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sci fi stuff...


time wars between daleks and time lords,

current world is post apoc sci fi with
rifts in some parts that allow for
time, space and dimensions to blend
in to our universe.
players wake up with no memory?
players are on mission to rescue galactic presidents daughter?
players are captured by vogens and forced to lishen to their poetry?
on a planet in the middleages,
or so it appears...
other possible charecters:
artificial person (Hyperdyne Systems model 341-B, bishop from Alien)
android (Soong Type Android, data from startrek)
borg (cyborg from startrek)
protocol droid (robot from starwars)
terminator (robot from terminator)
forsaken (generic undead from warcraft)
space marine super humans (marines from warhammer 40000)
bug (bug from starship troopers)
urban druid
techno druid/modern urban druid
places to look for tech spells...
d20 modern players companion
and others
check out DRAGONSTAR
tech levels for weapons and armors are determined by the GM/DM when deemed
a specific type of armor or weapon does not need to always be of same tech
it can depend on the specific weapon.
An armor of a higher tech level ignores all damage from a weapon of a lower tech
where deemed appropiate by the GM/DM ?
A weapon of a higher tech level ignores all protection from an armor of a lower
tech level
where deemed appropiate by the GM/DM ?
The Equipment chapter has an extensive list of items Adventurers can purchase
but all
GIIA Adventurers are assumed to begin the game with the following:
Clothes they wear and a set of spares.
Some personal mementoes, good-luck charms, talismans or similar.
A weeks worth of food, either fresh or preserved.
A communicator
A GIIA badge
A GIIA armor
(unknown tech level, MACO Tactical Body Armor, Light,
AC 1, DR 3, AC PENALTY 0, MAX DEX 8, WEIGHT 15 lb)
Side 1

A service pistol (las pistol, GIIA service weapon (2d6 until upgraded))
A PERSONAL WEAPON (see below for details)
each charecter may select two items from the following list...
tricorder (see PDF)
Nanotech Macrocrowbar?
??? itS A GIANT CROWBAR made of itty bitty little robots
Singularity Multiwrench?, I keep trying to fold out the extra features
but it just remains a seemingly useless bar
Quantum Screwdriver?, the upgrade of the Sonic Screwdriver
Atomic Spanner?
Cyberspatial Hammer?
Cybernetic Lever?
Hypercyclic Lathe?
Magnetic Awl?
Warp Crowbar? - For prying objects out of our dimension!
Microchisel? - For REALLY tiny sculptures.
Aerostapler? - Keeps your oxygen neatly together.
Nanomallet? - To help with the Microchisel.
Cryptoadaptable Spanner? - Nobody knows how to work it
Vortex Grinder? - Gotta have a smooth vortex!
Chronoconfigurable Grinder? - The only grinder with a clock!
Computerized Metavise? - Bad product reviews killed it, but it won an award
(posthumously) for its name
Singularity Hammer & Singularity Screwdriver? - Because a loose singularity
is a sloppy singularity
I just have to use my Laser Spanner, then I will use the Hyperchisel?
Atomic Crowbar? -Stealing radioactive stuff.
Catalytic Grinder? -Grinds catalysts
Dimensional Bioniwrench? - When you need to wrench something in other dimensions
without your limbs.
Dynavariable File? -Well, it's variable.
Energized Lever? -In other words, electric.
Energy Atomiscrewdriver? -Your hand will go through it AND pick up radiation!
Energy Awl? -For making holes in energy.
Chronoscrewdriver? - Screws you across time!
Side 2

Sonic pliers?
Magnetized Screwdriver?, Essential.
Omnidimensional Mallet?, for those tricky multidimensional nails.
Laser Sander?, Seems unsafe but fun!
Singularity Stapler?, the best stapler ever.
Autoadaptable Hammer?, I don't know what it is, so I'll figure it out before I
hit it.
Dimensional Lever?: Interesting...
Cybercrowbar? It's what the Cybermen use to break into ATMs &
it helps get things unstuck on your computer
Hyperchisel?: I don't see how this is useful...
Omniconfigurable File?: Yes!
Ionic Screwdriver?: More yes!
Sonic Wrench?...close enough!
Antimatter Stapler? That could be used as a weapon.
Dimensional Saw? black hole seal of approval.
Maser Chisel? -Yep, you can chisel things AND blow burning holes in them!
Maser Pliers? -Pretty much same as above.
Nuclear Autosander? -Wow, that's some power autosanding there!
Parastabilized Wrench? -On-the-job stabilizing.
Retroenergetic File? -Hmmm, when does it run out of energy again?
Retrospanner? -It just keeps spanning!
Ultrasonic Screwdriver? -Watch out Who, the Sonic Screwdriver just got Ultra.
Zero-gravity Saw? -For sawing things in zero gravity.
hyper spanner ?
Diagnostic Computer Figure
Opening Lid
Movable Handle
Fusion Generator Figure
2 Parented Energy Cell Props
Movable Handle
GyroTorque Blower Figure
Rotating Fan
Movable Handle
Spatial Processor Figure
Movable Handle
Thermal Monitor Figure
Movable Handle
Tool Cart Figure
Movable Drawer
Work Bench Figure
2 Movable Doors
Side 3

Movable Drawer
Loaded Tool Cart Figure
Loads Up With Other Props and Figures Parented
Loaded Work Bench Figure
Loads Up With Other Props and Figures Parented
All Tool Props Have Left and Right Hand Parented Versions For M4 and V4
Laser Cutter Prop
Parented Energy Cell Prop
Beam Length Morph
Maser Drill Prop
Parented Energy Cell Prop
Beam Length Morph
Beam Diameter Morph
Plasma Welder Prop
Parented Fuel Tank Prop
Flame On Morph
MultiSpanner Prop
Extend Morph
Open/Close Morph
ExoHammer Prop
Extend Morph
Titanium Crowbar Prop
Titanium Axe Prop
Quantum Scanner Prop
Spec Analyzer Prop
DataPad Prop
Energy Cell Prop
Fuel Bottle Prop
jump pack
sonic screw driver
motion detector/auspex
wearable tardis watch
wearable holodeck helmet
transformer car
delorean time machine car
marvin robot
iron man suit
ispy contact lenses
multi googles (heat, x-ray, monocular, ?)
neurolyzer (MIB)
neural computer interface
G-One suit
Magnetic boots
Flying boots
Side 4

Jumping Boots


ghostbuster gear
point of view gun
electronic thumb
teleporter bracelet
point of view gun (can be fired once each day until upgraded)
alien pulse rifle
google glass
air touch tech
non lethal sonic paralyzer
non lethal sonic tank
junkyard to multi million dollar small to giant robots
suiside booths

Magic Towel
(Purchase DC: 5)
"A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar
hitch hiker can have. Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it
around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can
lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V,
inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under
it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use
it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy river Moth; wet it for use
in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious
fumes or to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter
Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly stupid
animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush,
but very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal,
and of course dry yourself off with
it if it still seems to be clean enough."
When used as a cloak, a towel grants
a +2 competence bonus on fortitude saving throws made to resist cold
Side 5

It can also have the same effect
as a bedroll. When used as a part of a raft, given adequate wind, taht raft
a speed of 20 feet in the same direction of the wind or deviating from it
When used to filter dangerous
noxious gases, a towel allows its user to breath comfortable for 1D12 rounds,
which the user must make saves as normal. It allows its user to breath
comfortably in
mild noxious gases
When wetted and used as a weapon, the towel is exotic, but can be wielded
as a simple weapon. A towel-wielder with its exotic weapon proficiency gets a +2
bonus on opposed rolls
for trip and disarm checks. The towel deals 1D4 nonlethal damage, and deals no
to foes with natural, medium, or heavy armor, and deals 1D6 nonlethal damage
instead and
doesn't need the towel
to be wet to use it. ADDED: The towel grants a +2 equipment bonus on bluff and
checks made to purchase any supplies that the hitchiker just "happened to
Also add a +2 to diplomacy checks because if anyone see you with your towel
they will be extra friendly.
Also this magic towel grants the Prepared for Anything FEAT...
(FEAT) Prepared for Anything
You are proficient with a towel. You always have a towel with you.
Benefit: You are able to use a towel for any of the following:
1. Keep your head warm while traveling the moons of Jaglan Beta or other places.
2. Lie on the beautiful beaches of Santraginus V or other beaches.
3. Sleep in the deserts of Kakrafoon or other deserts.
4. Create a sail and ride a mini-raft on the rivers of Moth or other rivers.
5. Use it in unarmed combat.
6. Protect yourself from the awful fumes of a Bugblatter Beast and other awful
fumes and smells.
7. Wave the towel as a distress signal.
8. Dry yourself off.
The Importance of Towels. Towels are vastly important to any hitchhiker. When a
Hitchhiker would suffer negative effects from anything but is wearing a towel
draped over
their head so that they can't see, the GM rolls 1d20, and consults the table
01-06 All ill effects are negated
07-11 All ill effects are halved
12-13 All ill effects are normal
14-17 All ill effects are increased by half
18-20 All ill effects are doubled.
Side 6

As you see, having a towel over your head is not always the best of ideas,
but is is a lot of the time.
Point of View Gun
The Point of View Gun is a device created by Douglas Adams for the movie
version[3] of
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; it does not appear in any of the previous
of the story.[4]
According to the film, the gun was created by Deep Thought prior to its long
of the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. When used on someone, it
will cause
them to see things from the point of view of the person firing the gun (the
says that it "conveniently, does precisely as its name suggests"). According to
the Guide,
though the gun was designed by Deep Thought, it was commissioned by the
Intergalactic Consortium of Angry Housewives, who were
tired of ending every argument with their husbands with the
phrase: "You just don't get it, do you?"
This neatly mirrors the Total Perspective Vortex, an earlier plot device from
the radio
series and second novel, created by the character Trin Tragula to show his wife
whole infinity of creation and herself in relation to it.
Humma Kavula wants to obtain the gun in order to expand the influence of the
he heads. He agrees to trade it with Zaphod Beeblebrox for the coordinates to
but takes Zaphod's second head as collateral instead, as Zaphod doesn't have the
at the time. When the gun is discovered inside Deep Thought, it is playfully
used by
Ford Prefect and Zaphod on one another, and eventually taken by Trillian who,
answers from Zaphod about Earth's destruction, uses it to interrogate him until
does so (In the movie adaptation, Zaphod authorised the destruction of Earth,
thinking he was simply being asked for his autograph for a fan, and was
unaware why Trillian was angry with him when she discovered this revelation).
Following this,
Zaphod threatens to fire the gun at Trillian, to which she scathingly replies
that she is "already a woman" (implying that the gun only works on men, mainly
it was commissioned specifically by housewives, but also because women are
and thoughtful of others, and therefore can already see things from another's
point of view).
Near the end of the film, Marvin the Paranoid Android uses the gun to save the
crew of the
Heart of Gold from hundreds of Vogons. After the Vogons see things from
Marvin's chronically-depressed point of view, they all collapse, no longer
finding a point to life.
There are seven holsters for Point of View Guns inside Deep Thought, but only
one actual gun.
The rest of the holsters are empty. At the end of the movie Arthur Dent
Side 7

the gun, and Zaphod has not yet turned the gun over to Humma Kavula.

Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster

When this potion is drunk you take 3d10 points of temporary intelligence damage,
3d10 points of temporary wisdom damage, and 3d10 points of temporary charisma
When you come to you must make a will save or feel like your brain has been
out with a slice of lemon...
wrapped around a large gold brick.
The Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy also
mentions alcohol.
It says that the best drink in existence is the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.
It says that the effect of drinking a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster is like having
your brains smashed out by a slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick.
"The guide also tells you on which planets the best Pan Galactic Gargleblaster
are mixed, how much you can expect to pay for one and what voluntary
organizations exist
to help you rehabilitate afterwards."
Upon consuming a Pan Galactic gargleblaster,
a character must make a Fort check (DC 30) or find himself inebriated
within 2d10 minutes + his Con bonus.
Int, Wis and Dex are decreased by 2d6 points (any of these abilities dropping
below 0 results in passing out for 4d20+20 hours).
Con is then reduced to 3. Sobriety returns after 4d20+20 hours.
Ability damage to Int, Wis, and Dex returns with sobriety,
though the Con damage must be regained at the same rate as standard ability
While inebriated, the character must make a Will check (DC 20) or
make ill-conceived provocative suggestions towards members of the preferred
desireable sex.
Passes are made in the form of a contested Diplomacy check.
Checking into a facility that will help you rehabilitate allows the affected
to regain Con damage at twice the usual rate.

Ju-Janta Superchromatic Peril-Sensetive Sunglasses

These black glasses grant immunity to fear. Any time you would be targeted with
a fear
effect the glasses turn totally black and thus prevent you from seeing
anything that might alarm you. While the glasses are black you are treated as if
you were blind.
guide to the galaxy
Side 8

One idea was to great the guide, and let it basically grant you a +10 to all
checks and you can refer to it when you need help (DM's advice basically),
BUT the catch was the you had to make a wisdom check whenever
you wanted to use it to see if you could even under
what the guide was telling you. Critical Success ment the guide was the
perfect help, success just ment it helped you out like always,
failure ment you couldn't understand it at all, and a
Critical failure ment you thought you understood it but you really didn't.
bender robot
psychic paper
tron laser transform being between bits and atoms
enlarge and schrink machine
servo skull
jump pack
maser (laser variant, electromagnetic waves)
neurophone (direct neurolink for all a/V, uses users ears and eyes for 2D and 3D
could work also as auspex, holo deck, pad, smartphone, guide to the galaxy etc
gun sword
kombi klaw
light saber
While not as clumsy or as random as a blaster, the lightsaber from the Star Wars
universe can only
be wielded properly by a Jedi or a Sith. These hand-held weapons produce a beam
of energy
which can cut through almost any material. While the limited range of a sword
may be a disadvantage,
the innate skill of a Force-user makes it a deadly weapon. The beam can deflect
fire or reflect it back at an attacker. If the wielder is sufficiently
flamboyant they may ever throw the
lightsaber like a deadly boomerang. The lightsaber has become iconic as the
weapon of science fiction.
gunsword (revolver and short sword various versions exists in final fantasy)
gunsword (rifle and twin-blade long sword)
gunsword (flamer and sword from Devil May Cry)
ZF-1 Gun
The Fifth Element, directed by Luc Besson, is one of the most sumptuously
designed science fiction films
ever made. While the film contains many aliens and strange technologies, the
ZF-1 gun is pure human
ingenuity. It is a weapon for a person who cannot choose weapons. The ZF-1s
most impressive
feature is the ability to fire a tracer round into a target, after which every
bullet which
Side 9

the gun fires (no matter in what direction) will hit the first target. If that
is not sufficiently
impressive the gun can also fire poison gas arrows, a net, a flame thrower and
freezing gas.
bone gun
A weapon designed by David Cronenberg was always going to be bizarre and the
bone gun does not disappoint.
The bone gun is central to the plot of the film eXistenZ. The gun is made from a
mass of bone and flesh
and, when shot, fires not bullets but human teeth. The gun, being organic, can
be taken
through metal detectors and so is the perfect assassination tool.
Only a mind as playfully warped could come up with a weapon as surreal and
psychologically button-pushing as
this piece of osseous ordnance from 1997s eXistenZ.
The fact that the film's set in a virtual videogame world almost
indistinguishable from the real thing gives
Cronenberg's imagination free reign, but where on Earth did he get the idea for
a gun made of bone that
fires teeth as bullets? The mind boggles.
The bone gun is unforgettable, its unexpected power hideous.
Read more:
proton pack
The Proton Pack from Ghostbusters is the weapon for people who grew up in the
1980s. The weapon fires a beam of
energy at ghosts that weakens them sufficiently to be captured. The Proton Pack
has one major drawback;
the streams of energy should on no account be crossed. If this happens It would
be bad
Try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and every
molecule in your body exploding
at the speed of light. Although when we do see the streams cross in the second
film very
few molecules appear to explode.
M41-A pulse rifle - Aliens
After the largely weapon-free Alien, James Cameron packed his film with a
gigantic arsenal of military hardware
in the 1986 sequel, Aliens, switching genres from predatory horror to gung-ho
war film.
Cameron, therefore, builds tension, not via a haunted house atmosphere, as
director Ridley Scott had done in
its predecessor, but by demonstrating just how hopeless the humans' weapons are
in the
face of an enemy that is fearless and seemingly infinite in number.
Nevertheless, there's something effortlessly cool about the weaponry on display
in Aliens, and Cameron displays
the same affinity and adoration for military hardware that he displayed in The
and even Avatar, with its flying ironclads and knife-wielding mecha.
The best weapon of the lot is surely the M41-A pulse rifle, an instantly
recognisable piece of weaponry with a
built-in grenade launcher that was created by combining parts from a Thompson
M1A1 machine gun,
Side 10

