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1. What does spell mean here? How does it bind the intellectual energies and powers?

Why is loosening of the spell sweet to a teacher ?

Ans: Here spell means magical or unseen power -- a psychological state induced by (or
as if induced by) a magical incantation.
Before blooming the glory and fragrance of a flower remains latent and concealed
by its petals. Similarly, intellectual energies and powers of a pupil remains latent in his
tender age. But with the gradual growth and development of mind and body it comes out
with all its beauty and charms.
A teacher, a man-maker, is entitled to draw out all the latent intellectual powers
already in his pupils. Naturally, when he observes gentle manifestation of perfection , it
is very sweet to him.
2. In what ways do winds and showers influence the soil ? How do circumstances,
knowledge and perceptions influence the young mind ?
Ans: Winds and showers play an important role to make the soil fertile by providing
essential elements like nitrogen, carbon-di-oxide etc.
Circumstances, knowledge and perceptions contribute much to the proper growth
and development of a young mind and help pupils to adapt to the environment and society
they are in.
3. When will the poet consider himself as a successful teacher ? Quote the appropriate
lines from the poem and then give the meaning in your own words.
Ans : The poet will consider himself as a successful teacher when his young pupils will
reach the goal in life and achieve fame, admiration and prosperity they crave for.
What joyance ................................................................. lived in vain.
The poets joy knows no bounds when he visualizes his pupils achieve fame, glory and
admiration in future. He takes much delight in the thought that all the dreams of his
affectionate pupils have come true and they are established with all the glory and
fragrance. Then he thinks that his birth on earth is quite successful.

4. Why does the poet use capital letters in Wander Thirst ?

Ans: The poet uses capital letters chiefly because he wants to lay much emphasis on the
fact that his thirst to know the unknown and see the unseen is indomitable. Thats why he
has personified the term to give it a living entity.

5. What does the poet want to say in this poem ?

Ans: The poet here sketches a fine pen picture of his mind i.e an irresistible urge for
travelling that comes from within him. The sights and sounds of nature and all the natural
phenomena incessantly allures him. The very indomitable urge to know the unknown and see
the unseen raises its head to come out and maddens him.
6. Why does the poet say Come I may but go I must ?
Ans : The poet feels such an indomitable urge to know the unknown and see the unseen
and to suck the honey of nature to the lees that he is quite determined to sail for the
unknown vast, though he is not sure whether he would come back or not.


7. Do you think Cal is ungrateful ? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans : Apparently Cal may appear to be ungrateful. But after analysing all the facts I do
not think him ungrateful.
His master Northorp did a lot for his improvement and ultimately made him a good
writer.But seeing Cal superior in quality he became jealous and rather hostile in attitude
and made conpiracy to bring Cal back to his former state and if necessary, to destroy him.
Then Cal thought of even killing his master for his protection. And I do think ingratitude
does not lie in self-protection.

8. Give the main theme of the poem .
Ans: In the poem the poet Alfred Edward Housman laments the brevity of life. The span
of human life is too short to enjoy the beauty of nature to ones hearts content. [So in
the last two lines the poet wishes to quench his thirst of drinking the cup of pleasure to
the lees on seeing the scenic beauty of the cherry trees covered by snow-white flowers.]

** The portion given in bracket may be written if necessary i.e. if more than 2 marks is


9. Give the substance of the poem.
Ans : The renowned nature poet Keats classifies the human life into four stages. With his
poetic genius he finely sketches the four phases of human life. To him human being is the
creation of the nature and so there is an integral relation between man and nature. In this
poem he compares the youth, the luxurious period, middle age and last age in mans life to
spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively.
In his spring, he is full of life and vigour. His sucks the honey of life to his hearts
content and wanders in the dreamland as he sees the whole world with a coloured glass of
romance. In his summer he loves to brood over the sweet memories of bygone spring days
and gets eternal joy and bliss. In the autumn he becomes calm and quiet. He fancies no
longer. Then he is self complacent on seeing the beauty of nature idly. In winter finally he
suffers from misfortune and heads towards the death following the mortal nature of
human beings.


10. Give the substance of the poem.

Ans : Henry Louis Vivian Derozios Sonnet to the pupils of the Hindu College sketches
the poets ecstasy and glory as a teacher of the then Hindu College. Through some
appropriate similies he offers a pen picture of the young pupils mind. After the poet, their
mental growth and development is like the blooming of flowers in all their beauties and
fragrance. Their magical power and intellectual energies remain concealed until their
mental faculty is widened. The poet inspires their free thinking. He says that the pupils
test their strength of mind as do the young birds in soothing summer days. The pupils
learn to adapt themselves to the environment and acquire new thoughts and ideas. To them
truth is almighty. The poets heart leaps in joy whenever he visualizes their fame and glory
in the mirror of boudless future.
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