CPSP Bcqs With Original Key Drkhalid Khan

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CPSP BCQs with original key

d. Constipation
e. Tachycardia

DrKhalid Khan
1. Blood brain barrier is formed by:
a. Capillary endothelium
b. Continuous basement membrane
c. Pericytes
d. All of above
e. None of above
Ans: a
2.Total power of the eye is 59 diopters. Main role
is maintenance of this power as performed by:
a. Anterior surface of cornea
b. Lens
c. Vitreous Humor
d. Retina
e. Posterior surface of cornea
Ans: a
3. In patient with increased bleeding time, what
could be the cause of bleeding
a. Prothrombin Deficiency
b. Hemophilia A
c. Vitamin - K deficiency
d. Protein - C deficiency
e. Von Willebrand's disease
Ans: e
4. What is the nerve supply of tip of nose?
a. Ophthalmic nerve
b. maxillary nerve
c. Mandibular nerve
d. Fascial nerve
e. Cervical plexus
Ans: a
5. Parasympathetic stimulation caused:
a. Bronchodilation
b. Decreased gut motiilty
c. Opens intestinal sphincters

Ans: c
6. Which of the following is the site of fusion of
binocular vision?
a. Optic chiasma
b. Lateral geniculate bodies
c. Retina
d. Visual cortex
e. Optic nerve
Ans: d
7. A newborn baby with hydrocephalus has a
swelling in lumbosacral spinal region, which
contains neural tissue in it. What could be the
probable diagnosis of this patient?
a. Spina bifida
b. Meningocele
c. Meningomyelocele
d. Meningoencephalocele
e. Meningohydroencephalocele
Ans: c
8. Which of the following is most strong
a. Glutathone
b. Vitamin - E
c. Vitamin - C
d. Ceruloplasmin
e. Catalase
Ans: a
9. Most early diagnosis of Vitamin-A deficiency is:
(a) Bilot spots in cornea
(b) Night blindness
(c) Keratomalacia
(d) Chielosis
(e) Hyperkeratosis
Ans: b

Option (e) GSA

10. A patient presents with recurrent epistaxis.
Investigation receal decreased factors II, VII, IX, X
& protein-C which of the following is most likely
diagnosis of this condition?
(a) Christmas disease
(b) Hemophillia
(c) Vitamin-K deficiency
(d) Von willebrands disease
(e) Liver dysfunction

Ans: b
15. Primary malignant melanoma of the choroids
most commonly metastasizes to:
Option (a) Liver
Option (b) Lungs
Option (c) Brain
Option (d) Kidneys
Option (e) Breast

Ans: c
11. On H & E staining a student sees the hallow
structure around the nucleus. What it could be:
(a)Golgi apparatus
(b) Lysosomes
(c) Ribosomes
(d) Endoplasmic reticulum
(e) Mitochondria
Ans: b
12. Bitemproral vision loss is most commonly
caused by:
(a) Piuitary tumor
(c) Adenoma of hypothalamus
(d) Section of optic tract
(e) Section of optic nerve
Ans: a
13. A patient has finger like projection on upper
lid. Hostopathological report shows epithelial cells
along with fibrous element. What is most probable
Option (a) Pappiloma
Option (b) Basal cell carcinoma
Option (c) Squamous cell carcinoma
Option (d) Chalazion
Option (e) Cellulites
Ans: a
14. Parotid gland supplied by:
Option (a) GVA
Option (b) GVE
Option (c) SVE
Option (d) SVA

Ans: a
16. A patient develops sensory loss over left side
of body. After few days his behavior for pain is
changed & he become angry after touching.
Where could be the lesion in brain
Option (a) Right thalamus
Option (b) Internal capsule
Option (c) Cerebral cortex
Option (d) Basal ganglia
Option (e) Midbrain
Ans: a
17. A middle aged male has non-healing wound in
patient for long time in presence of regular
dressing random blood sugar is 130 mg/dl. What
could be the cause of delayed healing in this
Option (a) Infection
Option (b) Diabetes mellitus
Option (c) High mobility
Option (d) Foreign body in wound
Option (e) Vascular insufficiency
Ans: e
18. In a patient with sympathetic stimulation, what
effect will occur on his heat?
Option (a) Decreased rate
Option (b) Coronary vasoconstriction
Option (c) Hyperpolarization of SA node
Option (d) Decreased AV nodal delay
Option (e) Decreased stroke volume

