N 0 Choice

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No Choice

C.M. Steele

Copyrighted 2015 C.M. Steele

All rights reserved. Except for the use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any
electronic, mechanical, or other means is prohibited without the express permission of the author.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and settings are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, names, locales,
organizations, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1
It was chilly outside for mid-April, but my sister and I were roaming her college campus before I
took off for home. I knew it wasnt easy for her here, but she wanted me to see that life away at
school was pretty nice, so she decided to drag me along on a tour of her school and her daily life.
Van, where are you taking me now? I groaned in frustration. I didnt have time for this. My
company was my baby and only true love. I needed to be taking care of it, making it grow, and not
taking a tour of the school. Most of these campuses looked the same. I needed to get back to my cushy
office making plays that earned me the most money in the least risky manner.
Time was money for me. Id been that way since I graduated college. I entered into the business
world only to have the markets crash in 2008. It was a struggle to prove myself and get out of my
dads shadow. Fear of failing had been on my mind all the time.
My dad had always been proud of me, but it was his friends and associates as well as my classmates
and supposed friends that believed I got my success through my father. My mother was only
concerned with me giving her a grandchild, but I wasnt ready for that.
I was still young and needed to screw for fun before I settled down for life. Hell, I didnt even know
a girl worth settling down for. There were quality women out there. I just hadnt found one I was
interested in. Then, there were the stuck-up debutants in my parents circle. They tried to be the one,
but I wouldnt even bother taking them on a date let alone marry any one of them.
God, bro, stop being so grumpy. I wanna grab something from the student union cafeteria, Vanessa
Im not grumpy. Im annoyed and chilled. Ive got a flight back to Seattle that leaves this evening. I
still have to stop at the hotel and get my shit.
Damn, someone needs to get laidyoure being a dick. Why didnt you just use the family jet
Because I dont need it. Its useless for one person.
What if you pick up one of your women here? she said with a smirk and a raised brow. She was
getting a thrill out of the fact that Id been anxious to go as soon as I got here.
I didnt come here to pick up women. I came here to see you and make sure youre golden. Now that
Ive done that and handled the unpleasant business, Ive got to get back. Besides, I dont bring women
on the planeyou know that.
Look, were here. It wasnt far at all, Mr. grumpy. Now lets get a bite to eat, then you can go on
your merry way. Theyve got this dessert I want you to try. Its heavenly. Vanessa was a foodie. If
she actually liked cooking, shed have a shot at being a chef.
We might as well go in and eat. I am kind of hungry. I dont remember eating anything. Id been
busy working on the latest investment report I got from my assistant last night.
We walked into the student union cafeteria, and I was surprised that it actually smelled good in here. I

dont remember college food being that edible. It was getting crowded, but I still had my choice of a
seat. I picked the table farthest from the doors and with my back to them. I didnt want any attention
from these young girls. They had the tendency to ogle me and go all stupid like theyd never seen a
handsome, well-dressed man before.
Id let Vanessa pick my meal since she wanted me to taste something awesome. When she brought the
tray, the food did look appetizing, and it was good. Wed been sitting down, almost done eating our
food when I felt a strange sensation come over me. Then, I heard the sound that changed my world in
an instant.
I turned to see who the owner of voice was and was taken by surprise at the girl who possessed
natural beauty. She was halfway turned in her seat, looking at the jock who was talking to her and
some other pretty girl with really curly hair. Which gave me a hell of a view. She was tall, about five
seven or so. Her hair was a wavy brown color that went down to her waist. I wanted to run my hands
through it. Her body, although covered up, was curvaceous as hell. I couldnt take my eyes away. I
continued to stare, trying to get a better view of her face, but she was a good distance away.
The girls were both giggling at something the jock had said. He touched her hand twice while I just
sat there and watched, and I was ready to walk over there and knock the big guy out. He may have had
me by thirty pounds, but I didnt doubt that I could fuck him up. I ignored the guy and focused on her.
She was something else. Her beauty was on full display, but naturally and not from makeup or sexy
clothes. I wanted her, and I knew that it wasnt the kind of want that I was looking for, but one that I
knew I had to have.
Cam, are you paying attention or not? Not, I wanted to say. I didnt know what she was talking
Huh? You said something? I asked. I wasnt paying any attention to my sister since Id been
admiring the beauty.
Yes, I was asking you if you liked the pie, Van said, clearly irritated with me.
Yeah, it was really good, I answered enthusiastically, but I didnt take my eyes off the mystery girl.
The jock just got up and left, but the two girls giggled some more. It was clear the jock had been
flirting with her. Suddenly, I felt possessive. I narrowed my eyes at her, angry that she enjoyed
someone elses company.
So which one are you interested in? Vanessa smugly asked.
I turned back to her. Which one what? I asked, pretending she was delusional.
Please, Cam, you look like you want to tear him in two. Are you going to pee on her leg and mark
your territory? She laughed hysterically.
Shut up, Van. Who is she? I said as I looked back at the fascinating creature who had just swept a
strand of her long hair behind her ear.
The one with the super curly hair is Emmy Watts. Shes in one of my Chem classes. The other one
with the long brown hair, I think thats her bestie, Natalie.

Natalie, I sounded out her name, tasting every syllable. That was a very nice name. I could get used
to saying that every day.
Yes. Na...talie, she said it in slow exaggeration, trying to make fun of me, but I didnt give a shit.
So I was interested in the girl. No big deal.
Yes, you fucking pain in the ass. I want to know all about her. Tell me what you know, I snapped as
my jaw clenched in annoyance. I normally wasnt short with her since she was my baby sister, but this
Natalie broad was doing something to me.
Yes, sir, the brat saluted me. If she was a boy I wouldve kicked her smart ass already, but nope,
Mom had to have a girl. Simon, our older brother, and I always fought each other. Vanessa always got
away with everything.
I really dont know her, but Emmy mentioned her to me a couple of times. She was dating a football
player, but I think they just broke up a few weeks ago. Thats all I really know. Sorry.
I turned back to see her again, but she was gone. Shed been there a moment ago. If my sister and I
hadnt just been talking about her, Id have thought she was just my imagination. I stood up and looked
around the room, but shed disappeared.
Suddenly, I felt my heart racing in a panic, like something was going to happen to her. There was no
rationale to it, and it confused the hell out of me. I needed to get my act together. Id never given that
much thought to women, even when I was fucking them. The more I thought about it, I realized I must
have over exaggerated her appeal. Shed been too far away to see her heart-shaped face and her full
pink lips closely. Her eyes were a mystery to me even though theyd looked light. I started to wonder
what color they were when I heard my sister ask if I was ready to head out.
I walked my sister to her dorm, gave her a hug goodbye, and then jumped into a waiting cab. I told my
sister I was leaving to head back home, but when I got to my hotel, I just couldnt make myself leave.
I couldnt go without knowing more about her. After calling the airport and rescheduling my flight, I
searched through the student database to see if I could find her on my own, but I was out of luck. I
didnt realize how many damn Natalies there were in this school.
So I called my sister and told her my flight had been cancelled.
Bullshit! Youre such a fucking liar. Just admit it. Youre still here because of Natalie. She laughed
like shed known I wasnt planning to leave when I dropped her off.
All right, you win. Im here because of her. Now, why dont you find out more about her from her
friend; like how old she is? That would suck if the woman I wanted was a teenager. Whats fucked
was that Id still fuck her into a coming mess. The ache in my cock was getting out of control, and Id
only seen her for a few minutes.
I think shes older than me, but then again most people are older than me, she said depressingly.
Something was bothering her, but I wasnt sure it was anything I could help with. She needed some
damn girlfriends to talk to about her problems.
Theres a whole class of freshmen that are as old as you. Can you call her right now? I wanted

answers no matter how pathetic I sounded. Itd been a few months since Id fucked, and that shit was
sadly unmemorable.
I dont have her number, and I dont have that class until tomorrow afternoon.
Damn. That meant another day of waiting. Id need to make some calls to my assistant Crystal and try
to make things happen from here for the next two days. As much as I hated the thought of missing
potential profit, I hated the feeling of loss I felt when I thought I was going to leave her.
Fine. Get me the goods so Tim can pull her information.
No thanks or anything? Sheesh, youre an ass, she joked. I knew she was getting a kick out of my
sudden psychosis.
Whatever. Just do it. Ill thank you when I get the info, I barked.
Why dont you just talk to her tomorrow? It was a reasonable question, but I wanted more info
before I jumped in to what could be a life-altering meeting. I didnt know her, and I couldnt let my
dick rule my life. I never let it before. Why should I now? I thought.
I want to go in fully prepared. For all I know, she could be a money-grubbing whore, and you dont
want one of those as a potential sister, do you? Did I just say that? Im going insane. I heard my
sisters brief gasp of shock, but she just responded to my pessimistic personality.
Im pretty sure shes not, but Ill do it. Get some work done or try to get some sleep, lover boy.
Goodnight, terror. I hung up the phone and thought about the girl who fucked up my equilibrium. I
sat there for about five minutes attempting to think about anything but her. My cock, though, had a
mind of its own, and he was busy thinking about Natalie. Pure lust. Thats what it is, I thought. That
was easier for me to understand. I jumped into the shower, trying to cool down my hunger, but it
wasnt working so I took care of business myself.
Once I got out, I decided to call Crystal. It was still really early in Seattle, so shed still be in the
Hey, Cam, she said cheerfully.
Crystal, Im going to be staying here for at least the next two days. Ive got something important to
handle here. I need you to email me anything important and cancel anything Ive got scheduled.
Whoa, I hope youre sisters okay. Youd never miss work for anything less. Youre so diligent
when it comes to working.
No, its not my sister. Its a potential business deal.
Oh really? Anything I need to do for it?
No, Ive got this. There was no need for her help. She didnt have anything to do with any of my
lays. I kept that shit as private as I could. I didnt appreciate talk. It could ruin my company stocks.
Oh, she said like she was upset, but she was an overachiever. Shed always get to the office the
same time as me and leave when Id kick her out for the night. I didnt think she had to work as hard

as me. I was the boss, and it was my company.

Call me if youve got any questions.
Okay, have a good night, sir, she said sweetly. Did I hear that right? No, she couldnt have meant it
as sensually as it sounded. I think Natalied gone to my head and all my thoughts were leaning to the
dirty side.
Goodnight. I needed to get some sleep. My mind was going crazy.
I lay in bed for about an hour, but sleep wasnt coming. Even after a cold shower and solo session,
she was still in my mind. There was something about Natalie that beckoned me like a siren.
I thought about the giggle coming from her as she smiled at that fuck. I normally hated when women
giggled because it was usually fake or over the stupidest things, but hers was real. I dont know why
she was giggling like a little school girl at him, but it had a killer effect on me.

I walked into the student union while I waited for Vanessa to get out of class. Van was supposed meet
me and give me the details I needed over lunch. Hell, I just needed to know her last namethe rest of
the shit Id get on my own. I was tempted to talk to her regardless of getting the pertinent info. Which
was crazy because I wasnt the one who did the chasing. Putting it mildly, I was considered a catch.
I got to the cafeteria area in the basement and there she was, sitting all alone reading. I stood there at
the bottom of the steps, just staring at Natalie like a stalker. I couldnt take my eyes off of her. Fuck,
I groaned out loud.
Today, her outfit was a cute pair of jeans, a V-neck school shirt, and some scuffed-up gym shoes.
Again, nothing about her screamed sex kitten, but my eyes and dick thought otherwise. To me, she was
the hottest thing Id ever seen. Could she really be that unassuming? Maybe that was her appeal, I
thought. What my heart was doing when I looked at her was freaking me out. I should want to run
away, but she gave me no choice.
She did her usual and swept her hair out of her face while she had her nose in a book. If she was
studying, I didnt want to interrupt. I knew it could be hell just getting by like Vanessa was. What if
she was really vapid like the bitches at the country club? I hoped not, or shed be getting some serious
study sessions inall the ones I could schedule. The mother of my children couldnt be an airhead.
What the hell? I wasnt even ready for kids. Then again, you needed to be at least somewhat bright or
some sort of athlete to come here.
I took a seat at a table that was far enough away for me not to lose it, snatch her up, and carry her to
my hotel room, but I was close enough to admire her slender neck that was revealed when she moved
the offending hair. I didnt know why she didnt just put it up if it bothered her so much, but I liked it
down anyway. I wondered if she knew how hot she was.
At first glance, her general appearance screamed leave me be, but when you looked at the way her
jeans hugged her legs as she sat at the table or the way her V-neck tee clung tightly to her breasts, it
screamed for some attention. Well, for me it did, and she sure as hell had my attention. An older

woman approached her and interrupted her studying just to say hi, but moved along. Goodbecause
she was blocking my view.
I couldnt believe that I was sitting here again, watching her, waiting for a chance to make my move.
The thing was, I wasnt sure what that move was going to be. I was only here in passing, checking on
my younger sister for my parents. Vanessa was a freshman in college, and her grades werent up to
par. I loved my little sister, but she wasnt the brightest girl around. We were afraid shed fail, so I
came to make sure she was going strong.
She didnt have to attend college, but she wanted to prove that she could. I guess coming from really
successful parents, we both wanted to prove we didnt need to depend on them. Simon wasnt
concerned about it, though, since he was the first-born and would take over my fathers company, the
position hed been groomed for since birth.
I found out that it was only one class that she was failing, and it was because that fuck of a professor
found my sister hot. Hed made unwanted moves on her. When she didnt comply, he gave her a
failing grade for the midterm. The fuck isnt teaching any longer, and with any luck would be serving
hard time for that abuse of power. I was fucking grateful that my sister wasnt willing to trade her
body for a good grade, but how many girls had already fallen for it?
I straightened that shit out on my first day here. There was no reason for me stay another few days. I
had a company to run, but I stayed nonetheless, and it was all because of her.
She mustve felt my narrowed gaze on her because she slowly lifted her head to look at me. I gave her
a wink, and she ducked her head back down. Before she hid from my view, I could see that she turned
red. I wanted to growl, beat my chest, and steal her away before fucking her. My cock took notice of
the red stain on her pretty face too and rose to greet her, but now wasnt the time.
Two long minutes later, Vanessa arrived. Thank God. I was about to lose my mind. I never went into
a business deal with all the information. This could be the greatest deal of my life. I wanted
everything before I made my move.
I stood up and gave my sister a hug before she dropped her bag, and we grabbed some lunch. I wanted
to hound her and get answers, but I already knew my sister. She was going to toy with me.
So tell me what you got, I asked impatiently as soon as our trays hit the restaurant counter.
I got the corned beef on rye, she said as she looked down at her tray. What a shit! I gave her a look
that made her cave.
Fine Cam. No sense of humor at all, she said as she shook her head. Her name is Natalie
Cromwell. She and Emmy share a dorm room because Emmy is an RA. They are both seniors, so they
graduate in two months, but thats all I got. Sorry, she said, twisting her lips.
Dont trip, Van. Its all I need. Did you tell her why you were asking?
Nope. It just came up, so I took advantage of it.
I turned to look at her, and she was looking at me, then back to her friend. Then her friend Emmy
turned to look at me too. So she told her friend about me. I turned back to Vanessa, paid for our food,

grabbed her waist, and walked us back to the table. I wanted to see her reaction. She looked away,
pissed. Good. As soon as we sat down, I grabbed my phone.
Tim, I need everything you can get me on Natalie Cromwellshes in her early twenties and goes to
U of I.
Okay, how soon?
Whatever you can get me in the next hour, get it. The rest can follow, I said while I continually
stared at Miss Cromwell.
Ill get right on it. Hows your sister doing?
She wont leave school.
Okay, Tim said. He was my main man and head of my security. He knew my parents wanted Van to
come home and that I was supposed to convince her.
Get me what I need.
After I hung up, I was still staring at her.
So youve got Tim doing your dirty work for you?
I gave her a stern glare. Mind your business.
My sister was babbling about Moms birthday, but I wasnt paying attention. My eyes and thoughts
were on my Natalie.
Dude, like seriously. Youre pathetic, she said as she rolled her eyes.
Shut up. Im not that bad, I denied.
Yes, you are.
Wanting to change the subject, I replied, Anyways, Moms birthday is a month away. Ive already
talked to Dad. Hes planning a big party at the country club. Im not going because Im tired of the
scene, but Ill visit before the party.
But what are you getting her?
I dont know yet. Ive got time. Just then, I looked at my girl, and she was packing up her things. I
knew she had a class after because most of the hall cleared out at the same time. Tomorrow, though,
the gloves were off, and I was either running away or snatching her ass up.
My phone rang, and I answered it without taking my eyes off her. She blushed, and her friend looked
at me like I was the devil. She hadnt seen nothing yet.
Yeah, I answered.
The file is being emailed to you right now. There is a lot on her family, but little on her. I wondered
what her parents were like. They would probably grill me for taking an interest in their daughter.
Thanks. I hung up, but watched her walk away. The sight from behind was really, really nice. Id

just carried the trays to the trash and emptied them when my phone pinged. Sure enough, it was Tims
report. Hed been working for me for the last two years. The man was good. A little uptight, but a
good guy.
Okay, Ive got one more class today. Ill see you later for dinner?
Absolutely, Van. We said our goodbyes, and I went back to my hotel. The moment I got in my room,
I started my laptop. I tapped my fingers on the keyboard in frustrationit was taking too long to get
started. I must have been anxious as fuck because my computer was fast as shit. Once it was up, I
looked at the paperclip icon, clicked, and smiled.
Although after looking at the file, my smile was gone, and I thought about choking the shit out of her
parents. They wouldnt grill me about Natalie. No, they would try and pawn her off to benefit them.
Kennedy and Allan Cromwell were elite members of the Springfield upper crust. That was until their
volatile split. The records stated that they both had had affairs with anyone they could and had lost
some friends when it was noted that some of the affairs were with their married friends. Natalie had
been twelve at the time and surprisingly had been put in foster care.
Reports showed theyd taken their time reclaiming her because theyd fought for who was going to
keep her. Unlike most parents fighting each other for custody, they were fighting for who had to take
custody, like shed been a burden. Shed been left alone most of the time. After a big fight at a party,
the cops found out that shed been left at home by herself. That was when child services had been
Despite the neglect, she was the best student growing up. No complaints at school, and her grades
were fantastic. Her bastard father actually paid for her tuition here. Rumor was, he paid it because of
the tax break. She was graduating in two months, but there wasnt much else. She worked for a while
as a freshman, but stopped.
There was no information on boyfriends or lovers, but I guess that shit wasnt something that was
going to be in a file. Id find out tomorrow, and this time I wouldnt let her go without letting her
know who she belonged tome.

Okay, hes doing it again, I whispered to Emmy, my best friend, while staring at the gorgeous,
devilishly sensual, rude man. Hed been staring at me the last two days, and it was wearing on me.
My body ached when he looked at me. It was in a way I didnt expectpurely provocative. I wanted
to go over there and say something, but I wasnt sure what it would be. Part of me wanted to ask him
what the fuck his problem was. Yet, a bigger part of me wanted to ask him to do more than just stare.
I was a plain Jane. My looks had never gotten me a good-looking, sophisticated guy like him. The
only dates Id gotten were with lame asses trying to score, but I wasnt that kind of girl.
I lied. Jeff, my last boyfriend, was a decent guy with potential. He was on the football team and was
graduating too. He was smart, but didnt ever look or act sophisticated.

I know. Who the hell does he think he is? Staring at you for the last two days like hes ready to bang
your brains out, yet hes always with Vanessa James, Emmy said as she glared at the handsome
stranger. She was always ready to come to my defense. She even cursed out my mother once.
I just want to tell him to stop, but you know I dont have the nerve, I grumbled.
Please, girl, you got it in you. I do recall someone calling our quarterback a fucking troll-pussy
lover, do I not?
Yeah, but that one over there makes me nervous. When he looks at me, I lose my will to curse him
back to hell because you know thats where he came from; the mans the devil.
You just need to tell tall, dark, and handsome to back off or youll tell his girl. Damn, I wanted to
say something since she sat next to me. I even mentioned you in class yesterday to get a rise out of her,
but she acted like she didnt notice his gawking.
You know what? Thats what Im going to do. Im going to march right over there and tell him to quit
it, I said as I stared back at him as menacingly as possible, but he only smiled that sinful, smug smile
he gave me every day. This man knew he was good lookingand drool worthy. And I hated that I
was turned on by him. What did that say about my morals?
His look proved that he took pride in his appearance; he was completely clean-cut, his face was
chiseled but always smooth, and his eyes were sinfully blue. His brownish-black hair was perfectly
styled, and if he wasnt looking at me like a starving lion, I wouldve questioned his preference. He
was about six two, and fit. He wasnt overly muscled out like the football players, but more like a
really buff baseball player.
Always in a suit, he had to know he didnt fit in here. Come on, were college students, not in
corporate America. There was no need for suits here. Actually, I had a feeling that he wasnt a student
here. He looked older, distinguished, and too manly to be a student here. He could almost be a
professor here, if he wasnt finely dressed in an Armani suit that was tailored to his form and with a
watch that looked like it cost a fortune. He was too far away to make out the brand, but I knew
expensive when I saw it.
He may have been the one who started the staring game, but he wasnt the only one fixated. The man
had done something to my common sense. I found myself staring at him when he wasnt looking.
Sometimes I thought he felt my admiration of his nice backside because he would turn the moment Id
lick my lips.
The man had a spectacular ass. I wanted to just give it a pinch, but Id never have the nerve. Id never
hit on a guy, and more so a guy that was too fucking hot and had a girlfriend. As much as his
arrogance and player status was on blatant display for me, I still couldnt stop thinking about him.
I just sat there and stared right back. I know it was passive-aggressive, but I wasnt the type to make a
scene. I lived through that growing up; I wouldnt subject myself to that scrutiny again. I dared him to
look away, but he refused. I was about to get up and tear him a new one, but Emmy pulled me back
Shes coming, she said in a hush. I looked, and sure enough, sheVanessawas making her way

to my handsome stranger.
Good. She needs to know hes a douche, I growled, jealousy corrupting my common sense. I got up
out of my chair and huffed over to their table.

I was sitting at the same table while I waited for my sister to get out of class, and like the days before,
she was there. Damn, she was sweet on the eyes. There was something about her that was super-hot;
it was hidden to the naked eye, but to me, all I saw was her raw beauty.
As I watched her, she decided to stare right back, unlike before when she hid her beautiful face from
me. She was challenging me, and I knew what this was about. She thought Van was my girl, not my
sister. I gave her a wink, and she blushed a pretty pink. Then I watched as she turned her head slightly
to the side at her pal and whispered heatedly while still glaring at me.
You should just go talk to her. Since when did you turn into a pussy?
Ive got to go back to work tomorrow. I staved off leaving, but Ive got a meeting scheduled that I
cant miss. She graduates in two months. Ill be here before then, and shell be mine. Shes single,
and I expect you to keep her that way, I said sternly to her. She was just about to respond, but my
three-day, hauntingly beautiful angel approached.
Excuse me. Is there something wrong with you? Is there something on my face? she asked, clearly
completely pissed off.
Its a possibility, and no, but you are freaking stunning, Natalie, I said with a smile.
Damn. Youve got no respect for your girl, she hissed. Then she turned to my sister and said, You
could do better than this ass. So what if hes handsome. No woman should put up with this crap. Her
anger was a fucking turn on. She was adorable when she looked around to make sure she didnt have
an audience, which for her sake I was glad we didnt.
Hi, Natalie. Im Vanessa, and this ass is my brother, Cameron James, she cheekily said before I
could make introductions.
My poor Natalies face flushed and turned beet red in embarrassment. She fidgeted, not knowing how
to come back from that one. I chuckled, which made her turn and run. I let her walk away back to her
friend because I was too busy staring at her round bottom in a pair of jeans that hugged her rear but
hid the shape of her legs.
I sat there for a few more minutes willing my ever-present erection down before excusing myself and
making my play.
Van, Im letting her know what it is. Ill see you back at your dorm before I go. I gave her a peck on
the forehead, stood straight up, and made my way to the two girls blushing and laughing in

Chapter 2
Sweetheart, I hope you arent laughing at me, I said as I walked up on them.
Umm she paused, but before she could speak, her friend answered for her.
No, handsome. Were laughing at the fool she made of herself, Emmy said, unable to keep from
cracking up.
Natalie, you didnt make a fool of yourself. Well, not much, really. I thought it was sweet that you
were brave, ballsy, and kind. Had she been my girl, then it wouldve been in bad taste for me to stare
at you like that.
I decided to start over with her and remove some of her embarrassment. Let me do this right, I said
as I stuck out my hand. Hi, Im Cameron Jamesyou are?
She just stared at me nervously, afraid to take my hand.
Shes Natalie Cromwell, and Im her best friend, Emmy Watts. Since youre single, Ill let you talk
to her. Wait, are you single?
I chuckled. Yes. I am. Now, I dont mean to be rude, Emmy, but Id like to speak to Nataliealone.
Okay, Emmy said as she looked at both of us. Nat, you need me, just text, and Ill come and junk
punch him. She gave me a nod in warning, but Natalie didnt have anything to fear from me. Well,
maybe shed have to fear her ability to walk straight.
So now that were alone, Im going to make this plain and simple. Im leaving to go back to Seattle
in the morning, but as far as Im concerned, you and I are together. I got that she would be shocked
by my words, but shed get over it in time. Id given her two days too many already.
Whats that supposed to mean? she said with attitude.
It means that were a couple. I wont see anyone else, and neither will you. For some oddball
reason, the thought that shed find someone else here was eating at me.
The long distance thing isnt going to work for me, she stated plainly like there was nothing to
I wasnt going to walk away that easily. Hell, I wasnt walking away at all.
Why? I asked.
Why? First, we dont know each other. Second, I dont trust you, she said as glared at me.
Both of those can be rectified in time. The first ones easy. Ill call you every day, and well get to
know everything about each other. As for the second, I can only prove that to you in time, but just to
let you know, Ive gone months and months without fucking, so Im sure I can wait two months.
Two months?
Yeah. You graduate May twenty-ninth. Thats less than two months away.

