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Matrices, Vectors and Applications Homework

Section 4.5 Rank

Problems 1(a, c), 2(a, c, e), 3(a, b, c), 4(a, b, c), 5(a, b), 6(a, c),
7a, 10(a, b, c, d), 11(a, b, c, d, e, f), 12a, 14a, 19
1. Determine the ranks of the following matrices using the definition of rank.

(a) 1234 (c) 4015

2. Determine the ranks of the following matrices using the definition of rank.

(a) 12-1242123 (c) 213426213 (e) 134-131065

Basis for Row Space

Find the reduced echelon form for each of the following matrices. Use the reduced echelon form to determine a basis for the
row space, and the rank of each matrix.

3. (a) 12-1252029 (b) 118013-11-2 (c) 1-32-26-4-13-2

4.(a) 140-1-33295 (b) 120011-123 (c) 1230-1-1347

5. (a) 1234-12010102 (b) 12-1401-23-10-32

Basis for a Subspace

6. Find bases for the subspaces of R3 spanned by the following vectors.

(a) 1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 4, (1, 4, 9) (c) 1, -1, 3, 1, 0, 1, (-2, 1, -4)

7. Find bases for the subspaces of R4 spanned by the following vectors.

(a) 1, 3, -1, 4, 1, 3, 0, 6, (-1, -3, 0, -8)
Systems of Linear Equations
10. Consider the following systems of linear equations. The reduced echelon forms of the augmented matrices are shown for
convenience. (1) Give the reduced echelon form of the matrix of coefficients. (2) Give the ranks of the matrix of coefficients
and augmented matrix. (3) Give the solution to the system (if it exist). (4) Express the column vector of constants as a linear
combination of the columns of the matrix of coefficients (if possible).
(a) x1-2x2+4x3=122x1-x2+5x3=18-x1+3x2-3x3=-8, REF=100201010013

(b) 3x1-3x2+3x3=92x1-x2+4x3=73x1-5x2-x3=7, REF=103401210000

(c) x1+4x2+x3=2x1+2x2-x3=02x1+6x2=3, REF=10-3-201110001

(d) x1+x2+3x3=6x1+2x2+4x3=92x1+x2+6x3=11, REF=100-101010012

11. Consider the following systems of linear equations defined by augmented matrices P of the following sizes. The ranks of
the augmented matrix and matrix of coefficient Q are given in each case. Will the systems have a single, many, or no
(a) P is 4×5. Rank P=4, rank Q=4.
(b) P is 3×4. Rank P=3, rank Q=2.
(c) P is 4×4. Rank P=2, rank Q=2.
(d) P is 5×5. Rank P=4, rank Q=3.
(e) P is 6×6. Rank P=4, rank Q=4.
(f) P is 7×4. Rank P=3, rank Q=3.

Miscellaneous Results
12a. If A is a 3×5 matrix, what is the largest possible rank of A?

14a. Let A be a 3×4 matrix. Prove that the column vectors of A are linearly dependent

19. Let A be an n×n matrix. The following statements can be divided into two sets, any pair of statements in each set being
equivalent. Find the sets.
(a) A is singular.
(b) The system of equations AX=B does not have a unique solution.
(c) The rows of A are linearly independent.
(d) A has an inverse.
(e) The columns of A span Rn.
(f) A is not a row equivalent to In.

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