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User Manual

Network Management System

NetMaster Help .....................................................................................................4

About NetMaster ...............................................................................................4
NetMaster functionality......................................................................................4
Getting started...................................................................................................5
More information............................................................................................5
Version ..............................................................................................................6
Install ....................................................................................................................7
How to install NetMaster ...................................................................................7
System requirements ........................................................................................8
Technical Description ........................................................................................9
Getting Started ................................................................................................10
NetMaster Server.........................................................................................10
NetMaster GUI Client...................................................................................11
How to.................................................................................................................13
Discover elements...........................................................................................13
How to discover and manage an NE ...........................................................13
Monitor elements.............................................................................................15
Alarms .........................................................................................................16
Performance ................................................................................................20
Update elements .............................................................................................26
How to synchronize the clock on a NE ........................................................26
How to download software to an NE............................................................27
How to change name of a NE ......................................................................29
User Administration .........................................................................................30
How to create a new user-group..................................................................30
How to create a new user ............................................................................31
How to change your password.....................................................................32
GUI handling ...................................................................................................33
How to use the NetMaster help system .......................................................33
How to launch the NetMaster help system ..................................................33
How to reposition views ...............................................................................34
Configure NetMaster .......................................................................................40
How to configure Northbound Interface SNMP ............................................40
GUI overview ......................................................................................................41
The graphical user interface ............................................................................41
The objects in a perspective............................................................................47
The objects in a view.......................................................................................52
Visualization of alarms ....................................................................................59
Predefined perspectives .....................................................................................65
Discover perspective .......................................................................................65
Geographical Surveillance perspective ...........................................................66
Logical Surveillance perspective .....................................................................67
Security Audit perspective ...............................................................................69
User Management perspective........................................................................70
All views and dialogs...........................................................................................71
Fault ................................................................................................................71

Manual for NetMaster

Active Alarms view.......................................................................................71
Historical Alarms view..................................................................................75
Alarm Summary view...................................................................................80
Alarm Templates view .................................................................................82
Alarm Template Assignment view................................................................87
Enable Performance Collection dialog.........................................................89
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog ....................................................92
Historical Performance Table view ..............................................................97
Time Series Performance Graph view .......................................................102
Distribution Performance Graph view ........................................................109
Current Performance dialog.......................................................................116
Current Performance Table view ...............................................................119
Reset Performance Counters dialog..........................................................124
TCA Templates view..................................................................................125
TCA Template Assignment view................................................................135
CPE Radio Statistics view .........................................................................137
Group Administration view .........................................................................139
User Administration view ...........................................................................143
User Audit view..........................................................................................147
Discover ........................................................................................................150
Discover Settings view...............................................................................150
Unmanaged Elements view .......................................................................158
Q1 Gateway view.......................................................................................163
Topology .......................................................................................................167
Logical Map view .......................................................................................167
Geographical Map view .............................................................................177
Logical Tree view.......................................................................................188
Geographical Tree view.............................................................................196
Northbound SNMP Agent..............................................................................205
Northbound SNMP Settings view...............................................................205
NetMaster SNMP Agent ............................................................................210
Other .............................................................................................................212
Properties view ..........................................................................................212
Progress view ............................................................................................214
Web Browser view .....................................................................................215
Configuration .................................................................................................217
Hardware Inventory view ...........................................................................217
Software Inventory view.............................................................................219
Software Download Jobs view ...................................................................222
Create Software Download Jobs wizard ....................................................224
Clock Synchronization Settings view .........................................................228
Security Templates view............................................................................230
Security Template Assignment view ..........................................................239
CPE Inventory view ...................................................................................241

NetMaster Help
CPE Details view .......................................................................................243
Configuration File Management view.........................................................244
General dialogs and views ............................................................................248
NetMaster Login dialog..............................................................................248
Alarm dialog...............................................................................................249
Filter Manager view ...................................................................................250
Customize Columns dialog ........................................................................258
Save Changes dialog.................................................................................260
Export To File dialog..................................................................................261
Preferences ...................................................................................................263
Preferences: Fault Colors and Sounds ......................................................263
Preferences: External Configuration Tools ................................................269
Preferences: Enable Clock Synchronization ..............................................276
Preferences: Help Browser ........................................................................278
Preferences: Password Settings................................................................280
Preferences: User Settings ........................................................................282
Preferences: Server Connection................................................................284
Preferences: Web Browser ........................................................................287
NetMaster Server monitor..........................................................................288
Alarm Frequency Report grouped by Network Element view ....................293
Alarm Frequency Report List view .............................................................299
All Active Performance Measurements Report ..........................................305
Inventory Report view ................................................................................309
Network Element Types Overview Report view .........................................314
Top-50 Active Performance Measurements report view ............................318
Supported NE types ......................................................................................323
Dictionary ......................................................................................................326

Manual for NetMaster

NetMaster Help
About NetMaster
NetMaster is a comprehensive Network Management System offering centralized
operation and maintenance capability for the complete range of network
elements in the Nera Networks product portfolio, consisting of all Microwave
Radios, OEM and third party products.
NetMaster offers full range management of all Nera network elements. It has the
ability to perform configuration, fault, performance and security management.
NetMaster is the user interface to all Nera transmission and access products and
the key issue for the system is to present Nera management networks in the
simplest possible manner. The software has network auto-discovery and uses
the configuration data in the network elements to automatically build the
managed network. The various elements and their attributes may be accessed
using the intuitively graphical presentation of the element and its components.
NetMaster has a continuously updated display of network status and network
events are reported from the elements using notifications. An extensive database
and context sensitive help facilities enable the user to analyze and report network
NetMaster provides the following network management functionality:

Fault Management
Configuration Management
Performance Monitoring
Security Management
Graphical User Interface with Internationalization
Network Topology using Perspectives and Domains
Automatic Network Element Discovery
HW and SW Inventory
Software Download jobs
Northbound interface to higher order OSS
Report Generator

Functionality is maintained also during network growth, ranging from the smallest
single-server management solution to a large clustered multi-server system. High
availability and reliability is obtained through different redundancy schemes.

NetMaster functionality
The NetMaster system is scalable both in size and functionality. The NetMaster
NMS Server is the basis for any NetMaster system, providing basic functionality

NetMaster Help
within the Fault, Configuration, Performance and Security (FCPS) management
areas. The NMS Server is by itself an advanced tool for the user to perform
operations and monitor network elements for the whole operational network in
real time. The flexible client/server architecture gives the operators easy access
to all network elements and full control of the system from many different
By selecting among a set of optional features, the NetMaster system can be
enhanced and tailored to each operators individual needs and requirements.
With all optional features installed, the NetMaster system provides the operator
with an advanced and sophisticated network management system that will highly
increase the efficiency of operations and maintenance in the network.
For easy integration to external higher-level management systems, a Northbound
SNMP interface can be provided.

Getting started
This is the online help system for the Nera NetMaster network management
system. Click here to read more about how to use the online user manual, and
how to launch the manual from different parts of the application.
The manual can provide you with help about how to install and how to start up
the application. As soon as you know how to discover and manage a network
element, you can start designing your network as desired.
Reading the definitions about the different graphical objects in the application will
help you understand more about this manual. The manual contains a wide
selection of "how-to's" (e.g. How to download software to an NE), and a detailed
description of each perspective (e.g. the Geographical Surveillance perspective)
and view (e.g. the Geographical Tree view).

More information
If you cannot find the answer to your question in the user manual, visit our
website at

Manual for NetMaster


This is the user manual for NetMaster R10H00.

How to install NetMaster
For guidance on how to install NetMaster see the document NetMaster
Installation Guide.pdf on CD

Manual for NetMaster

System requirements
System requirements for NetMaster are described in the document NetMaster
System Requirements.pdf on CD


Technical Description
For information about NetMaster architecture see the document NetMaster
Technical Description.pdf on CD

Manual for NetMaster

Getting Started
After the installation process is completed, the NetMaster is ready to be used.
The following section describes how to start the NetMaster Server and GUI

NetMaster Server
At the end of the installation, the NetMaster Server was installed as a Windows
service and a server monitor application is automatically started (look for the
systray icon ). If you selected "yes" to start the server at the end of the
installation process, the server shall already be started. If you selected "No", you
can use the context menu on the server monitor application in the systray to start
the Server. If you don't want the NetMaster Server to start automatically upon
computer reboot, you can set the mode of the NetMaster Service to manual in
the Services applet in the Control Panel.
Firewall settings
If you are connecting any remote GUI clients to the server, and the computers
firewall is enabled, you need to configure your firewall to allow these ports to be
1098: Java RMI Activation Port. TCP port at which the activation system
(rmid) listens
1099: Java RMI Registry Port.
4444: Jboss RMI Object Port. The TCP port at which the RMI objects
created by the J2EE container listens.
To allow these ports to be opened:
1. Open the Windows Firewall in the Windows Control Panel
2. In the General tab, make sure that On (recommended) is selected and
that Dont allow exceptions is not checked.
3. In the Exceptions tab, click the Add Port button. Repeat for all ports to
a. Type the name, i.e. NetMaster JNDI Port
b. Type the port number, i.e. 1098
c. Make sure that TCP is selected
d. If you want to limit the IP addresses that is allowed to connect using
this port, click the Change scope button:
Select Custom list and specify the IP-addresses of all GUI
Client computers, or
Select My network (subnet) only to only allow GUI Clients
within your local subnet.
Click OK

e. Click OK
4. In the Advanced tab, make sure that the network connection your
computer is using is enabled (checked) in the Network Connection
Settings list.

NetMaster GUI Client

Start the NetMaster Client from the program shortcut folder selected during the
installation process. A Login window will be displayed where the authentication
credentials and the server host name must be entered.
The authentication credentials for the root administrator are:
User name: root
Password: pw
Note: It is strongly recommended to change the password of the root account
immediately after the first login to prevent unauthorized access. To change the
password, open the Window/Preferences menu and select the User Settings
See NetMaster Login dialog section for more information.
The next step is now to discover your network. See the How to discover and
manage an NE section for more information.


How to...
Discover elements
How to discover and manage an NE
In NetMaster, network elements are discovered by running a manually invoked
discover process. The process will use given parameters to discover a set of
network elements that can be chosen for management.
The views needed here are found in the Discover perspective.
1. In the Discover Settings view, expand the Mediation Devices tree and
create a new search (or update an existing search) for the NE you want to
2. Make sure that:
a. the search uses the correct mediation device and communication
b. the IP range includes the NE you want to discover (if relevant).
c. you are using the correct port number, SNMP version (if relevant)
and community name (if relevant). All these settings are updated in
the Mediation Devices tree and in the Settings area.
d. your default security profile matches the NE you want to discover.
3. Enable your search by checking the node in the Mediation Device tree.
4. Start the Discover process and wait for it to finish for your mediation
device. The mediation device node will change to green (running) during
the discover process, and back to red (idle) in the Mediation Devices tree
when the discover process is finished.
5. If the NE you wanted to manage was found during the discover process, it
will be displayed in the Unmanaged Elements view. If your NE doesn't
appear in the Unmanaged Elements table, please check your discover
settings and restart the discover process.
6. Select the discovered NE in the Unmanaged Elements table and drag it
into the domain you want in the Geographical Tree view. (Alternatively
select the node in the table and then select manage).

Automatic discovery of Q1 Elements

NetMaster automatically detects and groups Q1 elements into subnetworks when
the discover process is initiated on a Q1 mediation device node.


Manual for NetMaster

The Q1 Elements in the network must be addressed correctly for this scheme to
work properly. The correct way of addressing the Network elements are
described in the section Q1 Addressing.
If there is need for manual tuning of Q1-subnetworks, consider the following:
To see the actual section/su address of the particular Q1-elements,
enable the Q1-address column in the Unmanaged Elements/Managed
Elements views. This column is added by using the Customize Columns
To see what gateways are available to Q1-subnetworks, see the Q1
Gateway view.
If an SU address is changed on an element that is already discovered and
managed by NetMaster, this element must be removed from NetMaster
and rediscovered.
If a Gateway is manually disabled with status "Disabled" in the Q1
gateway View, it is excluded from the discover process and will not be
reopened regardless of whether it is included in the discover range or not.
In addition to the addresses and ports selected in the Discover View, all
previously opened and enabled gateways will also be included in the
discover process.
If the same Q1 elements are discovered several times during one discover
process, this is due to poor network connections. it will be corrected by
running discover once more.


How to...

Monitor elements


Manual for NetMaster

How to create and use an alarm template
Alarm templates are used for changing severities, changing alarm text or
blocking certain incoming alarms from a set of NE. More details about when to
use alarm templates, is described in the chapter about the Alarm Templates
Create a new alarm template
Firstly, you need to create a new alarm template. If you already have created
your template, skip the steps 1 - 8 and proceed to step 9:
1. Open the Alarm Templates view from the main menu, by selecting Views |
Fault | Alarm Templates
2. In the Alarm Templates table; select the NE-type you want to create a
template for, and use the operation Create Template.
3. In the Create Template dialog; enter a Template Name (and optionally a
Description) and then close the dialog by pressing OK.
4. The new alarm template can now be found in the Alarm Templates table in
the Alarm Templates view. You might need to expand the NE Type in the
table to see the new template.
5. Select the new template in the Alarm Templates table. Details about the
template can now be seen in the Template Definition area.
6. In the Default table, select each of the alarms you want to modify, and
move to the Customized table.
7. In the Customized table, for each of the alarms you want to modify, do one
or more as follows:
a) select a new Severity from the dropdown
b) enter a new Alarm Text.
c) block the Alarm by checking the Blocked checkbox
8. When you have finished updating Alarms, press Save to store the updates
in the Alarm Templates view. The new template is now available for NE of
this NE-type in the Alarm Template Assignment view.
Assign an alarm template to a NE
Secondly, you need to assign the new alarm template to a NE.
9. Open the Alarm Template Assignment view by selecting your NE (or a
domain containing this NE) in one of the topology views (Geographical or
Logical Map or Tree), and using the menu Fault | Alarm Template
10. On the line containing your NE in the Alarm Template Assignment view;
select the new template from the dropdown in the Alarm Template column.
11. Save your changes in the view.
All affected incoming alarms for this NE will now appear as defined in step 7:
being blocked, or appearing with a user defined alarm text and/or severity. The


How to...
result of this customization can be observed in the Historical Alarms view, Active
Alarms view and all other views where alarms are visualized.


Manual for NetMaster

How to acknowledge an alarm

Fault conditions on NE are visualized in different views. Whenever a new alarm
is discovered, it is recommended that this error condition is followed up by
someone. This involves identifying and fixing the error on the equipment (solving
the "root-cause problem"), and solving potential consequences of the error
condition for users of your network.
A new fault condition that has been followed up can be flagged by setting an
"Acknowledged" flag on the alarm.
1. Open an Active Alarms view containing the new alarm
2. Select the line containing the new alarm and use the Acknowledge Alarms
3. In the Alarm Comments dialog, enter a sufficient description of how this
alarm is being followed up, and press OK
The alarm is now acknowledged and no longer considered as a "new" alarm, and
the alarm indicators in the topological views are updated to reflect the new alarm
status for the most severe new and active alarms.
The same procedure can be followed on cleared alarms in the Historical Alarms
view, except that acking (acknowledging) alarms will not influence the topological


How to...

How to set alarm preferences

This process can be used by all users whenever they want to change the
presentation scheme for alarms.

Open the Fault Colors preference page.

Check the 'use local color scheme' checkbox to override global settings.
Change the desired severity color by invoking the associated color button.
Select or define a new color from the Color dialog.

The same process can be used by users with administrator privileges to define
global color schemes for all users. In that case the System Colors should be
used and not the Local Colors. Local colors will always override System colors
whenever the 'use local color scheme' checkbox is selected.


Manual for NetMaster

How to enable performance collection
Enabling of performance collection is required for generating graphs and tables
of historical performance data. When you enable performance collection of a
certain performance parameter on an equipment or NE, the measured values
from this resource are collected and stored on the server. A period containing
collected performance data can be visualized as a graph or table, generated from
the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog.
1. Open the Enable Performance Collection dialog by selecting your NE (or
domain containing one or more NE) in one of the topological views
(Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) and then selecting Performance |
Enable Performance Collection from the menu. The scope of the dialog is
displayed in the dialog-title.
2. In the Enable Performance Collection dialog, for each parameter you want
to collect performance data, do as follows:
a. Display the parameter, by expanding the layer rate containing this
parameter in the Layer Rate / Parameter column.
b. Select the line in the table that contains containing the performance
parameter you want to collect.
c. On the selected line, click a checkbox in the 15min or 24h columns
to disable/enable collection of this parameter in each of this
intervals. The selections done in this table affects all NE and
equipment in the current with this performance parameter available.
d. If you want to enable collection intervals on different NE/equipment
(or if you want to see what equipment that contains this
performance parameter):


Click the Details button to open the Performance Collection

Details dialog.
In the Resource Name column in the Performance Collection
Details dialog, you can see all NE and equipment containing
the wanted parameter.
Click the intervals 15min or 24h to disable/enable collection of
the parameter from each of the different resources individually.
Then press OK to save your updates and close the
Performance Collection Details dialog.

e. In the Enable Performance Collection dialog, a grey checkbox in

one of the Interval columns, indicates that a performance
parameter has different interval-settings for different resources
within the scope of the Enable Performance Collection dialog.


How to...

3. When you have finished enabling collection of performance parameters,

press OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
As soon as the server receives some of your enabled performance data within
the selected intervals, this data is stored on the server. This data can now be
visualized in the views Time Series Performance Graph, Distribution
Performance Graph and Historical Performance Table.
See also:
How to view collected performance


Manual for NetMaster

How to view collected performance

Analyzing how values for performance data on a network resource (NE or
equipment) has changed during a time-period, can give you useful information
about how you should configure your network and NE. The collected
performance data can be viewed as a tables or graphs.
Please note that this description is only useful when the server contains collected
performance data from the network resource within the time period you want to
audit. If you don't know if performance collection is enabled, it might be useful to
read the chapter about how to enable performance collection.
1. Open the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog by selecting a NE or
equipment in one of the topological tree-views (Geographical or Logical
Tree) and selecting Performance | Historical Performance Monitoring from
the menu. Alternatively the dialog can be opened by selecting a NE in one
of the topological map-views.
2. The Historical Performance Monitoring dialog now opens with your
selected network resource (NE or equipment) as scope. The Layer Rate /
Parameter table contains all available performance parameters of the
scope, grouped by layer rate. Expand each Layer Rate to see each
parameters in this group.
3. Click each Parameter checkbox to include/exclude data from this
parameter in the display. Alternatively click a Layer Rate checkbox to
include/exclude all parameters within this group.
4. In the Display area, select the type of presentation for your data:
select Historical Table to open the data in the Historical
Performance Table view: a table containing a sequence of logged
performance data for a historical period.
select Time Series Graph to open the data in the Time
Series Performance Graph view: a graph of logged performance
data, grouped as a sequence based on time of measurement.
select Distribution Graph to open the data in Distribution
Performance Graph view: a distribution graph with counts of logged
performance data within different value ranges, grouped by the
different measured values.
5. In the Duration area, select a time-interval to gather performance data. If
the Custom period is selected, you can specify an interval with the Date
and Time dialog, allowing you to include future performance data in the


How to...
6. In the Granularity area, select time-granularity for the collected
performance data. If both intervals 15min and 24h are selected, they will
open in separate views.
7. You can now open the views for presenting your data:
a. Press OK to close the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog and
open the new view (or views) presenting the data as defined in the
dialog: the selected parameters, data within the selected time
interval, data of the selected granularities, and everything is in a
graph or table view of the type you selected.
b. Alternatively you can press Apply to open the view(s) without
closing the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog.
8. Now one of the following will happen
a. A single graph or table view opens as specified.
b. The Multiple Resource Selected dialog opens with a warning that
your selection might result that several graphs is opened. This
warning contains an estimate of the number of new views, offering
you to cancel the operation if the number if views is unreasonable
large. Press Yes to open the new views, or No to cancel.
c. If your selection didn't contain any data, the No Data Found dialog
opens with a warning that no graph or table view will open. If you
still want to view collected performance, you can now go back to
step 1 and try with different settings. Alternatively you should check
if performance collection is enabled for the selected parameters on
this NE or Equipment.
The graph and table views that opens now, contains functionalities for data
presentation in several different styles. The data in the view can be exported to
file, and the graphs can be copied to clipboard. More information about the
available functionality is described in each views chapter in the User Manual
about .
See also:

How to view collected performance

The Historical Performance Table view
The Time Series Performance Graph view
The Distribution Performance Graph view


Manual for NetMaster

How to create and use a TCA Template

Threshold Crossing Alarm templates (TCA Templates) are used for generating
alarms based on performance measurement on the NE. More details about TCA
templates can be found in the chapter about the TCA Templates view.
Create a new TCA template
The first thing you need to do is to create a new TCA template. If you already
have created your template, drop the steps 1 - 7 and proceed to step 8:
1. Open the TCA Templates view from the main menu, by selecting Views |
Performance | TCA Templates
2. In the TCA Templates table; select the NE-type you want to create a
template for, and use the operation Create Template.
3. In the Create Template dialog; enter a Template Name (and optionally a
Description). Then close the dialog by pressing OK.
4. The new alarm template can now be found in the TCA Templates table in
the TCA Templates view. You might need to expand the NE Type in the
table to see the new template.
5. Select the new template in the TCA Templates table. Details about the
template can now be seen in the Template Definitions table, which initially
is empty.
6. For each set of thresholds you want to add, do as follows:
a. Add one or more thresholds by using Add Template Properties on
the selected TCA template. The Add TCA Template Properties
dialog will now open.
b. Select one of the intervals "NA", "24h" or "15min" on the Granularity
dropdown. The Performance Parameters tree will now display
available parameters of the selected Granularity.
c. Select one or more performance measuring points, from the
available parameters in the Performance Parameters tree.
d. Enter values for at least one pair of "trigger" and "clear" for each of
the categories "Highest", "High", "Low" and "Lowest".
e. Close the dialog by pressing OK.
The selected parameter and its threshold values will now appear in the
Template Definitions table. The values for "trigger" and "clear" can be
modified at any time by typing new values in the cells in the table, or using
the Edit context-menu on a line in the table. A line with threshold definitions
can be removed by using the Delete context-menu on a line in the table
7. When you have finished updating the template, press Save to store the
updates in the TCA Templates view. The new template is now available
for NE of this NE-type in the TCA Template Assignment view.


How to...
Assign a TCA template to a piece of equipment on NE
The next thing you need to do is to select equipment for monitoring performance
by assigning the new TCA template.
8. Open the TCA Template Assignment view by selecting your NE (or a
domain containing this NE) in one of the topology views (Geographical or
Logical Map or Tree), and using the menu Performance | TCA Template
9. On each line containing a piece of equipment you want to monitor using
the new TCA template; select the new template from the dropdown in the
TCA Template column, and click the Enabled checkbox to activate the
template on this equipment.
10. Save your changes in the view.
The performance will now be monitored on the selected equipment as defined in
step 6: raising and clearing alarms when performance values crosses any
threshold definition in this template. The TCA alarms can appear with the
severity INDETERMINATE in the Historical Alarms view, Active Alarms view and
all other views where alarms are visualized.


Manual for NetMaster

Update elements
How to synchronize the clock on a NE
If you want the mediator to synchronize the clock on an NE, do the following
1. In the one of the topological views, select a domain containing the NE you
want to synchronize.
2. Select Configuration | Clock Synchronization Settings from the menu.
3. Check the checkbox for the node containing this NE in the Clock
Synchronization Settings view and save the settings.
The synchronization is performed by a process on the mediator, at a fixed time
(usually at night) details of the synchronization process can be found in
documentation for the Mediator.
Please note that the NE needs to have sufficient security templates assigned for
the mediator to perform this operation. The security templates are created in the
Security Templates view, and assigned to NE from the Security Template
Assignment view.


How to...

How to download software to an NE

The views needed in this process can be opened from the Geographical
Surveillance perspective and the Logical Surveillance perspective.
Before you start downloading, you might want to check the current software
versions on the NE you want to download software to. This can be done by:
a. opening the Software Inventory view for the NE (e.g. by selecting the
NE in one of the topological views, and using the Configuration |
Software Inventory context menu).
b. studying the Software Name and Version of the memory banks on the
unit for which you want to upload new software.

if the correct version is already running (on the ACTIVE memory

bank), no action needs to be taken.
if the correct version is already stored on a memory bank in the
unit (on an IDLE memory bank) but has not been activated, you
can activate the software by selecting Activate Software in the
view. No further action needs to be taken.
if no correct version is found on this unit, you need to download
new software, so that this procedure can be continued.

Before downloading software to Evolution or EvolutionAccess elements, make

sure that the HTTP user and password settings given in the Security Template
for these elements are correct. Also be aware that NetMaster expects a ZIP file
to be added to the job containing the four software TAR files. Do not add
individual TAR files.
The following procedure can be followed when downloading software for one
single NE and when downloading for several at the same time.
1. Start the Create Software Download Jobs wizard for the NE for which you
want to upload new software, by selecting a domain containing this NE in
one of the topological views and then selecting Configuration | Create
Software Download Job in the menu. (Alternatively: if you want to
download software to several NEs in different topological models, you
should start the wizard directly from the Software Download Jobs view).
2. In the first page in the wizard, Basic Information, enter a job name (and a
description if needed).
3. In the second page in the wizard, Selecting Elements, use the Element
Type dropdown menu to select an NE type.
4. Then browse the tree in the Elements area and select the NE you want
upload new software to:


Manual for NetMaster


if you want to download to more than one NE, check several

if you want to download software to NEs in different topological
models, use the Model dropdown menu to switch between the
Logical and Geographical Model in the Elements area (this
dropdown menu is only available when the wizard is opened
directly from the Software Download Jobs view).

5. In the third page in the wizard, Select file to download, use the Browse
button to select the file containing your new software. Then exit the wizard
by using the Finish button.
6. The Software Download Jobs view will now open. Select the new job in
the table and start the job by using the Start Job menu option.
7. Monitor the download progress for each of the NEs in the job by
expanding the job in the Software Download Job view. When the state of
the job changes to DONE, the download has completed successfully for
this element.
8. In the Software Inventory view, the new software should now be available
in one of the memory banks with IDLE status. You might have to press
Refresh to retrieve the latest status from the NE. You can now activate the
new software version by selecting the memory bank in the table and
selecting the Activate Software menu option. If this software is activated
successfully, the memory bank's status will change to ACTIVE, while the
previously active memory bank becomes IDLE.
Please note that steps 3 and 4 can be skipped if a single NE was selected when
opening the wizard, as this will skip the Selecting Elements page in the wizard.


How to...

How to change name of a NE

1. Select the NE in one of the topology views (Geographical Tree,
Geographical Map, Logical Tree or Logical Map)
2. Open the Properties view
3. Enter the new name in the userLabel field
Now all clients connected to your server should see the NE with this name. If you
unmanage/remanage the NE, this name will reappear for this NE.
However, this name is only changed in NetMaster. Other EMS systems will still
see the NE with its native name, stored on the NE.


Manual for NetMaster

User Administration
How to create a new user-group
Only members of a user group with Action Permissions for User group
management enabled, are allowed to create new security groups. The new user
group will be owned by the user/group that created it.
The views needed here are found in the User Management perspective:
1. In the Group Administration view select the Create new security group
2. In the Create Security Group dialog enter group name and optionally
description. Press OK to finish.
3. Select the new security group in the Groups table and then select any
appropriate permissions in the Permissions detail part.
See also:
- How to Create New User


How to...

How to create a new user

Only members of a user group with Action Permissions for User account
management enabled, are allowed to create new users. Action Permissions are
managed in the Group Administration view.
The views needed here are found in the User Management perspective:
1. In the User Administration view select the Create User Account operation.
2. In the Create New User dialog enter User name, Password and optionally
enter additional user data. Press OK to finish.
3. Select the new user in the Users table and then select an appropriate
group in the Groups table.
See also:
How to create a new user group


Manual for NetMaster

How to change your password

This procedure can be used for all users whenever they want to change their
own password. As password change involves logging off the server, all ongoing
tasks in the client should be saved and finished before running this procedure.

Open the User Settings preference page.

Enter a new password in the New Password field.
Retype this password in the Confirm New Password field.
If you have retyped the new password correctly, you can now press OK.
The Verify Password Change dialog will now appear, with a warning that
password is changed, and that will be logged off server. Close this dialog
by pressing OK.
6. The NetMaster Login dialog will now appear. Finish the task, by entering
your Login parameters, including your new password and press OK.

Please note that a user with administrator privileges is allowed to change

password for other users at any time, e.g. when the user has lost the password.
This is done by using the Change Password operation on a selected user in the
User Administration view. The administrator should use this operation with care,
as the selected users ongoing work is aborted when the server automatically logs
off all client sessions for this user.


How to...

GUI handling
How to use the NetMaster help system

Browse topics in the Contents frame on the left side of this online help.
Click on a topic to be displayed. Use the Back and Forward buttons to
navigate within the history of viewed topics.

Use the Search frame to display the Search view. To quickly locate
topics on a particular subject in the documentation, enter a query in the
Search area. You can narrow the scope of your search by selecting only
the sections you are interested in.

Click the Refresh / Show Current Topic button after you run a search
and find a topic you were looking for.

Click the Show in Table of Contents button to match the navigation tree
with the current topic. You might also find it useful to synchronize after
following in-topic links.

Select the Show All Topics button to show documentation about

capabilities that are disabled in the application. When you choose to show
all topics in the table of contents, the headings for documentation about
any disabled activities are shown in the table of contents and also appear
in search results.

A text in italic identifies the name of a single GUI object in the application:
a perspective, view, dialog, area, field, icon, menu-item, etc.