a SPAS 12 shotgun, and a Remington 870 shotgun.
The enduring popularity of the weapon (replicas are readily available from
online shops even twenty-five years later)
is further proof that the pulse rifle remains one of the greatest weapons in
sci-fi movie history.
Read more:
Tesla rifle - District 9
Critics seem divided over whether the second half of Neill Blomkamp's District 9
is a disappointing descent into
mindless violence after such an intelligent build-up, or whether it's a natural
release of
narrative energy following the climbing tension of the first half. Personally, I
loved the film's
unapologetically messy climax, which saw anti-hero Wikus go
on a rampage in an armoured battle suit, and best of all, the startling Tesla
This ridiculously powerful piece of ordnance may look as though it's been
cobbled together from leftover motorcycle
parts, but it's capable of blowing people to smithereens with a chuckle-inducing
Was Blomkamp's inclusion of this weapon due to his frustration at not being able
to make a Halo feature, which would
have been less bloody, but undoubtedly as full of similarly exotic guns?
It's possible. At any rate, the devastating Tesla rifle, and the insane effects
it has on the things that get in its way,
ranks among the most memorable sci-fi weapons of the last decade.
Read more:
The Auto-9 - RoboCop
I was only 12 years old when I first saw RoboCop - far too young to be watching
such a horrendously violent movie.
Even now, I can remember the hackle-raising thrill I experienced when I first
saw the titular law enforcer
deploy his gun from his right leg and open fire at a moving paper target.
Capable of firing what appears to be several dozen rounds per second, the
Auto-9, as it was called in the
film's script, made a horrendous mess of paper targets and bad guys alike.
Apparently based on the real-world Beretta M93R, the gun was modified to look
bulkier and more substantial in
RoboCop's metallic hands.
Like all the great cinematic cowboys, RoboCop seldom misses and never reloads,
and his Auto-9, thanks to its
distinctive shape and unforgettable sound, is among the most memorable weapons
in sci-fi.
Read more:
Starship Troopers
Side 11

Rocket-propelled grenades are all fine and well, but what if you're staring down
a nest full of gigantic space bugs
who want nothing more than to rip the flesh from your bones? Then you upgrade to
the mini-nuke.
This handy little device looks like any old RPG launcher, but it packs enough
wallop to bring down a
mountain. Suddenly being front-line infantry doesn't seem so bad.
District 9
Of the many excellent aspects of Neill Blomkamp's alien refugee tale District 9,
the otherworldy weaponry is certainly
up near the top of the list. And the concept that only the aliens themselves can
these guns is pretty interesting too, especially when one of our own -- poor old
Wikus van der Merwe -begins to morph into an alien. Suddenly, he's got the power. The power to blow
the hell out of crap in gruesome, sci-fi fashion.
The trademark weapon of the COG military, the Lancer is a fully automatic
assault rifle thats perfect for short-to-mid-range
combat. Its chainsaw bayonet is a powerful melee weapon that takes out most
in a single blow. New uses for the Lancer continue to emerge, with recent
reports of chainsaw duels, which combine
the chainsaw attack with traditional sword fighting. It can also be used to cut
a path through overgrown areas. ccncc
TriForce proudly presents the officially licensed Gears of War 2 Lancer Assault
Rifle, intricately sculpted by Erick Sosa,
art director of TriForce, and paint-mastered by highly respected industry
Paul Komoda. The end result is the most authentic trademark weapon of the COG
military brought to life!
The Lancer Assault Rifle is hand-finished and hand-painted to precision quality.
Intricately crafted and cast in polystone, it stands a massive 40" in length and
weighs in at 15 pounds! Own this authentic
piece of videogame history as part of a Limited Edition of 500 pieces worldwide.
- See more at:
Thinking Cap: Powered by lemon juice, this device gives its wearer +1d3+1 to
intelligence and wisdom for ten minutes for
every half lemon inserted into the juicer on the top of the helmet.
Kill-O-Zap Light Pistol : damage 1d10 Electric, range increment 50', crit x2,
gets 50 shots from an energy cell.
Kill-O-Zap Heavy Pistol : damage 1d12 Electric, range increment 70', crit x2,
gets 40 shots from an energy cell.
Kill-O-Zap Rifle
19-20/x2, gets 30 shots

: damage 2d8 Electric, range increment 90', crit

from an energy cell.

Kill-O-Zap Blaster Cannon: damage 3d6, range increment 110', crit 19-20/x2, gets
20 shots from an energy cell.

Side 12

Metallostabilized Crowbar?
Nuclear Awl?
Particle Crowbar?
Quantum Chisel?
Resonating Pyrovise?
Ultrasonic Clamp?
Virtual Awl?
Warp Hammer?
Warp Screwdriver?
MULTI GOOGLES (heat, x-ray, zoom, google-glass)
electronic thumb
sonic screwdriver MARK I
Thinking Cap MARK I (Powered by lemon juice, this device gives its
wearer +1d3+1 to intelligence and wisdom for ten minutes
for every half lemon inserted into the juicer on the top of
the helmet.
Because of the insane workings of this device then for each
day you may only use one full lemon.)
point of view gun (can be fired once each day until upgraded, instantly changes
targets alignment and/or
attitude if target is male)
psychic paper
neurolyzer MARK I (from MIB, can be used once each day until upgraded, used with
motion detector / auspex
tablet / padd
ispy contact lenses
magnetic boots
guide to the galaxy
One idea was to great the guide, and let it basically grant you a +10
to all knowledge checks and you can refer to it
when you need help (DM's advice basically), BUT the catch was the you had to
a wisdom check whenever you wanted to use it to see
if you could even under what the guide was telling you.
Critical Success ment the guide was the perfect help, success just ment
it helped you out like always, failure ment you couldn't understand it at all,
and a Critical failure ment you thought you
Side 13

understood it but you really didn't.
flying boots
personal teleporter (15ft 1/day)
Holo-Camera (ST:TNG 2D/3D pictures/videos)
Ju-Janta Superchromatic Peril-Sensetive Sunglasses (from THHGTTG, used with
These black glasses grant immunity to fear. Any time you would be
targeted with a fear effect the glasses turn totally
black and thus prevent you from seeing anything that might alarm you.
While the glasses are black you are treated as if you were blind.
magic towel
"A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar
hitch hiker can have.
Partly it has great practical value - you can wrap it around you for warmth as
you bound across
the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded
beaches of Santraginus V,
inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which
shine so redly
on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a mini raft down the slow heavy
river Moth;
wet it for use in hand-to- hand-combat; wrap it round your head to ward off
noxious fumes or
to avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mindboggingly
stupid animal, it assumes
that if you can't see it, it can't see you - daft as a bush, but very ravenous);
you can wave your
towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course dry yourself off with
it if it still
seems to be clean enough."
When used as a cloak, a towel grants a +2 competence bonus on fortitude
saving throws made to resist cold temperatures. It can also have the same effect
as a bedroll.
When used as a part of a raft, given adequate wind, taht raft gains a speed of
20 feet in the
same direction of the wind or deviating from it diagonally. When used to filter
dangerous noxious gases,
a towel allows its user to breath comfortable for 1D12 rounds, after which the
user must make
saves as normal. It allows its user to breath comfortably in mild noxious gases
When wetted and used as a weapon, the towel is exotic, but can be wielded as a
simple weapon.
A towel-wielder with its exotic weapon proficiency gets a +2 equipment bonus on
opposed rolls for trip
and disarm checks. The towel deals 1D4 nonlethal damage, and deals no damage to
foes with natural,
medium, or heavy armor, and deals 1D6 nonlethal damage instead and doesn't need
the towel
to be wet to use it. ADDED: The towel grants a +2 equipment bonus on bluff and
diplomacy checks
made to purchase any supplies that the hitchiker just "happened to forget." Also
add a +2 to diplomacy
checks because if anyone see you with your towel they will be extra friendly.
Also this magic towel grants the Prepared for Anything FEAT...
Side 14

(FEAT) Prepared for Anything


You are proficient with a towel. You always have a towel with you.
Benefit: You are able to use a towel for any of the following:
1. Keep your head warm while traveling the moons of Jaglan Beta or other places.
2. Lie on the beautiful beaches of Santraginus V or other beaches.
3. Sleep in the deserts of Kakrafoon or other deserts.
4. Create a sail and ride a mini-raft on the rivers of Moth or other rivers.
5. Use it in unarmed combat.
6. Protect yourself from the awful fumes of a Bugblatter Beast and other awful
fumes and smells.
7. Wave the towel as a distress signal.
8. Dry yourself off.
The Importance of Towels. Towels are vastly important to any hitchhiker. When a
Hitchhiker would
suffer negative effects from anything but is wearing a towel draped over their
head so that they
can't see, the GM rolls 1d20, and consults the table below:
01-06 All ill effects are negated
07-11 All ill effects are halved
12-13 All ill effects are normal
14-17 All ill effects are increased by half
18-20 All ill effects are doubled.
As you see, having a towel over your head is not always the best of ideas, but
is is a lot of the time.
non lethal sonic paralyzer?
servo skull?
jump pack?
gravitic caliper
A gravitic caliper was a type of engineering tool used aboard Federation
starships in the late 24th century.
It uses an effect of gravity, and provides a more precise adjustment to a plasma
flow than a duotronic probe,
as pointed out by Vorik in a
conversation with B'Elanna Torres in 2373. (VOY: "Fair Trade")
graviton emitter
A graviton emitter was a device capable of producing and directing an energy
form with gravitational properties.
In 2369, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D used their graviton emitters to to
neutralize tetryon
emissions being transmitted through a spatial rupture from a tertiary subspace
Side 15

manifold. Although a group of
aliens on the other side of the rupture were temporarily successful in
counteracting the
pulses, Lieutenant Commander Geordi La Forge managed to program the emitters for
a full-spectrum pulse compression,
and was able to close the rupture. (TNG: "Schisms")
In 2373, the crew of the USS Defiant utilized a phase-conjugate graviton emitter
in their tractor
beam when retrieving a crashed Jem'Hadar fighter from Torga IV. (DS9: "The
Later that year, the crew of Deep Space 9 utilized the station's graviton
emitters to fire
a phase-conjugate graviton beam at the Bajoran wormhole in an attempt to seal
the wormhole and prevent a
Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. The beam was meant to collapse the
wormhole's spatial
matrix and close it forever, but due to sabotage to the emitters by a
Changeling disguised as Doctor Julian Bashir,
the beam had the exact opposite effect, making the matrix even more stable.
(DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow", "By Inferno's Light")
The same year, Arissa, a visitor to Deep Space 9, pointed out to Quark that an
individual on
the upper level of his bar was utilizing a small graviton emitter hidden in his
ring to manipulate Quark's dabo
table, helping an associate to cheat at the game. (DS9: "A Simple
phase decompiler
A phase decompiler was a Starfleet engineering tool.
Chief Miles O'Brien used a phase decompiler while working on the plasma
distribution manifold
system on Deep Space 9 in 2373. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
phase coil resonator
A phase coil resonator is a type of engineering tool.
In 2370, Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres used one while trying to construct a
Automated Personnel Unit. (VOY: "Prototype")
phase compensator
A phase compensator can refer to an engineering tool or a component on
Federation starships
such as the Intrepid-class. They were also used by the Klingon Empire.
A phase compensator was one component of the plasma manifold aboard a Klingon
(DS9: "Return to Grace")
During the USS Voyager's maintenance overhaul in 2377, Lieutenant B'Elanna
Torres ordered that
a new phase compensator be installed on a relay. (VOY: "Nightingale")
Later that year, when Voyager was trapped in the Void, Captain Kathryn Janeway
gave Seven of
Nine's favorite phase compensator to the Nygeans, so that they could repair
their sensor array.
(VOY: "The Void")
phase decompiler
A phase decompiler was a Starfleet engineering tool.
Chief Miles O'Brien used a phase decompiler while working on the plasma
distribution manifold
system on Deep Space 9 in 2373. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
Side 16

phase modulator


A phase modulator was also a type of engineering tool. In 2374, Lieutenant

Commander Tuvok
used a phase modulator when preparing a gravimetric torpedo for the enactment of
Omega Directive. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
Phaser bore
A phaser bore
Phaser bore was a 23rd century Starfleet tool, which utilized a type of cutter
to bore through up to twenty meters of rock per minute.
Captain James T. Kirk requested a phaser bore in his rescue attempt of
Lieutenant Uhura
from the Shore Leave Planet in 2269. The planet, however, erected an electronic
shield preventing
transport of the device to the surface. (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet")
phaser drill
During the 24th century, a phaser drilling tool was used to drill a tunnel
several meters of rock in seconds. (VOY: "Once Upon a Time")
A phaser drill was a device employing phaser technology to drill holes
into rock formations or a planet's mantle.
The ship's phasers of the USS Enterprise-D were used as a phaser drill to bore
into the mantle of Penthara IV to release carbon dioxide located in
subterranean pockets. The tectonic stability of the planet was
overestimated, however, and the drilling caused massive
earthquakes and volcanic outbreaks. (TNG: "A Matter of Time")
Commander Chakotay employed phaser drills to free the Delta Flyer from a rock
(VOY: "Once Upon a Time")
photonic field generator
A photonic field generator was a device capable of generating
and sustaining holographic projections over a large area.
The group of renegade holograms led by Iden utilized a photonic field generator
in 2377
to create the illusion of a damaged ship, used as a decoy to lure a Hirogen
vessel into close
proximity, and then setting off an explosion to damage it. Iden later convinced
B'Elanna Torres, chief engineer
of the USS Voyager, to begin modifications on the generator to allow it to
support the holomatrices
of the entire holographic crew, so they could deploy a series of them on a
Y-class world
and establish a colony. Although initially reluctant, B'Elanna began working
with Kejal,
Iden's engineer, to make various adjustments, including increasing the optronic
successfully adjusting it to support the holograms.
Later, when Iden had the generator beamed to the surface of the planet so he and
his crew
could hunt a Hirogen crew, B'Elanna and Kejal shut down the holograms and
activated The Doctor's program, so he could stop Iden, who was using The
Doctor's mobile emitter,
from murdering a defenseless Hirogen. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")
plasma extinguisher
A plasma extinguisher was a hand-held instrument utilized aboard Starfleet
vessels to fight plasma fires.
In 2373 aboard the USS Voyager, a holographic version of a plasma extinguisher
Side 17

was created
for Tom Paris and Tuvok to extinguish a plasma fire while they were attempting
to escape from the
Insurrection Alpha program. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario")
A hyperspanner was an adaptable multipurpose engineering tool carried aboard
starships. One of
its many uses included repairing communication systems, relinking and
bypassing the circuit boards of electrical systems.
Hyperspanners did not need external power sources as they had their own internal
power source.
Cpt. Archer used a modified hyperspanner power source with Reed's guidance to
bypass a Romulan
mine trigger mechanism that threatened to destroy the enterprise (ENT:
While exploring a 31st century time-pod, Commander Tucker and Reed discovered an
access tunnel
that seemed to drop several dozen feet, much more than the size of the pod would
allow under normal
circumstances. To prove it wasn't a hologram of some kind, he dropped a
hyperspanner down it.
After it hit the bottom, he used it as an excuse to go down and retrieve it.
(ENT: "Future Tense")
When Osaarian pirates snuck aboard the Enterprise NX-01 while traversing the
Delphic Expanse,
Chief Engineer Trip Tucker picked up a hyperspanner from atop the warp reactor
and attacked an
intruder, knocking him out cold. (ENT: "Anomaly")
In December 2153, Malcolm Reed used a hyperspanner to repair relays in the
armory after
spatial anomalies caused extensive damage to Enterprise, and Andorian Imperial
Guard Lieutenant
Talas expressed her own opinion on the efficiency of the tool. (ENT: "Proving
In 2373, Chakotay used a hyperspanner to repair the communications
systems aboard a shuttlecraft. (VOY: "Unity")
Also that year, Miles O'Brien asked Nog to hand him a
hyperspanner to repair a damaged conduit. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
In 2374, while trapped in a restrictive environmental suit, B'Elanna Torres said
that it
would be much easier to interplex the comm systems in
it if she had a hyperspanner. (VOY: "Day of Honor")
In Quarren's apocryphal holoprogram The Voyager Encounter, Harry Kim was willing
beat information out of a Kyrian prisoner with a hyperspanner. (VOY: "Living
In 2377, Kim borrowed a hyperspanner from Torres and Tom Paris,
his opponents in the Antarian Trans-stell
ar Rally, shortly before the race resumed. (VOY: "Drive")
Soon after, Torres claimed that "gene resequencing
is a tool, like a hyperspanner", as
her rationale for removing Klingon DNA from her unborn daughter. (VOY:
Later that year, The Doctor created a holonovel, Photons Be Free, that portrays
underappreciated holographic doctor who is belittled and
oppressed by his crew. In the story, B'Elanna Torres' counterpart, "Torrey,"
openly proclaims to the protagonist that he is
merely a tool, comparing him to a hyperspanner. (VOY: "Author, Author")
pulse drill?
interphasic coil spanner
An interphasic coil spanner was a type of coil spanner
commonly used by engineers during the 24th century.
Side 18

