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Adv- Weather Control
Dis-Extremely lecherous
Control- Weather (Full Power only flaw) The Chosen may control weather ie call storms, make it
snow, whip up a sandstorm, change the temperature, but much like their sire they must be
grandiose in their powers and can only summon the most powerful of storms. This is not a
scalpel power but chainsaw. You cannot summon a wind to push aside an arrow unless its a 50
mph gust that knocks the arrow, and you, away.
Adv-Earthquake? Water control? Talk to horses?
Dis- Eh?
Control- Water The Chosen may make tremors in the earth around them. The the size of the
tremors is dependent on the height of the roll ie 1 bouncing some pebbles to 10 causing a full
on earthquake. Much like their unsubtle sire the Chosen cannot attempt to hide their powers, in
some sort of way the Chosen of Poseidon must make it clear that they are shaking the earth.
Adv- Summon the dead
Dis-The dead are not always cooperative
Sidekick- Summon the dead (with a version of the Bad Dog flaw) The Chosen may make a roll
to summon one of the dead to aid them In a certain task. The spirit is a gm controlled npc, but
must help the chosen to the best of its abilities. The flaw of this power though is that the
underworld is both wide and vast and you don't always pull the spirit you want. When rolled the
height of the roll depends on what kind of spirit you summon. For example if you want help
fighting and summon a spirit, a 1 will get a poet, a 5 will get you a front line soldier, whereas a
10 may summon a mighty fallen Chosen of Ares!
Adv-Control Plants
Dis- ??
Control- plants (with the Peace of Mind flaw) The Chosen of Demeter can control the actions of
plants an animate them beyond their own physical capabilities. When rolling for control the
height determines the quality of the plants actions, the plant will always complete it's action but
the quality is in question. If you're having a plant grab at a foe's sword they will try to grab it,
however if you roll a 2 the foe may get a chance to recoil, though on a 9 the plant grabs the
sword but also entangles the foes arm! The downside of the power is that one must be at peace
and one with nature to commune with it, under GM discretion the player may not be able to
control the plants or may call for a smarts roll.

Adv- Can induce a drunken stupor on people
Dis- alcoholic cannibal with no tolerance

Adv- Can summon powerful weapons and shields with magical powers
Dis- Lame in the physical sense
Psychic Artifact Much like their divine sire the Chosen has supreme control over creation and
can project their will into physical objects that they can use. The chosen may create any type of
equipment, weapon, or tool for their own use. The height of the roll determines how long the
object lasts before the Chosen must refocus or resummon the item. The Chosen may only have
one item manifested. The flaw of this power is that when the Chosen manifests an item their
movement speed is halved as they take on the aspect of their hobbled sire.
Weapons should be better than mundane ones.
Adv- Mind control kiss
Chosen of Aphrodite can take charisma hyperstats at a reduced rate
Adv- Super Speed

Adv- Can command animals
Adv-Control light and sunfire
Dis-Penalties in the dark
Adv-Able to meld with the shadows, stealth?
Dis-People do not trust you
Adv- Cannot die, enters a kind of mummified torpor, but can get back up later
Dis- Cannot kill and can only be killed by other Osirises

Adv- Can heal wounds or create magical shields

Adv- Super strength?
Dis- can only yell things
Adv- Animal Shapeshifting
Dis- One eye? Not really a terrible dis, but not a great adv
Adv- Illusions
Dis- Uuuhhh. make them naturally treacherous? Kinda pidgeonholds good loki players
Adv- Flight

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