How to launch the NetMaster help system

Click the Help icon on the top toolbar to launch the manual with this
start page.


Manual for NetMaster

How to reposition views

Drag the View tab to reposition the view. Depending on how you drag the view, it
will be positioned in different ways.

If you drag a view on top of another pane or into the middle of a view, the cursor
will look like this (before dropping the view):

When you place a view in a "stack" the view will appear "on top" of one or more
views all with the same size and coordinates.
Several views in a stack are displayed like this:

Click a view name to bring this view to the front

Place left

If you drag a view to the left edge of another view, the cursor will look like this
(before dropping):

When you place a view to the left the space for two views will be split equally,
with the moved view to the left.
Step by step example - drag left
Here you can see an example of how to drag a view to the left of another. We
now want to place the Active Alarms view to the left of the Geographical Map


How to...
1. Before we start dragging

We start by moving the mouse cursor to the Active Alarm view's tab.
2. While dragging


Manual for NetMaster

Then we drag the view tab to the left edge of the Geographical Map view. Please
note how the cursor now changes to a left arrow, and how a grey frame indicates
what the new position of the dragged view will be.
3. After positioning left


How to...

Then we drop the view at the left edge of the view. Please note the new position
of the Active Alarms view and the new size of the Geographical Map view.
Place right

If you drag a view to the right edge of another view, the cursor will look like this:

The result is similar to the step-by-step example above (except that the view is
now placed to the right of the other view).
Place top

If you drag a view to the top edge of another view, the cursor will look like this:


Manual for NetMaster

The result is similar to the step-by-step example above (except that the view is
now placed above the other view).
Place bottom

If you drag a view to the bottom edge of another view, the cursor will look like

The result is similar to the step-by-step example above (except that the view is
now placed below the other view).

When dragging a view outside the perspective (only possible when the
NetMaster client is not maximized), the cursor will look like this

The view then will become "detached" from the application, i.e. it will become a
"floating" window on top of the application like this:


How to...

You can always move the view back to a position within the NetMaster
perspective by dragging the view-pane somewhere inside the application.


Manual for NetMaster

Configure NetMaster
How to configure Northbound Interface SNMP
Configuration of Northbound SNMP is a process that involves both configuration
of the Northbound Interface SNMP Settings in the NetMaster Client as well as
properties of the NetMaster SNMP Agent service.

1. Configure Northbound SNMP Settings in the NetMaster Client:

Create a new user and add this user to the predefined user group "SNMP
b. Open Northbound Interface SNMP Settings view by selecting from
the menu View | Northbound Interface | SNMP Settings .
c. Press the Create a new High Level Manager button to start the
Create High-Level Manager wizard.

2. Configure the NetMaster SNMP Agent:

Right-click the NetMaster SNMP Agent Service icon in the Windows
taskbar system tray and select Configuration.
Enter the user name and password for the SNMP Agent user that shall log
on to the NetMaster server as defined in step 1a.
Enter the URL for the NetMaster Server to be monitored.
Stop the SNMP Agent service by right-clicking the NetMaster SNMP
Agent Service icon and select Stop.
Start the SNMP Agent service by right-clicking the NetMaster SNMP
Agent monitor icon and Start.


GUI overview
The graphical user interface
NetMaster is an application built on the Eclipse platform. This platform offers a
graphical user interface (GUI) which differs slightly from the standard Microsoft
Windows GUI. A snapshot of a typical workspace in the NetMaster client
application might look like this:

If we take a closer look at the picture, we can see that the application is built from
several standard objects which will always be present in the application:


Manual for NetMaster

Understanding these objects and how they behave will help you understand the
other chapters in this manual.
In addition to the objects in this figure, NetMaster contains several dialogs,
context menus, view dropdown menus and a set of preference menus. (Please
note that some of the functionality described in the user manual will only be
visible if the user has sufficient permissions for using the application).
Main menu

On the top left side of the application you will always find the main menu (marked
with orange in the above figure).

This is a group of dropdown menus from which you can activate different parts of
the application. From this menu you can:

GUI overview

log off and exit the application

open most views (not the views that needs data-input to open: these views
can only be opened from another view or dialog)
open and manage all perspectives
open the program preferences
open the help system

See chapters about each perspective , about each view or about the program
preferences for more details.

A perspective is a collection of views (marked with green in the above figure),

which reflects a certain working situation. Here are a few examples:

Within a perspective you can open and reposition all the different views you
need. When you install NetMaster, it comes with a set of predefined perspectives
that should help you get started when using the application for the first time.
When you open a perspective all the views belonging to this perspective are
displayed. The views will appear with the same position and scope as when you
last opened the perspective.
The idea behind perspectives is that they provide you with a fast way of moving
between different working situations. You can always reset a perspective to its
default, and you can create your own set of perspectives. For more information


Manual for NetMaster

about opening, moving between and managing perspectives, please see the
chapter about objects in perspectives.

A view is a "window" within the application (marked with blue in the above figure).
NetMaster offers a wide range of functionality available within views, and you can
open all your views in the application at the same time. Here are a few examples:

The views can be opened, closed, resized, moved or detached from the
application as you want.
For more information about how to use views, please see the chapter about
objects in views or how to reposition views within a perspective.
When you open a perspective, a set of views will be displayed. You can open
more views by selecting Views from the main menu, or by using context menus
or dropdown menus within the views that are already open.

A dialog is a window that requests information from the user - and must be
closed before the user can take further action (as distinct from views - where you
can operate all views in the perspective at the same time). The dialog appears on


GUI overview
top of the application, and all other controls in the application become
unavailable until the tasks in the dialog have been completed and/or the dialog
closed. Here are a few examples:

Some dialogs are opened from the main menu, while others are opened from
objects in views: context menus, dropdown menus or from the view toolbars. For
more information about the operations available in each dialog, see the section of
the user manual that describes each view or dialog.

The statusbar can be seen at the bottom of the application (marked with red in
the above figure)

This bar gives you the following information

The User area on the statusbar displays the User name that

is logged on.

This Connection Status area on the statusbar will

always tell you status of the connection to the server. See the chapter
about Server Connection preferences for more details.


Manual for NetMaster

The Progress area on the statusbar displays if the server

is busy with a background process. Double-click this area anytime to open
the Progress view.

Preference menus

The preference pages can be found under Window | Preferences in the main
menu. Here are a few examples:

Please note that all pages can be found in the same Preferences dialog, and that
you can navigate by using the Navigation tree on the left in this dialog:

Click a node in the Navigation tree to open its preferences

Click this icon to expand a subtree with more preference pages

Click this icon to collapse a subtree with preference pages

For more information about the settings in the preference menus, see the section
about the different areas covered by preference menus in the user manual.


GUI overview

The objects in a perspective

A perspective is a collection of views which reflects a certain working situation,
e.g. surveillance of elements, discovery of new elements or managing users.
When changing to another working situation, you can easily switch to another
perspective that reflects this situation and then switch back to the previous
perspective and continue your work there. The user can change or modify each
perspective by opening and closing views, changing the coordinates and data
scope for the views. The user can manage perspectives by creating, renaming,
saving and deleting perspectives.
Please note the following areas, menus and toolbars which will always be
present in NetMaster:

The Perspective toolbar


Manual for NetMaster

The Perspective toolbar is (normally) found on the upper right corner (marked
with pink in the figure above), and may look like this:

This bar displays a list of all currently open perspectives and enhances the
currently active perspective (in this example the Geographical Surveillance
perspective is currently active).
Available operations

Click the Perspective Picker icon to open a list of available

perspectives, where you can can pick the one you want to open. When
selecting Other... you can select from all perspectives using the Select
Perspective dialog.

Click one of the other perspective icons on the toolbar to switch

to another open perspective. The icon in this example will open the
Discover perspective.

Click the More Perspectives icon to pick another open perspective from
a list. This icon will only be displayed when there is not sufficient space for
all open perspectives on the Perspective toolbar.

Drag the left edge of the Perspective toolbar to resize it. Resizing is
indicated by a "double arrow" cursor, as shown here.

The Perspective toolbar also has a context menu where you can:

dock... : re-locate the perspective toolbar to different areas of the

application. The icon bar can be docked top-left (default), top-right or to
the left (vertical).
show text: hide/unhide the name tags for the perspective icons on the
close one or all perspectives (this menu-option is only available when the
context menu is opened on one of the perspective icons).

Perspective main menu

From the main menu (marked with orange in the figure above) under
"Perspective", you can:


reset a perspective.
create a new perspective by saving a perspective with a new name.

GUI overview

save the current perspective so that all views will appear in the current
state next time you reset this perspective.
reset a perspective. All views will now appear the same as when the
perspective was saved.
close the current perspective or all perspectives.
customize perspectives. Customization is carried out from the Customize
Perspective dialog.
delete a perspective.

Please note that only user-defined perspectives can be overwritten or deleted.

The predefined perspectives Geographical Surveillance, Logical Surveillance,
Discover, User Management and Security Audit are protected, and should be
considered as templates for making user-defined perspectives.
Select Perspective dialog

This dialog appears when selecting Other... from the dropdown menu on the
Perspective Picker icon or under Perspective | Open Perspective | Other... in the
main menu.

Select one of the perspectives in the list and press the OK button to open it, or
press the Cancel button to ignore.


Manual for NetMaster

Customize Perspective dialog

The Customize Perspective dialog is opened by selecting Perspective |

Customize Perspective... from the main menu and offers some customization of
the currently active perspective.
The dialog has two different panes.
Customize Perspective dialog - Shortcuts pane

In this pane you can hide perspectives from the list of perspectives in the main
menu by selecting Perspective | Open Perspective, and when clicking the
Perspective Picker icon on the Perspective toolbar. Changes in this dialog will
only be applied to the currently active perspective. This can be useful when you
have designed your own set of preferred perspectives and your list of
perspectives is growing.
All hidden perspectives will still be available in the Select Perspective dialog,
which can be opened from the same menus.
Customize Perspective dialog - Commands pane


GUI overview

In this pane you can hide a set of views and dialogs from the Views submenu in
the main menu. Changes made in this dialog will only be applied to the currently
active perspective.
Please note that hiding views/dialogs in the Customize Perspective dialog does
not affect how you open views from context menus or dropdown menus from
within other views.


Manual for NetMaster

The objects in a view

You will find views whenever you start the application and open a (non-empty)
perspective. You can open more views by selecting Views from the main menu,
or by using context-menus or dropdown menus within the views that are already
The objects in a view

This is a typical snapshot of a view in this case the Geographical Map view:

Some of the objects in this view are found in (almost) all views. Take a closer
look at this example:


GUI overview

The Data area

In the background of the above example, you can see a map of Europe with
several alarm indicators. This area contains the main functionality of the view where the data is presented and/or utilized. Every view will contain one or more
areas like this. The data area can contain a graphical map, a table, a graph or a
set of controllers. Each view and its different data areas and controllers are
described in the GUI overview section of this manual.
The View tab

View tab is found on the upper left edge of any view (marked with yellow in the
above example).

The tab consists of the following objects:

A View icon, which is located on the left of the View tab.(marked with
bright green in the above example). This icon helps you uniquely identify
each view by view type, and the same icon can be found in all menus
where you can open this view.

A Dirty flag, which appears only when there is unsaved data in the view
(marked with orange in the above example). This little asterisk to the left of
the view name indicates that your changes to the view have not yet been


Manual for NetMaster

applied, and that the Save icon on the View toolbar can be used. If you try
to close a view with dirty flag without saving data, the Save Changes
dialog will be opened. You will only find a Dirty flag in views where data is
modified in a Data area on the client, and is saved to the server in a
separate operation.

A View name (marked with blue in the above example). As

with the the View icon, it uniquely identifies each view by view type. The
same name is used in all menus where this view can be opened.

A Scope, which can be found only when the view is opened

with a particular selection of data (the scope Geographic\Europe is
marked with red in the above example). The Scope is text that follows the
View name and describes the data selected in the Data area. If the Scope
is changed while a view is open, this text will be updated dynamically.

A Close View icon (marked with dark green in the above example). If
the view contains any unsaved data (indicated by the Dirty flag), the Save
Changes dialog will let you decide whether to save changes or not.

Available operations on the View tab

Click the tab and drag the view to reposition it. This can be done several
ways, read how to reposistion views to find out more about repositioning
Use the Close View icon to close the view
Use the Viewtab's own context menu. This menu contains shortcuts for
Close, Maximize/Minimize/Restore, and several variants of Resize and
Move a view.

The edge of a view

The edge indicates where a view ends and another starts (marked with a black
arrow in the above example).

Drag the View edge to resize the view. When you move the cursor over
this edge, it will change shape to a "double arrow", indicating that resizing
is possible.

The Scrollbar

A scrollbar will appear whenever a view has more data than there is space for
within the size of a view (marked with brown in the above example)


GUI overview

Click the arrows to scroll the view in the desired direction

Click outside the scrollbar to scroll one page

Drag the scrollbar to quickly scroll the view in either direction

The View toolbar

The View toolbar is a list of icons found in the upper right corner of all views
(marked with bright blue in the above example).
This toolbar will look different for each view. Below is another example of the
View toolbar for the Group Administration view:

Each icon on the toolbar represent an operation on the data in the view, which
can be activated by clicking the icon. Only the most common operations for the
view, and operations on the view's main data, are normally found on the View
toolbar. Other operations for the view can be found in a view dropdown, in a
context menu or as controllers in the view's Data area.
Some operations are used in several views (e.g. Refresh and Save), while others
are not. For more details about operations available from the View toolbar, see
the section on that view in the user manual.
The View dropdown

Every view has its own dropdown menu to the right of the toolbar (marked with
purple in the above example). All operations available for that views' main data
can be found here. Please note that some views have several levels of datasets
and several sets of controllers (e.g. Alarm Templates view). Only operations on
the views' main data are normally found on the View dropdown.

Click the View Dropdown icon to open a dropdown menu for a view

The View dropdown menu will look different for each view. This is an example for
the Geographical Tree view:


Manual for NetMaster

Selecting an item on the menu will in some cases apply changes to the
(selected) data in the view, and in other cases open a view or a dialog.
Depending on the state of the currently selected data, some menu options will
become disabled/enabled (e.g. you cannot block a user who has already been
Some menu items are common for several views:

Select the Help menu item to open the context help for the
view. This menu item is the bottom menu item for all views.

Select a menu with a More Submenus menu indicator to see more

submenu items within this category. A menu item containing this icon does
not activate an operation, but can be considered as a header for a new

For more details about operations available from the View dropdown, see the
section on that view in the user manual.
Maximize/Minimize/Restore icons

All views can have three different states, all of which can be enabled using the
following icons (marked with grey in the above example) to the right of the View


Maximize the view - the view is placed on top of all the other views.
This is useful when you want to study a large amount of data in the view.

GUI overview

Minimize the view - the view becomes hidden at the bottom/top of the
perspective. This is useful when you have a lot of views open.

Restore the view - the view returns to its previous state. This is the
normal placement during surveillance.

Another way to restore a minimized view, is to click its view tab.

Please note that when several views are stacked, minimizing one view will also
minimize the other views in this stack.
The Context menu

In most places in the application, it is possible to right-click (or left-click, if you are
using a left-handed mouse) and open a special menu. This menu is called a
context menu, and is required in order to access a lot of functionality provided in
the application.
The context menu will look different for each view. Below is an example from the
Logical Map view:

The context menu and its available menu options will vary for each view, each
area within a view, and each object in a area. Selecting a menu item will in some
cases open a view or a dialog, in other cases apply changes to the selected data
in the view. Some menu options will be disabled/enabled depending of the
currently selected data in the view.

Select a menu with a More Sub-menus menu indicator to see more

submenu items within this category. A menu item containing this icon does
not activate an operation, but can be considered as a header for a new


Manual for NetMaster

For more details about operations available from the Context menu, see the
section of the user manual describing all objects in each view.


GUI overview

Visualization of alarms
An alarm is a fault indication sent from an NE in your network to the network
manager. The purpose of alarms is to indicate to the operator that action might
be needed, for example that equipment needs maintenance, the network needs
to be set up differently or that users must be warned about low quality of the
traffic in the network.
The alarm status of the different parts of your network is visualized in the
topology views (Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) using colors, alarm
counts, codes and symbols. Whenever an alarm is raised somewhere in the
network, domains and NEs in the view will change color reflecting the updated
alarm status of the most severe alarms including both new alarms and all
active alarms.
Alarm states

The life-cycle of an alarm in NetMaster can be described with the states as


Active: When a clearable alarm is raised for the NE, we call the alarm
"active". These alarms can be found in the Active Alarms view and Alarm
Summary view.

Acked: When a clearable alarm is being followed up, the operator can
acknowledge the alarm by setting it to "acked" and adding a comment to
the alarm. Acked alarms are a subset of the active alarms.

New: A clearable alarm which is currently active and has not been acked
is called a "new alarm". New alarms are also a subset of the active

Cleared: When the fault condition disappears from the NE the alarm
becomes "cleared" and the NE sends a "clear" signal to the network
manager. As soon as the network manager receives information that an
alarm has cleared, its alarm indicators in the topological view are
removed. Please note that the "non-clearable" alarms (all alarms with the
parameter Is Clearable = "N") also are considered as "cleared" in
NetMaster, because they cannot be cleared at a later time. The cleared
alarms can be found in the Historical Alarms view.

Only active alarms are visualized with colors in the topological views.
Alarm severities and node states


Manual for NetMaster

The alarm severities and node states are indicated as follows:
Priority Severity*


Severity Severity Description

Loss of
Indicates that no contact has
been made with the network
element. The communication
settings should be checked in
order to obtain contact with
the element. We cannot
determine the correct status
of the alarms on the NE, as
alarms are currently no longer
being recieved.
The most severe alarm. It
signifies that a condition
affecting the service has
occurred and immediate
corrective action is required.
Indicates that a condition
affecting the service has
occurred and urgent
corrective action is required.
Indicates the existence of a
condition not affecting the
service, but that requires
corrective action in order to
prevent a more serious fault.
Indicates the detection of a
potential or impending fault
that will affect the service,
before any significant effects
have been felt. Action should
be taken to further diagnose
and correct the problem in
order to prevent it from
becoming a more serious fault
that will affect the service.
The network manager cannot
determine the severity of an
A notice from the NE, which is
not connected to any errorWhite
situation, e.g. a confirmation.
(no text) No alarms or warnings have

GUI overview

been reported from the

network element.

*) Please note that "Severity", "Severity Color" and "Severity Code" are
inaccurate terms for "Loss of Connectivity" and "Normal", because they do
not have an alarm severity as they refer to "node states" determined by the
mediator and not alarms.
The severity of a node will always reflect the highest severity among its children.
This means that if a domain contains two NEs containing different alarm
severities, only the "highest" alarm severity will be displayed for the domain
("highest" as defined in the Priority column in the table above, including the nodestates "Normal" and "Loss of Connectivity"). Similarly an NE will have the highest
severity of all the equipment contained in the NE.
Please note that the severity colors presented in the above table can be changed
from their default colors using the Preferences pages. This can be done both
globally on the server using system fault settings, or on a client using local fault
settings. In the Preferences pages you can also prevent the Loss of Connectivity
state from being displayed anywhere other than the NE.
Alarm indicators in a topological map

If we take a closer look at a map view, we can see that NEs and domains contain
several indicators which are used to visualize active alarms:

In the NE called "Compact HDR Site 28" in the above example, we can see that
active alarms are indicated by the following properties on the NE: an orange
outline, a element alarm count summary "12M+", a yellow fill color, a yellow
alarm balloon and an alarm balloon count summary "1w".


Manual for NetMaster

On the domain called "West", we can see that active alarms are indicated by the
following properties on the domain: an orange outline, a domain alarm count
summary "2M+", a brown domain fill color, a brown alarm balloon and an alarm
balloon count summary "1m+".
Alarm indicators in a topological tree

If we take a closer look at a tree view, we can see that active alarms are
indicated for NEs and domains in the tree using similar objects with individual

In the above example, in the domain called "Latvia" we can see that alarms are
indicated by the following properties in the domain: a red outline and a brown fill
We can also see that the NE called "Test KBe" has the following alarm indicators
in the tree: a red outline and a yellow fill color.
Under the node "Test KBe" we can also see several nodes representing the
different items of equipment in the NE. Some are colorless, others have a
colored outline, while others have both a fill color and an outline color.
Alarm information on topological objects

The colors and summary for these objects give you the following information:
Balloon alarm

A count and severity code for the most severe
new alarm
A plus sign indicates that there are also less
severe new alarms.
Element/domain NE and The color of the most severe new alarm/state.
fill color
domains This color will normally be the same as the
in map
severity color for the alarm balloon summary,
and tree but will turn blue when the node has the state
"Loss of Connectivity".


NE and
in map

GUI overview
The fill color for the node in a tree is the same
as the element/domain fill color of this object in
a map.
Alarm balloon
NE and The color of the most severe new alarm. This
domains color will normally be the same as the
in map
element/domain fill color, but will remain this
color if the node changes to "Loss of
Connectivity" state.
Element/domain NE and A count and severity code for the most severe
alarm summary domains active alarm.
in map
A plus sign indicates that there are also less
severe active alarms.
Element/domain NE and The color of the most severe active alarm. This
outline color
domains color will always be the same as the severity
in map
color for the element/domain alarm summary.
and tree The outline color for the node in a tree is the
same as the outline color of this object in a map.
As the outline color only differs from the fill color
when the most severe active alarm is different
from the most severe new alarm, a different
outline color indicates the highest severity of the
acked alarms.
Arrow symbol
NE in
Indicates that the alarms on the NE are out of
synch and that alarm synchronisation is in
progress. Please note that this "alarm synch
state" is only indicated at NE level in the map

Some examples of alarm states

Alarm State



The resource has no alarms.

New Critical

The resource has one new critical alarm

New Critical
and Less

The resource has one new critical alarm,

plus other less severe new alarms


Manual for NetMaster

Acked Major

The resource has one acked major alarm

Acked Critical
and Less
New Warning
and Acked

The resource has one acked critical alarm,

plus other less severe acked alarms

New and
Acked Minor

The resource has one new Warning alarm,

twelve acknowledged Major alarms plus
other less severe active alarms (including
the one new Warning).
The resource has one new Minor alarm,
plus tree acknowledged Minor alarms (in
total, four active Minor alarms).

Needs Alarm

No known alarms on the element, but the

mediator needs to synchronize alarms on
this element.

Loss of
and needs
Alarm synch

The resource has Loss of Connectivity,

has one new Indeterminate alarm, and the
mediator needs to synchronize alarms on
the element.
As alarms no longer are being received
from the NE, alarm counts are not reliable.

Loss of
new and
acked Critical,
needs Alarm

The resource has Loss of Connectivity,

has one new Critical alarm plus other less
severe new alarms, has one acked Critical
alarm (in total, two active Critical alarms)
plus other less severe active alarms
(including the less severe new alarms).
The mediator needs to synchronize alarms
on the element.
As alarms no longer are being received
from the NE, alarm counts are not reliable.


Predefined perspectives
Discover perspective
This is a perspective where you can discover and manage new elements.

Prepare your discover parameters in the Discover Settings view, save the
settings and then start the discover process. New elements are found in the
Unmanaged Elements view and can be managed by dragging directly into the
preferred domain in the Geographical Tree view.
See also:

How to discover and manage an NE


Manual for NetMaster

Geographical Surveillance perspective

This is a perspective for surveillance and management of NEs based on a
geographical model.

The Alarm Summary view provides summaries of all alarms within different
severities for your entire network. Details of each alarm can be found in the
Active Alarms view.
It is recommended that you use the Geographical Map view to create/design the
domain objects on the different levels in the geographical model. This view gives
you a good picture of the alarm status in different geographical regions, and in
the Geographical Tree view you can also see details of the alarm status on the
NE's equipment. Both these views are good starting points for several
maintenance and surveillance tasks regarding configuration and performance of
the NE.


Predefined perspectives

Logical Surveillance perspective

This is a perspective for monitoring and managing NEs based on a user-defined
Logical Model.
For details about how to organize a logical model, see the chapters about the
Logical Tree view.

The Alarm Summary view provides summaries of all alarms of the different
severities in your entire network. Alarm details can be found in the Active Alarms
Both the Logical Map view and Logical Tree view provide a picture of the alarm
status in different areas of your logical model, and in the tree view you can also
browse to see details about the alarm status of the NE's equipment. Both views
are good starting points for other maintenance and surveillance tasks, e.g.
regarding configuration and performance on the NE. In both views you can
create logical domains for your NE, and it is recommended that you organize the
logical model so that the maintenance and surveillance tasks are carried out


Manual for NetMaster


Predefined perspectives

Security Audit perspective

This is a perspective for detecting undesirable behavior among users.

Use the User Audit view to investigate all events performed by users. If unwanted
behavior is detected, suspicious user accounts can be blocked or deleted in the
User Administration view.


Manual for NetMaster

User Management perspective

This is a perspective for creating new users and assigning/restricting permissions
to the different user groups.

Use the User Administration view to manage users: create new users, change
passwords, block, delete and allocate permissions by assigning users to different
groups. In the Group Administration view you can create user groups and assign
permissions for each group. You can modify permissions regarding access to
geographical and logical domains, and regarding usage of different actions in the
See also:


How to create a new user

How to create a new user-group
How to change your password

All views and dialogs

Active Alarms view
This view is found in both the Geographical Surveillance perspective and Logical
Surveillance perspective.
This view is opened "non-scoped" from the main menu under Views | Fault |
Active Alarms, as shown below:

The Active Alarms view presents active alarms for the current scope, and allows
you to acknowledge alarms which have been followed up.
An "active" alarm is a clearable alarm in the "raised" state and which has not
been "cleared". Whenever an alarm is cleared, it will be removed from the table,
but can still be found in a corresponding scope in the Historical Alarms view.
Active Alarms view with a scope
The view can also be opened by selecting any node in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then selecting Fault | Active Alarms in
the Context or Dropdown menu. The view will then open with the selection as a
scope - presenting only those alarms for the currently selected
NEs/nodes/subdomain, as shown below:


Manual for NetMaster

In the above example, the Active Alarms view presents alarms, restricted to a
scope containing one single NE called "CityLink 1.1".
The Active Alarms view can also be opened from the Alarm Summary view by
clicking a bar in the graph Severity Count area. In this case the scope will be
restricted to the selected severity, but contain alarms from your entire network.
Active alarms table
The table displays the following fields for each alarm:
Alarm Text


Time Raised
Alarm ID
Is Clearable


Source of alarm - the network resource that generated the
Gives the most likely reason for the alarm. Similar to "Native
Probable Cause", as defined in TMF608. This is a textual
description of the cause of the alarm, displayed exactly as
sent from the NE or portrayed in the EMS user interface.
The text can be customized using the Alarm Templates
One of the possible alarm severities: CRITICAL, MAJOR,
severities of incoming alarms can be altered using the Alarm
Templates view.
The time on the NE when the alarm was raised.
Checked if the alarm has been acknowledged
A mapping of the Probable Cause Qualifier and/or Native
Probable Cause with a set of predefined Probable Causes
as defined in TMF608
A number which identifies the alarm and alarm type.
Has the value "Y" if the alarm/event represents a condition
that will not be cleared at a later time (otherwise blank)
A code for identifying the alarm, e.g. used in the Alarm
Templates view.

All views and dialogs

Alarm type

A text which identifies the type of alarm. Used internally to

map the alarm to a corresponding name.
Value is one of the following (as defined in TMF608 and
specified by X.733:EventType):
- communicationsAlarm
- environmentalAlarm
- equipmentAlarm
- processingErrorAlarm
- qualityOfServiceAlarm

The color of the Severity field in the table will by default correspond to the
severity of the alarm. For more details about alarms, including severities and
colors, see the chapter about visualization of alarms.
The Alarm Templates view can be used to customize the Alarm Text and
Severity for selected alarms, or to prevent certain alarms from appearing in the
Active Alarms view.
Available operations

Refresh the entire table and update the status of all

available alarms: new/raised alarms are received, and cleared alarms
disappear from the Active Alarms view.

Acknowledge all alarms in the view and open the

Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment to the alarms.

Remove the acknowledgement of all alarms in the

view and open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment
to the alarms.

Acknowledge the currently selected alarm (or alarms)

and open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment to
this alarm. If the currently selected alarm has already been acknowledged,
this operation will be disabled.

Open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can view and
change an alarm comment.

Remove the acknowledgement of an alarm and open

the Alarm Comment dialog. If the currently selected alarm has already
been acknowledged, this operation will be disabled.


Manual for NetMaster

Open the Customize Columns dialog for the Active

alarms view. In this dialog you can select which columns will be displayed
in the table, and the order in which they appear.

Alarm Comment dialog

This dialog is opened whenever acknowledging or unacknowledging an alarm, or

when editing a comment.

Add a comment in the text field, and press the OK button when finished.


All views and dialogs

Historical Alarms view

The view is opened by selecting any node in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then selecting Fault | Historical
Alarms in the Context or Dropdown menu. This will open the Historical Alarms
view with this selection as a scope - displaying only those alarms for the currently
selected NE/nodes/subdomain.

