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Appendix No 1 to Agreement No......................

From . year

Selection of a tariff plan and promotional terms and conditions for its use - Tel HomeBox
1. Subscribers Data

(full name and PIN number)


SIM card, telephone number, tariff plan, credit limit

SIM card No

Telephone number

Tariff plan


Credit limit* in BGN

M tel Homebox

* Mobiltel EAD [sole owner joint stock company] reserves the right to change the amount of credit limit.
3. Home address:

Remote subscriber
3.1. The subscriber uses M Tel HomeBox under conditions of Remote subscriber
(selecting this option have to be marked in the box)
3.2. Remote subscriber means the ability of the subscriber to use a fixed telephone number (referred to in section 2 of this Appendix) of the numbering
range of Mobiltel EAD (hereinafter referred to as Mobiltel or Operator) with the code for a national dial from another settlement, situated in the same
administrative district (under the administrative-territorial division of Bulgaria) with the Home address (referred to in section 3 of this Appendix). Mobiltel
reserves the right unilaterally to seven days written notice to change the fixed telephone number of remote subscriber or suspend access to it if there is a
disposition of regulatory, government or other authoritative body.
4. Promotional prices for tariff plan M-tel HomeBox:
Elements of the tariff plan


Price BGN VAT/MB/min inclusive

For an agreement period of 12 months


For an agreement period of 24 months


Monthly fee

5000 MB


Free transmission package of data in Mobiltels network (per month)


Free minutes for outgoing calls to fixed networks in the country (per month)



Free minutes for outgoing calls to Friends and Family numbers (per month)



Numbers in the Friends and Family group


Price for changing Friends and Family number**



Price per minute outgoing calls to the Friends and Family numbers after the free minutes are



Price per minute outgoing calls to numbers of the fixed Mobiltels network after the free
minutes for outgoing calls to fixed networks in the country are used-up



Price per minute outgoing calls to other national fixed networks in the country after the free
minutes are used-up



Price per minute outgoing calls to other telephone numbers of the Mobiltels mobile network out
the Friends and Family numbers



Price per minute outgoing calls to mobile networks of other undertakings, providing electronic
communication services in the country



Price per 1 MB in Mobiltels network after the free transmission package of data is used-up


*Selected option have to be marked in the appropriate box

**First 5 (five) entries or changes of Friends and Family numbers are free.

Date: 15/09/2009


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Prices for international Calls



Price BGN VAT inclusive

Fixed networks: Austria (Vienna), Great Britain (London), Greece (Athens), Russia (Moscow), Turkey
(Istanbul), France (Paris);



Fixed networks: Australia, Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Vatican, Great Britain, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece,
Denmark, Estonia, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Monaco,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Croatia,
Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden; Fixed and mobile networks: Canada and USA



Fixed networks: Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Montenegro;



Fixed networks: Albania, Argentina, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Israel, Latvia, Moldova, New
Zealand, Ukraine, Hawaii, Japan;


Fixed networks: Algeria, Libya, Mexico, Palestine, Hong Kong, South Korea;
Mobile networks: Australia, Austria, Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Belgium, Belarus, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Israel, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy,Cyprus, Latvia, Libya,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova , Monaco, Norway, Palestine, Romania, Russia, Slovakia,
Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic,
South Korea, Japan;



Fixed networks: China, Malta, Singapore;

Mobile networks: Andorra, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Estonia, China, Malta, New Zealand,
Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden;



Fixed networks: Kenya, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Tunisia;

Mobile networks: Tuvalu;
Fixed and mobile networks: Azerbaijan, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia,
Aruba, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bahamas, Bahrain, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil,
Brunei Darussalam, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Bhutan, Venezuela, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana,
Guinea, Grenada, Georgia, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Ecuador, Equatorial, Zambia,
Zimbabwe, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan,
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Liberia, Lebanon, Mauritania, Madagascar,
Macao, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, United Arab Emirates,
Oman, Mavritsius Island, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, El Salvador, Saudi Arabia, St. Vincent and
Grinedayns, Senegal, Syria, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Thailand, Tanzania, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago,
Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Philippines,
Haiti, South Africa, Jamaica;



All other countries






Terms of tariff plan

Tariff principles valid for outgoing calls - charging for calls to all networks is per second after the first 60 seconds which are inseparable;
Tariff principles valid for data traffic - 1 KB;
Free minutes to Friends and Family numbers and to fixed networks in the country shown in the table in section 4 do not include outgoing calls to
numbers for value added tax services and/ or other specialized services (including numbers 131 and *88, Musicall, M-Tel+, STUDIO 88, Vodafone Live!), to
numbers of data and fax, WAP outgoing calls. If the free minutes can not be used during the current month, their license to use is lapsed and these minutes
are not transferred to the following month;
In case that the free transmission package of data in Mobiltels EAD network is not used entirely in the current month, its license to use is lapsed and
the unused traffic included in the package is not transferred to the next month;
Price per minute outgoing calls to numbers 0700/1700: 0,15 BGN excluding VAT;
All other services not specifically mentioned in this appendix are charged according to current price list of Mobiltel EAD for the relevant service, published on


