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[1232][1277]I just missed your heart.

[1542][1576]You are dead right now.
[1576][1612]I've killed you.
[1712][1747]Use your hands.
[1901][1948]Drag the deer back yourself
[2581][2600]What's wrong?
[2600][2621]Are you hurt?
[2621][2642]You were half asleep.
[2642][2665]You must always be ready.
[2665][2690]Even when you're sleeping.
[2690][2707]Think on your feet.
[2707][2725]- Adapt...|- Or die.
[2725][2746]I'll do better next time.
[2765][2790]I'll do better next time.
[2809][2853]I'll do better next time.
[2913][2969]Did you really want me|to snap your neck?
[2969][2996]How much did you pull off the deer?
[2996][3023]In 120 parts.
[3023][3048]200 pounds in total.
[3048][3063]I think so.
[3063][3093]That explains it.
[3107][3134]How you beat me.
[3134][3178]You're getting stronger.
[3225][3275]I'm glad you didnt snap my neck.
[3275][3320]The great blue whale is the|largest animal to have ever existed.
[3320][3342]Its heart weighs 1300 pounds.
[3342][3370]And the male has 7 gallons of...
[3408][3452]The blue whale's music can be heard|for over five hundred miles..
[3452][3480]A blue whale's tongue weighs|over two and a half tons.
[3480][3526]What does music feel like?
[3548][3575]Music - a combination of sounds
[3575][3633]with a view to beauty of form|and expression of emotion.
[3633][3657]I want to hear it for myself.
[3657][3683]We've all we need right here.
[3683][3719]It's not enough.
[3741][3767]I'm ready.
[3767][3803]Papa, I'm ready.
[3982][4021]Grimm's Fairy Tales
[4533][4578]One, two, three, four, five, six
[4578][4600]I live in Leipzig|German city
[4600][4628]Population: 0.7 million peoples
[4628][4641]Tell me again
[4641][4660]Wilhelm Grimm's House|Stefan Straza,
[4660][4680]21610559, Berlin, Germany.
[4680][4717]We live at number 7, Vicenza Platz.
[4717][4733]I go to school at|The Klaus College Gymnasium.
[4733][4772]And my best friends are|Rudy Gunter and Clara Scheitz.
[4772][4791]Wilhelm Grimm's House|Stefan Straza,
[4791][4824]21610559, Berlin, Germany.|I like literature and sport.
[4824][4845]In particular, tennis and athletics.
[4845][4888]We live at number 7, Vicenza Platz.|I go to school at The Klaus Coll
ege Gymnasium.
[4888][4919]And my best friends are|Rudy Gunter and Clara Scheitz.

[4919][4970]I also have a dog called Trudy.

[5285][5303]I'm ready.
[5303][5337]I'm ready now.
[5986][6011]Did you see it?|Did you hear it?
[6011][6070]It's like thunder!|It was so beautiful!
[6099][6113]What is it?
[6113][6161]It tells Marissa Wiegler|where we are.
[6161][6188]If you think you're ready,|and you want to leave here,
[6188][6247]all you|have to do is flip that switch.
[6251][6288]But once|it's done there's no going back.
[6288][6320]She won't stop until you're dead,
[6320][6362]or she is.|Understand?
[6370][6413]I won't be there to hold your hand.
[6413][6442]So be sure
[6442][6496]Be sure it's what you really want.
[6514][6561]It's here. There's no rush.
[6643][6681]Laika, a mongrel dog from|the street of Moscow,
[6681][6721]was the first|animal to orbit the Earth.
[6721][6779]She was launched into outer space|on the third of November, 1957.
[6779][6796]Scientists believe humans
[6796][6833]would be unable to survive|the conditions of outer space.
[6833][6859]So flights by animals were used
[6859][6901]as experiments precursory|to human missions.
[6901][6934]A rocket was not designed|to be retrievable,
[6934][6980]and laika has always been,|intended to die.
[6980][6999]But she didn't, did she?
[6999][7032]They couldn't bring the rocket back,|remember?
[7032][7050]I remember.
[7050][7121]But sometimes I wish|you would read it differently.
[7148][7168]When a star collapses,
[7168][7194]the supernova explosion|is ten billion times
[7194][7243]brighter than the other stars
[7537][7567]Will you hunt with me?
[7567][7592]Ifyou want.
[7592][7622]Well, it's up to you.
[7685][7715]I'll stay.
[7765][7795]Yes, good.
[8122][8160]Marissa Wiegler...
[8197][8237]...come and find me.
[8418][8440]You were lucky|to have caught that deer.
[8440][8494]There was nothing out there today.
[8556][8583]It smell's good.
[8583][8613]When will it be ready?
[9148][9174]We've picked up an unencrypted signal.|One of ours.
[9174][9196]When?|- 0630,2 Eastern Standard.
[9196][9219]Triangulated about 60 miles|below the Arctic Circle.
[9219][9239]Near kazuma.|We think it is Erik Heller.
[9239][9257]- Erik Heller?|- You're his handler, right?
[9257][9308]Sure, the name sounds familiar.
[9364][9389]Fuck Erik.
[9389][9417]Why now?
[9500][9519]How does it look?
[9577][9591]Almost good.
[9591][9614]Erik Heller,|recruited in 1991.
[9614][9635]Former FSK operative|He became integral to our
[9635][9656]Counter Intelligence Ops in Eastern
[9656][9674]Europe and Central Asia.