So youre planning to come back here then.

Then, if youre supposedly so interested, why not sooner?
Because Ive got to work, and you need to focus on the last bit of schoolwork. If I was here with
you, youd do nothing but come on my cock and tongue.
She flushed at my reasoning. I knew I was moving fast as fuck, but something about her called to me.
From what I learned, she was smart, kind, and honest. My attraction to her was inexplicable to me,
but I knew that I needed her more than I needed anyone else. I never wanted a woman for more than
sex. I was too focused on work to care for more than a causal lay.
What about what I want?
Valid question. Youve been staring at me too. I felt it before I saw it, but I still saw it, I said while
I glided my hand across hers, slowly caressing it, and looking deeply into her eyes. I could feel her
shiver, and I knew it was for me. She wasnt scaredshe was turned on.
Heres how its going to go. I want you, and you want me. Im going to call you every day, then when
you graduate Ill be here, and then well go back to Seattle.
Look, you may be handsome, and yes I find you attractive, but Im not going to just play this game
with you. I shouldve stayed away, she said, fully frustrated.
Id had enough. She needed to see that I was serious as fuck. I stood up, took her hands in mine, lifted
her up from her seat, and pulled her close to me. The room was virtually empty, but I didnt need a
large audience; rumors would spread with just a few. I looked down at her, smiled, then whispered to
her, Im as serious about us as can be.
I closed the distance between us and slid one hand around her neck under brown silken hair that
captivated me. I didnt say anything else before I bent down and kissed her lightly. I wanted more the
instant our lips met, but if I didnt pull away, Id never want to go, and I had to. I slowly moved my
mouth away from hers and looked into her eyes. They were glossy and green, a light shade of green
with a hint of brown. I guessed they were hazel, but the green in them just popped.
Now tell me no. Say no and mean it, I growled.
But I put my finger to her kissed-plump lips.
No. I wont take any buts, unless its your round ass in two months, I said with a wink.
Youre insane.
Well, three days ago I was normal as they come. Now, I feel certifiable. Fucking insane for a woman
I just met.
Yeah, and you know nothing about.
I know enough. I know I want to fuck you raw. I know that I want to hear you giggle like you did the
first time I saw you. Youre graduating with honors in Business, so I know youre smart. You grew up

not too far from here, and your parents are divorced.
So you dug up my infobrilliant. Is this how you get your women? You stalk them and dig in their
Nope, never stalked a woman before. I usually dont bother with getting to know women. That
divorce did a number on her, I thought.
Before you start arguing with me, know that I never lose. I want you, and thats it.
So Ive got no choice?
No. No choice. Youre mine.
So do you want my number, or do you already have it?
You seem grumpylets fix that. I took her mouth again, claiming my woman in case anyone
missed it the first time. Damn, I thought I wouldnt feel like I did the first time, but I was seriously
mistaken. Her lips were soft, and this time she opened her mouth with a little moan. I took advantage
of her slip and slid my tongue inside. Our tongues danced together as she melded into me. Wow, she
packed a punch. My cock was excited and leaking with just a kiss, like Id been pumping into her
sweet pussy. I was a goner.
Umahem I heard the cough behind me. I turned to see one of the school officials looking
sternly at us. What the fuck ever. This was a place for supposed adults. The guy needed to get a grip.
Miss Cromwell, please refrain from such behavior in the student union, the stick-up-his-ass official
said. I turned back to my girl who was full of shame and mortification.
Sir, excuse us. My fiance and I were just leaving. The look of shock on her face was almost
laughable. I told her I was serious.

Lord, my panties were soaked. So, I made a total ass of myself, and instead of him running, he was
claiming me. I wasnt sure how I felt about it, but I knew that I enjoyed his kisses. That was a first for
me. All the other times, I usually pushed the guy away because I felt nothing. They would be
gorgeous, athletic, or brilliant, but there was just nothing there. This guy got me so hot and bothered
that I wanted to fall into his spell of seduction.
He just called me his fiance after kissing me stupid in front of my academic advisor. I didnt buy it.
He was probably trying to save me the hassle.
Come on, babe. Lets go talk. He grabbed my hand and dragged me along. I didnt give much fuss,
and we popped in a cab. Nervous was just the tip of the iceberg on how I was feeling. We didnt say
much because the ride was short, and I was too tongue-tied to answer the simplest question. I only
managed to tell him that I wanted a venti with cream and sugar.
We got to Starbucks, ordered, and took our seats. The whole time hed been touching me in one way
or another. I tried not to react, not to shiver with anticipation and thrill, but it was a lost cause. The

man just did something unexplainable to me.

I wasnt the loving and cuddly type. I spent the last decade just trying to survive. Getting close to
someone who was going to abandon me wasnt a priority of mine. Emmy had been the closest thing to
a family Id had in a long time, and shed proven her friendship over and over throughout the years.
So, pretty little Natalie, how old are you?
I thought youd know, since youve got my information.
True. I just wanted you to tell me. So youre twenty-twoyoung and beautiful.
If you want my trust, dont play games with me. I dont have a file on you, so how old are you, Mr.
I just turned twenty-nine. He smiled at me, which did funny things to my heart and core. I blushed
and looked down at my coffee cup.
I looked up at him when he started to speak, Now back to you. So, what do you like to do for fun?
Lets see how fast he could run once he realized how lame I was. I go to the local Salvation Army
and help out. I know its not fun for someone like you, but I enjoy it. If Im not there or busy studying,
I go swimming at the gym.
Yeah, helping out doesnt seem like it would be fun, but if it makes you happy, then thats cool.
Giving back is great. My mom does that stuff all the time, but its with her snooty friends. I just prefer
to give the money.
You dont like your moms friends?
No, most of them have daughters that they keep trying to pawn off on me. Thoughts of my father and
all his mistresses popped in my mind, giving me verbal diarrhea.
Please spare me the lies. Youve probably fucked them all, but with no intentions of settling down
with them, I stated sternly, but immediately blushed with embarrassment from my outburst.
No, I havent. Dating those girls means dealing with the speculation and the unrealistic expectation
that youre going to marry them.
Then, why do you want to date me? Do you think Im not going to have any expectations or rather
that I shouldnt?
No, you should have every expectation of marrying me. Ive already told you and that ass at the
union that youre mine and that youre my fiance. Did you think I was just saying it to save face? I
meant it, babe. Whoathis was moving too fast. Hell, he skipped all the preliminaries and went
straight in for the kill. Dont you think youre moving in a hurry? Hell, hurry is an understatement
more like lightning speed?
Yes, I know, but like I said before, I know what this is between us, and soon, so will you. Im going
to walk you to your dorm, then Ive got to get back. Just so you know, I not going to give up on us the
moment Im gone. Fuck, right now I dont want to even go, but Ive got a corporation to run. He

actually sounded annoyed at the prospect of leaving.

We walked back to the dorm because he wanted more time alone with me. He held my hand the whole
time like we were some high school kids in love for the first time, but I was still skeptical of his
Besides women, what do you do for fun? I asked.
Ha-ha. I actually dont have a lot of time for women. Id rather be watching a baseball game or
playing it than chasing women.
I didnt know how much I believed that, but Id roll with Camerons claims of like sports over
Do you like baseball? he asked.
Its okay. I really dont watch sports often. Ive been focused on school. It was true. He was going
to think Im so lame and run, I thought.
Then Im going to have to take you to a game and show you what youre missing. Ive got season
tickets for the Mariners. I go as often as I can, but sometimes I just give up the seats.
Im not sure I can picture you having fun at a baseball game. Do you wear a suit there, too?
No, you little brat. I wear tee shirts and jeans or some relaxed-fitting clothes, but Im a businessman,
baby, and suits are my regular. Youll just have to get used to it. He had no idea that suits on a man
were sexy as hell. Then again, this man could dress like a bum and still be hot.
What kind of business are you in? I was curious and eager to know more about this handsome
I own my own investment brokerage firm, he said proudly.
So youre always busy, arent you? I was actually disappointed by the revelation.
Most of the time I am, but dont worryIll make time for you, he said with a cocky tone.
Oh thanks, I feel so blessed, I said with a hand to my chest and a roll of my eyes.
You should. I dont take time I dont have for just anyone.
Full of yourself much?
A bit, but Im serious. I was supposed to leave the day I saw you for the first time, but I couldnt
walk away.
Really. I told you Id make time for you. Now I feel like kicking myself for missing two days of
talking to you, touching you, and kissing you.
Stop it.
What? Stop telling you that I want to be with you? Not going to happen. The next two months are

going to suck. We got to the dorm and he pulled me to the side of the entrance, kissing me hard.
Ahh, I mewed. The man was an amazing kisser. It was hot, sweet, and electric. My knees were
shaking and my chest was pounding. I was glad he was holding on to me tight, or Id be a puddle on
the ground, and that would be embarrassing. I wondered if he could tell how inexperienced I was at
Fuck me where did you learn to kiss like that? Dont answer that, or Ill have to murder a
motherfucker, he growled in my ear. I guess I was better than I thought.
What time is your flight? I said, all out of breath.
He looked at his watch, then said, In about two hours.
Then you really have to get going. I couldnt believe how put out and upset I sounded. I didnt
really know this crazy man before this afternoon. Yes hed been starring in my late-night fantasies, but
I still shouldnt miss him. It was nutty.
Yeah, I do, but not before I kiss the fuck out of you some more. Then Im going to make sure youre
secure in your dorm before I head out.
This is crazy, I said as I shook my head with a smile.
Know this, Natalie. Ive never felt the way I do right now. My hearts pounding hard and fast, and
the thought of leaving you is making me a nervous wreck. So keep being a good girl while Im gone,
and Ill call you as soon as I land.
He walked me into the hallway and to the elevator.
Id walk you to your room, but Im afraid I wouldnt stop until I was buried inside you.
I squirmed with needfucking ass.
Soon, baby. Stay perfect. The elevator pinged, I entered it slowly, and he waved goodbye as the
doors closed. Damn, why were there unshed tears in my eyes?

Was she crying? I swore I could see tears in her eyes before the doors closed. I hurried out of the
building and to the nearest taxi. It didnt take long to get my shit together and get to the airport. While
I waited to board, I gave her a call because I already missed her like crazy.
Hi, beautiful, I said, feeling instantly better knowing she was safe.
Hey, you couldnt have gotten there already. That mustve been the fastest flight in history, she said
No. Im waiting to board the plane. I just wanted to make sure you were safe in your dorm.
Yeah, I am. Are you going to be checking up on me all the time? she asked with suspicion.
Whyyou planning to sneak out to meet guys? Think about that answer before you say it. You dont

want to get me to come back over there.

Oooh! Im shaking in my bootssorry, my sneakers. No, I dont go out and meet guys often.
And youre not going to be doing that shit anymore. Understood? I growled.
As long as youre not meeting women and all, she replied with jealousy coating her tone. I loved it.
I already told you I wouldnt. Youve got to believe the words that come out of my mouth, woman. I
could hear my flight being called to board, so I had to let her go.
Baby, Ive got to go. My flight is being called. I call you later, okay?
Ill look forward to it, she said happily.
I boarded the plane with a smile. Fuck me. That was the first natural smile that I had when thinking
about a woman for anything other than fucking. I knew that Id be working hard for the next two
months to keep my mind off her. Plus, there was a lot of things I would need to do to set up our life
We needed a house. My condo wasnt going to do for the long haul. The instant my flight landed, I got
out and grabbed a taxi, then headed home. I tried calling her, but it went to voicemail. What an ass! I
forgot about the time difference. She was sure as hell asleep by now. Generally, when I got home I
felt comfortable and content, but now there was something missing. It couldnt be because of her,
could it? I thought.
Shaking my head for being so pathetic, I went to my fridge and pulled out a cold beer and tossed on
the game from the DVR. The Mariners were playing the Tigers in spring training. They had some
good prospects this year, so I had some serious hope for them. Wed be going to tons of games. I
couldnt wait.

Chapter 3
I woke up the next morning from a tantalizing dream of Cameron and me. It was so hot I was afraid
Emmy could have heard me moan in my sleep. It was the naughtiest dream Id ever had. Hell, I may
be a nerd and still a virgin, but I was still attracted to the opposite sex. Id dated and fantasized about
men before, but nothing lived up to my dreams. Cameron already had my panties burning up with just
a kiss. It was more than any other man made me feel. Gosh, I loved the feel of my hands in his hair
with him growling in my ear. I shook from just the memory.
My dream was so amazing I wanted to fall back to sleep. Then I realized I was supposed to get a call
from him. I picked up my cell, and it had one missed call. I listened to the voicemail and laughed, then
I rushed to shower.
Hey, beauty. I completely forgot about the time difference, and I know youve got an early class
tomorrow. I hope you sleep well, and Ill call you before you go to class. Miss you.
When I got out of the shower, I had another miss call. Shit. I dialed him right back.
Good morning, beautiful. Im glad I caught you before you left for class.
Good morning, Cam. Sorry I missed your call again. I just got out of the shower.
Did you have to say that? he moaned. Now, Ive got a hard-onthanks, babe.
Sorry, I said with a giggle. Of course I didnt think anything of it when I said it, but I just gave him a
visual of me, naked.
No, youre not. Damn tease. You waited until I was far away before unleashing the vixen on me, he
accused playfully.
I giggledI couldnt help it. I knew he was full of shit, but I wanted him to want me as much as he
Im surprised youre up so early. I thought youd be sleeping for another couple of hours, I said.
I only need four or so hours of sleep a night.
I need at least my seven, or youll have to run for cover, I warned.
Thanks for the tip, babe. We talked for about five more minutes, but I was already in a hurry. He
promised to call me later, but I doubted it. He was a busy man from what I gathered, and hed already
played hooky for almost a full business week. He wasnt going to be able to be calling me all the

I was right. He didnt call me before I was already asleep. The message he left was apologetic,
sweet, and full of promises.
Wed talked every morning, afternoon, evening, and I received at least one voicemail message while I
was asleep. Each call got more and more personal. During the latest call we were talking about what

he wanted to do to me when we were finally alone. It was the closest thing Id had to phone sex. I
came after I got off the phone and slept like a baby.
After the first week, the calls got fewer and fewer. He called about three or four times a day, but now
it was maybe two to three times a week. Itd been a month, and Id pretty much given up on this fake
My breaking point was when I called him and got no response all day. I worried and worried, but
when his majesty decided to grace me with his voice the next evening, I was so angry that I didnt
care for his bullshit excuses. Hed been at his mothers birthday party and didnt hear my call, then he
lost his phone.
Bull. Yeah, at a country club, with tons of women who wanted him, and I was here, Miss Plain Jane
waiting for him like a fool. I knew the long distance wasnt going to work, but why did he have to
lead me on, to make me feel so much for him? Every call, every silly little joke made me fall further
and harder in love with him.
I was sure hed been busy hooking up with the debutants at the party. His story wasnt believable to
me at all. Id been to those gatherings with my father. Even though I had ties to such circles, I made
my own way, especially since I hated the fakeness that came with the scene.
The last straw that broke my heart was the next day when I got a call from some woman named
Courtney, claiming she had her Cams phone after he left it at her place, and she didnt appreciate
him two-timing her with me.
So listen, little girl, stay away from my man. Were engaged, and youre in the way, she hissed
before she hung up on me.
I sat there in my room crying for the next two days. Emmy was ready to murder the bastard, but I just
didnt give a fuck. I refused to answer any of his calls, and by the third day, I changed my number.
Graduation was in two weeks, and it couldnt come soon enough. Emmy offered me a place to stay in
Chicago while I got my bearings and found a job.
Nat, youve got to move on. He isnt worth it. Look at it this wayyou found out who he really was
before you two went any further.
But it hurts so much, I cried into my pillow. My head was pounding, my eyes were red and sore,
and my heart felt broken. Finals were here, so I needed to get my act together and forget Id ever met
Cameron James. I hadnt seen his sister, which was good because I couldnt handle the reminder.
Come to think about it, neither did Emmy.
Listentomorrow there is a huge party. Well meet some hot football players, and you can lose a
little control.
Sounds good. I need to start living again. At least I learned I had a heart to give. From now on, Im
not letting any man get to me. Have fun and live life. Thats my game plan. That was going to be my
motto. I needed to let go of the pain some way, somehow.
The rest of the day and night, I studied as hard as I could. I got ready for the party after going to a

salon. I wanted to look as hot as possible. My long brown hair got some sexy blonde highlights and
was styled with hot waves. They did my makeup, and now, I needed to get dressed. When I got to my
dorm room, Emmy was shocked the moment she caught the new and improved me.
Damn, you biatch, you look hot as fuck! The boys are going to lose their minds tonight, and theres
going to be the finest guys at the party. Cameron is going to shoot himself for being an ass when he
sees all he lost. Ive got to take a pic of you once youre dressed.
Damn right. I look good tonight, and there are tons of hot guys on campus whod love to touch me.
You look better than good, and theyll be fighting over who you go with, Emmy said as she finished
putting on her makeup.
Once we were ready, we posed for selfies. I hadnt laughed in more than a week, and it felt good. I
still felt hollow, but it felt nice to be normal for a night.
When we got to the party, it was already popping. We got in and immediately I saw my ex-boyfriend,
Jeff. He was a decent boyfriend. He just wanted more than I was willing to give, but tonight that might
change. He smiled at me and approached.
Fuck me. Damn, Nat, youre fucking sexy as fuck. A little thin, but fuck, babe. I missed you. Come
on, lets get a drink.
It was twenty minutes later when I was about to get serious with Jeff again. He had his hand wrapped
around my waist, Nat, baby, I cant wait. Lets go back to my place and pick up where we left off. I
nodded and closed my eyes as he bent down to kiss me.
All of the sudden, I felt his hands pulled roughly off me. I opened my eyes to see a fuzzy-looking
Cameron who roared, Youre in deep shit, Natalie. Take her.

This had been the worst month of my life, and it only got worse the moment I heard him tell my
Natalie that they were going back to his place and shed agreed. My men came with me this time
around because I needed the assistance, although right now I felt I had the strength of ten men. This
bastard dared to touch what was mine. I punched the motherfucker with a right straight to his prettyboy face and dropped him on his ass.
You come near her again, and Ill kill you. I walked out with the help of my sister and one of my
When we got into the truck, I was so angry I took her into my arms and threatened the shit out of her.
If you ever let another man put his hands on whats mine, Ill kill you, I growled as I stared at her.
Let me out! You cheating son of a bitch! I hate you, she cried and started slamming her fists in my
already bruised ribs, so Tim grabbed her and held her off.
Calm down. I said that to her, but it was like I was saying it to myself.
Wed arrived in Champaign to get my woman back, but just as the plane landed, Van received that

picture from Emmy. We didnt make any stops and rushed into town, and before I knew it we were at
the party. I disregarded all doctors orders and came to win my woman back, only to find her in the
arms of another man.
I wasnt leaving here without her because at my side is where she fucking belonged, and I needed to
straighten some shit out. I grabbed her chin roughly, turning her to face me.
Youre mine. Dont ever think about leaving me again. Ill find your ass and kill any man you even
say hi to, then I'll lock your ass up until you learn the reality of your situation. This is our forever, I
growled as jealousy ate at me.
I pulled away from her ass before I went too far. I was seeing red. I knew shed been angry with me
after my mothers party, but I thought she would be fine and things would be okay the next day. I
couldnt have been more wrong because she stopped taking my calls and changed her number.
As we drove on to the hotel, I thought about what happened to get us to this point.
Things were great the first week. I was on fucking cloud nine. Work was intense because I was
knocking all deals out of the way to be with her. I was hoping to take some time off when she
graduated, just for us, but as I came home one night from work, everything changed.
All I remember was my brakes giving out as I went around the bend toward my condo. I woke up the
next day and even in all my pain, I called her. Over the next three weeks I made the biggest mistake of
my life. I hid my accident from her. My calls were more sporadicnot that I didnt want to talk to her
every hour of every day, but I didnt want to burden her with my problems. Plus, someone was out to
get me, and I didnt want her hurt. I loved her so damn much and missed my giggly woman. We didnt
know which of my enemies did this, so I tried to keep my distance from her. I was told it would be
months for me to heal completely, so I couldnt physically protect her.
The left side of my body had been damaged severely. My arm, two of my ribs, and my leg had been
broken as well as some cuts and bruises. None of those hurt as bad as the sound of the number you
have reached has been changed.
My moms party was obviously Nats last attempt to make this work between us. I knew that I
shouldve stayed in bed at home that night, but I felt obligated to be there. My parents told me to stay
home, but I didnt listen. My world was turned upside down that night. It was all because of that
stupid bitch Courtney Lancaster. Of all the people to show up to my mothers party at the Oak Valley
Country Club, it had to be her. Wed been seeing each other months before Id met Natalie. I ended
our hookup because she wanted more than just fucking. Shed gone crazy on me then, but I ignored it.
That was a big mistake.
Id been looking at my phone, reading a text my Natalie had sent me. I was going to call her later
when I went out for air, but that bitch came up to me and snatched the motherfucking phone out of my
hand. I tried to hurry and go after the broad, but I was in a wheelchair. Ten minutes later, I found her
and shed hung the phone over the pool.
You can have it back if you tell everyone were back together.
We hooked up twice, and it wasnt that memorable. Why would I want you when Ive got the perfect

woman? I was pissed. All I could think about was her being the one who snipped my brakes.
Youre a fool, she said before she tossed my phone to the ground, shattering it on impact, and
kicking it into the pool.
I didnt tell Natalie the truth then because I didnt think she would believe me since Courtney and I
had a past, but now I wished Id been honest from the time I woke up in the hospital.
We got to the hotel, and that was when she noticed my injuries. The shock was clear on her face, but
it didnt stop the anger there.
When we got up to the room, Tim told her, Dont hit him. Wait until hes healed before you start.
You could accidentally kill him. Then he left us alone.
I dont know where to start.
How about the truth? Did you or did you not sleep with her?
I paused too long, so she got up and walked to the door.
Im done. Stay away from me, Cameron, she shouted with tears.
It was more than six months ago.
So how did she just happen to have your phone in her bedroom?
That bitch stole my phone that night. I dont know if you can tell, but I can barely walk. If I couldve
fuckeda woman , it wouldve been you. Id show you who the fuck you belong to, and youd better
believe I will, soon.
Why were you with her? Why did she claim you two were engaged? When did this happen? she
cried. It fucking broke my heart, and Courtney would pay big time.
Natalie, she showed up at my moms party with another one of the guests. I tried to avoid her, but I
was in a wheelchair and limited in my movements. I was looking at the text about your last test when
she took my phone right out of my hands. You can ask my sister, she came out before I was able to
climb out of chair and choke the bitch. I cant believe she contacted you. Why didnt you tell me when
I talked to you the next night? I accused.
Why didnt you tell me the truth? Why didnt you tell me something happened to you? Youre here all
broken, and this is the first time Im finding out about it.
Ive made so many mistakes this past month, but I plan to make it right. I promise. Please come sit
down here. Ive been dying to see you, and seeing you in the arms of another man gutted me today. Im
angry with you about it, but I know that its my own fault.
She came and sat down on the bed next to me. I used my good right hand and grabbed hers. I caressed
it, and I knew as her pulse raced that she still felt something for me, or at least Id hoped so.
Id just finished talking to you when I left the office. The accident happened on my way home. I
hadnt gotten far before I crashed. Id pressed my brakes when I came around the ridge, and they
failed. I crashed down an embankment and into a tree. I paused when she gasped.

