Sibéal Annual Conference CFP 2015

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Deadline for Submissions: 25th September, 2015.

The feminist movement has been categorised as a series of different waves, first,
second and third, with some contemporary critics suggesting we are now on the
precipice of a fourth wave. Each of these stages had their own aims and means of
achieving those aims: underlying all was a quest for equality, for some or for all.
Increasingly this neat categorization of the feminist movement has been questioned
and challenged, especially with the internet age offering a greater platform of
communication for female-identified individuals and feminists alike.
Visible and invisible barriers remain, whilst new forms of inequality and oppression
emerge or are simply acknowledged. Different identities intersect and cannot be
easily separated, further complicating feminist struggles. Despite these challenges,
now is an exciting time for feminist and gender studies. New mediums present new
opportunities, old battles take new forms. Masculinities and femininities are no longer
defined as rigid categories they once were, gender identities are challenged and the
waves of feminism have begun to blur.
This conference is interested in exploring the blurring of lines, their visibility or
invisibility within feminist criticism and gender studies. It hopes to inspire
postgraduate and early career researchers from all disciplines engaging with gender
and feminism. The theme is intentionally broad, so as to give presenters the
opportunity to showcase their creative and innovative approaches.
We hope to facilitate practical and theoretical based projects, and encourage
researchers to submit panels, proposals for workshops, round tables, feminist
performances or exhibitions.
Themes might include but need not be limited to the following:
Gender identities in transformation
Gender embodiment
Gender performativity
Post-colonial identities

Space, Place and Gender
Gender and language
Institutions in flux
Gender and Religion
Gender and Work
Medical identities, medicalized bodies
Gender & Migration
Gender & Sexuality
Sociology, History, History of Art, Popular Culture, Music, Law, Politics, Anthropology,

Abstracts or proposals of no more than 250 words should be completed on the

template available on We are in the position to offer a selection of travel
bursaries. Please send a completed Travel Bursary form if you would like to be
considered for a bursary (form also available on
The conference email address is Please do not
hesitate to get in touch with any questions or comments.

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