[9674][9695]His file ends in '94.

[9695][9728]There was no sign of life|until April 18,1996,
[9728][9758]when his fingerprints were|found on a 22 calibre Luger,
[9758][9784]found beside the body of one,|Johanna Zadek.
[9784][9811]Johanna Zadek,|born in 1970, German.
[9811][9838]She was spotted and developed|by Heller in 1994.
[9838][9859]- Never recruited.|- Why was she being developed?
[9859][9881]That's not in the file.|Let's keep on the past.
[9881][9913]Heller is a rogue asset.|I propose we go and pull him out.
[9913][9929]We got bigger problems, Marissa.
[9929][9960]Let Interpol pick him up.|He's no longer our responsibility.
[9960][9991]Interpol nabs him, that|exposes him to BND, FSB, France.
[9991][10015]Do you really|want every intelligence agency
[10015][10038]in Europe scratching at this threat?
[10038][10052]- Lewis?|- I'm Sorry,
[10052][10070]but we need to keep|this contained, gentlemen.
[10070][10089]Keep it small.|I've worked with this man.
[10089][10109]He knows things|I don't think you wanna know.
[10109][10123]I appreciate your candor.
[10123][10198]- What do you need Lewis?|- One man, one-day operation.
[10232][10248]- Tell me again.|- Marissa Wiegler.
[10248][10264]- Then?|- Postcard.
[10264][10276]- Then?|- What?
[10276][10299]- The address where we meet.|- Wilhelm Grimm House,
[10299][10320]Stefan Straza, 21610559,|Berlin, Germany.
[10320][10338]- Then what else?|- Adapt or die.
[10338][10398]- Think on your feet...|- ... Even when I'm sleeping.
[10416][10447]Remember what I taught you|and you will be fine.
[10447][10486]I'll see you there.
[11508][11555]MacCalahan, do you read me?
[11578][11606]MacCalahan, do you read me?
[11606][11637]Go, go, go.
[11818][11837]Erik Heller escaped.
[11837][11853]How did that happen?
[11853][11876]Unclear. We think|he got away in the snow storm or
[11876][11894]And 'something bigger than that|I can manage.
[11894][11927]- One man, one day of operations. Just find him, Lewis.|- Look the
re were many variables.
[11927][11943]Find him and bring him to me.
[11943][11991]There was a kid.|Things got out of our control!
[12011][12029]Wiegler, are you there?
[12029][12066]Where is she now?
[12095][12117]Hello, Hanna.
[12132][12180]My name's Dr. Burton.|Would you like to talk to me?
[12180][12214]I was told by|my father to gain the upper hand.
[12214][12238]That's very interesting.
[12238][12274]What else did your father tell you?
[12274][12292]Where am I?
[12292][12316]You're in holding.
[12316][12339]I've never been in a|room like this.
[12339][12365]It must all be very strange for you.
[12365][12422]How long have you been in the forest?
[12516][12548]- Are those cameras?|- Uhuh.
[12548][12572]They're taking your picture right now,
[12572][12588]to keep a record.

[12588][12613]How does that make you feel?