I pulled my phone out of my coat and showed her the headline from the next morning, so she knew
exactly what day this happened.
She read the headline out loud:
Billionaire Business Man Cameron James Involved in a Nearly Fatal Accident.
She barely finished the sentence because her body was racked with sobs. I took the phone from her
and held her as best as I could.
I knew if I told you, youd have come to Seattle, and I knew how important graduating was to you
and you were almost done. The thing is I wanted you with me, but I knew that my accident wasnt
an accidentsomeone cut my brakes. Thats why I called less and less. As much as I needed you, I
needed you safe. I thought if I hid my relationship with you, youd be protected, but I was wrong. Id
hurt you the most.
She wrapped her arms around my neck as she cried, I wish I was there.
Look at me, Natalie, I commanded. She pulled away enough for me to see into her beautiful, bright
hazel-green eyes.
I love you. Im sorry, but I love you. I know theres danger ahead, but I selfishly need you.
I love you too, Cameron. Ive missed you, and her call to me broke my heart.
What did she say to you?
She told me you two were together that night and that youd left your phone at her place and for
me to stay away because you two were getting married.
Damn, the tears falling from her eyes were killing me. Please stop the tears. I cant take it.
I cant help it. My hearts been breaking for days.
I wanted to kill that bitch. Im sorry I ever dealt with her. Before you ask, she wasnt one of the
debutants that we talked about. I met her elsewhere, but later found out she knew some of the dumb
bitches that belonged to the country club.
I felt her lips on my neck and I wanted her kisses, but I was fucking jealous about the other guy whose
cologne I could smell on her clothes.
Tell me. Who was the guy I decked whod been touching you?
Hes my ex-boyfriend.
Anger raged through me. Go in the bathroom and take a shower, now, I growled
What? she asked.
You smell like him. Go take a fucking shower. The thought of his scent on you makes me want to
snap his neck. Go now.
She got up and walked into the bathroom without a word. Im glad that her bitchy roommate wanted to

rub Natalies makeover in my face. Its what got me there before she hooked up with that fuck. It
didnt escape my notice that she was thinner than I remembered. I stared at that photo on my sisters
phone the whole way from the airport to the party. She was smiling, but it was clear that she wasnt
happy. The dress was a tight purple wrap thingy that clung to her. She looked amazing, only shed
worn it for someone else. That sexy look wasnt meant for me.
When we were in the truck, I could smell the liquor on her breath. I remembered her telling me that
she didnt like to drink because of her parents problem with alcohol. She was a mess and went back
to her ex-boyfriend. Courtney was going to pay for that. It was bad enough that the handsome asshole
already had what was mine, but shed been so hurt she went back to him to cope.
Her cell was in her purse on the bed next to me, and I took it out because it kept ringing. I prayed it
was that asshole from the party, so I could have a reason to kill him. It was Emmy calling like crazy.
Emmy, Cameron here.
You bastard. I sent Vanessa that picture to show you what you lost not for you to come and snatch
her up. You deserve a punch. You damn well be ready to receive it.
Calm down. It was a big misunderstanding. Call Vanessa, shell tell you. Either way, Natalie is busy
tonight. Also I want you to know that I appreciate your love and concern for her.
I hung up the phone because I heard the shower turn off. She came out in a towel. I might not be able
to fuck, but I sure as fuck wanted to. Id missed her, and this was the first time she wasnt fully
dressed in front of me. It was pure torture.
I dont have any clothes here. She shrugged sheepishly.
My luggage is right there. Get a pair of boxers and a shirt. She got dressed, and now it was my turn
to get ready for bed. I still needed some help undressing. Thankfully I could manage some shit on my
own, but it wasnt easy. Once she was dressed for bed, I called her to me.
Now, undress me.

As some big guy was carrying me to the truck, I turned to see Cameron knocking Jeff out cold. That
was bullshit, and I was pissed. He had a lot of nerve after his betrayal. At least Jeff never cheated on
me and broke my heart and trust. I looked out the window to see what would happen, and then I
noticed his sister and some other big guy helping him to the truck.
He was wearing a long-sleeved Mariners tee shirt and joggers and looked hot as hell, but then I
realized it wasnt a long-sleeve shirt. He had a cast on his left arm. Even in my drunken state I could
see that he needed help getting to the car, and I knew it wasnt because he got into it with Jeff.
I lost control when he looked at me. I wanted to be in his arms and have him tell me how much he
missed me, which only angered me further. He cheated, and I let him have it, forgetting that he was
hurt until the big behemoth, who made Cameron look small, held me back.
When Tim, the big behemoth, warned me not to hurt him until he was healed, I sobered up. I saw the

terrible injuries he suffered. Hed been through something, but he still betrayed me so my concern for
his injuries paled in comparison to the injuries he caused in me.
By the time he showed me the article on his phone, my heart had forgiven him. My mind was out for
revenge on his ex-ho. She did this to me; granted had he talked to me, he wouldnt have caught me
with another man and about to give him my pussy. I still wanted to kick him, but he was getting a pass
until he was healed. There wasnt a doubt that I owed him an ass whooping for keeping something so
important away from me. My safety and education be damnedI almost lost him.
When he told me to shower in a jealous rage, my pussy juiced. He was commanding when he wanted
to be. I did as I was told and got into the shower. As I washed Jeffs scent and cologne off of me, I
thought about all the naughty phone calls wed had.
Wed never gone as far as phone sex, but we got close several times. Id taken out my trusty vibrator
after every call with Cam and thought about him tasting my pussy like he promised he would. I damn
near came in the shower just thinking about it. I hurried and rinsed off because I truly missed him.
I knew if he couldnt have sex with me tonight, there was no way he couldve fucked that broad like
she claimed. It hurt that he had before, but it was the past, and Im adult enough to get over it. I didnt
regret that he was going to be my first, but I wasnt his. It was just the way of things. Men were
oversexed since their teens, but he was mine now, and if this bitch wanted him, shed have to go
through me.
He commanded me to put on his clothes, and I creamed a little more. I guess I was one of those
submissive women. Mentally I was like, Yes, master. In reality I was too shy for that type of sexual
Now, undress me, he ordered. I hesitantly walked up to him wearing a white V-neck undershirt,
slightly wet from my hair, and a pair of red and blue plaid boxers. I watched his eyes darken as he
looked at my nipples that had the nerve to harden instantly.
When I approached, he was breathing heavily, and I knew that it was from desire. I grabbed the hem
of his shirt and lifted it up and over his head. Luckily, the cast was only on his forearm. He groaned
slightly, but smiled when I tossed it on the floor and looked back up at him. I didnt dare look at his
chest. I saw the outline the moment he walked out of the party. His muscles were well hidden under
his suits.
Baby, you can look. Its all yours, he said, daring me to look at his strong, furry chest, but I still
refused to look.
I looked into his eyes and asked, Is it really?
Damn it, Natalie. Before this shit, did you doubt me?
No, but Im sorry. I started to break down. Everything with him was new territory. I sheltered
myself from the pain of rejection, and he took me out into the storm of life but hadnt shielded me
from its harm. I didnt know how to trust him to go back out into the storm.
Dont be sorry. Its my fault you doubted me, but I promise that my mind, body, and heart have been

all yours since we met. Now, could you please help me with my pants?
I didnt reply. I just pulled them down and was taken by shock to see hed gone commando. His long,
thick cock was extremely hard and nearly hit me in the face. I giggled.
Im sorry. I forgot to tell you I was naked underneath.
Yeah, right, I bet you forgot. Or maybe you just wanted me to get a close-up of what youre working
He used his good arm and pulled me up to face him.
Careful, youre going to hurt yourself.
I dont care. Ive missed you. Now, lets get to bed.
Youre going to sleep like that? I said, trying not to look like a horny virgin.
Yepbetter get used to it. He climbed up and scooted onto the bed, pulling the covers from
underneath him, then patting the spot next to him.
I climbed in with him, glad that there was some barrier between us. Not that I didnt want to be with
him, but he was hurt.
He laid on his right side and tucked me into his body. Being there in his arms felt right.
I love you, my Natalie, and I promise to worship you forever, he whispered in my ear before gently
taking it between his teeth for a nibble.
Promise, I said almost pleadingly.
I promise, he whispered solemnly.

Chapter 4
I held her all night. I was too afraid to let go, or shed be gone. I didnt take the painkillers because I
didnt want this moment blurred by the medication. When I woke up the pain was strong as hell, but
not as bad as itd been these last few days.
I was pretty much working from home since my accident, so I decided I might as well stay until her
graduation. I wasnt going to leave her alone with young men who clearly wanted her a lot. It still
galled me that she was with someone else. I wondered if theyd been together before the party and
were just coming out again as a couple. Either way, it really didnt mattershe was mine. Nobody
was going to take her from me.
Tonight, shed have the ring to prove it. Id just picked it up that afternoon of the accident. It was a
four-carat solitaire diamond with a platinum band. When you looked at the ring, it looked like a
normal huge rock, but it was the inscription that mattered : No choice, youre stuck with me.
She moaned as she pushed her ass into my morning wood, a new experience for me. I wasnt the guy
to stick around. I was too busy running my company, making a name for myself, to stay the night with
them. Holding her had been a pleasure I planned to keep doing.
Morning, my love.
Youre really here, she whispered as she turned in my arms and smiled. Fuck, I couldnt pass that
up. I kissed her hard. I wished I could tackle her and bury myself in her.
Soon, I groaned to myself. Fuck, babe. Thats the best wake-up Ive ever gotten.
Me too, she moaned.
Whatve you got to do today?
Nothing, but I should really call Emmy. Shes probably really worried about me.
I talked to her while you were in the shower last night. I told her to call Van.
Really? I should still call her. She scurried out of the bed without looking at me and grabbed her
phone off the nightstand.
While she hid in the bathroom to talk to Emmy, I called Tim.
Tim, is the ass from last night okay?
Tim, come back to bed! Tell me I didnt just hear my baby sister calling her lover, my right hand
man, back to bed.
So how long have you been fucking my little sister, I growled. Fury ran cold through me.
Never mind. As of right now, youre fired. I hung up the phone. I dont even know what I was more
pissed aboutthe fact that the head of my security team, who was thirty-two, was fucking my
nineteen-year-old sister, or the fact that he didnt man up and come to me first. Hell, I didnt know if

my sister was a virgin before him, so I shouldnt care, but I didnt want to think about it.
I called my father asking for him to send one of his trusted guys to replace Tim.
So you found out about Vanessa and Tim.
You know?
Yes, he came to me the day after your accident.
He didnt say shit to me.
No matter how protective you are of her, Im still her father. Plus, we didnt know how youd react,
and you were recovering.
I wouldve handled it better if I didnt find out by hearing her call him back to bed.
Did you have to tell me that?
Well, thats how I found out.
Dont fire him for nothing. He loves her, and she loves him.
If he plans to marry her, Ill think about it, I grumbled.
So did you find your girl and make things better?
I briefly went into the story. It still fucking bugged me that she moved on. So when she came out of the
bathroom, I hung up with my father and asked her, How long after you got that call did you start
seeing that fuck again?
Its bothering you. Good. Maybe next time you wont lie to me or be around one of your ex skanks.
You didnt answer me.
Last night was the first time Id spoken to Jeff since he and I broke up a few months back. Before
Emmy reminded me that I needed to live, Id been wallowing too deeply in my own pain of you
fucking her to think about fucking someone else, she hissed before grabbing her dress and storming
back in the bathroom.
She came out two minutes later after I tossed on a pair of boxers.
Youve got a lot of nerve. I didnt cheat on you. I had to deal with that bitch reminding me that youd
been with her. I let it go because I knew that youd been too injured to have cheated on me with her.
Just know if I run into another one of your bust-downs, I might choke the hell out of her.
Are you done?
You heard me. Are you done yelling at me?
She huffed.
You want to know why Ive got the nerve? Because even though you dumped me, which you did by

changing your number and not actually telling me, I didnt go to anyone else. I wasnt wrapped up in
someones arms getting ready to go fuck. Thats why I have the nerve. Im pissed because if I was a
few minutes later, youd have tossed me to the side for someone else. I was heartbroken too, you
know. I didnt know she contacted you. I just thought you were angry with me for not calling sooner.
Then you go and change your fucking number, like that shit was going to stop me. It guts me because I
didnt want anyone else, yet you did.
I really didnt, but I wanted to make the pain go away, and he actually cared for me.
Come here. She came to me, and I tucked her into my body.
Listen, Im not going to let anyone come between us. Enough with thiswe belong to each other. I
love you, Natalie.
I love you too. She rested her head on my chest. I was so happy that I didnt notice the pain in my
body from standing so long. With her, I felt stronger. Id never needed a woman before, but with her I
felt more vulnerable than Id been at the mercy of an unstoppable speeding car. In that vulnerability, I
forgot that shed been destroyed by that bitch.
Give me your mouth, babe. I want to kiss the love of my life. She smiled with my words and lifted
her face to mine. Our mouths had just met when there was a pounding on the door.
Fuck, go away, I shouted angrily.
Cam! You open the door this instant, my sister shouted from the other side, sounding just like my
Grr. I tried to walk to the door, but the pain was getting worse, and I damn near buckled on the
floor but caught myself by grabbing onto the chair. I was embarrassed, but my woman was tending to
me in a second. You didnt take any medicine this morning? she worriedly asked.
I didnt take any meds since before my flight, and the pain is getting to me. Babe, can you get the
door for me?
Of course, then Ill get your medicine.

Seeing him slumped on the chair, I remembered that hed almost been killed. My heart was pounding
in fear. After getting him righted, I walked to the door and opened it to an angry Vanessa and the big
Vanessa, calm down. Whatever you need to yell at him will have to wait. Hes in pain.
Vanessas rage calmed instantly, and she ran to him. Damn it, Cam, they told you to take it easy.
Have you used the cane? Of course you havent. You fight with guys when youre broken. You dont
need a cane.
I went into his luggage and grabbed the bathroom bag. I pulled out the pills and got him some water.
Here, Cam, I said as I handed it to him. He took the pills and the water, and downed them in one

gulp. Then he used his good arm to pull me into his lap.
Oomph, I moaned when I landed.
I tried to get off of him, but he wasnt good with it. Dont move. Im trying not to kill this bastard
here, he snarled, looking at Tim.
Cam, get over it. Im not a kid anymore.
I looked confused, so Cameron filled me in. Right before you came out of the bathroom, I found out
that my employee is fucking my little sister. Frankly, Ive had enough with surprises, so if you two
could come back another time, that would be great.
As stern as Cam sounded, I had a feeling these two werent going anywhere.
Cam, please. Tim and I are happy. Youd be happy for us if I wasnt your sister.
I wouldnt give a shit if you werent my sister, but you are my sister. So, fuckhead, are you going to
let my sister talk for you? I guess so because youve had a month to be a man and tell me the truth.
Look, I know that youre pissed. If I had a sister, Id be pissed too, but I love Vanessa. I wouldve
told you as soon as it happened, but you were knocked out, and we were busy looking for the fuck
who tampered with your brakes.
For someone who kept a secret from the woman you claimed to love, youre being a bit of a
hypocrite just because they kept a secret from you. I forgave you, I said as I turned his face to mine
and gave a pout. That shit I saw in movies and read in books really worked. He caved, relaxing the
tension in his body, and I wanted to get up and do a happy dance.
Cam, you need to understand that Im not going anywhere. Ive asked your sister to marry me, so
youd better get used to the idea, Tim said as he stuck out his hand.
Before Cameron could even raise his own hand, I jumped out of his lap and squealed as I saw the
rock on Vanessas hand. We squealed together, and the guys actually laughed at us. At least they were
getting along for that. I was so happy. I guess when you were in love, everyones happiness was
exciting. Had I learned of it yesterday, I wouldve walked away without a care and cried myself to
Dude, Im really sorry I didnt tell you about us. Im not trying to hide our relationship. Were all
worried about you, so we thought it was best not to say shit until you were better, Tim said and stuck
out this hand again.
Cameron shook his friends hand, but let him know he still wasnt gravy yet. Im not happy, but at
least you put a rock on her finger. It makes it a little better, but just wait until Im better. Then we go
in the ring. Tim nodded in agreement.
Vanessa and I were so busy gabbing away that we didnt notice the guys moved off to the window and
were whispering until my stomach growled.
Ooh, someones hungry. Bro, dont you take care of your woman?

Baby, Im sorry. Lets get something to eat. He hobbled to me, and it worried me that he was
walking around.
Should you be walking around so much?
Not much, but I should be using a crutch or a cane. Ill be fine, especially after you give me a kiss. I
smiled brightly, puckered my lips, closed my eyes, and lifted my chin gleefully. He took my mouth
like he was starving too. He wrapped his strong arm around my waist, pulling me against him and
drenching my panties. Lord help me, when this man actually took me, I was in deep trouble.
Well meet you down in the lobby in about ten minutes. I still need to get some clothes on. Pick a
place, Van, Cameron said before going to his luggage.
The other two walked out the door, and I felt the tension in the air.
Nice try, sweetheart, he growled. His look let me know I was in some shit.

She thought she was slick, but not slick enough. I actually felt guilty earlier when she called out my
hypocrisy, but I felt the shift in her body and saw a slight smile on her face. My girl was no actress.
Nice try? she questioned, pretending to not understand my meaning. I slid on my pants, buttoning
them slowly as I looked at her. I smirked as I watched her worry about what I was going to do.
Come here, Natalie.
Why? I just told you to come here. Come here, woman. Dont make me come get you. If I do, Im
going to make you pay for the pain its going to cause me. She meekly came to me. I grabbed her by
her arm and pulled her close to me, our faces inches from each other.
I love you, my little Natalie, but know that shit you played earlier wont always work.
I didnt do anything.
Baby, come now. You tried to play me. Admit it. I struck like a viper and nipped at her lips, only
biting gently, I didnt want to hurt my woman.
I just didnt want you to fight with them. I was worried.
I know, babe. I didnt want to fight either. All I wanted was to be alone with you. Fuck. I didnt get
to tell you how fucking sexy you looked last night. Damn, the next-day look is still as good as last
night. Youre too fucking pretty. Put my jacket over that poor excuse for a dress.
But it wont match.
I dont give a shit. I dont want to choke a motherfucker for looking at you. These tits belong to me
now, and theyre damn near popping out. Now, Im not going to tell you againput the fucking coat

She huffed, but she did what she was told. I would worship her, but there was just some shit I
wouldnt tolerate. I tossed on a Seahawks tee shirt and then my socks and shoes, not an easy task
these days, but hell if I was going to beg for assistance.
After we eat, well go to your dorm and get some clothes. Youll be staying with me here until your
graduation. Before you start your argument, stop. Im not going to let you win this one.
I wasnt going to argue. I liked lying in your arms, she said with a blush.
Good, babe, because thats where youre going to stay. I gave her a quick kiss and a nice smack on
the ass.
Lets go before my sister comes to get us and yells at me for not feeding my woman. I cant have you
passing out on me. That wouldnt look good.
We met them down in the lobby. Vanessa picked a chain breakfast place, and it was good because my
ass really wanted some pancakes.
Tim was still acting like he always did. He searched around as we got in the car and the moment we
got out of it. I introduced Natalie to our security team. There were four of them with us. I wanted
more, but it wouldve made us a bigger target.
We had just placed our order when I mentioned that we had to go to Nats place to pick up some
clothes and to pack up her shit. Vanessa agreed to help Natalie pack today.
Thanks, Vanessa, but we dont need to pack everything right away. I have time.
Yes, we do.
Emmy and I are going to get an apartment in Chicago when we graduate.
The fuck you are. Youre going to be moving to Seattle with me. Dont start with me. Weve talked
about this.
No, we didnt talk about it. You told me, and I disagreed.
So you want to continue this long distance relationship?
Do you want us to end this?
Then your ass is moving to Seattle. My company is there, and so is my family. You werent even
from Chicago, and you dont have any family there either. There is no reason you cant move to
Seattle. Enough. Our food is coming. I think she just wanted to pick a fight. She knew damn well
where I wanted this relationship to go. Now she was going to act like she wanted to get a fucking
So how many tickets do you have for the graduation? Vanessa asked.

Theyre giving me six, Nat said shyly.

Good. So thats one for Cameron and two for your parents. Who else? Vanessas nosy ass asked.
I saw the look on Natalies face, and I knew something was up with her and her parents. Last time we
talked about them, she told me theyd called her to tell her that it was their last payment for school
and she was going to have to make due or come back home. I wasnt worried about it. She was
coming with me, so Id be buying anything she needed and wanted.
I whispered in her ear. Babe, were going to talk about your parents later. I can tell youre upset.
Lets not ruin our breakfast. You need to eat. I can hear your belly monster going insane.
Hahaha. Im going to bite you if I dont get my food soon. She tried to take a bite of my hand, but I
was too quick for her ass.
My sister and her fianc were laughing at our asses, but fuck if I cared. I loved this woman. I missed
the fuck out of her over the last six weeks. The waitress brought us our food, and we all ate like wed
been starving for weeks. We bullshitted a little while before we got up to go. Tim wanted to pay for
the meal, but hell if I was going to let him.
Hey, you just got engaged. I got this. He didnt put up too much of an argument, but after this
morning he was playing nice to keep my sister happy.
We got to her dorm, and I was fucking grateful that there was an elevator. My leg was feeling the
extra movement. I was able to hide it from Natalie, or so I thought.
We had just got off the elevator when she said, Us girls will pack up, and you can sit on the bed and
take another pill if you need it. If you think Im blind, Im not. Damn woman.
She opened the door, and Emmy was sitting on the bed studying. Hey, Nat, you made it back in one
piece. She gave Nat a big hug and then turned to me, shook her head, and added, Youre a fucking
She turned back to Natalie, and in a loud whisper added, Give the word, Nat, and Ill junk punch
him. Hell, I should do it for him being so stupid.
Em, its okay.
Ive packed most of my stuff. My brother will be here to pick up most of my things. Im going to be
staying with him. You know youre welcome to come with me.
No, thank you. She isnt going to Chicago. Shes going home with me, but if youre nice, Ill let you
Ass, youre asking for it.
Be nice, you two. Natalie shook her head at us.
Im going to start packing, I already got rid of a lot of my stuff.
The girls were packing but got distracted by some photos. They were looking at them for over half an
hour. Every once in a while my baby would show me a picture. The last one I snatched. It looked like

the day I saw her. She had a beautiful smile, and this photo captured it.
This is going in my office, I stated.
No, you cant! Natalie said, upset, shocked, and completely embarrassed.
I love this picture. It reminds me of the first time I saw you, so deal with it. Its going in my office
where I can see it daily.
Pussy, Tim coughed out.
I think its sweet. Are you saying that you wouldnt keep my picture where you could see it all the
time? Vanessa said as she narrowed her eyes at Tim. Ha. Being with Vanessa was enough
punishment to satisfy my anger at Tim. He didnt realize what he was getting himself into. She may not
be the most school-smart person, but her personality wasnt lacking.
Look, babe, I got your picture right here. He showed her his home screen on his phone. She blushed
and got all girly. Fucking asshole. He turned at me and smirked.
Prick, I grunted. Just help them pack.
When we finally got out of there, we only had her clothes and her book bag to take with us. The rest
of the shit would be sent to the house in Seattle; I called for a pickup and theyd be there tomorrow.

Chapter 5
Packing up my room last week with Cam had been a good day. Even though he didnt feel well, hed
been supportive and helpful. I wasnt happy about the photo he took and wondered if he did like he
said he would and put it in his office. It was an okay photo of me, but his clients and employees were
going to see that picture. It didnt scream the girlfriend of a billionaire, but he was adamant that he
was keeping it. I tried to steal it from him in the truck, but all that got me was mind-blowingly kissed.
I wanted to stay on his lap, but I knew he was hurting.
This past week in Seattle had been perfect until the day my parents called.
Mother, Im not going to marry him, so you can forget it. Ive got a boyfriend already.
I dont care which college boy youre dating. George comes from a great family. Its the least you
could do after being so much trouble. If it wasnt for you, I wouldve gotten more in the divorce. I
tried not to let her lack of love get to me. It was crazy that I even still cared. I wasnt anything special
to her anyway. I was her flesh and blood, but I was nothing but a burden to her and to my father.
Im not going to, and thats it.
If you dont at least meet up with him, well not be coming to the graduation.
Good. Then dont! I shouted and hung up the phone.
I was grateful that Vanessa and Tim had taken Cam to the doctors office. If hed heard the call, Id be
in trouble.
I got in the shower and was going to rush out, but the hot spray felt so good. When I got out of the
shower, I was met by my angry boyfriend. Even in his cast, he was on me in a flash. His hand was
around my throat, and his eyes were burning in anger.
Who the fuck is George? he roared.
George who? Id completely forgotten about the call from my mother. Did he have the room bugged
or some shit? No, he couldnt, or hed already know that I wasnt interested in my ex.
Seriously, youre going to fucking play that shit with me.
I dont know where you heard about him, but hes the past.
The past? Then why did I just have a lovely conversation with your mother about your engagement.
He let go of me with a shove. His look of disgust was worse than his anger.
Im not engaged to anyone.
Well, thats not what your mother just told me. If her shit was a lie, then who the fuck sent you the
flowers last week at your apartment that I asked you about before we left?
Iyouve got to listenIts not what you think
If you dont tell me right now, so help me God, he murmured as he roughly ran his hands through his

When I changed my number, I called my mother to give it to her. She mustve given it to George. He
called me and asked me when I was coming home and when we were getting married. I just told him
that I didnt want to talk. Id been crying and my head was pounding. I started pacing the floor.
He sent the flowers the next day when I was out getting ready, so I couldnt reject them when they
came. I ignored the card and put it in the drawer. They were pretty, so I left them. I called him back
and thanked him, but told him I wasnt coming home and there was no way I was going to marry him. I
didnt know him anymore. I hadnt seen him since I was sixteen. He was angry and I guess called my
mom about it. She called me several times to tell me that I needed to marry him. I kept saying no, but
she refused to listen. I stopped and looked at him and said, She told me she wasnt going to come to
my graduation if I didnt agree to marry George. I couldnt hide the hurt, so I turned away from him
and looked out the window.
I dont know what she said to you, but whatever it was, it mustve been good enough for you to be
willing to believe her over me. I told you I loved you, and I meant it. Im sorry that Ive given you
doubt. I was going to tell you the truth when you asked about the flowers, but youd already snapped
at me about Jeff. I didnt want us to fight over nothing.
I walked past him after grabbing my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I quickly changed, came
out, but I didnt look at him. I could feel him staring at me from his perch on the bed, but I just
grabbed my purse and walked out.