Other conditions for the use of M-Tel HomeBox

Service M-Tel HomeBox (Service) is a fixed service through which the subscriber receives a package, containing HomeBox device and SIM card
with fixed number and mobile number which allows the subscriber to make calls via both fixed number to the number of fixed electronic communication
network, and calls through mobile number to the number of mobile electronic communication network.
The subscriber receives for temporary use within the validity of this Agreement, communications equipment, required for use of the Service
(HomeBox device). The HomeBox device is provided in a kit with a SIM card, pointed out in this Appendix.
6.3. The subscriber is obliged to protect and preserve the given HomeBox device wisely. As a guarantee for fulfilling that obligation the subscriber paid upon
signing of the Agreement and this Appendix amount of a monthly subscription fee.
The subscriber is obliged to notify immediately Mobiltel in case of a loss, theft and any damage to or violation of the given HomeBox device.
If proven a factory defect of the HomeBox device, the subscriber is obliged to request its replacement within 48 hours.
The subscriber is obliged upon termination of the Agreement to return to Mobiltel the received HomeBox device in working order. The return shall be
certified by take-over protocol signed by representatives of both parties. The condition of the HomeBox device is established by Mobiltel, and is certified in
the take-over protocol. Upon return of the HomeBox device under this section, Mobiltel returns the subscriber the amount of section 6.3 of this Appendix
after repayment of all obligations to Mobiltel.
The subscriber is obliged not to change the address to use the services referred to in this Appendix. Changing the address may be made only by
signing a new appendix if there is a technical possibility for that. After the change, the subscriber reserves the already given numbers, if only there is a
technical possibility for that.
The subscriber is obliged to use SIM cards listed in this Appendix only in HomeBox device provided by Mobiltel bundled with these SIM cards. To
avoid any doubt: The subscriber is not entitled to remove from the HomeBox device in the package and use these SIM cards with any other device, and to
use the given with the Agreement and this Appendix HomeBox device with any other SIM cards.
Mobiltel has the right to carry out technical monitoring over the implementation of the obligation under the preceding paragraph and in case of
violation, Mobiltel warns the subscriber through short text and / or voice messages. For repeated violation of the obligation of section 6.7 of this appendix
Mobiltel has the right to suspend access to the Service and / or terminate the Agreement to which this Appendix is being signed.
7. Responsibility
If the customer violates its obligations under this Agreement or the General Conditions, the same owes penalty in the amount of monthly
subscription fees payable by subscriber for the SIM card to the expiration of the agreement deadline.
In the event that upon termination of the Agreement the HomeBox device is returned by the subscriber in disrepair or not be reimbursed Mobiltel
may retain the amount under section 6.3 of this Appendix, and obtain from subscriber compensation equal to the value of the HomeBox device
excluding VAT under the current price list of Mobiltel.

Selection of Friends and Family numbers

Telephone number of SIM card

Friends and Family numbers group

The subscriber has the right to change any Friends and Family number once a month.
In the Friends and Family group can be included only mobile numbers of Mobiltel. Short numbers, numbers providing value added services and other
specialized services can not be included.

9. Date of signature: 15/09/2009

M Tel Store: M Tel Store Varna 1


OPERATOR: Natalia Shtilianova Dimitrova

/full name/

/full name/

/signature, stamp/

Date: 15/09/2009



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AGREEMENT No......................





Company name

Mobiltel EAD

Permanent address:

Head office address:

1 Kukush Street, Sofia 1309



Address for correspondence:

M Tel Store:

M Tel Store Varna 1

AGENT (agent, guardian, trustee)

M Tel Employee

Natalia Shtilianova Dimitrova




Name of the agent:

Services, pricing and payment

Seat and address:

3.1. Mobiltel provides services through its electronic communications network (Web), under the terms
of the General Conditions on relationships between Mobiltel EAD and the subscribers of fixed
telephone voice service (Terms) and the appendix forming inseparable part of this agreement. With
respect to services provided by public mobile terrestrial network Mobiltel applies accordingly Terms of
relations between Mobiltel EAD and subscribers and users of public mobile terrestrial networks Mobiltel
EAD standards GSM and UMTS (General Conditions for mobile services )
3.2. Services activated on the basis of this agreement shall be payable under tariff chosen by the
subscriber (subscription) plan referred to in Appendix 1 to this agreement. Services used by the
subscriber which are not listed in Appendix 1 shall be paid in accordance with current price list of
3.3. Except the selected by the subscriber tariff plan in Appendix 1 should be given and specific
conditions associated with it. Change of the tariff plan under this agreement shall be made by signing a
new Appendix 1.
3.4. Method and time limits for payment of amounts owed by the Subscriber under this agreement are
set out in the General Conditions.