After spending twenty subjective years in an Argrathi prison,
Miles O'Brien worked with Jake Sisko in retraining his engineering skills,
so as to not embarrass himself in front of the repair crews,
by reviewing various engineering tools in the cargo bay. Among the tools he
recognized include an interphasic coil spanner, an ODN recoupler,
and with a bit more difficulty, a quantum flux regulator, Mark III. (DS9: "Hard
interphasic compensator
An interphasic compensator was a Starfleet engineering tool used for realigning
warp coils.
In 2372, when the USS Defiant's warp core experienced a power surge, Benjamin
Sisko utilized
this tool to prevent a reactor breach by shunting the excess power through the
navigational deflector.
(DS9: "The Visitor")
interphasic scanner
An interphasic scanner, or simply IP scanner, was a sensor device used aboard
Starfleet vessels
in the 24th century, for use in detecting objects which existed
in a state outside normal visual and sensor acuity.
In 2370, Doctor Beverly Crusher used a handheld IP scanner to reveal an
infestation of
interphasic organisms aboard the USS Enterprise-D. Later, Lieutenant Worf used
IP scanner to inspect the area around the Enterprise in an attempt to find more
evidence of the organisms.
(TNG: "Phantasms")
isolinear spanner
An isolinear spanner was an engineering tool.
Lieutenant William Chapman was working with an isolinear spanner on USS Voyager
in 2375.
(VOY: "Someone to Watch Over Me")
quantum flux regulator
A quantum flux regulator was a type of 24th century engineering tool.
After spending twenty subjective years in an Argrathi prison, Miles O'Brien
worked with
Jake Sisko in retraining his engineering skills, so as to not embarrass himself
in front of the repair
crews, by reviewing various engineering tools in the cargo bay.
Among the tools he recognized were an interphasic coil spanner, an ODN
and with a bit more difficult, a quantum flux regulator, Mark III. (DS9: "Hard
A chronometer is a device used to keep track of time. Starships measure the
passage of time
when they traverse the space-time continuum other than Albert Einstein's proper
time by use of chronometers.
(TOS: "The Naked Time", "Tomorrow is Yesterday", "The Mark of Gideon")
On occasion, starships may need to reset the on-board chronometer, at which time
Federation time beacon may be consulted. (TNG: "Cause and Effect")
coil scanner
A coil scanner was a type of hand-held sensor used by Starfleet. It could be
Side 19

to detect the quantum resonance oscillator inside a transporter module.
In 2372, the crew of the USS Voyager used a coil scanner to search for a
transporter module stolen by Seska. (VOY: "Maneuvers")
coil spanner
A coil spanner was an engineering tool with various uses. One variant of this
technology was the interphasic coil spanner. (DS9: "Hard Time")
In 2372, Lon Suder murdered fellow USS Voyager crewman Frank Darwin by striking
him in the back of the head with a two-kilogram coil spanner. (VOY: "Meld")
Chief O'Brien asked Worf to give him the coil spanner when he repaired a console
in Ops. (DS9: "Bar Association")
On a salvage mission to Empok Nor in 2373, Boq'ta asked Amaro to retrieve a coil
spanner so he could loosen a bolt. Amaro returned with a flux coupler instead,
to find Boq'ta killed by a Cardassian soldier. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
On Enterprise NX-01, Lorian used a coil spanner to make adjustments
to a plasma injector. (ENT: "E")
In 2375, Ezri Dax used a coil spanner to tune a phase amplifier
on AR-558. (DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")
laser drill
A laser drill was an excavation tool used in terraforming and mining. Large
versions incorporated an operating console and a laser, usually positioned
During a terraforming operation on Velara III in 2364, the laser drill killed
the hydraulics engineer, Arthur Malencon, and almost
destroyed Lieutenant Commander Data when he was investigating Arthur's murder.
It was found that the drill was being controlled by the
microbrains. (TNG: "Home Soil")
Neelix brought a portable laser drill with him on a mission to mine
gallicite on the Sakari planet in 2373. (VOY: "Blood Fever")
laser micrometer
A laser micrometer was a specialized instrument used for non-contact measurement
and control in use aboard NX-class starships.
In 2152, a member of Malcolm Reed's security team borrowed Charles Tucker's
laser micrometer and took it to the armory. Tucker later asked Reed to return
(ENT: "Singularity")
laser cutter
modern version of saw

and chainsaw for cutting

radiation meter
A radiation meter is a small hexagonal pin worn by officers serving aboard
Empire starships, used to monitor how much radiation the person absorbs,
usually from the unsafe warp cores used aboard Terran Empire ships.
In 2155 aboard the ISS Enterprise, T'Pol and Commander Tucker were working on
adapting the Suliban cloaking device to operate with Enterprise's systems.
Tucker stopped her when he noticed that she had forgotten to wear a radiation
meter, a safety precaution that he believes
is vital. Trip subsequently orders Crewman Biggs to provide her with one,
so that she did not suffer the adverse effects of delta radiation exposure,
an experience that scarred Tucker for life.
T'Pol ignored the Commander's warnings, but wore the radiation meter anyway.
(ENT: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
sonic driver
A sonic driver was a standard tool used in the Federation during the 2360s.
Side 20

Commander William T. Riker requested a sonic driver from Chief Engineer
Sarah MacDougal to use during their combined attempt to deactivate a force
field that was created by Wesley Crusher in main engineering that
was preventing crew access to vital ship's systems.
(TNG: "The Naked Now")
A magna-spanner was an engineering tool in use since the 2320s.
In 2327, Cortan Zweller used a magna-spanner to manipulate a dom-jot
table to his advantage prior to a game with some Nausicaans. (TNG: "Tapestry")
magnetic probe
A magnetic probe was an engineering instrument that could be used to shut
off the fuel flow in a starship's matter-antimatter reaction chamber.
The polarity of the magnetic probe could be reversed by repositioning
the cap on the end of the handle.
Spock suggested that Montgomery Scott use a magnetic probe, in 2268,
to cut through the magnetic flow in the reaction chamber and shut off
the fuel supplying the matter-antimatter integrator. While performing the task,
Scott expressed concern with the probe not
precisely matching the magnetic flow, which would result in the destruction
of the USS Enterprise. As Scott attempted to disrupt the flow, the magnetic
indicator began to jump, forcing him to ease off.
Spock, coordinating with the ship's computer revealed that the ship, which
had recently been through a molecular transporter, was experiencing an outphase
condition of .0009. Based on this information, Spock was able to determine that
reverse field was needed to
achieve closure, thus requiring Scott to reverse the polarity of the magnetic
probe. In attempting to reverse the cap, and with time running out, Scott found
it to be jammed. He insisted that Spock
initiate the pod jettison system to save the rest of the ship. Spock ignored
the request, and in the last seconds, Scott was able to unjam the probe and
finish the task, successfully putting
the ship back into the corrected phase. (TOS: "That Which Survives")
magneton scanner
A magneton scanner was a 24th century engineering tool that is one of the most
thorough scanning devices aboard Federation starships.
In 2371, Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres used a magneton scan to examine subspace
fractures which were present on a planet in the Delta Quadrant as a result of a
massive polaric ion explosion. The scan results indicated that,
unlike most shock waves which dissipate into the
future, the shock wave from the polaric ion explosion dissipated into the past,
creating subspace fractures which could allow for time travel. The timeline
in which these events took place was later
negated when Captain Janeway managed to change history by ensuring that the
never took place. (VOY: "Time and Again")
Later in 2371, the Voyager crew tried to scan for a non-corporeal alien lifeform
from one crewman to another using a magneton scanner, as Paris suggested it was
the most
thorough scanning device aboard, but it was unsuccessful. (VOY: "Cathexis")
Later that year, Torres suggested to Chell that a magneton scanner would degauss
transporter room in about five minutes; a lot faster than the micro-resonator he
using, but Tuvok told him it would teach him "patience". (VOY: "Learning Curve")
In 2373, when Captain Janeway was near death, she hallucinated that Torres used
Magneton scanner to search for her remaining presence aboard the ship, if there
anyway to help her. But this later turned to be an alien-induced
Side 21

near-death-experience. (VOY: "Coda")
mass spectrometer
A mass spectrometer was a device invented in the 20th century on Earth that was
still used in the 24th century aboard Federation starships, and that could
the mass-to-charge ratio of ions.
When Doctor Beverly Crusher was caught in a warp bubble created by her son, she
imagined Geordi La Forge running a mass spectrometer on all particulates in
where she saw an energy vortex, all to no avail. (TNG: "Remember Me")
When the the dilithium chamber hatch aboard the USS Enterprise-D exploded in
La Forge and Data did mass spectrometer readings of the remains of the hatch to
if a chemical explosive was used, but did not find anything suspicious.
They later, by means of a microtomographic analysis of the dilithium chamber and
hatch mounting, detected sub-micron fractures in the metal casing, a breakdown
in the
atomic cohesive structure. This meant that neutron fatigue caused the explosion,
not sabotage by the Klingon
exobiologist J'Dan, as was originally suspected. (TNG: "The Drumhead")
In 2369, while searching for a cure for the aphasia virus, Dr. Julian Bashir
performed a
mass spectrometry analysis on a patient's tissue, which revealed a slight
abnormality. (DS9: "Babel")
A micro-caliper was a small tool.
While attempting to diffuse the Romulan mine that had attached to Enterprise's
hull in 2152,
Captain Jonathan Archer used a micro-caliper to work on the mine. (ENT:
Also in 2152, Commander Tucker used a micro-caliper to adjust a component on a
31st century
communications beacon. (ENT: "Future Tense")
In 2374, Entharan arms dealer Kovin used a micro-caliper to remove the guidance
system casing
of his particle beam rifle while showing it to Seven of Nine. In Seven's false
memory where he
assaulted her, Kovin used the micro-caliper to remove her ocular implant. (VOY:
micro-optic drill
A micro-optic drill was a small
microscopic sizes
into solid materials.
In 2368, Geordi La Forge hooked
used the two
combined devices to send enough
micro-optic drill to
temporarily plasma-shock Deanna
Ux-Mal criminals.
(TNG: "Power Play")

hand-held device that could drill holes of

up a plasma inverter and a laser scanner and
plasma through a hole, created by means of a
Troi and Miles O'Brien who were taken over by

A micro-resonator was a tool used by Starfleet engineers to degauss relatively
small devices.
For larger objects, a magneton scanner could accomplish the same task.
In 2371, as part of a crash course in Starfleet training, Tuvok had Crewman
Chell degauss the
transporter pad with a micro-resonator to learn "patience". Tuvok estimated it
Side 22

would take approximately
26.3 hours to complete; Torres stated that the magneton scanner would take five
(VOY: "Learning Curve")
microdyne coupler
A microdyne coupler was a device that could be used to delete information on a
leaving little or no trace.
In 2154, Lieutenant Reed used one of these to delete information stored in a
data recorder
which the crew of Enterprise had retrieved from the wreckage of a Rigelian
freighter. Reed's attempt to
erase the information was unsuccessful, leading Captain Archer to learn that the
was holding back important information from the Starfleet crew. (ENT:
In 2375, Kellin told Ezri Dax to get a microdyne coupler and recalibrate a
(DS9: "The Siege of AR-558")
Cutter beam tool
A cutter beam was a hand-held tool that emitted a beam of directed energy which
was used
to perform a cutting function.
A cutter beam was generated by a phaser-like tool used by Starfleet engineers in
the 2260s.
An engineer used such beam to free Scotty from the jammed engineering core hatch
in 2269.
(TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")
A cutting beam was a beam of directed laser energy which was used to perform a
cutting function.
Borg starships were known to have the ability to generate cutting beams of great
strong enough to slice sections of a starship, or even a planet, open with great
In conjunction with the Borg tractor beam, their cutting beams were used to
"scoop" pieces of starships or
cities for assimilation by Borg drones and collectives. (ENT: "Regeneration";
TNG: "Q Who",
"The Best of Both Worlds", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II")
The USS Melbourne's saucer section was destroyed by a Borg cutting beam at the
Battle of Wolf 359.
The USS Saratoga was also hit by a cutting beam, suffering severe damage
resulting in a warp
core breach. (DS9: "Emissary")
A decoupler was a 24th century hand-held tool used for making adjustments to
various pieces of technology.
In 2373, Captain Benjamin Sisko spent three hours with a tricorder and a
decoupler tweaking the
pattern buffers for the replicator systems aboard the USS Defiant in order to
keep himself busy while en
route to Ajilon Prime. When asked by Jadzia Dax if she could borrow his
decoupler to check
that he had the replicator buffers properly synchronized, he told her get her
own, because he was going
to use it to check the sonic shower relays. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the
Desealer/desealing rod
A desealer was a device that could unscramble most locking mechanisms. However,
Side 23

it took some time to do so,
and so one needed to be careful not to get caught while the desealer did its
Quark wanted to use a desealer to open the doors to the chemist's shop when he
and Rom broke in,
but Rom had enough technical expertise that he was able to open them quicker.
This disturbed Quark, who did not
feel that his "idiot" brother could be trusted after seeing such ingenuity.
(DS9: "Necessary Evil")
A desealing rod is a small, hand-held tool used to open locks and deseal doors.
In 2370, Rom used a desealing rod that Nog made to break into the ship's store
on Deep Space 9 and
retrieve a strongbox hidden by Vaatrik during the Cardassian Occupation of
Bajor. Rom was able to deseal the door
in less than ten seconds. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
Devore scanner
The Devore scanner was a scanner used by the Devore species.
It had two prongs on the front, a grill along the rounded bottom edge and a
single screen the holder
could monitor. It was capable of telling whether a person had telepathic
abilities or not, so boarding parties
were often equipped with them. Though this required the scanning of each crewman
individually. (VOY: "Counterpoint")
directional sonic generator
A directional sonic generator was a device capable of producing a wide range of
sound frequencies.
In 2370, Cardassian voles were damaging systems on Deep Space 9. O'Brien planned
to adjust a directional
sonic generator to produce a frequency that would be uncomfortable to vole's
ears and drive them out of hiding,
but decided against it as it would take too long. When Quark complained about
problem, O'Brien demonstrated the directional sonic generator to him, but it
greatly hurt the Ferengi's
highly sensitive ears. (DS9: "Playing God")
dualitic inverter
A dualitic inverter was a piece of engineering equipment used by Starfleet
in the 24th century on Federation starships.
In 2372, Chief Miles O'Brien asked Crewman Janklow to get a dualitic inverter
from the USS Defiant's
cargo bay while the ship was under attack from the Jem'Hadar in the atmosphere
of a gas giant. However,
Janklow was knocked out by a hull breach on deck two of the Defiant. (DS9:
"Starship Down")
duotronic probe
A duotronic probe was an engineering tool used aboard Federation starships to
regulate plasma flow.
However, the gravitic caliper was a more precise instrument. (VOY: "Fair Trade")
EPI capacitor
An EPI capacitor is an energy tool used by Starfleet in the 24th century.
In 2369 Chief Miles O'Brien used such a device to overrun the locked hatch of
the runabout USS Ganges.
The Ganges lost all of its power due to a power failing while on a routine
mission in the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "Q-Less")
Side 24