Fuck. I knew that her mother was lying to me, but I acted like an ass anyway. In the matter of a week,
Id been confronted with her and other men in her personal space. When I thought about the flowers
sitting there for days from a supposed fianc, it made her lie believable. I flew into a jealous rage. I
didnt grab her hard or anything, but I still felt like a fucking prick.
I didnt quite cool down because her ass still lied to me. Karma was a fucking bitch, and although it
wasnt instant, I did get it back. I didnt know where she was going, but I already texted Clint to keep
tabs on her and to let me know where she was going. I didnt think she was going out to meet some
guy, but I wanted to make sure she was safe.
I had come back to the hotel feeling great because Id be able to get this cast off before graduation,
but then I had my bubble fucking burst by her bitch of a mother. I hated the way Natalie had been
treated by her parents, and yet my jealous fucking ass believed the bitch. She was on my shit list too.
There was already a long list growing since Id met her.
I got a text from Clint. Shes at the student union.
I had a plan. I got dressed in one of my suits as fast as I could, and then got to the student union,
praying she was still there. She and Emmy were sitting at the table they always sat at. I took my seat
and did what Id always done when I saw her here. I stared. It didnt take long for her to look up at
me. Despite her anger and hurt, she smiled and shook her head.
I didnt look away no matter how many times she put her head back down or Emmy gave a shrug. I
thought shed be on her way over here to junk punch me, but she didnt. She gave Natalie a hug, then

walked my way.
She reached my table and said calmly, You both fucked up. Her mother is a manipulative bitch, and
its made Natalie avoid confrontation unless pushed into it. Forgive her, love her like you want to,
and keep her toxic family away from her, and I wont belt you. She winked, patted my shoulder, and
walked away.
I walked to her table, and she looked up at me and laughed.
I hope youre not laughing at me.
No, Im laughing at us.
Are you saying were fools?
Yes, big ones. I think this has been one test after another, and weve failed miserably.
Well, Ive learned my lesson. Have you?
Yes, Id rather have you mad at me than have you look at me with disgust.
Im sorry, baby. It wasnt a look of disgust at you, but at me because I wasnt going to let you go,
fianc or not. But Ive got a really good way to fix my insane jealousy.
Yes, and how is that?
Forgive me, I cannot kneel, I said as I took a seat next to her , turning it to face her.
I love you and felt like Id lost you. Now that I know what its like to spend every day with you, I
cant imagine my life without you. Will you marry me, Natalie Grace Cromwell?
Yes, she cried as I slipped the ring on her finger.
I stood up and kissed her like the first time, and just like the first time, wed been caught.
I know, I know, youre kissing your fiance, the hall-monitor ass advisor said with a grin.

Chapter 6
Itd been one hell of a week. First our big fight, then his proposal followed by the arrival of his
parents and his older brother Simon. Theyd been anxious to meet me, so they rushed over two days
after the engagement. Thankfully they approved of me for Cameron. I was afraid of their reaction
regardless of his constant reassurance.
Today was graduation day, and Cam decided to treat me and Emmy to makeovers before the
ceremony. Vanessa and their mother Melody came with us because a trip to the salon was a normal
thing for them. What I didnt know was they intentionally kept me busy and away from Cameron. I
didnt even see him until it was my turn to cross the stage, and he was standing proudly. He was
giving me the biggest grin that had me trip slightly in my heels. I blushed and looked back at him and
realized the cast was gone!
They all came around me to congratulate me when it was over, but all I cared about was Cam, who
picked me up and kissed me hard, then set me down and handed me the bouquet of roses he was
You got your cast removed, you sneaky man! I said before sniffing my roses.
Surprised, baby? he whispered in my ear.
He hugged me tight until I was pulled out of his arms by the massive Simon. He hugged me hard too,
while Cam growled.
Put my fiance down before you break her, you big ogre.
Hes just mad that he doesnt have all his strength back yet. So do you want to run away with me
No, thanks. I take him. Im a sucker for flowers, I said as I winked at Cam. It was our inside joke
Damn. Thats why he wouldnt let me buy my future sister-in-law some flowers. He snapped his
fingers in disappointment and pouted until someone caught his eye. His face transformed from a silly
smile to a straight, serious look.
Nat, we did it!!! Emmy said as she jumped into the group and hugged me. Simon was staring at my
friend the whole time I made the introductions. We hadnt seen each other in days because her family
came down early too.
Simons eyes didnt leave my best friend for the next five minutes. I whispered in her ear, Its seems
like a family trait. We giggled, and she was pulled away by her big brother after he gave me a
Whos he? Simon and Cam growled at the same time. I shook my head. Its her brother, you
jealous asses. I grabbed my mans hand and marched on. I wanted out of these heels and wanted
more kisses from my man.
They took me out to dinner to celebrate. It was a great night. And just as they promised, my parents

didnt come to see their only child graduate. I was glad because I knew that Cameron wouldnt hold
back his anger. I begged him not to call my mother back after our big fight, and he obliged, but I didnt
put it past him to retaliate.
After we got back to the hotel, everyone went their separate ways. I was excited. I had a feeling that
we were finally going to go all the way, assuming he felt well enough. I knew I had to tell him the
truth about me before we went any further. Wed only been touching and kissing each other, and I was
left so hungry every night for more. I couldnt wait to do all the things I dreamed and fantasized about.

Damn, I wanted to fuck her all night. I knew that I still didnt have it in me yet, but Id at least give her
a decent screw tonight. Fuck, it felt like our first time should be more than just a mediocre night. What
she said next definitely postponed our first time, although I moved our intimacy up some.
Cameron, theres something I need to tell you before we go any furtherIm a virgin she said,
clearly afraid of my reaction.
I think I just came in my pants, I mumbled, and she giggled.
You think Im funny?
No, but Im glad youre not mad.
Mad?! Youre giving me something I never thought youd give me.
So you still want me?
Woman, didnt I just say I almost came in my pants? Im fucking thrilled.
Ive been nervous about tonight for a long time.
Well tonight, babe, we arent going that far.
What? What do you mean?
Honey, Im not ready for what I want to do to you. I was thinking I wanted our first time better than I
could give you tonight. Then you tell me youre innocent. Now, I really want to wait. I want to give
you the best I got.
My mouth captured hers, and I made love to her mouth before I moved us to the bed. I took my time
undressing her, leaving on her bra and panties. I was trying to control my hunger, but she was just too
perfect. Her breasts were round and plump under the lace bra that barely covered her nipples.
As much as that fucked with me, tonight wasnt going to be ending with my seed filling her, but I
wasnt going to bed without at least tasting her pussy. Every night, I could hear her whimpering for
me, but all I could do was hold her a little tighter. She would at least find some satisfaction.
I laid on top of her. Her fear was obvious.
Baby, dont worry. I said we werent fucking, but Im going to eat you out hard, I growled. She
blushed, but smiled greedily. I licked my way down her curvy body. I took a bite of her nipple

through her bra. I wasnt going to play with them yet. My goal was to make her come with my tongue.
I smiled on her skin as the smell of her need reached my nose. Her scent made me hungry and thirsty.
She shivered as I blew a warm breath on her flat belly.
You smell delicious, I groaned.
I pushed her legs apart at the knees. She tried to fight the move, but I wasnt deterred. Once she felt
my touch, shed forget all her fears and shyness. My head reached her sweet, warm center, and I
looked up into her pretty face and growled, Mine, before I bowed my head and began worshiping
her wet pussy. I was right about two things: she would shake her shyness, and it was deliciously
perfect. From the first lick, I was a man possessed. Her pussy was sweet, tangy, and all mine.
I groaned as my cock leaked in my pants, eager to be in her in any way. Natalie cried out little
whimpers of pleasure as I licked her slowly, savoring the taste of her. Id never enjoyed this as much
as I did at this moment. She started to drip more as I took her clit in between my teeth and bit.
Ahahohooh, she uttered as she felt the first tendrils of her orgasm building. I slipped my
fingers gently in and set her off.
Mmmyouaremakingmecome, she groaned out, pausing after each word before pulling
on my hair and shouting out loudly.
Cam! Her body coiled and shook as she rode my tongue and fingers.
I slowly climbed back up and on top of her and gave her a massive fucking smile. I couldve stayed
down there for hours. Hell, I wasnt finished with her yet.
I slid my hand back down her body and lightly touched her short curls, then slid one finger inside. Her
beautiful, brightened hazel eyes widened, and I whispered, Baby, its not over. I need more. Youre
too fucking delicious.
My fingers played with her sensitive lips, opening, caressing, and pinching them.
No more, Cam. Its too much she pleaded. I just chuckled.
Nat, I want to hear you cry out over and over again, and so you will. Relax and enjoy, I
commanded. I watched as my words had an aphrodisiacal effect on her. Desire stained her face and
darkened her eyes.
This time I lifted her thighs and pressed them up to her chest and opened them for my feasting. My shy
little Nat let go of her inhibitions. Grabbing my hair at my scalp, she tugged and moved it to find her
pleasure, but it was my pussy now, so I gripped her hands and put them on her ankles.
Hold your ankles. Dont let go, or Ill stop, I grunted.
Using both my hands I opened her folds wide, watching her creamy goodness leaking out of her. My
face was back on her in an instant. She was coming hard and screaming my name. I was damn near
ready to explode from hearing my name, but this was just for her. Id had years of having my cock
taken care ofshed been pure for me, so she deserved to have her pussy eaten all day.
By the third orgasm that night, Id taken it easy on her and let her go to sleep, but in our morning

shower, Id had my fill.

Chapter 7
We flew out the next day to Seattle. I didnt tell my parents where I was going because they didnt
need to know. Cameron told me that I should be grateful that theyd decided to say good riddance, but
it still hurt. When he would catch me looking at his perfect family and the loving devoted parents hed
been fortunate to have, hed hold me tight.
We arrived at the family estate for a light meal. I thought we were going to his place, but he told me
he moved in here after the accident. He needed more care than he could handle on his own. Plus, his
mom begged him.
I loved his parents; they were like out of a book. The intimacy they shared was intense for a couple
that had been married for over thirty years. Their hands and mouths were on each other whenever they
were in the same room. I thought of it as sweet and romantic. I prayed that Cameron and I would be
like that after thirty years.
Melody and Simon Sr. were both brilliant and kind people, and I was immediately welcomed into the
family. It was insane for me. I came from a life without love from the two people who were supposed
to love me unconditionally.
I tried not to think about my parents, but it wasnt easy. It shouldve been, considering I had a lifetime
of disappointment and hurt. There were days when I was young that even though I was considered
wealthy, I went without eating. Most of their friends had no idea that they were neglecting me. It
wasnt until theyd gotten a divorce that the neglect was noticeable. My parents didnt have any
siblings, so I had no one to turn to when they let the courts take me.
Damn it, Nat. Stop looking like your world is going to crumble. If you dont quit your shit, Im going
to go down to Springfield and choke that bitch you call a mother and shoot that fuck you call a father.
He grabbed my chin and tilted it so his eyes met mine.
I dont like this sadness. Your past is over. Im never going to abandon you, and Im not going to let
you be scared. You werent the problem. Your parents were just some fucked-up people. If I catch
you sulking again, Im going to spank your ass until you are begging for mercy. After his rant, he
kissed me roughly and walked with a limp back to his office. Hed been working from home since the
incident, but he hadnt slowed down. All meetings were either held in the home office or via
conference call.
I could tell that he stopped taking the hard meds and the pain was getting to him. I knew he feared
becoming addicted to the painkillers. Even though it drove me insane to watch the struggle to get
through the day, I respected his decision and did what I could to ease his pain, which Ive got to admit
was to my benefit. I smiled thinking about last nights massage and aching for a repeat performance
Cam, do you want me to massage your leg?
Nope, baby. Im feeling okay.
Dont bullshit me. Youre walking around limping, and you grimace when you think Im not

I can handle the pain.
Drop it. Let me tend to my man, I purred. I watched as his cock bounced in his boxers. He
wasnt ready to take me yet even though itd been nearly a week since hed gotten the cast off.
We were lying on the bed, and I sat up and moved down the bed so that I could reach his leg
better. I put it over my crossed thighs and began to slowly caress the aching muscle. Hed been too
proud to go get a massage, and I was kind of glad because I didnt want any bitches touching my
man. Those days of his with other women were over.
He flinched several times but assured me it was good. It just tingles and then has a mild ache, but
baby, it feels good. I think youve found your calling, my personal masseuse.
Good, because I dont want another woman touching you.
Dont worry, baby. I dont want another broad ever touching me again. The thought is actually
revolting. Youre my woman.
I smiled at his sweetness but didnt stop my hands. His moans began getting rougher, and his cock
was making a tent in his shorts and my mouth water. Hed introduced me to that beast he called a
cock and how to make him come. I enjoyed it so much that I let him finish on my tongue and down
my throat often, and now I craved it.
My eyes darkened, and I licked my lips as I stared at his tent. My want took over. I selfishly
stopped massaging his leg and slowly climbed up his body. My eyes never left his as I gripped the
edge of his boxers and pulled them down, releasing his leaking, straining cock.
I thought you were giving me a massage?
I am, but Im going to tongue massage this. It looks like it could use some tender loving care, I
purred over the tip before taking it in my mouth. His hips bucked at the soft contact, then he
growled when I sucked him down, remembering to swallow and take more of him in.
Umph, he grunted and slid his strong hands into my ponytail, moving me like he wanted, but this
was my turn to enjoy. He got bossy when he ate me out, so he was going to have to take it like a
man. I smacked his hands away and took his whole long, thick cock down my throat. It had only
been a short time, but I was a fast learner. Plus, I wanted to be his besteverything.
Fuck, Nat. Im going to come, he groaned out. I smiled into his little hairs and pulled slowly
back before diving back down. He roared as his come jetted down my throat.
Just thinking about yesterday had me soaking my panties. I swore that when I stood, my juice trailed
down my thighs. I wanted more, needed more of him. I wanted it all. I shivered when I thought about
what it would be like to be filled with his massive cock. I squeezed my thighs together before I head
to his office and check on my man.

Lord. I walked away from that woman, and it was hard as hell. I wanted to go back into the room and
reassure her. I walked back quietly and looked to see if her mood had lightened, and it sure as hell
did. I watched as she was lost in thought. It was clear it was all pleasant and even naughty thoughts as
she bit the side of her lip before licking it. I wasnt sure if she was in the mood for some ice cream or
if she was remembering last night.
That shit was something else. Id never come so hard and so fast from a blowjob. Shit. She
swallowed it whole. She wasnt shy about our encounters. When we used to have our daily phone
calls, shed get all shy and quiet on me when I talked about kissing and touching her. I didnt think she
realized that she was rubbing her thighs together. I wanted to walk over there and strip her down,
spread her thighs, and drink my fill of her deliciously sweet wetness.
Damn. I felt the vibration, so I pulled my cell out of my pocket. I needed to take this call, so I gave my
sweet woman one last look and headed back to the office.
Tim, what do you got?
Theyre broke. Theyve been broke for a long time.
Really? But theyve been paying for her tuition and shit.
No they havent. Its being funded by someone else.
The more he told me, the angrier I got. I hung up with him and had a plan for retribution on Natalies
behalf. Just as I ended the call, there was a knock at the door.
Whats up? I called out.
Im sorry to bother you, she murmured.
Baby, come in.
She shrugged with a blush for disturbing me, but what she didnt understand was that she always
bothered me. My thoughts revolved slowly around her and her alone.
Whats the matter, baby? Come here. She walked up to me as I turned away from the desk and
opened up for her to sit on my lap. Damn, did that feel incredible, her fat bottom resting on my cock.
Whats up?
I was just worried about you. Youve been working hard all week and youre still not a hundred
percent. Are you in pain?
Baby, the one pain I got right now is pressing against your ass. Just so you know, baby, once Im
better, youre going to be the one unable to walk. She squirmed in my lap, only getting my cock
harder. I closed my eyes and threw my head back.
Fuck, babe, you keep squirming like that, Im going to have you on your knees. I knew it was what
she wanted when she pinked and looked away. I aimed to please.
Did you lock the door? She shook her head. Fine, go lock it now. She jumped off my lap and
walked to the door, making sure to lock it. While she did that, I undid my belt and unleashed my cock.

Knees, now, I commanded. She dropped seductively to the ground and looked up at me. I gave her a
little smack with my cock before demanding, Suck. She went straight to work and took me half
down in one gulp. I bit my lip, fighting the urge to lift her off her knees and onto the desk. Damn, I
spent this week teasing her, getting her ready for me, but it backfired. I spent the week coming like a
fourteen-year-old boy with his dads porn stash. I was either coming in my hand or down her throat
fast and hard.
It wasnt long before I was shooting down her throat. She licked it all off my cock before packing me
away in my pants. I wasnt into the whole dominant/submissive shit, but I got the feeling that it turned
her on. She obeyed every sexual command and was always wet for me.
Up. Take off the shorts and get on the desk. She stood and dropped her bottoms and hopped on the
desk. Now, spread them wide. I want to see your pretty petals, I rumbled.
Her pussy was wet and dripping for me. She really did have a perfect-looking pussy. All the treasures
were hidden underneath the outer lips, and her hairs were thin and short. I was salivating just looking
at, knowing the way it tasted only made me hungrier. I put my face right into her foldsI wanted her
scent all over me. I licked, lightly teasing her outer flesh. I had to hold down her hips when my tongue
hit her clit. It always caused her to tremble. Knowing that I was doing this to her, making her quiver
for me, was arousing like a motherfucker. My dick came back to life, but I had to wait a little longer
before taking that last bit of innocence from her. My hands and mouth went wild as I licked and bit
her both soft and hard, causing her to come on the spot, filling my tongue with all her release.

Chapter 8
It had been a week since her little revelation, and it was the longest motherfucking week of my life.
Hell, I thought I was ready to burst last week. Now that I waited an extra week, I thought my dick
would explode if I didnt get inside her.
Shed been ready to give it to me the day Id gotten my cast off, but she told me the truth about her
fucking sex life or fucking lack of one. Shed never gone all the way, though that fucker Jeff had gotten
the furthest with her by feeling her up under her blouse. Hell, yeah, I made her tell me about that. If I
never saw that prick ever again, I would live fucking happy as fuck. If I did see that bitch, Id knock
his ass out for good measure. Every time I thought about how close I came to losing her to him, I got
irate with jealousy.
Man, I hoped to hell that she could handle me. I wasnt a small guy, and her little sweet virgin pussy
was going to need a lot of attention before I could fill her with me. I stroked my cock over and over
again as I let the spray drench my face. This cold shower wasnt working for shit. She was
downstairs chatting with my mom about the wedding. I wanted to throw her ass over my shoulder,
carry her up the stairs, toss her ass on the fucking bed, and mount her like a fucking beast. This
craving, lust, hunger has been eating at my gut for two fucking months. It was game time. I turned off
the shower and opened the glass door and let the cold air from the air conditioning hit my skin, but no
damn luck. My cock bobbed proudly.
I growled in frustration. Wed gone from kisses and sleeping together every night to gentle petting.
Then Id been stupid enough to add oral sex to the mix. Id become addicted to her pussy. The juice
was always on my mind. I wanted more and more. When it came to getting me up in the morning,
caffeine had nothing on her pussy. Id just lift her up and over my face and taste her until she cried out
hard on me, giving me her release. I was always thirsty in the morning. Then again, I was thirsty for
her morning, noon, and night.
Then she became a fucking pro at taking me deep. Every night her pink lips were being consumed by
my mouth and tongue, while my cock was getting special treatment from hers. She learned to take me
all the way in after only a couple of tries. I guessed she really did have the ability to learn anything. I
swore Id gagged her a couple of times, but no, she groaned as she slurped up all my come.
I walked out of the bathroom just wiping myself down when the door to our bedroom opened. I
covered my cock just in case it was my mom or some shit, but the moment I saw it was my woman I
let that shit fall, giving her an eyeful of what she was about to get.

Holy shit. It was one thing to be on my knees or lying in bed with him naked. It was another thing to
see him fully unclothed, standing tall, proud, and ready for me. Hed been working out hard earlier,
and it showed. The muscles swelled, and he looked like he belonged on the cover of a magazine. His
hair was wet and messy from his shower, and his face spoke naughty things with just a look. I licked
my lips, but my man shook his head.
Strip now. Its time, baby. He cant wait any longer to claim whats his, he groaned. I dripped in

my panties. I watched as his jaw tightened and his fists clenched like my thighs as I slowly strip
teased for him. I wasnt just doing it for him. I needed to work up the nerve to go all the way.
This was the moment Id been waiting for, well, like forever. Id prepped every day for the off
chance that he would be ready to make me his.
Come here and give me your mouth. I tried to take off my panties, but he shook his head again. No
more stripping, Ill finish the rest myselfwith my teeth.
I swear I melted in that spot. I stood there in nervous anticipation.

I could see that her pussy had already soaked her panties, and it made me thirsty, but tonight wasnt
about that. If I ate her out like I wanted, Id be coming on my floor instead of her tight womb. Hell, the
thought of making her mine was sending my arousal into overdrive. Hell, the first load was going
down her throat. I wanted to be able to last long enough to make her come.
I read up on taking a womans virginity, so I knew it wasnt going to be a great experience for her if
she wasnt ready for it. Sucking my cock turned her into a greedy, hungry freak. I needed her ready
without her coming before I entered her, or shed lose her mood.
Knees, now. Im gonna come down that throat of yours first. She dropped to her knees and starting
sucking me, licking the tip, then swallowing down. Her hand wrapped around my cock as best as she
could and stroked the little bit shed didnt take down. I threw my head back when she moaned. She
licked up and down the shaft then poked at the slit on the head to coax out more of my pre-come,
causing me to look back down and enjoy her taking me.
Id had enough. I needed to come, so I gripped the back of her head and started to fuck into her throat.
I felt myself grow, stretching her throat. She purred and hummed, sending me over, my seed coating
her throat.
I helped her up and carried my beloved fiance to the bed where I planned to rid her of her last bit of
innocence. Stripping her of her panties, I rubbed my chin sinisterly as I thought about how sexy she
looked lying there completely naked. My cock didnt go down as I looked at her. I hungrily pounced
on to her. Her eyes and mouth opened wide in shock, but she aint seen nothing yet. I took her mouth
as my hand caressed her left breast, and my left hand checked to see if she was as wet as I thought
shed be.
I need you, Natalie. Are you ready to let me love you? I asked only because I was trying to be
polite, and not because there was any chance of me not owning her pussy tonight.
Please, she begged as her thighs moved about, trying to get a better feel from my hand to ease her
awakened lust.
Tell me how much you want it, Natalie.
I need you to own me.
Im going to own every bit of your body.

I growled at her eagerness, then kissed her open lips, slipping in my tongue and letting it dance with
hers. My need was growing as I rubbed my cock against her belly. It was time to make her mine.
She nearly cried when I removed my hand, but I smiled and groaned, Dont be upset. Im going to fill
you right back up until you cant stretch any further. Then Im going to drive into your pussy until you
come on me. Her chest heaved as she panted in need. I sat up as I took my cock in my hand.
Spread your legs, I ordered. She dropped them to the sides, and I got a nice view of her little pink
flower that was being sniffed by my cock. Rubbing it up and down her folds and teasing her clit, I
warned her there was no going back.
There is no turning back, Natalie. Youre mine forever, I grunted as I pushed my way into her
constrictive sheath.
Argh, she groaned in pain the moment my cock obliterated her barrier, making her mine. I could
feel her womb fight the intrusion, but I wouldnt be stopped. Natalie now belonged to me completely.
I paused my movements, stilling until I got her all needy again. I bent down to claim her kiss. She took
it with ravenous speed, tasting my mouth, while sliding her hands into my hair. She tugged hard,
enjoying my deep penetration. I felt her grip my already choking cock, and I knew that she was ready
to be fucked. Great, because I was hard as Id ever been and had no will to stop.
I rested my body on my elbows as I started to move inside her. I didnt let up and sawed into her tiny
little pussy. I wasnt going to let her go, and I wasnt going to stop pounding her pussy until she came.
The sweat beaded down my back as I fought finishing so soon. Her tight walls engulfed me. I stared
into her eyes as I teased her sexy breasts. Then I lifted her thigh and held her by her knee, changing the
angle of my domination. Her beauty was magnified as she squirmed and wiggled in want.
You feel insanely perfect, I grunted before I attacked her neck, licking just behind her ear and
blowing lightly on her wet flesh. She shivered from the coolness. I returned to her mouth fiercely. I
pulled away just to let her know how it was. I whispered, I love you.
She clenched at my words, and I was near my breaking point as I felt the start of my release hit my
spine. My hand tugged at her hard nipple, which caused her cry out.
Ahh!! she shouted excitedly, cutting off the circulation in my cock as she came hard.
Fuck! I roared, spilling my seed into her unprotected womb. My mind was lost for a full minute
before I came back to reality. I blurrily looked down at a flushed Natalie.
Oh my! Now I know what Ive been missing, she said with a sleepy smile.