The view is also opened by selecting any node in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then selecting Fault | Historical
Alarms in the Context or Dropdown menu. This will open the Historical Alarms
view with this selection as a scope - displaying only those alarms for the currently
selected NE/nodes/subdomain.
The view displays a table of all historical alarms for the current selection. A
"historical" alarm is any alarm that has been "raised" and then "cleared".
Whenever an alarm appears in the Historical Alarms table it will disappear from
any table with the same scope in the Active Alarms view.
The Historical Alarms view can help you when analyzing situations with errors or
poor performance in your network. By studying other errors and the order they
appeared for the NE, this view can help you identify and solve the "root cause
Historical Alarms table
The table displays the following values for each alarm:
Alarm Text

Source of alarm - the network resource that
generated the alarm
Gives the most likely reason for the alarm. Similar to

Manual for NetMaster


Time Raised
Time Cleared
Probable Cause

Probable Cause
Alarm type

Raised (EMS)
Cleared (EMS)
Is Clearable

"Native Probable Cause", as defined in TMF608. This

is a textual description of the cause of the alarm,
displayed exactly as sent from the NE or portrayed in
the EMS user interface. The text can be customized
using the Alarm Templates view.
One of the possible alarm severities: CRITICAL,
INFO. Severities can be customized using the Alarm
Templates view.
The time on the NE when the alarm was raised.
The time on the NE when the alarm was cleared.
Checked if the alarm has been acknowledged
A mapping of the Probable Cause Qualifyer and/or
Native Probable Cause with a set of predefined
Probable Causes as defined in TMF608
A code for uniquely identifying the alarm, e.g. used in
the Alarm Templates view.
A text which identifies the type of alarm. Used
internally to map the alarm to a corresponding name.
Value is one of the following (as defined in TMF608
and specified by X.733:EventType):
- communicationsAlarm
- environmentalAlarm
- equipmentAlarm
- processingErrorAlarm
- qualityOfServiceAlarm
The time on the EMS when the alarm was raised.
The time on the EMS when the alarm was cleared .
Y if the alarm/event represents a condition that will
not be cleared at a later date (otherwise blank) (

For more details about alarms and definition of severities, see the chapter about
visualization of alarms. The alarm-text and severity of incoming alarms for an NE
can be customized by creating a template in the Alarm Templates view and
applying the template to the NE in the Alarm Template Assignment view.
Please note that the table displays a query of data based on the current
"Historical Alarms" filter (default is no filter, and page size=50). The filter defines
what entries should be included/excluded in each query, and page size defines
the maximum number of returns matching these filter criteria in each query. The
Historical Alarms table can be filtered using the following parameters:


All views and dialogs

Cleared EMS Time

Cleared NE Time
Native Probable Cause
Perceived Severity
Probable Cause
Probable Cause Qualifier
Raised EMS Time
Raised NE Time

Filter criteria and a page size for the Historical Alarms table can be defined in the Filter
Manager view
Available operations
The following operations are available in the table:

Refresh the entire table and update the status of all

available alarms - displays new, cleared alarms

Acknowledge all alarms in the view and open the

Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment to the alarms.

Remove the acknowledgement of all alarms in the

view and open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment
to the alarms.

Acknowledge the currently selected alarm (or alarms)

and open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can add a comment to
this alarm. If the currently selected alarm has already been acknowledged,
this icon/operation will be disabled.

Open the Alarm Comment dialog, where you can view and
change an alarm comment.

Remove the acknowledgement of an alarm, and open

the Alarm Comment dialog. If the currently selected alarm has already
been acknowledged, this icon/operation will be disabled.

Click the Favorite Filter icon to pick a filter from a list of user-defined
Historical Alarms filters, as defined in the Filter Manager view. The
selected filter will be applied to the Historical Alarms table. When a filter is
applied, it will be displayed as an additional scope (presented in brackets)
on the View tab.


Manual for NetMaster

Update the table to display the previous page of alarms, matching the
current filter conditions and page size defined in the Filter Manager view.

Update the table to display the next page of alarms, matching the
current filter conditions and page size defined in the Filter Manager view.

Open the Customize Columns dialog for the Historical

Alarms view. In this dialog you can select which columns will be displayed
in the table, and the order in which they appear.

Open the Filter Manager view, where you can create

conditions and page size for filters that can be applied to the Historical
Alarms table.

Alarm Comment dialog

This dialog is opened whenever acknowledging or unacknowledging an alarm, or

when viewing a comment.

Add a comment in the text field, and press the OK button when finished.

Customize Columns dialog for Historical Alarms

This dialog is opened by selecting Customize Columns from the view dropdown


All views and dialogs

Details about how to use this dialog can be found in the chapter about the
Customize Columns dialog.


Manual for NetMaster

Alarm Summary view

This view is found in the Geographical Surveillance and Logical Surveillance
perspectives, and can be opened from the main menu by selecting Views | Fault |
Alarm Summary.

The Alarm Summary view shows an overview of all alarms for all your managed
NEs, and provides a quick overview of the alarm status in your entire network.
The view displays the Severity Count graph: a graphical presentation of alarms of
each severity in the entire network. The graph includes a bar for each of the
categories: Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Indeterminate and Info.
The view will only present "active" alarms: clearable alarms in a "raised" state,
and not those that have been "cleared". The same alarm state is presented in the
Active Alarms view. Whenever an alarm is "cleared" on the equipment, it will
disappear from the Alarm Summary view, but can be found in the Historical
Alarms view. For more details about alarms, alarm states and severities, see the
chapter about visualization of alarms.
Available operations

Click any of the bars in the Severity Count graph to study the alarms of
this severity. This will open the Active Alarms view, with the selected
severity as the scope.

Active Alarms view for a single alarm category


All views and dialogs

The example below shows the Active Alarms view, opened by clicking the
Warning bar in the Severity Count graph:


Manual for NetMaster

Alarm Templates view

This view is opened from the main menu under Views | Fault | Alarm Templates.

In this view you can create templates for redefining the appearance your alarms.
Each template contains mapping between a set of alarms and severities, and/or
an alarm filter, and/or an alarm text. The changes in this view will apply for NEs
which have a template assigned in the Alarm Template Assignment view and will
apply to your incoming alarms (not for alarms that is already active or cleared).
For more details about alarms and severities, see the chapter about visualisation
of alarms.
The templates created in this view are used by the Alarm Template Assignment
view and might influence all views displaying incoming alarms (existing alarms
will not be influenced).
Alarm templates are used when you (or your organization) consider an alarm to
have a different severity from the default alarms. This can typically be:


when your organization is using NEs from several vendors, and want to
use a company-specific set of severities instead of the vendors' default
severities. In this case you might want to permanently assign severity
mappings and alarm texts for all NEs in the network.
when you want to continue using equipment with a known error. In this
case you might want to temporarily assign a filter ignoring the alarm on the
NE until the NE-defect is rectified.
when a certain error situation on NE must be monitored especially closely,
e.g. when you have guaranteed extra high quality for a customer. In this
case you might want to assign a template increasing the severity of some
alarms indicating certain error situations.

All views and dialogs

We use the term "assign a template to the NE", even though no change is
actually made to the NE when assigning an alarm template - the template is
solely a mapping within NetMaster of the incoming alarm from this NE.
The view consists of a Alarm Templates area containing a table of alarm
templates, and an Template Definition area containing details about the currently
selected alarm template.
Alarm Templates table
The Alarm Templates area consists of a table containing the following columns:
NE type


Each NE type can have several associated alarm
templates. Click the Expand icon to the left of the NE
type to expand a list of all templates which have
currently been created for that NE type.
N.B. If no templates are created the list will be empty
and it will not be possible to expand the list. New
templates are created with the Add Template icon on
the toolbar.
A user defined name for each template. Click a
template to view details about that template.
Text entered by the user describing a template.
A checkbox to enable/disable a template.

Each line in the table contains either an NE type or a template. Select a NE-Type
in the NE-Type/Template column in the to create a new alarm template, or select
a template to view its properties.
Template Definition area

This area only appears when a template is selected in the Alarm Templates
table. In the Default area you can select alarms that you wish to customize. In the
Customized area, for each alarm you can define a new alarm-text, severity and
decide whether the alarm should be blocked.
Customized table
The Customized area consists of a table containing the following columns:
Prob. Cause

Prob. Cause Q.

Gives the most likely reason for the alarm This is a
code which can help describe the cause of the alarm,
displayed exactly as sent from the NE.
A code for identifying the alarm, e.g. used in the
Active Alarm view and the Historical Alarm view.
Changes the severity in the Customized table if you
want NetMaster to use a different severity.

Manual for NetMaster

Alarm Text


Write your own text in the Customized table if you

want NetMaster to present a different text for this
Check this field in the Customized table if you want
prevent NetMaster from logging and displaying this

Update alarm-texts, change severities and change blocking by clicking and

writing directly in the table. Remove customization of an alarm by selecting the
alarm in the table and then moving it back to the Default table with the Move To..
context menu or one of Move buttons.
Default table
The Default area consists of a Default table containing the same columns as the
Customized table, but contains the default values for each alarm. The Default
table contains all available alarms for the currently selected NE-type that is not
yet customized in this template.
Select one or more alarms in the Default area and move it by dragging it into the
Customized area or by using the Move To.. context menu or one of Move
Available operations

Save all changes made to the templates in this view. When

changes have been saved, the updates in the alarm templates can
influence the incoming alarms. Alarms that is already active (or cleared)
before pressing Save will not be influenced by your latest change.

Add a new template. The Create Template dialog will be

opened. This menu item will only be available if an NE type is selected in
the NE type/Template table.


Refresh the view to receive the newest data from server.

Clone the selected template. The Template Name dialog will

be opened. This menu item will only be available if a template is selected
in the NE type/Template table.

Delete the selected template. This menu item will only be

available if a template is selected in the NE type/Template table.

Change the name of the selected template. The Template

Name dialog will be opened. This menu item will only be available if a
template is selected in the NE type/Template table.

All views and dialogs

Arrange the view horizontally.

Arrange the view vertically.

Use this context-menu in the Default table to

move an available alarm from the Default table to the Customized table.
This will allow you to change the severity, alarm text and/or filtering for this
alarm .

Use this context menu in the Default table to

move an available alarm from the Customized table to the Default table.
The alarm will no longer be customized with this template, and its default
severity, alarm text and filtering will be used.

This button can be used similarly to the Move To Customized Table

context menu.

This button can be used similarly to the Move To Default Table context

click a NE-Type to expand a list of all templates associated to the NEType in the Alarm Templates table.

Create Template dialog

This dialog is opened when using Create New Template with an NE type
selected in the NE type/Template table.


Manual for NetMaster

Enter a name and description of the new template. After pressing OK, you will
see the template in the NE type/Template table under your chosen NE type.
Template Name dialog

This dialog is opened when using Clone or Rename on an alarm template.

Enter the name of the new alarm template (if Clone was used) or enter the new
name of the existing template (if Rename was used).


All views and dialogs

Alarm Template Assignment view

This view is opened "scoped" by selecting any NE or domain in one of the
topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and selecting Fault | Alarm
Severity Assignment in the Context or Dropdown menu, or non-scoped by
selecting Views | Fault | Alarm Template Assignment from the main menu.

The view is dependent on templates created in the Alarm Templates view, and
the templates assigned to an NE in this view might influence all views where
alarms and severities from this NE are displayed.
In this view you can assign alarm templates to all your selected NEs. The
templates created in the Alarm Templates view contain mappings between a set
of alarms and severities, alarm text and/or filter conditions. For more details
about alarms and severities, see the chapter about visualization of alarms.
We use the term "assign a template to the NE", even though no change is
actually made to the NE when assigning an alarm template the template is solely
a mapping within NetMaster of the incoming alarm from this NE.
Alarm Edit Template Assignment table
The table contains the following columns:
NE type
Alarm Template


Names of the NEs you want to assign a new template
Type of equipment.
The short name for the currently selected alarm
template. Click the dropdown list to select one of the
available alarm templates.
A user-defined text describing the purpose of this

The table includes all NEs available for the node from which you opened the


Manual for NetMaster

Available operations


Click the dropdown menu in the Alarm Template column to select a

template for the NE on this line in the table.

Use the context menu in the table to assign an alarm

template to one or more NE currently selected in the table.

Use the context menu in the table to remove alarm

templates from one or more NEs currently selected in the table.

Refresh the view so that it is updated with the latest current

template assignments from the server.

Apply and save all changes made to template assignments in

this view. If this view is closed without saving data, the Save Changes
dialog will appear.

All views and dialogs

Enable Performance Collection dialog
This dialog is opened by selecting an NE or domain in one of the topological
views (Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) and selecting Performance |
Enable Performance Collection from the menu. The dialog will then present a
table with available performance parameters for all NEs in your selection, as
shown below.
If there are no NEs with performance parameters available in your selection, the
dialog will open empty.

In this dialog you can enable collection of performance data from the NEs that
were selected when opening this dialog. When performance data has been
enabled for an NE in the dialog, performance data from this NE is stored on the


Manual for NetMaster

server and can be used as input for all the historical performance graphs/tables
that can be created with the Historical Peformance Monitoring dialog.
The Enable Performance Collection dialog contains a table with the following
Layer Rate



The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic Information)
is used to identify the signal type supported by a specific
resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC-12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal
Rate STM-16, Optical Section, Radio Section or Ethernet.
Performance measurement types, counters such as error
pulses and parity pulses, as defined in G876.
The type of location on the equipment where this performance
parameter is found.
Checked if a 15 minute interval collection of this Parameter is
enabled for all equipment, as limited by the scope for this
Enable Performance Collection dialog. Grey if some, but not all
equipment has 15 minute collection of the parameter enabled.
Checked if a 24 hour interval collection of this Parameter is
enabled for all equipment, as limited by the scope for this
Enable Performance Collection dialog. Grey if some, but not all
equipment has 24 hour collection of the parameter enabled.

Each line in the table refers to an available measurement point for the equipment
– a performance data parameter. Click on the 15min and 24h intervals to
enable/disable collection for this performance data parameter. The parameters in
the table are grouped by layer rates, expand a layer rate to see all parameters
within this layer rate.
Click on the Details button to see which network resources have the selected
performance data parameter available. The Performance Collection Details
dialog will open. From here you can select different intervals for each of the
network resources containing this parameter. A grey checkbox indicates that an
interval has different settings for available network resources.
Press OK to apply the changes to performance data collection, or press Cancel
to abort.
Performance Collection Details dialog

This dialog is opened by selecting a performance data parameter in the

Performance Monitoring Data dialog, and pressing the Details button.


All views and dialogs

In this dialog you can specify the different equipment to collect the selected
performance data parameter.
Each line in the table corresponds to equipment on a network resource where the
performance data parameter is available. Click on the 15min and 24h intervals to
enable/disable collection for each of the network resources.
If you select different settings in the interval column, this will be indicated by a
grey checkbox in interval table in the Performance Monitoring Data dialog.
Press OK to apply the changes and go back to the Enable Performance
Collection dialog, or press Cancel to go back without applying any changes.


Manual for NetMaster

Historical Performance Monitoring dialog

This dialog is opened by selecting an NE in one of the topological views
(Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) and selecting Performance | Historical
Performance Monitoring from the menu. The dialog will then present available
performance parameters for the NE, as shown below.
If there is no NE with performance parameters available in your selection, the
dialog will open empty.
The Historical Performance Monitoring command is always disabled on domain
level because the number of graphs that may be opened must not be too large.

This Historical Performance Monitoring dialog is used for creating a graph or a

data table with historical performance data, and is the only way to open the views
Time Series Performance Graph , Distribution Performance Graph and Historical
Performance Table.


All views and dialogs

The dialog contains a Layer Rate/Parameter table, a Display area, a Duration
area and a Granularity area. All these contains input fields where you can select
definitions for creating a graph or table with historical performance data.
When you have selected the definitions for your graph/table view, you can press
OK to close the dialog and open the new graph/table view(s), or press Cancel to
close the dialog without opening any new view. Alternatively you can press Apply
to open a graph/table view without closing the dialog, and continue creating more
graph/table views.
If the selection implies that more than one graph needs to be opened, the
Multiple Resources Selected dialog will open with a warning and an option to
abort creation of the graphs. If the selection doesn't contain any data, the No
Data Found dialog will open.
You can only create graphs/tables from the Historical Performance Monitoring
dialog if the scope of the dialog contains equipment with performance collection
enabled for the parameters, granularity and within the historical period you select
in the dialog. Performance collection can be activated using the Enable
Performance Collection dialog.
Layer Rate/Parameter table

The table contains the following values:

Layer Rate


The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic Information)
is used to identify the signal type supported by a specific
resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC-12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal
Rate STM-16, Optical Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
The performance measurement types on the selected
equipment, e.g.

performance measurement types (as defined in



SES equals: Severely Errored Seconds, a onesecond period with one Errored Block Overstep
(EBO) and/or one Severely Errored
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a one-second
period with one or more Error Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error pulses


Manual for NetMaster

counters, such as

Error pulses equals: Count of errored block

Parity pulses equals: Count of errored parity

analog gauge values, such as

RPL equals: Received power level

RPL_SDIV equals: Received power level on
space diversity equipment
The location of the performance measurement parameter, as
defined in TMF608


In the table you can select which parameters to be included in the performance
measurement the NE that should be monitored in this graph/table. Each
parameter is grouped by layer rate. Click on a layer rate to select/deselect all
parameters within this layer rate, or click on a parameter to select/deselect only
Display area

In the Display area you can decide what type of graph/table you want to open:

Historical Table: this will open the Historical Performance Table view,
containing a sequence of logged performance data for a historical period
in a table
Time Series Graph: this will open the Time Series Performance Graph
view, and display a time series graph of sequentially logged performance
Distribution Graph: this will open the Distribution Performance Graph view,
and display a distribution graph with counts of logged performance data
within different value ranges.

Duration area

In this area you can specify a period for a graph or historical performance table
as follows:

Last Day
Last Week
Last Month

If the Custom period is selected, you can specify your own interval by selecting
both a From and To date/time. (Both From and To are included in the interval.)

All views and dialogs

A custom interval is selected by using the calendar icon to open the Date and
Time dialog and picking end points for the interval. If a period contains a
date/time in the future, the corresponding graph/table can be updated by
pressing Refresh in the view, so that the latest data received is retrieved.
Granularity area

In this area you can select interval type for the performance data you want to
create a table/graph from.
Select one or both of the intervals 15min and 24h. If both intervals are selected,
the different granularities will be presented in (at least) two new views.
Date and Time dialog

This dialog is opened from the Duration area by clicking one of the two Calendar
icons in the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog. The icon will only be
available if the Custom duration is selected.

Pick a date and time in the calendar the selected date is marked with a grey
square, and today is marked with a black frame.
Apply the selected date by pressing OK, or press Cancel to keep the original
date and time.


Manual for NetMaster

Multiple Resources Selected dialog

This dialog is opened whenever the data selection in the Historical Performance
Monitoring dialog implies that more than one graph needs to be opened.

The estimated number of graphs are presented in the dialog text. Press No if the
number of graphs was too high and you want to abort creation. Alternatively
press Yes to continue.
No Data Found dialog

This dialog is opened whenever you try to create a graph or table from the
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog, using a selection that doesn't contain
any data.

Press OK to go back to the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog.


All views and dialogs

Historical Performance Table view

This view is opened from the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog selecting
Historical Table in the Display area. The Historical Performance Monitoring
dialog can be opened by selecting a domain or NE in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then by selecting Performance |
Historical Performance Monitoring from the menu.
In this view you can study a period with historical performance data from an NE
and export the data to file.
The data can be displayed in two different modes, which can be selected with
icons on the toolbar.
Single Parameter mode

This is the default mode when you open a new Historical Performance table
view. You can set the table in this mode by selecting Single Parameter mode on
the toolbar.

In this mode, the data is organized so that you can study a specific performance
parameter and how it changes over time. The expression "Single Parameters"
refers to the concept that each line in the table now only can contain a single
Historical Data table - Single Parameter mode
When the view is in Single Parameter mode, the table presents the following
values for all collected performance data:
Layer Rate

The name of the equipment containing this parameter
The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic


Manual for NetMaster


Information) is used to identify the signal type

supported by a specific resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16, Optical
Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
The location of the performance measurement
parameter, as defined in TMF608
The performance measurement types on the selected
equipment, e.g.
performance measurement types (as defined
in G.826/G.821):


counters, such as

SES equals: Severely Errored

Seconds, a one-second period with one
Errored Block Overstep (EBO) and/or
one Severely Errored Overstep(SEBO)
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a onesecond period with one or more Error
Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error

Error pulses equals: Count of errored

block checks
Parity pulses equals: Count of errored
parity checks

analog gauge values, such as

RPL equals: Received power level

RPL_SDIV equals: Received power
level on space diversity equipment
The measured performance value received from the
The measurement unit for the Parameter Value
The condition of the received data, e.g.:



Retrieving equals: performance data in

transfer from NE
Data OK equals: performance measurement
is valid
Running equals: a cumulative counter is

All views and dialogs


Data Not OK equals: received performance

data is not valid
Unavailable equals: performance data is not
available for this granularity

Please note that this list is not exhaustive. NE

specific status values may apply, e.g. LOF, MS-AIS
for Error/Parity pulses on Q1-based equipment.
(Hint: To clear LOF, MS-AIS, the performance
counters on the element must be reset or restart the
The timestamp that the measurement was started on
the NE

Multiple Parameter mode

This is the Historical Data view when Multiple Parameter mode is selected on the

In this mode data is grouped by "performance measurement points" - Resource

Name, Layer Rate, Location and on a certain Measurement Time. The
expression "Multiple Parameters" refers to the concept that multiple parametervalues (collected on each "performance measurement point") now can be
grouped on the same line in the table.
Historical Data table - Multiple Parameter mode
When the view is in Multiple Parameter mode, the table presents the following
values for all collected performance data:
Layer Rate

The name of the equipment containing this parameter
The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic
Information) is used to identify the signal type
supported by a specific resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC-


Manual for NetMaster


12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16, Optical

Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
The location of the performance measurement
parameter, as defined in TMF608
One column for each of the performance parameters
presented the table. The number of parameter
columns will depend on the selection the user made
when opening this view.
Each Parameter Name refers to a performance
measurement type on the selected equipment, e.g.

performance measurement types (as defined

in G.826/G.821):


counters, such as

Available operations


Error pulses equals: Count of errored

block checks
Parity pulses equals: Count of errored
parity checks

analog gauge values, such as

RPL equals: Received power level

RPL_SDIV equals: Received power
level on space diversity equipment
The timestamp that the measurement was started on
the NE


SES equals: Severely Errored

Seconds, a one-second period with one
Errored Block Overstep (EBO) and/or
one Severely Errored Overstep(SEBO)
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a onesecond period with one or more Error
Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error

All views and dialogs

Reset PM Data. This means that the selected performance counters

are set to zero the NE. This operation can only be used on parameters
data of type "counters". Please note that not all performance counters can
reset on all equipment which type of performance data where this
operation is available will vary between different equipment, NE and NEtypes. When this operation is selected, the Reset Status dialog will
appear, where you can choose to confirm or abort the reset operation.

Use the Export function to save your current data to file. You are
allowed to save the table as an Excel spreadsheet (.xls), comma
separated file (.csv) or extended markup language (.xml). A standard
Save dialog will appear (as defined by your operating system)
Refresh the data in the view

Set your table in Multiple Parameters mode to organize your data with
focus on performance measurement points and its associated

Set your table in Single Parameter mode to organize your data with
focus on a specific performance parameter and how it changes over time.

Reset Status dialog

This dialog is opened when using Reset PM Data on performance counters in the

Press Yes to set the currently selected performance counters to zero on the
equipment, or abort the operation by pressing No.


Manual for NetMaster

Time Series Performance Graph view

This graph can be opened from the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog, by
selecting the display Time Series Graph. The Historical Performance Monitoring
dialog can be opened by selecting a domain or NE in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then by selecting Performance |
Historical Performance Monitoring from the menu.

In this view you can see a graphical presentation of historical performance data
from the period you selected in the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog. The
data will be presented sequentially with time along the x-axis.
When the view is opened, you can use the icons on the View toolbar to switch
between several graphical presentations. The graph can be copied as a
graphical object or exported as a data sequence.
A performance graph consists of several standard objects. We can take a closer
look at the example above:

Graph area: this area displays your performance data graphically. The
graph can be zoomed, and graph type can be changed.
Header area: this area displays the resource name and granularity of your
performance data.
Name tag: this area displays each measurement parameter and its colors
in the graph. This tag area can be dragged to move anywhere within the

2D Area chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Area on the View toolbar.


All views and dialogs

2D Bar chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Bar on the View toolbar.

2D Line chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Line on the View toolbar.


Manual for NetMaster

2D Stair chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Stair on the View toolbar.

3D Area chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Area on the View toolbar.


All views and dialogs

3D Bar chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Bar on the View toolbar.

3D Line chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Line on the View toolbar.


Manual for NetMaster

3D Stair chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Stair on the View toolbar.

Available operations

Use the Chart properties icon to open the Chart Style dialog where you
can change fonts and colors for the chart area.

Use the Copy To Clipboard icon to copy the graph area to your
operating system's clipboard. The graph can now be pasted into any

Select 2D chart to see a flat graph.

Select 3D chart to see the graph in 3D.


All views and dialogs

Select Area chart to see the data in the graph presented as a curve
with filled area.

Select Bar chart to see the data in the graph presented as a series of
standing bars.

Select Line chart to see the data in the graph presented as a curve
with filled area.

Select Stair chart to see the data in the graph presented as a stairfunction.

Select Fit to display size to zoom out to view all data.

Select Zoom in to zoom in stepwise.

Select Zoom out to zoom out stepwise.

Select Save to export data and save to file. The .xls. csv xml

Select Refresh Table to update the data in the graph.

Drag an area within the graph to zoom into and see that area in more

Drag the edge of the tag area to move this area within the view.

Chart Style dialog


Manual for NetMaster

This dialog allows you to change the visual settings for your performance graph.
Click on each tab. The following fields in the graph can be changed:

Chart Area
Plotting Area
Line Style

Press Preview to see how your changes will look on your graph area.


All views and dialogs

Distribution Performance Graph view

This graph can be opened from the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog by
selecting the display Distribution Graph. The Historical Performance Monitoring
dialog can be opened by selecting a domain or NE in one of the topology views
(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and then by selecting Performance |
Historical Performance Monitoring from the menu.

In this view you can see a graphical presentation of historical performance data
from the period you selected in the Historical Performance Monitoring dialog. The
data will be presented as a distribution graph with counts of logged performance
data within different value ranges.
When the view is opened, you can use the icons on the View toolbar to switch
between several graphical presentations. The graph can be copied as a
graphical object or exported as a data sequence.
A performance graph consists of several standard objects. We can take a closer
look at the example above:

Graph area: this area displays your performance data graphically. The
graph can be zoomed, and graph type can be changed.
Header area: this area displays the resource name and granularity of your
performance data.
Name tag: this area displays each measurement parameter and its colors
in the graph. This tag area can be dragged to move anywhere within the

Manual for NetMaster

2D Area chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Area on the View toolbar.

2D Bar chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Bar on the View toolbar.

2D Line chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Line on the View toolbar.


All views and dialogs

2D Stair chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 2D and Stair on the View toolbar.

3D Area chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Area on the View toolbar.


Manual for NetMaster

3D Bar chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Bar on the View toolbar.

3D Line chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Line on the View toolbar.


All views and dialogs

3D Stair chart
This type of graph is visible when selecting 3D and Stair on the View toolbar.

Available operations

Use the Chart properties icon to open the Chart Style dialog where you
can change fonts and colors for the chart area.

Use the Copy To Clipboard icon to copy the graph area to your
operating system's clipboard. The graph can now be pasted into any

Select 2D chart to see a flat graph.

Select 3D chart to see the graph in 3D.


Manual for NetMaster

Select Area chart to see the data in the graph presented as a curve
with filled area.

Select Bar chart to see the data in the graph presented as a series of
standing bars.

Select Line chart to see the data in the graph presented as a curve
with filled area.

Select Stair chart to see the data in the graph presented as a stair

Select Fit to display size to zoom out to view all data.

Select Zoom in to zoom in stepwise.

Select Zoom out to zoom out stepwise.

Select Save to export data and save to file. The .xls. csv xml

Select Refresh Table to update the data in the graph.

Drag an area within the graph to zoom into and see that area in more

Drag the edge of the tag area to move this area within the view.

Chart Style dialog


All views and dialogs

This dialog allows you to change the visual settings for your performance graph.
Click on each tab. The following fields in the graph can be changed:

Chart Area
Plotting Area
Line Style

Press Preview to see how your changes will look on your graph area.


Manual for NetMaster

Current Performance dialog

This dialog is opened by selecting NE or domain in one of the topological views
(Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) and using the menu Performance |
Current Performance. The dialog will then present available performance
parameters for all NE in your selection, like below.
If there is no NE with performance-parameters available in your selection, the
dialog will open empty

The Current Performance dialog is used for creating a table with continuously
updated performance values, by opening the Current Performance view.


All views and dialogs

The dialog contains a Layer Rate/Parameter table, and a Granularity area. Both
contains input-fields where you can select definitions for creating the table with
current performance data.
When you have selected the definitions for your table view, you can press OK to
close the dialog and open the new table in a Current Performance view, or press
Cancel to close the dialog without opening any new view. Alternatively you can
press Apply to open a Current Performance view without closing the dialog, and
continue making another table.
Layer Rate/Parameter table

The table contains the following values:

Layer Rate


The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic
Information) is used to identify the signal type supported
by a specific resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC-12, MS-STM1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16, Optical Section, Radio
Section or Ethernet
The performance measurement types on the selected
equipment, e.g.:

performance measurement types (as defined in



counters, such as

SES equals: Severely Errored Seconds,

a one-second period with one Errored Block
Overstep (EBO) and/or one Severely
Errored Overstep(SEBO)
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a one-second
period with one or more Error Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error

Error pulses equals: Count of errored

block checks
Parity pulses equals: Count of errored
parity checks

analog gauge values, such as


Manual for NetMaster

RPL equals: Received power level
RPL_SDIV equals: Received power level
on space diversity equipment
The location of the performance measurement parameter,
as defined in TMF608


In the table you can select which parameters to be used as measure-points on

the NE that should be monitored in this table. Each parameter is grouped by
layer-rate. Click on a layer-rate to select/de-select all parameters within this
layer-rate, or click on a parameter to select/de-select only this.
Granularity area

You can select one or more of the intervals NA, 15min and 24hr. Each interval
will open in separate views.