Address for correspondence:




Permanent address:
Address for correspondence:
Attorney or other proof of representation (number, date, issued by)


Court registration (company case, court):

VAT number / Bulstat:

Representative by case registration (full name)




Attorney (full name, PIN, data ID and authorization - number, date, issued by):

Date: 15/09/2009

Time: 15:28:32

Terms of using the services

4.1. Until expire of this agreement according section 5.1. the subscriber is not allowed to:
a) to unilaterally terminate this contract;
b) to suspend network access;
c) to transfer its rights and obligations under the agreement to third parties.
4.2. If until the deadline under the preceding paragraph the subscriber violates its obligations under
this agreement, its appendix and / or Terms, Mobiltel is entitled to terminate the agreement and / or
receive a penalty referred to in Appendix 1.
4.3. If proven a factory defect on the SIM card provided on the basis of this agreement, the subscriber
is obliged to request its replacement within 48 hours.
4.4. If the SIM card is lost or stolen, the subscriber (regardless of his location) is required to
immediately notify Mobiltel orally, to stop his access to the network, otherwise the subscriber is obliged
to pay the cost of services used after the theft or loss. If within 72 hours of oral notification subscriber
has not requested reimbursement of access, Mobiltel discontinues the access permanently. The
subscriber shall, within 14 days of final termination of access to the network, to request replacement of
lost or stolen SIM card with a new one.

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4.5. The subscriber voluntarily provides Mobiltel necessary personal and other data and
agrees they should be stored and processed under the provisions of the WEU, PDPA and
other legislation for the purpose of providing the services covered by this agreement. The
subscriber agrees the data to be provided by Mobiltel to third parties - managers and
operators of personal data under PDPA for the purpose of credit assessment and / or
collection of debts due under this agreement and / or attachments.
4.6. By signing this agreement the subscriber agrees to receive from Mobiltel through
short text messages (sms), post mail, electronic mail or other appropriate way information
regarding promotions, special programs, tariffs, offers and any other information relating
to him as a subscriber.
5. Term and termination of the agreement
5.1. This agreement is for a period of 24 months from the date of its signature.
5.2. Before the expiry of the preceding paragraph subscriber is not entitled to terminate the
contract, except: a) after paying the due penalty together with all amounts due under the
agreement, or b) subject to the section 49.2.2 of the general conditions as in this case the
subscriber does not owe the penalty, pointed out in Appedix 1.
The agreement is automatically extended for an indefinite period, if 1 (one) month
before the expiry on section 5.1 neither party shall send written notice of termination. In this
case the obligation of the subscriber under section 4.1 of this agreement is eliminated.
Mobiltel has the right to unilaterally terminate the agreement for services in
cases referred to in section 49.3 of the General Conditions.
The subscriber has no right of ownership on the provided by Mobiltel numbers. In
the event that this agreement is terminated and the subscriber does not enter into another
agreement for services with Mobiltel in respect of the number, the customer loses the right
to use this number and Mobiltel may provide this number for use by another user.

6.2. In case that the subscriber has declared its agreement about the used by the reference number to
be included in the telephone directory service, the subscriber declares that: (a) is aware and agrees
with the rules for collecting and providing data for the purposes of the telephone directory
service provided by Mobiltel EAD, (b) personal data provided under section 6.1 of this Agreement are
for purposes of telephone reference service provided by Mobiltel EAD and can not be provided to third
parties for the purpose of providing their services and to be published in electronic and print media.
6.3. For the issues in the agreement conditions shall apply the provisions in the Appendix, the General
Conditions and the Bulgarian legislation.
6.4. All disputes between the parties shall be settled by mutual agreement, and failing that, the parties
agree disputes arising out of this agreement to be considered by the competent court in Sofia.

By signing this agreement the subscriber declares that he has received a copy of the
General Conditions and Terms and Conditions for mobile services,that he is familiar
with them and agrees with them, as well as he is with the current price list of Mobiltel

7. Date of signature:


M Tel Store: M Tel Store Varna 1


6. Final provisions
6.1. By signing this agreement the subscriber declares that:
a) agrees the data - name of subscriber (referred to in this contract) and number /numbers,
be included in the telephone directory service provided by Mobiltel


Date: 15/09/2009





Full name of the employee:

Natalia Shtilianova Dimitrova

Full name:


b) agrees that users provided to the subscriber numbers on this and other agreements for
services to request inclusion in the telephone directory service




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