Chapter 9
Last night had been the best feeling in the world. Im pretty sure I knocked her ass up, but if not, Id
keep trying. I didnt want her period to come and ruin the fun. I took her several times in the night, and
she didnt let up either. Now, Im sitting here, my first day back in my office in downtown Seattle,
thinking of ways to sneak home and back into our bed. As much as that sounded like a great idea, it
was out of the question. I had a lot of work to get done and three meetings scheduledsome work
related, some Natalie related.
My assistant had been in and out of my office all morning going over plans and details that Id put on
hold while I recovered. She was back again, and again I wasnt paying any attention. My thoughts
were on Natalie, who I didnt get a chance to call yet.
Cameron, why dont you just call her? I can come back. Its not like youre listening to me anyway,
she said blandly before standing up and walking out. The instant she closed the door, my hand was
pressing the green talk button.
Hey, baby. Whats up? I thought youd said youd be too busy to call?
Well, I missed you.
I missed you too, but your mom and sister have kept me busy with all the plans.
You told them I said a month at the most, right?
Of course, especially since I told them you planned on getting me round with a little Cam. After that,
the timetables were cut in half. My girl was definitely learning how to get what she wanted.
So, babe, how you feeling?
Im sore, but feeling flighty and like Im floating, if that makes any sense.
Perfect, baby, Im feeling wonderful too. Just relax, dont let my mom try to force your hand. Do
what you want. This is your wedding.
Its our wedding, but I know. Besides, she doesnt have all the time she wants to do all the things she
Good. Ill be home as soon as I can, but unfortunately itll be around nine. I could hear the
happiness drain from her.
Im sorry, baby. If you want me to postpone some of my meetings for another time, I will.
No, of course not. You do what you have to do. Ill be okay.
Fine, but you call me if you need me. I love you, Natalie.
I hung up with her after she giggled into the phone and said, I love you too, Cam.
I called my assistant back into the room seconds later.
Did you get your fill for the next few hours?

You know its not wise to laugh at your boss.

Im not worried. You may be an ass, but you arent going to fire me. She shrugged and took out her
stylus for her Galaxy tablet.
So youve got a meeting in about twenty minutes with the Reese brothers. Its nothing too big, but its
been on the back burner since your accident.
Thanks, Im ready for that one. That meeting was easy. I wanted the deal, and their offer was just
After that, youve got a lunch meeting with the people at Blake Investments. Everything is set up for
the Stratford, so all you need to do is be ready to listen to their sales pitch. Finally, youve got a call
with Redding Media at three oclock.
Thanks. Thatll work. Ive got some personal calls to make in between.
Really, do you monitor her twenty-four seven?
If it keeps her safe, I would. She was getting on my nerves. Shed been shitty since I met Natalie.
Every time I mentioned Natalie, she got all snarky. I dont know what she had against Natalie, but if
she didnt quit her shit, shed be looking for a new job. I wouldnt let anyone treat Nat less than she
Well, your schedule is full. Ill be working on the schedule for next week. Excuse me. She got up to
leave. What the hell was she thinking? I was the boss.
Crystal, stop where you are. I got up and walked to her. Did you forget who the damn boss is?
She looked stunned.
Im the boss, and I wont put up with your damn attitude. I dont know what your problem is with
Natalie, and I really dont give a fuck, but if you continue with this attitude, your ass will be out.
Yes, sir, she huffed as she left out the door.
The moment she was gone, I made some calls. After seeing how jealous women could be, it was
looking like she may be jealous of Natalie. Im not sure whyshed never showed me any interest
I walked out to my meeting at the Stratford with Tim, who was driving me. Tim, I need your fuckedup ass to check all my phones and office to make sure I havent been giving shit away.
Absolutely. Ill get with you tonight.
Id been so busy the rest of the day that I didnt get a moment to call my woman. I missed her like
crazy, but I needed to talk with Tim. He picked me up after everyone was gone.
Hey, man, your office is bugged, and your cell has been tapped.
What the fuck? Did you remove them? Pissed was an understatement. Hell, I was way beyond livid.

I didnt remove anything because I thought maybe wed nail them by feeding them some
misinformation tomorrow.
Thats a good idea, but how about my cell?
Id leave it only because if they knew that you knew of the phone tap, then theyd pull back and not
believe what youre going to say in the office.
Fine. Ill just call Natalie from a different phone.
No! Dont. It will work better if you act like normal.
Someone is going to be seriously fucked. Do you think this has to do with my accident?
Its possible.
Do you think it could be my assistant?
Its always a possibility. Why...do you think its her?
Im not sure, but shes been pissy when it comes to Natalie.
Well, shes always had a crush on you.
What! Shes never shown any interest in me.
Dude, youre blinder than shit. Shes been into you for years.
Why didnt you tell me? I wouldve let her go. You know, assistants come and go for me. She was
the longest to stay. Now I know why. I already warned her ass that if she kept up her attitude with
Natalie, I was going to fire her ass. Lets get back. I want to see my girl. By the way, did you talk to
her today?
Yeah, were going to be related.
Thats not what I meant. Ive felt like a prick for not calling her since this morning.
Shes doing fine. Your mom and Vanessa have been bombarding her all day with plans for the
I was relieved by it. She meant the world to me, and I didnt want her to feel neglected. Hopefully
tomorrow Id get to call her more. According to Tim, I was going to have to anyway. We pulled up at
my parents, and I jumped out before Tim put the car in park. I missed the fuck out of my woman and
her sweet pussy.
We entered the house, but I didnt see her with my mother and sister, who lit up when she saw Tim
come in. Wheres Nat?
She went to bed. I think she was trying to get away from us. Her head was ready to explode by the
time we finished picking the flowers, my mom said with a guffaw.
You need to take it easy on her. I dont want her stressing about shit. Im cool with going to the
courthouse or Vegas and getting it done.

You better not! my mom ordered. She turned to Tim and added, Same goes for you, Tim. If you
think Im letting my baby get married in Vegas, be prepared to become a eunuch.
Understood. Come on, baby, Ive got to get some shit done at home. He stuck his hand out for my
sister who had already popped up to her feet with the biggest grin. I realized in that moment she was
really happy with his ass. So, maybe I should let my irritation go. Nope, I still wanted to fuck his ass
Good night. I left my family and searched for my woman. I hoped her pussy wasnt too sore from
yesterday because I was feeling the need to fuck her hard.
When I got to our room, I could hear her yelling on the phone to someone.
I dont know how you got this number, but dont call me again.
I walked into the room angry as fuck. Who was going to get fucked up for calling my woman? I
snatched the phone from her hands, but the caller was gone. I looked at her wearing one of my dress
shirts again and looking sexy as hell, but I wasnt going let it stop me from asking who she was
talking to.
Who the fuck was that?
It was my mother, she said with tears falling down her face.
Dont cry, babe. Tell me what she said.
She just told me that I wasnt anything but a disappointment and a whore, she got out in between
Listen to me, and you listen good. Shes the disappointment and the whore. Youre the complete
opposite. Youre a fucking genius, and we definitely know that youre innocent as they come. Well,
until this last week, I said with a smile. She smiled and tucked her head into my chest. Her hair was
still wet, so I asked, Baby, did you just take a shower?
Damn. I was hoping youd join me in there. I really need my back washed and my cock sucked. I
was glad to see her mouth open in shock, but then she smiled again as she punched me in the arm.
Chill, babe, I was only semi-kidding. I dont need my back scrubbed. She started with the playful
swinging until I picked her ass up and tossed her onto the bed.
You want to play, baby? Okay, well play, I whispered before I took her mouth, pinned her hands
above her head with one of mine, and used the other to slowly lift the hem of her shirt, tickling her as
my fingers barely touched her bare skin. She started to squirm with my slow attack.
Stop! she cried in between giggles.
No, baby. You dont really want me to stop, and I dont want to either. Your laugh is addicting.
I made way for her neck. She tilted her head to try and block me, but I was stronger and had the
advantage. I slid my hand down to her mound over her panties and gave her a nice hard spank, and in

outrage she moved her head to yell at me.

Muhahaha, I laughed sinisterly into her neck. She wouldve tried to fight back, but I hit the sweet
spot on her slender neck, her racing pulse. Instead of fighting, my woman melted into my arms. Now,
damnI wasnt done. So, I pulled away quickly and just like I expected, she wasnt pleasedat all.
I stood up and started to walk to the bathroom.
You bastard! Youre such a tease, she growled. I started to laugh but didnt stop, which only
frustrated her even more, and I could hear her get out of the bed in a huff, fast. I heard her light
footsteps and turned to scoop her up in my arms. Ahh! she shrieked. She got scared by my sudden
spin. This time, I didnt take her to the bed but carried her to the dresser and sat her on there. Did I
scare you, babe?
Its not funny, you big meany, she pouted.
Says the girl about to pounce on me. I think youre more upset that I let you want it, then took it
I wasnt, she boldly stated. Really? I doubted that shit.
Yeah, right, babe. Just admit defeat, and I give you what you want.
Fine, I said as I pulled away and walked back toward the bathroom.
Fine, I give, she called out. I smiled to myself before I turned back around.
What will you give me, baby?
Great answer, I said before my mouth was back on hers. I slid my fingers against her waist, then
moved up to her breasts, still covered by my shirt, and gently tugged on them. She mewled and pushed
them into my hands. My mouth stayed on her pretty lips while my hands quickly unbuttoned the shirt.
The moment I had it undone, I slid the shirt off her shoulders, revealing her voluptuous breasts. Her
nipples were a dusky, dark pink and deliciously hard. My hands returned to them, exploring their
softness against my large hands. Natalie cried out when I took her nipple into my mouth. At first my
nibbles were tender and feathery, but as I heard her moans, I sucked in her nipple and bit down. Her
nipples, pebbled hard and peaked, were extremely sensitive to the touch.
I licked around the nipple, realizing she liked this a lot more. Her flesh was tender and red by the
time I moved away and made my way to her sweet pussy. I slid her little white panties down her legs,
slowly letting them rub against her smooth legs. She knew what was coming and eagerly spread her
thighs for me. I looked down at her naked lips glistening with her wetness. I growled as I took in her
scent. It drove me nuts, made me hungry and greedy.
I opened her lips before licking her from top to bottom and back again. Her thighs did what they
always did and closed on me. The headlock she put me in only turned me on more. I pried them open

again and held them with my hands tightly, which only spurred her on before she gripped my hair. I
growled and nipped at her clit, spinning her into a shaking mess and filling my mouth with her sweet
release. I continued to lick around her sweetness, tickling her and enjoying her attempts at bouncing
away from me.
I rose up, dropped my pants and boxers, and lifted her up into my arms and carried her to the
bathroom to shower with me.
Mine, I growled before taking her mouth, letting her taste her release.
I sat her down on the toilet while I turned on the shower and tested it before picking up my naked
Once we were out of the shower, we dried ourselves off, and she didnt hesitate to put on one of my
shirts. She was about to put on panties, but I told her not to bother. Sweetie, Im going to be tearing
them off you anyway. She blushed but didnt get the panties and turned to the bed.
We were lying in bed when I asked, Nat, I need to ask. Do you still love your parents?
She paused, contemplating it, and blew out a breath before saying, I dont. It sounds terrible, but Ive
spent my life trying to figure out what Id done for them to not love me. I did everything I could.
Granted, sometimes I want their love and approval, but my feelings for them have since past. It was
when I met Emmy my freshman year. She helped me get over the feelings of not being good enough. I
still have times when I feel that way, but youve made it better.
Im sorry that you had to struggle with the neglect. Baby, no child should feel like that, especially
someone as amazing as you. Im here, and Im not going anywhere, and Im sure as hell not going to
let anyone hurt you.
Is that why youre asking? Are you going to do something to my parents?
Baby, Im not a killer or anything, but Ill ruin them if they come near or call you again. I love you,
and Ill do anything to protect you.
She smiled into my chest and cuddled tighter. I knew who I had to deal with, but I wasnt sure what I
was going to do.

Chapter 10
It had been three days since he asked me about my feelings toward my parents, and he was acting
strange. I knew he was up to something this morning, but he played it cool before he went into the
office. I was told to mind my business, of course in a sweet way, but it still worried me that he was
going to do something stupid.
I grabbed my cell and called Emmy. We hadnt spoken in a few days. Shed started working full time
and was trying to get settled.
Emily picked up and spoke first in her sassy way that made me smile. Hows my favorite person?
Im great. I just havent heard from you in a few days. How are things going in Chicago?
Its going great, but I havent got settled in yet. How are the wedding plans coming?
Please dont remind me. Im sure theyll be looking for me sometime soon. Are you going to be able
to make it?
Of course. Im off every weekend, so itll be no problem.
Great, because youre my maid of honor.
Freaking great, now Im going to have to lose some weight.
Bullshit, you weigh less than me.
True, but now I have to make sure I cut down on the takeout here. This city is ridiculous; the food is
great and tempting. I think I gained five pounds since I got here.
Then Im glad I didnt go there. I dont want to get chubbier.
Honey, youve got curves. Youre not chubby at all. Hasnt Mr. Wonderful proven that over and
over again? I blushed over the phone because Emmy knew I was a virgin before him. Then the day
after he took my v-card, I told her that wed finally had sex.
She was supportive and of course wanted details, but I wasnt going to tell her about how nasty wed
Are you blushing again?
How the hell do you know that?
Because you got quiet again. Seriously, hes hot, handsome, and he is fascinated with you. I knew he
would be the one you needed to take away that bullshit image you had of yourself. So tell me what
Ive got to do for the wedding?
Well, you have to go for your fitting. There is a location downtown that can do the fitting. I promise
the dress is pretty. My future sister in law helped me pick out the dress. I know that should be your
job, but you were busy. I hope youre not mad.
Girl, please. I know that man has you running at a frantic pace, and were now thousands of miles

Great, but you can help me pick my dress. I havent gotten that far, and theyre getting on me for it.
So look up some pics and let me know what you think will make me look pretty for Cam.
Absolutely, woman! You know Im all about it. Ill send you something tonight. Dont trip. Tell them
my bestie said mind your business.
I cant!
Im kidding girl. Just relax. So how is Cams hot brother doing? Probably chasing some chick
No, I havent seen him in a couple of days. Hes always busy. Why? Are you interested?
No! Emmy said hastily. She responded too quickly to be true, but I let it slide. Theyd see each
other soon.
Fine, I got to go. Cam is on the other line.
See ya!
I clicked his call. How is my beautiful woman?
Im sorry, youve got the wrong number, I said in a funny accent, but I was laughing the whole time.
Really? Well, you sound pretty too! I wonderdo you have big, round, perfect breasts like my
fiance, who I cant wait to go home and fuck until she cries out my name?
You think youre funny, dont you?
No, sweetheart, I really want to fuck your titties so hard until I come on them.
Youre dirty. Im sorry, but I cant deal with such a pervert. Have a good slutty day, I said before
hanging up on him. I was giggling so hard that I almost missed his call back.
Baby, just wait until I get home. Im gonna spank that pretty ass.
No, youre not.
Are you daring me, baby?
Do you miss me, baby?
You know I do.
Yes, and I miss you too, but Im going to be in and out of the office all day and wanted to give you a
Are you saying Im not going to see you until bedtime again? I tried not to be upset, but shit, I was
missing him, and this wasnt what I signed up for.
Im sorry, babe. Itll get better soon.

Fine. Ill see you tonight. I hung up the phone, too hurt to talk anymore. I knew that he was a very
busy man and had a company to run, but we were just getting to know each other. It seemed like he
was purposefully avoiding me like he did last time. What the fuck was he hiding? I wasnt going to let
my insecurities get to me, but it wasnt easy.
I got dressed and headed out to get some air. I wasnt alone. Cams security team stayed nearby. I was
trying not to tell them to fuck off. I wasnt the type to say anything right away. I had to be riled up, and
thanks to Cam, I was feeling that way.
Id been walking down the road from the house when I got a call from Cam. I ignored it. Then he sent
me a text. Damn it, Nat. Youre in deep shit. Get your ass back to the house now.
Uh-oh. I turned back around, and then his truck pulled up.
Get in the fucking truck now, he growled, giving me a death glare.
I didnt hesitate to get in. The look on his face told me he wasnt playing.
The moment I got in and closed the door, he locked it.
He started to drive away, but didnt say a word. I was afraid to look at him, but he took my hand in
his and gave it a gentle kiss.
Nat, there are some things we need to talk about, but right here and now wont work.
We pulled back up to the house and into the garage. He came around to help me out. I learned early on
that he demanded he open the door for me. It was a sweet gesture, but I wasnt used to it.
I got out of the truck, and he closed the door behind me. Then, before I could walk away, he pinned
me to the truck, and his mouth was on mine. He bit down on my bottom lip and sucked it lightly into
his mouth before going for a full-on, hard kiss. I was confused as hell. One second, I feared I was in
deep shit, but the next second I felt like I was in heaven.
He growled and pulled away from my mouth, resting his forehead on mine.
What the fuck were you thinking to cut out from the house like that? It was bad enough that your ass
hung up on me in anger, but shitdont you have any sense of self-preservation? Ive kept the security
for a reason. I was almost killed, and they could come after you. His anger was all in frustration as
he ran his hands through his dark, full hair.
Look, I get that youre mad at me, babe. Ive been a lousy fianc. I havent been home until late at
night, but I love you like fucking crazy. Im trying to get shit done so we can have time for each other
after we marry. Ive missed a lot with my injuries.
Im sorry, too. Its not that Im mad as much as just missing you. Im here all day, and I dont do
anything but plan the wedding. I dont want to be one of those wives, Cam. The ones that sit around
all day waiting for their busy husband to come home and have nothing else to do.
Babe, soon youll have our babies to look after, and Im sure after that, you arent going to want to
go out to work.

I didnt go to school to just be a housewife.

I know, babe, but its not safe right now, and hell if I want you working forty plus hours a week. We
dont need the money.
I dont know what Im supposed to do. I feel like Im going out of my mind all day.
Sweetie, if you want, you can still go and help out at some charity like you used to do back in
Well, I hoped that youd wait until we caught whoever was after me before you did, but if itll make
you happy...
Yes, yes! Really! I was bouncing up and down, but he stopped me.
Listen, though. Youre not allowed to go to a place not pre-approved and not without at least two of
the guys with you. If you want to argue about it, the offer will be off the table. Got me?
Once this threat is gone, is your ass going to loosen up on the restrictions?
Probably not. By then Ill have knocked you up, so you might have more security. I rolled my eyes
at him, which earned me a shake of his head and a spank on my ass.
Are we good now? Ive got to get back to work. I had to reschedule my last meeting because of your
impromptu fit.
Im not a child, you know.
Yes, I know, but throwing a fit and hanging up on me forced me to come home, and I cant be getting
shit done and worrying about you at the same damn time.
Im good. You can go back to work. I didnt mean to sound so petulant, but I was going to miss him.
Do you want to come to the office with me? he asked, but I knew it was only because I was
unhappy. He really did care about me, and I just needed to learn to adjust.
No. Ill be okay here. You go and do what you got to do. I love you, Cameron.
I love you too, my Nat. Get inside and stay there. Well talk when I get home.
Are we really going to talk, or are you going to fuck me to sleep?
How about talking after we make love?
Thats better.
Good. I love you, Natalie. You need to know that, and its my job to keep you safe.
Ill behave. He gave me one more kiss before patting my ass into the house. I walked in and stared
out the window until he drove away.

Damn, that was close. She was trying to give me a fucking stroke. Id been in the process of finding
out who was after me when my woman had to have a meltdown. Then I felt like a total prick and had
to make it better.
I called Tim on the spare phone. Tim, Im on my way back to the office. Have you found out if our
snoops were listening in to my conversation with Nat?
Yes, we got something. Can we meet somewhere?
Yeah. Meet me at our usual. I drove to the spot but looked around before I got out.
Hey, Cam, I ordered your usual coffee. Lets sit here. Tim was acting all suspicious.
What gives?
Its kind of complicated.
We spoke for the next half an hour, and I had to go back to the office and play like nothing was wrong
when I wanted to slam the fuck out of someone. We had a plan in motionI didnt care for it, but the
shit had to be done.
My first call was to my office. Crystal, Im on my way in. Can you let the staff know that the meeting
will be about ten minutes late?
Sure. What should I tell them?
Nothing. I just had a family issue.
Oh my! Is anyone hurt?
No, my woman was just giving me an issue.
Oh, really. Well, hopefully it gets better. Youve already fallen behind schedule since you two met.
I tried not to snap on her ass. She was really pissing me off. After all was said and done, shed get
what she deserved.
Well, shell get used to me working long hours. Well be married soon, I said with a smirk. Cars
passing by probably thought I was crazy, but I couldnt wait for this bullshit to be over.
I pulled up to the office twenty minutes later, and Simon called just as I got out of the truck.
Hey, bro, whats up?
Nothing. Waiting for your ass in this meeting.
Im on my way upstop being a little bitch. I had to deal with my woman. Im lucky that she loves
me fucking my baby into her. Great. Now Im going to have to work with a hard-on the rest of the
Damn. TMI, bro. But she is certainly easy on the eyes. Too bad shes not one of your cast-offs. I
would like a round. He laughed.
I growled and tried to remember this was part of the plan.

Well, find your own piece. This one is mine to keep. I love her, and I love fucking her. I wasnt
lying, but talking about her like that wasnt cool at all.
Im on my way up, I said before I hung up.
I worked through the staff meeting, and I watched as my assistants face look more and more pissed as
the meeting carried on. The stupid bitch didnt have any idea what she started. She was in for it.
I walked back to my office and called Natalie, bracing myself for the fight.
Hey, baby.
Dont baby me. Im not a kid, you ass. I told you I didnt want people following me, and yet youve
got three of these punks walking all up in my shadow.
Whats gotten into you? I thought we worked this out earlier. You cant go without them until we find
the person who tried to kill me.
Im not here just for your pleasure, you know.
Its for your pleasure too, baby.
Sex, even fabulous sex, isnt everything. I need a life besides being the wife of an oversexed man. I
wanted to grin at that shit. She wanted that shit. I bet even right now her panties were fucking
But, baby, I love you.
Well, I need a life. Im going out to meet with the directors of that charity group at three, and Im not
taking these numb nuts with me. If you push the issue, Ill go back home, and I wont be coming back.
No, babe. You cant leave me I paused and took a breath before I continued, Fine. You can go
by yourself. I sounded frantic, and part of it was true. I feared for her safety, and I was sending her
out unprotected.
You promise? she said, full of optimism.
Yes, Ill give the guys a call and tell them to back off. Please be careful.
Goodie!!! Ill see you later.
I love you, Natalie, I said solemnly. I didnt like this plan one damn bit.
I love you too, my Cam! She hung up the phone, and I wanted to call her back and not let this shit
happen, but Tim told me that he wasnt going to be out of sight of my Natalie. Tim already had a
friend on the police force who was willing to be waiting.
It was as I was walking to my next meeting that I knew we were right. Cam, I need to leave early.
My home security just went off. Ill be back later.
Did you send me the emails I needed for the next two meetings today?
Yes, I did, she said as she placed her hand on my forearm. I tried not to be disgusted by her touch.

She was a beautiful woman, and I assume that was why it bothered her so much that I didnt want her.
I really never had an interest in herthat was why Id hired her. If Id been slightly attracted to her, I
would have sent her packing and moved on to the next candidate for the position.
Great. I hope there is no serious trouble at the house. Do you want me to send one of the security
team members with you? Would she take the bait? I watched as she paused nervously, then gave me
her answer.
No, the police will be there and so will the apartment management.
Okay. Well, let me know if you need anything, I offered before I walked to the elevator. My mind
was working overtime. I needed to get to the meeting area without Crystal noticing. With the other
phone, I called Natalie back.
Cam! What are you doing calling me?
Im not liking this shit. It could be dangerous.
Youre overreacting. Im going to be fine. Tim is already here.
I love you. Be careful. Ill see you soon.
I got to the meeting area, and twenty minutes to three, I spotted Natalie driving my green Lincoln
MKX. Just one minute later there was an older Ford truck that passed by, and I wouldnt have caught
that it was Crystal if it wasnt for the bright red streak of hair.
Its her, I said frantically. I called Tim and let him know she was right behind them. Just as I was
about to hang up, I heard the crash.
I rode in back of the squad car, just in case I went crazy on the bitch. We were the first to head out.
Id been so high on anger and adrenaline I would kill her if she touched Natalie.
We pulled up to the scene, but it seemed like Tim had it under control until my little Natalie started to
run after Crystal. I caught her ass around the waist, pulling her back onto my chest before she got
more than one swing in.
Baby, calm down, sweetie, I whispered in her ear, while looking at the bitch in custody. I couldnt
believe that I had that bitch that close to me.
Why her? she shouted at us.
I didnt answer because I was trying not to go over to her myself and rip her fucking heart out. I used
Natalie as my reason for not going after her. By restraining her, I was holding myself back. With the
wiretaps, wed narrowed down who the possible suspects could be, but she tipped me off the other
day when I mentioned something only on the phone to Tim, which of course I played off. I needed to
get her for more. The police had searched her vehicle while we waited and found that more we
needed in her truck.
Shed had a whole murder kit: rope, duct tape, a drop cloth, large trash bags, gloves, two guns, and
three bowie knives. The whole damn shebang was in there. What she had in mind for Natalie terrified
me. There was all the evidence I needed to nail her there. She was caught red-handed with a

premeditated attempted kidnapping and murder. Had Tim not been hiding in the back seat, she would
have taken my woman for good.
The more I considered what couldve happened if we hadnt noticed the phone tap, the more I became
angry. I knew she couldnt have been the one who cut my brakes because that would take me away
from her and defeat her purpose. I could feel Natalie shaking in my arms. What a fool! I put her in
danger, and it was finally hitting her. I turned her to me and shouted her name.