Ans: d
19. Which of the following is diagnostic of
Option (a) Giant cells
Option (b) Epithliod cells
Option (c) Multinucleated cells
Option (d) Fibroblasts
Option (e) Caseation
Ans: b
20. Medial orbitotomey is done in a patient with
tumor in orbit. Now he is complaining of
numbness at upper part of head up to vertex &
medial part but medial part is intact. Which of the
following nerves is damaged?
Option (a) Supraorbital nerve
Option (b) Supratrochlear nerve
Option (c) Superior orbital nerve
Option (d) Inferior orbital nerve
Option (e) Fascial nerve
Ans: a
21. In inferior wall Myocardial Infraction, which
artery should be blocked
Option (a) :Left marginal artery
Option (b) :Diagonal artery
Option (c) :Right coronary artery
Option (d) :Right marginal artery
Option (e) :Posterior Interventricular artery
Ans: d
22. Oxygen level in the blood will decrease in:
Option (a) :Hypovolumic shock
Option (b) :Anemic Hypoxia
Option (c) :Hypoxic Hypoxia
Option (d) :Congestive Heart Failure
Option (e) :Acidosis
Ans: c

23. A male patient has antibodies against FSH

RECEPTORS. Which of the following will be lower
than normal in this patient?
Option (a) :LDL cholesterol
Option (b) :Hemoglobin
Option (c) :Sperm count
Option (d) :Blood Sugar
Option (e) :Triglycerides
Ans: c
24. Brucellosis is Transmitted by
Option (a) :Files
Option (b) :Ras Fish
Option (c) :Unpasteurized Milk
Option (d) :Air Borne
Option (e) :Blood Transfusion
Ans: c
25. week pregnant women has Irregular Ulterine
Contractions. Which of following drugs will be
beneficial for this lady.
Option (a) :Progesterone
Option (b) :Estrogen
Option (c) :Prolactin
Option (d) :Oxytocin
Option (e) :LH
Ans: d
26. The Diagnostic finding on investigations of
Metabolic Alkalosis is:
Option (a) :HCO3 more then 24meq/L
Option (b) :CO2 more then 24meq/L
Option (c) :PH less than 7.4
Option (d) :Decreased O2 in blood
Option (e) :Increase serum carbonic anhydrase
Ans: a

27. A 6 cm Lump in the breast removed. Four

Lymp nodes & skin were involved. Biopsy
declared invasive Dectal Carcinoma. This tumor is
called HIGH-GRADE because:
Option (a) :Lymph node involvement
Option (b) :Skin involvement
Option (c) :Size of tumor
Option (d) :Pleomorphism
Option (e) :Duct involvement

31, A young women, complains of Dry mouth &

Dry eyes. Which investigation will give clue to her
Option (a) :ANA
Option (b) :Anti-ANA
Option (c) :RA factor
Option (d) :Anti - SS A/B
Option (e) :ANCA
Ans: d

Ans: d
28. Which of the following is the characteristic of
Option (a) :It provides mucosal barrier
Option (b) :It is in highest concentration in serum
Option (c) :It is smallest molecule
Option (d) :It is largest Molecule
Option (e) :It crosses the placenta
Ans: d
29. Which of following structures in the mouth is
derived from Ectoderm?
Option (a) :Epithelium of the tongue
Option (b) :Submandibular gland
Option (c) :Mylohyoid muscle
Option (d) :Epithelium of parotid gland
Option (e) :Tonsil

