Plan Mejoramiento 2 Term

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Name: ___________________________ Grade: 4_____
Teacher: Pedro Julin Amaya.
Competencia: interpreta con claridad y coherencia habilidades comunicativas, vocabulario y patrones gramaticales.
Grammar and vocabulary :
Would like Should / shouldnt

Reflective pronouns

There are / there were

Communicative skills:





Listen and order the story:

I was walking slowly

past him and he
stopped me and
asked me if I had a

Luckily a policeman
came and he talked to
me and took the details
and we managed to
catch the thief

I was crying
and screaming
out loud.
Last night I had just
finished playing
tennis and I was
walking alone.
And then I noticed he
was following me.

I started to run and he

caught hold of my arm.

And he snatched
my bag

It was raining and I saw a

man standing at the corner
of a street

HummI said
no I didnt

And he was acting

very strangely so I
started to walk
faster. en este link escuchan el ejercicio para

organizar la historia
Reading comprehension: lea el texto y elabora un plegable en ingles sobre la celebracin, incluya recortes y
todos los aspectos que se mencionen en la lectura. Y en una hoja la traduccin a espaol de la lectura, el
estudiante tendr 1 minuto para hablar en ingles y explicar al docente esta actividad que se realiza todos los
aos en U.S.A

The first Thanksgiving is celebrated in the USA and Canada. In The USA, it is celebrated on the fourth
Thursday in November every year. The Canadians celebrate it on the second Monday in October. It is
associated with giving thanks to God. In the beginning people expressed gratitude for the harvest they
reaped. It used to be a religious holiday but now it has become a secular celebration.
The most important part of the celebration is the dinner which includes the customary turkey served with
cranberry sauce, and pumpkin. A lot of business goes on during this holiday. For example, restaurants take
advantage of the holiday to sell turkey dinners
Families and friends usually get together for a large meal or dinner during Thanksgiving and have a lot of
fun. That's why, the Thanksgiving holiday weekend is considered one of the busiest travel periods of the
year. Students are given a four-day or five-day weekend vacation. Thanksgiving is also a paid holiday for
most workers.

Writing: utiliza las frases para organiza el siguiente cuento en ingles y escrbalo
con tu propia letra, en hojas oficio, hgale un marco bonito a la hoja, e incluya
dibujos, Titulo del cuento The Goose with the Golden Eggs

Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast
They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be
made of gold.
Once upon a time
a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose
which laid a golden egg every day.
And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once,
they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!
they would get mighty rich very soon.
So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird.
However, upon cutting the goose open,

Speaking and oral expression:

En esta parte van a realizar un trabajo en power point (opcional video), objetivo de la
actividad es que narren oralmente en ingles sus vacaciones usando fotos o (video si es
posible y est al alcance) de los lugares donde fuiste a pasear. Si decides por las
diapositivas estas deben tener grabado la narracin en ingles, es decir que se pueda
escuchar la voz del estudiante explicando cada diapositiva. Llevar esta actividad
grabada en una memoria para socializar en los das de nivelacin.

En hojas de examen desarrollar las actividades de gramtica de las evaluaciones
del segundo periodo, con tu propia letra, copiar preguntas y respuestas: Would
like Should / shouldnt Reflective pronouns There are / there were, y archivar en
una carpeta para presentar y entregar al docente los das de la nivelacin.

Nota: los das de la nivelacin llevar y presentar el cuaderno de ingles, y los libros con
las actividades al da.

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