As I stood there staring at the woman who wanted me dead and almost had her chance, I felt my blood
turn cold. She was looking crazed, but not as crazed as she was after ramming Camerons truck.
Wed been driving down the road with just two miles until we reached town, and I almost thought she
wouldnt show when I heard the phone go off and a second or so later felt the impact of the collision.
I guess years of go-kart racing for fun with Emmy had paid off because I was able to keep us from
careening down the side of the rural road and into a tree-lined ditch.
I was woozy from a cut to my head and about to start driving again when I saw the shadow of the
Get out! she shouted at me. Get out before I put a bullet in your pretty little head.
I watched the look in her eyes. It was scary, cold, and determined. I knew that Tim was in the back,
but I didnt hear any movements. I thought hed gotten knocked out cold by the collision. All I could
think about was the pain I put him and Vanessa through with this scheme, even if itd been Tims idea.
It was me this nutty broad was after.
I opened the truck door and climbed out. After facing her, I closed my eyes waiting for my fate when I
felt movement around me followed by scuffling. Opening my eyes, I saw Tim tackle the bitch to the
ground, disarming her and binding her hands in cuffs.
It was then that the other vehicles pulled up, but all I saw was my Cameron. Seeing him unleashed the
pain and fear that I would never see him again, and I needed to avenge those emotions. I ran after the
bitch and started to attack, but Cam grabbed me and held me to him. All of the sudden I felt safe. I
stayed in his arms, feeling his heart racing in time with mine. It wasnt until she asked why me that I
lost it and felt the gravity of the situation engulf me. I felt the warm blood trickle down my face, and I
shivered, feeling really cold.
The last words I remembered before I blacked out were Damn it, Natalie!
Tim and the other two available officers ran to my side to help me with Natalie. It was then that the
crazy bitch laughed. It was one of those god-awful witchy laughs.
Ha, she fainted, that stupid broad, and you wanted her to have your babies! Pleaseshe is pathetic,
shouted the nutball being put into the back of the cop car.
Do yourself a favor and shut your fucking mouth. That man is looking like hes moments from ending

you. Im sure no one would mind, Tim told her before he turned back to Natalie and me.
The other two cops were photographing the evidence in the truck while they waited for the forensic
team to come and bag all of it. They had their own evidence bagging kits, but it wasnt enough for all
the shit Crystal had in her vehicle.
It took a minute before she came back to me, but it felt like ten. She looked at me with glossy eyes,
and I knew she needed a doctor. I took her to the nearest hospital, and she was taken in immediately,
especially since we were given a police escort to it.
They were involved in a car accident, I said to the nurse at the front desk.
Sir, why didnt you call an ambulance? She could have spinal damage.
She fainted after the cops came, I stated as they placed my drowsy woman with blood dripping
down her lovely face on a gurney.
I wiped some of it in the car, but like head wounds, it was bleeding a lot. I tried not to think about
how this was all my fault, but it was eating at me when they took her into the ER and refused to let me
go in with her as they tended to her.
I paced the waiting room, thinking we shouldve gone about it in a different way. My parents arrived
with Vanessa, who was in Tims arms the moment they saw each other. Thankfully, Tim hadnt been
hurt at all and was able to do what hed planned.
I rested against a wall while my family interrogated Tim. They knew from the look on my face that it
was best to leave me alone. I didnt want to speak to anyone but Natalie at that moment.
I jumped out of my chair as soon as I saw the nurse I knew was attending Natalie.
The nurse walked up to me and said, Mr. James, Natalie wants to see you.
How is she? I said as we walked to the back.
Nothing more than a mild contusion and a cut. The shock of the situation caused her to faint. Its
pretty normal after a car accident. I felt like I could breathe a little better, but it was when I saw her
smiling at me the weight on my chest lifted.

Chapter 11
Itd been a week since Crystal tried to kill my reason for living. Shed been arraigned already, but
they were going to send in a psychologist to see if she was mentally fit. I knew the bitch was sane,
and I was certain that the doc would see it the same way. She worked for me the last two years and
had done a great job, but she was just a jealous bitch.
Id been working hard to make sure that there was no way she was going to get away with what she
tried to do. The thing was that, during the investigation, she refused to admit to trying to kill me. It
was an open investigation. I didnt even need to mention it to the detectives, but she claimed she had
nothing to do with it. Crystal wanted me alive so that she could get me to love her, which was what I
I just wanted the incident behind us, but until the bitch was doing time, Natalie was stuck with the
reminder. After we got out of the hospital, she seemed back to normal. I wasnt sure I believed her,
but she promised me she was great.
With Crystal in jail I was out an assistant, which really sucked. It made my day a lot harder. Id gotten
home from the office early today because frankly, the damn stress was giving me a headache. Maybe I
could get Natalie to help me relax. Then I had an idea. What if I made her my temporary assistant? Id
have to bring it up with her.
I walked into the house and up to my room without encountering anyone. I didnt tell anyone I was
coming home early, but I still expected someone to be here. I called my woman and got no answer. It
wouldve freaked me out, but I knew that they were going shopping this morning for wedding stuff.
After stripping off my clothes, I changed into some workout gear and headed down to the home gym. It
was about an hour into my workout when my body sensed the change in the room. I pretended not to
notice her even though there were mirrors all around and just focused on my biceps, but I was hard
pressed to ignore what she was wearing. She had on a tight pair of cream-colored cargo shorts with a
tight red tank top that hugged her skin. Her hips were swaying as she approached me in a stealthy
manner. She had no idea how amazing she looked. I wanted to strip her bare and do her on the bench.

I came home and noticed his car in the driveway. He should still be at the office, but he wasnt. I went
up to our room and put my bags down. I noticed his clothes on the chair in the corner. After checking
the bathroom and seeing he wasnt there, I headed to where I could usually find him when he wasnt
with me.
Wanting to surprise him, I crept into the room, but I was the one given the surprise. The man was too
freaking hot. I watched him as he lifted the dumbbells, working his biceps. His body glistened with a
sheen of sweat, soaking his shirt and filling the air with my mans delicious scent. I wanted to walk
over there and lick it off of him. Mesmerized by the way his muscles flexed, I slowly approached.
I was almost right behind him when I saw him look up into the mirror and smile wickedly at me. My
thighs, already wet from watching him, got another blast of moisture. The man had a natural sex
appeal about him. It was no wonder that the broad went batty over him.

He set the weight down before grunting, Lose the clothes. Instantly my panties ignited. There should
be a law against how much power this man wielded over me and my body.
I complied because there was nothing I wanted more at the moment. He licked his lips while staring
right at my center, and I knew what was on his mind, but I was feeling greedy too. I walked up to him,
completely nude, and lifted his shirt over his head before falling to my knees. My hands caressed his
sweaty, hard abs. I grabbed the band of his shorts and shoved them down in complete need. His cock
popped out, hard and glistening. I didnt go slowly. No, I took what I wanted. There was no need to
hesitate, and he didnt think so either, since he gripped my head and began to fuck my mouth.
He was salty and smooth, and it turned me on. I moaned and purred as I got wetter and wetter from his
dominance. I opened my eyes to look at him when I noticed someones hairy legs in the doorway. I
didnt stop, though. Why bother? It wasnt like I could stop them from seeing me suck my mans cock,
so I sucked him harder and deeper, letting the Peeping Tom know that I enjoyed what I was doing to
my man.
Cameron groaned and grunted as he felt my mouth hum around his cock. I could feel him getting close,
but I knew that he wanted to eat me out, so I was in for swallowing his come in what I knew would be
our first round. Right on cue, he gave me a warning with a tug away from him, but like always, I just
took it down.
Fuck, babe. I love watching you take me down this slender throat. I can see the outline of my cock in
it, he growled as he caressed my neck.
I smiled up at him as he helped me to my feet. He didnt say a thing as he instantly pushed me up
against the support beam and dropped to his knees. My lips were already dripping in need and desire,
which he let me know turned him on.
I love looking at how wet you are for me, he whispered before lifting my thighs onto his shoulders
and making love to my pussy with his talented tongue. Id been so ready from the moment I walked
downstairs that I was purring and crying out with the gentlest lick. His hands gripped my thighs as he
buried his face in between, eating me out voraciously.
He moved his mouth away from my pussy for a mere second to remind me who my pussy belonged to
with a growl, This is mine.
Yes, I cried, barely cognizant of anything but the pleasure he was bringing me. If we still had an
audience, I didnt care. Right at that moment, it was just me in my world of ecstasy being cared for by
my loving and hungry beast. He consumed my juices and tasted my flesh over and over again, until he
nibbled on my clit, spinning me into an intense and heart-stopping orgasm.

This was heavenly, I thought as I continued to taste her release. I wasnt doneno way, shape, or
form. My cock may have gotten her mouth, but his greedy ass wanted her warm, tight cavern. After
drinking up all her release, I dropped her legs down, although she wasnt very steady on them yet.
Then I rose up and kissed the fuck out of her, our releases mixing together as we kissed. I rubbed my
fingers down to her pussy, feeling her wetness returning quickly.

My heart pounded as I pulled my mouth from hers. Damn it, Natalie. Youre so fucking sexy, I
groaned before lifting her onto my waiting cock and pumped up into her. I felt her clinch as she did
every time I entered her. She wasnt used to my thickness that left her feeling full, but she never
complained. She only asked for more.
I cant get enough of you, I growled before bending down and capturing her nipple in my mouth. I
sucked hard as I continued to lift her up and down on my dick.
Cam! she cried out.
What do you need, baby?
More, more. Im so close again, she breathed out heavily. My hand held her head as she threw it
back, crying out, squeezing down on me and coming on my cock. I came once already, so I wasnt
done yet with her. I turned us around and sat us on the bench and roared, Ride me, baby. As worn
as she and her pussy were, she jumped back to life at my command. Bouncing on me with her breasts
pressing against my chest and her hands in my hair, she kissed me passionately. It was that bit of
tenderness that brought me close as fuck. I groaned in pleasure and pain as she tugged at my hair and
ground her sweet pussy onto me.
Man, I wanted her on her hands and knees. While still sitting on the narrow bench, Natalie climbed
off me and turned around. My girl must have been reading my mind, or fuck, for all I knew I couldve
said that shit out loud. Straddling the bench, her ass pointing up and wrapping her arms around it, she
turned her head and gave me an eager smile. I scooted up closer to her, and in a squatting, bent
position, I drove into her from behind.
The sound of our flesh slapping together echoed through the room. Her cries and murmurs of love had
me bucking hard into her. I bent lower, gripped her hair, and bit her neck before I shouted, Damn it,
woman, I fucking worship you! I came hard into her womb, jetting plenty of seed in her.
We both collapsed our torsos on the bench with our legs on the floor. It took a moment to find my
breath enough to ask her how she was doing.
She managed to have enough energy to murmur, Wonderful. Once she stood up, she asked, Ready
for a shower?
Yes, a separate one, though. I dont think I could handle another round so soon. He smirked.
Did I wear you out, big man? she asked teasingly.
Yes, you damn did, and Im not ashamed to admit it. Shit, my dick needs some relief from your tightass walls. She giggled with her face into the bench, but I wasnt afraid to admit it. Wed been
fucking like bunnies since our first time together. I pulled out of her dripping cunt and gave her a good
smack on the ass before jumping off the bench and tossing a towel at her.
Hey, she shouted.
Thatll teach your little ass to laugh at me, especially since I know your pussy is swollen and sore.
Come on. I got to go find my brother and kick his ass.

While you were giving me the most spectacular blow job, he walked in but took his time walking
out. He only left after giving me a thumbs-up.
Its my fault. I shouldve locked the door, she guiltily replied.
Dont worry, babe. Its my fault too. I forgot that he said he was leaving early too and was going to
hit the gym.
I took a shower in the gym, and Nat went upstairs to our room to clean up. After changing into the
clean clothes I brought down with me, I went looking for my brother. I wasnt pissed, but I wanted to
fuck with him for getting too much of a view of my woman.
He was in the den watching a tennis match, but heard me walk in and jumped off the sofa in a quick
motion before trying to make it to the door.
Running like a little bitch, bro?
Hey, when you look like youre ready for murder? Yeah, I am.
Just mind your own business next time.
Next time, lock the fucking door. Then, I wont catch my future sister-in-law deep-throating your
Just dont let it happen again.
Hey, you two need to be more careful. One of your guys was going to look for you when Mom held
him back, like she knew something was up down there.
Fuck, no. You cant be serious.
Yes, I am, you lucky fuck.
Dont be fantasizing about my woman.
Im not. Her friend, though, I wonder? I knew my brother hadnt stopped thinking about her and
even dumped his girlfriend via text after the graduation.
What if shes a fucking pro at swallowing a guys load? I smirked. He rushed up on me and got in
my face.
Dont say shit like that. I dont want to know if she blows fuckers, he roared.
Chill, bro. Jealous much?
Look whos talkingyour girl looked like a pro down there. I knew he was saying it to get back at
me, but I knew shed taken only me down her throat, and Id be the only one.
Dont be a prick. She was all brand new when we met. And all her pro skills were learned and
practiced on me only. I stuck out my tongue and walked out the room like a boss.
I grabbed us some drinks before going up to our room. She was sitting on her feet reading a book.

Hey, baby. Whatcha reading?

Nothing, she said apprehensively before hiding the book under the pillow.
Sweetheart, you know now I really want to know, so give it to me or Im coming to get it. I gave her
a look that said I wasnt playing. I wasnt some tyrannical ass or anything. I just didnt like that she
tried to hide what she was reading like she was uncomfortable sharing with me.
She sheepishly handed over the book, and after seeing the title I understood her hesitancy in showing
me. Being a good parent after living without love. She was scared of being a mother like she had.
Are you scared that youll be like them, baby? She didnt say anything but gave me a nod as her
eyes began to tear up.
I climbed into the bed and pulled her to me.
Natalie, I know you live with doubts, but when you feel that way, you should tell me about it. Im
here not to just fuck you, but I do have to say thats one hell of a plus. Im with you because I want us
to be more than lovers. I want your friendship, trust, and love. When youre in pain, I want to take it
away, and when youre frightened, I want to show you Im your protector.
Im sorry, she whimpered.
Dont, baby. Dont apologize for feeling like you do. Its natural after all youve dealt with. You can
read this book if it makes you feel better, but I know that when we are blessed with a little replica of
us, youll love him or her like no mother ever could. You are kind, generous, and loving, even to
complete strangers. Our child will be lucky to have a mother like you. Hell, Im grateful every day
that I spotted the brunette beauty smiling in a cafeteria.
You always know what to say to make me feel better.
Thats because youre marrying an amazing man. I winked playfully before getting serious again.
No, really its because its all true. It sounded corny, but it was true.
Speaking of helping. I need your help with something.
Again, I thought you wanted rest, she said impishly before rubbing my ever-constant erection.
I took her hand off of it before I wouldnt be able to concentrate and caved in to sex appeal. Thats
not it, Natalie. Since I no longer have an assistant, I was wondering if youd like to do it
temporarily, of course.
Temporarily. Whatyou dont want to see me that much?
No, you know damn well I dont want you working out of the house. Being my assistant requires long
hours, and soon youll be too busy for that, I said as I caressed her belly. We didnt know if she was
pregnant because it was way too soon, but I felt like I fucked my baby into her already.
I know, but I dread you hiring another woman.
If I can find a good male assistant, Ill hire him. Trust me, I never encouraged her.

I know you told me over and over again, but it didnt stop her from trying to secure you as hers, she
grumbled. I couldnt blame her for feeling that way. I was hesitant to hire a female too.
So will you do it?
Of course. You know Id do anything to see you more.
Im sorry if you feel lonely, baby. Ill work on it.
Okay. By the way, Im kind of hungry.
Then lets go out to eat. I want to take you somewhere special.
But first I need to get something to wear for tomorrow.
Okay, well stop on the way. I dont want to rush dinner just to get to the stores before they close,
but I thought youd have something here to wear since you were shopping all day.
I didnt buy anything work related since someone insisted I had no use for it.
Come, lets go before it gets any later and your belly goes insane. She flipped me off and scurried
to get dressed.
What should I wear?
Something casual, baby. But not what you have on. That shits a little too tight for my liking.
You liked it earlier.
Yes, when its for me, its fucking sexy. Now, go get changed.
Bossy man, she pouted friskily before going to the walk-in closet, giving me a perfect view of her
delectable ass and her long, loose, thick brown hair.
After a fun dinner at my favorite placea simple hot dog standwe took a walk along the pier and
enjoyed the warm evening. During our time out along the pier, we discussed her first day.
Youll be riding in with Tim tomorrow. Ive got an early morning meeting, so I wont have time to
show you around until afterward.
Are we going to pretend we dont know each other?
Not possible, babe. Did you forget about the picture?
I totally did. Not cool, and you know it.
I dont give a shit. I told you that before, didnt I? I asked. She merely nodded.
Well, then, deal with it.
Whatever. So what are my duties?
Just what most typical executive assistants do: answer the phone, handle my schedule, book my
flights, plan any dinner business meetings, take notes at some of my meetings, and review or draft any
documents or files I need.

Okay. I think I got it.

Great, then lets get back to the house because Im in need of some more loving, and my cock has
recovered enough.
What if my stuff is not recovered enough?
Ill get you ready for me, baby. I promise.

Chapter 12
I was a mess as I got ready for work. It was nerve-racking because this was my first job, and it
happened to be for the man that I planned to spend the rest of my life with. If I messed up, I would be
looked at with scrutiny because I caught the boss. In the back of my mind, I wondered if there were
more Crystals lurking about at his company. I knew that he had a company policy on intimate
relationships at the office. There was a no tolerance policy, but I was the exception.
I dressed like a professional businesswoman in a blue pantsuit with a white top. I didnt let Cam see
it before I bought it because he wouldve told me no because he didnt really care for anything tight
on me. It was form fitting, but not slutty. I still had a reputation to fulfill as his fiance according to
Van, who came with Tim to visit with her mom while he took me into the office.
As we walked to the truck, I wasnt steady on my feet this morning, and Tim caught me before I fell.
Calm down. You look nervous. Its just an office, and youre a brilliant woman. Cam isnt a difficult
boss and would fire anyone there if they made you feel unwelcome.
I dont want the attention.
Nat, youre marrying a powerful and wealthy businessman; you are going to get a lot of attention.
Just be yourself.
Thanks, Tim, I said with a smile as I got into the truck.
We got to the office quickly, too quickly for me, but here went nothing. Tim took me to the front desk
where they gave me a badge with my name on it.
Miss Cromwell, youll be able to get in and out of all parts of the building as Mr. Jamess assistant.
Welcome aboard. If you need anything, let us know, said Carl, the head of building security.
Tim escorted me up to the top floor and into the executive suites. The building itself was neat and
beautiful, but the executive offices were ten times more physically inviting.
Wow, I whispered.
Yes, these are nice. This is where most of the meetings are held.
Did she decorate the rooms?
No. It was done by the building architect and his teamI know what happened is still in your mind,
but you have to the let it go or Cam will send you home, then be completely worried about you.
I know. Its just that this is where she came to fantasize and plot to be with Cam. Im going to be
Good, because here comes Cam. I turned and saw him coming our way with a big-ass smile.
He walked right up to me, wrapped his arms around me, and kissed me deeply like we hadnt seen
each other before he left this morning. Not that I was complaining, but I still looked around to see if
we had an audience.

Hey, baby. Welcome to James Investments.

Thanks, Cam. Should you be holding me like this? I asked, his arms still around my waist.
Relax, sweetheart. Weve got a meeting, and my team is waiting in the conference room down the
hall to meet you.
Cam, Ive got a few errands to run. Ill be back around three for our meeting, Tim said before
Okay, Ill see you then. He turned back to me and handed me a notebook planner that had his
schedule in it for the next two weeks, but nothing before.
Everything is normally kept on the computer, but the detectives took it for evidence. Ive been too
busy to think about it. You can go over my schedule while I take a call in the office after the meeting.
He grabbed my hand and walked me down the hall as we waved goodbye to Tim. Wed just gotten
down the hall when he pinned me to the wall and his mouth was on me. He pulled back and rested his
head on my shoulder as we tried to catch our breath.
Fuck, babe. I no idea how turned on Id be with you here. By the waythat outfit is nice and sexy,
but I dont think you can help it. He kissed me lightly before dragging me the rest of the way down
the hall.
Surprisingly, we entered the conference room before they sent out a search party.

If she didnt think I saw the look on her face when she walked into the suites, she was way wrong. My
Natalie looked frightened, and I needed to ease that fear. I kissed my woman hard, partly to ease her
anxiety and partly because I was psyched that she was here. It didnt help that the suit she had on fit
her like a second skin. It wasnt slutty. In fact, it was more like the opposite, but it didnt matter
because I was rock hard for her and damn if she didnt have the top two buttons undone on her white
The meeting went by really fast. When I first dragged her in there, she was nervous as hell and it was
noticeable to all the staff. Of course, I didnt just introduce her as my temporary assistant, but as a
future part owner of this company, and my future wife. As the boss, it was my right to have my wife
come work here since the company would be hers too.
Everyone was affable and businesslike with Natalie. She won over the group without even trying.
Shed made a simple suggestion about a monthly celebration to honor employees and their
achievements as well as their birthdays. It would be celebrated at the end of the month after the
reports were due in my office. That way, it wouldnt interfere with anyones schedule.
I smiled at her several times, which didnt go unnoticed by the staff, seeing as she was sitting by my
side, and I had to turn to her to look at her. I got a couple of grins and lighthearted jabs when they
were walking out, but all in all they were great to my woman.
I walked her back to my office, where there was a desk right outside my door. I pointed to it and said,

This, sweetie, will be your desk. Although it really doesnt matter because most of the time youll be
in here.
No wonder she went crazy over you. She spent a lot of time alone with you.
Dont be jealous, babe. Youve got no reason for it. Besides, I want you in here, whereas with her, I
got her out of my office as fast as I could. I didnt let her in on every conversation, not that she didnt
listen in, it seems. However, you, as my wife, will have stake in the company and therefore have the
right to listen into all my conversations that arent about you.
Oh my. I forget that Ill be your wife soon.
Damn. I think about it every day, and here you forget.
Thats not what I meant. Ive been planning this wedding every day. Of course I know Im marrying
you. Its who you are that I forget about. The rich and prominent businessman running a multi-billion
dollar company. Now, Im a part of it. Its a little unnerving.
Youll get the hang of it, Nat. I trust you, I replied honestly before stealing a peck.
Come, sit down, and just listen in on my call. You dont have to pay attention. You can focus on that
schedule I gave you.
I took the conference call that lasted about two hours, and I let her listen in. She looked at the
schedule and had everything memorized before the end of the call and gave me some notes to help
with the call. For her first day, she was doing well.
I had a meeting with Tim, so I gave Natalie a brief tour of the building, then a small project of writing
up the notes I took during the call. Thankfully her computer was set up by the time I gave her the

So tell me, did you find anything else to nail her on? I want this bitch locked up for life, or I may
have to bury her.
No, her place had already been gone through by the police, and it was very thorough. I did go and
pick up the items you requested and dropped them back off at your parents.
Thanks. What about the houses? Did you find any that would suit Natalie and me? I didnt have time
to look at the houses that Id narrowed down before her graduation for me and Natalie. Hed sneakily
asked her certain things, and so did Van.
Actually, Vanessa and I looked at four of them for you, but one of them is off the market.
Then why did you look at it? Was it pending sale?
No because Vanessa fell in love with it and demanded I buy it for us.
Thanks for that. Why couldnt you leave the brat at home? What if Natalie wouldve loved the

Then you shouldve took her yourself to see it. Finders keepers, man.
Whatever. So did you grab the information?
Yes the file is at the house as well. I didnt want her accidentally seeing the file. The man was
smart and sneaky. I didnt know if I liked those qualities in a man for my sister, but the man loved her.
Great. Ill take a look at it once I get home. Did you schedule the viewings already?
Yes. Youre booked for all day Saturday.
Any news on my attempted murderer?
Only that the police do believe Crystals statement that she had nothing to do with your cut brakes,
and I agree, Tim said with a sympathetic shrug.
Great, so Ive got several crazies after me. First the brake cutter, the last fuck, and the former
Sorry, man.

It was a long week, and I didnt know how he did it. I think temporary was a good idea. It was finally
Saturday, and Cameron said he was taking me somewhere special today.
Is it a hot dog stand again? I said to be a smartass.
He gave me a grimace before growling, Dont be a smartass. I was told that youll love it.
We drove twenty minutes from his parents and about an hour away from Seattle and the office. He
pulled up to a three-story brick mansion. I thought maybe we were going to have a lunch here, but no,
he answered my question, or rather the realtor did when she made her appearance.
We were house shopping. Inside, I was jumping up and down with joy. It made this whole
relationship and wedding more real to me. I still couldnt believe a man like Cameron James wanted
to marry me, but I wasnt going to argue it.
Cameron and I looked at three houses, or rathermansions. I told him we didnt need that big of a
house, but he argued me right out of it after kissing me stupid, weakening my defenses.
I told you I plan to have you swollen with my babies. I want a baseball team, sweetie. Were going
need a place to house them all.
All I could do was nod in agreement. His love for me was a constant wonder to me.
It was the second house that I fell madly in love with, and so that was the one we would purchase. It
had twelve bedrooms, and of course he teased that we must fill it up with the James baseball team
with a couple of relievers. It sat on a hill with an unobstructed view of Seattle and its garage was
nearly half the size of the housethat appealed to Cam. Like most men he loved cars. There was
plenty of space for children to run around and play, but it also was gated off with a guard booth at the
front entrance for added protection, something both of us truly liked.