32. Regarding SA Node:

Option (a) :Its resting membrane potential is - 65
to -85 volts
Option (b) :It automatically generates impulses,
creating rhythmic heartbeat
Option (c) :Its membrane is impermeable to Na
Option (d) :It is supplied by left coronary artery
Option (e) :It lies in the septum
Ans: b
33. During the stretch in the Skeletal Muscle,
which of the following changes will occur in the
Nuclear Bag fiber?
Option (a) :They increase impulse generation
Option (b) :They remain static
Option (c) :They decrease impulse generation
Option (d) :They increase oscillation
Option (e) :They inhibit muscle contraction

Ans: d
30. A young patient's blood pressure is 150/95. his
serum Rennin level is higher than normal. Which
of the following is the STIMULUS for this
increased level of rennin?
Option (a) :Essential hypertension
Option (b) :Increased delivery of sodium to Renal
Option (c) :Increased sympathetic stimulation via
Renal nerves
Option (d) :Vasodilatation of Renal arterioles
Option (e) :Increased blood flow to the kidneys
Ans: c

Ans: a
34. which of the following structures is produced
in 3rd week of development?
Option (a) :Thyroid gland
Option (b) :Parathyroid gland
Option (c) :Genital ridge
Option (d) :Heart tube
Option (e) Tonsil
Ans: d

35. Antibodies are produced by:

Option (a) :Lymphocytes
Option (b) Plasma cells
Option (c) T-Cells
Option (d) :Neutrophils
Option (e) Endothelium
Ans: b
36. Pulmonary Artery pressure increases in:
Option (a) :Exercise
Option (b) :Hypoxia
Option (c) :Anemia
Option (d) :Hypovolumic Shock
Option (e) :Hypertension
Ans: b
37. Defect in the formation of Bulbus Cordis result
in all of following EXCEPT?
Option (a) :ASD
Option (b) :VSD
Option (c) :Hypertrophy of right ventricle
Option (d) :Congenital cyanosis
Option (e) :Transposition of great vessels
Ans: b
38. Regarding the vibration Sense all are correct
Option (a) :It is lost in Diabetes
Option (b) :Its fibers are traveling in the dorsal
Option (c) :Its receptor is Pacinian Corpuscle
Option (d) :Its receptor is Meissener's corpuscle
Option (e) :Is highly correspond to the bony

Option (c) :Type - II Hypersensitivity

Option (d) :Type - III Hypersensitivity
Option (e) :Type - IV Hypersensitivity
Ans: d
40. The most common site of Fertilization in
humans is:
Option (a) :Ovary
Option (b) :Uterus
Option (c) :Fallopian tube
Option (d) :Cervix
Option (e) :Peritoneal cavity
Ans: c
41. Patients comes with deviation of tongue to
right side. Decreased sense of touch and
vibrations, the artery commonly involved in brain
Option (a) :PICA
Option (b) :AICA
Option (c) :Anterior Spinal
Option (d) :Posterior Cerebral
Option (e) :Superior Cerebral Artery
Ans: c
42. Most common site of malignancy in patients
suffering from nuclear outbreak
Option (a) :Haematopoietic
Option (b) :Thyroid
Option (c) :Lung
Option (d) :Breast
Option (e) :Bones
Ans: a

39. A patient with aplastic anemla is given Anti

Lymphocytic Globulin (ALG). One week later he
develops Skin rashes, mechanism for

43. Least common site for ectopic pregnancy

would be at:
Option (a) :Ovaries
Option (b) :Pouch of douglus
Option (c) :Greater omentum
Option (d) :Fallopian tubes
Option (e) :Cervix

Option (a) :Arthus reaction

Option (b) :Type - I Hypersensitivity

Ans: a

Ans: d

44. Most sensitive cells to hypoxia are

Option (a) :RBCs
Option (b) :Neurons
Option (c) :Nephrons
Option (d) :WBCs
Option (e) :Platelets
Ans: b

49. Patient with injury to left 8th cervical segment

of spinal cord will not show following sign:
Option (a) :Decreased sense of position
Option (b) :Vibration below lesion on same side
Option (c) :Extensor plantar on left side
Option (d) :Dec power of muscles below the
lesion on same side
Option (e) :Dec sense of pain and temperature
below the lesion on same side