[12613][12637]Camera obscura...
[12637][12660]It's Latin,|for dark chamber.
[12660][12685]It was first described|by the Arabic scientist
[12685][12717]Ibn al-Haytham in the year 1021.
[12717][12763]Plug the cctv through to Langley.
[12763][12785]Hey, you should have a visual|on the psych evaluation there
[12785][12806]Can I get you something?|What do you like?
[12806][12826]Music, magazines
[12826][12869]Just ask, anything at all.
[12869][12910]I want to speak to Marissa Wiegler.
[12910][12935]- Tell her I'll be there tonight.|- I can handle this.
[12935][12980]Just do what you're told.
[13007][13045]John, take a look|at this kid's blood sample
[13045][13060]- Is that right?|- Is it?
[13060][13093]- Can't be right.|- Got a sample of her hair.
[13093][13148]Must be contaminated.|Run it again.
[13391][13429]My name is Marissa Wiegler.
[13429][13477]You wanted to speak with me?
[13527][13568]You can wait outside.
[13608][13625]Where am I?
[13625][13670]You're in a safe place, sweetie.
[13670][13706]Where did you meet my father?
[13719][13753]You mean Erik?
[13771][13810]I met him by the news kiosk|at Alexander Platz. East Berlin.
[13810][13851]I met him at a news kiosk,
[13851][13876]- Alexanderplatz...|- Say it was raining.
[13876][13895] the rain.
[13895][13945]He'd just arrived from Prague.
[14029][14062]Do you know where your father is?
[14062][14099]Did he tell you where he was going?
[14099][14147]We're all worried about him.
[14148][14178]It's okay.
[14183][14205]Agent, keep your distance.
[14205][14235]It's okay.
[14267][14283]Do you want me to give her something?
[14283][14322]I think that might be necessary.
[14362][14375]Open up.
[14375][14417]I repeat agent, abort!
[14575][14604]Oh, my...
[14827][14876]I want everyone down here now
[14895][14953]Do not let it escape from the gallery.
[16429][16488]- Do you think she got out?|- She can't get out.
[16488][16535]Detail every unit available
[19575][19619]She will never be yours.
[19788][19832]She will never be yours.
[20200][20228]Hey, hello.
[20228][20257]Don't you speak English?
[20257][20278]It's not your fault if you can't.
[20278][20304]Emma Ackery couldn't speak English|until she was eight,
[20304][20338]because she was like, a refugee|or something from Sri Lanka.
[20338][20359]But now she's a pop star,|in America too.
[20359][20384]So don't worry if|you can't speak English yet.
[20384][20398]Who's she?
[20398][20435]I found her, She can't speak English.|She's from Sri Lanka.

[20435][20458]I'm from Germany.

[20478][20511]I live in Leipzig,|Population: 0.7 million peoples.
[20511][20528]We live at No. 7 Vicenza Platz.
[20528][20557]I like literature and sport,|in particular tennis and athletics.
[20557][20581]I go to school|at The Klaus College Gymnasium.
[20581][20612]And my best friends are|Rudy Gunter and Clara Scheitz.
[20612][20632]They sound fun.
[20632][20648]I also have a dog called Trudy.
[20648][20722]We had a dog called Vincent,|But he went mad and died.
[20761][20794]Sophie, come on.
[20794][20808]See ya.
[20808][20844]Sophie, come on.
[20983][21015]I'm Sophie and that is|my brother, Miles.
[21015][21040]I am... Hanna.
[21040][21075]Do you need a lift somewhere?
[21075][21107]No. I prefer to walk.
[21107][21140]Suit yourself
[21162][21216]Sophie, come on,|We are all waiting for you
[21216][21240]Tactical says she's in the desert,|south east of vessel we're in.
[21240][21257]Focus all operations on Heller.
[21257][21281]Are you saying|the girl's not of interest to us?
[21281][21303]Yes, of course she's of interest,|Lewis.
[21303][21334]But not an immediate threat to the|security ofthe United States of
[21334][21407]Erik Heller is the immediate threat.|Focus on Heller.
[22753][22769]Where is your family?
[22769][22799]- Are you Arabic?|- I am Moroccan.
[22799][22828]Morocco|Capital city: Rabat.
[22828][22854]Marrakech, Sal?
[22854][22892]Religion: Islam.|Language: Arabic.
[22892][22931]I like Arabic very much.
[22931][22964]It's like Japanese, it's big.
[22964][22982]You speak Arabic?
[22982][23005]Yes, of course.
[23005][23042]Where is your family?
[23042][23066]I need a room for the night.
[23066][23116]Can you help?|I have no money.
[23271][23295]It's the best we've got.
[23295][23325]Thank you.
[23397][23415]Do you have one of these in every room?
[23415][23456]All the rooms are the same.
[23456][23470]It's electricity.
[23470][23514]Of course, all mod cons.
[23522][23540]I know a little about electricity.
[23540][23575]They say Edison invented it
[23575][23642]- Or was it Franklin?|- Some American I'm sure.
[23645][23680]This is an electrical kettle.
[23680][23703]It's for the English.
[23703][23755]They like to make their own tea.
[23885][23913]What is it?
[23913][23957]It's the best we can do.
[24013][24045]Where do you come from?
[24045][24076]The forest.
[24819][24834]It's the German girl.
[24834][24851]It's Kraut in a big Djellaba.
[24851][24872]Like quail or lesbo.
[24872][24890]I think I'd quite like to be lesbian.
[24890][24920]But not one of those fat ones,|one who's like, a supermodel.
[24920][24956]But who don't hold hands,|and I think I'd probably marry a man.

