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In all plans we think, words we say, things we do, LOVE or hatred reflectsour principles in life.

you think you have given love or HATRED to the NINE SECTORS OF LOVE: 1)Self 2)Family
3)Friends & Enemies 4)Neighbors 5)Classmates & Teachers 6)Officemates, Boss, &
Company 7)Love for the Country 8)Love for the World 9)Love to God, Church, &

Nine Sectors of Love:

1) The Selfish SELF

Do you know yourself? List down all your good and bad characteristics. Don't be bias!
Critically analyze each positive and negative trait you have acquired since childhood days. From
these attitudes, you have developed distinct philosophies on life; some are universally acceptable
in this global society while others are morally degrading. To know more of yourself, it is best to let
your acquaintances read your personal analysis of who you are. Be brave enough to ask them
whether your own character observation is the same with their impression of your social
character. Take the shame and fame of your name. It is only by humbly admitting your mistakes
or flaws will you strive to enhance your self image. One way to improve more your LOVE for
yourself is to restructrure your personal principles in concordance to the globe and God's
universal principles. Do you follow Godly moral responsibilities critically observed by the people
around the world.

2) Nuclear & Extended FAMILY

Do you LOVE your direct family and relatives in exchange of their unconditional and
undying love for you? The best way of expressing Love to your nuclear and extended families is
to follow their philosophies in life. In doing this, you'll not be able to hurt their hearts' principles
they have been practicing through the passing years. But time will come that you associate with
other unique people with different and various characteristics that they developed from the people
who motivated or molded them into a beautiful, useful jar from a mud of clay. From this social
association, you form confusions on new people's principles in contrast to your beliefs handed
down from your loved ones and people whose happiness and miseries you have shared through
the years. When this scenario happens, it is important to weigh the social significance of
contradicting principles.

But never forget to consult the principles of God written in the Bible and practiced by
God's families. If after thorough examination certain things are globally acceptable in this
changing global society, check whether these socially approved activities can glorify or please
God. Remember there are things in life that seem socially acceptable but a great displeasure to
God's sight. If you become sons/daughters of God's family, it will be your huge responsibility to
share the Gospel's principles to the world including your family members. One of God's principles
is to accept and forgive the sins of yourself, familes, and those who have done wrong to you, your
family, and even those not related to you. This implies God's most important principle - to LOVE
Him by loving your families which includes giving difficult but needed advices for their Godly
formation of good values and right conduct that will reflect in everything they plan, say and do.
What are your treasured principles but priceless to God's global families?

3) Love for Tresured FRIENDS & Friendly ENEMIES

Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are; Birds of the same feathers
flock together. Do you strongly agree or skeptical on these famous sayings? The two sayings
have one same message - like your family members, friends consciously or unconsciously
influence your principles in life making you one of them.

Whenever you have troubles and queries on how to have a wonderful life sometimes or
even always challenged with distress and miseries, it is critical to gain words of wisdom from
friends and family. But when your family is narrow-minded, forming a wrong impression on you
when you try to open up to them, you beg sympathy and a little enlightenment from your friends.
However, it is your big obligation to wisely weigh the advices of your friends. If you are unclear to
apply your friends' vague suggestions to resolve all your troubles, it is best to ask further
knowledge to your loving family members, other religious leaders, and strong personalities with
optimistic outlook on having a godly life. People walking with God have a deeper understanding
of how to beautify life. They can help you end all your struggles rooted in the past, form positive
principles at present despite the worst past, and confidently predict mornings at night in near

But true friendship is constantly tested, causing you and your friends to make mistakes. If
you don't consider your friends' shortcomings and admit your contribution to the conflict, pride will
swallow your heart. This manifests building walls from the once-sweet mutual understanding and
eventually deciding to treat old friends as new enemies. Remaining friends should do their best to
break the bricks of conflict and be a bridge for forgiveness to the broken friendship. These friends
have deep understanding of true love to all that forgives those that hurt your heart's comfort zone.
In contrast, friends whose hearts are stone have no capacity to lighten your burden; instead, they
nuture your grudge to your ex-friends. Trusting people as friends (faithful friends, newcomers,
and even family) becomes a crucial issue because of the thought that they may hurt your heart
just like your once-trusted friends did. Thus, your heart breeds darkness blinding your mind to
think thanks to the friendly challenges that lead friends to foes. Stuck in a congested closet to
avoid further hurts, your heart's doors don't like to absorb God's true Loving principle of
Forgiveness. When old treasured or new found friends, family members and relatives, new
comers in a budding relationship commit a single, slight sin, you swiftly commit yourself to never
trust them eternally and hate all people who love those you hate. Alone in your vast, dark
universe with entrance to friends who sympathize your anger and add up fierce fury to your
shared friendly enemies, you will dig a shallow understanding of best solutions to the worst
struggles that bug down your world. With black principles not universally acceptable, you will be a
fool rushing to things that in the end will degrade your family name.

But when a foolish friend minds to polish his once-polluted philosophies and accepts his
mistakes in your broken fellowship, he will do his best to transfer brilliant ideas in his enlightened
mind to your lost soul. From time to time, your reformed friend needs to improvise his methods to
convey the message of having a golden heart that loves to forgive and guide everyone not to
make mistakes. Now and then, you will sense your friend-enemy-friend's powerful plans,
wonderful words, and facts of his acts that will enliven your deadening spirit. Slightly enlightened,
you will continuously hunger for bright principles to whiten the dark, past lies and face all
consequences from the troubles you made. Standing up from falling, unforgiving friends, family,
and society will condemn you and throw curses with bases of your past acts. With persistent
consistency on showing your sincere restructuring of personal views of the universe with God and
you at the center, genuine friends will eventually restore the shattered sisterhood. When society
still seems to outcast you of your gruesome contribution to the grave losses of particular social
individuals, NEVER forget to BEFRIEND GOD with a big heart having the greatest capacity
to love, forgive, and make you his bestfriend. He will never condemn nor make you feel
worthless because of the worthless things you did against his will. Are you willing to make God
your Bestfriend or still instilling in your mind that God is your Best enemy?

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