Zone of Tensile Stresses in The Foundation of A Concrete Dam - Durcheva

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lW1 (FitOM

OBSERV~flO!> DA1~)

The <>ecuccenee of o <o"" of tenoion in th o foundotlon undor the upotre.,. f ooe of h! ~ h

~u vlt7 d"' b not deboUble :
"the pooslblllty of dioeontlnuHy of the foundatl"" In zonu
of nolon " io pointed out 1nconstnc<1on speclf lu<1ono a nd reguht!ono SNIPll-54-17

Dl>rlngthelntuectlonof theecmcce<edo ,.,!ththeroekfoundalicn, thepr ..suaof

thohyd roa t otle loa d being tron ..dued to the foundation eousu bioxld tension on it . Tho
>one of action of theoe otrusu [lj eneo:;>U8U pact of the rool< foundation near the up otru=
fa ce a nd under it . ond if s treoo o~ a luayo ocouro , then the uno lle s treu oy . . y not o<eur
otolluo conuque nceofltsc010pletec o:ponsa lionbyc""preoo1onfr011theuelghtofthe

~= GHGaFaUaaFaaaQaOQaaaaaHh!!~::~: ~~.~:~.~:,i~~~~~~~~e f~:k ~n:::~~~~

Aceo~dJng to cunont concepts a~o ut the ><O<k of a ~ rovlty da, based on the<>rotlcal ond
II<Xle l invuHsHtono and"" a ot,..!y of ohe bel!.ovtor cf act ~o! d,.,.A, It hu been .. t obllohod
thot the occunenc & of bioxhl ton oion (openi"l! of th~contact joint) Is po""!ble tn e preosed
thot h ve a !ntmu~ vel""" of c<>ncreto pe< unit of tho oetlf>!l head , ond ~ore
con,.rocted on o rigid <<><k fou nda tion. Such damo Include tho Brota k a nd trst'-llho, tn the
found., lonof.mtehealeulated one of tonoion f> 011 tbeo-p erotl~ lo.odhavebeenesta blhhod


r~. ~~.

Ao io l<n.,.,, tho otue of ot re . . of a dom lo deton:oined not on!~ by tho operattn~ l oada ,
but U fon.ed ot all .,ogu of ito con <>~ctton a nd de pends on n.-roos tochnolo&l ed he~
toro . ln the enMtruction p<e rl<><l the COO'l~re .. tvo otreueo rr.,.. the ,.,eight of tho concrete
be!nt placed aro Mdod to the a dditional co~pre .. !on or ron ol on occurring In tho cont a ot
tone . In do ~~~a virh eoluo..ur ooctJonlng, a dditional C""f'Tes ~i on of the upotTo..., hco ond cooto<:< plano eon occur . Such e""'preoston , ~ o used by &toutlns of Joi nt !-II dudog th e.,. , !~""'
tet>pcntura cha"ie of tho fiut <ol=n, ,.,._ noted a t the Ut '-llho, Krasnoya uk , and Zeya
d- [ 2,) ].

StiU onother eouse of additional O""'Preu lon en bot...,

~ ~ ~raturcc oap oncnt


:~,~~~~:~"~h!" d~:.~:::~~~~d=~c!!~":Cc~ ~o:,:~~~~n '(~~~:~~ ~:~~ v;e~=~~;'~:.O ';,;he


s plralcasln&)lscharocterl otic.

