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Holding People Accountable to

Modeling Accountability and
Holding People Able
Prepared to :DR KUSDI

Accountability if the single most powerful

characterisBc of a successful human being
next to human connecBvity

There is a direct correlaBon between a

companys health and well being and the
degree of accountability displayed by the

Powerful partnerships require:


Understand needs
Clarify expectaBons
Collaborate on soluBons
Meet commitments

Non Est Mea Culpa

LaBn for its not my fault

Most dont understand what accountability

really is.
Most associate accountability with blame
Whos accountable? First response is, Not

Accountability has to start from within

You are the culture
I am the culture
We shape the culture
each Bme we walk into a room
Pick up the phone
Send an email

Who can x the problems in the world,

in a company, in a family?


AZach small mirror here

Fierce Leaders inuence the culture one

conversaBon at a Bme
Progress of your organizaBon depends on your
progress as an individual now.
Turn on NOW

The VicBm Context

It is part of being human

VicBm mode shows up everywhere

VicBm debates occur and are hilarious
I have it worse then you.
VicBmizaBon is easy, a reason to blame

VicBm mode gets reinforced


Everybody agrees that I am a vicBm

It is frequently rewarded
Sense of being in a group
Dont have to look at myself
Dont have to work on self or confront own
6. Safety main benet

Breaking the vicBm cycle

1.Take risk relaBve term for each
2.Leave the familiar

Are you IN or OUT of the Cave?

In the cave for safety
It becomes a problem when we live there
and never come out
When life is about safety we are in no
danger of becoming change agents
Hard to improve results when in the cave

JusBed VicBm
Being a vicBm is not the problem
Problem is when we gather data to prove
that we are powerless.
Being a vicBm is seducBve
VicBm list becomes who we are.
Our friends are people who buy our list
and others are a pain in the buZ.

What Were We Thinking

Shids in out beliefs result in
changed behavior.
Do you operate in the negaBve or
posiBve context?


A desire to take responsibility

for results; a bias toward
soluBon, acBon. An aftude; a
personal, private
nonnegoBable choice about
how to live ones life.


Starts and ends with ME.


1. Prepare Yourself Fierce ConversaBon
with self

Embrace reality
Explore my opBons
Clarify results wanted
Take a step in that direcBon
Gather evidence to ensure success
It is about ownership you own the problem
From ownership to decisions to acBon

2. Prepare Others

Hold others able

Who is doing what by exactly when

Follow up mee/ngs

3. DO IT Mineral Rights ConversaBon

IdenBfy the issue

Clarify the issue
Determine current impact
Determine future implicaBon
Examine personal contribuBons
Describe the ideal outcome
Commit to acBon

Note: No declaraBve statements, quesBons only, no

leading quesBons, dont give advice

Check in with person wait a day
PracBce it at home

Take it to the OrganizaBon

1. Schedule and conduct Mineral Rights
conversaBons with each direct report.
2. Schedule a brief meeBng each morning or
week to ensure clarity and Bme lines
3. Be clear WHY things are on to-do are a
4. Ask each member to give succinct report on
accomplishments and whats next on to-do

5. Stop vicBm conversaBons

6. Express ample, public appreciaBon for geBng
stu done.
7. If lagging behind ask, Whats your plan for
catching up?

Personal AcBon Plan

Write down top personal and professional
goals for the next 60 90 days.
EX: Gefng stu done when you said
you would

Personal AcBon Plan

1. Have Fierce ConversaBon with yourself
2. Tell the truth, tell the truth, tell the truth
3. Find someone to support you in modeling
4. Get specic about your career aspiraBons
5. Have your boss advocate for you
6. Add names and topics to your ConversaBons
I Need to Have list and then have them

Hold ourselves accountable and

other able able to take charge,
take acBon, and eect change.

The progress of the world

actually does depend on our
progress as individuals. It is
true for ALL of us

We do leave lasBng impacts

greater than we can ever

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