[25420][25434]No kiss?
[25434][25463]She's a bit old for you, isn't she?
[25463][25488]She has male and female genetilia.
[25488][25512]And you love her just the way she is.
[25512][25538]I like to give people|what they want.
[25542][25572]Make my friend something sweet
[25572][25610]I'll save it for when I need it.
[25610][25632]What do you want, Marissa?
[25632][25650]Erik Heller's still alive.
[25650][25669]Of course.
[25669][25689]And the girl.
[25707][25733]Why are you here precisely?
[25733][25747]I need you.
[25747][25784]You need me?|Little old me! I'm very flattered.
[25784][25810]I need your talents, darling.
[25810][25828]I need you to do things
[25828][25853]my agency will not let me do.
[25890][25922]Start again.
[25954][26012]The devil is in the details,|isn't it?
[26013][26043]- It's the girl or Erik?|- She is in Morocco.
[26043][26084]It's all in the envelope.|Let me worry about Erik.
[26084][26112]Shall I kill her?
[26112][26146]Just find her.
[26196][26234]Did she turn out as you hoped?
[26278][26303]Once more.
[26338][26367]...and gave me lots of advice
[26367][26391]About how to spend money|and do tax.
[26391][26416]You see even though she is beautiful,|she is actually brilliant wi
th money.
[26416][26429]Get off.
[26429][26455]Like for their anniversary,|he said here's 15 grand
[26455][26476]For a Hermes Kelly Bag|or a boob job.
[26476][26518]Now she said she knew that the boob implant|will have to be replac
ed every 10 years.
[26518][26547]But that the Hermes Kelly Bag|never depreciates in value.
[26547][26565]- That's enough of the boob job|- I mean that's not just common se
[26565][26588]And that's why I really love her.
[26588][26606]Mum is against plastic surgery.
[26606][26629]- I am.|- Mum doesn't even wear make-up.
[26629][26648]I don't.|I think it's dishonest.
[26648][26672]This is my face,|Take it or leave it.
[26672][26701]If you study History of Art,|or Anthropology...
[26701][26716]Rachel got a first at Cambridge.
[26716][26733] learn that red|lipstick mimics arousal
[26733][26754]and suggests the geography|of the labia minora.
[26754][26776]- Puke!|- Whereas I have a lot of natural
[26776][26791]red pigments in my lips|and so I really don't need it.
[26791][26804]- Vomitorium|- Sophie!
[26804][26825]- It's embarrassing.|- Just grow up! All right?
[26825][26839]- Grow up?|- Yeah
[26839][26860]Oh, because yesterday mum was saying|how I shouldn't act beyond my