flux coupler/coordinating sensor
A flux coupler was an engineering tool that looked similar to a coil spanner.
In 2154, while discussing events that had taken place on a version of the
Enterprise NX-01 that had been
thrown back into the past, Subcommander T'Pol asked Commander Charles Tucker III
to hand her a flux coupler. (ENT: "E")
During a salvage mission to Empok Nor in 2373, Elim Garak killed Amaro with a
flux coupler while under the
influence of a psychotropic drug. (DS9: "Empok Nor")
A flux coordinating sensor was a hand-held device consisting of an upper section
readout screen with four
lights on the right and a lower section with ten buttons and five sliders. It
was angled at its mid-point by about 30 degrees.
Wesley Crusher examined such a device in 2364 while in the Starfleet Academy
testing area at the
Relva VII starbase. (TNG: "Coming of Age")
EJ-7 interlock
An EJ-7 interlock is an engineering tool used to access or close panels. It is
made up of tritanium composites.
With an EJ-7 interlock, one could access every critical system on Deep Space 9.
When Miles O'Brien was assisting Neela in repairing a system in Odo's security
office, O'Brien remarked that an
EJ-7 interlock would be required to close the panel they were working on. While
looking for the interlock in his kit,
he realized that it had gone missing. After a search, they found it in an
access tunnel, melted into slag due to exposure to plasma. (DS9: "In the Hands
of the Prophets")
micro-resonator/magneton scanner
A micro-resonator was a tool used by Starfleet engineers to degauss relatively
small devices. For larger objects,
a magneton scanner could accomplish the same task.
In 2371, as part of a crash course in Starfleet training, Tuvok had Crewman
Chell degauss the transporter pad with
a micro-resonator to learn "patience". Tuvok estimated it would take
approximately 26.3 hours to complete;
Torres stated that the magneton scanner would take five minutes. (VOY: "Learning
vidiian scanner
Vidiians had a very sophisticated device which was a combination weapon, medical
scanner and surgical instrument.
With this device, Vidiian organ harvesters would attack a victim who the device
indicated had healthy and
Vidiian-compatible organs or tissues, and transport such bio-material from the
into the transporter device used. The organs were then transplanted into another
Vidiian requiring organ transplants.
They also had force field technologies, including the ability to cloak the
force field as an object, like a rock face. They had an advanced medical
technology, superior to even that of the
Federation, but this was not enough to cure the Phage. Their anti-starship
included hypothermic charges. Vidiians lacked personnel transporter technology
and relied on docking equipment to
capture alien vessels. (VOY: "Deadlock").
advanced lost item scanner
This handheld device was used aboard the USS Enterprise-A in 2393 in an thorough
search of the entire ship in order
to find a pair of gravity boots believed to have been used in the assassination
of Klingon chancellor Gorkon.
Side 25

(Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
personal recorder
During the mid-22nd century, Human journalists might use headsets capable of
recording video to cover events or
perform interviews. (ENT: "Terra Prime")
During the late 23rd century, reporters on location might sport certain tools of
the trade. During the launch
of the USS Enterprise-B in 2293, a number of journalists were present, some with
elaborate headsets which hovered
around people. Others had tricorder-like handheld devices which they pointed
at people talking as if it were a microphone. (Star Trek Generations)
voice duplicating tool
This voice duplicating tool was used by Wesley Crusher in 2364 to get chief
engineer Sarah MacDougal and
assistant chief engineer Jim Shimoda outside of the control booth in main
engineering. The tool duplicated the
voice of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. (TNG: "The Naked Now")
In 2372, after Tom Paris left the USS Voyager and was kidnapped by the
Kazon-Nistrim, Paris used a hacking
tool to access the systems of the raider he was in to determine the identity of
a mole on Voyager. The device
also had an explosive which could be timed. (VOY: "Investigations")
Subspace transmission scrambler
This pen-like engineering tool was used by Nog to scramble the subspace
transmission between himself and
Jake Sisko and the Bajoran Sirco Ch'Ano in 2369. (DS9: "Progress")
ODN recoupler
An ODN recoupler was a 24th century engineering tool that was utilized in the
repair of an optical data network.
After spending twenty subjective years in an Argrathi prison, Miles O'Brien
worked with Jake Sisko in retraining
his engineering skills, so as to not embarrass himself in front of the repair
by reviewing various engineering tools in the cargo bay.
Among the tools he recognized were the interphasic coil spanner, the ODN
recoupler, and with a bit more difficulty,
the quantum flux regulator, Mark III. (DS9: "Hard Time")
When Rom attempted to disable Terok Nor's deflector array, and prevent Damar
from successfully taking down the
minefield blocking the Bajoran wormhole, he needed to cut power to the computer
via access to the central core.
In the final steps of the process he needed to decouple the ODN relays, which
the use an ODN recoupler. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")
optronic coupler
An optronic coupler was a tool used by Starfleet engineers for repairs of
In 2373, Miles O'Brien asked Nog for an optronic coupler while working on the
plasma distribution manifold system
on Deep Space 9, right before asking for the phase decompiler tool. (DS9: "Empok
telepresence unit
A telepresence unit was a device which utilized telepresence to allow a person
Side 26

to safely control a vessel from a
remote location. Telepathy was required to use a telepresence unit, which could
transmit brain wave signals
through many light years in space.
In 2154, the Romulans utilized a telepresence unit to control two Romulan
drone-ships from a command center on Romulus.
The crew of Enterprise also created a telepresence unit to prevent the Romulans
from continuing their attacks
with the prototype drone-ships. Though Commander T'Pol was unsuccessful
in operating the unit, the Aenar Jhamel managed to control the device and was
able to convince her brother,
Gareb (who was controlling the drone-ships,) to stop the attacks. (ENT: "The
T-9 energy converter
A T-9 energy converter was a sensitive piece of equipment used on some remote
Federation outposts.
In 2364, a Ferengi Marauder commanded by DaiMon Tarr stole a T-9 energy
converter from an unmanned
outpost on Gamma Tauri IV. The Starfleet vessel USS Enterprise-D was sent to
pursue the Ferengi ship
and retrieve the stolen equipment. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")
synchronic meter
A synchronic meter was a diagnostic tool used during the 23rd century to
troubleshoot problems with
transporter operations. (TOS: "The Enemy Within")
subspace phase inverter
A subspace phase inverter was an instrument used by Starfleet in the mid-24th
century, known to emit Eichner radiation.
In 2365, when attempting to trace the source of Eichner radiation causing
uncontrolled growth of a sample of
plasma plague on board the USS Enterprise-D, Data suggested that a subspace
phase inverter might be the cause,
but Geordi La Forge dismissed this idea, as the Enterprise was not carrying that
specific piece of technology. (TNG: "The Child")
subnucleonic device
A subnucleonic device was a device of unknown design that could be used to
damage ore processors.
In 2365, a subnucleonic device was used to damage an ore processor on Level 21
of Terok Nor, taking it out of
operation for two weeks. Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Underground claimed
responsibility to causing the sabotage,
but admitted to Odo in 2370 that her colleague actually damaged the processor,
as her
responsibility was to find Vaatrik's list of Bajoran conspirators an action
that ultimately resulted in
Kira murdering Vaatrik. (DS9: "Necessary Evil")
submicron scanner
A submicron scanner was a type of engineering tool.
In 2370, Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres used one while trying to construct a
prototype Automated Personnel Unit.
(VOY: "Prototype")
mirror machine
The mirror machine was the means by which Trelane, the Squire of Gothos,
performed most of his tricks.
Trelane referred to this device as his "instrumentality".
Side 27

In 2267, the USS Enterprise discovered the planet Gothos within a star desert
a region of space sparsely
populated with stars. On Gothos, they encountered Trelane, an alien who appeared
Human, but who was capable of a
great many superhuman feats. These included rearranging matter as a replicator
(although far faster), generating powerful energy fields that inhibited sensors
and communication, instantaneous
matter transmission, holding living beings in suspension, teaching living beings
new skills instantaneously, and perhaps more. Trelane used these powers to
control, entertain and torment
various crew members.
On discovering that Trelane's food had no flavor, and his fire emitted no heat,
Captain James T. Kirk began to
suspect that Trelane only knew the forms of things and not their substances. He
and Spock further speculated
that some external agency was realizing Trelane's wishes and when he noticed
never strayed far from his large wall mirror, Kirk suspected where that agency
might be hidden.
The ruined mirror machine
Challenging the hapless Squire of Gothos to a duel, Kirk instead shot the mirror
which exploded in a shower of
sparks. Most of Trelane's effects ceased operating, and as the smoke cleared,
Kirk's suspicions were confirmed the
mirror concealed an intricate device that performed most of Trelane's tricks for
him. With it gone, Kirk and his crew were able to escape Gothos for awhile.
The mirror machine wasn't the only
device at Trelane's command, and when he recaptured the Enterprise a short while
later, his bag of tricks was once again full.
Trelane evidently commanded the mirror machine via telepathy, or some other
non-verbal form of communication. He
never spoke his requests aloud, instead performing his extraordinary feats with
at most a wave of his hand.
Sophisticated as it was, Trelane was able to repair or replace it within minutes
of its
destruction. (TOS: "The Squire of Gothos")
Cardassian MK-7 and MK-12 scanners
An MK-7 scanner was a Cardassian security device used to verify identity. The
MK-12 scanner
was a more advanced device than the MK-7.
When Vash visited Deep Space 9 upon her return from the Gamma Quadrant in 2369,
she initially thought
the security device in use in the assay office was an MK-7 scanner. (DS9:
An MK-12 scanner was a Cardassian security device used to verify identity,
a more advanced scanner than the MK-7 scanner.
In 2369, the assay office on Deep Space 9 used an MK-12 scanner with an L-89
enhanced resolution filter as
a lock on its storage cubicles.
The combination of the scanner with the filter allowed for an incredibly
detailed and accurate retinal scan.
The level of security was deemed just satisfactory for Vash when she visited the
upon her return from the Gamma Quadrant. (DS9: "Q-Less")
miniature laser
A miniature laser was a component of a microscope laser.
Doctor Leonard McCoy kept his miniature lasers with the lab shelf supplies
aboard the USS Enterprise.
After the crew became miniaturized in 2269, Christine Chapel offered to get the
Side 28

miniature laser for McCoy to use the microscope
laser to repair Hikaru Sulu's broken leg. (TAS: "The Terratin Incident")
A bio-dampener was a small device developed by Erin and Magnus Hansen in 2353
for use in remaining
undetected aboard Borg vessels. The device operated by creating a field around
one's body which simulated the physiometric conditions of the Borg ship,
essentially acting as a form of camouflage.
In order to function properly, the dampener had to be precisely tailored to its
user's physiology.
In 2375, the crew of the USS Voyager replicated their own bio-dampeners, for use
in "Operation Fort Knox,"
their attempt to steal a transwarp coil from a Borg sphere. Later, Captain
Janeway and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok used them to infiltrate the Borg
Unicomplex, where Seven of Nine was being held
captive by the Borg Queen. While on board, Janeway and Tuvok encountered a force
field preventing them from reaching Seven's location. To overcome
this obstacle, they utilized a subdermal probe,
implanted in a Borg drone, to discern the field modulation of the force field
when the drone passed through it. Tuvok then adjusted Captain Janeway's
bio-dampener to compensate, allowing her to
pass through the field, but, in doing so, her dampener was damaged and ceased
functioning. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
bajoran tricorder
The tricorder was used by Bajorans in 2372.
Kira Nerys used a Bajoran tricorder to find the survivors of a Cardassian
freighter, Ravinok,
carrying Bajoran prisoners. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
Devore scanner
The Devore scanner was a scanner used by the Devore species.
It had two prongs on the front, a grill along the rounded bottom edge and a
single screen the holder could monitor.
It was capable of telling whether a person had telepathic abilities or not, so
boarding parties were often equipped with them.
Though this required the scanning of each crewman individually.
(VOY: "Counterpoint")
Emergency transporter armband
An emergency transporter armband was a device used by Starfleet personnel during
an away team mission to remotely
activate the transporters of a starship or runabout for an immediate beam-up in
the event of a dangerous situation where verbal communication was not
possible, preventing a request for transport in
normal circumstances. The armband comprised a type-7 phase discriminator and a
subspace emitter. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds")
Geordi La Forge modified several transporter armbands in late 2369 to produce a
subspace isolation field to protect
the crew aboard the runabout from the effects of a temporal fragment. (TNG:
emergency transport unit
The emergency transport unit was a portable transporter device developed by
Starfleet in 2379. The small device was
designed to provide an individual with a single, one-way transport in order to
escape a potentially dangerous situation.
The first successful field test of the emergency transport unit occurred during
the Battle of the Bassen Rift, when
Data used the prototype to beam Jean-Luc Picard to the USS Enterprise-E before
destroying the thalaron weapon aboard the Reman warbird Scimitar.
(Star Trek Nemesis)
Side 29

Emergency beacon
Emergency beacons were large hand-held lamps that could be used to illuminate
dark surroundings, similar to palm
'beacons and SIMs beacons.
The beacon could be modified to emit only certain wavelengths of light. In 2367,
Data modified a emergency beacon to
work on ultraviolet light. In order to do so, he had to replace the regular
emitter module. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")
electronic scrambler
In 2267, Spock constructed an electronic scrambler to disable an alien entity
called the Companion. The Companion was
chiefly composed of ionized gases and electricity; Spock's creation was designed
to scramble its electronic impulses.
The device was very simple; a red on-off switch near the right side of the front
panel was the only important control.
The scrambler evidently caused the Companion some degree of pain or discomfort,
as it reacted immediately, seeking and destroying the device
and very nearly killing Kirk and Spock. Only
Zefram Cochrane's intervention prevented it from killing the two officers. The
device was either not powerful enough, or not sophisticated
enough, to cause the creature any permanent harm.
(TOS: "Metamorphosis")
electro-dynamic probe
An electro-dynamic probe was a type of tool.
Kovin owned an electro-dynamic probe equipped with a monofilament stimulator.
During his investigation into Kovin's
possible assault of Seven of Nine in 2374, The Doctor saw the probe as
corroboration for Seven's story. (VOY: "Retrospect")
gravimetric scanner
A gravimetric scanner was a piece of technology which could be used to predict
the outcome of dabo games.
In 2373, Constable Odo, while stuck in his monoform shape, saw a pair of
Yridians using a gravimetric scanner to cheat
in Quark's. As he was on the second level at the time, he instinctively leaped
after them when they ran, intending to turn into a Tarkalean
condor in mid-air. The constable was humiliated, despite
Captain Sisko's supportive attitude. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")
interphasic scanner
An interphasic scanner, or simply IP scanner, was a sensor device used aboard
Starfleet vessels in the 24th century,
for use in detecting objects which existed in a state outside normal visual and
sensor acuity.
In 2370, Doctor Beverly Crusher used a handheld IP scanner to reveal an
infestation of interphasic organisms aboard
the USS Enterprise-D. Later, Lieutenant Worf used an IP scanner to inspect the
area around the Enterprise in an attempt to find more evidence
of the organisms. (TNG: "Phantasms")
Jem'Hadar tricorder
The Jem'Hadar tricorder was a tricorder used by the Dominion.
In 2372, Temo'Zuma and Arak'Taral used tricorders to search for Miles O'Brien on
Bopak III after he escaped from them.
(DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")
The following year, the Jem'Hadar who accompanied Weyoun to Deep Space 9
detected the polaric particles from Elias
Giger's cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber with their tricorders.
(DS9: "In the Cards")
Side 30