45. Following is not a tumor marker:

Option (a) :PALP
Option (b) :CEA
Option (c) :bHCG
Option (d) :AFP
Option (e) :Acid Phospatase
Ans: e

Ans: e
50. Patient with bone pains having normal Ca, inc
Alkaline phosphatase. Most likely suffering from:
Option (a) :Pagets disease
Option (b) :Hyper PTH
Option (c) :Hyper Vit D,
Option (d) :Bone mets
Option (e) :Osteomalacia

46. tyrosine derivative does not include:

Option (a) :TSH
Option (b) :Adrenaline
Option (c) :Nor adrnaline
Option (d) :Prolactin
Option (e) :Dopamine
Ans: d

Ans: a
51. Bile salts are reabsorbed from the:
Option (a) :Duodenum
Option (b) :Jejunum
Option (c) :Ileum
Option (d) Colon
Option (e) Rectum

47. Organ having least chances of infarction:

Option (a) :Lungs
Option (b) :Heart
Option (c) :Kidneys
Option (d) :Liver
Option (e) :Spleen

Ans: c
52. In Turner syndrome, the genotype would be:
Option (a) :XX
Option (b) :XO
Option (c) :XXY
Option (d) :XY
Option (e) :XYY

Ans: d
48. Least chances of renal stones is associated
Option (a) :Hyperlipidemia
Option (b) :Hyper PTH
Option (c) :Hyper vit.D
Option (d) :Infections
Option (e) :Hyperurecemia
Ans: a

Ans: b
53. Presence of pancreatic tissue in gastric
mucosa is termed as:
Option (a) :Hamartoma
Option (b) :Metaplasia
Option (c) :Neoplasia
Option (d) :Choriostoma
Option (e) :Dysplasia
Ans: d

54. Patient with old history of adenocarcinoma of

colon operated for polypectomy, on histologic
evaluation pathologist labelled it as benign growth
with no chances into malignant transformation, it
would be:
Option (a) :FAP
Option (b) :Villous adenoma
Option (c) :Tubular adenoma
Option (d) :Tubulovillous
Option (e) :Metaplastic polyp

58. Soldier comes with heavy bleeding. The ideal

fluid replacement would be:
Option (a) :Packed RBCs
Option (b) :Crystallines
Option (c) :Colloids
Option (d) :Whole blood for 3 days
Option (e) :Whole blood for 18 days
Ans: d
59. Vertebrae is derived from :

Ans: c
55. Man in suffering from testicular Carcinoma,
the lympahtic drainage of testicle is into
Option (a) :Para aortic Lymph nodes
Option (b) :Pre aortic
Option (c) Superficial inguinal
Option (d) :Internal iliac
Option (e) :External iliac Lymph nodes
Ans: a
56. Mesothelioma is associated with:
Option (a) :Vinyl chloride
Option (b) :Silica
Option (c) :Asbestos
Option (d) :Copper dust
Option (e) :Carbon
Ans: c
57. Foetal period starts after which week:
Option (a) :11th
Option (b) :8th
Option (c) :12th
Option (d) :16th
Option (e) :21st
Ans: b

Option (a) :Myotome

Option (b) :Sclerotome
Option (c) :Dermatome
Option (d) :Ectoderm
Option (e) :Endoderm
Ans: b
60. Largest total cross-sectional and surface area
is of:
Option (a) :Artery
Option (b) :Arterioles
Option (c) :Capillaries
Option (d) :Venules
Option (e) :Veins
Ans: c
61. Esophagus histology
Option (a) :Covered by squamous ep
Option (b) :Has str. sq in upper 1/3
Option (c) :Has str. sq in lower 1/3
Option (d) :Has 3 layers of muscles
Option (e) :Esophageal opening acting as
anatomical sphincter
Ans: b
62. Structures entering thorasic inlet
Option (a) :Accessory nerve
Option (b) :Aorta
Option (c) :Superior vena cava
Option (d) :Azygous Vein
Option (e) :Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Ans: b