[26860][26878]No, it does leave her|with mixed messages, darling.
[26878][26905]Because we're trying to communicate|to her how to enjoy childhood.
[26905][26933]I just want her|to stop saying vomitorium, alright?
[26933][26972]Oi, It's not funny.
[26998][27024]So, Hanna.|Hanna?
[27024][27054]I'm quite impressed about you|traveling around on your own.
[27054][27074]My father encourages|me to be independent.
[27074][27088]You see, that's wonderful.
[27088][27110]- I was back packing at your age.|- And where is he, your father?
[27110][27146]I spent a heavenly summer|just island hopping around Greece,
[27146][27172]Island hopping around Greece!
[27172][27198]What?|No. It's valuable.
[27198][27250]Our experience makes us who we are.|Isn't that right, kids?
[27250][27287]So Hanna,|is your mum and dad still together?
[27287][27304]My mother is dead.
[27304][27318]Nice one, dad!
[27318][27350]I'm sorry to hear that. I lost|my mum when I was very young, so...
[27350][27388]It's all right.|It happened a long time ago.
[27409][27428]what did your mum die of?
[27428][27457]Three bullets.
[27457][27499]Omg, That's appalling!
[27571][27597]Combination of sounds
[27597][27631]with a view to beauty of form
[27631][27678]and expression of emotion..
[27716][27749]MEDICAL REPORT
[27867][27881]What happens if it rains?
[27881][27895]Well, you going to get wet.|Aren't you?
[27895][27915]Because someone broke the sunroof.
[27915][27936]- Seeing as me and your mother are...|- Your mother and I...
[27936][27975]Seeing as me and your mother, your mother and I|are responsible ad
ults.. it leaves you two.
[27975][28027]My fungal nail infection's back.
[28094][28108]Who are you?
[28108][28128]What do you want from the girl?
[28128][28150]I am her uncle.
[28150][28181]We are very concerned about her.
[28181][28201]I don't know what you're looking for.
[28201][28236]She came, she was nice, she left.
[28328][28360]The van has checked out?
[28374][28395]North or South?
[28395][28427]The ferry.|They caught the ferry to Spain.
[28427][28472]Can you lend me your pen?
[29840][29865]- I've contacted Interpol.|- On who's authority?
[29865][29887]Walt. We can't keep|this to ourselves anymore.
[29887][29916]- Were you not listening?|- He killed two policemen.
[29916][29950]He's reframed the situation.|It is out of our control.
[29950][29977]Then we must regain control,|Mr. Lewis.
[29977][30051]I am the first and the last person|Erik Heller will see. Are we cl
[30051][30068]Are we clear?
[30068][30114]- Mr. Lewis?|- Yes, Ma'am.
[30224][30262]THE WITCH IS DEAD.
[31287][31326]Oh, my God!|What are you doing here?
[31326][31356]The sun roof, was it you?

[31356][31370]Would it be very bad if it was?

[31370][31405]You mean you were in the van,|the whole time?
[31405][31426]My dad would have a heart attack|if he found out.
[31426][31458]- Will you have to tell him?|- Hanna, you are so mental!
[31458][31481]Of course I'm not going to tell him.
[31481][31517]I think it's brilliant.|Have you got anywhere to stay?
[31517][31534]- No.|- Yes, you do.
[31534][31555]- You're staying with me.|- I am?
[31555][31593]Yeah, obviously. I'm|sneaking you in, on one condition.
[31605][31655]These boys. Spanish. Gorgeous.
[31660][31690]No, don't look. Don't|go all pruny about it, like footballers.
[31690][31728]Haven't got their eyebrows waxed,|or anything!
[31728][31763]- Good. Anyway, we're|going out tonight and you have to come.
[31763][31791]- All right.. God,|you're not hard to convince! Ho.
[31822][31850]Have you got anything to wear?
[31850][31922]You can't wear those,|you look like some mad German.
[31976][31993]Are you scared?
[31993][32021]Of what?
[33713][33758]Are we going to kiss now?
[33767][33805]Would you like to?
[33825][33860]Kissing requires a total|of 34 facial muscles
[33860][33905]and 112 postural muscles.
[33909][33932]The most important muscle involved
[33932][33953]is the orbicularis oris muscle,
[33953][34011]because it is used to pucker the lips.
[34157][34175]Hanna, you mentalist!
[34175][34211]Please tell your friend|I just wanted a kiss.
[34229][34258]- Should I let him go?|- As opposed to what?
[34258][34305]Yes, you should let him go!
[34320][34347]I'm going to go now.
[34371][34403]It was nice.
[34740][34772]Sophie, is that you?
[34772][34800]This is the sandman.
[34800][34832]Go to sleep.
[34990][35023]Oh, my God. You acted like a bandit.|It's embarrassing.
[35023][35081]- Like what?|- Oh I can't believe you.
[35201][35224]Hello, Mama.
[35224][35244]I know you're disappointed in me.
[35244][35285]I know it. I'm so sorry, Mama.
[35285][35338]But.. But maybe I have found a way|to make it better.
[35338][35364]I'm in a programme now.
[35364][35392]A programme to make babies stronger.
[35392][35434]It's an American programme,|very scien...
[35434][35468]How did you get into|my house, Mrs. Wiegler?
[35468][35509]I'm looking for Erik.
[35537][35563]He said you were dead.
[35563][35601]So you've seen him?
[35601][35634]He sent word.
[35655][35690]Where is Hanna?
[35744][35792]Did you ever|have children of your own?
[35792][35835]I made certain choices.
[35841][35900]Then you will never understand|what it is like to lose your child.
[35900][35946]To not know what happened.
[35956][35997]The years of waiting.
[36023][36053]Of watching from the window.
[36053][36086]And waiting..