All views and dialogs

Current Performance Table view

This view is opened from the Current Performance dialog by pressing the OK or
Apply buttons. The Current Performance dialog is opened by selecting NE or
domain in one of the topological views (Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree)
and using the menu Performance | Current Performance.
This is a view for monitoring continuously updated performance values on NE in
a table, and export the data to file.
The data can be displayed in two different modes, which can be selected with
icons on the toolbar.
Single Parameter table mode

This is the default mode when you open a new Current Performance view. You
can set the table in this mode by using the Single Parameter mode icon on the

In this mode, the data is organized so that you can study a specific performance
parameter (. The expression "Single Parameters" refers to the concept that each
line in the table now only can contain a single parameter-value.
Current Performance - Single Parameter mode
When the view is in Single Parameter mode, the table presents the following
values for each collected performance data:

The name of the equipment containing this parameter


Manual for NetMaster

Layer Rate


The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic

Information) is used to identify the signal type
supported by a specific resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16, Optical
Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
The location of the performance measurement
parameter, as defined in TMF608
The performance measurement types on the selected
equipment, e.g.

performance measurement types (as defined

in G.826/G.821):


counters, such as

SES equals: Severely Errored

Seconds, a one-second period with one
Errored Block Overstep (EBO) and/or
one Severely Errored Overstep(SEBO)
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a onesecond period with one or more Error
Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error

Error pulses equals: Count of errored

block checks
Parity pulses equals: Count of errored
parity checks

analog gauge values, such as

RPL equals: Received power level

RPL_SDIV equals: Received power
level on space diversity equipment
The measured performance value received from the
The measure unit for the Parameter Value
The condition of the received data, eg:



Retrieving equals: performance data in

transfer from NE
Data OK equals: performance measurement
is valid

All views and dialogs

Measured Time
Monitored Time

Running equals: a cumulative counter is

Data Not OK equals: received performance
data is not valid
Unavailable equals: performance data is not
available for this granularity

In addition several different element-specific alarmstates can be returned from the NE

The timestamp when the measurement was
completed on the NE
Elapsed time period of measurement, on the format

Multiple Parameter table mode

This is the Current Performance Table view when Multiple Parameter mode is
selected on the toolbar.

In this mode data is grouped by "performance measurement points" - Resource

Name, Layer Rate and Location. The expression "Multiple Parameters" refers to
the concept that multiple parameter-values (collected on each "performance
measurement point") now can be grouped on the same line in the table.
Current Data table - Multiple Parameter mode
When the view is in Multiple Parameter mode, the table presents the following
values for each collected performance data:
Layer Rate


The name of the equipment containing this parameter
The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic
Information) is used to identify the signal type
supported by a specific resource, e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16, Optical
Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
The location of the performance measurement
parameter, as defined in TMF608


Manual for NetMaster


One column for each of the performance parameters

presented the table. The number of parameter
columns will depend on the selection the user made
when opening this view.
Each Parameter Name refers to a performance
measurement type on the selected equipment, e.g.

performance measurement types (as defined

in G.826/G.821):


counters, such as

SES equals: Severely Errored

Seconds, a one-second period with one
Errored Block Overstep (EBO) and/or
one Severely Errored Overstep(SEBO)
UAS equals: Unavailable Seconds.
BBE equals: Background Block Error.
ES equals: Errored Second, a onesecond period with one or more Error
Blocks (EB).
DM equals: Degraded Minutes, error

Error pulses equals: Count of errored

block checks
Parity pulses equals: Count of errored
parity checks

analog gauge values, such as

RPL equals: Received power level

RPL_SDIV equals: Received power
level on space diversity equipment
The timestamp when the measurement was
completed on the NE


Available operations


Reset PM data. This means that the selected performance counters

are set to zero the NE. This operation can only be used on parameters
data of type "counters". Please note that not all performance counters can
reset on all equipment which type of performance data where this
operation is available will vary between different equipment, NE and NE-

All views and dialogs

types. When this operation is selected, the Reset Status dialog will
appear, where you can choose to confirm or abort the reset operation.

Export your current data to file. You are allowed to save the table as
an Excel spreadsheet (.xls), comma separated file (.csv) or extended
markup language (.xml)
Refresh the data in the view

Set your table in Multiple Parameters mode to organize your data with
focus on performance measurement points and its associated

Set your table in Single Parameter mode to organize your data with
focus on each performance parameter.

Reset Status dialog

This dialog is opened when using Reset PM Data on performance counters in the

Press Yes to set the currently selected performance counters to zero on the
equipment, or abort the operation by pressing No.


Manual for NetMaster

Reset Performance Counters dialog

This dialog is opened by selecting an NE or domain in one of the topological
views (Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) and selecting Performance | Reset
Performance Counters from the menu.

This is a dialog for confirming resetting of performance counters in the specified

scope. "Resetting Performance Counters" means that the counter values are set
to zero on the NE. This operation will not influence any performance data other
than parameters of type "counters". Please note that not all performance data
counters can be reset this way - which type of performance data where this
operation is available will vary between different equipment, NE and NE-types.
Press Yes to perform the resetting, or press No to abort.


All views and dialogs

TCA Templates view

This Threshold Crossing Alarm Templates view is opened from the main menu
under Views | Performance | TCA Templates.

In this view you can create TCA templates for your equipment. A "TCA template"
is an abbreviation for "Threshold Crossing Alert" template, and contains a set of
conditions (thresholds) for raising and clearing alarms in the network manager
based on performance data received from the NE. Every time the performance
data from an NE crosses a threshold value defined in a TCA template, the
network manager will register a raised/cleared alarm on this NE, as defined by
the TCA template.
The templates are assigned to your equipment using the TCA Template
Assignment view. We use the term "assign a template to the equipment", even
though no change actually is made to the NE when assigning an alarm template
the template is solely a mapping within NetMaster of how to respond to the
incoming performance data from this equipment on the NE.
The templates defined in the TCA Templates view might influence all views
where alarms and severities are displayed. For more details about alarms and
severities, see the chapter about visualisation of alarms.
The view consists a TCA Templates table, a Template Definitions table and an
Assigned Elements tree.
More about TCA alarms
The purpose of receiving performance data from equipment, is to get more
knowledge about utilization of the NE and equipment. The values of the
performance data will typically vary over a period of time, and some times the
performance values might indicate that the limitations of your NE and network
are about to be exceeded, e.g.:


Manual for NetMaster

if a temperature sensor crosses a value that indicates that an element is at

risk of catching fire
if a performance value indicates that the capacity of the network is below a
business critical value, and the vendor has a contract involving paying a
fine to a customer if this value is crossed.

These situations can be handled by creating TCA alarms, by defining values for
raising and clearing alarms, as shown below:

Whenever the a trigger-value is crossed, the system will raise a TCA alarm with
severity INDETERMINATE. Whenever a clear value is crossed (while the
corresponding alarm already is raised), this alarm will become cleared.
For each performance measuring point you use TCAs to define 4 different alarms


Each of these alarms needs to have a pair of values defined:

a trigger value, defining the permitted deviation from the desired value for
this measuring point before creating a warning
a clear value, defining how close to the desired value this measuring point
needs to be before saying that the alarm situation no longer is valid.

A TCA Template is a collection of TCA alarm definitions for an NE type. Each NE

can only have one TCA template assigned at a time.
TCA Templates table

All views and dialogs

This table shows a list of TCA templates grouped by NE type.

The TCA Templates table contains the following values:

NE Type


A list of all available NE types you can create TCA templates for
in NetMaster.
Each NE type can have several associated templates. Click the
Expand icon to the left of the NE type to expand a list of all
templates which have currently been created for that NE type.
New templates can be added when an NE type is selected in
the table.
A user defined name for each template.

Select a Template to view details about each template in the

Template Definitions table and Assigned Elements tree. New
template definitions can only be added when a Template is
selected in the table.
Description A user defined text describing the template. Edit this text in the
table to change the description
New TCA templates can be added to, cloned, renamed and deleted from the
table, within each NE type.
Templates Definitions table

Manual for NetMaster

This table is shown when a Template is selected in the TCA Templates table,
and presents template definitions for this template

The Template Definitions table contains the following columns:

Layer Rate The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic Information) is
used to identify the signal type supported by a specific resource,
e.g.: E3, TU-12/VC-12, MS-STM-1, Digital Signal Rate STM-16,
Optical Section, Radio Section or Ethernet
Parameter Performance measurement types, counters such as error pulses
and parity pulses, as defined in G876
Granularity Specifies how the performance data is stored in registers on the
NE, either as NA (only counters), 15min or 24h
The upper boundary for generating a Highest alarm
The lower boundary for clearing a Highest alarm
The upper boundary for generating a High alarm
High Clear The lower boundary for clearing a High alarm
The lower boundary for generating a Low alarm
Low Clear The upper boundary for clearing a Low alarm
The lower boundary for generating a Lowest alarm
The upper boundary for clearing a Lowest alarm
A performance measurement point consists of the following data


a performance parameter
a specified granularity

All views and dialogs

a specified layer rate

Each line in the table contains TCA settings for a certain performance measure
point. You are allowed to add and remove lines with template properties, and the
trigger values for a template property can be updated directly in the table. Lines
with TCA settings can be removed and edited using the context menu in the
Template Definitions table, and added by using the view toolbar or view
dropdown menu.
Assigned Elements tree
This tree is visible when a Template is selected in the TCA Templates table.

The Assigned Elements tree displays a list of equipment using the currently
selected TCA template, grouped by NE.
Available operations

Save all changes made to the templates in this view. When

changes have been saved, the updates in TCA templates will affect the
raising/clearing of alarms for all NEs using this template, and the updated
templates can be used in the TCA Template Assignment view.

Refresh the view to receive the latest data from server.

Click the Expand icon to the left of a NE type in the TCA Templates
table to expand a list of all templates which have currently been created
for that NE type.

Create a new template, by opening the Create Template

dialog for the security type currently selected in the TCA Templates table.


Manual for NetMaster

Open theConfirm delete dialog and delete the template

currently selected in the TCA Templates table.

Create a copy of the security template currently selected

in the TCA Templates table, and open the Template Name dialog where
you can enter a name for the new template.

Rename the security template currently selected in the TCA

Templates table, by opening the Template Name dialog.

Create a new set of TCA template properties by

opening the TCA Template Properties dialog.

Select one or more lines with TCA template properties in the

Template Definitions table, and use this context menu to delete the
selected properties. This will open the Delete TCA Template Properties
dialog, where you can confirm that you want to delete the properties.

Select one or more lines with TCA template properties in the

Template Definitions table, and use this context menu to edit the selected
properties. This will open the TCA Template Properties dialog, where you
can set triggers for the selected properties.

Organize the TCA Templates area and the Templates

Definitions table (+ Assigned Elements table) horizontally.

Organize the TCA Templates area and the Templates

Definitions table (+ Assigned Elements table) vertically.

Add TCA Template Properties dialog

This dialog is opened when using Add Template Properties with a template
selected in the TCA Templates table.


All views and dialogs

The dialog allows you to define new thresholds for TCA alarms on one or more
performance measurement points.
Select a granularity "NA, "24h" or "15min" on the Granularity dropdown, and
select one or more of the available performance parameters within each layer
rate in the Performance Parameters table.
Enter at least one pair of "Trigger" and "Clear", within the categories "Highest",
"High", "Low" or "Lowest", and press OK to make these TCA Template properties
appear in the Template Definitions table.
Edit TCA Template Properties dialog

This dialog is opened when using the Edit context menu in the Templates
Definitions table with one or more lines of TCA template properties selected


Manual for NetMaster

The dialog allows you to update TCA settings for one or several selected
performance measurement points.
Update the values for "Trigger" and "Clear", within the categories "Highest",
"High", "Low" or "Lowest", and press OK to make the updated TCA Template
properties appear in the Templates Definitions table.
If multiple TCA template properties are selected when opening this dialog, only
the trigger values common for all these TCA template properties are displayed
when the dialog opens.
Delete TCA Template Properties dialog

This dialog is shown when using the Delete context menu in the Template
Definition table with one or more lines of TCA template properties selected.

Press Yes to confirm that you want to delete the TCA template properties. If
multiple TCA template properties were selected when opening this dialog, all
these TCA template properties will be deleted.


All views and dialogs

Create Template dialog

This dialog is shown when using Create Template with a NE type selected in the
TCA Templates table.

Enter a name to identify the TCA template, and a more detailed description, and
then press OK. The new template will appear in the TCA Template table under
your chosen NE type.
Delete Template dialog

This dialog is shown when using delete in the TCA Template table with a TCA
template selected

Press Yes to confirm the deletion, or press No to cancel.

Template Name dialog


Manual for NetMaster

This dialog is shown when using clone or rename in the TCA Template table with
a TCA template selected

Enter the new template name and press OK. The new/updated template will now
appear in the TCA Template table.


All views and dialogs

TCA Template Assignment view

The Threshold Crossing Alarm Template Assignment view can also be opened
non-scoped by selecting Views |Performance | TCA Template Assignment from
the main menu.
The view can also be opened by selecting any NE or domain in one of the
topology views (Geographical or Logical Map, or Tree) using the Performance |
TCA Template Assignment menu. The view will then open "scoped" as shown

In this view you can assign TCA templates to all your selected equipment. A
"TCA template" is a "Threshold Crossing Alarm template", and contains a set of
conditions (thresholds) for raising and clearing alarms in the network manager
based on performance data received from the NE. Every time the performance
data from an NE crosses a threshold value defined in a TCA template, the
network manager will register a raised/cleared alarm on this NE, as defined by
the TCA template.
We use the term "assign a template to the equipment", even though no change is
actually made to the NE when assigning an alarm template &ndash; the template
is solely a mapping within NetMaster of the incoming performance data from this
equipment on the NE.
The templates are created in the TCA Templates view dialog. The templates
assigned to an NE in this view might influence all views where alarms and
severities from this NE are displayed. For more details about alarms and
severities, see the chapter about visualization of alarms.
TCA Template Assignment table
The table contains the following columns:

Names of the equipment components on NEs you
want to assign a new template to. Identifies the


Manual for NetMaster

NE type

TCA Template


subunit within the NE.

Type of NE containing this equipment.
Indicates that the TCA template is enabled for this
equipment on the NE. Click the checkbox to
disable/enable the currently assigned TCA template
on this equipment.
The short name for the currently selected alarm
template. Click the dropdown list to select one of the
available TCA templates.
A user-defined text describing the purpose of this
template. Edit directly in the table to change the
description text.

The table includes all NEs available for the node from which you opened the
Available operations

Click the dropdown menu in the TCA Template column to select a

template for the NE on this line in the table. The dropdown menu will only
display templates which are suitable for this equipment, as defined in the
TCA Templates view.

Use the context menu in the table to assign a TCA

template for one or more NEs currently selected in the table.

Use the context menu in the table to remove TCA

template(s) from one or more NEs currently selected in the table.

Click a checkbox in the Enabled column to enable/disable the currently

assigned TCA template on equipment in the TCA Template Assignment


Refresh the view to receive the latest data from server.

Apply and saves all changes made to template assignments in
this view. If this view is closed without saving data, the Save Changes
dialog will appear.

All views and dialogs

CPE Radio Statistics view

This view is opened by selecting a Base Station node in one of the topology
views and selecting Performance | CPE Radio Statistics from the Context or View
dropdown menu. The view will present available Radio Statistics data for those
CPEs associated with this base station.

CPE Radio Statistics table

The table displays the following fields for each CPE:

MAC Address
Uplink Tx
Uplink SNR
Uplink RSSI
Downlink Tx
Downlink SNR
Downlink RSSI

Media Access Control address. Unique hardware identifier
reported for each CPE.
CPE transmit power [in dBm].
Signal To Noise Ratio measured at Base Station receiver [in
Received Signal Strength Indicator. Indicator of the strength
of the received signal at the Base Station [in dBm].
Base Station transmit power [in dBm].
Signal To Noise Ratio measured at CPE receiver [in dB].
Received Signal Strength Indicator. Indicator of the strength
of the received signal at the CPE [in dBm].

Available operations
The following operations are available in the table, in addition to the standard
toolbar icons.
Refresh the entire table with the current status of the


Open the Export to File dialog for the CPE Radio

Statistics table, where you can select to export the content of the table to
disk .


Manual for NetMaster

Open the Customize Columns dialog for the CPE Radio

Statistics table, where you can select which column to display and the
order of the columns

CTRL + F Open the Find dialog for the CPE Radio Statistics table, where
you can search the content of the table.


All views and dialogs

Group Administration view
This view can be found in the User Management perspective, and is used
together with the User Administration view.
The Group Administration view can be opened by selecting Views |
Administration | Group Administration from the main menu.

In this view you can create and delete groups and assign permissions for the
groups. The groups created here are used in the User Administration view to
assign a set of permissions to each user.
The view contains a Groups table in the Groups area to the left, and a Resource
Permissions tree and an Action Permissions Tree in the Permissions area to the
Groups table
This table presents the usergroups that are created on this server, and a short
description of the group. You can change both the name and description of each
group by clicking in the table. You are also allowed to delete, clone and create
new groups to the table.
When selecting one of the groups in the table, the group's permissions will be
displayed in the Resource Permissions tree and in the Action Permissions tree.
Resource Permissions tree
This tree displays domains where the currently selected usergroup has access.
You can change permissions by checking/unchecking the checkboxes in the
Resource Permissions tree. A usergroup can only see the domains where they
have recourse permissions all other domains will be hidden for users in this


Manual for NetMaster

As a user will see all NEs in a domain where it has permissions, you must place
NEs in different domains to be able to give permissions to different users. Please
note that the same NE can be managed in both Logical and Geographical
Models, and restrictions on permissions for NEs must be applied in both models.
The domains in the Resource Permissions tree can be created, modified and
deleted using the Geographical Tree view and the Logical Tree view.
Action Permissions area
This tree displays actions allowed for the currently selected usergroup. You can
change permissions by checking/unchecking the checkboxes in the action tree. A
usergroup can only see the menu items and icons where they have action
permissions all other domains will be hidden/disabled for users in this group.
Available operations

Save the modifications you have made in the Group Administration


Create a new usergroup starting with blank

resource/action permissions. The Create Security Group dialog will be
opened, where you can enter a name and description for the new group.

Create a new usergroup, starting with the

resource/action permissions of the group that is currently selected in the
Groups table. The Clone Security Group dialog will be opened, where you
can enter a name and description for the new group.

Delete the currently selected usergroup and open the

Confirm Group Delete.

Refresh the data in all fields in the Group Administration view

Click a checkbox in the Resource Permissions tree or the Action
Permissions tree to add/remove permissions for the currently selected
usergroup in the Groups table.

Create Security Group dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing the Create Group icon in the Group
Administration view


All views and dialogs

Enter a name and a description of the group and press OK, or press Cancel to
Clone Security Group dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing the Clone Selected Group icon in the
Group Administration view with a security group selected in the Groups table.

Enter a new name and a description of the group and press OK, or press Cancel
to abort.
Confirm Group Delete dialog


Manual for NetMaster

This dialog opens after pressing Delete in the Group Administration view with a
security group selected in the Groups table.

Press Yes to confirm the deletion, or press No to cancel.


All views and dialogs

User Administration view

This view can be found in the User Management perspective, and is used
together with the Group Administration view. The view can be opened by
selecting Views | Administration | User Administration from the main menu.

In this view you can register new NetMaster users, update their properties, and
modify their access permissions by assigning them to different user groups.
Users table
This table shows the users that are created on this server, with their properties.
You can change the name, telephone number and e-mail address by clicking
directly in the table.
Please note that the User name cannot be changed.
When selecting a line in the table, the group membership for the currently
selected user will be presented in the Groups area.
Groups table
This table presents group memberships for the currently selected user in the
Users table. New user-groups are created in the Group Administration view.
Available operations
Create a new user login and open the Create New User


Temporarily remove all permissions for the currently

selected user and open the Block User dialog. The user will then be
denied access upon next logon. This menu option will only be available
when selecting a user that has not been blocked.


Manual for NetMaster

Give back permissions for the currently selected, blocked

user. The user can now log on again. This menu option will only be
available when selecting a user that has been blocked.

Change password for the user and open the Change

Password dialog. Please note that the process of changing password on a
user that currently is logged in, will involve that the server automatically
logs out this user.
Delete the selected user and open the Confirm User

Delete dialog.

Refresh the data in all fields in the User Administration view

Save the modifications you have made in the User Administration view

Create New User dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing Create New User in the User
Administration view.

Enter the data for the user and press OK, or press Cancel to abort. Please notice
that User ID cannot be changed after closing this dialog - all other fields in this
dialog can be changed in the Users table.
Block User dialog


All views and dialogs

This dialog can be opened when using Block User in the User Administration
view with an unblocked user selected .
Press OK to confirm the user is to be blocked, or Cancel to abort the operation.
The user will then be denied access upon next logon, and cannot log in until the
user has been unblocked.
Change Password dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing Change Password or Create User in the
User Administration view.

Enter the new password in both fields and press OK, or press Cancel to abort.
Please note that the OK button will not be enabled before a legal password string
is entered, as defined on server in the Password Settings preference page.
When pressing OK, the Verify Password Change dialog appears. If password
change is confirmed, this user will be forced to log out as soon as you Save your
changes in the User Administration view.
Verify Password Change dialog

This dialog is opened after pressing Change Password in the User Administration
view and then OK in the Change Password dialog.


Manual for NetMaster

Press Yes to apply the password change. As soon as you Save the changes in
the User Administration view, the affected user will be kicked out by the server,
and the NetMaster Login dialog will appear for this user.
Alternatively press No to abort the password change.
Confirm User Delete dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing Delete User with a user selected in the
User Administration view.

Press Yes to confirm the deletion, or press No to cancel.


All views and dialogs

User Audit view

This view can be found in the Security Audit perspective, and is used together
with the User Administration view. The view can be opened by selecting Views |
Administration | User Audit from the main menu.

NetMaster collects a log of all administration activities performed by the users in

the system so that you can monitor whether users act in a manner potentially
damaging to the system. This view allows you to audit the event log, enabling
you to identify users who should be blocked or removed.
As soon as you have identified a suspicious user, the user can be blocked and/or
deleted in the User Administration view.
User Audit table

The table displays the following data on each user event:

User Name
Audit Level

The time the event was generated.
A description of what has happened
The login name of the user who has created the event
Severity of the event. One of the possible alarm severities:


Please note that the table displays a query of data based on the current "User
Audit" filter (default is no filter, and page size=50). The filter defines what entries
should be included/excluded in each query, and page size defines the maximum
number of returns matching these filter criteria in each query. The User Audit
table can be filtered using the following parameters:


Manual for NetMaster

Audit Level
Audit Time
User Account

Filter criteria and a page size for the User Audit table can be defined in the Filter
Manager view
Available operations

Refresh the current query in the User Audit table.

Go to the previous page in the current query.

Go to the next page in the current query.

Open the Filter Manager view, where you can create

filter conditions and set page sizes for filters that can be applied to the
User Audit table.

Click the drop-down to select/apply one of the filters created and

tagged as favorite in the Filter Manager view.

Open the Customize Columns dialog, where you can

select which columns are to be displayed in the User Audit table.

Customize Columns dialog for User Audit

This dialog is opened by selecting Customize Columns in the view drop-down, or
in the context menu in the User Audit table.


All views and dialogs

Details about how to use this dialog can be found in the chapter about the
Customize Columns dialog.


Manual for NetMaster

Discover Settings view
This view can be found in the Discover perspective and is normally used together
with the Unmanaged Elements view.

In this view you can define settings for discovering new equipment to manage
and can start the discover process. The newly discovered elements will be
displayed in the Unmanaged Elements view.
The view contains a Mediation Devices area to the left, and a Settings area to the
Mediation Devices area

This area presents a Mediation Device tree of your own searches for discovering
new NEs. Here you can setup searches for discovering both Q1- and SNMPbased NEs over TCP/IP and Q1-based NEs connected to serial ports.
The Mediation Device tree consists the following objects:


The Mediation Device nodes correspond to a local mediator

in NetMaster: Q1 or SNMP. The running/idle status for this Mediation

All views and dialogs

Device node is indicated with color and text on the node. (The SNMP
Mediation Device in this example is currently idle).

The Search nodes correspond to a specific the mediator

uses to search for NE. A search can be an SNMP search range, Q1
search range or serial search. When a Search node is selected in the tree,
you can view and update the discover settings in the Settings area. The
Search nodes can also be deleted, copied and renamed, and you are
allowed to create a new search within each of the available methods for
the mediators.

The checkbox in front of the Mediation Devices nodes and the Search
nodes. A "checked" checkbox indicates that a node is enabled for the
discover process. The next time the discover process starts, it will only be
run on enabled mediation devices and using enabled searches. Click a
checkbox to select/de-select a search or a mediation device.

Expand the tree and select each search to view the properties of a search in the
Settings area.
Settings area

This area presents the details of the currently selected Search node in the tree in
the Mediation Devices area. The structure of the Settings area depends on the
method selected for the Search node.
Please note that during the discover process for Q1 NEs, the
username/password used during the discover process is that of the current
default Q1 template, as defined in the Security Templates view.
Settings for an SNMP Range search
Select a Search node of type SNMP Range in the Mediation Devices tree to
display this type of settings.


Manual for NetMaster

This search method can be used to discover all equipment communicating with
the SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c protocols within a range of IP-addresses, with the
mediator communicating directly with each NE.
The settings for an SNMP search range consist of a Settings table, a Protocol
Version radio button and a Security Templates table.
Settings table for an SNMP Range search
The MIB used by the mediator to recognize the NE in the
NE description The OID (in the used MIB) that contains the name of each
discovered NE in this search.
NE identifier
The OID (in the used MIB) that contains the NE type of each
discovered NE in this search.
Port number
The port number used for the discover process. Default port
for SNMP equipment is 161.
Start address
The first IP address in the range the mediator will
sequentially go through to search for manageable NEs.
Stop address
The last IP address in the range the mediator will
sequentially go through to search for manageable NEs.

All views and dialogs

Subnet mask

A common Subnet mask for both the Start and Stop

address. Hence both the Start and Stop address must
belong to the same subnet. For further details read about
Subnet mask in the dictionary.

The discover range should be defined with care and according to the nature of
your local network. It is particularly important to avoid sending a discover request
to an IP address that is the broadcast address of a network subnet, because this
can generate amounts of parallel SNMP traffic that the mediator might have
problems handling.
Available operations for an SNMP Range search
Enter a start and stop address for the search range in the Settings table.
Add a suitable subnet mask for this search in the Settings table.
If necessary you can also change the port for the discover process in the
Settings table.
Select one or both SNMP protocol versions with the Protocol Version radio

Please note that if you use both versions during the discover
process, and discover an element communicating with both
versions, the protocol SNMPv2c will be used for this element. This
means that modern NEs can take full advantage of the extended
functionality in the SNMPv2c protocol, but might cause problems
for some older NEs with poor SNMPv2c support. These problems
can be avoided by unmanaging the NE and deleting it from the
Unmanaged Elements view, and then re-discover the NE using only
an SNMPv1 search range.

Select one or more security templates in the Security Templates table, to

select read and read/write community names for the NEs in the search
range. The templates available in this table are created in the Security
Template view open this view from the main menu if you need to
view/update the list of templates.

Please note that if you discover an element that answers to more

than one template used during discover, you cannot predict which
template this NE will appear with in the Unmanaged Elements view.
If you need to discover an NE with a specific template only this
template should be used in the range discovering this NE. You can
also switch templates in the Unmanaged Elements view before
setting the NE to managed state.
Settings for a Q1 Serial search
Select a Search node of type Serial in the Mediation Devices tree to display this
type of settings.


Manual for NetMaster

This search method can be used to discover Q1 equipment connected to a serial

communication port on the mediator , with the mediator communicating directly
with the NE over the serial cable. If this connected NE is a part of a Q1 network,
this search method can also discover other Q1 NEs, with the mediator
communicating indirectly with the Q1 network over the serial connected NE.
The settings for a Serial search consist of a single Settings table.
Settings table for a Q1 Serial search
The number of bits transmitted per second
Data Bits
The number of bits in a word of data. Possible values
5, 6, 7 or 8
Flow Control
The way to control the rate of transmission of characters or
messages on the link so the receiver always has sufficient
buffer storage resources. Possible values (Default=0, equals
no flow control):
an integer 0-15 , calculated as a sum of a 4-bit
bitmap. Each bit represents a flow control as follows :
1 equals "RTCTS in"
2 equals "RTCTS out"
4 equals "XonXoff in"
8 equals "XonXoff out"
The number of parity bits used for Forward Error Correction
(FEC) (Default=0). Possible values:



All views and dialogs

an integer 0-4, where the values:

0 equals "None"
1 equals "Odd"
2 equals "Even"
3 equals "Mark"
4 equals "Space"
Indicates that a serial port type is selected
The name of the serial port used for this search range
The number of stop bits used to indicate where each word of
data ends (Default=1). Possible values:
an integer 1-3, where the values:

Port Type
Serial Port
Stop Bits

1 equals 1
2 equals 2
3 equals 1.5
The maximum number of milliseconds the system waits for a
response over the serial cable (Default=2000).
Available operations for a Q1 Serial search
Update value for the Serial Port to match the name of the port you are
using on the mediator.
Update values for Baudrate, Data Bits, Flow Control, Parity, Serial Port,
Stop Bits and Timeout in the Settings table to match the settings on the
equipment you have connected to the serial port.
Settings for a Q1 Range search
Select a Search node of type Q1 Range in the Mediation Devices tree to display
this type of settings.