63. Example of carrier mediated counter

Option (a) Na - glucose transport
Option (b) :Active transport
Option (c) :Passive transport
Option (d) :H transport
Option (e) :Diffusion

68. Digoxin toxicity

Option (a) :Inc K
Option (b) :Inc Mg
Option (c) :Dec Ca
Option (d) :Dec Na
Option (e) :Alkalosis
Ans: e

Ans: a
64. Alpha recptors effects
Option (a) :Inc HR
Option (b) :Lipogenesis
Option (c) :Midriasis
Option (d) :Piloerector contraction
Option (e) :Bronchodilator
Ans: c
65. Hypoglycemia increases
Option (a) :SSK
Option (b) :Somatostatin
Option (c) :Gastrin
Option (d) :VIP
Option (e) :Secretin

69. Following is true regarding sterilization:

Option (a) :Repeated heating denatures
polyvencyl tubings
Option (b) :Autoclaving is heating objects at 121
degC at 15 psi for 3min
Option (c) :Radiation (UV light)
Option (d) :Dry heat
Option (e) :Formaldehyde
Ans: b
70. Pt complains of chest pain for more than 30
min. ECG shows changes in V1-V4. It denotes:
Option (a) :Anterior wall MI
Option (b) :Anterolateral MI
Option (c) :Inferior wall MI
Option (d) :Lateral wall MI
Option (e) :Inferior wall MI

Ans: e
66. Cushing's triad:

Ans: a

Option (a) :Inc ICP, HTN, Bradycardia

Option (b) :Inc ICP, hypoTN, Bradycardia
Option (c) :Inc ICP, hypoTN, Tachycardia
Option (d) :Inc ICP, HTN, Tachycardia
Option (e) :Dec ICP, HTN, Tachycardia

71. Depolarization of cell is maintained by:

Option (a) :Na influx
Option (b) :Ca efflux
Option (c) :Ca influx
Option (d) :K influx
Option (e) :Na efflux

Ans: a

Ans: a

67. Somatostatin dec sec of which hormone

72. Spinal cord ends at the level of lower border

Option (a) :L2 vertebra
Option (b) :L3 vertebra
Option (c) :L4 vertebra
Option (d) :L5 vertebra
Option (e) :S1 vertebra

Option (a) :ADH

Option (b) :Insulin
Option (c) :Oxytocin
Option (d) :Prolactin
Option (e) :Thyroid hormone
Ans: b

Ans: a

73. Hyperoxia. All true except 1.

78. Dry mouth increases all except

Option (a) :Retrolental fibroplasia

Option (b) :Atelectasis
Option (c) Dec surfactant prod
Option (d) :CV depression
Option (e) :Anemia

Option (a) :Thrist

Option (b) :ADH
Option (c) :Ag II
Option (d) :Plasma osmolarity
Option (e) :Plasma vol

Ans: e

Ans: e

74. Pacinian corpuscles related to

79. Gastric acid is stimulated by:

Option (a) :Touch

Option (b) :Vibration
Option (c) :Pressure
Option (d) :Rapidly adapting pain
Option (e) :Slowly adapting pain

Option (a) :Gastrin

Option (b) :CCK
Option (c) :Secterin
Option (d) :GIP
Option (e) :VIP

Ans: b

Ans: a

75. Drug that inc extracellular K (moves K out of

the cell):

80. Which of the following fungi produce life

threatening infection in patients with diabetics

Option (a) :Angiotensin

Option (b) H2CO3
Option (c) :Carbonic anhydrase
Option (d) :pH
Option (e) :Exercise

Option (a) :Candida Albicans

Option (b) :Histoplasmosis
Option (c) :Mucor
Option (d) :Aspergillus
Option (e) :Blastomycosis

Ans: a
76. Thirst is decreased by:
Option (a) :ADH
Option (b) :Aldosterone
Option (c) :Ag II
Option (d) :Baroreceptor efferent
Option (e) :Inc Hematocrit
Ans: d