[36315][36340]Have you seen her?
[36364][36420]Can you tell me what she looks like?
[36424][36460]Like her mother.
[36495][36522]- Hanna?|- Yes
[36522][36552]Where do you really come from?
[36552][36587]Leipzig.|I live in Leipzig.
[36587][36613]If we're going to be friends, you're|going to have to be honest wi
th me.
[36613][36647]Those are the rules.
[36647][36674]- Are we friends?|- Yes
[36674][36705]I like you.
[36715][36738]I'd like to have a friend.
[36738][36783]I mean, you're a freak and everything,|but I like you.
[36783][36813]I like you too.|I really do.
[36833][36862]There are things I can't tell you.
[36862][36908]- Do you understand?|- Yes
[36911][36938]Actually, no I don't.
[36938][36973]There are peoples|that want to harm me.
[36973][36995]- Bad peoples.|- I see.
[36995][37020]- And they won't stop.|- Right.
[37020][37064]So, for your own safety.
[37088][37111]Can we still be friends?
[37111][37141]I don't know.
[37141][37167]I mean I don't really know|who you are, do I?
[37167][37195]That's just it.
[37195][37228]Neither do I.
[37271][37311]- What is it?|- It's something about me.
[37311][37357]I know what DNA means, but|I don't understand the rest of it.
[37357][37392]- Are you sick?|- I don't feel sick.
[37392][37438]- What's wrong with you?|- Nothing's wrong with me.
[37438][37483]What are you going to do?
[37485][37510]I'm going to Berlin.
[37510][37539]I have to meet my father|at the House of Wilhelm Grimm.
[37539][37564]From Grimms fairy tales?
[37564][37581]That's right.
[37581][37598]If you say so.
[37598][37650]Did I say the wrong thing again?
[37694][37710]Keep this.
[37710][37745]To remember me.
[37748][37795]It's a friendship bracelet.
[37823][37853]Thank you.
[38240][38255]Where's Hanna?
[38255][38275]Wow, you look rough!|Do want some tea?
[38275][38293]I had some.|Who's Hanna?
[38293][38313]The girl we ate|dinner with in Morocco.
[38313][38338]She's here, or was.|She hanged out with me last night.
[38338][38361]How did she get here?|Is she with her father?
[38361][38380]No, she came on her own.
[38394][38417]Look, other people|have their own style of parenting.
[38417][38440]He's promoting independence.
[38440][38461]She's like an orphan!|Call me conservative.
[38461][38489]- Are you really conservative, darling?|- No I'm not.
[38489][38521]I said we'll give her a lift to Lyon.|We are going to Lyon, aren't
[38521][38541]- I found breakfast.
[38541][38574]That's gross!

[40087][40137]We've got him!|We have Heller.

[40423][40464]Do you read me? Bring him to Wiegler.|She will id an interview
[40464][40507]- Is that what she said?|- Confirmed with her two minutes ago.
[40507][40544]Marissa, damn it!
[40799][40848]I feel so grounded in the countryside.
[40848][40879]The city stifles me,
[40879][40927]emotionally, creatively,|spiritually.
[40927][40956]Places like|this bring us closer to God.
[40970][40998]Well, not any monotheistic sense.
[40998][41038]Buddha, Krishna, the God within.
[41038][41082]Whatever you believe in.
[41096][41146]What do you believe in, Hanna?
[41260][41299]Everything alright?
[41311][41342]I think so.
[41634][41665]I'm not sure if|it's true that the baby can hear me,
[41665][41690]but at night I feel her.
[41690][41710]I hope she hears me.
[41710][41734]Was it like this for you, mama?
[41734][41767]I think I know what she looks like.
[41767][41795]I can see her when I close my eyes.
[41795][41840]I can hear her inside me..
[41840][41880]moving.. is that silly?|Oh, I think it's a girl.
[41880][41910]I hope so.
[41961][41975]Oh for Christ's sake, Lewis.
[41975][42010]Hello, Marissa.
[42014][42043]I heard you were dead.
[42043][42072]Did your little girl tell you that?
[42072][42107]- What are you listening to?|- Self help.
[42107][42136]Are you in need of help?
[42136][42150]It's good to hear you.
[42150][42185]I didn't imagine we'd|have the chance to talk.
[42185][42212]You don't have her, do you?|You're not that good.
[42212][42260]Oh, Erik! You're such a flirt.
[42260][42294]- Tech's on the way.|- You were a good agent, Erik.
[42294][42337]Sad to see you go dumb.
[42347][42361]What did I miss?
[42361][42380]I couldn't do it anymore.
[42380][42405]The things we did.
[42405][42441]I... I'm sorry with Johanna.
[42441][42480]With all of them. With Hanna.
[42480][42512]So, why come back now?
[42512][42526]Tech guys.
[42526][42575]I asked you a question, Erik?
[42577][42623]Erik, are you still there?
[42994][43027]Move. Get up.
[43314][43354]Shit... shit... shit...
[43354][43400]Hanna,|I think we're lost.
[43449][43468]- I have to pull over.|- No, don't.
[43468][43506]Can't see the map.
[43644][43667]Have we stopped?|I need to pee.
[43667][43695]Don't want you going|too far right now, love.
[43695][43712]I think you should|stay where you are, Sophie.
[43712][43755]Hanna, what's going on?
[43783][43813]Keep calm.
[43930][43963]- Are we are in Lyon?|- No we're not.
[43963][43996]Whatever you do, don't follow me!

