Work Life Balance at Baxter

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Work/Life Balance at Baxter

1. What role, if any, does work/ life Balance play in the success of an
organization? Explain.
The roles does work/life Balance play in the success of an organization are:
Work/ life Balance affects organization profit and revenues. It is achieved
by implementing work/life balance inside the organization which gives the
employees alternatives and flexible time management. Which affect the
employees satisfaction from work and leads to satisfaction at work and
increased passion for it. Moreover it has an impact on the employee
commitment to achieve the organization goals.
Work/ life Balance affects organization productivity and efficiency of
employees. Where employees become more creative and capable to take
decisions on behalf of their mangers in their absence.
Work/ life has a positive impact on staff retaining through providing
Flexible working hours and consultative roistering arrangement to all
employees including managers and supervisors.
Work/ life decreases the work stress fall on the employees shoulders
which has a direct impact on the firm productivity
Work/ life Balance could be an excellent tool for attracting and retain topnotch employees who in return affect the organization productivity

2. How does diversity in an organization affect the organizations work /life

balance? What ethical considerations exist that may drive the organization
to be more work/life balance?
The challenge is to make organizations more accommodating to diverse
groups of people by addressing different lifestyles, family needs, and work
styles. So diversity in an organization will raise the following issues which
are affecting the life /Balance:
Need to attract and maintain a diversified work force that is reflective of
the diversity in the general population.
Work force diversity requires employers to be more sensitive to
differences that each group brings to the work setting in terms of values,
needs, life /work balance and family commitment.
24/7 electronic accesses to employees blurs the lines between work life
and personal life.
The organization must avoid any practice action that can be interpreted as
being as being sexist, racist or offensive to any particular group and it
mustnt illegally discriminate against employees.
The place one works and the hours one works, including how many
hours, are also considerations when trying to balance work and family life.
Employers will need more work schedule flexibility, especially with
workers who value family and leisure over careers.
The organization must avoid any practice action that can be interpreted as
being as being sexist, racist or offensive to any particular group and it
mustnt illegally discriminate against employees
Restoring an ethical climate in organization is critical, as it is a key
component in solving the many other organizational development and
ethical behavior issues facing the organization, which enhance work/life
balance as the employees knows their rights, duties and responsibilities

Right and wrong are often difficult to distinguish what is unethical could
be legal.
Companies are increasingly adopting a code of ethics which is a formal
document that states an organizations primary values and the ethical rules
it expects organizational members to follow it and that improve the life/work
balance in the organization it self

3. How can organizations develop a culture that supports work/ life

Organizations can develop a culture that supports work/life balance. They
Promoting and enhancing employees sharing responsibility in managing
the daily demands of a career and family.
Alternate work arrangements can be a way to meet employees' needs for
balance and flexibility, and that the employee should examine his/her own
personal characteristics when considering a change in schedule.
A guide for determining if alternative work arrangements would be a good
fit for the employee's personality and career.
Options like part-time work, job-sharing, compressed work week, and
telecommuting are analyzed.
Attitudes and







High communication and education about work-life balance strategies.

Leadership/management styles The way that staff is managed and the
emphasis on leadership in that organization. This also includes the ways
decisions are made and problems are solved, whether collaboratively,
individually, or with some combination.
Reporting structure The way the organization is arranged in terms of
hierarchy. This could mean a tiered or flat system of reporting.
Language and communication - The internal language or terms used and
understood by staff. Also, specific terms or key messages the organization
uses in external communication, as well as general communication style.
Physical work environment The space that the organization occupies,
such as offices, cubicles, or open workspaces, and common areas like
reception, a kitchen, or a lunch room.

Staff diversity The level of importance of diversity of backgrounds,

experiences, or beliefs the organization values. Also, the level of
importance that staff share racial, ethnic, or economic backgrounds with
the communities the organization serves.
Traditions and celebrations This includes how the organization
acknowledges personal successes and other milestones. This can be a
range of social rituals institutionalized across the organization.
Work pace Whether work is done at a fast, moderate, or leisurely
speed. This also relates to the work/life balance for staff.
Emphasizes and rewards long hours and high organizational commitment
Supportive working environment for employees with life commitments
outside the organization.

4. What role do human resources play in making sure work/ life practices
are effective?
The role that Human Resources play:
Designing employees alternative and flexible work arrangement such as
job-sharing, compressed workweeks, and telecommuting,
Recruiting and selection of new staff.
Identifying the skills gabs which has an implication on the employees
performance and their future satisfaction and their capability to avoid work
Rewarding system
Training and Development
Ethics and Employee Rights.
Motivating Knowledge Workers.HR must structure jobs such that
knowledge workers stay focused on the task at hand.
Improve Communications and culture conflicts especially in diversified
Decentralized Work Sites. Companies must train managers how to
establish and ensure appropriate work quality and on-time completion.
They must also ensure that compensation and legal protections are
appropriate in non-traditional work settings.
Support quick adapt of new recruited employees to the organization

5. Take a look at the Baxter Web site "Careers" section (www.
What does Baxter do that seems to support the goal of work/life balance?
Baxter's global operations collaborate with external organizations, as
appropriate, to develop and facilitate programs. While some of the work/life
programs and resources listed below are available globally, all are available
in the United States:
Adoption assistance and reimbursement;
Back-up/emergency child and elder care;
Dependent-care flexible spending accounts;
Educational assistance;
Employee assistance and counseling programs;
Elder-care management services;
Lactation rooms;
Resource and community referrals to local service providers for family,
financial and work issues;
Webinars on topics such as stress management and parenting (in English
but offered worldwide);
Alternate Work Arrangements
Alternate Work Arrangements
Alternate work arrangements help to meet employees' needs for flexibility
while continuing to achieve Baxter's business goals. The company's
Alternate Work Arrangement Proposal Kit assists employees and managers
in reviewing the steps required for proposing and reviewing requests for
flexibility within the scope of an existing position. To determine the most
appropriate alternate work arrangement, the following are typically taken
into consideration:

The requirements of the job;

The employee's personal needs;
The needs and goals of the business overall.
The employee's satisfactory work performance
Baxter support life /balance work through alternate work arrangement
offered to its employees and although provide the most appropriate
alternate work arrangement suitable to its employees and show some of
the work/life programs and resources which are available globally.

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