Ans: c
81. A patient has non-reactive HBs Ag, non
reactive HBe Ag & reactive anti HBc Ab. This
stages of patient indication what?
Option (a) :Acute infection
Option (b) :Carrier
Option (c) :Transient resolving stage of hepatitis
Option (d) :Immunized
Option (e) :Chronic active disease

77. Muscle of quiet inspiration

Option (a) :Diaphragm
Option (b) :Rectus abdominis
Option (c) :Internal intercostals
Option (d) :innermost intercostals
Option (e) :External intercostals
Ans: a

Ans: c

82. A Patient has enlaged parotid gland with pain

in this region. Which nerve is carrying pain fibers
from the parotid gland?
Option (a) :Auricuolotemporal nerve
Option (b) :Glossopharyngeal nerve
Option (c) :Fascial Nerve
Option (d) :Temporal nerve
Option (e) :Greater auricular nurve
Ans: a
83. A Patient has anemia, hyper-segmented
Neutrophils on peripheral blood examination &
neurological manifestations. Which type of
anemia he is suffering from?
Option (a) :Folic acid deficiency anemia
Option (b) :Iron deficiency anemia
Option (c) :Pernicious anemia
Option (d) :Thalasemia
Option (e) :Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Ans: c
84. A young child has increased BP in upper limbs
while decreased BP in lower limbs. Pulse in also
week. What is the probable diagnosis?
Option (a) :Preductal coarctation of aorta
Option (b) :V.S.D
Option (c) :Patent ductus arteriosus
Option (d) :Postductal coarctation of aorta
Option (e) :Transposition of great vessels
Ans: d
85. In case of typhoid fever of 06 days. Which
investigation is of first choice?
Option (a) :Widal test
Option (b) :Blood culture
Option (c) :Typhi dot test
Option (d) :Bone marrow culture
Option (e) :Urine culture
Ans: b
86. In a patient with diabetes, which is the best
antihypertensive drug
Option (a) :Captopril
Option (b) :Diuretic
Option (c) :Varapamil
Option (d) :Propranolol
Option (e) :Diltiazim

Ans: a
87. Urine Examination of a patient with diabetes
demonstrates. Ketone-bodies. What is the
mechanism of formation of these ketone-bodies?
Option (a) :Insulin deficiency
Option (b) :Hyperglycemia
Option (c) :Defective fat metabolism
Option (d) :Hypoalbubinemia
Option (e) :Defective glucose metabolism
Ans: a
88. After giving blood transfusion, a patient
develops hypersensitivity reaction. Which type of
hypersensitivity reaction is this?
Option (a) :Type I Hypersensitivity
Option (b) :Type II Hypersensitivity
Option (c) :Type III Hypersensitivity
Option (d) :Type IV Hypersensitivity
Option (e) :A.D.C.C
Ans: b
89. A Patient develps lesion in the Caudate
nucleus. Which is most common clinical feature
Indicating this lesion?
Option (a) :Chorea
Option (b) :Intentional Tremor
Option (c) :Resting Tremor
Option (d) :Hemiplagia
Option (e) :Nystygmus
Ans: a
90. Heme Binds with
Option (a) :Albumin
Option (b) :Globulin
Option (c) :Hemopexin
Option (d) :Heptoglobin
Option (e) :Macroglobulin
Ans: d

91. Best pulmonary function test for the asthma is:

Option (a) :FEV - 1
Option (b) :Residual volume
Option (c) :Tidal volume
Option (d) :Vital capacity
Option (e) :Inspiratory capacity
Ans: a
92. A pregnant lady develops pain few hours after
delivery. E.C.G. shows S1, Q3 and T3. What is
another investigation most appropriate for the
diagnosis of this case?
Option (a) :RF
Option (b) :X-Ray
Option (c) :Gallium Scan
Option (d) :CPK
Option (e) :Ultrasound

95. A patient has Aphasia & Facial nerve palsy on

same side. Which artery is most likely blocked?
Option (a) :Anterior cerebral artery
Option (b) :Posterior cerebral artery
Option (c) :Middle cerebral artery
Option (d) :Anterior division of middle cerebral
Option (e) :Posterior division of middle cerebral
Ans: c
96. A young female is having Goiter. She feels
difficulty in breathing while lying down. Which type
of the goiter she is having?
Option (a) :Retrosternal goiter
Option (b) :Malignant goiter
Option (c) :Toxic goiter
Option (d) :Diffuse goiter
Option (e) :Simple goiter