[43996][44014]Promise not to follow me.

[44014][44044]I promise.
[44129][44178]Thank you for being my friend.
[44191][44228]Come on, come on!
[44245][44282]Silence! Shut up.
[46641][46683]Definitely odd. Disconnected.
[46683][46719]You know, I like to think|that I have a rapport with kids.
[46719][46748]That I get on with them.
[46748][46799]You know, sir, it's days like these|that I really hate my job.
[46799][46850]- Yeah, I'm sure you do..|- This is very, very difficult.
[46850][46879]But sometimes|children are bad people too.
[46879][46907]- Stop crying.|- I'm not telling you anything!
[46907][46922]- Do you know this boy?|- No!
[46922][46961]He knows you.|Your friend is in a lot of danger.
[46961][46986]I don't know anything!
[46986][47005]She said she lived in Leipzig.
[47005][47043]She went to The Klaus College Gymnasium.|Her friends were Rudy and
[47043][47067]She likes tennis and she has a dog|named Trudy.
[47067][47095]- She lied to you.|- Absolutely.
[47095][47135]She seemed lost,|Like she needed taking care of.
[47135][47154]I've got something to show you.
[47154][47182]- A bit of mothering.|- This is Hanna's mother.
[47182][47196]Biological mother.
[47196][47232]Fifteen years ago she|was shot to death by Hanna's father
[47232][47265]on a camping trip.
[47265][47311]Don't you wanna see what's inside?
[47311][47356]- Say "Please."|- Please.
[47613][47631]You like her, don't you?
[47631][47671]It's okay. I won't tell anyone.
[47671][47696]She's very pretty.
[47696][47723]- Where is she?|- You tell me.
[47723][47755]- Is she in lots of trouble?|- The worst kind, sweetheart.
[47755][47779]Some very bad|men are looking for her,
[47779][47843]and I need to find her.|I wanna protect her.
[47858][47892]Do you want her to get hurt?
[47914][47950]She's going to Berlin.|To Wilhelm Grimm's house.
[47950][47986]To meet her dad.
[48999][49052]Hanna. Hanna... Hanna|come, come.
[49060][49089]This way.
[49123][49161]Been waiting for you a long time.
[49161][49184]What has Erik told you about me?
[49184][49213]Wilhelm Grimm's House|Stefan Straza,
[49213][49248]21610559,|Berlin, Germany.
[49248][49270]That's it.
[49270][49324]He didn't tell you|about my magic?
[49424][49466]Klaus, 09/05.|Be there Tuesday. Erik.
[49466][49486]- What day is it?|- It's today, my dear.
[49486][49517]Come, come.
[49678][49716]Oh, you're hungry.
[49782][49804]- Waffles.|- May I have one?
[49804][49842]An egg?|Of course.
[49844][49864]You can eat whatever you want,|my dear.
[49864][49889]My shoe!
[49889][49929]Oh, I almost forgot.
[49952][49982]A present.