Manual for NetMaster

This search method can be used to discover all equipment communicating with
the Q1 protocols within a range of IP addresses, with the mediator
communicating directly with each NE and indirectly with other NEs outside the
range through a network of Q1 elements.
The settings for a Q1 Range search consists of a single Settings table.
Settings table for a Q1 Range search
Indicates that an IP search range has been selected.
Port Number
The port number used for the discover process. Default port
for Q1 equipment is 5070.
Port Type
Indicates that a TCP/IP port type has been selected.
Start Address
The first IP address in the range the mediator will
sequentially go through to search for manageable NEs.
Stop Address
The last IP address in the range the mediator will
sequentially go through to search for manageable NEs.
Subnet Mask
A common Subnet mask for both the Start and Stop
address. Hence both the Start and Stop address must
belong to the same subnet. For further details read about
Subnet mask in the dictionary.
The discover range should be defined with care and according to the nature of
your local network. It is particularly important to avoid sending a discover request
to an IP address that is the broadcast address of a network subnet, because this
can generate amounts of parallel Q1 traffic that the mediator might have
problems handling.
Available operations for Q1 Range search

All views and dialogs

Enter an IP address for the Start Address and Stop Address for the search
Add a suitable Subnet Mask for this search range
If necessary, change the Port Number for this search

Available operations
The following operations are available in the view:

Start searching for new NEs. The NE found in the discover

process can be seen in the Unmanaged Elements view. All modifications
in the Mediation Devices tree and Settings area must be saved before
Start discover can be used.
Abort the currently running discover process.

Save the updates you have made in the Mediation

Devices tree and Discover Settings area. If a search contains invalid
settings, an explanation about the wrong settings will be displayed in the
top of the Settings area, and Save Modifications will be disabled until
these settings are fixed. If you try to close the view without saving data,
the Save Changes dialog will appear

Refresh the view with the latest data from the discover
setting on the server.

Create a New Search on the currently selected Mediation Device

node in the Mediation Devices tree.

Clone the currently selected Search node in the

Mediation Devices tree.
Delete the currently selected Search node in the Mediation

Devices tree.

Rename a selected node to change its name, or rename a

Parameter node to update its value.

Click a checkbox in the Mediation Devices tree to enable/disable a

Search node or a Mediation Device node. T


Manual for NetMaster

Unmanaged Elements view

This view can be found in the Discover perspective, and is normally used
together with the Discover Settings view.

In this view, you can "manage" the NEs you have discovered. "Manage an NE"
means in this case placing the NE into a domain so that you can, for example,
receive alarm status and performance data and update properties for the NE.
Unmanaged Elements table

This view shows a table with Network Elements that are discovered but not yet
managed. Each NE is identified by the following fields:
Discovered by

NE Name
Product Name

Q1 Address


The Mediation Device that discovered this NE, using the
name specified in Mediation Device node in the Discover
Settings view
The name of the NE you have discovered
The type of NE
The IP address for the management port of the NE. For Q1
elements this may not be the port used for communication,
because they may be routed through a Q1 gateway. For
some Q1-elements the field may be empty.
This column contains information on the Q1 Gateway and
the Q1 address of a NE.
The information can be divided into:
Q1-subnet = The Q1-subnetwork that the NE belongs
to, assigned by NetMaster. The Q1 Gateway view
contains a list of possible gateways.
Sec = The section part of the Q1 address, assigned
by equipment configurator.

All views and dialogs

SU = The SU part of the Q1 address, assigned by
equipment configurator.
This column is by default not visible. In order to view it,
select the Customize Columns button and change the
columns settings.
The currently assigned security profile in NetMaster for
managing this NE. The profiles are defined in the Security
Templates view, where you also can define which templates
are to be used as default templates during the discover
New profiles can be assigned to each NE in the Security
Profile column. A security template contains a Read/Write
community for SNMP elements, and a username/password
for a Q1 element.
OK if the security template used for this NE allowed the NE
to log on.
Additional info. on the Logon Status
The time when the NE was first discovered
This column is by default not visible. In order to view it,
select the Customize Columns button and change the
columns settings.
The time when the NE was last discovered.
This column is by default not visible. In order to view it,
select the Customize Columns button and change the
columns settings.


Logon Status
Logon info.


This table is used for selecting which NEs to manage. Use shift+click or ctrl+click
to select more than one NE.
When selecting one or more lines of NEs in the table, these can be set to be
managed directly in a domain by dragging them into this domain in any of the
topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree). The selected NEs can
also be managed using Manage Elements.
Elements which are successfully set to be managed will then be removed from
the Unmanaged Elements table.
Available operations
The following operations are available in the table:

Open the Manage Elements dialog using the currently

selected elements in the table as input.

Open the Confirm Discovered Element Delete

dialog using the currently selected elements in the table as input.


Manual for NetMaster

Refresh the list and display the new NEs that have
been discovered since you last used Discover in the Discover Settings

Drag one or more NE into a domain in one of the topology views

(Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) to manage it.

Select a security template from the dropdown menus in the

Security Profile column to change the Username/Password (Q1) or
read/write community (SNMP) for managing the NE. Securing templates
are defined in the Security Templates view.

Open the Customize Columns dialog for the

Unmanaged Elements view. In this dialog you can select which columns
will be displayed in the table, and the order in which they appear.

Managed Elements dialogue

This dialog is opened from the Unmanaged Elements table when using Manage
Elements with an unmanaged element selected.


All views and dialogs

In this dialog you can select an administrative domain for all of the selected NEs.
After pressing the OK button the NEs are added to the domain, and the elements
will disappear from the table in the Unmanaged Elements view.
If no legal domain is selected, the OK button will be disabled.
Confirm Discovered Element Delete dialog

This dialog is opened when using Delete in the Unmanaged Elements table.


Manual for NetMaster

Pressing the Yes button will remove the currently selected element from the table
of unmanaged elements. If the element is discovered again, it will re-appear in
this table.


All views and dialogs

Q1 Gateway view
This view can be found under the Q1-Mediation device node in the Discover
Settings view.
It is also possible to open the view by right clicking an element in the
Managed/Unmanaged Elements view and selecting the Q1 Gateway View item in
the context sensitive menu that appears.

This view lists available gateways to Q1-subnetworks and can be used to enable
or disable these gateways.
The term Q1 elements is used as a collective term describing network elements
using a Nera proprietary communication protocol (Q1 protocol).
The families of Q1 protocol elements are CityLink (except CityLink
FastEthernet/EtherLink), InterLink, NL29x, NL18x-A and NL24x.
Q1 Addressing

Q1-elements are addressed with Section/SU addresses. This scheme was

devised before IP addresses were commonplace and access to a set of Q1
elements was typically through a serial port. The serial port would act as a
gateway into a set of interconnected Q1-elements.
The interconnected Q1-elements are defined as a Q1-subnetwork. The
communication will typically be enabled in the overhead bytes in STM channels
between sites, and via cables between NI ports on a particular site or station.
TCP/IP gateways are available on all latest product families, however, behind the
gateway, Section/SU addresses must be used as before. An important restriction
to these addresses is that they must be unique within a Q1-subnetwork.
In the example below, there are two separate sets of Q1 elements. Both contain
an element with address Section1/Su1. Elements in the first set can be
accessed through IP gateway or, elements in the second
through IP gateway


Manual for NetMaster

As long as addressing is set up correctly within each set of interconnected

elements, NetMaster will automatically detect which elements are interconnected
and assign each set a numbered Q1-subnetwork. This will NOT work if there are
overlapping addresses within an interconnected set, but only if overlapping
section/SU addresses are in separate interconnected sets like in the example
Those familiar with NEW-NMS are used to manually setting up Q1-subnetworks
and discovering elements into them. The automatic detection in NetMaster
greatly simplifies this process. Further, there was a limitation in NEW-NMS
allowing only two gateways to be associated to any one element as primary-
and backup-ports. In NetMaster this is different. NetMaster allows all gateways
into a set of Q1 elements to be used. The gateway with minimum delay will be
selected automatically.
Gateway Table
Q1 Gateway
The IP address and port number for a TCP/IP connection or
COM port name and connection parameters for a Serial
Port Type
The port type can be of type:

Q1 Subnet
The internal number assigned to an interconnected set of
elements. This number is assigned during the discoverprocess and may change after a rediscover if new


All views and dialogs


Locked to Q1

interconnections are discovered.

Status of Gateway
Enabled Communication is enabled and gateway is
included in Q1 discover.
Disabled Communication is disabled and gateway is
excluded from Q1 discover, regardless of discover
ranges in the Discover View
States whether the Q1 Gateway is locked to the Q1 Subnet
or not. The values are:
This column is by default not visible. In order to view it,
select the Customize Columns button and change the
columns settings.

Available operations

Refreshes the view

Enables selected Q1 Gateways

Disables selected Q1 Gateways

Locks the selected Q1 Gateway to Q1 subnet

Unlocks the selected Q1 Gateway to Q1 subnet

Opens the Export to File dialog for the Gateway table,

where you can select to export the content of the view


Manual for NetMaster


Opens the Customize Columns dialog for the Q1

Gateway view. In this dialog you can select which columns will be
displayed in the table, and the order in which they appear.

All views and dialogs

Logical Map view
This view can be found in the Logical Surveillance perspective, and can be
opened directly from the Logical Tree view by selecting a domain and then using
the Logical Map menu. The view is also opened from Views | Topology | Logical
Map in the main menu.

This is a view for monitoring and managing your network based on a logical
model, and includes an editor for creating and editing a visual representation of
your logical domains.
The model used in the Logical Map view is the same as is visualized with a tree
structure in the Logical Tree view. You can browse, create, delete and move
logical domains, and the view also allows you to include, move and delete NEs.
The structure of your domains can be used for assigning resource permissions to
different groups of users in the Group Administration view.
In the Logical Map view, you can create domains/sub-domains corresponding to
a logical model of your NE. Examples of logical models are:

Element type, element subtype, etc. (e.g. Radio, Nera radios, CityLinks,
CityLink2, etc.)


Manual for NetMaster

Regional zones (with domains reflecting a geographical division of your

network, but with boundaries which might overlap other geographical
Transmission capacity (e.g.155/145Mb, 45/34Mb, 1.5/2Mb, etc.)
Data communication network (with domains reflecting the physical
connection of your network, which might overlap and differ from a
geographical division)
Company, contractor, party responsible
Usage (e.g. main network, encrypted network, backup)
Security profile (reflecting which security profile used for the NEs in each

As this logical organization can be completely independent of the NE's

geographical location, the same NE can exist in both models at the same time, or
in only one. The Logical Model is completely separate from the Geographical
Model used in the Geographical Map view. The two Map views operate on
different models, but otherwise have exactly the same functionality.
The current alarm status for the different parts of your network are visualized in
the map using colors, alarm counts and symbols. Details about alarms and how
visualization is shown can be found in the chapter about visualization of alarms.
In the above example, the Logical Model is organised by element types. We can,
for example, see that the "CityLinks" domain is solid red, while the
"CompactLinks" domain i colorless with an orange outline. This tells us:

that there is (at least) one new alarm with severity "Critical" (=red) on (at
least) one of the CityLinks. Looking at the alarm summaries tells us that
there is exactly one active critical alarm, and that this alarm is new. In
addition there also is (at least one) new less severe alarm(s).
that there are no new alarms on CompactLinks, but that there is (at least)
one active alarm with severity "Major". Looking at the alarm summaries
tells us that there is exactly 61 active critical alarms, and that all have
been acked.

The scope in the title of the view indicates the name of the domain currently
displayed. In the above example, the title "Logic" indicates that the map currently
displays the content of the domain "Logic" (which was the name of the top-level
domain of this Logical Model)
Available operations


Save the changes in the view. All changes to domain polygons,

coordinates and background images are not saved on the server until the
Save icon has been clicked. If moving to another domain level or trying to
close a view without saving changes, the Save Modified View dialog will

All views and dialogs

Go up one level, to the Parent Domain. The parent domain

contains the current domain as a "child", and when going up one level the
shape/outline of the previous domain and its "siblings" will be displayed
(this operation is the opposite of Doubleclick a Domain).
Select. each domain and NE in the view with this tool. Hold down
the shift key while selecting to select multiple objects. When the Select
tool is enabled, you can:
-drag an object (domain or NE)
-open context menus for the currently selected object (domain or NE)
-Double-click a Domain to go down to this level in the Logical Map view (this
operation is the opposite of Go to Parent Domain)
Pan the screen by dragging it in the direction you want.

Zoom in on a specific area of the view by clicking and

dragging a rectangle over the area you wish to see in more detail. When
the mouse button is released the view will display only this selected area.

Create a new logical domain by drawing a polygon outline

in the view using this tool. Click once for each new polygon corner you
want to create, and double-click to finish. When you have finished editing,
the New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where you can enter a
name for the domain. If relevant for your Logical Model, adding a
background image to your map before drawing domains might help when
drawing your map objects.
Edit the shape of your logical domain outlines using this

tool. You can:


click a corner and drag it in any direction

crtl+click directly on a corner to delete it
ctrl+click on a line to create a new corner

Click to zoom in on a smaller area.

Click to zoom out to a larger area

Zoom and pan so that all objects on this level is displayed in

the view.


Manual for NetMaster

Open the Map Overview tool where you can pan and zoom
the area currently displayed
Lock the map. This will disable


the movement of objects in the map

the changing of the shape of domain polygons
the creation of new domain polygons

If the map is locked, you can unlock it by pressing this icon again.

Create a new sub-domain under the currently selected

domain. The New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where you can
enter a name for the new domain.

Move the currently selected node (NE or sub-domain) to under

another domain. If the node contains a sub-tree, this sub-tree with all its
nodes will also be moved to the new domain. The Move Resource dialog
will open where you will be able to select the domain you want to move
the node to. The outline/shape of a domain will not remain when moving it.

Rename the currently selected node by opening the Rename

Node dialog.

Delete the currently selected node (NE or sub-domain).

If the currently selected node is a domain, the entire sub-tree of domains
and all its NEs will be deleted and the Delete Domain from Model dialog will
be opened, where you can confirm or cancel the operation.
If the currently selected node is an NE, the Delete Network Element from
Model dialog will appear. In this dialog you can also choose to remove the
NE from the Geographical Model.

Select one or more managed NE from the

Geographical Model and manage them in the Logical Model by placing
them under the currently selected domain. The Include Managed
Elements dialog will appear, where you can view the list of unmanaged
elements and select which NE you want to manage.

Select which layers are to be visible in the Logical Map view.

Checking/unchecking menu items on this submenu allows you to


All views and dialogs

Background images
Geographical Domains
Managed Elements
Alarm Balloons


Distribute your graphical elements within the current viewable

area in the map. Selecting Random Layout will distribute your
domains/NEs randomly, while selecting Grid Layout will distribute your
domains/NEs in a regular grid pattern. This operation is useful when
opening a domain with a lot of NEs for the first time, because all managed
NEs by default are set with the same coordinates in the map.

Open the Background Image dialog, to enable/disable and

select a background image to your Geographical Network view. The .gif,
.jpg and .png file formats are allowed.

In addition, the following views, dialogs and functions can be opened with data
from a node in the view (using the currently selected node as scope):

Logical Map view

Logical Tree view


Hardware Inventory view

Software Inventory view
Create Software Download Jobs wizard
Clock Synchronization view
Security Template Assignment view


Active Alarms view

Historical Alarms view
Alarm Template Assignment view

TCA Template Assignment view

Enable Performance Collection dialog
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog
Current Performance dialog
Reset Performance Counters dialog

Properties view


Manual for NetMaster

Background Image dialog

This dialog appears when selecting the Background Image on the view

Check/Uncheck the checkbox to enable/disable usage of background images on

this level in the Logical Map. Browse your file system to find a background image
and press OK, or press Cancel to abort changes.
Please note that you should avoid using images of different proportions as all
background images will appear centred and in their original size.
Map Overview tool

This tool appears when selecting Map Overview on the toolbar or view


All views and dialogs

The tool displays the entire map and a blue frame around the current viewable
area in the Logical Map view. You can use the tool to do the following:

Drag&draw the corners of the blue frame to zoom in/out the viewable area
in the Logical Map view
Drag inside the blue frame to pan the viewable area in the Logical Map
Click outside the blue frame to set a new centre for the viewable area in
the Logical Map view

This tool can be useful when the viewable area in the Logical Map view is
zoomed in to display only parts of the entire map. Please note that when the map
is zoomed out to Zoom to fit (or less), the Map Overview tool cannot provide you
with any useful navigation features.
New Administrative Domain dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the New Domain context menu with a
domain selected in the map:

Enter a name in the text field. When OK is pressed, the new subdomain is
created and placed under the currently selected domain.
Move Resource dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Move context menu with a NE or
subdomain in focus.


Manual for NetMaster

Browse the tree to find the parent domain where you want to move your node.
The outline/shape of a domain will not remain when moving it to another level.
Include Managed Elements dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Include Managed Elements context
menu with a subdomain in focus in the map


All views and dialogs

This dialog present a list of NEs that are managed in the Geographical Model
(Geographical Tree and Map views), but not in the Logical Model. Select the NEs
you want to manage, and they will be managed in the currently selected
Delete Domain from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
a domain in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the domain and all its NEs.
NEs deleted in this way will only be removed from the Logical Model (Logical
Tree and Logical Map), and not from the Geographical Model (Geographical Tree
and Geographical Map). The deleted NEs can be re-included in another domain
in the Logical Model using the Include Managed Element function in this view.
However, this is only possible if the NE also existed in the Geographical Model. If
deleted NEs do not belong to any other model, they will become unmanaged
once deleted. If so, they must be re-managed using the Unmanaged Elements
Delete Network Element from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
an NE in focus.


Manual for NetMaster

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the resource. If you check the Set to
Unmanaged checkbox, the NE will also be removed from the Geographical
Model (Geographical Tree and Geographical Map). If so, they must be remanaged using the Unmanaged Elements view.
Rename Node dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Rename context menu in the map
with an NE or subdomain in focus.

Enter a new name and press OK to perform the rename or press Cancel to abort.
Save Modified View dialog

This dialog appears whenever you have made changes in the view, and then try
to go up or down a domain level, or when you try to close the view without saving

Press OK to save changes to the map.


All views and dialogs

Geographical Map view

This view can be found in the Geographical Surveillance perspective, and is
opened directly from the Geographical Tree view by using the Logical Map menu.
The view can also be opened from Views | Topology | Geographical Map in the
main menu.

This is a view for monitoring and managing your network based on a

geographical model and includes an editor for creating a geographical map. A
map is built by creating a set of polygon objects reflecting the nature of your
The Geographical Model used in the Geographical Map view is the same as in
the Geographical Tree view. You can browse, create, delete and move
geographical domains, corresponding to the physical location (country, region,
city, etc.) of your NE. This geographical organization of your network is separate
from Logical Model used in the Logical Map view. The two Map views operate
on different models, but otherwise have exactly the same functionality. An NE
can exist in both models at the same time, or in only one.
The view also allows you to include, move and delete NEs. The structure of your
domains can be used for assigning rights to different groups of users in the
Group Administration view.


Manual for NetMaster

The current alarm status for the different parts of your network are visualized in
the map using colors, alarm counts and symbols. Details about alarms and how
visualization is shown can be found in the chapter about visualization of alarms.
In the above example, the geographical map shows different domains equivalent
to countries in Europe. We can, for example, see that the "Denmark" domain is
solid orange, while the "Netherlands" domain is blue with a pink outline. This tells

that there is (at least) one new alarm with severity "Major" (=orange) on (at
least) one NE in Denmark. Studying alarm summaries on domains and
balloons tells us that there are 89 active Major alarms, and of these 36
Major alarms are new (which indicates that 53 Major alarms are
acknowledged (acked)). In addition there also is (at least one) new less
severe alarm(s).
that there is (at least) one NE in the Netherlands which has Loss of
Connectivity, and that there is (at least) one active alarm with severity
"Indeterminate. Studying alarm summaries tells us that there is exactly
one new "Indeterminate" alarm. As the base element summary is hidden
at the moment we would need to zoom the view a bit more to find out how
many alarms have been acked.

The scope in the title of the view indicates the name of the domain currently
displayed. In the above example the title "Geographic\Europe" indicates that the
map currently displays the content of the Europe domain.
Available operations

Save the changes in the view. All changes to domain polygons,

coordinates and background images are not saved on the server until the
Save icon has been clicked. If moving to another domain level or trying to
close a view without saving changes, the Save Modified View dialog will

Go up one level to the Parent Domain. The parent domain

contains the current domain as a "child", and when going up one level the
shape/outline of the previous domain and its "siblings" will be displayed
(this operation is the opposite of Doubleclick a Domain).

Select each domain and NE in the view using this tool. Hold
down the shift key while selecting to select multiple objects. When the
Select tool is enabled, you can:


drag an object (domain or NE)

open context menus for the currently selected object (domain or NE)
Doubleclick a Domain to go down to this level in the Geographical
Map view (this operation is the opposite of Go to Parent Domain)

All views and dialogs

Pan can be used to scroll the view by dragging it in the direction

you want.

Zoom in on a specific area of the view by clicking and

dragging a rectangle over the area you wish to see in more detail. When
the mouse button is released the view will display only this selected area.

Use this tool to create a new Geographical Domain by

drawing a polygon outline in the view. Click once for each new polygon
corner you want to create, and double-click to finish. When you have
finished editing, the New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where
you can enter a name for the domain. It is recommended that you add the
picture of a map as a background image to your map before drawing
domains, because this will help you see the correct shape of your map

Edit the shape of your Geographical Domain outlines by

selecting this tool. You can:

click a corner and drag it in any direction

crtl+click directly on a corner to delete it
ctrl+click on a line to create a new corner

Click to zoom in on a smaller area.

Click to zoom out to a larger area

Click this icon to zoom and pan so that all objects on this level
are displayed in the view.

Open the Map Overview dialog where you can pan and
zoom the area currently displayed
Lock the map. This will disable


the movement of objects in the map

the changing of the shape of domain polygons
the creation of new domain polygons

If the map is locked, you can unlock the map by pressing this icon again.


Manual for NetMaster

Create a new sub-domain under the currently selected

domain. The New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where you can
enter a name for the new domain.

Move the currently selected node (NE or subdomain) to another

domain. If the node contains a sub-tree, this sub-tree with all its nodes will
also be moved to the new domain. The Move Resource dialog will open
where you will be able to select the domain you want to move the node to.
The outline/shape of a domain will not remain when moving it.

Rename the currently selected node by opening the Rename

Node dialog.

Delete the currently selected node (NE or subdomain).

If the currently selected node is a domain, the entire sub-tree of domains
and all its NEs will be deleted and the Delete Domain From Model dialog will
be opened, where you can confirm or cancel the operation.
If the currently selected node is an NE, the Delete Network Element from
Model dialog will appear. In this dialog you can also choose to remove the
NE from the Logical Model.

Select one or more managed NEs from the Logical

Model and place them under the currently selected domain in the
Geographical Model. The Include Managed Elements dialog will appear,
where you can view the list of unmanaged elements and select which NE
you want to manage.

Select which layers are to be visible in the Geographical Map

view. Checking/unchecking menu items on this submenu allows you to


Background image
Geographical Domains
Managed Elements
Alarm Balloons

Distribute your graphical elements within the current viewable

area in the map. Selecting Random Layout will distribute your
domains/NEs randomly, while selecting Grid Layout will distribute your
domains/NEs in a regular grid pattern. This operation is useful when

All views and dialogs

opening a domain with a lot of NEs for the first time, because all managed
NEs by default are set with the same coordinates in the map.

Open the Background Image dialog, to enable/disable and

select a background image to your Geographical Network view. The .gif,
.jpg and .png file formats are allowed.

In addition, the following views, dialogs and functions can be opened with data
from a node in the view (using the currently selected node as scope):

Geographical Map view

Geographical Tree view


Hardware Inventory view

Software Inventory view
Create Software Download Jobs wizard
Clock Synchronization view
Security Templates Assignment view


Active Alarms view

Historical Alarms view
Alarm Templates Assignment view

TCA Template Assignment view

Enable Performance Collection dialog
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog
Current Performance dialog
Reset Performance Counters dialog

Properties view

Background Image dialog

This dialog appears when selecting the Background Image on the view


Manual for NetMaster

Check/Uncheck the checkbox to enable/disable usage of background images on

this level in the geographical map. Browse your file system to find a background
image and press OK, or press Cancel to abort changes.
Please note that you should avoid using images of different proportions as all
background images will appear centred and in their original size.
Map Overview tool

This tool appears when selecting Map Overview on the toolbar or view

The tool displays the entire map and a blue frame around the current viewable
area in the Geographical Map. You can use the tool to do the following:


Drag&draw the corners of the blue frame to zoom in/out the viewable area
in the Geographical Map

All views and dialogs

Drag inside the blue frame to pan the viewable area in the Geographical
Click outside the blue frame to set a new centre for the viewable area in
the Geographical Map

This tool can be useful when the viewable area in the Geographical Map view is
zoomed in to display only parts of the entire map. Please note that when the map
is zoomed out to Zoom to fit (or less), the Show Overview tool cannot provide
you with any useful navigation features.
New Administrative Domain dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the New Domain context menu with a
domain selected in the map:

Enter a name in the text field. When OK is pressed, the new subdomain is
created and placed under the currently selected domain.
Move Resource dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Move context menu with a NE or
subdomain in focus.


Manual for NetMaster

Browse the tree view to find the parent domain where you want to move your
node. The outline/shape of a domain will not remain when moving it to another
Include Managed Elements dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Include Managed Elements context
menu with a domain in focus in the map


All views and dialogs

This dialog present a list of NEs that are currently managed in the Logical Model
(Logical Tree and Map views), but not in the Geographical Model. Select the NEs
you want to manage, and they will be managed in the currently selected
Delete Domain from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
a domain in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the domain and all its NEs.
NEs deleted in this way will only be removed from the Geographical Model
(Geographical Tree and Geographical Map), and not from the Logical Model
(Logical Tree and Logical Map). The deleted NEs can be re-included in another
domain in the Geographical Model using the Include Managed Element function
in this view. However, this is only possible only if the NE also existed in the
Logical Model. If deleted NEs do not belong to any other model, they will become
unmanaged once deleted. If so, they must be re-managed using the Unmanaged
Elements view.


Manual for NetMaster

Delete Network Element from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
an NE in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the resource. If you check the Set to
Unmanaged checkbox, the NE will also be removed from the Logical Model
(Logical Tree and Logical Map). If so, they must be re-managed using the
Unmanaged Elements view.
Rename Node dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Rename context menu in the map
with an NE or subdomain in focus.

Enter a new name and press OK to perform the rename or press Cancel to abort.
Save Modified View dialog

This dialog appears whenever you have made changes in the view, and then try
to go up or down a domain level, or when you try to close the view without saving


All views and dialogs

Press OK to save changes to the map.


Manual for NetMaster

Logical Tree view

This view is found in the Logical Surveillance perspective
The view can also be opened by selecting Views | Topology | Logical Tree in the
main menu. The view can also be opened "scoped" by using the Logical tree
menu with a domain selected in the Logical Map view or the Logical Tree view.

This is a view for organizing and monitoring your equipment based on a Logical
Model of your network. The view allows you to browse the domains and browse
each NE and its equipment (racks, ports, slots, ODUs, etc.) reflecting the
structure of each NE type.


All views and dialogs

The model used in the Logical Tree view is the same as in the Logical Map view.
You can browse, create, delete and move logical domains, and the view also
allows you to include, move and delete NEs. The structure of your domains can
be used for assigning rights to different groups of users in the Group
Administration view.
Examples of Logical Models of your network could be:

Element type, element subtype, etc. (eg. Radio, Nera radios, CityLinks,
CityLink2, etc.)
Regional zones (with domains reflecting a geographical division of your
network, but with boundaries which might overlap other geographical
Transmission capacity (e.g.155/145Mb, 45/34Mb, 1.5/2Mb, etc.)
Data communication network (with domains reflecting the physical
connection of your network, which might overlap and differ from a
geographical division)
Company, contractor, party responsible
Usage (e.g. main network, encrypted network, backup)
Security profile (reflecting which security profile used for the NEs in each

As this logical organization can be completely independent of the NE's

geographical location, the same NE can exist in both models at the same time, or
in only one. The Logical Model is separate from the Geographical Model used in
the Geographical Tree view. The two Tree views operate on different models, but
otherwise have exactly the same functionality.
The objects in a tree

The tree is a hierarchical representation of the domains and NEs, with each node
in the tree containing one of the following objects:

A domain

A network element (NE)

An equipment holder
-an equipment holder represents resources on the NE that are capable of
holding other physical components, such as racks (bays), shelves, slots or
A PTP or a CTP

a PTP (Physical Termination Point) is an end point of a topological

link on an NE, typically a T1 port, T3 port or OC-N optical port.


Manual for NetMaster


a CTP (Connection Termination Point) is an end point of either a

subnet connection or network interface at the network interface layer
An equipment component

a manageable physical component of an NE, such as a circuit pack, a

fan, a power supply or any other type of replaceable unit

Whenever an alarm is raised somewhere in the network, nodes will change color
in the explorer view reflecting the current alarm status. The origin of each alarm
can easily be found by inspecting this tree, as the colors are updated so that
each node always contains the color of the most severe alarm in its subtree.
Details of alarms and how colours are used for presenting alarms in the tree can
be found in the chapter about visualization of alarms.
In the above example, we can see a snapshot of a Logical Model organized by
element types. Looking at the colors in the tree, we can for example see that the
NE "NL2000 upper" in the domain "InterLinks" is solid orange, while the
termination point "Line Port Channel 1" is colorless with a yellow outline. This
tells us:
that there is (at least) one new alarm with severity "Major" (=orange) on
this InterLinks. As none of the nodes below this level are orange, this tells
us that this Major alarm(s) is located at the NE level.
that there are no new alarms on the "Line Port Channel 1", but that there
is (at least) one acked alarm with severity "Warning".
Available operations

Refresh the tree to present the latest NE status and the

alarm state for the entire network.

