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Fill in the boxes with the correct answer

(1) He______to school every morning.

A walk C walking
B walks D walked
(2) Those poor people_______no houses to live in.
A has C are
B is D have
(3) My father_________here.
A work C works
B working D worked
(4) He always_______in the river.
A swim C swam
B swims D swimming
(5) The dog______barking loudly last night.
A was C is
B were D are
(6) The pupils______not completed their homework.
A had C have
B has D are
(7) The policeman_______his job well.
A do C did
B does D doing
(8) The men ______repairing the house.
A is C are
B have D has
(9) He and I_____together when the baby cried.
A was C is
B were D are
(10) How many boys______there in the class?
A are C has
B is D have

Choose from the list below and fill in the boxes with the right answer
A whisper
B learn
C refuse
D pull
E past
(1) defeat (2) push (3) shout (4) huge (5) accept (6) future (7) teach (8) dead (9) kind (10) joy -

F. grief
G. victory
H. alive
I. cruel
J. tiny

Fill in the boxes with the most suitable answer
(1) I saw a dog. ______ dog belongs to my friend.
C The
B An D (2) ______apples are my favourite fruit.
C the
B an
(3) It is_______interesting novel.
C the
B an
D(4) I have______urgent piece of work.
C the
B an
(5) We are studying______English.
C the
B an
D(6) Last night_____thief broke into my house.
C the
B an
D(7) Ashoka was one of _______greatest kings.
C the
B an
D(8) This is ______man who helped me.
C the
B an
D(9) _____gold is found in Australia.
A A C The
B An D (10) I saw_______Alice near the bus stop.
A a C the
B an D -

Choose the most suitable answer
(1) Paul is as _______as his father.
A tall
C taller
B tallest
(2) My test result is _________than yours.
A worse
C worst
B bad
(3) She is _________than her sister.
A beautiful
C most beautiful
B more beautiful

(4) I am the______boy in my family.

A shorter
C short
B shortest
(5) His friend is_________than you.
A more helpful C most helpful
B helpful
(6) His bag is________than mine.
A large
C largest
B larger
(7) My mother is as ________as yours.
A old
C oldest
B older
(8) John is the_______boy in my class.
A lazy
C laziest
B lazier
(9) A pen is________than a ruler.
A short
C longer
B shorter
(10) Of all the girls, Mary is the__________.
A hardworking C most hardworking
B more hardworking

Fill in the boxes with the correct answer
(1) I put on a coat_______it was cold.
A and C or
B but D because
(2) He was hungry______he ate some biscuits.
A so
C or
B but D because
(3) I opened the cupboard_____took out a pair of pants.
A so
C and
B but
D because
(4) He rushed to the bus stop______he still missed the bus.
A so
C and
B but D because
(5) Please turn on the tap______fill the pail with water.
A so
C and
B but D because
(6) We cannot eat those oranges______they are rotten.
A so
C and
B but D because
(7) He was late______he had to take a taxi to the school.
A so
C and
B but D because

(8) My little brother can talk_____cannot read.

A so
C and
B but
D because
(9) I went to the library________borrowed some books.
A so
C and
B but
D because
(10) There is a lot of food on the table______nobody is eating it.
A so
C and
B but D because

Choose the most suitable answer
(1) Is he your father? Yes, _____is.
C he
B you
D we
(2) Wendy went to the library with his friends. _____wanted to borrow some books.
A She
C We
B They D He
(3) The teacher punished the girl because ______did not do her homework.
A they C he
B it
D she
(4) Did you see my car? ____is parked under that tree.
C She
B It
D He
(5) Peter and I are good friends. _____do many things together.
C She
B It
D We
(6) "______must study hard," John told his son.
A You
C She
B It
D They
(7) My father bought a puppy at the pet shop. _______has white fur.
A We
C They
B Our
D It
(8) Do you know that girl? _____is waving to you?
A He
C They
B We
D She
(9) That's the ship. Can you see ______.
A me
C him
B them D it
(10) My uncle is a doctor. _______is very busy.
A He
C They
B We
D She

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