Ans: c
93. In a patient diarrhea are corrected after the
fasting. Which is most likely type of diarrhea?
Option (a) :Infectious
Option (b) :Psychogenic
Option (c) :Osmotic
Option (d) :Metabolic
Option (e) :Toxic
Ans: c
94. A diabetic Patient is advised fasting blood
glucose level. At what value doctor is confusing &
needs further evaluation with glucose tolerance
Option (a) :04 m mol / 1
Option (b) :05 m mol / 1
Option (c) :07 m mol / 1
Option (d) :10 m mol / 1
Option (e) :15 m mol / 1

Ans: a
97. Regarding L & D sugars
Option (a) :D sugar has - OH on right
Option (b) :L sugar has - OH on right
Option (c) :D sugar has - OH on left
Option (d) :D sugar has no - OH
Option (e) :L sugar has no OH
Ans: a
98. Councilman bodies are formed in the process
Option (a) :Infection
Option (b) :Apoptosis
Option (c) :Trauma
Option (d) :Necrosis
Option (e) :Atrophy
Ans: b

Ans: c

99. A middle aged male presents with joint pain

since one week. His serum Uric Acid level is 156
mg/dl. What is the best investigation for
confirmation of the disases?
Option (a) :R.F
Option (b) :Synovial fluid for polarized light
Option (c) :Synovial fluid for Culture & Sensitivity
Option (d) :X-Ray of joint.
Option (e) :E.S.R

103. A lady received DES during pregnancy for

prevention of the abortion. Her baby will be on the
risk of:
Option (a) :Small cell of carcinoma
Option (b) :Squamous cell carcinoma
Option (c) :Carcinoma of endometrium
Option (d) :Clear cell carcinoma of Vagina
Option (e) :Uterine fibroid
Ans: d

Ans: b
100. A patient comes to you in ill condition. His
blood pH is 7.3 PCO2 is 44 mmHg & HCO3 is 17
meq/L. What diagnosis you are thinking of this
Option (a) :Metabolic alkalosis
Option (b) :Metabolic acidosis
Option (c) :Respiratory acidosis
Option (d) :Compensatory acidosis
Option (e) :Compensatory alkalosis
Ans: b
101. During general anaesthesia Halothane is
given in combination with which of the following
Option (a) :Thiopentone
Option (b) :Nitric oxide
Option (c) :Enfluran
Option (d) :Phenobarbital
Option (e) Ketamine
Ans: b
102. Most common cause of the pelvic
inflammatory disease is?
Option (a) :Gonococcus
Option (b) :Chlamydia
Option (c) :Anaerobes
Option (d) :Candida albicans
Option (e) :E-coli

104. Prenatal chromosomal abnormality can be

detected at:
Option (a) :Booking
Option (b) :10-12 weeks
Option (c) :14-18 weeks
Option (d) :After 20 weeks
Option (e) :In second trimester
Ans: c
105. Secondary Hyperaldosteronism can occur
due to:
Option (a) :Increased rennin
Option (b) :Decreased rennin
Option (c) :Increased potassium
Option (d) :Decreased potassium
Option (e) :Hypertension
Ans: a
106All of the following mechanisms are involved
in development of diabetic gangrene EXCEPT?
Option (a) :Trophic changes due to peripheral
Option (b) :Arterioscierosis leading to reduced
blood flow to foot
Option (c) :Decreased neutrophil motility
Option (d) :Excess sugar in tissues leads to
reduced resistance to infection especially fingal
Option (e) :Anaerobic infection is commonly
encountered in this disease
Ans: b

Ans: b

107. A patient presents with dislocation of hip after

an accident. Which of the following muscle group
is involved?
Option (a) :Gluteus Maximus + Minimus + Medius
Option (b) :Only Gluteus medius
Option (c) :Only Gluteus Maximus
Option (d) :Gluteus Maximus + Medius
Option (e) :Only Gluteus Minimus