klingon tricorder
The tricorder was used by Klingons in 2285.
Kruge's crew used tricorders during their attempt to learn the secrets of the
Genesis Planet. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock)
Members of the Bajoran Resistance also used Klingon tricorders during the
Occupation of Bajor. (DS9: "Shakaar")
magneton scanner
A magneton scanner was a 24th century engineering tool that is one of the most
thorough scanning devices aboard Federation starships.
In 2371, Harry Kim and B'Elanna Torres used a magneton scan to examine subspace
fractures which were present on a planet
in the Delta Quadrant as a result of a massive polaric ion explosion. The scan
results indicated that, unlike most shock waves which
dissipate into the future, the shock wave from the polaric ion
explosion dissipated into the past, creating subspace fractures which could
allow for time travel. The timeline in which these events
took place was later negated when Captain Janeway managed to change
history by ensuring that the explosion never took place. (VOY: "Time and Again")
Later in 2371, the Voyager crew tried to scan for a non-corporeal alien lifeform
moving from one crewman to another using a
magneton scanner, as Paris suggested it was the most thorough scanning device
aboard, but it was unsuccessful. (VOY: "Cathexis")
Later that year, Torres suggested to Chell that a magneton scanner would degauss
the transporter room in about five minutes;
a lot faster than the micro-resonator he was using, but Tuvok told him it would
teach him "patience". (VOY: "Learning Curve")
In 2373, when Captain Janeway was near death, she hallucinated that Torres used
a Magneton scanner to search for her remaining
presence aboard the ship, if there was anyway to help her. But this later turned
to be an alien-induced near-death-experience. (VOY: "Coda")
PADD : see PDF
Scanner : see PDF
trident scanner
A trident scanner was a 23rd century piece of Federation technology that was
used for repairing power relays.
(DS9: "Trials and Tribble-ations")
Spock used a trident scanner while he attempted to repair the Galileo, after the
shuttlecraft had been brought
down on the Companion's homeworld. The scanner, however, was short-circuited and
destroyed by the Companion when
Spock attempted to make physical contact with it. (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
In 2267, Ensign Harper used a trident scanner to connect the M-5 computer to the
USS Enterprise's main power plant.
He later attempted to disconnect M-5 with a trident scanner, but was vaporized
by the advanced computer for his troubles. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")
The same year, Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott, leading a repair party
aboard the USS Constellation, employed a
trident scanner to cross-connect the warp drive control circuits to those of the
impulse engines. (TOS: "The Doomsday Machine")
Another model of the trident scanner was still used aboard the USS Enterprise-A
in 2287. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier)
According to the September 1968 Star Trek reference guide, The Making of Star
Trek, this device was described in production
photos as a "(Spock built) ray generator and energy neutralizer."
The scanner units appear to be a reuse of the sonic disruptors fabricated for "A
Taste of Armageddon".
The term used here, "trident scanner," comes solely from the script for "Trials
and Tribble-ations,"
where the device is apparently named after its general shape, which resembles a
Side 31

promising syringe
this syringe contains enough promising to possibly grant one ability...
there is a priest standing by to heal and remove abilities
caused by this injection as needed.
The effects are random (1D100):
1 Strength permanent increase 1D10 (super strength)
2 Dexterity permanent increase 1D10 (super nimble)
3 Constitution increase 1D10 (super health)
4 Wisdom increase 1D10 (super knowledge)
5 Intelligence increase 1D10 (super intelligence)
6 Charisma increase 1D10 (super looks, aura and perception)
7 Eidetic Memory (perfect memory)
8 Body duplication
9 Body Temperature Control
10 Compel worship
11 Hallucination induction (oil from hands)
12 Hallucinogenic scenarios
13 Induced unconsciousness
14 Memory Erasure
15 Mind Control
16 Remote Viewing
17 Psychosis induction
18 Potential realization
19 Precognition (glimps of the future)
20 Technopathy (control tech)
21 Thermokinesis (control temperature)
22 Probability Alteration (re-roll any dice once)
23 Claircognizance (for unknown reasons you know and gain knowledge about secret
for example by writing screenplays)
24 Mind Shield (grants will save versus Mind Damage)
25 Mind Damage (1D20, no will save)
26 Telekinesis (TK, PK, psycho-kinesis)
27 Telepathy (communicate with others mentally)
28 Telepathic Projection (...telepathically make others see specific people...)
Side 32

29 Empathy (sense emotions)


30 Empathic Postcognition (see memories of other people)

31 Induced precognition (for short periods grants others the power of
32 Truth Compulsion
33 Vocal persuasion
34 Alternate reality projection
35 Animal Control
36 Phytokinesis/Plant Control (Biopsychokinesis, Bio-PK)
37 Anxiety Relief
38 Astral Projection
39 Parakinesis
40 Street Light Interference (SLI)
41 Luminescence (Psycholuminescence)
42 Genetic healing (Cellular psychokinesis)
43 Life force manipulation (Namapathy: remove or cause diseases, remove or add
up to your own maximum hitpoints)
44 Ability neutralization
45 Electricity Control (Electro- psychokinesis, EPK)
46 Cryokinesis
47 Storm Control
48 Water Control
49 Earth Control
50 Air Control
51 Fire Control (Psychopyresis)
52 Magnetism Control
53 Gravity Control
54 Fear induction (Cause Fear)
55 Transmutation
56 Teleportation
57 Flying (random speed and manuverability)
58 Levitate
59 Enhanced physiology (Strength +1D4, Dexterity +1D4, Speed +1D10)
60 Gill breathing
61 Invisibility
Side 33

62 Metabolism acceleration (people that swap body fluid with you risk dying of
63 Musical Instrument Proficiency
64 Optical Camouflage
65 Oxidation
66 Blood Oxygen Control
67 Pheromone Detection
68 Pollution elimination
69 Promicin diffusion
70 Regeneration (similar to troll regeneration)
71 Rejuvenation Liquid Secretion
72 Scent Tracking (Scent & Track feats)
73 Sense Manipulation
74 Sonic scream (1D10 sonic damage 15 ft x 5 ft line)
75 Toxin-emitting spores
76-100 is FATAL (will need healing)

starting level is 4...
is in
is in
Mutations (Drawbacks, Minors and Majors) is in
is in
unearthed arcana
is in
d20 startrek,

Star Wars RPG D20
this document, flaw1, flaw2 &
d20-40K, d20 modern, d20 future,
d20 starwars, aliens (d20), d20

call of cthulu,
d20 deadlands, mecha D20,
shadowrun D20, anime D20

is in dnd3_5_armor_table &

avg charisma
LEVEL 4 KAI LORD - kind of like jar jar binks but modified and as holy and
respectable knight thingy
System (minor 2)
trait polite

+ Poisonous Blood (drawback 6) + Ultra Immune

+ command word flaw (able to gain extra feat) +

+ Elasticity (major 4)

level 1+3+flaw =
Side 34

1) All weapon and armor profiency
2) Dead Aim
3) Gunblade VII bullet crafting (1/day craft 6 non magical bullets and 6/day
1 magic bullet for gunblades of type VII)
(grants feats: SPIRIT OF THE KAI, Old Kingdom Magic, Brotherhood Magic,
Kai-Alchemy, Bardic Knowledge)
SPIRIT OF THE KAI: You have a spirit guide that occasionally is able to help and
guide you.
Old Kingdom Magic:
Old Kingdom Magic, Under the tutelage of Lone Wolf the immortal,
you have been able to master the rudimentary skills of Old Kingdom battle-magic.
These arcane skills include the use of 3 basic Old Kingdom Spells, such as
Power Word Kill, and Invisible Fist (spell D6 Sneak Attack for each caster/Kai
Lord level you have).
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You may cast these spells once each day using your Kai Lord level as caster
Kai Lords who have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian are able to use the
following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
Shatter This causes breakable items such as bottles, jugs, mirrors, windows,
to shatter to pieces.
The range of this spell increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Flame Arrow This causes the tip of any Arrow, or Arrow-like missile, to burn
with a magical flame which cannot readily be extinguished by normal means.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as caster level.
Kai Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use the
battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
Acid Arrow A magical arrow of acid launched by a Kai Sun Lord, springs from
hand and speeds to its target.
Shocking Grasp This spell enables a Kai Sun Lord to discharge a powerful
force into anything he or she touches.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You may cast these sells once each day using your Kai Lord level as caster
Brotherhood Magic:
Brotherhood Magic, Under the tutelage of the immortals Lone Wolf and
Guildmaster Banedon (the leader of Sommerlund's Guild of Magicians),
you have mastered the elementary spells
of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. These spells include
Call Lightning, Greater Levitate, and Charm Person.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
Side 35

You may cast these sells once each day using your Kai Lord level as caster
Kai Lord who have reached the rank of Kai Sun Knight are able to use the
following Brotherhood Spells:
Deflect Arrows This causes any projected or hurled missile (e.g. arrows,
axes, crossbow bolts)
which may pose an immediate
threat to the life of a KAI Sun Knight, to cease its flight and return.
Bull's Strength By casting this spell, a Kai Sun Knight is able to greatly
increase his or her
physical strength for a
short duration. It can be used to lift or move heavy objects or in combat.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You may cast these sells once each day using your Kai level as caster level.
Kai Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Kai Sun Thane are able to use the
following Brotherhood Spells:
Feather Fall By casting this spell, Kai Sun Thanes are able to slow their rate
of free-falling,
thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell is in effect.
Water Breathing Using this spell, a Kai Sun Thane is able to breathe
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You may cast these sells once each day using your Kai level as caster level.

Kai Lords are able to condense pure water out of the surrounding air.
This water can be made to fall as a fine spray or as a sudden deluge.
It can also be made to fill any suitable
container or receptacle. Using this feat,
Kai Grand Master Superiors can once a day create the equivalent of
one large bucketful of fresh water.
Kai Grand Sentinels who possess this skill are able to charge particles of
air electrically around any man-sized or smaller object.
The particles will automatically discharge and cause 1D6 electrical damage
should the affected object be
touched or opened. Kai Grand Sentinels are able to handle a charged object
discharging it.
By using this feat, Kai Grand Defenders are able to summon up a dense, misty
to obscure themselves from both normal vision and darkvision.
This mist will occur within 5 feet of the Kai Grand Defender and will last for a
of minutes equal to the number of Kai levels you have.
The mist fills 15ft by 15ft and can expand its range by 5ft for each level of
Kai you have.
Range and duration increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Through the use of this feat, Kai Grand Guardians are able to protect themselves
from the
effects of storm-force winds by creating a sphere of calm air around their
Initially this protective bubble lasts for one minute, but duration steadily
Side 36

increases as a
Kai Grand Master ascends in Kai rank.
This protective bubble last a number of minutes equal to your current number of
Kai levels.
Kai Sun Thanes who possess this feat are able to accelerate greatly the
oxidation (rusting)
of ferrous metals simply by touch alone.
The longer the metallic item is touched by a Kai Sun Thane, the more damaging
will be the effect.
This is equal to the spell Rusting Grasp. The spell can be used at will as many
times as you want.
The caster level of the spell is equal to your current number of Kai Lord
You have learned to manipulate the four basic elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and
By drawing upon individual elements that are available,
or combinations thereof, he is able to detach, affix, increase,
concentrate, intensify, remove, or accelerate this matter to fulfil a specific
e.g. create a wall, hurl a rock, spray sand, remove air, intensify fire.
The versatility of this Discipline increases as a Kai Lord advances in rank.
This ability allows you to once each day cast one of each of the following
using your Kai Lord level as caster level (the spell level available depends on
your class level):
LEVEL 1 and 2
0 Dancing lights, flare, light, nature's hand(as mage hand), create water, ray
of frost,
cure minor wounds
LEVEL 3 and 4
1st Magic stone, burning hands, entangle, endure elements, obscuring mist,
faerie fire, good berry,
produce flame, cure light wounds
LEVEL 5 and 6
2nd Darkness, pyrotechnics, whisper wind, wind wall, soften earth & stone,
barkskin, fog cloud,
fire trap, flaming sphere, gust of wind, tree shape, wood shape, cure moderate
LEVEL 7 and 8
3rd Daylight, continual flame, searing light, stone shape, water breathing,
water walk, plant growth,
meld into stone, command plants, diminish plants, fireball, cure sirious wounds
LEVEL 9 and 10
4th Speak with plants, control water, air walk, spike stones, wall of fire,
fire shield, flame strike,
ice storm, commune with nature, tree stride, stone skin, solid fog, wall of ice,
cure critical wounds
LEVEL 11 and 12
5th Control winds, wall of stone, wall of thorns, cone of cold, transmute mud
to rock, transmute rock to mud
LEVEL 13 and 14
Side 37

6th Animate plants, wind walk, chain lightning, fire seeds, repel wood, spell
staff, live oak,
otilukes freezing sphere, stone to flesh, move earth
LEVEL 15 and 16
7th Control weather, earth quake, fire storm, sun beam, transmute metal to
wood, delayed blast fireball
LEVEL 17 and 18
8th Whirlwind, incendiary cloud, control plants, sunburst, repel metal or
stone, polar ray
LEVEL 19 and 20
9th Storm of vengeance, elemental swarm (any element), shambler, inprisonment.

Bardic Knowledge:
A Kai Lord is a multi-talented performer, proficient in the use of any musical
He is able to sing or chant, recite or compose tales of legend, mimic speech or
and stimulate a wide range of emotions among sentient creatures.
You always succeed in skill checks for playing an instrument, telling tales,
mimic speech, mimic dialect and simulate emotions.
Kai Grand Master Superiors are able to utilize their musical skills to pacify an
excited or hostile animal.
Kai Grand Sentinels are able to use their singing or playing to counter a
hostile sonic attack.
The effective use and range of this sonic defence steadily increase as a Grand
Master rises in rank.
The chance of successfully avoiding a sonic attack is 3% for each of your
current number of Kai levels.
The range of the protective bubble centered on you is 5ft for each of your
current number of Kai levels.
Kai Grand Defenders are able to use their musical skills to pacify
(and/or implant a suggestion into the mind of) an intelligent creature within
audible range.
This is similar in effect to the Brotherhood Spell Mind Charm
(Kai-alchemy, also known as the charm person spell).
You cast this spell as a bard with a caster level equal to your current number
of Kai levels.
You may cast this bard music spell a number of times per day equal to your
current number of Kai levels.
Kai Sun Knights who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to use their
musical skills
to launch sonic attacks against any individual within audible range.
The effect of a sonic attack is dependent upon the target creature's sensitivity
to sound
(i.e. a deaf creature would be unaffected by such an attack).
The sonic attack does 1D6 of damage for each of your current Kai levels.
The Fortitude DC to resist is equal to your current number of Kai levels.
Kai Sun Lords with this feat are able to direct their musical abilities to
the structure of inanimate breakable objects, e.g. glass, ceramics, urns,
Side 38

causing them to explode violently. Any person or creature in close proximity to
destroyed object risks injury from flying fragments.
Any breakable object will be destroyed and anyone within a range of 15ft will
D6 damage if they fail a fortitude DC save of 20.
neurophone MARK I
GIIA id card
las pistol, GIIA service weapon (2d6 until upgraded)
electronic thumb
Final Fantasy VIII Type Gunblade (magazine 6 bullets, melee 1d8, when using
bullet damage increases to 2d8 for that round,
can use special bullets to give sword magic
effects, until upgraded)
In Final Fantasy VIII all forms of gunblade consist of a sword blade with a gun
action built into the hilt, the barrel running
inside the length of the blade. They are mostly used like normal swords, but
triggering a round sends a shock wave through the
blade as the weapon passes through an opponent to boost damage.
Dissidia Bartz Gunblade
Bartz Klauser wielding the Revolver Gunblade in Dissidia.
In Dissidia Final Fantasy, Squall Leonhart's use of the Revolver is refined
beyond the normal slashes seen in Final Fantasy VIII,
incorporating the use of the gunblade's recoil for a unique combat style. Using
the Heel Crush and Rough Divide techniques, Squall
triggers a round while holding the gunblade behind him, the recoil
propelling him forward. Using the Solid Barrel and Beat Fang techniques, Squall
thrusts the blade into the enemy, triggers a round
(which also damages the enemy), and the recoil of the shot
pushes the blade back, where Squall immediately thrusts again, repeating the
process several more times. In Final Fantasy VIII Squall
wields his gunblade two-handed, but in Dissidia Final Fantasy
he often uses the weapon with one hand.
The combat styles demonstrated for gunblades capable of projectile firing
(as seen in Final Fantasy XIII and the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII)
alternate between ranged and melee combat with the favored style depending on
the gunblade used. For example, the
Velvet Nightmare is more adept for ranged combat than melee.
Final Fantasy XIV introduces several gun hybrid weapons, such as the Gunhalberd,
Gunhammers, Gunbaghnakhs and Gunshields,
which use a halberd, grappling weapon, hammer or shield bases, rather than a
sword base.
------------------------------------------------CLERIC and HUMAN
is in
is in
is in
is in
Mutations (Drawbacks, Minors and Majors) is in
is in
unearthed arcana
is in
d20 startrek,

players handbook I
D20 Future & d20-40K
this document
this document, flaw1, flaw2 &
d20-40K, d20 modern, d20 future,
d20 starwars, aliens (d20), d20