Create a new sub-domain under the currently selected

domain. The New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where you can
enter a name for the new domain.

Select one or more managed NE from the

Geographical Model and manage them in the Logical Model by placing
them under the currently selected domain. The Include Managed
Elements dialog will appear, where you can view the list of unmanaged
elements and select which NE you want to manage.

Move the currently selected node (NE or subdomain) to under

another domain. If the node contains a subtree, this subtree with all its
nodes will also be moved to the new domain. The Move Resource dialog
will open where you will be able to select the domain you want to move


All views and dialogs

the node to. Please note that outlines/shapes of domains in the Logical
Map view will not remain when moving a domain like this. This is because
the outline is stored at domain level.

Use Drag & Drop to move a selected resource directly into a

domain in the tree. When clicking and dragging a node in the explorer
view, a drag & drop indicator will appear in the mouse cursor. You can
now drag the node into another domain, and when you release the mouse
button the selected subtree will be moved into this node.
Delete the selected node (NE or subdomain).

If the node is a domain, the entire subtree of domains and all its NEs will be
deleted and the Delete Domain from Model dialog will open, where you can
confirm or cancel the operation.
If the currently selected node is an NE, the Delete Network Element from
Model dialog will appear. In this dialog you can also choose to remove the
NE from the Geographical Model.

Rename the currently selected node by opening the Rename

Node dialog.

Expand the selected node in the tree by clicking the plus-sign. You can
also expand a node by double-clicking an unexpanded node in the tree.

Collapse the selected node in the tree by clicking the minus-sign. You
can also collapse a node by double-clicking an expanded node in the tree.

Expand the entire subtree below the currently selected node.

Collapse the entire subtree below the currently selected node.

In addition, the following views, dialogs and functions can be opened with data
from a node in the view (using the currently selected node as scope):

Logical Map view (this view will also open when you double-click a domain
in the tree)
Logical Tree view

Active Alarms view

Historical Alarms view


Manual for NetMaster



Hardware Inventory view

Software Inventory view
Create Software Download Jobs wizard
Clock Synchronization view
Security Template Assignment view
Launch External Configuration Tool


Alarm Template Assignment view

TCA Template Assignment view

Enable Performance Collection dialog
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog
Current Performance dialog
Reset Performance Counters dialog

Properties view

New Administrative Domain dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the New Domain context menu with a
domain selected in the tree:

Enter a name in the text field. When OK is pressed, the new subdomain is
created and placed under the currently selected domain.
a name in the text-field. When OK is pressed, the new subdomain is created and
placed under the currently selected domain.
Move Resource dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting Move with an NE or subdomain in focus

in the tree.


All views and dialogs

Browse the tree in the dialog to find the parent domain to where you want to
move your node. Please note that outlines/shapes of domains in the Logical Map
view will not remain when moving a domain like this. This is because the outline
is stored at domain level.
Include Managed Elements dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Include Managed Elements context
menu with a domain in focus in the tree.


Manual for NetMaster

This dialog present a list of NEs that are managed in the Geographical Model
(Geographical Tree and Map views), but not in the Logical Model. Select the NEs
you want to manage, and they will be managed in the currently selected
Delete Domain from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
a domain in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the domain and all its NEs.
NEs deleted in this way will only be removed from the Logical Model (Logical
Tree and Logical Map), and not from the Geographical Model (Geographical Tree
and Geographical Map). The deleted NEs can be re-included in another domain
in the Logical Model using the Include Managed Element function in this view.
However, this is only possible if the NE also existed in the Geographical Model
during the delete process. If a deleted NE does not belong to any other model,
they will become unmanaged once deleted and must be re-managed using the
Unmanaged Elements view.


All views and dialogs

Delete Network Element from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the tree with
an NE in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the resource. If you check the Set to
Unmanaged checkbox, the NE will also be removed from the Geographical
Model (Geographical Tree and Geographical Map). If so, they must be remanaged using the Unmanaged Elements view.
Rename Node dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Rename context menu in the tree
with an NE or subdomain in focus.

Enter a new name and press OK to perform the rename or press Cancel to abort.


Manual for NetMaster

Geographical Tree view

This view can be found in both the Discover perspective and the Geographical
Surveillance perspective.
The view can also be opened by selecting Views | Topology | Geographical Tree
in the main menu. The view can also be opened "scoped" by using the
Geographical Tree menu with a domain selected in the Geographical Map view
or the Geographical Tree view.


All views and dialogs

This is a view for organizing and monitoring your equipment based on a

geographical model of your network. The view allows you to browse the domains
and browse each NE and its equipment (racks, ports, slots, ODUs, etc.) reflecting
the structure of each NE type.


Manual for NetMaster

The Geographical Model used in the Geographical Tree view is the same as in
the Geographical Map view. You can browse, create, delete and move
geographical domains corresponding to the physical location (country, region,
city, etc.) of your NE. This geographical organization of your network is separate
from Logical Model used in the Logical Tree view. The two Tree views operate on
different models, but otherwise have exactly the same functionality. An NE can
exist in both models at the same time, or in only one.
The Geographical Tree view allows you to include, move and delete NEs. The
structure of your domains can be used for assigning rights to different groups of
users in the Group Administration view.
The objects in a tree

The tree is a hierarchical representation of the domains and NEs, with each node
in the tree containing one of the following objects:

A domain

A network element (NE)

An equipment holder.

an equipment holder represents resources on the NE that are capable

of holding other physical components, such as racks (bays), shelves,
slots or sub-slots.
A PTP or a CTP.


a PTP (Physical Termination Point) is an end point of a topological

link on an NE, typically a T1 port, T3 port or OC-N optical port.
a CTP (Connection Termination Point) is an end point of either a
subnet connection or network interface at the network interface layer
An equipment component

a manageable physical component of an NE, such as a circuit pack, a

fan, a power supply or any other type of replaceable unit

Whenever an alarm is raised somewhere in the network, nodes will change color
in the explorer view reflecting the current alarm status. The origin of each alarm
can be found by browsing the tree, as the colors are updated so that each node
always contains the color of the most severe alarm in its subtree. Details of
alarms and how colours are used for presenting alarms in the tree can be found
in the chapter about visualization of alarms.

All views and dialogs

In the above example, we can see a snapshot of a Geographical Model of

Northern Europe. Looking at the colors in the tree, we can, for example, see that
the domain "South" under "\Geographic\Europe\North\Norway" has a yellow fill
with a red outline, while the NE "SIM_FLEXLINK 2" under
"\Geographic\Europe\North\Norway\West" is solid orange. This tells us

that there is (at least) one new alarm with severity "Warning" (=Yellow) on
domain "West", while there is (at least) one acked alarm with severity
"Critical" (=Red)
that there is (at least) one new alarm with severity "Major" (=Orange) on
NE "SIM_FLEXLINK 2" and no acked alarms with higher severity. As there
are no nodes without

Available operations

Refresh the tree to present the latest NE status and the

alarm state for the entire network.

Create a new sub-domain under the currently selected

domain. The New Administrative Domain dialog will open, where you can
enter a name for the new domain.

Select one or more managed NE from the Logical

Model and manage them in the Geographical Model by placing them
under the currently selected domain. The Include Managed Elements
dialog will appear, where you can view the list of unmanaged elements
and select which NE you want to manage.

Move the currently selected node (NE or subdomain) to another

domain. If the node contains a subtree, this subtree with all its nodes will
also be moved to the new domain. The Move Resource dialog will open
where you will be able to select the domain you want to move the node to.
Please note that outlines/shapes of domains in the Geographical Map
view will not remain when moving a domain like this. This is because the
outline is stored at domain level.

Use Drag & Drop to move a selected resource directly into a

domain in the tree. When clicking and dragging a node in the explorer
view, a drag & drop indicator will appear in the mouse cursor. You can
now drag the node into another domain, and when you release the mouse
button the selected subtree will be moved into this domain.

Delete the selected node (NE or subdomain).


Manual for NetMaster

If the node is a domain, the entire subtree of domains and all its NEs will be
deleted and the Delete Domain from Model dialog will open, where you can
confirm or cancel the operation.
If the currently selected node is an NE, the Delete Network Element from
Model dialog will appear. In this dialog you can also choose to remove the
NE from the logical model.

Rename the currently selected node by opening the Rename

Node dialog.

Expand the selected node in the tree by clicking the plus-sign. You can
also expand a node by double-clicking an unexpanded node in the tree.

Collapse the selected node in the tree. You can also collapse a node
by double-clicking an expanded node in the tree.

Expand the entire subtree below the currently selected node.

Collapse the entire subtree below the currently selected node.

In addition, the following views, dialogs and functions can be opened with data
from a node in the view (using the currently selected node as scope):

Geographical Map view (this view will also open when you double-click a
domain in the tree)
Geographical Tree view



Active Alarms view

Historical Alarms view
Alarm Templates Assignment view

Hardware Inventory view

Software Inventory view
Create Software Download Jobs wizard
Clock Synchronization view
Security Template Assignment view


All views and dialogs


TCA Template Assignment view

Enable Performance Collection dialog
Historical Performance Monitoring dialog
Current Performance dialog
Reset Performance Counters dialog

Properties view

New Administrative Domain dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the New Domain context menu with a
domain selected in the tree:

Enter a name in the text field. When OK is pressed, the new subdomain is
created and placed under the currently selected domain.
Move Resource dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting Move with an NE or subdomain in focus

in the tree.


Manual for NetMaster

Browse the tree in the dialog to find the parent domain to where you want to
move your node. Please note that outlines/shapes of domains in the
Geographical Map view will not remain when moving a domain like this. This is
because the outline is stored at domain level.
Include Managed Elements dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Include Managed Elements context
menu with a domain in focus in the tree.


All views and dialogs

This dialog present a list of NEs that are managed in the Logical Model (Logical
Tree and Map views), but not in the Geographical Model. Select the NEs you
want to manage, and they will be managed in the currently selected subdomain.
Delete Domain from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the map with
a domain in focus.

Press OK to confirm you wish to delete the domain and all its NEs.
NEs deleted in this way will only be removed from the Geographical Model
(Geographical Tree and Map views), and not from the Logical Model (Logical
Tree and Map views). The deleted NEs can be re-included in another domain in
the Geographical Model using the Include Managed Element function in this
view. However, this is only possible if the NE also existed in the Logical Model
during the delete process. If a deleted NE does not belong to any other model,
they will become unmanaged once deleted and must be re-managed using the
Unmanaged Elements view.


Manual for NetMaster

Delete Network Element from Model dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Delete context menu in the tree with
an NE in focus.

Press OK to confirm that you wish to delete the resource. If you check the Set to
Unmanaged checkbox, the NE will also be removed from the Logical Model
(Logical Tree and Map views). If so, they must be re-managed using the
Unmanaged Elements view.
Rename Node dialog

This dialog appears whenever selecting the Rename context menu in the tree
with an NE or subdomain in focus.

Enter a new name and press OK to perform the rename or press Cancel to abort.


All views and dialogs

Northbound SNMP Agent

Northbound SNMP Settings view
This view is opened from the main menu under View | Northbound Interface |
SNMP Settings.

In this view you can create and configure the High Level Managers (HLM) that
shall be allowed to communicate with NetMaster via the NetMaster SNMP Agent.
All High Level Managers must be configured with access control and trap
forwarding parameters prior to use.
The NetMaster SNMP Agent provides an interface for any SNMP based Network
Management System to perform Fault Management of networks managed by
NetMaster. The agent provides topological information according to ENTITY-MIB
(RFC 2737), and alarm state of the various network elements through proprietary
tables and variables. State changes are communicated to managers by means of
SNMP traps.
The SNMP Agent is basically a specialized client that logs onto the NetMaster
server with a user ID and exposes a set of information through an SNMP
interface. The only requirement to the user ID is that it is member of the
predefined "SNMP Agent" user group, or a group with similar Action Permissions.
This gives a very good control over the part of the network that is exposed to the
HLMs, as the Resource Permissions for the SNMP Agent user group can be
configured in detail in the exact same way as any other user group defined in
The NetMaster SNMP Agent is a licensed feature of NetMaster, and will not be
available unless specified in the applied license.
The view consists of a High Level Managers area containing a tree view with all
HLMs and a Manager area containing details about the currently selected HLM.


Manual for NetMaster

High Level Managers area

This area contains a tree view with all configured High Level Managers.
The High Level Managers tree consists of the following objects:

The manager node corresponds to a configured manager

The Access control configuration node contains community names and

types for the manager.

The Trap forwarding configuration node contains information on the

access model and trap port of the manager.

Manager area

This area presents the details of the currently selected manager node in the tree
in the High Level Managers area. The contents of the Manager area depends on
the actual settings of the manager selected.
Available operations
The following operations are available in the view:

Save the updates you have made in the High Level Manager tree and
Manager area. If the view contains invalid settings, an explanation about
these settings will be displayed in the top of the Manager area as well as
in the tree view. The Save Modifications button will be disabled until these
settings are corrected. If you try to close the view without saving data, the
Save Changes dialog will appear.
Refresh the view with the latest data from the server.
Create a new High Level Manager. This button will launch a three step
wizard that will assist you in creating a new manager.
Clone the selected manager
Remove the selected manager. This button is only available when a
High Level Manager is selected in the HLM tree.

Create a new High Level Manager

When selecting the Create a new High Level Manager button, a three step
wizard will be launched.


All views and dialogs

Step 1:

Field description:

Name: A textual description of the manager. Each manager must have a

unique name.
Address: The IP address of the manager.
Version: SNMP version used by the manager. Currently only SNMP V2c is

Step 2:


Manual for NetMaster

In this dialog, the SNMP community names associated with the manager are
A manager can have several community names, but a community name can not
be shared between managers.
A community name can be of the following types:

Read only

Step 3:


All views and dialogs

Field description:

Community name: Community name sent with the trap.

Port: Trap destination port number.
Notification: SNMP notification support allows you to be warned of error
conditions and possible problems with the network entity.
Retries: Number of retries that can be made.
Timeout: Timeout value in milliseconds.


Manual for NetMaster

NetMaster SNMP Agent

The NetMaster SNMP Agent Service monitor is located in the Windows taskbar
system tray.
The NetMaster SNMP Agent Service is installed as a Windows service. The
SNMP Agent Service monitor application monitors and configures the SNMP
The monitor application displays an icon on the taskbar indicating the current
service state:

Service is running.

Service is stopped.

Info: Service is starting or stopping.

Service error.

By right-clicking the taskbar icon, it is possible to start, stop or configure the

Configure displays the following dialogue:

Field description:


All views and dialogs

User: Name of the user that shall be used to log on to the NetMaster
Password: The password of the NetMaster SNMP Agent user.
NetMaster server: URL for the NetMaster server to monitor.

Important note: The service must be restarted for configuration changes to take
In the NetMaster Client use the Northbound SNMP Settings View to configure the
High Level Managers (HLM) that shall be allowed to communicate with
NetMaster via the SNMP Agent.


Manual for NetMaster

Properties view
The view can be opened by selecting Views | Other | Properties from the main
menu, or on the context menu of any of the topological views (Geographical or
Logical Map or Tree).

This view is used together with any view containing NE (only managed NE) or
Property table
This table contains values for the last selected object in the perspective. When
selecting a new object in any view, the Properties table will be updated and then
present values for this object.
Each line in the table contains a property and a current value for the currently
selected object. Some of the values in the Value column is editable, indicated by
the cursor when the filed is clicked. A new value can be typed directly in the table
and then saved to NetMaster. No values in the Property column can be edited,
but all pairs of properties/values can be copied to clipboard.
Available operations

Copy the content of Property and Value fields to clipboard. The

content is copied as plain text, separated by a TAB-character (tabulator).
Only one pair of Property/Value can be copied this way.

Type a new value into a field in the Value column. The values that
is editable this way is indicated by a cursor-change when the field is


All views and dialogs

Undo a recent change in a field the Value column.

This functionality is not in use by NetMaster, and should be

This functionality is not in use by NetMaster, and

should be ignored.


Manual for NetMaster

Progress view
This view is a part of the Discover perspective, but can be useful together with
any other view.
The view can be opened by double-clicking the Progress statusbar or by
selecting Views | Other | Progress from the main menu

This view displays any process that causes the client to wait for the server to
read or write data in the database. Whenever process like this is active, it is
presented in the Progress view with a progress-bar. When the process is
finished, it will disappear from the view.


All views and dialogs

Web Browser view

The view can be opened by selecting Views | Other | Web Browser from the main

The purpose of this view is to enable an embedded web browser within the
NetMaster client. This view can typically be used for a simple integration to other
systems having a web interface. The default URL used by the browser is defined
in the main menu Window |Preferences | Web Browser.
Available operations
The following operations are available in the table, in addition to the standard
toolbar icons.

Refresh the contents of the view.

Opens the Preferences Web Browser dialog where you
can set the URL to be used by the Web Viewer.

By right-clicking inside the view browser, specific commands are displayed. The
commands available are dependent on the browser available, below is the
commands available from Microsoft Internet Explorer.


Manual for NetMaster


All views and dialogs

Hardware Inventory view
This view is opened by selecting any node in one of the topology views and
selecting Configuration | Hardware Inventory from the Context or View dropdown
menu. The view will then open with the selection as a scope - presenting only
those alarms for the currently selected NE/nodes/subdomain, as shown below:
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by opening Views | Configuration |
Hardware Inventory from the main menu. The view will then present hardware
data from the entire network in the same table. Please note that the time
consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources
pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
Opening the view without (or with a large) scope should only be done after
careful consideration of the size and complexity of your network.

This view is normally used together with the topology views (Geographical or
Logical Map or Tree), and gives you an overview of the currently available
hardware elements in the NE that was selected when opening the view.
"Hardware elements" refers to physical equipment in the NE, and varies a lot for
the different types of NE, such as cards, interfaces, modules, boards and chips.
The data in the table is gathered from the NE as the view is opened, and current
status of the hardware can be updated by refreshing the table.
Hardware Inventory table
The table displays the following fields for each NE:
Article Code
Serial no.

Name/location of this hardware element in the NE.
Uniquely identifies the type of hardware element.
The serial number of the hardware element.
The hardware revision.


Manual for NetMaster

Production date

When the production process was completed for this

hardware element.

Available operations
The following operations are available in the table, in addition to the standard
toolbar icons.
Refresh the entire table and update the status of the


Open the Column Customize dialog for the Hardware

Inventory table, where you can select which column to display and the
order of the columns.


All views and dialogs

Software Inventory view

The view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Configuration | Software Inventory in the Context or View
dropdown menus. The view will then open with the selection as a scope
presenting only software for the currently selected NEs, as shown below:
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting Views | Configuration
| Software Inventory from the main menu. The view will then present software
data from the entire network in the same table. Please note that the time
consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources
pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
Opening the view without (or with a large) scope should only be done after
careful consideration of the size and complexity of your network.

This view is normally used together with the topological views (Geographical or
Logical Map, or Tree) and the Software Download Jobs view.
This view shows a table containing all available software memory banks for your
NE. Each line displays the status of a memory bank and details about the
software stored on this bank. Select a memory bank in the table to activate idle
software or reset active software. The data in the table is gathered from the NE
as the view is opened, and current status of the software can be updated by
refreshing the table.
Rereading the Software Inventory is possible through Configuration | Reconcile
SW Inventory. This is a scoped action, only available on the element node in the
topology views.
When the Software Inventory is reconciled the value Last Reconcile Time should
be updated. This is only applicable to WiLink I and Evolution Series elements.
The memory banks presented in the table are normally in one of the following

IDU flash banks: These memory banks normally appear in pairs, with one
bank running while the other bank is idle. One bank will be labelled
"active", containing the software currently running, and the other will

Manual for NetMaster

normally be labelled "idle", containing software the user can switched to or

overwrite during a software download.
ODU flash banks: These memory banks contain software running on the
ODU, but are located on the IDU. Similarly to the IDU flash banks,
software can be downloaded to an "idle" memory bank and then activated
on the ODU.
non-flash banks: These memory banks are not configurable and contain
software that cannot be replaced.
boot banks. These memory banks are not configurable by the software
download process in NetMaster.

Jobs for downloading new software to memory banks on your NE are managed
in the Software Download Jobs view, and created with the Create Software
Download Jobs wizard.
Software Inventory Table
The table presents the following fields for each memory bank on the NE:
Software Name

Build Time
Memory Bank


The name of the software in this memory bank, as
read from the NE.
The name of the NE where this software is stored.
Software revision. Normally a five character code, but
the field will display NA if the system has this unit
present but is unable to retrieve the information from
When this software was created.
Software location on the NE
Displays the status of the memory bank and can be
one of the following values
IDLE: Software is not being executed
ACTIVE: Software is being executed
ACTIVE_PENDING: Software is waiting to be
executed (will be activated on next restart)
DOWNLOADING: SW is being downloaded to
this bank.
ERASING FLASH: SW is being erased (during
a download process)
INVALID: corrupt software or wrong software
version; SW Download has failed or SW bank
has not been used.
NOT_AVAILABLE: The IDU does not have
contact with the unit using this software (only
relevant for ODU banks) or corrupted memory
Displays the status of the software in the memory

All views and dialogs

Last Reconcile

bank - whether the bank is currently busy running

commands or not.
Displays when the software inventory was last
reconciled (received from the element).

When downloading new software on an NE, one of the idle banks will be used for
storing the new software. When downloading has completed successfully this
bank can be activated and the other bank will become idle.
Available operations

Activate the currently selected software for the NE. This

menu option will only be available for software that is ready on idle flash

Resets the currently selected software for the NE. This

menu option will only be available for software that is ready on active flash
Refresh the list of software with the latest data from the


Open the Column Customize dialog for the Software

Inventory table, where you can select which column to display and the
order of the columns.


Manual for NetMaster

Software Download Jobs view

This view can be opened from Views | Configuration | Software Download Jobs in
the main menu.
The view will also open whenever a job is created with the Create Software
Download Jobs wizard, which is opened by selecting any domain or NE in one of
the topological views and then selecting Configuration | Create Software
Download Job in the context menu.

In this view you can manage and monitor software download jobs created with
the Create Software Download Jobs wizard. The view contain a list of all
software, including which NEs are included in each job. You are allowed to
create new jobs, to modify unstarted jobs, and to start and stop jobs.
In the Software Inventory view you can see the current content of each memory
bank on the NE: the software versions contained in the bank, the command
status of the software and the idle/active status of the bank. When you have
started downloading a software component to an NE, the download process will
determine if one of the idle flash memory banks is suitable for this software
version. If the software was transmitted OK, the idle software component will be
replaced, and the new software can be activated using the Software Inventory
Please note that the term "download" is from the NE's point of view, not from the
network manager. From the network managers point of view, the download
process handled by this view is considered an upload. Downloading from the NE
to the network manager (e.g. downloading a backup of your NE's software from a
memory bank) is not supported by this network management system.
Before running a Software Download job, please read How to download software
to an NE for more information about the Software Download process.
Software Download Jobs Table
Job Name
A name identifying each job and each of the NEs
involved in this job.
Click the plus sign to expand the list of NEs.


All views and dialogs


The name of the file you want to upload to the NE.

One of the following states:
INCOMPLETE The Create Software Download
Jobs wizard is not finished and more data
must be provided in order to run this job.
READY The job can be started
RUNNING The job has been started
DONE The job has been completed
FAILED job has failed
Displays a progress indicator for the job on each of
the NEs downloading software.
Details about the job.


Available operations

Create a new job by opening the Create Software

Download Jobs wizard and selecting NEs from the entire network.

Update the selected job by opening the Create Software

Download Jobs wizard for this job. Now you can rename the job,
add/remove NEs that are to receive software in this job or select another
software file for downloading.

Remove the selected job. Only possible if the job is not

currently running.

Start the selected job. Only possible if the job is ready.

Abort the selected job. Only possible if the job is already



Manual for NetMaster

Create Software Download Jobs wizard

This wizard is opened by selecting Create Software Download Job in the menu in
the Software Download Jobs view. The wizard will then allow you to create
software download jobs for all available NEs in all domains in both geographical
and logical models.
Alternatively the wizard can be opened "scoped", by selecting any domain or NE
in one of the topological views (Geographical, Logical Tree or Map), and then
selecting Configuration | Create Software Download Job from the menu. The
wizard will then only allow you to create software download jobs for the available
NEs within the selected scope.
This is a wizard for creating jobs for downloading software from the network
management system to NEs.
When a job is created in this wizard, it must be started manually in the Software
Download Jobs view. Here you can also monitor the progress of each job. The
download process will locate an idle memory bank on the NE where the new
software will be stored. If no idle memory bank suitable for your software is found
on the NE where you try to download the software, the download process will fail.
When the download has completed correctly, the new software can be activated
in the Software Inventory view.
Please note that the wizard can be saved at any step by pressing the Finish
button, even when the software download job is incomplete. The job will then
appear in the job list in the Software Download Jobs view and its state will be
INCOMPLETE. The wizard can be resumed at any time by selecting Edit Job in
the Software Download Jobs view. This allows you to update job information,
select/de-select NEs and/or change the software file to upload.
Create Software Download Jobs wizard - Basic information (Page 1)


All views and dialogs

In this step you can enter information about the job.

Enter a name in the Job Name field which can identify this job, and more detailed
information about this job in the optional Description field. Press Next when
sufficient job information has been entered.
Create Software Download Jobs wizard - Selecting elements (Page 2)


Manual for NetMaster

In this step you can select the NE to download new software to.
Use the Model dropdown menu to switch between the Geographical and Logical
model. Use the Element type dropdown menu to display NEs of a different NE
type in the tree. Click nodes in the Elements tree to select/de-select domains and
NEs to download software to.
Please note that you can select NEs in more than one model, even though only
one model type is displayed at a time in the Tree View. You cannot select NEs of
different NE types in a single download job.
If the wizard is opened scoped, this view will only present domains and NEs
within the scope. The above snapshot displays an example where the wizard has
been opened from the "Norway" domain in the Geographical model. If the wizard
is opened scoped from a single NE, no selection is necessary and this page will
be omitted from the wizard.
Press Next when the correct NE has been selected.
Create Software Download Jobs wizard - Select file to download (Page 3)


All views and dialogs

In this step you can select the software to download.

Press the Browse button to select a file containing your new software, and press
Finish when done. The job will then appear in the Software Download Jobs view
and its state will be READY.


Manual for NetMaster

Clock Synchronization Settings view

This view can be opened by selecting a domain in one of the topological views
(Geographical or Logical Tree, or Map), and then selecting Configuration | Clock
Synchronization Settings. The view will then be opened "scoped", as shown

Alternatively the view can be opened by selecting Views | Configuration | Clock

Synchronization Settings from the main menu, allowing you to select NEs for
clock synchronization from your entire managed network. Please note that you
are now allowed to select several NEs from both the geographical and logical
model, even though only one model is displayed at a time in the Elements area.
This view displays which NEs are selected to have their clock synchronized by
the mediator. These settings can be updated by selecting/de-selecting elements
for synchronization directly in the view.
The synchronization is performed by a process on the mediator, at a fixed time
(usually at night) &ndash; details about the synchronization process can be found
in documentation for the Mediator.
Available operations


All views and dialogs

Click nodes in the Elements area to select/de-select domains and NEs.

Selecting an NE will include it in the clock synchronization process.
Selecting/deselecting a domain will affect all its subnodes in the tree. The
next time the mediator starts the clock synchronization process, it will only
synchronize the "checked" NEs in the tree.

Use the Model dropdown menu to switch between the geographical and
the logical model. This dropdown menu will be disabled whenever the
view is opened scoped.

Save the modifications you have made in the view

Update the view to retrieve the latest data from the server;
changes to clock synchronization settings and a refreshed tree with


Manual for NetMaster

Security Templates view

This view is opened from the main menu under Views | Configuration | Security

In this view you create and update the security templates used in the Discover
Settings view and the Unmanaged Elements view in the Discover perspective,
and in the Security Template Assignment view.
A security template is a profile for authenticating the mediator as an NE user.
The templates identifies the mediator in the communication between the
mediator and the NE, containing user name/password for Q1 NE and read/write
community names for SNMP NE. When you manage an NE, you will normally be
provided with a certain level of permissions on the NE based on the values in the
current security template.
The view consists of a Security Templates area containing a list of security
templates, and a Template Definitions area containing details about the currently
selected security template.
Security Templates table
The Security Templates area consists of a table containing the following
Security Type


There are three available types of templates, each
applied to different types of NE:
None: templates used for some of the older
Nera NEs that don't provide any kind of
Q1: templates containing a user name and
password for logging onto Q1-NE.
SNMP: templates containing a communityname for reading from the SNMP-NE and a

All views and dialogs

community-name for writing to the SNMP-NE.



Each security type can have several associated

templates. Click the Expand icon to the left of the
security type to expand a list of all templates which
have currently been created for that security type.
A user-defined name for each template. Select a
template to view details about that template. The
currently default template has the text "- Default"
added to its template name in the table. The current
default template is used for Q1 elements during the
discover process, assigned to all new discovered
elements in the Unmanaged Elements table.
A user defined text describing the template. Edit
directly in the table to change the description text.

