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Lou Gerstner: People do what you inspect, not what you expect.

In other words
What gets measured; gets done. That is the golden mantra for any person who is put in
charge of reviving a sick or failing company.
I have been at the helm of reviving two sick companies in my career. The last one was the
most dramatic. We turned around a company with 3crs of sales and 6crs of liabilities to 24crs
of sales and 6crs of profit in just 2 years. There was no magic to it. There were only 2 new
products and variants. There were no new great talents added to the company because the
company could hardly afford people. It simply takes systematic, methodical execution of
action plans, daring to break past rules of the industry and bold, decisive leadership. The
process, though, can be traumatic in some parts and that is part of managing a business. Since
the PC launch, computer giant IBM was slaughtered by many small competitors during the
late 1980s and early 1990s. Lou Gerstner was brought in to revive IBM in 1993.
Gerstner achieved was most thought was a tough task if not impossible because IBM was that
big fat elephant. He wrote a book about the turnaround of IBM which I read in 2002 Who
says elephants cant dance? That book is an inspiration for any manager who is stuck
with a sick company or a sick branch. It is a marvelous story about the reengineering of IBM.
It has a hilarious quote from an IBM executive about reengineering: Reengineering is
like starting a fire on your head and putting it out with a hammer.
That is the assignment Narendra Modi was given charge of. Reviving and turning around a
sick govt and economy and putting India back on rails. At the end of the corrupt CongressUPA govt in 2014 India was in shambles, low on esteem and reputed for being among the
most corrupt countries in the world. At one year of ModiSarkar the Congress and its corrupt
Commie allies are showering ridicule on it. From Yechury to Commie doormats like The
Hindu, they cannot see any difference. That is on expected lines. My measure of ModiSarkar is
simple Is he following the mantras of a person who is doing his job of reviving
India? We shall see. This is the day ModiSarkar was sworn in last year. Here is how the
Congress wants to observe the day:

The criminally corrupt Congress demonstrates why it is nothing but a brainless group of idiots
whose only skill is to lick the feet of their Goddess SoniaG and her moron son RahulG. The
absconding Pappu returned to India after 56 days to utter more nonsense in his long
repertoire of joker-like utterances. What is the first change we see? That the PMO has been

restored to the PM. Earlier we had a puppet Limp Bizkit whose only answer to questions on
solutions was I have no magic wand. From being driven by a backseat Driverani like
SoniaG the PMO now rightly holds the final word on all issues concerning the Cabinet and
India. Should we count other improvements? Lets do some. Heres a quick checklist on some
indicators by WSJ:

Inflation is down, rupee has been relatively stable, 2014-15 showed GDP growth of 7% plus,
Coal and other national assets have been auctioned more sensibly and transparently, mining
benefits have a greater share for states, rescue operations for Indians (and other nationals)
abroad, strong impact of India on world stage. All mundane stuff; eh? Thats what corrupt
Congis and some media crooks would have you believe. For the muck created by the previous
govt in a decade many morons want everything solved in a year. It is like expecting a duffer
like Pappu to suddenly grow brains in a week which he hasnt managed in 44 years.
There are many more accomplishments that I can list but that is not exactly my objective. The
most important as Arun Jaitley put it from a climate of gloom, the country now
looks up in optimism. Add to that the fact that we now have a govt which we dont
constantly worry about indulging in secretly scamming the country. The intentions
are honest, the direction is right. The road ahead maybe different and varied but as long as the
direction and signals are right, people should back a govt that will not cheat them. There is no
govt in the world that is ever going to give a golden era to its people all of a sudden
anymore and no one even expects it. All that people want is a govt to be honest, transparent,
acknowledge mistakes and punish law-breakers. My other interest, of course, is where does
the corrupt MSM stand now?
Many criminal media editors who campaigned against Modi have lost steam. They only
manage to make sly silly personal jibes at him and nothing more. Indias biggest queenPresstitute has reduced herself to a fat, grotesque entity who now spends time attending
parties and weddings. Lot of wine and junk food must have helped reduce her sorrows. Other
Congi doormats like Rajdeep Sardesai are busy giving themselves self-certificates of
neutrality. The Wheeler-Dealer crook Shekhar Gupta received an astoundingly severe slap
from M. Katju:

That is the way so-called editors are being treated these days. People on SM expose their
stupidity instantly. Each time the Modi-hating media crooks have tried to tar the GOI, the
facts coming out later have thrown dinosaur-eggs on the faces of all media channels and
editors like the fraudulent Christians under attack campaign. Even in the Nepal
earthquake tragedy Nepalese showed their contempt for Indian reporters and channels for
their scavenging over the dead. They will not change but people have changed on how
they consume the crap our MSM produces with truckloads of salt. Nobody takes
an opinion or news item from these criminals at first instance without double checking with
multiple sources. This is the greatest accomplishment by people and, to some extent, Modis
tactics with the media. Apart from that, most are behaving like mongrels deprived of their
regular crumbs on AirIndiaOne junkets. Theres no more free lunch.
The only remaining tool that Congress-Commies use to attack ModiSarkar with is the fake
chant of the govt being anti-poor, anti-farmer. Even that fakery is being demolished by facts
and stats by people on SM. Congress right down from Nehrus contempt for villagers has a
history of misleading and cheating farmers and the poor. The answer is better communication
with farmers and rural India. I am happy to see a channel dedicated to farmers that will
address this need:

We may have lot more to demand from ModiSarkar but I have no doubts that his govt is on
the right track. That is why I dismiss all the bogus, fact-less criticism of Congress and its
Commie allies and their pimps in the media. If the Congress wants to celebrate the death
anniversary of ModiSarkar they will sink themselves further into the sludge theyre already
in led by a delusional juvenile jerk. I dont place much value on silly polls but even most polls
show over 70% of people satisfied with ModiSarkar. I was shifted to sales and marketing in a
crisis situation by one of my companies. I turned around that branch and since then, as I
narrated, I turned around two other sick companies. I have learned a very valuable lesson in
that experience that I would like to share with you.
The last company I turned around was sick but once we started raking in more profits and
cash-surpluses the MD & Co kept demanding more and more cash-flow. Suddenly, the huge
cash-flows were disappearing and we were facing cash-crunches. It was an inexplicable
situation. We even started defaulting on bank-loans and payments to creditors. On a serious
investigation I found that the MD and his family were siphoning cash from the business to
invest in real estate of enormous proportion and engineering a crisis in the company that they
thought employees would stand up to. Fake LCs, real estate deals, purchase of expensive
properties in Mumbai and other places thats where all the turnaround cash-surpluses went.
That is what Congress did and will do to India. I dumped that company when I learned about
these misdeeds.
The lesson is an honest ModiSarkar is one I would trust with my money and support in the
years ahead. At least he wont siphon funds from turnaround-around surpluses while keeping
India on a steady path of growth and power. Can you trust Congress or some stupid Janata
Pariwar similarly? In reengineering India ModiSarkar need not set its head on fire. Simple
honest, transparent work will do.

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