Side 39

call of cthulu,

d20 deadlands, mecha D20,

shadowrun D20, anime D20


is in dnd3_5_armor_table &

LEVEL 3 CLERIC AND LEVEL 1 DIVINE TECH PRIEST - kind of like 7 of 9 but with a
tech priest and miss calender, neo or willow rosenberg twist
(chaos plague weapon 3) + Frailty (drawback 3)
+ Warp Eye (major 4) + Second Wind (minor 2) + honest
flaw (able to gain extra feat) + trait focused
+ Cybernetic Dependancy (drawback 6)
avg charisma
level h+1+3+flaw =

Jack of all Trades

Jink (avoid enemy fire while using scimmer vehicles)
Drive-By Attack

ONE WITH THE MACHINE SPIRIT (can drive or pilot any type of craft)
identity chip
night vision optics (occular implant)
internal weapon mount
borg-queen link
Artificial Heart (superior)
Artifical Lungs (superior)
neurophone MARK I
GIIA id card
las pistol, GIIA service weapon (2d6 until upgraded)
sonic screwdriver MARK I
combi klaw (4d12 melee 2d4 ranged until upgraded)
is in
is in
Gun Mage Feats
is in
Prestige Class) - D&D Wiki
Mutations (Drawbacks, Minors and Majors) is in
is in
unearthed arcana
Mutations (Drawbacks, Minors and Majors) is in
is in
unearthed arcana
is in
d20 startrek,

Complete Arcane
Dragon Magazine Compendium Vol. 1
this document & Gun Mage (3.5e
this document, flaw1, flaw2 &
this document, flaw1, flaw2 &
d20-40K, d20 modern, d20 future,
d20 starwars, aliens (d20), d20

call of cthulu,
d20 deadlands, mecha D20,
shadowrun D20, anime D20
Side 40



is in dnd3_5_armor_table &

WARMAGE LEVEL 4 - kind of like Madam Minerva McGonagall from harry potter
Tibbit FEMALE WARMAGE + gun mage feats + Mindslave (drawback 2) + Venomous Bite
(major 4) + trait easygoing + trait quick
+ compulsive killer flaw (able to gain extra feat) +
Lethargy (drawback 2)
high charisma score
level 1+3+flaw =
1) gunblade expert
2) imbue bullets
3) Dead Aim
ONE WITH THE GEAR (proficient with all weapons and all armors)
neurophone MARK I
GIIA id card
las pistol, GIIA service weapon (2d6 until upgraded)
Final Fantasy XIII Type Gunblade (magazine with 6 shots, sword merged with a
boltgun barrel that can fire freely, 1d8 melee 2d10 ranged until upgraded)
Thinking Cap MARK I (Powered by lemon juice, this device gives its wearer +1d3+1
to intelligence and wisdom for ten minutes for every half lemon inserted
into the juicer on the top of the helmet. Because of the insane
workings of this device then for each day you may only use one full lemon.)
point of view gun (can be fired once each day until upgraded, instantly changes
targets alignment and/or attitude if target is male)
------------------------------------------------Mutations (Drawbacks, Minors and Majors) is in d20-40K
is in this document, flaw1, flaw2 &
unearthed arcana
is in d20-40K, d20 modern, d20 future,
d20 startrek,
d20 starwars, aliens (d20), d20
call of cthulu,
d20 deadlands, mecha D20,
shadowrun D20, anime D20
is in dnd3_5_armor_table &
is in shadowrun D20
rogue jedi knight
is in this document & jedi knight d20
dnd 35
drop attack
is in alien d20
sith sorcery
is in star wars d20 dark side
rogue jedi LEVEL 4 - kind of like luke skywalker only its a male ork with sneak
attack where one arm is a tentacle
forsaken (partial vampire parital spawn) male ork rogue Jedi Knight + Thin Skin
(drawback 5) + Heat/Cold Susceptability (drawback 1)
+ 2
Tentacles (major 12) + Gills (minor 2) + Tail (minor 1) + trait nearsighted
(only minor)
+ dark
premonition flaw (able to gain extra feat:
true grit
[use medium sized 2-handed weapons in one hand])
+ hunted
Side 41

flaw (able to gain extra feat: quick reload) + Blood Hunger (drawback 1) +
Sensitivity (drawback 1)
+ Fangs
(minor 1) + Claws (minor 1) + Poisonous Blood (drawback 6)
+ Reduced
Speed (due to tentacles drawback 3) base land speed is 25 instead of 30 ft
type = undead
no con
dark vision 120 ft (2x60 ft)
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects.
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death
Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain.
Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and
Immune to fatigue and exhaustion
Healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy.
Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also
works on objects or is harmless).
Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks.
Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or
less, it is immediately destroyed.
Forsaken do not need to breath or sleep
low charisma score
Unlike most undead, the Forsaken do require food and drink.
level 1+3+flaw =
1) true grit
2) Burst Fire
3) urban tracking
neurophone MARK I
GIIA id card
las pistol, GIIA service weapon (2d6 until upgraded)
lightsaber (2d6 until upgraded)
psychic paper
neurolyzer MARK I (can be used once each day until upgraded)
------------------------------------------------feat suggestions:
Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Advanced Melee Weapons Proficiency
Armour Proficiency (super heavy)
Jack of all Trades
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Burst Fire
Dead Aim
Side 42

Drive-By Attack
Quick Reload
urban tracking
Special Weapons Proficiency


mutation suggestions:
Fangs (minor) +1
Blood Hunger (drawback) -1
Cybernetic Dependancy (drawback) -6
Chem Dependancy (drawback) -6
Light Sensitivity (drawback) -1
Lost Arm (drawback) -3
Mindslave (drawback) -2
Elasticity (major) +4
Festering Sores (drawback) -2
Gift of Khorne (chaos) +3
Axe of Khorne ? Collar of Khorne?
Gift of Nurgle (chaos) +3
Aura of Decay ?
or cloud of flies ?
Weapon ?
Gift of Slaanesh (chaos) +3
Black Kiss ?
Gift of Tzeentch (chaos) +3
Disc of Tzeentch ? bird head?
Gills (minor) +2
Poisonous Blood (drawback) -6
Tentacle (major) +6
Ultra Immune System (minor) +2
Venomous Bite (major) +4
Warp Eye (major) +4
You gain these implants...
identity chip
night vision optics (occular implant)
internal weapon mount
borg-queen link
Artificial Heart (superior)
Artifical Lungs (superior)
electronics (ALL)
Computer Use (General/administration) C C C C Yes Int
Computer Use (Security/hacking) C C No Int
Computer Use (sensors)
Computer Use (camo gear)
Computer Use (electronic counter measures/ECM)
Computer Use (magic)
computer use (encryption)
computer use (retrieve)
computer use (hardware)
computer use (gaming)
computer use (other)
Side 43


* commonly denoted as computer use (ALL)
Knowledge (Electronics) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (Engineering) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (exotic systems)
Knowledge (system operations)
Knowledge (Shamanic) C C C C No Int
knowledge (occult)
knowledge (arcana/arcane law)
knowledge (math)
knowledge (physics)
knowledge (programming)
knowledge ("general" knowledge)
knowledge (technology)
* commonly denoted as knowledge (computer-wiz)
master proficient:
you are proficient will ALL weapons and ALL armors
forbidden knowledge:
you gain the following skills with misc bonus in each equal to your divine tech
priest level...
Research INT
electronic, mechanical, alien-tech, tech
* commonly denoted as research (techpriest)
Craft C C C C C C C C C C C Yes Int
* commonly denoted as craft (ALL-TECH)
Drive (Boat) Yes Dex
Drive (submarine) Yes Dex
Drive (large boat) Yes Dex
Drive (subterrain)
Drive (interdimensional)
Side 44

Drive (time machine)
Drive (Car) C C C C C C C C C C C Yes Dex
drive (other/general)
drive (speeder)
drive (jetbike)
drive (gravtank)
Drive (Motorcycle) C C C C C C C No Dex
Drive (big rig/Large Truck/large vehicles) Yes Dex
Drive (small truck/vans/pick-ups) Yes Dex
Drive (Treads) No Dex
Drive (tank) No Dex
* commonly denoted as drive (ALL)
Knowledge (Chemistry) C No Int
Knowledge (Earth/Life Sciences) No Int
Knowledge (Electronics) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (Engineering) C C C C No Int
Knowledge (exotic systems)
Knowledge (system operations)
Knowledge (Shamanic) C C C C No Int
knowledge (occult)
knowledge (arcana/arcane law)
knowledge (advanced populsion)
knowledge (starships)
knowledge (advanced weapons)
knowledge (aliens)
knowledge (stellar cartography)
knowledge (mechanics)
knowledge (military sciences)
knowledge (military)
knowledge (goverment)
knowledge (goverment secrets)
knowledge (rift)
knowledge (space hulks)
knowledge (piracy)
Side 45

knowledge (dimensions)
knowledge (space)
knowledge (math)
knowledge (physics)
knowledge (programming)
knowledge ("general" knowledge)
knowledge (medicine)
knowledge (psychology)
knowledge (philosophy)
knowledge (technology)
knowledge (forbidden lore)
knowledge (cthulhu mythos)
* commonly denoted as craft (ALL-TECH-MAGIC) - will subtract from max possible
sanity level
Pilot (Plane) No Dex
Pilot (Rotor) No Dex
Pilot (heavy airplane) No Dex
Pilot (helicopter) No Dex
Pilot (jet fighter) No Dex
Pilot (old spacecraft/small space ship) No Dex
Pilot (large space ship) No Dex
Pilot (mecha/dreadnought/robots)
* commonly denoted as pilot (ALL)
imbue bullets
magic weapons (all weapons in the hands of the caster are considered magic +1
and can be used with gun mage
and other magic weapon feats)
channel spell power
mana potential
touch of the gun mage
stunning bullet
spell critical
mana beam, mana potential
req: must be able to cast divine spells of minimum 2nd level

Side 46

+1 level of existing divine class

salvage, lingua



+1 level of existing divine class

+1 level of existing divine class
+1 level of existing divine class

forbidden knowledge,



+1 level of existing divine class

+1 level of existing divine class
+1 level of existing divine class

skilled salvager
robo-expert 1
super cybersurgeon,



+1 level of existing divine class

+1 level of existing divine class
+1 level of existing divine class

robo-expert 2
expeditious salvager
necron archeotech


the following spells are added to a tech priests spell list...

catalog (from modern players companion volume two)
computer catalog (from modern players companion volume two)
resurrect computer (from modern players companion volume two)
send as attachment (from modern players companion volume two)
a divine tech priest is proficient with all weapons and all armors
rogue Jedi Knight
Table: The rogue Jedi Knight
Hit Die: d12


Saving Throws

Mage Hand, Forceful Grace
+20/+15/+10/+5 +7




Lightsaber, sneak attacks, Jedi



Saber Ward
Jedi Mind Trick
Force Push, Uncanny Dodge
Blade Storm
Jedi Reflexes
Throw Lightsaber
Jedi Acrobatics
trap sense, Improved Uncanny



Jedi Meditation, urban tracking

Drop Attack
Wholeness of Body
Improved Throw Lightsaber
skill mastery
Force Field
Improved Telekinesis
Sith Sorcery Minor
Jedi Master
One with the Force, Nullify

a rogue jedi knight is proficient with all weapons and all armors
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level): Balance, Climb,
Concentrate, Diplomacy, Escape Artist,
Heal, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot,
Swim, and Tumble.
Class Features
MOST of the following are class features of the rogue Jedi Knight.
Side 47

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: rogue Jedi Knights are proficient with all simple
and martial weapons, the bastard sword,
and their lightsaber (see below). They are also proficient in all types of armor
(armor penalties and weight does not
affect the rogue Jedi Knight in any way and they do not reduce his speed
except shields.
LightSaber: At 1st level, a rogue Jedi Knight gains a lightsaber as his vorpal
weapon. A Jedi can choose for his lightsaber to
be either a longsword, bastard sword, or a two-bladed sword, each of brilliant
energy. However, unlike normal brilliant energy weapons,
a lightsaber can harm undead; constructs; and objects, and
deals damage to the armor and shield equal to the damage given to the defender
(minus hardness, min 1 excpet against adamantine).
The hilt is also unique in sturdiness and can come in many designs.
A Jedi can choose whatever design for a hilt and whatever color of a lightsaber
he wishes. A lightsaber is treated as a one-handed
exotic melee weapon or a two-handed martial melee weapon.
Skill Mastery (Ex):
The rogue jedi knight becomes so confident in the use of certain skills that she
can use them reliably even under adverse conditions.
Upon gaining this ability, she selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her
Intelligence modifier. When making a skill check with one of
these skills, she may take 10 even if stress and distractions
would normally prevent her from doing so.
Forceful Grace (Ex): At 1st level, a rogue Jedi Knight gains an insight bonus
equal to his Wisdom modifier on all Balance, Jump,
Tumble, checks as well as Reflex saves and his AC. Forceful
does not apply if the user is immobile.
Trap Sense (Ex):
A rogue jedi knight gains an intuitive sense that alerts her to danger from
traps, giving her
a +1 bonus on Reflex saves made to avoid traps and
a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps.
These bonuses rise
to +2 when the rogue jedi knight reaches 12th level,
to +3 when she reaches 14th level,
to +4 when she reaches 16th level,
to +5 at 18th, and
to +6 at 20th level.
Trap sense bonuses gained from multiple classes stack.
Sneak Attacks (Ex):
A rogue jedi knight gains sneak attack, giving her +1d6 of sneak attack damage.
These bonuses rise
to +2d6 when the rogue jedi knight reaches 5th level,
to +3d6 when she reaches 10th level,
to +4d6 when she reaches 15th level, and
to +5d6 at 20th level.
Sneak attack gained from multiple classes stack.
Jedi Mage Hand Starting at 1st level, a rogue Jedi Knight gains the ability to
use Mage Hand once per Jedi Level + Wisdom modifier
per day. They may use this to call their lightsaber, regardless of it's usual
weight restrictions.
Saber Ward At 2nd level, if successful (d20 + Dexterity Mod), a Jedi can use his
lightsaber to block range attacks coming his way.
At first level, he can only block range attacks 10 ft with his lightsaber. He
can block an extra 10 ft every level after first.
This ability can affect range attacks in a 30 foot spread from the Jedi.
Reflex save is DC 15
Side 48