Expand the tree and select each range to view the properties of a search range
in the Settings area.
Template Definitions area

This area shows details of the Template node currently selected in the Security
Templates table. The area consists of a Template Details table and an Assigned
Elements tree.
The columns displayed in the Template Details table depend on the security type
for the currently selected template. You can write new values directly in the table
(editable values in the table are highlighted with pale yellow color).
The Assigned Elements tree displays a list of elements using the currently
selected security template, grouped by element. A security template that is
assigned to elements cannot be deleted.
Template Definitions area for a template of security type "None"
Select a template of security type "None" in the Security Templates table to
display this type of Template Definitions area:


Manual for NetMaster

As this type of security template doesn't contain any form of identification, the
Template Details table is empty when a "None" template is selected, and no
updates can be made in the Template Definitions area. The elements that don't
need a security template can be both discovered and managed without any form
of identification.
Template Definitions area for a template of security type "Q1"
Select a template of security type "Q1" in the Security Templates table to display
this type of Template Definitions area:

The Template Details table for "Q1" security template, contains of the following:

The user name used for logging on a Q1 element
The password corresponding to the user name

The values for user name and password can be updated in the table.
The mediator needs to use a template with the correct user name/password to
manage a Q1 element, but this is not required for the discover process. A Q1

All views and dialogs

element can have several sets of user name/password, which will provide the
mediator with different levels of permissions as follows:


Passive users are only able to monitor data. They are not able to
collect data or change the network configuration.
Active users are able to collect data and change some
communication settings, but not commands that can make
unrecoverable configuration changes.
Master users have access to all configuration commands, except
those attended with NE user account administration.
Admin users have access to all configuration commands. The
Admin user is the administrator and will be responsible for adding,
deleting and managing NE user accounts and privileges. Managing
NE user accounts on Q1-NE is performed with the Nera
Configuration Manager external tool.

It is recommended that templates with at least Master privileges are used for Q1NE, allowing all commands like clock synchronization and software download to
be performed, .
Template Definitions area for a template of security type "SNMP"
Select a template of security type "SNMP" in the Security Templates table to
display this type of Template Definitions area:

The Template Details table for "SNMP" security template, contains of the
The community name required for reading data from the NE


Manual for NetMaster

The community name required for writing data to the NE
The values for read and write community names can be updated in the table.
The mediator needs a valid read community name to manage and discover an
element, and a correct write community name to perform tasks which can update
the NE, such as clock synchronisation or software download. Some SNMP
elements use several sets of read/write community, which provide the mediator
with different levels of permissions.
The values for read and write community can also be configured as placeholder
parameters for a SNMP NE-type when launching an external tool for configuring
Available operations

Save all changes made to the templates in this view.

When changes have been saved, the updates in security templates
will influence the communication with all NEs using this template,
and the updated templates can be used in the Security Template
Assignment view, the Discover Settings view, and the Unmanaged
Elements view.
Refresh the view to receive the latest data from



set the currently selected template as the "default

template". The current default template is used when discovering
Q1 elements - all new discovered Q1 NE will have template this
template assigned when they appear in the Unmanaged Elements

Create a new template, by opening the Create

Template dialog for the security type currently selected in the
Security Templates table.

Open the Confirm delete dialog and delete the

template currently selected in the Security Templates table.

Create a copy of the security template currently

selected in the Security Templates table, and open the Template
Name dialog where you can enter a name for the new template.

All views and dialogs

Rename the security template currently selected in

the Security Templates table, by opening the Template Name

Organize the Security Templates area and the

Templates Definitions area horizontally.

Organize the Security Templates area and the

Templates Definitions area vertically.

Create Template dialog

The content in the Create Template dialog will depend on the security type
selected in the Security Templates table when creating a new security template.
Create Template dialog for a security type None
This dialog is shown when using Create New Template with the security type
"None" selected in the Security Templates table.

Enter a Template Name to identify the new template, and a more detailed
Description of the new template. Press OK to generate the template, the
template can then be found in the Security Templates table under the security
type "None".
Create Template dialog for a security type Q1
This dialog is shown when using Create New Template with the security type
"Q1" selected in the Security Templates table.


Manual for NetMaster

Enter a Template Name to identify the new template, and a more detailed
Description of the new template. Enter the user name/password which can
provide the mediator with a sufficient level of permission for the Q1 elements
where you want to assign this template.
Press OK to generate the template, the template can then be found in the
Security Templates table under the security type "Q1".
Create Template dialog for a security type SNMP
This dialog is shown when using Create New Template with the security type
"SNMP" selected in the Security Templates table.


All views and dialogs

Enter a Template Name to identify the new template, and a more detailed
Description of the new template. Enter a Read Community and Write Community
which can provide the mediator with a sufficient level of permissions on the
SNMP elements where you want to assign this template.
Press OK to generate the template, the template can then be found in the
Security Templates table under the security type "SNMP".
Delete Template dialog

This dialog is shown when using delete in the Security Template table with a
security template selected.

Press Yes to confirm the deletion, or press No to cancel.

Template Name dialog


Manual for NetMaster

This dialog is shown when using clone or rename in the Security Template table
with a security template selected

Enter the new template name and press OK. The new/updated template will now
appear in the Security Template table.


All views and dialogs

Security Template Assignment view

This view is opened "scoped" by selecting any NE or domain in one of the
topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and selecting
Configuration | Security Template Assignment from the menu, or non-scoped by
selecting Views | Configuration | Security Template Assignment from the main

In this view you can reassign security templates for your managed NEs.
A security template is a profile for authenticating the mediator as an NE user.
The templates identifies the mediator in the communication between the
mediator and the NE, containing user name/password for Q1 NE and read/write
community names for SNMP NE. When you manage an NE, you will normally be
provided with a certain level of permissions on the NE based on the values in the
current security template.
The templates used in the Security Template Assignment view are created and
updated in the Security Templates view. The templates can be assigned to NEs
at different stages of the discover process: in the Discover Settings view you can
select security templates used during a search, in the Unmanaged Elements
view you can reassign security templates for discovered elements that are not
yet managed, while security templates for the managed elements are reassigned
in the Security Template Assignment view.
Security Template Assignment table
The table contains the following columns:



Manual for NetMaster

Security Type


Names of the NEs you want to assign a new template

Type of template used for the different NE types. Can
be one of the following values:
None: templates used for some of the older
Nera equipment that doesn't provide any kind
of identification.
Q1: templates for Q1 equipment containing a
user name and password for logon.
SNMP: templates for SNMP equipment
containing a community name for reading from
the equipment and a community name for
writing to the equipment.
The short-name for the currently selected security
template. Click the dropdown list to select one of the
security templates available for this resource.
A user-defined text describing the purpose of this

The table includes all NEs available for the node from which you opened the
Available operations

Click the dropdown menu in the Security Template column to select a

template for the NE on this line in the table.

Use the context menu in the table to assign a security

template for one or more NEs currently selected in the table.

Refresh the view to receive the latest security templates, and

refresh the current template assignments from server.
Apply and save all changes made to template assignments in

this view


All views and dialogs

CPE Inventory view

This view is opened by selecting a WiLink Base Station or NetLink node in one of
the topology views and selecting Configuration | CPE Inventory from the Context
or View dropdown menu. The view will present available inventory data for those
CPEs associated with this base station.

CPE Inventory table

The table displays the following fields for each CPE:

MAC Address
IP Address

SW Version
HW Version

Media Access Control address. Unique hardware identifier
given to each CPE.
Internet Protocol address. Identifier for CPE in the TCP/IP
network. Please note that not all WiMax products will use IP
address for CPEs.
The software version of the CPE.
The hardware revision of the CPE.
Current status of the CPE as seen from the base station.

Available operations
The following operations are available in the table, in addition to the standard
toolbar icons.
Refresh the entire table with the current status of the


Open the Export to File dialog for the CPE Inventory

table, where you can select to export the content of the table to disk .


Manual for NetMaster

Open the Customize Columns dialog for the CPE

Inventory table, where you can select which column to display and the
order of the columns.

CTRL + F Open the Find dialog for the CPE Inventory table, where you
can search the contents of the table.


All views and dialogs

CPE Details view

This view is part of the NetMaster CMON integration and will only be displayed if
Nera CMON application has been installed and URL field in the Web Browser
preference has been set to this CMON server.
The view can be opened by selecting a CPE in the CPE Inventory view. The view
will then open with the selection as a scope - presenting CPE details for the
currently selected CPE, as shown below:

CPE Inventory table

Available operations
The following operations are available in the table, in addition to the standard
toolbar icons.

Refresh the contents of the view.

Opens the Preferences Web Browser dialog where you
can set the URL to be used by the Web Viewer.


Manual for NetMaster

Configuration File Management view

This view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Configuration | Configuration File Management in the
Context or View dropdown menus. The view will then open with the selection as
a scope presenting only elements that are enabled for configuration
backup/restore in NetMaster.
NetMaster only supports backup/restore functionality for Evolution elements.
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting Views | Configuration
| Configuration File Management from the main menu. The view will then present
backup/restore capable elements from the entire network in the same table.

This view shows a table containing a list of backup/restore capable elements

including all their available backup files and backup job status.
Running Backup and Restore operations can not be cancelled.
Any license files included in the backup file is ignored by the restore process.
Configuration restore should not be run concurrently with software download on
the same element.
During restore, an Evolution element will automatically reset when the backup file
is successfully transferred and processed. Before restoring two or more elements
simultaneously, consider if the reset of one element can affect the restore
process on others.
Configuration File Management Table
The table displays the following fields:


All views and dialogs

Date Created

A backup/restore capable element. When expanded, this

column shows the backup file's filename.
Timestamp for backup creation
Backup file description. This entry can be edited directly in
the table.
Status of backup/restore operation
The Status field indicates job process as well as job status:
DONE: A backup or restore operation has completed
PENDING: A backup job waiting to be run.
RUNNING: A running backup job. Can not be cancelled.
RESTORING: A running restore job. Can not be cancelled.
CANCELLING: A job marked for cancellation.
CANCELLED: A cancelled job.
ADDED: A backup file added from local disk.
DELETING: A job marked for deletion.
DELETE_FAILED: Failure while deleting backup files from
BACKUP_FAILED: General backup job failure.
BACKUP_NOLOGON: Logon failed - possible reason can
be invalid HTTP userid or password in security template.
BACKUP_TIMEOUT: Element access timed out - possible
reason can be that element has lost contact.
RESTORE_FAILED: General restore job failure.
RESTORE_NOLOGON: Logon failed - possible reason
can be invalid HTTP userid or password in security
RESTORE_TIMEOUT: Element access timed out possible reason can be that element has lost contact.
RESTORE_REJECTED: Backup file rejected during
restore - possible reason can be that the file is corrupt.

Available operations

Refresh backup file list with latest data from the server

Start configuration retrieval for selected element

Start restoring element with given configuration file


Manual for NetMaster

Delete the selected lines. Pending and currently

running jobs will enter DELETING state before final removal

Cancel all PENDING backup jobs. Currently running

jobs will be allowed to finish

Store selected backup file on local disk

Add local file to backup file repository

Backup Configuration dialog

This dialog is opened when the Backup Configuration button is pressed.

In the dialog a suitable description can be entered. Press OK to store the

configuration in NetMaster repository.
Restore Configuration dialog

This dialog is opened when the Restore Configuration button is pressed.


All views and dialogs

Click on the Yes button to continue with the restore process, or on the No button
to abort.
Add Configuration File dialog

This dialog is opened when the Save As button is pressed.

Click the Browse button and select the desired backup file.
Enter a suitable description and press OK to store it in NetMaster repository


Manual for NetMaster

General dialogs and views

NetMaster Login dialog
This dialog appears whenever starting NetMaster client application.
The dialog will also appear if the user logs of the client by selecting File | Log Off
from the main menu, or when the connection between server and client is broken
e.g. when password is changed.

Type values for User name and Password in this fields. Use a user name as
defined for this user in the User Administration view. Password can be updated
both in the User Administration view and in the User Settings preference page.
In the field Server, you can type

network name of a NetMaster server

IP-address of a NetMaster server
the value localhost, if the server is running on the same computer as the
client. (leaving the field blank, has the same effect)
alternatively you may also specify the port number on the server, by
adding a colon (:) and the port number to the server. If not specifying a
port number, the default port number (1098) will be used. (for example or netmasterserver:1098)

Alternatively use the dropdown in the Server field, to select from a list of the last
5 used server connection strings.
Click Logon when finished, or Cancel to abort.


All views and dialogs

Alarm dialog
This dialog appears whenever you receive an alarm which increase severity on a
node-type with Loop enabled in the Sounds preferences page.

When this dialog appears NetMaster will generate a notification sound as defined
in the Sounds preferences page. The sound notifications can be enabled

on NE-level - generating sounds whenever receiving alarms that increase

the severity on any managed NE node
or on Network level - generating sounds whenever receiving alarms that
increase the severity on top-level node of either Geographical model or
Logical model

The Alarm dialog will appear on top of all other GUI in NetMaster - independent
of what dialog, view or perspective that currently is open in NetMaster
Click the OK button to close dialog and stop the notification sound.


Manual for NetMaster

Filter Manager view

This is opened from the Historical Alarms view and the User Audit view by
selecting Filter Manager on the view dropdown, or Views | Other | Filter Manager
from the main menu.

The purpose of this view is to create and maintain filters for both the Historical
Alarms view and the User Audit view. The filters defines what is to be included in
the tables, and the number of lines to be displayed in the table.
The view contains a Filters area to the left and a Filter Properties area to the
Filters area

This area contains the Filters tree which consists of the following objects:

The Filter Category node corresponds to the views you want to

filter. Expand a category to see all filters which are available to this view.

The Filter node corresponds to a definition of filter and paging.

Select a filter to update filter name, paging, page size or description of the
filter. Only filters which are "included in favorites" are available in the
favorites list in the corresponding view (User Audit view or Historical
Alarms view). A dimmed node icon indicates that this filter is not included
in favorites.


All views and dialogs

The Parameters node corresponds to each of the fields in the

corresponding table that can be used for filtering. Select a filter to update
this filter parameter: enable/disable filtering of the field and add
boundaries for filtering. A tiny green arrow on the node-icon indicates that
filtering is enabled on this parameter node.

Filter Properties area

The content of this area depends on what node is selected in the Filters tree in
the Filters area.
When a property is updated, the changes in the area can be discarded by
pressing the Restore button. Pressing the Apply button will save the changes
made to this property. If you have changed values and leave a Filter Properties
area without pressing Restore or Apply, the Continue? dialog appears, where
you can discard or save the changes.
Filter Properties area - Filter Properties
This Filter Properties area is displayed when selecting a Filter node in the Filters

Update the name and description for a filter. You can also disable/enable paging
and change the page size used for filtering. If paging is disabled, all data is
searched for each query. The page size defines the maximum number of items
matching these filter criteria to search for in each query.
Please note that running a filter without paging can result in poor performance on
the server as this can result in a large amount of data.


Manual for NetMaster

Filter Properties area - Text Properties
This Filter Properties area is displayed when selecting a Parameter node
containing text values in the Filters tree

Define a filter using a string (or sub-string) that should be matched.

Filter Properties area - Date Properties
This Filter Properties area is displayed when selecting a Parameter node
containing date values in the Filters tree


All views and dialogs

Define a filter based on a period (time-interval) that should be matched. The
boundaries for the period are defined in the Date and Time dialog.
Filter Properties area - Number Properties
This Filter Properties area is displayed when selecting a Parameter node
containing number values in the Filters tree.

Define a filter based on including/excluding a single number or by defining an

Filter Properties area - <list item> Properties
This Filter Properties area is displayed when selecting a Parameter node
containing values from a list in the Filters tree. The header on the list area
depends on the name of the parameter you are filtering.


Manual for NetMaster

The header on the list area depends on the name of the parameter you are
filtering this example shows the Filter Properties area when the Perceived
Severity parameter node is selected in the Filters tree.
Define a filter based on including or excluding certain items from the filter. The
items available for filtering depend on what parameter are selected in the Filters
tree. This kind of filtering is only available when possible values for the
corresponding field are limited to a list of items recognised by the application.
SQL area

This area can be displayed by pressing the SQL header in the bottom left corner
of the Filter Manager view.


All views and dialogs

This area displays the SQL code of the currently selected filter in the Filters tree.
The SQL field is read-only, and is merely a help for users who are familiar with
reading SQL code to verify that the filter definitions are correct.
Available operations

Open the Create New Filter dialog, where you can create
filters for both the User Audit view and Historical Alarms view.

Change the name of the currently selected filter by opening

the Rename Filter dialog.
Remove the currently selected filter

Add/remove the currently selected filter (or filter

category) to the list of favorite filters in its corresponding view. Only filters
that are "included in favorites" are available in the favorites list in the
corresponding view
Click to show/hide the SQL area

Create New Filter dialog

This dialog can be opened by selecting Create New Filter in the context menu,
view dropdown or on the view toolbar.


Manual for NetMaster

Select filter type (audit filter or historical alarms filter) from the dropdown and
enter a name. Create a blank filter, or pick one of your existing filters as a
template. The filter will be created when you press OK.
Date and Time dialog

This dialog can be opened by pressing the Pick button in a Date Properties area
in the Filter Manager view. The Date Properties area is available when selecting
a Parameter node contains a date in the Filters tree.


All views and dialogs

Select a date and press OK to apply
Rename Filter dialog

This dialog can be opened by selecting Rename Filter in the context menu in the
Filters tree with a filter node selected.

Enter the new name and press OK, or press Cancel to discard changes.
Continue? dialog

This dialog appears whenever you leave a node in the Filters tree without saving
changed values in the Filter Properties area.

Press Yes to save changes or press No to discard.


Manual for NetMaster

Customize Columns dialog

This dialog can be opened from the Active Alarms view, Historical Alarms view,
Unmanaged Elements view, Hardware Inventory view, Software Inventory view,
and User Audit view.

Click this icon in the dropdown menu of one of the views

listed above if you want to customize the table in the view.

A table similar to this will be opened:

The purpose of this dialog is to select

visible columns
column order

in the table in the view where you opened this dialog.

Please note that the content of the Customize Columns dialog will depend on
which view you have opened this dialog from. The above example is a
customization of the Historical Alarms table.
The Visible area
The Visible area contains a list of columns to be visible in the corresponding
table. The item at the top of this list will be the leftmost column in the table and
the item at the bottom of the list will be the rightmost column. You can select one
or more items in this area to move up/down or left (to Hidden).
The Hidden area

All views and dialogs

The Hidden area contains a list of header names for all columns are to be
invisible in the corresponding table. You can select one or more items in this area
to move right (to Visible).
Available operations

Show the selected hidden columns

Show all hidden columns

Hide the selected column

Hide all columns

Move the selected visible column one place left in the table

Move the selected visible column one place right in the table

Pressing the OK button will close the dialog and apply all your changes to the
corresponding table. Pressing the Cancel button will close the dialog without
applying any changes.


Manual for NetMaster

Save Changes dialog

This dialog is opened whenever you try to close a view which contains unsaved
data. This can happen in any view where you are required to save data to the
server, and the title of the dialog will depend of the name of the view that caused
the dialog to open.
This example displays the Save Changes dialog for the Alarm Templates view:

Click the Yes button to save the changes and close the view. Click the No button
to close the view without saving changes.


All views and dialogs

Export To File dialog

This dialog can be opened from all views presenting data in a tabular fashion, i.e.
Active Alarms View, Hardware Inventory, Software Inventory, etc.
Click this icon in the dropdown menu of one of the tabular
views if you want to export the content of the table to disk. A dialog similar to this
will be opened (on Microsoft Windows):

The purpose of this dialog is to export the content of the view's table to file for
further processing or printing. The dialog box lets the user specify the drive,
directory, and name of a file to save.
File types supported are Microsoft Excel Workbook (xls), Comma Delimited (csv),
and eXtensible Markup Language (xml).
On Solaris the Export To File dialog presented will be a bit different.
Notice that the 'Save as type' information is not present and you will need to
append one of the supported extensions for a successfull file export.


Manual for NetMaster


All views and dialogs

Preferences: Fault Colors and Sounds
In this preferences pages you can set several general definitions for color and
sound notifications for changes to alarms and connection states on NEs in your
network. This settings might influence all GUI where alarms are visualized.
Definitions for fault colors and sounds are done on several preference pages:

Local color scheme is defined on the client in the Local Colors preference
Displaying of "Loss of Connectivity" state is defined on the client in the
Loss of Connectivity preference page
Sounds and notification-dialogs is defined on the client in the Sounds
preference page
Global color scheme is defined on the server in the System Colors
preference page

Local Colors

This page can be found under Local Settings | Fault | Colors in the Preferences


Manual for NetMaster

On the Local Colors preferences page you can define your own severity colors
on your local client. These settings will affect colors for faults and states for NEs
in all topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree), in the Active Alarms
view and in the Alarm Summary view.
Click the Use local color scheme checkbox to enable/disable use of local color
If local color settings are enabled, you can click each of the color buttons to
select a new color for its corresponding severity/state. These color definitions on
the Local Colors preference page will override the server definitions in the
System Colors preferences page.
Loss of Connectivity

This page can be found under Local Settings | Fault | Loss of Connectivity in the
Preferences pages


All views and dialogs

In the Loss of Connectivity preferences page you can define how to visualize the
Loss of Connectivity state of an NE. If this field is checked, the state will be
visualized in the topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) at NE
level and all its parent levels. If the field is unchecked, the state will be visualized
only at NE level.

This page can be found under Local Settings | Fault | Sounds in the Preferences


Manual for NetMaster

In the Sounds preferences page you can enable sound notification whenever an
alarm severity is increased in certain nodes in your network.
The Sounds page consists of two areas with similar input fields:

In the Raised severity on NE area you can define notifications given when
receiving alarms that increase the severity of an NE node.
In the Raised severity on Network area you can define notifications given
when receiving alarms that increase the severity of the top-node in a
network model - including both the Geographical model and the Logical

The controllers available in the two areas are as follows:


Click the Enabled checkbox to enable/disable sound notifications for the

category in this area
Click the Loop checkbox to enable/disable "looping" of this sound
notification. "Looping" means that whenever a severity is increased, an
Alarm dialog will appear with a warning indicating that an increased alarm

All views and dialogs

severity has been detected, and the notification sound will be repeated
until this dialog is closed. The Alarm dialog will appear irrespective of what
dialog, view or perspective is currently open in NetMaster.
Click the Browse... button to select a notification sound. The file must be
of the type .wav (uncompressed Windows audio waveform files).
The path for the notification sound is displayed in the Sound clip field.
Alternatively write the path and filename for the .wav file here.
Use the Test button to listen to your selected notification sound.

System Colors

This page can be found under System Settings | Fault | Colors in the Preferences

On the System Colors preferences page you can define colors for visualizing
faults and states on all clients connected to this server. This setting will affect the
severity colors for the topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree), in
the Active Alarms view and in the Alarm Summary view.


Manual for NetMaster

Click each of the color buttons to select a new color for its corresponding
Please note that these color settings can be overridden on the client, if the user
enables use of a Local Color Scheme in the Local Colors preferences page.


All views and dialogs

Preferences: External Configuration Tools

In the preferences pages you can define how to open external tools for
configuring NEs in your network. External tools are opened by selecting a NE in
the topology views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree) and using the menu
Configuration | External Tools.
Definitions for external configuration tools are done on several preference pages:

Group-names for external tools are defined on the server in the External
Tools preference page
Local paths for external tool applications are defined on the client in the
External Tools Path preference page
Mapping between a tool and a NE-type are defined on the server in the
External Tools Assignment preference page.

External Tools

This page can be found under System Settings | Configuration | External Tools in
the Preferences pages


Manual for NetMaster

In this page you can create and remove application groups for configuring NEs in
your network.
Use the Add button to create a new entry in the External Tools column, or use
the Remove button to delete a selected entry from the column.
The entries in the External Tools column can be found under the context menu
Configuration | External Tools in the topology views (Geographical or Logical
Map or Tree) whenever clicking an NE with this application group enabled. The
entries are enabled for each NE type in the External Tools Assignment system
preferences page. The local application path for launching each of the application
groups is defined for each client using the External Tool Paths preferences page.
Create Application group dialog
This dialog is opened whenever the Add button in the External Tools preferences
page is clicked.

Enter a name for this application group, and then press OK.
Confirm Delete Application group dialog
This dialog is opened whenever the Remove button with an External Tool
selected in the External Tools preferences page is clicked.

Press Yes to remove the application group, or No to abort the deletion.

External Tool Paths


All views and dialogs

This page can be found under Local Settings | Configuration | External Tool
Paths in the Preferences pages.

In this preferences page you can enable/disable external applications for

configuring different types of NEs from your client, and define local paths for
launching these applications.
Select an application group in the Application column to enter a new path for this
application. When an application is selected, you can change the path in the
Local Path column, either by writing a new path in this cell, or by clicking the
Browse button.
Check/uncheck a checkbox in the Application column to enable/disable the use
of this application to configure NEs on your local client.
Only applications that is enabled, can be found in the list of applications in the
context menu Configuration | External Tools when selecting NE in the topology
views (Geographical or Logical Map or Tree). To appear in the list of external
tools for a certain NE, the application also needs to be assigned to this NE's type


Manual for NetMaster

in the External Tools Assignment preferences page. The list of applications in the
Application column is created and updated in the External Tools preferences
External Tools Assignments

This page can be found under System Settings | Configuration | External Tool
Assignment in the Preferences pages

In this page you can map application groups to NE types, and define parameters
for opening these applications.
Use the NE Type dropdown to select an NE type you want to assign an external
tool to. Then click the Select button to add/remove external tools for this NE type.
Insert parameters for opening the application by writing directly in a cell in the
Parameters column, or by selecting an application in the table and then using the
dropdown Insert placeholder for actual data from the element one or more times.
Application Parameters (Placeholders)
%IP - The IP address of the NE
%LOGIN - User name

All views and dialogs

%P - The TCP port number. Used by Nera Configuration Manager
%RC - The SNMP read community string of the NE
%WC - The SNMP write community string of the NE
%NN - The name of the NE. Used by FlexMan
%SEC - The section address of the NE. Used by Nera Configuration
%SU - The SU address of the NE. Used by Nera Configuration Manager
%USER_PWD - User Password
Available External Tools dialog
This dialog is opened whenever clicking the Select button in the External Tools
Assignment preferences page.

The checked checkboxes in the External Tool column refers to application

groups that are enabled for this NE type. Click checkboxes in the table to
add/remove external tools.
Description of the available external tools

Evolution Manager
Evolution Manager is actually the system default web browser. Configuration of
Evolution NEs is done using a standard web browser in an http-session towards
the selected Evolution NE. A user name and a password must be entered upon
log-in to the configuration pages of the Evolution NE.
The command http://%IP will launch the default web browser on the Microsoft
Windows system, and open the log-in page for configuration of the Evolution NE
denoted by the IP address (%IP).

Manual for NetMaster

Flexman is the application to be used for configuration of FlexLink NEs. The
command parameters sobriquet %NN upon launch of Flexman, will open the
configuration application towards the FlexLink element denoted by the name
The FlexMan application is only supported on Microsoft Windows Platforms.
Nera Configuration Manager
The Nera Configuration Manager is used for configuration of Nera Q1 elements,
such as CityLink, CityLink 2, InterLink, NL29x, NL24x and NL18x. Additionally it
is used for configuration of Nera SNMP elements, such as CityLink FastEthernet,
CompactLink and CompactLink HDR.
The following parameters are allowed:
- NE:<protocol>:<IP address> {[-Q1:<port>:<section>:<su>], [-SNMP:<read
community>:<write community>]}

Only one of the elements delimited by square brackets inside the list (curly
braces) above shall be provided. (I.e. either Q1: or SNMP:)
Protocol is the protocol to use towards the specified NE. It can be either
Q1, SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c. The string is case-insensitive
IP address is the IP address to the NE in standard dot-notation. No
address format check is performed by Nera Configuration Manager
Port is an available TCP port. Nera Configuration Manager uses 5070 as
Section and Su is the Q1 NE address, and specifies the exact NE, even if
the IP address points to another element
Read/write community are the SNMP community strings of the NE. The
strings are case sensitive

The Nera Configuration Manager application is only supported on Microsoft

Windows Platforms.
NetLink I/II/III Configure
The NetLink I/II/III Configure applications are used for configuration of NetLink
NEs. The only parameter provided to the application is the SNMP write
community (%WC). This enables the application to apply new settings on the
NetLink NEs. However, the IP address of the NetLink NE to be configured must
be provided in the application once it has been started. Thus, a scoped launch
from within NetMaster is not supported.
The NetLink Configure application is only supported on Microsoft Windows
The SmartNode A and SmartNode C element types are configured by the
SmartManager 1.1 and SmartManager 2.1 applications. The command
"SmartManager 1.1" -ip %IP -community %RC user or "SmartManager 2.1" -ip


All views and dialogs

%IP -community %RC user launches the configuration application. The %IP
parameter denotes the IP address and the %RC denotes the SNMP read
community of the NE.
Flatpack 2 Manager
Flatpack 2 Manager is actually the system default web browser. Configuration of
EltekFP2PSU NEs is done using a standard web browser in an http-session
towards the selected EltekFP2PSU NE. A user name and a password must be
entered upon log-in to the configuration pages of the EltekFP2PSU NE.
The command http://%IP will launch the default web browser on the Microsoft
Windows system, and open the log-in page for configuration of the EltekFP2PSU
NE denoted by the IP address (%IP).
WiLink Config
The WiLink Config application are used for configuration of WiLink I NEs. The
only parameter provided to the application is the IP address (%IP). This enables
the application to apply new settings on the WiLink I NEs. However, the IP
address of the WiLink I NE to be configured must be provided in the application
before the external launch is provided from NetMaster.
A Telnet session can be used for configuration for some NEs, such as
CompactLink HDR, WiLink and WiLink SA. The %IP parameter denotes the IP
address of the specified NE.