[49995][50022]For me?
[50049][50082]You will need a fresh photograph.|But every thing's in order, yes?
[50082][50110]Why do I need a piece of paper|to tell me my name?
[50110][50131]Not you, not you my dear.
[50131][50168]But everyone else we need paper|and computers,
[50168][50248]so we don't have to ask people|their names or look them in the fac
[50248][50267]You have a good face.
[50267][50294]You look just like your father.
[50294][50324]And you walk like him too, uh uh uh.
[50324][50408]- I don't walk like that.|- Yes, you do! You do, my dear! Uh uh.
[50433][50473]Did you know my mother too?
[50473][50500]But, of course.
[50500][50557]She was a singer.|A wonderful singer.
[50562][50587]Do you sing?
[50587][50619]Papa.. Erik,|didn't teach me.
[50619][50643]Oh, you poor child.
[50643][50660]He has truely limited you
[50660][50698]from all the wonderful things|the world has to offer.
[50698][50722]No magic.
[50722][50751]No music.
[51021][51056]I'll teach you.
[51083][51115]Is that him?
[51140][51195]Upstairs with you, my dear|Quickly.
[51296][51319]Good day.
[51319][51367]We're closed,|boys and girl.
[51402][51435]Where's Erik?
[51829][51849]He doesn't know much
[51849][51877]or he is a very good liar.
[51877][51891]He knew Johanna.
[51891][51923]- Yes, of course.|- Bits and pieces about the programme.
[51923][51967]- What does he know about the girl?|- He thinks Erik's the father.
[51967][52004]- Everybody thinks Erik's the father.|- That's precious!
[52004][52048]Yes?|This is Marissa Wiegler.
[52048][52062]Walt, I didn't recog....
[52062][52078]Lewis is dead.
[52078][52101]You didn't think|it important to tell us?
[52101][52117]Why didn't you call us yet?
[52117][52164]One man,|One-day operation.
[52172][52226]Yes. Yes. Yes! We all want, Lewis.
[52233][52273]He was shooting through the door,|Walt.
[52273][52310]No, I'm not standing down...
[52310][52347]No, I am inches..
[52357][52387]Well, yes.
[52413][52452]No.. listen.. Walt.
[53555][53612]So off to grandmother's house,|we go.
[54254][54278]Have you seen her?
[54438][54467]Sit down.
[54484][54516]Are you my father?
[54516][54529]Sit down, Hanna.
[54529][54553]- Are you my father?|- Please, sit.
[54553][54567]Are you?
[54567][54612]Hanna,|of course I'm your father.
[54612][54634]- I raised you.|- But Marissa said...
[54634][54668]- Hanna!|- Don't lie to me!
[54668][54709]I'm your father.|I've been with you your whole life.
[54709][54728]Treated you like|my own flesh and blood.

[54728][54768]But I am not|your flesh and your blood.

[54768][54786]- I am abnormal?|- No!
[54786][54823]Where was I born?
[54841][54879]Tell me the truth.
[54882][54915]You were born in a research facility.
[54915][54945]In rural Poland, Galinki.
[54945][54966]What was the research?
[54966][54983]They took fertilized embryo's
[54983][55012]and made small changes to them|to improve them.
[55012][55044]To reduce the capacity|for fear, for pity,
[55044][55065]to increase muscle strength,
[55065][55107]heightened senses.|Anything to make a better soldier.
[55107][55147]The perfect soldier.
[55159][55192]I recruited your|mother in an abortion clinic.
[55192][55250]I recruited twenty|women the same way.
[55256][55300]- There were other children?|- Yes
[55300][55318]When you were two,
[55318][55336]Marissa Wiegler,|she closed the whole programme
[55336][55369]and all of this research,
[55369][55391]it was disposed of.
[55391][55429]Do you understand?
[55457][55518]I love you, Hanna.|You have to know that.
[55528][55558]Because I'm a freak?
[55579][55624]Because you are my child.
[55679][55719]Where are you going?
[55721][55735]Stop this.
[55735][55765]Let me go!
[55893][55923]Stop this.
[56035][56071]Hanna!|Hanna, please!
[56071][56109]I tried to prepare you for|what your life would be.
[56109][56160]You didn't prepare me for this.
[56313][56342]Take him.
[56498][56535]Is that all you've got?|Huh?
[56535][56573]Run, little piggy!
[57742][57776]Why now, Erik?
[57801][57834]Kids grow up.
[58171][58201]Mr. Grimm!
[58227][58257]Mr. Grimm.
[59125][59161]I'm here, Hanna.
[60005][60037]Oh, don't worry sweetheart.
[60037][60086]Don't! Don't move any closer!
[60093][60128]Hanna, I can help you.
[60155][60193]I don't want to hurt anyone anymore..
[60193][60224]I just wanna talk.
[60224][60267]It's over now, Marissa.
[60285][60315]Let me go.
[60342][60398]Don't walk away from me, young lady!
[61903][61948]I just missed your heart.

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