Time was flying by so fast, I didnt even realize that I was about to get married in a week, and Id
missed my period for the first time in my life.

Chapter 13
Hey, chickadee, when does your flight land tomorrow? I asked my best friend. I couldnt wait to
see her. Shed been there when no one else was.
I should be there about noon. Are you picking me up?
I dont think so. Cam has a morning meeting that he needs me to take notes for.
Working before the weddingseriously? Ill just catch a cab then?
Hes got to catch up on a lot because of his injuries and everything that took him away from the
office. You wont need a cab. Simon, Cams older brother, will pick you up. You remember what he
looks like?
Yes, a lighter version of Cameron.
Good. Ill let him know when your flight lands. Im so excited you are coming. I cant wait! I
Me, either. Its been too long, she said sadly.
Yes, we need to see each other more, I chimed in just as the brothers in question appeared right in
front of me, so I had to hang up.
Emmy, Ive got to go. I think Im in trouble with the boss for taking personal calls.
She laughed at me and said, Ill call you if my flight changes. If not, Ill see you tomorrow!
See ya, I said as I hung up with a smile, then looked up at the men.
Personal calls, Miss Cromwell. What am I going to do with you? Cameron asked with lust coating
his words.
Simon laughed, and I knew he was thinking about the gym. I caught the outline of Camerons cock
through his trousers, and the gym came to my mind as well.
Whatever you please, sir, I purred and licked my lips, earning me a grunt and a scowl.
So what time am I picking up my future bride? Simon chimed in, intentionally interrupting us.
Noon, I replied without taking my eyes off my mans pants.
Good. You didnt tell her about all our private conversations, did you? My head jumped up at his
No, Simon. I promised I wouldnt, I said with a tilt of my head.
Good, then she doesnt know she got me hooked. He sheepishly smiled before he stole a Starburst
out of my candy dish and dashed away. He took an orange one too, my favoritedamn asshole.
So, Mr. James, Im sorry.
No, I dont want to hear it. Please come in my office, Natalie, he snarled. I got up with my head

bowed in shame, but a huge grin on my face. I wondered what he was going to do to me.
I barely made it into his office before he slammed the door shut and pushed me against it.
Whatever I please? he said as he ground his hips against mine and undid his tie. I just nodded as he
took the tie off without unknotting it and slid it onto my neck. He pulled on it to tighten it and dragged
my face to him.
I dont like this outfit you chose to wear today, my dear. Stop licking your lips. You are not getting
any of my cock in here, he said as he rubbed his finger against my lips. Thats for the outfit. Ive
been hard since you got into the office this morning. Do you know how hard it is to make important
decisions when all I can think about is being inside of you?
No, I told you. No, Im sorry, he said with a sadistic grin. He let go of his tie for a brief moment
just to undo his pants. I watched as he let his beast out for my eyes. Cam stroked himself and looked
up at me with a raised eyebrow.
The call I could let go since it was important, but youve got to make this outfit up to me, he
whispered in my ear before dropping to his knees and lifting up the hem of my short skirt, sliding
down my panties. He sniffed my pussy before kissing my mound, then forcefully spreading my thighs.
He ate me out until I was about to come, then he teasingly pulled away. He walked me back to his
desk, which he cleared with little care as to the papers on his desk. Then he pushed me down onto my
back and onto the wood surface.
After unbuttoning my blouse, he opened it harshly to reveal my bra-covered breasts. He looked down
at the mess he made of my clothes and smiled. If only I could make this a picture in my office, but
then again Id never get anything done, he hissed, then licked his lips.
You better not, I said in outrage as I looked at my nearly fully dressed fianc, disheveled and
outrageously aroused.
I dont want anyone seeing you unclothed, so you never need to worry about that, he snarled.
Grabbing hold of the tie in one hand and his cock in the other, he pushed his way into my depths. I
cried out, but before a sound could be heard, he used the tie to pull me to him and captured the scream
with his mouth. He rode me hard against the desk, our flesh slapping together until we were both
coming hard.
That was the best day at the office either of us had.

I was already looking into a male replacement for Natalie as my assistant. I couldnt have another day
like today. I spent the whole morning with her pussy on my mind and the rest of it with it on my
tongue, and it still wasnt enough. I sent her home right after I fucked her roughly because there was a
shitload to do before the wedding tomorrow, and I wouldve taken her again.
Everything was ready for tomorrow, and I prayed that my attacker would decide not to make an

attempt at me or Natalie tomorrow. Crystal was locked up awaiting trial, and Courtneys fate was
sealed last week. My plan had been in motion since I spoke to Tim the morning after I got my girl out
of another mans clutches.
Every time I thought about the sight of her in his arms, I thought about how Courtney was the reason
she left me. Yeah, Id had a small part in the mess, but she wouldnt have left me if she didnt believe
I cheated. When I found out she was virgin and that jackass ex almost got what was mine, my mind
thought of more evil things to do to Courtney.
Courtney had been a huge coke sniffer, something I didnt learn about until I left her, so I knew how to
destroy her. My goal had only been to get her blacklisted because to her that was worse than death,
but shed taken her punishment to a whole new level.
There had been a tip put out on her supplier just as she was to get her next batch. Shed been arrested,
and her parents bailed her out. It couldnt be kept quiet because I wouldnt let it. It was known, and
she lost all her circle as well as the people shed tried to mingle in with mine. I was happy with her
social demise, but her dumb ass decided to take it to a new level. She went to a new supplier, and
their shit had some potent stuff in it. An hour later, she was in the ER in serious condition after
crashing into the concrete barrier on the highway.
Last I heard, shed need a year or so of therapy to walk again. Karma was a bitch, just like her.
Those were just my own demons, but Natalie had her own. We hadnt heard anything from her parents
since that one call, but the report I got yesterday told me a lot. I wasnt going to tell her before the
wedding because this was supposed to be our happy day.
Hopefully they werent aware of the wedding, but I really doubted it since they had her number and
knew that she was living with me. That stupid bitch Crystal, after hearing my conversations with Nat,
called Nats mom and gave her all the details she could. I understood why they didnt warm up to the
idea of anyone else for her to marry besides George Foley.
She told me that she hadnt spoken to her mother and sure as hell wouldnt have invited her, so we
should be okay, but I was feeling like tomorrow wasnt going to go as planned. I drove home, anxious
as hell.
When I got home from the office, Simon was drinking a beer in the kitchen, something he never did.
Bro, whats up?
Nothing he huffed, then took another swig of his beer before looking back up at me. Fuck. Its
her, man. I got really hung up on her from one encounter, but according to Natalie, she didnt really
remember me or even ask about me.
She was busy that day and full of excitement. Just win her over. Youre good looking, smart, and one
hell of a guy. Shell fall for you.
Do you know if shes bringing a date?
No, shes coming alone. Nat did tell me that Emmy isnt dating anyone one.
I understood his feelings. Id been there before, twice. The first time was when I saw her, then the

next was when she left me.

Bro, just get some sleep. You need to be at your best. He nodded his head and dumped the beer
down the drain.
How did you handle it?
The first time was easy, though at the time I didnt think so. I learned everything I could and didnt
give her a choice about us. We were together, and that was it.
Thats a good plan, and I hope to hell that she doesnt ever put me through the second one.
Me, too. It isnt nice at all.
I went to bed knowing that tomorrow night, Natalie would be my wife. We didnt sleep in separate
beds, but we didnt make love or even fuck. I just wanted to hold her.

Last night was perfect. Cameron didnt want to make love but just wanted to hold me. It was so sweet
and romantic. After the conference call, I didnt see Cameron until it was time for me to walk to him.
I took a nap until Emmy came into the house. I was exhausted lately, and I wasnt sure if it was from
the baby or working full time for Cam in and out of bed. I ran down the stairs to greet my best friend.
We hugged each other and jumped up and down.
Oh my God! Im so glad youre here! Thank you, thank you! I shouted. Shed been my anchor for the
past four years. Now I have her and Cam.
Please, girl, you know I wouldnt have missed this for anything. She hugged me again.
So lets go and get ready for your soon-to-be husband. You dont want to keep him waiting. We ran
upstairs and were met with Van and my mother-in-law to be.
Van and Mom. I dont know if you remember meeting my best friend, Emmy Watts. These ladies are
my familyVanessa you remember, and this is Mrs. Melody James, Camerons mom.
Mrs. James, hello, and Van, its good to see you again, Emmy said as she looked over the head of
Van to look at Simon, who did what he did that last time he saw her in our presencehe just stared. I
shook my head at him but had no idea what happened during the airport pickup, and I had a feeling I
wouldnt be finding out any time soon. Emmy wouldnt mention it if we had company. She may seem
outgoing, but her personal life was just thatpersonal. From the look that passed between Mom and
Vanessa, it was clear they knew something was up.
We started to get prepared for the wedding. Mrs. James hired a whole team of makeup artists and
hairdressers for all of us. The wedding party only included Cam and me, Emma and Simon , and Tim
and Vanessa. I didnt want a big wedding because I didnt really have many friends, and most of
Cams guests were business associates. We only had about a hundred guests, and almost all of them
were the guests of the groom. He did have his cousin Caleb and his wife Sophia coming. Caleb was a
lawyer that Id met with when we had to give our statements to the police. He was a good-looking
guy. It seemed the hot genes were strong in this family.

I was halfway through getting my hair done when Cam texted me.
What are you wearing?
I respond.
Are you drinking already? You know its bad luck to see your bride in her dress before the
He didnt respond to the texthe called.
Baby, I asked what youre wearing, not for a picture of you wearing the gown. Ill let my
imagination do the work for me. It doesnt matter. Im getting ready to jump in the shower, and I just
wanted something to fantasize about. Im planning to stroke it to thoughts of you, he said lecherously
on the other end.
Ill kick Simons ass if youve been drinking.
Im not. Im just really horny for you. I didnt get to be inside your temple to worship last night or
this morning. By the way, when is that wretched thing you call a period coming? Im not looking
forward to it one bit. I bit my tongue. Over the phone with my horny fianc was not the way to tell
him I wasnt going to get it for a long time.
Ive got to go. Im getting my hair done. I hoped to hell no one else could hear what he was saying.
I hung up the phone with everybody looking at me laughingly.
You could hear him, couldnt you? I groaned and blushed when they simultaneously shook their
heads. I was beet red and was going to seek retribution later on my dearest Cameron.
It was time for the wedding, and I was all nerves. This was a huge step in my life, and even though I
had no intention of not going through with this, I was worried something would mess up today.
I heard the music as I entered the foyer about to walk to my man on my own. Id made that decision
with ease. I didnt have a real father, and I wasnt upset by it anymore. I stepped out on the fancy
carpeted walkway and down the aisle in the backyard of the James familys massive estate.
I saw him immediately. He smiled so brightly that I truly felt the power of his love for me. With him I
wasnt alone anymore, and Id be forever happy with just that. I walked in time with the music, but it
seemed my groom had thought I was moving too slow. He rushed as fast as he could up to me,
scooped me up into his arms, and carried me to the altar. A round of laughter erupted from everyone.
Sorry, babe. You were looking hesitant. I couldnt have you running on me, he murmured in my ear
before taking a nip.
Great. All of my pictures are going to be with me all red-faced.
Its okay. I got that really sexy photo of you in my office already.
The minister coughed, and we redirected our attention to him as he beganDearly beloved
It was time for him to kiss me, and I was ready for this. I knew hed lose control and kiss me hungrily,
like the wolf hed been the whole time we stood at the altar. Our kiss was tender and sweet at first,

but it wasnt Cam who lost control. It was me. I didnt know what caused me to make such an
embarrassingly erotic scene, but I blamed it on him ogling my breasts throughout the ceremony.
I groaned as I ran my hands leisurely up his chest and caressed his shoulders before I tugged him
closer by his hair. The only thing that stopped me was when he scooped me back up in his arms and
shouted to the crowd where we were going.
Excuse usmy wife and I thank you, but Ive got to privately admonish her for kissing me like that
in public, he roared hilariously. And I thought my face couldnt get any redder. Id been sorely

I laughed as I carried my bride into the house. I was sure everyone thought I was either really horny
or fucking nuts, but I was certain that I was both. As soon as I heard the music, I wanted to meet her
and walk her down the aisle. The moment she stepped into my view, I was stunned. Natalie looked
better than any celebrity bride with expensive makeovers.
Her hair was half up and half down with beautiful, loose curls. Her gown was a sleeveless, ballgown type with a corset thing. It showed how tiny her waist was in comparison to the breasts I
wanted to suck on. Once I gained some semblance of sense, I ran to her and carried her to the altar. It
may have seemed crazy, but we were in this together, and she shouldnt have to go up there all alone.
Thank you, Natalie, I whispered sincerely as I held her with her back against my chest.
Thank you? she asked as she tilted her head to let me taste her pulse.
For marrying me.
Thank you for marrying me and showing me what it feels like to be truly loved, she said as she
turned around and cupped my face. She looked me right in the eyes and let her feelings loose.
Cameron, you were a surprise I couldnt have imagined having. I love you, and I have to tell you.
Im pregnant.
I pulled back and looked at her with wonder. Then my grin appeared. Wow. To think just before I met
her, I didnt want any kids. Now, I didnt think anything could compare to being the father of Natalies
Really, baby? Are you sure? I said with a smile.
Yes. I am. I havent gone to the doctor yet, but I didnt get my period, and the two tests I took were
positive. Are you happy?
Freaking yes! I picked her up and twirled her around until she shouted, Stop!
I didnt have a chance to ask her if she was okay before she ran into the bathroom and started
vomiting. Shit. Now I felt like a prick. I went to the bathroom down the hall and came up behind her.
Sweetheart, Im sorry. Shit. Baby, I didnt mean to make you sick.

Then you shouldnt have gotten me pregnant in the first place, she said as she smiled up at me. I
helped her off her knees and to the sink.
Well, that shit was going to happen. I want a team of Mariners, babe.
You and your Mariners. Then she just shook her head at me and washed her face.

Chapter 14
Cameron tucked me into his arms and held me. We stayed like that for a few minutes, and it was
Are you okay, baby? he asked.
Yes. Cam. Im fine. It doesnt last that long.
How long have you been feeling like shit?
Only this last week.
Damn, you shouldve told me. I wouldve been at your side.
As much as I want you by me, I dont need you to watch me puke all day.
Hey, if you have to vomit like a night of rough drinking, then Ill be there just like if youd partied
too much. Youre my wife. You need me, and Im there. So you feeling up for the party? Or should we
send everyone packing?
No. Lets go and enjoy our party, my husband.
Great, baby. Are we telling anyone?
If you want.
Perfect, my mom will be almost as thrilled as we are.
For sure. We walked out of the bathroom through the hallway and into the main room where our
wedding party was gathered.
Damn, bro. This is a mansion. Out of all the rooms to screw for the first time as a married couple,
you did her in the bathroom. The weight room wouldve been better. At least it has memories, Simon
said laughingly.
Shut the fuck up, Simon. Nat wasnt feeling well, he said, then anxiously looked me, and I nodded.
EveryoneNat and I are extra happy to inform you that were having a baby. The squeal of the
girls and the hooting and hollering of the guys were loud enough for the rest of the guests outside to
We got hugs from every one of our family members. Just as I was about pull Emmy aside and talk to
her, I heard Simon whisper in her ear, Tonight, Ill be putting my heir in you.
I stepped back when I saw her blush brightly. She was in for it, in a good way, if Simon was anything
like Cameron.
Whats up, baby? Cameron said as he slid his arms around my waist and snuggled his chin onto my
shoulder. I tilted my head to rub against his. I smiled.
Nothing. Except Ive got a feeling you talked to Simon, and now Emmys in some serious sensual

Maybe I did. Just told him how to catch the woman he loved.
Oh yeah, what? Give her no choice?
Damn straight, wife, and look how happy I am, he said as he nibbled on my ear. But Id be much
happier if everyone scrammed, and I could love you like I want to.
Me too. Im feeling really needy right now.
After the party, were going to get freaky all night, he growled.
We walked into the reception and were greeted with applause and a couple of funny looks. Cameron
took me to my seat and served me some water. Word had gotten around that I was pregnant, and
congratulations came from all around. Camerons cousin came by our table. Love, you remember my
cousin Caleb, and this is his wife Sophia. Cal, Sophia, this is my beautiful bride, Natalie.
Hi, Nat. Im so glad there is another woman to handle these men. They can be a lot to deal with,
Sophia said.
Thanks, babe. Way to let her know were trouble.
Caleb, I already knew that, so it doesnt matter. I still love my Cam. I tugged on my Cams arm and
rested my head on him.
Well, lets hang out one night before I pop, Sophia said as she rubbed her really round belly.
Thatll be great, I said, standing up to give them a hug.
It was time for our first dance, and I hoped that it would be wonderful.
Natalie, please take my hand and dance with me.
Yes, Mr. James. I slipped my hand into his and he walked me onto the floor.
You look so beautiful, Nat.
Thank you, Cam. He twirled and spun me back into his arms before kissing me to another round of
Our night had gone perfectly without any problems, something I felt would happen, especially
because my parents were not invited. I thought theyd show up and start some trouble. Theyd spent
many nights coming back from a party shouting, fighting, and completely hammered.
Baby, you look like youre ready for bed.
Weve been partying all night long. I was so tired. Wed danced, ate, and drank for hours, but I still
wanted my man. Wed stolen kisses and touches, but I needed our naked skin rubbing on each other. I
needed to feel my Cam bury his cock so deep in me. Even with my ball gown, I could feel the thick
ridge of his erection pressed against me every time he held me close.
Cam made an announcement to the crowd. Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate our love, but
my bride is tired and needs her rest. Goodnight. They clapped and cheered as we walked off.

I practically dragged Natalie back to our room. We would be moving into our new house in a week,
and I couldnt wait for it. To have her alone so I could worship her would be perfect.
You tired, baby?
Yes, but Ill still need you to put me to sleep.
A deep sleep? I said as I undid my tie and slipped off my coat. She gave me a nod and a giant
I walked up behind my wife and swept her hair to the side, giving her feathery kisses on her shoulder.
MmmCam, that feels so nice, she moaned. I started to undo the zipper of her gown and let it fall
to the floor. My eyes nearly jumped out of their sockets when I saw what she had on underneath her
She was wearing a white and pale pink corset with sexy matching lace panties. The corset was mostly
white, but the ribbed edges were laced with the silky light pink. I dragged my finger along the boned
corset and down her spine.
With my mouth on her ear, I whispered, Im glad I didnt see this earlier, or wed have missed our
I groaned as she pushed back on my hard cock.
What would you have done to me?
Baby, I think the question is what am I going to do to you? I said as my hands caressed down her
arms and my mouth made love to her neck, marking her with tiny little love bites.
My hand slid down the front of her, stopping only to caress her breast underneath the top of the corset.
I played with her round, supple flesh before making my way down to her panties and inside them. I
felt her light dusting of hair as I rubbed my hand along her sweet little mound. I licked my lips as I
slid one finger into her juicy, wet cavern.
Ahhh, she moaned as I moved my finger in and out. Id added another finger, then used my thumb to
play with her clit.
Do you want to come, Natalie? I whispered. Come for me, I growled in her ear before biting
down on her lobe and pressing her body hard against mine. I wanted her to feel how hard Id been for
her all night. Grinding my hips against her ass was only getting us both hotter.
Come, I grunted out, and my Natalie came hard against me, soaking my fingers.
Cam!! I love you, Cam! she shouted as she threw her head back onto my shoulder and ground out
her orgasm on my fingers. Her body writhed and shook against mine, making my cock so damn hard I
was about to come. I stripped off my clothes and walked her to the bed. I pushed her down onto the
bed with her face resting on the sheets. I used my legs to spread her thighs wide. I shredded her
panties with just a pull and lined up my cock with her heat.

I pushed my way in and forced a groan from her as I filled her to the hilt. My cock needed a swift
pounding, but my mind knew my woman was having my baby. Shit, that only made me harder.
Baby, can you take me hard? I asked helplessly.
Yes, she purred.
I leaned forward over our dark grey sheets, pulled her hair, and started to move in and out of her,
increasing the pace with each stroke.
Natalie, baby, youre incredible, I grunted as I gripped her hips and hammered into her over and
over again.
I roared, Who do you belong to?
You, Cam, you, she cried out on the verge of another orgasm.
I growled, Right answer, babe. Youre mine forever. Mine, my wife, all mine.
Yes, yes. Deeper, Cam, she moaned, and I could feel her shaking and pushing her ass into my hips.
I bent over Nat and gripped her breasts, using them to begin punishing her pussy. With a tweak of her
nipple, my woman clenched her thighs. She cried out as her walls pulsed and squeezed the come out
of my cock, filling her up. As I emptied my sac into her, I cried out, Natalie!
I dropped down onto her back with my chin resting on her shoulder blade. I realized that I must be
crushing her and our unborn baby, so I jumped up off of her fast.
Whats wrong? she asked worriedly.
Nothing, babe. I just didnt want to crush you and the baby. I gave her a smile before flipping her on
to her back and kneeling in front of her.
Im fine, Cam. If I was hurting, Id let you know.
For real, you wouldnt try to hide it from me, would you?
Of course not. This is my baby, and I want to protect it too. She gave me an honest, sexy smile. I
laid my head on her lap. Pressing my ear to her belly, I listened to the sounds even though I knew it
was too soon. I didnt know when that kind of stuff happened, but I couldnt wait until I could feel our
I gave her belly a gentle kiss and whispered to the baby, Grow, little one. Then I stood up and
carried my bride into the shower for round two.

The past three days had been amazing, but today we had to get back to the office. Id learned since I
met Cameron that he was a very serious businessman who usually worked hard and didnt take it
easy. That was until he met me. Now he took more time off.
When I asked him about it, he said, What was the point of making all that money and never having

any time to spend it on the woman he loved?

What are you thinking about over there? he said as he walked out of the bathroom after fixing his
hair. I didnt know why he bothered when I always messed it up.
Just going to miss these days all alone with nothing in our way of each other.
Im sorry, Nat. You know Id like to spend all my time with you, but its not possible.
Dont be sorry. Im just being silly. I think its the baby. I feel really emotional.
Speaking of the baby, have you scheduled the appointment?
Yes, I actually got off the phone with the doctor just before you came out of the shower. Hes got an
availability tomorrow morning, so Ill be starting late tomorrow.
What time?
He opens at seven-thirty, so hell see me then.
Great. Then, I wont be too late to work tomorrow.
You want to come?
Woman, are you nuts? Of course I want to come. He wrapped his arms around me and stole a brief
Are you ready to go in? Youve got three interviews on potential replacements.
I guess he noticed the upset look on my face because he added, Nat, we talked about this. I dont
want you working that hard, but you know I love having you there. Youre an amazing assistant and
could be more in time, but youre my wife and you shouldnt have to work that hard.
He took me into his arms and held me like he always did when I got needy, which lately was turning
out to be a regular occurrence.
Come on. Lets go, I said as I pulled out of his arms, walked to the chair in our room, and slipped
on my heels.
You sure, baby? Are you feeling okay enough to go in to the office? He walked back up to me.
Yes. Dont worry, I wont embarrass you.
Im not concerned about that. I just want you happy.
Thanks. Now, lets get this show on the road before were late, I said before pulling his hand and
rushing out of the room.
Damn, Nat. Slow down, I dont want you hurt. As sexy as those heels are, dont you think theyre too
Im good. You dont need to worry. Ill be careful, I said just as I tripped on the foyer rug. I didnt
fall, but Cameron made it seem like Id broken a leg.

Nat! Didnt I say these heels were dangerous? he yelled.

The rug was my problem. Seriously, I didnt even fall. I just tripped.
Just be careful, he grumbled.
Once we were in the office, it was all business. We worked tirelessly until two in the afternoon when
Cameron came out of his office in a frenzy.
Shit, babe. Did you eat lunch? I forgot to feed you.
I snacked on some carrot sticks with hummus, and I ordered us some takeout. It should be here in
about five minutes, I said with a roll of my eyes.
Good. Im driving you crazy already, and its only been one week since you told me.
Its okay. Youve been protective since we started dating. Just lighten up. I knew how to take care of
myself before I was pregnant. When Im as large as our house, then you can go into crazy mode.
Fine, because I will, he stated before stealing a kiss and then walking back into his office.
The rest of the day was extremely busy. There were three calls he had to take and some papers he
needed to review. I drafted up a couple of documents and planned his schedule. We were almost
ready to go when I answered a call Id wished I hadnt.
Cameron Jamess office, I said cheerfully.
Bitch, dont sound so happy. You werent supposed to marry him. I dont want him happy. I want
him dead. The first time didnt work. Be prepared to be a widow.
The male caller hung up, and I was shaking. I didnt move the receiver from my ear. I sat still and
stared blankly until Cameron finally shook me out of my trance.
Nat! Whats the matter? Baby, whats wrong? he frantically shouted.
Cam I murmured as tears streamed down my face.
The elevator chimed, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. Tim was rushing to us.
Somethings wrong with her.
Yeah. She just received a death threat for you, Tim growled.
Cam picked me up and tucked me in his arms. What happened? he asked Tim.
You know weve been monitoring the incoming calls until we know theyre safe. This one was a guy
telling her to be prepared to be a widow. Hes the one who cut your brakes. The team is already
checking the underground garage before we leave, and I ran a trace. The only thing I could tell was
that the trace pinged him at a cell tower two miles away.
Tims walkie-talkie went off. Sir, its all clear, and weve got a name.
Cam, take her back to the house, and well take care of the fuck.

