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Best of A Song Of Ice And Fire

Lem Lemoncloak pushed forward. He and Greenbeard were the only men there tall enough to look the Hound
in the eye. "Be careful how you bark, dog. We hold your life in our hands."
"Best wipe the shit off your fingers, then." The Hound laughed..
"Knights?" Clegane made the word a sneer. "Dondarrion's a knight, but the rest of you are the sorriest lot of
outlaws and broken men I've ever seen. I shit better men than you."
Jaime felt almost sorry for Robb Stark. He won the war on the battlefield and lost it in a bedchamber,poor fool.
"How does Lord Walder relish dining on trout in place of wolf?" he asked.
Lord Bolton's little smile paid another visit to his lips. "You speak boldly for a man who needs help to break his
bread. My guards are all around us, I remind you."
Thoros of Myr sat crosslegged beside it, gazing deep into the flames as if there was nothing else in all
the world.
Fear cuts deeper than swords
Once Jaime might have countered with a smile and a threat, but onehanded cripples do not inspire much fear. He
wondered what his brother would do. Tyrion would find a way.
Elsewise, Lord Bolton would have peeled you like an orange, no?
If you keep all your treasures in one purse, you only make it easier for those who would rob you.
Stop trying to think up ways to kill me. None of it will do you a bit of good.
You never knew my brother. Gregor once killed a man for snoring. His own man. When he grinned, the burned
side of his face pulled tight, twisting his mouth in a queer unpleasant way.
Stupid blind little wolf bitch; Even a dog gets tired of being kicked.
A sword needs a sheath, heh, and a wedding needs a bedding.
Cersei said with poisonous sweetness.
There is a long leagues worth of difference between willful and stupid.
Oh? Is this something Im allowed to know, or should I leave so you can discuss it with yourself?
His father ignored the sally. Prince Oberyns presence here is unfortunate. His brother is a cautious man, a
reasoned man, subtle, deliberate, even indolent to a degree. He is a man who weighs the consequences of every
word and every action. But Oberyn has always been half-mad.
You are grown so very great now, yet the higher a man climbs the farther he has to fall.
A man has a right to vengeance. But he slew a guest beneath his roof, and that the gods cannot forgive.
If ever there was a man who could rape a woman with his eyes . . .

I have told you no lies. Yet there are truths I have withheld, and for that and all my other sins I can only beg your
I confess, I do not understand what there is in her to make a clever man like you act such a fool.

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