Jedi Mind Trick (Su): At 3rd level, once per day per point of Wis bonus, a rogue
Jedi Knight is capable of slightly influencing the
minds of others. This works exactly like a suggestion spell, however Jedi are
forbidden to use it for personal gain. Every time it
is used for personal gain and not in the name of the Jedi Order,
a Jedi gains one point of "Sith Taint". The save to resist a Jedi mind trick is
10 + 1/2 rogue Jedi Knight level + Wisdom modifier.
Force Push(Su) At 4th level, a Jedi gains Force Push which can push back targets
5 ft.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex)At 4th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Uncanny Dodge
Blade Storm: At 5th level, a Jedi can launch a 30 foot cone of energy out from
their palm or lightsaber, inflicting damage and moving
objects in it's path. It deals 1d6 points of damage for every two Jedi levels.
Creatures and objects in the effect are also knocked
back 5 ft per point of Wisdom bonus, landing prone. A successful
Reflex save (DC 10+ 1/2 Jedi Level + Wisdom modifier) results in half damage and
no movement. A Jedi can use this ability once every 1d4 round.
Jedi Reflexes At 6th level, a rogue Jedi Knight is so adept at feeling the will
of others, he gains Lightning Reflexes even if he does
not meet the prerequisites of that feat.
Throw Lightsaber: At 7th level, a rogue Jedi Knight as a full-round action may
throw his lightsaber 10 ft + 10 ft per 2 Wis bonus modifiers.
The lightsaber is treated as having the "Returning" special ability.
Jedi Acrobatics (Ex): At 8th level, a rogue Jedi Knight no longer requires a
running start to perform a Jump skill check without penalty.
Telekinesis (Sp): At 9th level, a Jedi gains the use of the spell telekinesis as
a spell-like ability once every Jedi level per day.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) At 10th level, a Jedi gains the use of the Improved
Uncanny Dodge ability, as the barbarian.
Jedi Meditation: At 11th level, a Jedi gains the ability to meditate during a
battle. This meditation sends out waves of positive energy to
allies, and negative energy to enemies. Allies get a +2 morale bonus to attacks,
damage, armor class, and saves. Enemies with a
hit dice lower than the Jedi's must run away. Enemies with equal or
greater hit dice than the Jedi's get a -2 to attacks, damage, armor class, and
saves. The save DC(Will based)
is 10+1/2 the Jedi's level+his Wisdom modifier.
Wholeness of Body At 13th level, a Jedi can heal his own wounds. He can heal a
number of hit points of damage equal to twice his current
Jedi level each day, and he can spread this healing out among several uses.
Improved Throw Lightsaber At 14th level, a rogue Jedi Knight can now throw his
lightsaber as a standard action instead of a full-round action.
Force Field At 16th level, a rogue Jedi Knight gains spell resistance equal to
10 + 1/2 Jedi level + wisdom modifier.
Improved Telekenesis At 17th level, the rogue Jedi Knight may now manipulate
double the amount of weight that can normally be manipulated.
Jedi Master (Su): When rogue Jedi Knights reach level 19, they attain the status
of Jedi Master, which confers the ability to have the
spell Freedom of Movement perpetually on.
Nullify At 20th level, a Jedi gains the Nulify ability, which causes targets
surrounding (5 ft) the rogue Jedi Knight not to attack him during combat.
Side 49

One With the Force (Su): Upon reaching 20th level, a rogue Jedi knight has grown
so close to the Force that they can listen to it more
clearly than other Jedi. A Jedi gains the ability to use Detect Thoughts and
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will.
Drop attack (Ex): rogue jedi knights often wait and
then lower themselves silently on silk
ropes to leap onto prey passing
beneath. A silk rope is strong
enough to support the rogue jedi knight and one
creature of the same size.
This ability can be used 4 times per day.
This is similar to an
attack with a net but has a maximum
range of 20 feet, with a range increment
of 5 feet, and is effective against targets
up to one size category larger than the
rogue jedi knight. An caught creature can escape
with a successful
Escape Artist check (standard action DC 12).
Sith Sorcery Minor (Ex):
You have the ability to channel the spirits of deceased
Sith lords, using their power to supplement your own-but
at the risk of becoming their puppet.
Benefit: You may use this feat to gain a bonus on
attacks, saves, and dark side skill checks for the next
minute. You gain a +l competence bonus for every five
levels you have attained. This feat costs you 4
hit points points to use and requires a move action to
Special: Whenever you use this ability, you open yourself to
possession by the Sith spirits you have summoned. At
the end of the power's duration, you must immediately
attempt a Will saving throw (DC 10 + the bonus gained).
You cannot activate this ability again before you have
resolved this save.
If the save succeeds, there are no side effects. if the
save fails, however, a dark side spirit possesses you.
(See Dark Side Spirit in Chapter Six of d20 star wars dark side source book)
Gunblade Expert (Ex): Whenever a gunblade user with this feat scores a critical
hit on a melee attack with a Final Fantasy XIII Type Gunblade,
he deals bonus damage equal to the ranged damage the gunblade would deal. For
example, a gunblade normally deals 1d8 points of damage
plus his strength modifier. On a critical hit, the gunblade specialist deals
(2d8 + double the strength modifier)
plus 2d8 damage from firing. This consumes one bullet.
Fighter Talents: A gunmage of any level may with this feat take the following
talents as fighter talents:
Close Combat Shot (Ex): A fighter gains the ability to make a ranged attack with
a ranged weapon you have weapon focus with while in
a threatened area without provoking an attack of opportunity. Prerequisites:
Fighter Level 4th, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus [Ranged Weapon]
Ranged Precision: Add +1 to damage with all ranged weapons. This talent may be
selected multiple times its effects stack.
Advanced Fighter Talents: A gunmage of level 5 or more with this feat may take
the following talents as advanced fighter talents:
Master Rapid Shot (Ex): When wielding a ranged weapon that you have weapon focus
with, you may make two extra attacks with the rapid shot feat,
instead of only one. Prerequisites: Fighter Level 16th, Point Blank Shot, Rapid
Shot, Weapon Focus [Ranged]
Side 50

Uncanny Precision (Ex): Once per encounter, before making your attack roll, you
may choose to add your level to damage with a ranged weapon.
If you miss, this attempt is wasted. This talent may be selected multiple times,
each time granting one additional
attempt per encounter. Prerequisites: Fighter Level 12th, Precision
Advanced Firearms Proficiency
Advanced Melee Weapons Proficiency
Armour Proficiency (super heavy)
Burst Fire
Dead Aim
Drive-By Attack
Jack of all Trades
Personal Firearms Proficiency
Quick Reload
Special Weapons Proficiency
what about shooting in close combat with pistol ?

stuff from various times, places and dimensions are merged in the current
universe due to rifts in reality...
dragon and magic side by side with tech and aliens
baggrunds historier
gungan rogue jedi and BORG...
heard tales of rogue jedi and got trained, but fell in to radio active lake and
stranded on mission, chrashed in one man craft, met borg, who also crashed in
one man craft,
helped borg become individual again, borg helped create new 2 man craft from the
spaceship crafts.
They escaped together and became friends.
Borg was former human tech priest like his father, but was captured by borg and
later set free by gungan.
Borg was GIIA and rejoined GIIA then Gungan became GIIA.
Ork and tibbit...
tibbit became GIIA and while undercover helped free ORK that was captured by
scientist for experiments (lycantrophy versus genetic mutations)
ork then became GIIA
finally all 4 meets each other on first joint GIIA mission
-------------------GIIA missions...

Side 51

Q interfers and sends them to the middle aged earth ... but still with (most) of
their modern stuff intact...

---------------------------------------------K A I - W A R R I O R - M O N K
---------------------------------------First draft, version 0.1, by TFJ.
---------------------10 KAI DISCIPLINES:
01 KAI Camouflage (permanent, supernatural ability to hide or disguise one self
at will, SPOT Detect DC 20)
02 KAI Hunting (permanent, supernatural ability to always be able to hunt enough
food for a party of 4 that ALWAYS succeeds when outdoors)
03 KAI Sixth Sense (permanent, supernatural ability to always be aware of any
04 KAI Tracking (permanent, supernatural ability to always find your way, super
version of regular tracking skill that ALWAYS succeeds)
05 KAI Healing (permanent, regeneration 1 hit point each round)
06 KAI Weaponskill (permanent, adds +4 to damage when fighting with any melee
07 KAI Mindshield (permanent, immunity to KAI Mindblast, the additional 4 to
base attack of the enemy is ignored when the enemy is fighting you)
08 KAI Mindblast (permanent, adds 4 to base attack as mental effect, not all are
09 KAI Animal Kinship (talk to animals at will)
10 KAI Mind Over Matter (telekinesis at will)
01 KAI Weaponmastery (requires KAI Weaponskill, permanent, you are proficient
with all melee and ranged weapons. You are a master of
unarmed combat and suffer no penalties when fighting
02 KAI Animal Control (requires KAI Animal Kinship, talk to animals at will,
control friendly animals at will, you can control hostile
animals if the animal fails a will save DC of 40 minus
current KAI level,
You can use woodland animals as guides at will and you are
able to block a non-sentient creature's sense of taste and smell at will)
03 KAI Curing (requires KAI Healing, permanent, regeneration 2 hit points each
round either your own or an ally if you make a successfull
touch attack, you can neutralize poison, venom and toxin at will
on yourself or on others)
04 KAI Invisibility (requires KAI Camouflage, supernatural ability to always
hide or disguise one self without any chance of detection,
invisibility at will, mask any sound at will, mask your own
body heat and scent at will, change physical apperance at will)
05 KAI Huntmastery (requires KAI Animal Kinship, KAI Hunting and KAI Tracking,
dark vision 60ft at will, advanced hearing and advanced scent at will)
06 KAI Pathsmanship (requires KAI Animal Kinship, KAI Hunting and KAI Tracking,
You are able to understand most languages, magical symbols, and hieroglyphics.
You are expert at reading footprints and tracks. You have an
Side 52

intuitive knowledge of the compass points and can detect the threat of an
enemy ambush up to a distance of 500 yards. You possess an
ability to cross terrain without leaving tracks. You can
converse with sentient creatures and mask yourself
from psychic spells of detection)
07 KAI Psi-surge (requires KAI Mindblast, You are able to attack enemies using
the powers of your mind. This uses your BaB and a D6 plus your current KAI
Also you can set up disruptive vibrations in inanimate objects,
Fortitude DC 40 minus your current KAI level, and
cause confusion in the minds of unsophisticated enemies, but only
if the enemy fails Will save DC of 5 plus your current KAI level)
08 KAI Psi-screen (requires KAI Mindshield, You are immune to hypnosis,
illusions, charms, hostile telepathy, and posession)
09 KAI Nexus
(requires KAI Mind Over Matter, You gain resist to fire, gas
and acid and you are able to extinguish fire at will, resistance is
equal to your current KAI level)
10 KAI Divination (requires KAI Sixth Sense, Detect magic at will, detect
invisibility at will, detect hidden enemies at will, telepathy at will,
detect psychic residue and you gain Astral Projection at
KAI MASTER Grand Weaponmastery
(requires KAI Weaponmastery, permanent,
This Discipline enables a KAI Grand Master to become supremely efficient
in the use of all weapons. You may add 5 points as an ATTACK BONUS when using
any weapon.
KAI Grand Sentinels who possess this Discipline are, when physically
parted from their Kai Weapon, able to detect its location.
This power of detection will pass through solid objects, with the
notable exception of lead. Range of detection steadily increase as a Grand
Master rises in rank.
Range can be calculated as 100ft for each level of KAI you have.
Sun Knights with this Discipline are able to wield two-handed weapons
(i.e. Broadsword, Quarterstaff, and Spear) with full effect using only one hand.
Sun Lords with this Discipline are able to cause the metal edge of any
non-magical weapon to ignite and burn fiercely.
When a Weapon thus affected is used in combat, it inflicts an additional
1 FORTITUDE point loss upon an enemy in
every successful round of combat. This ability cannot be used with a
wholly wooden Weapon such as a Quarterstaff)
KAI MASTER Animal Mastery
(requires KAI Animal Control, permanent, KAI Grand Masters have complete
control over hostile, non-sentient creatures,
KAI Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are able to deter
predatory animals in the wild by exuding a scent which is repellent to them.
In order for this improved Discipline to work effectively, a Kai Grand
Master Superior must be aware of the species of predatory animal he/she wishes
to deter.
The scent can only be detected by the targeted animal.
KAI Sun Thanes with this Discipline are able to command an animal to
fall asleep at will. No animals may be able to resist this command;
Side 53

The duration of effect and the number of animals which can be affected
at one time will increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.
The duration can be calculated as 1 hour for each level of KAI you have,
you may however
choose to make an animal sleep for less than your
allowed maximum time.
The number of animals can be calculated as 1 for each level of KAI you
have, you may however choose to affect a smaller number of animals than your
maximum allowed number)
KAI MASTER Deliverance
(requires KAI Curing, This is an advanced version of curing, KAI Grand
Masters are able to use their healing power to repair serious battle-wounds.
If, while in combat, their HITPOINTS is reduced to 8 points or less,
they can draw upon their mastery to restore 20 HITPOINTS. This emergency ability
can only
be used at will once every 20
KAI Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline have the ability to
repair the effects of natural decay in materials such as wood, stone, cloth,
metal, etc.
By touching the decaying object, a KAI Grand Defender is able to reverse
damage caused by rot, rust, or mould.
KAI Sun Knights who possess this skill are able to repair serious wounds
sustained by creatures other than themselves.
By the laying of hands upon the affected creature's body,
a KAI Sun Knight can cause an open wound (or other serious injury) to
mend itself. The speed at which this healing process takes place
increases as a KAI Grand Master rises in rank.
This works as a paladins Lay on Hands ability, when using lay on hands
then your current KAI levels counts as a paladin of equal level using the lay on
hands ability.
KAI Sun Thanes who possess this skill are able to conduct a Kai
Exorcism. This ritual will banish any evil supernatural force that has taken
possession of any goodly creature or object)
KAI MASTER Assimilance
(requires KAI Invisibility, This is an advanced version of invisibility,
KAI Grand Masters are able to effect striking changes
to their physical appearance, and maintain these changes over a period
of 1 to 3 days. They have also mastered advanced camouflage techniques which
make them virtually
undetectable in an open landscape. You may use KAI Invisibility on all
within a 100 ft radius centered on you at will.
KAI Grand Master Superiors who possess this skill are able to create a
noise and project it up to 15 yards away from their location.
The noise is akin to the rumbling sound of thunder and it can be used to
distract or divert an enemy's
This improved Discipline requires a degree of preparation and therefore
it cannot be used during combat.
KAI Grand Guardians who possess this skill are able to summon a cloud of
fog-like vapour within 15 yards of their location.
This fog will obscure both normal vision and infravision. The duration
of the fog increases as a Grand Master rises in rank.
The duration is calculated as 1 hour for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Sun Lords who possess this skill are able to cause the outline of
Side 54

their bodies to become blurred and indistinct.
By so doing, they can avoid any magical and/or non-magical missiles
directed at them)
KAI MASTER Grand Huntmastery
(requires KAI Huntmastery, permanent, KAI Grand Masters are able to see
in total darkness and they possess great natural speed and agility.
This grants +10 to base speed permanently and +1 to DEXTERITY
They also have a superb sense of touch and taste (all skillchecks
related to touch as taste always succeeds),
with this discipline you are able to hunt enough food for a party of 10
that ALWAYS succeeds when outdoors.
Kai Grand Guardians with this skill enjoy increased mobility when
travelling across all types of terrain, whether on foot or on horseback.
This improved ability can be very useful when used to outdistance a
pursuing enemy. This counts as the mobility feat)
KAI MASTER Grand Pathsmanship
(requires KAI Pathsmanship, permanent, KAI Grand Masters are able to
avoid entrapment by hostile plants. Also they are always aware of ambush,
or the threat of ambush, in woods and dense
KAI Grand Sentinels who possess this skill are able to predict the
weather accurately for the forthcoming 3 hours.
The range of this ability is an area 10 square miles around the KAI
Duration and range steadily increase as a KAI Grand Master rises in
rank. The range is 10 square miles for each level of KAI you have.
The duration is 3 hours for each level of KAI you
KAI Sun Knights with this skill are able to repel at will all
normal-sized insects within a radius of three yards.
The range and number of insects so affected increase considerably as a
KAI Grand Master rises in rank. The number of insect swarms affected is
equal to the number of KAI levels you have.
The effective radius is 3 yards for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Sun Lords with this skill are able to see, with perfect accuracy,
light in the infrared spectrum, i.e. they can see the complex
patterns generated by heat in near or total darkness.
They can also see light in the ultraviolet spectrum.
KAI Sun Thanes with this skill are able to protect themselves from the
effects of being struck by natural electrical discharges,
i.e. lightning. they are immune to electricity)
KAI MASTER Kai-surge
(requires KAI Psi-surge, permanent, adds 4 to base attack as mental
effect, not all are affected, you may choose to use 1 HITPOINT
to instead add 8 to you base attack in the current combat
round as a mental effect.
KAI Grand Guardians who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to
attack up to three enemies in psychic combat simultaneously,
when you roll to hit then select 3 enemies, then select
highest AC
Side 55