Who is it? I snarled.

Clint, whats the name?
Clint said through the walkie-talkie, Its Martin Mann.
That fucking perverted professor. Ill kill him.
You know the guy?
Yeah, he tried to fail Vanessa for not submitting to his advances. Thats why I was there, and I dealt
with the situation. He was fired and arrested.
What? And no one told me? Tim looked more crazed then before. He punched the wall before
storming out.
Shit. I totally forgot that hes in love with Van. I told the wrong motherfucker. That ex-soldier will
gut that bastard.
So thats why you were there visiting her?
Did you have him as a teacher, babe?
No. He started after I took that Math class, but Id seen him around campus. He was a little creepy,
in my opinion.
You happen to be an excellent judge of character. You picked me, didnt you?
Yes. I laughed in between tears. He picked me up as Clint walked up to help us get to safety.
Dont worry about it. Well deal with him, and youll be safe.
Cam drove us back to the house with two vehicles in front and behind us. It was insane. I felt like I
was in some nightmare. I was so scared, I was shaking. We got to the house, and thankfully the
compound was well protected. We entered it, and I felt the safeness of it.
Cam carried me into the house with the men surrounding him. Once we were inside, he took me
straight up to our room.
Babe, Ill be right back. Im going to send Emmy or Vanup to stay with you.
No, dont go, Cam! He could kill you, I cried.
Natalie, Im just going downstairs to make some calls. Im not going anywhere. Ive got a team for a
reason, sweetheart. I wouldnt let you become a widow.
Cams mouth was on me and pinning me to the bed. I guess he wasnt in that much of a hurry to leave
me because before I knew it, we were naked and he was inside of me, rocking my world. The last
thing I remembered before I fell into a fitful sleep was his whisper. I love you, Nat.

I was feeling murderous. This bastard threatened my woman. I didnt care if the threat was meant for

meit still hurt her. She was distraught, and hed pay for that. My blood ran cold when I thought
about how hed escaped notice. I didnt even think of him in my possible enemies, and I wasnt even
sure why not. Since the accident was at home in Seattle, I thought itd been someone local, not some
country boy from the Midwest.
I went downstairs when my phone went off. It was the alarm for the new house. We were moving in
this weekend, and the painters had just finished two days ago so there shouldnt be anyone in there.
I found my dad and asked, Dad, can you keep an eye on Nat? The alarm for the house was tripped.
Sure, son, you just be careful. It could be that crazy bastard. Van hasnt heard from Tim yet since he
yelled at her before you got here. Take some of the guys with you.
I will. Thanks. I gave my dad a hug, and a few minutes later we were on our way to the house. I
was two minutes away from the new house when I heard the loud boom and saw flames shooting high
into the sky. Clint immediately called 911, and I called for Tim. He still didnt answer, and I prayed
to God that he wasnt in there. For some reason, I knew this had to do with Mann.
We pulled up to the open gate, and the house was engulfed in flames. Thats when I saw him. Tim
was crawling away from the burning house. He didnt look like he was on fire. We ran up on him, and
he was bleeding from his side. Clint was leaning over him, trying to stop the bleeding.
Hes armed, he groaned. I looked up to see a stumbling Mann coming down the front stairs pointing
his gun at me.
You! You need to die. You ruined me for that little whore, he snarled as his hand gripped the gun
tighter. I looked down at Clints back and could see his gun sticking out of his waistband. It was my
only chance. So without thinking, I grabbed it and fired as I ducked. He fell immediately. I breathed a
sigh of relief as he went down. The sirens were heard a few seconds later. All I could think about
was getting Tim to the hospital.
The ambulance tended to him and said even with the loss of blood, he looked like he would recover.
The police, who responded to the alarm first, questioned me about Mann. A few minutes later, the
detective on the case made his appearance. They took my statement and Clints, then we were free to
go. I made the call to my dad so he could deal with getting Van to the hospital. He told me Nat was
still sleeping.
Leave her, Dad. Im on my way back right now, I said.
I just wanted to go back home and see my woman. I was going to have to break the news to her that
we didnt have a new house anymore.

Chapter 15
I spent the next two days getting scolded by my wife, and I feared for my kids. Shit. She was going to
be a stern momma. I made it up to her, though. I ate her out for an hour every time her ass freaked
about me going to work.
The next morning after the fire, we had a doctors appointment for the baby, but the instant I walked
into that docs office, I walked her ass right back out. Hell if I was going to let a six foot, built, young,
and good-looking doc with a dick putting his fingers inside my woman.
Youre insane. Whats the big deal?
Your pussys mine. Im the only man to be in it. I want to keep it that way. End of story. Ill find us a
new doc without a cock.
Whatever, she may be into chicks. Then what are you going to do?
I wont care.
Typical guy.
Honey, thats not what I meant. I know you dont like women, so if a woman wants you, its no big
deal. Im not into two females. Id be jealous as fuck. Fuck it, well find a married woman doc with
kids, I growled.
The search lasted a couple of days, but we found a good one. She wasnt married, but she liked men.
Now that we had that settled, we managed to select an assistant for me. He was just out of college and
getting into the business world. He wanted the experience so was willing to learn all he could. Ray
Russell was the best candidate for the job.
It was his first day, but Ray was about to get his ass fired after I caught him staring at my wife as she
walked out of my office.
Man, Natalie is beautiful, he said after watching her walk away. I wanted to knock him out for
calling her by her name after his ass ogled my wife.
Yes, she is. Natalie is off limits, if you dont want to end up missing, I snarled.
Sorry. I didnt know you were that kind of boss. He sounded pissed.
What kind of boss?
The kind whos married but hooks up with his assistant. Is that why you need a replacement? he
sneered angrily.
I grabbed the framed photo from the desk and turned it to him. He colored immediately.
Im sorry he said sheepishly.
No. Its good. You have a good sense of morals, but if you dont keep your eyes in your head where
my wife is concerned, Ill break your jaw.

Shes your wife? Wow.

Yes, she is, and before you ask, she doesnt have a sister.
Nat knocked on the door and brought us some drinks. Thanks, Natalie, I said.
Thank you, Mrs. James, the boy said. He learns quickly, I thought.
That was the last conversation I had to have with him where Natalie was concerned, but I jealously
fucked her in my office that day. I couldnt help it, and she enjoyed riding me hard in my desk chair.

The next two months went by in a hurry. I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. My problem people
had been dealt with in one way or another, but I didnt hear from her parents or her high school
boyfriend, George. He was out for my woman. I was sure he wouldnt just give up when they were so
determined before we married. Id hired more guys after the last battle of assholes with Mann. Nat
thought I was paranoid, but she had no idea what she meant to me. Either that or her ass didnt take the
possible threat of danger that seriously. Either way, I didnt give a fuck. I laid down the law, and that
was the way it was going to be.
She started doing her charity shit last week and was all smiles, despite her ass giving me crap about
Clint following her like a shadow.
We still hadnt picked a house yet. She was feeling jinxed about it, so my father made a suggestion
that was pretty good.
Why dont you two build a house on the estate? Its well secured, and there is more than enough
I saw the gleam in Nats eye, and I knew she liked that idea. She really loved being loved by my
family. This was something that was missing for her, so if this was what she wanted, I was good with
it. Living close to my family never bothered me before,and he was right ; there was plenty of room on
the estate for all of us to build large, individual homes.
What do you think, baby? I asked kindly, letting her know that it was cool with me.
I like it. When Im here, I feel safe.
Great. We can have a construction crew start with plans tomorrow for you. We dont have a great
deal of time before my grandbaby makes an appearance. Im sure youd like to take the baby to your
new home when its time, my dad said.
True, but I dont want you stressing Natalie. Rest, pick out colors for rooms and shit like that.
Remember we can always change the color if you dont like it later, but I dont want you to work too
hard. Understood?
Yes, she squealed.

Totally cool. Well be neighbors, Van said. She and Tim had gotten married last week. They
shouldve gotten married last month, but Tim was still recovering. They moved into the house theyd
picked or rather stolefrom us, which wasnt far from the estate.

Hello, I answered.
Hey, beautiful. I heard the voice, but I wasnt sure it was real. It couldnt be. It had been four
months since my mother called, so I didnt expect him to call.
What do you want, George?
What do I want? I want what is owed to me.
Owed to you? I owe you nothing.
No. Your parents do, and youre my payment. You can meet me at the hotel on Grand.
Are you freaking nuts? I wont be doing any such thing. Goodbye.
Wait! he shouted.
What? I snarled.
The thing is, my pretty Natalie, Ive got something that could send your parents to prison for the next
ten years, and you too.
No, you dont.
Yes. I do.
It doesnt matter. Let them rot. Ive never done anything wrong.
You could be held accountable. Everything is in your name.
I dont know what youre talking about, and I dont have to listen to this.
Listen, Natalie. Ill have your ass naked. I dont care if you have a husband. Ill send him a video
with you on your knees.
Go fuck yourself! I shouted before I hung up the phone. I wanted to cry, but I didnt. My phone
started ringing again, and I just let it.
I needed to go into the city to get some work done for the charity drive that was tomorrow. Clint was
driving me, so I needed to hurry. He had some things to do for Tim while I was working, then he
would be back to pick me up or hed send one of the others to do it.
The rest of the day had flown by as I worked at preparing some care packages. Clint told me he was
running behind and for me to wait for him in the building. I was suddenly feeling really hot, so I
stepped out back for some breeze. I couldnt have been out there for more than two minutes before I
walked back in, and he was standing there waiting for me with a gun.

George, what are you doing here? I said with my voice trembling.
What am I doing here? Didnt I tell you I was going to get what I wanted from you?
I shook in fear. I couldnt believe he was here. The tears automatically came down my face.
Bitch, dont cry. Im sure you drop to your knees for your husband for more jewelry.
He started moving closer as I backed away. All my concern was for the baby. I didnt think he was
going to let me live after he took what he wanted. Cams face came into my head. I was never going to
see him again. This couldnt be real. I needed my Cam.
Come here.
I started to move toward the man when all of a sudden I saw a uniformed officer crawling on the
floor. In a matter of a second, I had to change my direction so George wouldnt notice my change of
demeanor. Relief washed through me, even though I was still in danger.
Damn it! Come here, Natalie, George roared. I didnt know if I should still come to him or try to get
away, but Id seen the officer give me a slight nod.
I moved closer to him when he started to relax his stance. Then I heard the sound of electric jolts and
watched George go down shaking like a flag in the wind. He dropped his gun, and the police came out
of nowhere and were on him. I nearly fell to the ground before the officer ran up to me.
Are you okay, Mrs. James?
How did you get here so fast? I was curious. I didnt get a chance to call for help.
Because I called them, stated the angry voice of my husband.
I knew he was mad at me, but I didnt care. I just wanted him to hold me, so I ran into his arms.
Cam! I sobbed as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. He took me back to the truck, and we
watched as they loaded George into the back of the car. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off.
Cam blocked me from Georges view and joined me in the back.
Damn it, Natalie. Why didnt you tell me he called you? We almost missed his call. We wouldve
been too late.
I was afraid youd find out and kill him.
I thought about it this morning, but I was afraid hed shoot you before I got a chance to take him out.
Wait. How did you know hed come looking for me and that he called? Was he tracking my
Weve been tracking his calls.
Because you refused to surrender to his demands, we knew hed come after you. The fact is, he did

have proof. They forged your name on numerous legal documents. Your scholarship monies youd
won were going into your parents account, but they would send you half.
Why would they do that? They arent even married anymore, and they cant stand each other.
Because they wanted money. Their lifestyle was failing, and they hatched a plan.
If they didnt have any money, then why didnt they want me to work?
One of your scholarships wouldve been taken away if you worked. Theyd been sent a warning, and
thats why youd been forced to quit.
That explains a lot, except for how you knew about it.
I found out just the day before our wedding, and I didnt want to ruin our day. After the shit with
Mann, I just wanted some peace, he justified.
That I understand. Its what Ive wanted for so long.
Hopefully were done with all the drama, and we can focus on our baby, he said as he rubbed my
small belly.
What about my parents?
They were arrested just two minutes after Foley was. The police had enough evidence, but Foley
made it easier for the police to nail them.
I breathed a sigh of relief. They lost my love so long ago that Id just wanted them out of my life.
Now, it was finally happening.
Do you think Ill have to testify?
There is a chance, baby. I wouldnt rule it out at all. I felt like I just got kicked. I didnt want to be
involved in any of this. Cam and my baby were the only things I wanted to be concerned about. I
loved my husband, and even with his busy schedule, he was always looking out for me. He was able
to come to my aid when I needed it the most.
I squeezed him hard because I needed it, and he complied.

It was a long, drawn-out battle to get the house done in time for the arrival of our baby, but we made
it. I got to show my swollen, beautiful wife our home today.
The baby wasnt even here yet, and I had them baby-proof the house. My mom just laughed because
there was no rush. The baby wasnt going to walk or crawl for a long time. Little Cameron would be
here in about a month, and if he was anything like me, hed be causing trouble as soon as he could
crawl. I couldnt wait to meet my son. Every day I looked at Natalie, I was geared up.
Good morning, my wife. Its time to get your butt up.
Excuse me. Is there a reason youre bothering me so early? Since youre already dressed for work,
its not like you planned on fucking me.
Wow, babe. That mouth of yours is getting rougher.
Its your fault. I was a good girl before I met you. Youve turned me into a bad girl.
Damn right, I have, and lets keep it that way. I bent down and stole a kiss from her.
Mmm, she sighed. Fine. Im getting up.
Let me help you, I said as I took her hand and helped her get off the bed a little easier. She used to
refuse my help, but now she was a little more lenient. She wasnt feeling too comfortable these days,
so anything I could do to ease her pain or her day, I did.
My Natalie was beautiful, but she was a little on the round side. She thought she was a cow, but
according to anyone I talked to, most women felt like that. I couldnt blame her. If I couldnt see my
feet, Id be upset too, but she was perfect. When I looked at her swollen belly, I got hard as stone
knowing I did that to her, and I planned on doing it again.
Thank you, Cameron. She got dressed in her stylish maternity wear, which both Vanessa and Emmy
helped her pick out.
Wed gone downstairs, and I fed my wife before taking her out into the brutal wind.
Cam. Whats going on? Shouldnt you be leaving for the office already?
Ive got something important to show you today. Then Ill be going to the office. My assistant really
is awesome like my last one, but shed been too sexy to have around all day, so I had to let her go. I
gave her a wink. She still came to the office once in a while when she came into the city with the girls
to shop.
It was nearly Valentines Day, so it was really cold outside. Id made her bundle up because we were
walking to the house, and I didnt want her to get cold. Shed been extra hot lately, but last time Id
agreed to let her take off her hat and scarf, she was sick for a week. It was scary as hell. Luckily it
was just a cold and not something more serious like the flu.
She grumped and groaned about the layers, but I just reminded her how she felt when she got sick. It
wasnt pretty. Shed been to the hospital because she started cramping after all the coughing.

Thankfully the baby didnt come early, but itd been terrible for her. I didnt want to see her like that
again, so her ass was going to do as she was told.
We walked down the plowed walkway to our new home. Oh my God! Cam, is it done?
Yes, baby. I wanted to be here when you saw it for the first time, I said.
Thank you for sharing this special moment with me, she said as hugged herself to me. Damn, I loved
that feeling. Id taken every opportunity to hold her over the last year. She thought she was a burden,
but I cherished it, even when I couldnt quite get my arms around her.
I want to share lots of special moments with you, but I know that Ill have to miss some of them. This
is not one of them.
Have you seen it?
Not since the last time we looked at it.
Goodie! Im excited, she screeched. She started jumping up and down, damn near giving me a heart
Babe, stop with the jumping. Youre freaking me out. The walkway still has some ice on it.
Sorry. I got excited, she said bashfully as she calmed down and gave my arm a squeeze. Come on
then. Lets go, she said as she tugged at me to move.
Give me a kiss first, I growled. She lifted up on her toes and puckered up. My mouth met hers, and I
tasted the orange juice she drank; sweetjust like her.
She pushed away with a smile. Our house awaits, Mr. James.
We walked up the stone steps to our six-bedroom house. I gave her the privilege of unlocking the
door, but the moment she turned the knob, I scooped her up and crossed the threshold.
Put me down, you big oaf. Im too heavy.
No, youre not, I disagreed as I put her feet firmly back on the ground. Besides, Ive been lifting
more at the gym for this specific occasion. I knew that would earn me a smack to my arm, and she
didnt disappoint.
Ouch, woman. Always beating on your poor husband, I said, feigning hurt.
Babe, youre never going to win any acting awards, so you might as well give it up.
Well, then, if you dont mind, I have to get to work, so lets look at our new home.
I almost forgot why we were here.

The house was perfect. Every color I wanted was used, and it worked out like I thought it would.
When Cam told me I could decorate, I was scared, but I fell in love with the process. It didnt smell
like paint in here, so I was assuming it was done days before. The house had three floors, and I

wanted each hallway for each floor to be a different color. Our first floor was an open floor plan
because after sharing a dorm for four years, I needed breathing room. I loved pale colors, so the girls
helped me pick the best for each room.
Our first spot to see was the kitchen. Id done a lot of searching for all the things I wanted in this
The kitchen was wall-to-wall white cabinets, and the counters were made of marble. There an island
in the center of the room that had a pot rack above it. We went to the living area next. It had nice
leather sofas that were really comfortable to sit in. I was so round and uncomfortable that I picked the
fluffiest ones. They were a dark brown color that was a huge contrast to the white walls. The long
wall the sofas faced had a seventy-inch TV. It was an addition to the room for my husband. He loved
his sports games, and I knew he loved those big giant flat screens. The moment he noticed the TV, his
eyes opened wide, and he turned to me.
Youre a sneaky little one, arent you? You told me that you didnt want a TV in the living area and
that you wanted it like my moms with a fireplace and family portrait.
I wanted it to be a surprise. If you dont like it, we can always change it back my original idea, I
Dont even think about it, woman, he snarled before walking right up to me and taking my mouth.
Lord, I still never got used to it. I was instantly moist and wanted more. He groaned as he pulled
away from me, and I could see why he did. I wasnt the only one turned on. His cock was pressed
against his pants, and I hungrily admired it. Because I was so round now, we had to find adventurous
ways to fuck. It was sometimes a pain to get comfortable, but it was so worth the pleasure the man
gave me.
We still have other rooms to look at, Mrs. James. You can look at my cock later, and Ill give you a
special close-up, he murmured in my ear as he gave me a pat on my ass and moved on.
Im going to hold you to that.
By the time we made it through the last of the rooms, I was exhausted. I loved the whole house, but my
favorite room of all was our bedroom. It was the largest room in the house because we had a kingsized bed, a walk-in closet, and sauna in the bathroom. The sheets were a deep, rich blue, and the
floor was a dark wood with white walls. I didnt want to leave it, but thats why he showed me that
one first.
Cameron had to get back to the office, so I was forced to go back to the mansion. He wasnt cool with
me being home alone. He wanted me safe and sound. Considering all the junk wed been put through
this last year, I couldnt blame him.
Its wonderful, Cameron. Thank you.
You did all the designing, Nat.
Thats not what I meant. Thank you for loving me. I wouldve had a content life, but with you, Im
beyond blissful.

Natalie James, you are everything to me, and I love you. Thank you for not calling the campus police
on me for stalking.
I was tempted, especially when I thought you and Van were a couple.
You were jealous, babe. Admit it.
I wasso what?
Nothing. I just wanted to hear it because Im jealous of everything that touches you. Like those
clothes that are painted on your beautiful body. Theyre touching whats mine.
Do you prefer I go naked?
Do you prefer for me to go to prison? Because therell be a host of dead bastards if that was the
case. Besides, the wind would be caressing your flesh, my flesh. Damn, babe. I have to go to the
office. Youre gonna pay tonight.
What time are you coming?
Well, Ill be getting home around seven, but Ill be coming about seven-o-five.
Where? Depends on where you want me to come.
Piglet. You didnt let me finish. I meant to say, before I was lewdly interrupted, was where are we
At our new home, in our new bed. I want to christen it properly, he said with his wicked grin and
wink. My body was burning already, and he was leaving me. The damn bastard.

When I got home from the office, Natalie was sitting practically at the front door waiting for me with
her luggage full of clothes. I wanted to laugh, but I knew shed kill me. My poor girlevery time I
called her today, she was hot and bothered. I managed to wring one orgasm out of her this afternoon
over the phone.
Baby, tell me you didnt pack that bag.
No, silly. Emmy and Van helped me. Then Simon carried it down for me. We packed one for you
too. Its right there. She pointed to the wall behind me and next to the front door.
I walked up to her and gave her a tender loving kiss. She shivered and moaned in my mouth before I
whispered, You wet for me, Nat?
All she did was whimper a yes and gave me an eager nod.
We left the house, and I drove us back to our new home. Clint only followed us so he could unload
the luggage and place it in the front hall. Natalie didnt want any interruptions. She was moaning in
the car as I stroked her wet kitty. Wed just pulled up to the house when I felt her pussy soak my hand,

and not just a normal coming wetness. No, like a bucket of water followed by a loud scream.
Ouch! she screamed out.
The baby?
Yes she said as she tried to breathe like shed practiced. He-he-hoo, he-he-hoo. Ouch!
Babe, Im turning around now.
I called Clint and let him know that we had to go to the hospital. He said he would follow and call the
family. Luckily, we had clothes in the car.
We got to the hospital in about ten minutes, but it felt like forever. She was huffing and puffing, and it
was freaking me out. The doctor was meeting us there, and thank fuck because Nat was early. I didnt
want someone else touching her.
An hour later, she showed up. I was irrationally pissed, but she understood that I was crazy as hell
when it came to Nat and our baby.
Dr. Hutton, isnt there something we could do to ease her pain? I said frantically.
Yes, get this baby out! Natalie screamed.
At this point its a waiting game, but unlike most first-time mothers, she isnt going to be in labor that
long. Shes already at seven, so it wouldnt be smart to give her an epidural now. If shed had it when
she first came in, it would have been fine, but she progressed very quickly.
But shes hurting. And I dont like that shit. Make it stop.
Mr. James, there is nothing but delivery that is going to take the pain away.
Cam, come here. I hurried to her side. She didnt look so good right now, but I guess that was
normal when you were being torn in half. I watched as a nurse came up to check Nat when we first
got in, and it seemed like she stuck her whole damn hand up there like she was preparing a
Thanksgiving turkey.
Whats up, babe?
Give the doc a break. She knows whats best. All women she paused as a contraction ripped
through her. Her hand was squeezing my arm, bracing herself for the pain as she squeezed her eyes
Baby, youre doing great. Pretty soon itll be over and well have our boy. I was looking forward
to holding our baby in my arms. Ever since I learned of our little man coming, I wanted him to be
I groaned as I watched my wife cope with the pain. The girls came into the room to help, which was
good because I didnt want to miss the actual birth of the baby.
Its time, Natalie. You can start pushing. Cameron, if you want to come watch, you can. I looked at
Nat to see if she was okay with it.

If you want, Cam, go ahead, she grunted.

I stared at my wifes pussy opening up wide as fuck. Then I saw a round head start to come out, then it
went back in. Whats wrong? Is he shy? I asked teasingly. I realized that was the wrong thing to say
when my wife gave me a death glare.
The doctor coached her when to push, and after five minutes of pushing, the head came out and there
was my boy. They stuck this thing in his nose, suctioning shit out. Then I heard my wife emit a
growling scream that ripped through her throat.
This is the hardest part. Youve got this, Natalie. Give me one more hard push, then youll have your
son. My wife was panting hard, but Emmy and Mom were on each side holding her hands and
wiping her brow.
Come on, babe. I love you. You are doing wonderful, I told her. She gave me a smile before
pushing hard. I turned to look back at my boy, and his body kind of slithered out. He was perfect.
They placed him on Natalies lap as they hurriedly wiped him off, and he gave a massive wail. My
wife looked exhausted, but so damn happy. Emmy moved to the other side so I could be by my wife
and our little man.
Thank you, baby, I cried as I kissed her.
Hes beautiful, Cam, she cried with fatigue.
Yes, he is, Nat, I agreed as they took him from us to clean up. I turned to my wife and looked at her
tired and yet lovely face.
How are you feeling, Natalie? I said as I caressed her cheek.
Im really tired, but Im so happy, she said with a grin. I hugged her some more and welcomed my
familys congratulations. Then everyone left us alone so Nat could get some sleep.
She woke up two hours later to feed the baby. She caught me licking my lips as I watched her unleash
her large, swollen breasts. I tried to calm my erection, so I looked away as she fed the baby.
Our son is already good with timing investments. If he waited a little longer, I wouldve needed to
get us a new bed.
Cam, Im sorry we didnt get to christen the new bed, she apologized after catching me licking my
lips and mentioning the bed. I looked at my exhausted wife like she was crazy.
Baby, there is nothing to be sorry for. Besides, just imagine if your water broke while we were
fucking on the bed.
It wouldve really been a christening for sure. She giggled.

The End

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