Stand Alone Storage

Stand alone wardrobes and drawer units maybe more suited to your needs, if you only intend to
stay in the house for a few years. You can take them with you when you leave. It may also suit the
style of the room i.e. if you like a less structured look. Large traditional style wardrobes may suit an
old house better. Make sure to use every bit of your wardrobe by filling the wasted wardrobe space
around your clothes – use stackable boxes and hanging canvas shelves. Also place a mirror on the

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Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 29
back of the wardrobe door but make sure there is enough space to stand back for a top to toe view.
Combine free standing items with fitted units to stop the look becoming too uniform and allow
light to flow through the room.
If you don’t have room for a large wardrobe, go for a narrow cupboard or use a tallboy unit instead
of a second bedside table, it will double your drawer space and you can place items on top of it.
If you need a lot of storage but don’t like the look of heavy wardrobes, you could go for canvas
covered furniture or free standing rails. Create a shelving system hidden behind an extended
headboard, it will be a focus point as well as providing storage space. Use a curtain to cover clothes
in an alcove or put a curtain in front of self assembly shelves, it’s less expensive than cupboards
and it removes the need for doors, which take up room when space is tight. You can make the
curtain or buy a ready made one. Use a small set of drawers to store belts, socks accessories etc.
Storage space can be found everywhere e.g. under the bed, top of wardrobe etc. If you keep things
in boxes under the bed, push them as far back as possible, so they don’t poke out. Or better still get
a bed with integrated drawers. Use decorative hat boxes on the top of a wardrobe to store e.g. hats
and accessories. The boxes can add to the décor of the room. Don’t forget the end of the bed – use
a storage chest, or place hooks on the backs of doors.

Children Clothes
For children storage it is better to keep it simple, so it is easy to tidy up - when the room is tidy it
looks good. You don’t need an expensive nursery wardrobe, - baby clothes tend to fold rather than
hang, so go for a sturdy chest of drawers instead. As the child grows you could get a wardrobe, one
with half taken with shelves and half with hanging space. As a small child’s clothes don’t hang to
the floor, you could install two hanging rails, one under the other, to use up all the space. When
decorating a child’s room, remember to get down to their height. If it is child sized, they might
put their clothes and shoes away themselves. Free standing wardrobes can be moved around as
the child’s need change. Use storage boxes or drawers under their bed to store extra clothes. You
can brighten them up by painting them in vibrant colours. You can also transform an old or cheap
piece of furniture e.g. wardrobe by painting it. You can decorate it as you like, it will be unique and
will give individuality to the room. If the bed is small, go up the way with a raised bed and drawers
underneath for storage – a young teenager will love it.