Manual for NetMaster

Preferences: Enable Clock Synchronization

This page can be found under System Settings | Configuration | NE Clock
Synchronization in the Preference pages.

In the NE Clock Synchronization field you can define if new NEs should by
default get their clock synchronized by the mediator. If you manage an NE from
the table in the Unmanaged Elements view with the NE Clock Synchronization
setting enabled, this element will automatically be set to have its clock
synchronized by the mediator.
If the NE Clock Synchronization setting is not enabled, all NEs must get their
clock synchronized manually in the Clock Synchronization Settings view. In the
Clock Synchronization Settings tree you can see which managed NEs are
currently selected to have their clock synchronized, and update these settings
directly from this tree.


All views and dialogs

Please note that the mediator can only synchronize clocks on NEs that are using
a security template with sufficient permissions on the NE. You can choose
security templates for NEs in different stages of the discover process: before
discovering the NE (different when SNMP or Q1), before managing the NE or
anytime after managing the NE.


Manual for NetMaster

Preferences: Help Browser

This page can be found under Local Settings | Help in the Preferences pages.

In the Help preferences page you can define which browser that will be used to
launch NetMaster's help system:

NetMasters embedded browser

the default web-browser for the operating system
a custom browser command

Click the Always use external browsers checkbox to enable/disable the use of
NetMaster's embedded browser to launch the help system.
If external browsers is selected, you can use the radio buttons in the Current
External web browser adapter field to select either a user-defined browser, or a
default web-browser as defined by your operating system.


All views and dialogs

If Custom Browser is selected, you can use the Browse button to select a webbrowser application. If the selected application is not fully compatible with
Internet Explorer or has JavaScript disabled, the help system might be shown in
a simplified version.
Use the Custom Browser command field to select parameters for opening this
application. If a URL is not the last parameter accepted by the browser program,
use the "%1" string to indicate the position of the URL in the command.


Manual for NetMaster

Preferences: Password Settings

This page can be found under System Settings | Security | Password in the
Preferences pages.

In the Password preferences page you can define rules for password definition
for all users on this server:

allow/deny upper case letters in passwords

allow/deny numeric characters in passwords
allow/deny special characters in passwords
allow/deny white spaces in passwords
set minimum length for passwords
set maximum length for passwords

Whenever a user tries to enter a new password, only passwords that follow the
above rules will accepted.


All views and dialogs

In the Password preferences page you can also define logon behavior:

set how many failed login attempts are allowed by each user before this
user is blocked. When a user is blocked because of failed logins, this user
will be prevented from logging in until the user is unblocked in the User
Administration view.


Manual for NetMaster

Preferences: User Settings

This page can be found under User Settings in the Preferences pages.

In the Server Connection preferences page all users can update their own user
details. The following values can be updated:

Full name

Users with permissions for User account management enabled can also update
user details for other users with the User Administration view.
Verify Password Change dialog
This dialog is opened whenever entering a new password in the User Settings
preference page.


All views and dialogs

Press Yes to apply the password change. You will now log off the NetMaster
client application, and the NetMaster Login dialog appears.
Alternatively press No to abort the password change. All changes in the User
Settings preference page except the new password is now saved.


Manual for NetMaster

Preferences: Server Connection

This page can be found under Local Settings | Connection | Server Connection
on the Preferences pages.

In the Server Connection preferences page you can define how your local
NetMaster client should behave when the connection with the NetMaster server
is lost.
In the Reconnect settings area you can define how many times the client should
try to reconnect when the connection to server is lost, and how many seconds
the server should wait between each try.
Whenever the connection status changes, this can be seen in the Connection
Status field. If the client has finished retrying as defined in the Reconnect settings
area, the NetMaster Login dialog will appear with a warning that connection has
been lost.


All views and dialogs

Connection Status field

The status of the server connection is displayed in the Connection Status field on
the Status bar. The connection status is visualized with graphics and text, and
can be one of the following:

- the client is currently connected, and the name of

the server is displayed.
- the client has detected problems communicating

with the server.

- the client is trying to connect to the server, using

the current User name and Password.

- the client is unable to connect to the server, and is

waiting to retry. The number of failed logins and a number of total tries
available is displayed. The total number of tries, and the number of
seconds between each negotiation is defined in the Reconnect settings
area in the Server Connection preferences page.

- the client has been unable to reconnect after

loosing the connection, and the NetMaster Login dialog has appeared.

- the user has been unable to connect with the

NetMaster Login dialog.

NetMaster Login dialog - server connection lost

This dialog appears whenever the client has lost the connection, and has finished
trying to reconnect as defined in the Server Connection preferences page.


Manual for NetMaster

Press Reconnect to try a new login, or press Close to abort the login process.
The values for User name, Password and Server are the same as for the
NetMaster Login dialog. Alternatively, update this values, and then try


All views and dialogs

Preferences: Web Browser

This page can be found under Local Settings | Web Browser in the Preference

In the Web Browser preferences page you can define the default URL that will be
used by the Web Browser view.


Manual for NetMaster

NetMaster Server monitor
The NetMaster Server monitor is located in the Windows taskbar system tray.
The server monitor has three different states:

Server is started

Server is stopped.

Info: Server is starting or stopping.

Right-clicking the server monitor icon displays the following menu:

The menu options Start and Stop are used to start or stop the NetMaster Server.
License Info dialog

This dialog is opened when selecting the License Info menu option.


All views and dialogs

Press the Copy activation key to clipboard in order to paste the Activation key to
another application (e-mail etc.).
The Activation key in the License Info dialogue is generated from the MACaddress of one of the enabled network cards on the NetMaster server. In order to
be absolutely certain of which network card the licence is bound to it is
recommended to disable all network cards except one. When the License is
activated with this Activation key, the license will be locked to this network card. If
the network card later is disabled the NetMaster server will stop with a violation
lock error message.
Import License Wizard

The Import License Wizard is started when selecting the Import License... menu
Step 1:


Manual for NetMaster

Step 2:


All views and dialogs

Step 3:


Manual for NetMaster


All views and dialogs

Alarm Frequency Report grouped by Network Element view
Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting View | Reports | Alarm Frequency Report
grouped by Network Element from the main menu. The view will then present
report data from the entire network in the same report. Please note that the time
consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources
pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


Manual for NetMaster

The Alarm Frequency Report grouped by Network Element report displays the
100 most frequent logged alarms the last 7 days.
The same alarm on 2 different elements is considered to be 2 different alarms.
The report does not distinguish between alarms on managed and unmanaged
network elements.
Alarms on network elements that has been removed from managed state may be
displayed in the report.
Report Header
The header contains the title of the report and the time that the report was
Alarm Overview chart


All views and dialogs

The Alarm Overview for Network Elements chart displays the 100 most frequent
alarms grouped by Network Element where the total number of occurrences is
given as a number associated with each piece of pie.
Example: Network Element A has 3 top 100 most frequent alarms where there
are 8 occurrences of each alarm, the element will be displayed as a pie with the
value 24.
Network Element B has 1 alarm type among top 100 most frequent alarms, but
20 occurrences. This will be displayed as a pie piece with value 20.
Frequent Alarms list


Manual for NetMaster

The tables are sorted based on number of alarms within the top 100 most
frequent ones.
The alarms are grouped by the name of the element. The ordering of the
elements is given by the alarms with highest frequency. This means that the
element with the alarm with highest frequency is displayed first in the table and
so on in descending order.
For each alarm the following information is displayed:
No Of Alarms


Source of alarm - the network resource that generated the
Gives the most likely reason for the alarm

The alarm severity

The number of occurrences of this alarm (i.e. how many
times this alarm has been turned on and off)

All views and dialogs

Table Of Contents pane

The Table Of Contents pane can be opened by pressing the TOC button on the
Alarm Frequency Report grouped by Network Element toolbar.

When the Table Of Contents pane is opened, the left hand side of the report
contains a section displaying all NEs in the report grouped by NE type. It is
possible to expand each NE type and access each specific NE directly by
clicking on it.
Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
or print it. The format of the report will change to the better when displayed in an
external format viewer as for example Adobe Reader for PDF-format.
It is recommended to use the external PDF-format before printing the report.


Manual for NetMaster

Select Export format from the list and then press the OK button. The report may
then be opened by an installed viewer for the chosen format or stored on disk for
later processing. If opening the report by an installed viewer on the NetMaster
client, it will be automatically started in a separate window dispatched from the
NetMaster client.
The NetMaster installation does not include any viewer for the external formats.
Available operations

TOC button: toggles table of contents

Export button: export report to another format

Print report as PDF

Navigate to first page

Navigate to previous page

Navigate to next page

Navigate to last page

Refresh the entire report


Navigate to a specific page by specifying a number and

then press the green arrow

All views and dialogs

Alarm Frequency Report List view

Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting View | Reports | Alarm Frequency Report List
from the main menu. The view will then present report data from the entire
network in the same report. Please note that the time consumed for this
operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources pr. node in the
network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


Manual for NetMaster

The Alarm Frequency Report List report displays the 100 most frequent logged
alarms the last 7 days.
The same alarm on 2 different elements is considered to be 2 different alarms.
The report does not distinguish between alarms on managed and unmanaged
network elements.
Alarms on network elements that has been removed from managed state may be
displayed in the report.


All views and dialogs

Report Header
The header contains the title of the report and the time that the report was
Alarm table

For each alarm the following information is displayed:


Source of alarm - the network resource that generated the
Gives the most likely reason for the alarm

The alarm severity


Manual for NetMaster

No Of Alarms

The number of occurrences of this alarm (i.e. how many

times this alarm has been turned on and off)

The table is sorted on No of Alarms in descending order.

Bar chart

In addition to the alarm table the report displays a bar grouped by Native
Probable Cause. Only the top 20 most frequent alarms are shown in this bar.
This will give a clear indication if there are some alarms of a specific Native
Probable Cause that occurs very often in the system.
Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.


All views and dialogs

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
or print it. The format of the report will change to the better when displayed in an
external format viewer as for example Adobe Reader for PDF-format.
It is recommended to use the external PDF-format before printing the report.
Select Export format from the list and then press the OK button. The report may
then be opened by an installed viewer for the chosen format or stored on disk for
later processing. If opening the report by an installed viewer on the NetMaster
client, it will be automatically started in a separate window dispatched from the
NetMaster client.
The NetMaster installation does not include any viewer for the external formats.
Available operations

TOC button: toggles table of contents

Export button: export report to another format

Print report as PDF

Navigate to first page

Navigate to previous page

Navigate to next page

Navigate to last page

Refresh the entire report


Manual for NetMaster


Navigate to a specific page by specifying a number and

then press the green arrow

All views and dialogs

All Active Performance Measurements Report

Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Reports | All Active Performance Measurements report in the
Context dropdown menu. The view will then open with the selection as a scope
presenting only report data for the currently selected NEs.
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting View | Reports | All
Active Performance Measurement report from the main menu. The view will then
present report data from the entire network in the same table. Please note that
the time consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and
resources pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


Manual for NetMaster

The All Active Performance Measurements report displays all the elements that
have active performance measurements points enabled.
The following information is also displayed:
Total number of active performance measurement points in the scope of the
Total number of managed elements in the scope of the report with active
performance measurement points.
Total number of managed elements within the scope of the report.
The elements are sorted on the number of active performance measurements
points. This means that the element with most active measurements points is
displayed first in the table and so on in descending order.
Report Header
The header contains the title of the report and the time that the report was
In addition the header may contain information about the scope of the report.

All views and dialogs

Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
or print it. The format of the report will change to the better when displayed in an
external format viewer as for example Adobe Reader for PDF-format.
It is recommended to use the external PDF-format before printing the report.
Select Export format from the list and then press the OK button. The report may
then be opened by an installed viewer for the chosen format or stored on disk for
later processing. If opening the report by an installed viewer on the NetMaster
client, it will be automatically started in a separate window dispatched from the
NetMaster client.
The NetMaster installation does not include any viewer for the external formats.
Available operations

TOC button: toggles table of contents

Export button: export report to another format

Print report as PDF

Navigate to first page

Navigate to previous page

Navigate to next page


Manual for NetMaster

Navigate to last page

Refresh the entire report


Navigate to a specific page by specifying a number and

then press the green arrow

All views and dialogs

Inventory Report view

Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Reports | Inventory Report in the Context dropdown menu.
The view will then open with the selection as a scope presenting only report data
for the currently selected NEs.
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting View | Reports |
Inventory Report from the main menu. The view will then present report data
from the entire network in the same table. Please note that the time consumed
for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources pr. node in
the network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


Manual for NetMaster

The Inventory report displays hardware and software inventories for all the
managed elements within the scope of the report.
The fields displayed in the inventory report can be grouped into two main
categories; hardware and software inventory.
Report Header
The header contains the title of the report and the time that the report was
In addition the header may contain information about the scope of the report.
HW Inventory table
The hardware inventory part of the report displays the following fields for each
Article Code

Name/location of this hardware element in the NE.
Uniquely identifies the type of hardware element.

All views and dialogs

Serial no.

The serial number of the hardware element.

The hardware revision.
When the production process was completed for this
hardware element.

SW Inventory table
The software inventory part of the report presents the following fields for each
memory bank on the NE:

Build Time
Memory Bank

The name of the software in this memory bank, as read from
the NE.
The name of the NE where this software is stored.
The software revision. Normally a five character code, but
the field will display NA if the system has this unit present
but is unable to retrieve the information from it.
When this software was created.
The software location on the NE
Displays the status of the memory bank and can be one of
the following values:

IDLE: Software is not being executed

ACTIVE: Software is being executed
ACTIVE_PENDING: Software is waiting to be
executed (will be activated on next restart)
DOWNLOADING: SW is being downloaded to this
ERASING FLASH: SW is being erased (during a
download process)
INVALID: corrupt software or wrong software version;
SW Download has failed or SW bank has not been
NOT_AVAILABLE: The IDU does not have contact
with the unit using this software (only relevant for
ODU banks) or corrupted memory bank

Table Of Contents pane

The Table Of Contents pane can be opened by pressing the TOC button on the
Inventory Report toolbar.


Manual for NetMaster

When the Table Of Contents pane is opened, the left hand side of the report
contains a section displaying all NEs in the report grouped by NE type. It is
possible to expand each NE type and access each specific NE directly by
clicking on it.
Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
or print it. The format of the report will change to the better when displayed in an
external format viewer as for example Adobe Reader for PDF-format.
It is recommended to use the external PDF-format before printing the report.
Select Export format from the list and then press the OK button. The report may
then be opened by an installed viewer for the chosen format or stored on disk for
later processing. If opening the report by an installed viewer on the NetMaster


All views and dialogs

client, it will be automatically started in a separate window dispatched from the
NetMaster client.
The NetMaster installation does not include any viewer for the external formats.
Available operations

TOC button: toggles table of contents

Export button: export report to another format

Print report as PDF

Navigate to first page

Navigate to previous page

Navigate to next page

Navigate to last page

Refresh the entire report

Navigate to a specific page by specifying a number and

then press the green arrow


Manual for NetMaster

Network Element Types Overview Report view

Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Reports | NE Types Overview Report in the Context
dropdown menu. The view will then open with the selection as a scope
presenting only report data for the currently selected NEs.
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting View | Reports | NE
Types Overview Report from the main menu. The view will then present report
data from the entire network in the same table. Please note that the time
consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes and resources
pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is large.
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


All views and dialogs

The NE Types Overview report displays a chart indicating how many elements of
each NE type that is managed by NetMaster within the scope of the report.
In addition the report displays:
The total number of elements allowed in license.
Total number of managed elements in the system.
Total number of managed elements in the scope of the report.
Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.


Manual for NetMaster

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
or print it. The format of the report will change to the better when displayed in an
external format viewer as for example Adobe Reader for PDF-format.
It is recommended to use the external PDF-format before printing the report.
Select Export format from the list and then press the OK button. The report may
then be opened by an installed viewer for the chosen format or stored on disk for
later processing. If opening the report by an installed viewer on the NetMaster
client, it will be automatically started in a separate window dispatched from the
NetMaster client.
The NetMaster installation does not include any viewer for the external formats.
Available operations

TOC button: toggles table of contents

Export button: export report to another format

Print report as PDF

Navigate to first page

Navigate to previous page

Navigate to next page

Navigate to last page

Refresh the entire report


All views and dialogs

Navigate to a specific page by specifying a number and

then press the green arrow


Manual for NetMaster

Top-50 Active Performance Measurements report view

Reports are not standard functionality and may not be available.
The view is opened by selecting an NE or domain node in one of the topological
views and selecting Reports | Top-50 Active Performance Measurements report
in the Context dropdown menu. The view will then open with the selection as a
scope presenting only report data for the currently selected NEs.
Alternatively you can open the view unscoped by selecting View | Reports | Top50 Active Performance Measurements report from the main menu. The view will
then present report data from the entire network in the same table. Please note
that the time consumed for this operation is a function of the number of nodes
and resources pr. node in the network, and might cause a delay if your network is
When generating a report the system displays the progress bar shown below.

The only operation available to the user is to cancel the report.

The first time a report is opened after the NetMaster server is started, the report
framework is loaded. This initial loading consumes extra resources. The
subsequent reports will consume less resource and run faster.
When processing completes, the report is displayed.


All views and dialogs

The Top-50 Active Performance Measurements report displays the 50 elements

that have most active performance measurements points enabled.
The number of Active Performance Measurement points per element is given as
a number positioned above each bar representing each element.
The following information is also displayed:
Total number of active performance measurement points in the scope of the
Total number of managed elements in the scope of the report with active
performance measurement points.
Total number of managed elements within the scope of the report.
The elements are sorted on the number of active performance measurements
points. This means that the element with most active measurements points is
displayed first in the list and so on in descending order.
Report Header
The header contains the title of the report and the time that the report was
In addition the header may contain information about the scope of the report.
Export Report
The Export Report window is opened by pressing the Export button.


Manual for NetMaster

It is possible to export the reports to external formats in order to store the report
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Supported NE types
NetMaster supports the following network elements:
CityLink family

CityLink is a family of radio relay equipment for transmission of capacities from

STM-0 to STM-1 in the 5 to 38 GHz frequency bands with 32, 64, or 128TCM
Read more about CityLink family here

The CompactLink is fully a featured, microwave radio system for the global
telecommunications market. CompactLink IV operates in the frequency band 7,
8, 13, 15, 18 and 23 GHz, and with data rates of 4, 8, 16 E1 or T1. It is designed
for transmission of voice, data and video traffic. Standardized data rates (E1/T1)
and frequency bands are approved by international organizations (FCC, ITU-R,
Read more about CompactLink here
Eltek PSU

The Eltek Flatpack 2 power supply is an advanced and extendable power supply
made especially for the strict requirements of the telecom industry. The Flatpack
2 provides advanced management facilities including SNMP V2c and an
advanced web configuration application that can be exploited with a suitable
Network management system.
Evolution Series

The Evolution Series is a point-to-point microwave radio system in licensed

frequency bands from 5 GHz to 38 GHz. Its transmission capacity is scalable
between 6 Mb/s and 600 Mb/s based on a common software defined platform.
Read more about the Evolution Series here.


Manual for NetMaster

Nera FlexLink is a low and medium capacity microwave access solution covering
from 2x2 to 16x2 Mbit/s capacity, in the 7, 8, 13, 15, 18, 23, 26, 28, 32 and 38
GHz frequency bands.
Read more about FlexLink here
InterLink family

InterLink is a family of scalable indoor mounted radio-relay equipment for

transmission of N x 155 Mbit/s in the frequency bands 4 - 11 GHz.
Read more about InterLink family here

Nera NetLink provides point-to-multipoint wireless access solutions for operators

in the broadband markets.
Nera NetLink supplies reliable broadband data services in frequency bands from:
Product Gross
NetLink 3 Mbps
NetLink 12 Mbps
NetLink 54 Mbps

0.9 to 5.8
3.5 GHz
5.2 and
5.8 GHz


Read more about NetLink here


The SmartMetro consists of a low-cost shelf (compatible with 19" or ETSI racks)
with room for up to twenty-one plug-in modules. The modules consists of
different types:

Two aggregate modules consisting of TDM matrix, Ethernet Crossbar

system, System controller and SDH interfaces.
Eight tributary modules consisting of a number of SDH. Ethernet and PDH
Eight connector modules have physical interface for PDH, SDH and fast
Ethernet copper interfaces

Read more about SmartMetro here

SmartNodeA / SmartNodeC


The SmartNode is an SDH multiplex system which supports different types of
transmission media. It can be used in networks based on fibre, radio or copper
media. The SmartNode concentrates both IP and TDM traffic and is able to
interface with both TDM and IP backbone networks. The SmartNode maps both
IP and TDM traffic into a TDM data stream or into an IP data stream.
Read more about SmartNodeC here
WiLink I

WiLink I is based on the WiMax platform and operates in the licensed 3.3 GHz
and 3.5 GHz frequency bands. Channel bandwidths 1.75 MHz and 3.5 MHz.
Read more about WiLink I here
WiLink XL

WiLink XL is based on the WiMax platform and operates in the licensed 3.3 GHz
to 3.86 GHz. Both FDD and TDD versions available with channel bandwidths
1.75, 3.5, 7, 10, 14 MHz.
Read more about WiLink XL here
Discontinued Nera Networks radio products

NetMaster also supports older Nera Networks radio products that are still in the
market, but discontinued and replaced by new products.
Discontinued products supported are:



Manual for NetMaster

Active Alarm

An alarm generated by a network element or system component which has the

"raised" alarm state. When the error condition is cleared, the alarm will no longer
be an active alarm. (Same as "Current Alarm" in NEW-NMS).
Administrative Domain

An administrative domain is used to group other resources in NetMaster. An

administrative domain can contain any other resource in the network, including
other administrative domains.

A notification of a specific event. An alarm may or may not represent an error.


The process of validating the claimed identity of an end user or a device, such as
a host, server, switch, router, and so on.

The act of granting access rights to a user, group of users, system, or process.

A Connection Termination Point (CTP) represents a timeslot (or channel) of a

Topological Link. It is also a potential or actual end point of a Cross Connect in a
Network Element. A CTP will always be contained in a PTP, and the CTP will
disappear if the PTP (representing the physical port) is removed. The actual
number and type of CTPs in a PTP can be dynamic This is called (structuring or

A Cross Connect (CC) represents a connection between CTPs within a Network

Element. A CC can only exist between CTPs with the same Layer Rate. A CC is
transparent to the signal that is transported over it.
Different types of Cross Connects are needed to build different network
topologies. The following Cross Connect types are envisaged:


Unidirectional, point to point, no protection


Unidirectional, drop to two or more sinks, no protection

Unidirectional, point to point, SNC protection
Bidirectional, point to point, no protection
Bidirectional, point to point, SNC protection

Double add-drops and ring interconnects TBD.


A Customer is the client of the Service. Customer specific information such as

name, address, phone, e-mail, etc. is used for identifying and communicating
with the customer. A set of preferred notification methods should be specified
(e.g. the customer would like to be instantly notified by SMS when a service is
The customer can have several services of different service types. The following
service types are envisaged:

Connection Service (Leased lines)

VPN (VLAN Service)

Customers are created and deleted by the operator of the system .


Same as Administrative Domain. An administrative domain is used to group other

resources in NetMaster. An administrative domain can contain any other
resource in the network, including other administrative domains.

The Element Management System (EMS) represents the hardware and software
components used by the SP or Network Provider to manage one or more
Network Elements (NEs). The EMS provides management across a subnetwork
or a single NE, typically across a piece or collection of single vendor equipment.
The EMS performs management functions across the Element Management
Layer (EML) of the TMN. Some examples of these management functions
include provisioning of NE resources and collection of NE faults.

A piece of Equipment represents a manageable physical component of a

Network Element, such as an interface module, a fan module or a power module.
The identity of the equipment cannot change during its lifetime.
Equipment holder

An NE can contain different racks that can contain slots that again contain
modules. Many NEs have a flexible configuration, e.g. different module types can


Manual for NetMaster

be inserted in a given slot. The Equipment Holder is a general abstraction of a
resource in a Network Element that is capable of holding other resources and it
can represent a Rack, a Sub-Rack, a Shelf, a Slot and a Sub-Slot. Since the
Equipment Holder shall know whether it holds a piece of Equipment (e.g.
Module) or not, it can hold only one piece of Equipment (but it can hold several
EHs).The identity of the Equipment Holder cannot change during its lifetime.

A deviation of a system from normal operation.


The physical cause of a malfunction. Faults manifest themselves as errors.

Fault Management

In network management, the set of functions that

a. detect, isolate, and correct malfunctions in a telecommunications network,
b. compensate for environmental changes, and
c. include maintaining and examining error logs, accepting and acting on
error detection notifications, tracing and identifying faults, carrying out
sequences of diagnostics tests, correcting faults, reporting error
conditions, and locating and tracing faults by examining and manipulating
database information.

GUI is an abbreviation for Graphical User Interface. A general term, describing a

program interface that uses a computer's graphics capabilities to access and
control a computer program. A GUI involves the use of a mouse and keyboard to
select objects, including icons, menus, text boxes, etc. A GUI includes standard
formats for representing text and graphics.
Layer rate

The Layer Rate (also referred to as Characteristic Information) is used to identify

the signal type supported by a specific resource.
Example Layer Rates are:




Digital Signal Rate STM-0
Digital Signal Rate STM-1
Digital Signal Rate STM-4
Digital Signal Rate STM-16
Optical Section
Physical Optical
Radio Section
Physical Radio
Fast Ethernet
Gigabit Ethernet

Mediation Device

A service in a network management system providing communication with NE.

The mediation device supports methods for discovering NE, managing NE,
receiving fault and performance data from the NE, and for different types of
updates on the NE, like software download and clock synchronization.
The mediators used by NetMaster are displayed in the Mediation Devices area in
the Discover Settings view. NetMaster supports both Q1 and SNMP mediation
devices, providing communication with NE using each of these types of
communication. You are allowed to use single or multiple instances of each of
the mediation device types, and you are allowed to locate mediation devices on
the same computer as the server, or distributed on one or several computers.

A Managed Element (ME) is an abstract representation of a Network Element.


Used for application server hosting collector in a stacked deployment. Same as a

Mediation Device.

Abbreviation for Network Element. A physical entity in the network with a well
defined functionality. NEs can be managed (they are then represented by a
Managed Element) or unmanaged. They form the basic infrastructure, i.e. the
hardware and software components of the network.

Manual for NetMaster

Network Element

A physical entity in the network with a well defined functionality. Network

Elements (NEs) can be managed (they are then represented by a Managed
Element) or unmanaged.
They form the basic infrastructure, i.e. the hardware and software components of
the network.
Network manager

A system for controlling and monitoring a network of NEs. NetMaster is a

software package providing a typical network manager system.
Network Operator

An organization that operates a communications network, network or data

services capability, acting basically as a wholesaler. A network operator is a
service provider. A service provider may provide the network operator role or
may subcontract this role.

Any object that can be found in a topological map, including both domains and
Performance Management

Performance Management provides functions to evaluate and report upon the

behavior of telecommunication equipment and the effectiveness of the network or
network element. Its role is to gather and analyze statistical data for the purpose
of monitoring and correcting the behavior and effectiveness of the network, NEs
or other equipment and to aid in planning, provisioning, maintenance and the
measurement of quality.

A Physical Termination Point (PTP) is an actual or potential end point of a

Topological (physical) Link. Basically a representation of a physical port of a
Network Element, e.g. an E1 port, an STM-N radio port, etc.
PTP and CTP channelisation

Channelisation (or structuring) of a PTP or CTP describes how the aggregate

signal is split into tributaries or (timeslots). It can be seen as a representation of
the multiplexing structure of a port or termination point. The channelisation of a
PTP or CTP is given by the number of CTPs it contains. Whereas a PTP can
never be included in a connection, a CTP can only be included in a connection if

it is not channelised (i.e: it is not terminated and it does not contain other CTPs).
In SDH and SONET there can be two levels of CTPs above the PTP.
Reconcile Alarms

Local alarms are aligned with NE alarms.

Root-cause problem

The fundamental cause(s) that, if corrected, will prevent recurrence of an event

or alarm.
Search range

An IP search range is a sequence of IP addresses which will be used when

discovering (looking for) NEs. A search range consist of a lower boundary, and a
high boundary, and the mediator will sequentially send a request to each of the
IP addresses within this range (including both lower and higher boundaries) to
see if any NEs respond.

Simple Network Management Protocol. A communications protocol used in the

monitoring and management of communications devices and services. SNMP
utilises three basic request primitives: Set, Get and Get Next for configuration
and performance information, and one asynchronous notification: Trap for alarm
and status information.

A Station represents a physical location where Network Elements and other

equipment is installed. A Station is used to provide location information such as
address, coordinates etc. that is specific for the location.
Subnet mask

An IP network can be split into a series of subnets using Subnet masks. A

Subnet mask distinguishes the network ID from the host ID in an IP address, and
is used to determine what subnet an IP address belongs to.

A Subnetwork Connection (SNC) relates end-point CTPs. A SNC provides a

transparent end-to-end connection through or within a Subnetwork.

A Subnetwork is an abstraction provided by the EMS to the NMS which

describes the potential for Subnetwork Connections (SNC).


Manual for NetMaster

TCA template

A "TCA template" is an abbreviation for "Threshold Crossing Alert" template, and

contains a set of conditions (thresholds) for raising and clearing alarms in the
network manager based on performance data received from the NE. Every time
the performance data from an NE crosses a threshold value defined in a TCA
template, the network manager will register a raised/cleared alarm on this NE, as
defined by the TCA template.

A Termination Point (TP) can be either a Physical Termination Point (a plug on

the ME) or a Connection Termination Point (internal termination point).


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