111. A 60 years old women is brought with

bleeding per vagina. She is diabetic &
hypertensive & one year back she was diagnosed
as having carcinoma of breast. What can be most
probable diagnosis for this bleeding p/v?
Option (a) :Carcinoma of colon
Option (b) :Carcinoma of endometrium
Option (c) :Endometrial Hyperplasia
Option (d) :Carcinoma of cervix
Option (e) :Cervical erosion

Ans: a
Ans: b
108. A patient has history of recurrent abortion.
Which of the following enzyme analysis will give
help to diagnosis?
Option (a) :Estrogen
Option (b) :Progesterone
Option (c) :L.H & F.S.H
Option (d) :H.C.G
Option (e) :Testosterone
Ans: b
109. A patient presents with secondary
amenorrhea. One year back she has history of
P.P.H for that she received six pints of blood what
is most probable caused of her menstrual

112. A Patient is suffering from carcinoma of

rectum. He develops pain in the posterior aspect
of thing due to involvement of nerve. Which nerve
supplies the posterior aspect of thigh & that can
be involved in the malignancy of rectum?
Option (a) :Lumbosacral trunk
Option (b) :Sacral nerves
Option (c) :Obturator nerve
Option (d) :Superior hypo gastric plexus
Option (e) :Inferior hypo gastric plexus
Ans: b

Option (a) :Pituitary Tumor

Option (b) :Sheehan's syndrome
Option (c) :Addison's disease
Option (d) :Adrenal cortex adenoma
Option (e) :Psychological problem

113. A semiconscious patient is brought to

emergency department. He has history of taking
some unknown drug. NaHCO2 reverses the
action of drug. Which drug he has most likely
Option (a) :Phenobarbital
Option (b) :Phenothiazine
Option (c) :Morphine
Option (d) :Diazepam
Option (e) :Alcohal

Ans: b

Ans: a

110. A patient presents with recurrent Rhinitis with

Urticaria & Rashes. Which of the following is most
probably diagnosis?

114. A lady with 26 weeks gestation has uterine

height of 24 weeks. On sonography there is no
fetus & snowstorm appearance. Which of the
following probably associate with it?

Option (a) :Type - I Hypersensivity

Option (b) :Type - II Hypersensivity
Option (c) :Viral Infection
Option (d) :Arthus Reaction
Option (e) :Cell mediated reaction

Option (a) :Choriocarcinoma

Option (b) :Karyotype-46XX
Option (c) :47XX
Option (d) :69XXX
Option (e) :45XO

Ans: a
Ans: b

115. Normal female pelvis has:

Option (a) :Deeper inlet
Option (b) :Inturned spine
Option (c) :Narrow outlet
Option (d) :Round outlet
Option (e) :Oval inlet
Ans: e
116. The ascent of horse shoe shaped kidney is
prevented by:
Option (a) :External iliac artery
Option (b) :Internal iliac artery
Option (c) :Superior mesenteric artery
Option (d) :inferior vena cava
Option (e) :inferior mesenteric artery
Ans: e
117. Which of the following is characteristic of
polycystic ovary disease:
Option (a) :Increased L.H
Option (b) :Increased F.S.H
Option (c) :Decreased L.H
Option (d) :Decreased F.S.H
Option (e) :No change in hormones
Ans: a
118. A 20 - Week pregnant lady has blood
pressure 140/95. She complains of vomiting &
headache. What is the probable diagnosis of the
Option (a) :Appendicitis
Option (b) :Pregnancy induced hypertension
Option (c) :Oligohydramnios
Option (d) :Raised intracranialpressure
Option (e) :Pregnancy induced DM
Ans: b
119. Which cranial nerves carry parasympathetic
Option (a) :Third, Fourth, Ninth, Tenth
Option (b) :Third, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth
Option (c) :Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth
Option (d) :Third, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth
Option (e) :Fifth, Sixth, Tenth, Eleventh
Ans: d

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