If you don’t have a lot of shoes, the humble rack will do the job of storing them. If on the other
hand you have lots, you may need a dedicated cupboard as part of your built in wardrobe. A unit
with shelves is the best option, it will keep them neat and tidy, and you’ll be able to see them at a
glance. You could also use an alcove for the same idea. Fit storage boxes into the bottom of your
wardrobe to use the ‘dead’ space for storage. Also you could use hanging shoe holders, to be hung
in the wardrobe or ones that fit over a door. Shoes can take up a lot of wardrobe space, so you
could store them in their original shoe boxes or in see-through stacking boxes. If the boxes aren’t
transparent, label them or you won’t have an idea what you’ve stored.
No matter how many bedrooms or built-in wardrobes you have, there is always one room full of
junk. Be ruthless, do a clean out, pass items on to a charity or to a friend. Pack away clothes you
don’t need for the season. Remember, the messier you are as a person, the more your storage will
have to do the hard work for you.
Mary D. Kelly
Decorating Options
(091) 798224. Page 29
Page 30 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008
Coaching: Thanks to Pat Stephens and all the Coaches Manager Barry Cooney can be contacted on 086 8125302.
who attended the Practical Coaching Session held on last All Ladies any age from the area are welcome to come
Saturday Morning 29th March at the Clubgrounds; This along and it is not necessary to have played Gaelic before.
years VHI Summer camp will take place from the 7th to
Ladies Under 10’s
the 11th July in Claregalway.
Training has started on Saturday 5:30 and Monday
Minor Boys: The Minors game in Caherlistrane fixed evenings 6:30 contact Joe Glynn 087 2375756, Mary
for last Sunday was called off because the pitch was Conlon 0877999379 Jimmy Gavin 0872835847. The U-
unplayable. The next match is at home in Claregalway 10’s play in County Blitzes and also hold their own Club
tonight Wednesday 2nd April at 7pm. Players are asked to Blitz in which all players play. During the season the Go
be at the Pitch at 6:15 sharp. Games Blitzes are organised with local Clubs.
On Saturday the 12th of April next there will be a Ladies U-12’s
fundraising bowling night held in City Limits Oranmore. Training on Saturday evenings at 5:30 & Monday
The event is being held to raise money for the senior evenings at 6:30 Contact Joan Gavin 086 8959708
players training fund. Teams of four will compete for Jimmy Gavin 087 2835847, Tim Hynes 085 1742454. The
various prizes on the night with the top prize of €400 Club fields 2 Teams in the county leagues which begin on
for the winning team being kindly sponsored by Glynn’s Saturday April 12nd.
Fruit and Veg. Full details of the event are available by
Ladies U-14’s
contacting Pat Stephens at 086 1720188 or John Paul
Training at Community centre on Saturday and Monday
O’Connell 087 7717277.
evenings. Contact, Mike Cullina 085 1395331,Hubert
Finally, well done to Claregalway players Adrian Faherty Newell 087 2939786 Mary Conlon 0877999379,. The U-
and Barry Cullinane who both starred for the Galway 14’s in County league and play in the Feile Competition
footballers in last weekends National Football League on 26/4/08.
victory over Derry. Adrian kept a clean sheet between the
Ladies U-16’s
posts while Barry was chosen as the Galway Bay FM man
Training with the Juniors on Mondays and Saturdays.
of the match for his performance in midfield.
Contacts are Jarlath Brennan 0862830763 Rita Healy
Calling all Ladies get fit and have fun: Claregalway 0879725888,Mike Kirwan 087 2894460 & Barry Cooney
Club are fielding a Junior Ladies Team again this year and 086 8125302
training takes place with the U-16’s on Saturday evenings.



A very good response, the only

error by most respondents was
to spell DIKTAT as DICTAT)!
The winner is Mary O’Connell,
I have tried to keep it nice and
undemanding for April. Have a
crack at it, anyway.

Page 30
Nuacht Chláir, April 2008 Page 31

Brian Place,
Crossword Editor
First correct crossword
opened wins
A Meal For Two at
Claregalway Hotel


1 Angel 2 Regulatory compound
5 Noiseless 3 Decrepit building
10 Friendly 4 Northern Spanish port
11 Agreement 5 Unrevealed
12 Smallest quantity of element 6 Organ
13 Ring shaped bread roll 7 Sharp implements
15 Primary colour 8 Interval between two notes
17 No longer in 9 Be present at meeting
19 Square root of 121 14 Former Dutch currency
21 Self possessed 16 Beastly, fierce
22 Rotating cylinders 18 Tricky puzzle
23 In foreign parts 20 Inclination of cranium
25 Somerset town 21 Make uninvited inquiry
28 Primary colour 23 Not idle
30 Small duck 24 Arrived at
31 Danger 26 Acidic condiment
32 On a single occasion 27 Songs (German)
35 Mode of transport 28 Respect deeply
36 Closest point of moon to Earth 29 Disperse
37 Stick 33 Dull pain
38 Please
Optical send completed
devices crosswords to:34B.D. Place,
Creative Woodleigh,
activities Cregboy, Claregalway. Page 31
Page 32 Nuacht Chláir, April 2008

Page 32

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