Inth iseoaeo"""' llthe._lc""pr es< lonoccununde rtho

A<!dttional t enolon rodu<i"i th o eo~pn""l"" h0111 the we!Jht of the eo.oerote in the eontact zoneoeeuroprlurll.yln oeotton Uu tins to ob<orbtloohydrosta ticloe d eoanlneoaplote?rofllo. lntho .... JorJtyof caaeoaucOuotlonoo r e theof foetpovuhou se sections in
vhtch tho ln<reulng hydrooutlc ! <>ad octo on aero"" ucUon reduced not only due to offaettlng but aloo u conoe~uenee of o-pening of the j olnto in the ftoun eonc<ete of the
d""""strea10 face. In theoe offset se ctions , wlolch us.,..lly ot!lldo not b.ave tho Jeneruor
rocoo, thefounda tlonfreezu fr""' the oldeof thedownotre.,.hce , 011\ichcausestho,..,d tons ionunder the upotruotfce (4]
lndfectiVMOO OSofgroutlng the iMcolumnjolnto , eausln& a no=ooollthlccto.oroeter
ofthoproflle,canbeoneofthoo,..inca uoe o oft...,occurroneooftenolonlnthecontoct
VIolation of tho rulu of perfonooln~ the vorko to e n onnoylng coun of oeeurreneo of
the ~1!1nd <c nolon '" the e~ n toet pl a ne - h e e<ing of tho rock foundation tbrou&b op en
doo<o lo <ho 1nopeetton sallerleo Jeodo to the"'" ! tenUon, and Icing of thdroinuel h 1o
aecOlOpaMedbyon !ncr,..oeofupHft.

Tronslatedf..,.Gidrotekhnloheok...,Stroitel 'ot"<>,No.9,pp.32-l5,Sept..,ber , l98].




Pie"""' PuOJiah!ng Coq><>rat!on



Dofonoa tionof tho conuct one

~~.:~:~!~::k~ ~~~~ ::~;=:~::~~, ~~.

con< oot plane; l'-0') dofoTUtion.o of the

rockfounda tion;l-3,1 '-<i'),...uurolll(!nt
pointoaccordingtodlo8ramb . b) l)Dia''""ofthelnor-nts ofdefo,.. tiono of
therockfoundHion durlng theoe.ooonal.
cyclo of filling tile Kirovokoe ru er~oir;
2) c.ocko ot tho conotmetion .,.. ciod . c)
l) dl ot nRof the incretKntoof th - ou r eddefonoationoo!thec ont octplono
during filUng of the Andhha n r uo r~oir;
2) o..,o ,calculotod;3)jointo be lna
$TOUted .
.Ul tb ..ophen"""'noleod1ngtooddlt1onolc-pre.. ionortenaionundor theupotre- f oce
o r e dhpt.yed In ~.rlou c""'b1not1ono for u eh of the oectlono. lfflich de t ono.inu their diff e rent ototeduring lnduotr h l OI>Orotion .
Dec,.,prudonof ofoundationu o consoquenco of tonoilostruou"ao noudforthe
firot ti1<e ot tho !uuk dam[~] . The originol e ouoe of docooopreooion of the fMlndatl<>n of
the Bratok do" lo tho l~c,.,pl.c o ""'nollthic character ( oolldlty) of the profile of tho oection o , which voo oonfi...,.d ~Y che ck dr11Hna of the lntercol...- jolnto ond ohuacror of t l"ta
~~:~:!button of at r uooa in ho r l!ontol crooo soctlons rr.,., t.he dfcct of the hydroou tic
At the Uot'-!l ilo daa , Op<!nlnS of the contact joint ond relief of otreueo J.n tJ>.e "<ln< Oct
concroto ...,ronotedonlylntho oftootp<>werhouesectlono l l .lnJ>OWerh"""eoectlono "lth
unit oof the first pb.ontbe oolidltyof the con toct under thcupa treu. f oce"oo notdioturbod, ondintheotllcrooet1onsthot ooccurrod o ..,olllocd (vithout otreoo relle f In t h<e
~=~~~~!:!do~~~:~ of the contact joi nt ""ich woo conolderably o10.0 llu In length thon tho
lf In the Bra t ok and ~ o t'-lli ll dama tho tone of te-nsile streo ou

corrupond o to the de-

::!~1:~:! :;,~~";~!,:\~! ~~::~td: ~h!b!:i/~O:~!~ulations ohow, In buttuoo d- . th h ono

Two buttrou da"" o r o preoently bdns conotrucud : til& 12t>-..-hlgh Aod hhan . vhlch h
....,rking In on ope u ttn~ ngl:o& , ond tho 76-,...higll ~ttovoko o , ""'Uh h.oo otlll not e ~pulen~d
tl\e full hydroot o ti~ loa d .

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