amongst your 3 selected enemies, if you beat that AC then all 3 enemies
are hit by your blow at the same time .
KAI Sun Lords who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to launch
a Kai-blast a pulse of intense psychic energy which is
capable of affecting both psychically active and inactive
This form of psychic attack is very effective, more so than a usual
Kai-surge, Psi-surge, or Mindblast. It can cause an enemy to lose
between 1 and 20 HITPOINTS in one attack.
A KAI Sun Lord using Kai-blast determines the damage inflicted on an
enemy by rolling 1D20. The result on the dice equals the damage inflicted.
However, use of a Kai-blast will reduce a KAI Sun Lord's HITPOINTS total
by 4. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of psychic attack.
This ability may be used a number of times per day equal to the total
number of KAI levels you have)
KAI MASTER Kai-screen
(requires KAI Psi-screen, During psychic combat, KAI Grand Masters are
able to construct mind-fortresses capable of protecting themselves and others.
You are able to create a 100 ft radius that grants immunity to KAI
Mindblast, this ability can be used at will.
KAI Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to exercise a
defensive psychic skill known as Mindblend.
This cloaking ability enables a KAI Grand Guardian to protect their mind
and also prevent it from being detected by enemies.
KAI Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to erect a special
psychic defence called Mindfort.
A Mindfort defence greatly reduces the effects of any psychic shock that
would normally paralyse or weaken a lesser mortal.
This ability allows you to always automatically pass any will save)
KAI MASTER Grand Nexus
(requires KAI Nexus, You are immune to fire, you are immune to gas, you
are immune to acid and you are able to extinguish fire at will.
KAI Sun Knights who possess Mastery of this Discipline are able to feign
death. By placing themselves into a state of suspended animation,
outwardly they are able to achieve all semblance of being truly dead.
However, whilst in this state, the only sense that a KAI Sun Knight
retains is the ability to hear)
KAI MASTER Telegnosis
(requires KAI Divination, this is an advanced version of divination, all
friendly creatures in a 100ft cone centered on you, gain
Astral Projection for one hour per KAI level you have, this abiliy can
be used once each day at will.
By use of this Discipline, a KAI Grand Defender is able to locate a
known or familiar material object. Initially the range
of this ability is limited to a 15-foot radius,
however this distance steadily increases as a KAI Grand Master advances
in rank. The range is 15 foot for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Sun Knights who possess this Discipline are able to communicate
telepathically over great distances. Initially the range of this ability
is approximately 100 miles,
Side 56

but this distance increases as a Grand Master rises in rank. The
distance is 100 miles for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to alter their body
weight in order to walk successfully upon ANY kind of surface,
e.g. water, mud, lava, and quicksand.
Time duration increases as a Grand Master rises in rank. The duration is
1 hour for each level of KAI you have)
KAI MASTER Magi-magic
(Old Kingdom Magic, Under the tutelage of Lone Wolf the immortal, you
have been able to master the rudimentary skills of Old Kingdom battle-magic.
These arcane skills include the use of 3 basic Old Kingdom Spells, such
as Shield, Power Word Kill, and Invisible Fist
(spell D6 Sneak Attack for each caster/KAI level you have).
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level.
KAI Grand Masters who have reached the rank of KAI Grand Guardian are
able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
Shatter This causes breakable items such as bottles, jugs, mirrors,
windows, etc., to shatter to pieces. The range of this spell increases as a
Grand Master rises in rank.
Flame Arrow This causes the tip of any Arrow, or Arrow-like missile,
to burn fiercely with a magical flame which cannot readily be extinguished by
normal means.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level.
KAI Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use
the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
Acid Arrow A magical arrow of acid launched by a KAI Sun Lord, springs
from your hand and speeds to its target.
Shocking Grasp This spell enables a KAI Sun Lord to discharge a
powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level)
KAI MASTER Kai-alchemy
(Brotherhood Magic, Under the tutelage of the immortals Lone Wolf and
Guildmaster Banedon (the leader of Sommerlund's Guild of Magicians),
you have mastered the elementary spells
of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star. These spells include Call
Lightning, Greater Levitate, and Charm Person.
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level.
KAI Grand Masters who have reached the rank of KAI Sun Knight are able
to use the following Brotherhood Spells:
Deflect Arrows This causes any projected or hurled missile (e.g.
arrows, axes, crossbow bolts) which may pose an immediate threat to the
life of a KAI Sun Knight, to cease its flight and
Bull's Strength By casting this spell, a KAI Sun Knight is able to
greatly increase his or her physical strength for a short duration. It can be
used to lift or move heavy objects or in
Side 57

The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level.
KAI Grand Masters who have reached the rank of KAI Sun Thane are able to
use the following Brotherhood Spells:
Feather Fall By casting this spell, KAI Sun Thanes are able to slow
their rate of free-falling, thereby avoiding damage upon landing while the spell
is in effect.
Water Breathing Using this spell, a KAI Sun Thane is able to breathe
The spells are cast with a caster level equal to your current number of
KAI levels. You may cast these sells once each day using your KAI level as
caster level)
KAI MASTER Astrology
(The celestial bodies which occupy the skies above Magnamund have long
been known to affect the lives of its inhabitants. Mastery of this Discipline
enables a
KAI Grand Master to predict and shape the future by studying the
relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, and the myriad planets and stars.
The number and accuracy of these predictions increase as a KAI Grand
Master advances in rank. This works as the epic spell Foresee. You may cast this
spell once each day and your caster
KAI levels.

level is equal to your

KAI Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are skilled in
the use of all mechanical devices designed to measure and/or observe the
cosmology of the planet.
Such devices include sextants, astrolabes, and orreries. All skill
checks related to this automatically succeeds.
KAI Grand Sentinels who possess this Discipline are able to detect
psychic residues left on an object by its owner. The more valuable the object is
to its owner,
the stronger will be the lingering psychic attachment. The majority of
everyday or shared objects do not retain such residues.
All skill checks related to this automatically succeeds.
KAI Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are skilled in the use
of all common astrological devices used to predict future events.
Such devices include cards, dice, and crystal spheres.
All skill checks related to this automatically succeeds. But the
knowledge obtainable using this is limited at the DM's discretion.
KAI Sun Knights who have this Discipline are skilled in the art of
chiromancy the ability to tell fortunes from the skin creases and patterns
found on the palms of hands.
All skill checks related to this automatically succeeds. But the
knowledge obtainable using this is limited at the DM's discretion.
KAI Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are expert in the art of
hypnotism. By the use of a hypnotic stare, they are able to cause susceptible
creatures (up to three individuals at any one time)
willingly to carry out their orders. The number of creatures so affected
and the duration of the effect increases steadily as a Sun Thane advances in
Kai rank.
The number of creatures is 3 for each level of KAI you have. The
duration is 1 hour for each level of KAI you have.
This does not work on enemies that are immune to mind affecting effects.
Will DC for enemy to avoid is equal to the number of KAI levels you have)
Side 58

KAI MASTER Herbmastery
(permanent, Mastery of this New Order Discipline enables a KAI Grand
Master to identify readily any substance derived from living or growing organic
the grand master is aware of any secret uses to which an organic
material may be put, and skilled in effecting the
release of a substance's medicinal and/or magical properties.
All skill checks related to this automatically succeeds and any herb
related skill checks always succeeds.
Through their knowledge and use of common plants, KAI Grand Sentinels
who have this Discipline are able to make contaminated or rotten food fit for
human consumption
(this works like Purify Food and Drink using you KAI level as caster
level. You may use this effect at will as many times a day as you want).
KAI Grand Master Superiors who have this Discipline are able to purify
water, thereby making contaminated or briny water suitable for consumption.
Roughly two pints of water per day can be purified using this skill
alone. This daily total steadily increases as a KAI Grand Master advances in
The daily amount is two pints of water for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are able to neutralize
any poisonous toxins that may be present in organic materials such as plants,
berries, and fruits.
Through the use of this skill, the transformation of toxins results in a
restoration of hitpoints and strength when the previously poisonous matter is
The amount of strength and hitpoints that can be restored are equal to
the number of KAI levels you have.
KAI Grand Guardians who possess this Discipline are able to use their
advanced knowledge of Herbmastery to produce explosive compounds from simple
organic materials.
An explosive compound made using this skill will cause 1D6 of damage to
everyone within a range of 15ft.
KAI Sun Thanes who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to alter
the temperature of water by touch.
By using this skill they are able to transform water into ice and vice
The volume of water affected and the duration of effect both increase as
a KAI Grand Master rises in rank.
The volume is 1 gallon for each level of KAI you have. The duration is 1
hour for each level of KAI you have.
KAI Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to cause living
plants, e.g. grasses, bushes, flowers, weeds, rushes,
to entwine themselves around the limbs of hostile creatures,
thereby hampering their free movement. This works like the entangle
spell sing your current KAI level as the caster level.
You may use this effect a number of times per day equal to your current
KAI level)
KAI MASTER Elementalism
(This Discipline enables a KAI Grand Master to manipulate the four basic
elements: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. By drawing upon individual elements that
are available,
or combinations thereof, he is able to detach, affix, increase,
concentrate, intensify, remove, or accelerate this matter to fulfil a
specific purpose, e.g. create a wall, hurl a rock, spray sand, remove air,
Side 59

intensify fire.
The versatility of this Discipline increases as a KAI Grand Master
advances in rank.
This ability allows you to once each day cast one of
each of the following spells using your KAI level as caster level:
0 Dancing lights, flare, light, nature's hand(as
mage hand), create water, ray of frost, cure minor wounds
1st Magic stone, burning hands, entangle, endure
elements, obscuring mist, faerie fire, good berry, produce flame, cure light
2nd Darkness, pyrotechnics, whisper wind, wind wall,
soften earth & stone, barkskin, fog cloud, fire trap, flaming sphere, gust of
tree shape, wood shape, cure moderate wounds
3rd Daylight, continual flame, searing light, stone
shape, water breathing, water walk, plant growth, meld into stone, command
plants, diminish plants,
fireball, cure serious wounds
4th Speak with plants, control water, air walk,
spike stones, wall of fire, fire shield, flame strike, ice storm, commune with
tree stride, stone skin, solid fog, wall of ice,
cure critical wounds
5th Control winds, wall of stone, wall of thorns,
cone of cold, transmute mud to rock, transmute rock to mud
6th Animate plants, wind walk, chain lightning, fire
seeds, repel wood, spell staff, live oak, otilukes freezing sphere, stone to
flesh, move earth
7th Control weather, earth quake, fire storm, sun
beam, transmute metal to wood, delayed blast fireball
8th Whirlwind, incendiary cloud, control plants,
sunburst, repel metal or stone, polar ray
9th Storm of vengeance, elemental swarm (any
element), shambler, inprisonment.
KAI Grand Master Superiors who possess this skill are able to condense
pure water out of the surrounding air.
This water can be made to fall as a fine spray or as a sudden deluge. It
can also be made to fill any suitable
container or receptacle. Using this skill, KAI Grand Master Superiors
can once a day create the equivalent of one large bucketful of fresh water.
KAI Grand Sentinels who possess this skill are able to charge particles
of air electrically around any man-sized or smaller object.
The particles will automatically discharge and cause 1D6 electrical
damage should the affected object be
touched or opened. KAI Grand Sentinels are able to handle a charged
object without discharging it.
By using this Discipline, KAI Grand Defenders are able to summon up a
dense, misty vapour to obscure themselves from both normal vision and
This mist will occur within 5 feet of the KAI Grand Defender and will
last for a number of minutes equal to the number of KAI levels you have.
The mist fills 15ft by 15ft and can expand its range by 5ft for each
level of KAI you have.
Range and duration increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.
Through the use of this Discipline, KAI Grand Guardians are able to
protect themselves from the effects of storm-force winds by creating a sphere of
calm air around their bodies.
Initially this protective bubble lasts for one minute, but duration
steadily increases as a KAI Grand Master ascends in KAI rank.
This protective bubble last a number of minutes equal to your current
number of KAI levels.
KAI Sun Thanes who possess this Discipline are able to accelerate
Side 60

greatly the oxidation (rusting) of ferrous metals simply by touch alone.
The longer the metallic item is touched by a KAI Sun Thane, the more
damaging will be the effect.
This is equal to the spell Rusting Grasp. The spell can be used at will
as many times as you want.
The caster level of the spell is equal to your current number of KAI
KAI MASTER Bardsmanship
(permanent, Through mastery of this Discipline a KAI Grand Master of the
New Order becomes a multi-talented performer, proficient in the use of any
musical instrument.
He is able to sing or chant, recite or compose tales of legend, mimic
speech or dialect, and stimulate a wide range of emotions among sentient
The effect and power of his bardic abilities will steadily increase as
he advances through the Grand Master ranks.
With this you always succeed in skill checks for playing an instrument,
telling tales, mimic speech, mimic dialect and simulate emotions.
KAI Grand Master Superiors who possess this Discipline are able to
utilize their musical skills to pacify an excited or hostile animal.
KAI Grand Sentinels who possess this Discipline are able to use their
singing or playing to counter a hostile sonic attack.
The effective use and range of this sonic defence steadily increase as a
Grand Master rises in rank.
The chance of successfully avoiding a sonic attack is 3% for each of
your current number of KAI levels.
The range of the protective bubble centered on you is 5ft for each of
your current number of KAI levels.
KAI Grand Defenders who possess this Discipline are able to use their
musical skills to pacify (and/or implant a suggestion into the mind of) an
creature within audible range.
This improved Discipline is similar in effect to the Brotherhood Spell
Mind Charm (Kai-alchemy, also known as the charm person spell).
You cast this spell as a bard with a caster level equal to your current
number of KAI levels.
You may cast this bard music spell a number of times per day equal to
your current number of KAI levels.
KAI Sun Knights who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to use
their musical skills to launch sonic attacks against any individual within
audible range.
The effect of a sonic attack is dependent upon the target creature's
sensitivity to sound (i.e. a deaf creature would be unaffected by such an
The sonic attack does 1D6 of damage for each of your current KAI levels.
The Fortitude DC to resist is equal to your current number of KAI levels.
KAI Sun Lords with this skill are able to direct their musical abilities
to disrupt the structure of inanimate breakable objects, e.g. glass, ceramics,
urns, flasks,
causing them to explode violently. Any person or creature in close
proximity to the destroyed object risks injury from flying fragments.
Any breakable object will be destroyed and anyone within a range of 15ft
will suffer D6 damage if they fail a fortitude DC save of 20)
KAI Warrior Monk
Making a KAI Warrior Monk
Table: The KAI Warrior Monk
Side 61


Hit Die: d8



Saving Throws


Estimated numbers





KAI Novice





KAI Intuite





KAI Doan





KAI Acolyte





KAI Initiate





KAI Aspirant





KAI Guardian Servant





KAI Guardian





KAI Guardian Master



KAI Journeyman



KAI Warmarn Servant



KAI Warmarn



KAI Warmarn Master



KAI Savant



KAI Master Initiate



KAI Master



KAI Grand Master



KAI Grand Master



KAI Grand Master Senior




Side 62


KAI Grand Master




KAI Grand Sentinel



KAI Grand Defender



KAI Grand Guardian

+30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 +22
1 commands 81916 KAI



KAI Sun Knight



KAI Sun Lord



KAI Sun Thrane



KAI Grand Thane



KAI Grand Crown



KAI Sun Prince



KAI Surpreme Master

warrior monks.
Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, 4 at 1st level)
Climb (Str), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), Swim
Class Features
The following is a class feature of the KAI Warrior Monk class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The warrior is proficient in the use of all simple
and martial weapons and all armor and shields.
-------------------------Discipline improvements by KAI rank:
Kai Grand Master Superior
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Master
Superior, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master
Animal Mastery
Kai Grand Sentinel
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Sentinel, you
will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Side 63

Grand Weaponmastery
Grand Pathsmanship
Kai Grand Defender
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Defender, you
will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Kai Grand Guardian
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, you
will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Grand Huntmastery
Sun Knight
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Knight, you will now
benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Grand Weaponmastery
Grand Pathsmanship
Grand Nexus
Sun Lord
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Lord, you will now
benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Grand Weaponmastery
Grand Huntmastery
Sun Thane
If you are a New Order Kai who has attained the rank of Sun Thane, you will now
benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:
Animal Mastery
Grand Huntmastery
Grand Pathsmanship
Side 64



Side 65

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