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Technical Standards and Safety Authority

Lessons Learned

Lesson No: LL ED0004

Author: Pierre
Program Area:
Elevating Devices
Lesson Category:
Page 1 of 2
Revision Level :A

Anti-Creep Non-Conformance

Lesson Learned
As a result of an initial inspection on a Flexi-Lift, Vertical Platform Lift Type C, it was
determined that the lift did not conform to requirements that address failure of the anti-creep
switch located in the hoistway. The test procedures for redundancy that formed part of the design
submission were insufficient and did not cover a situation where the switch could weld closed,
resulting in the lift operating regardless of the position of the landing doors.
With this particular device the anti-creep switch is not positively opened. The switch relies
entirely on its internal spring to open the contacts once the switch is off the cam in the hoistway.

To Whom does this Lesson Apply?

Inspectors, Team Leaders, Engineers, Installing Contractors
This Lesson Learned is intended to create an awareness of a critical area for inspection and in
turn identify lifts not in compliance with requirements outlined in the CSA B355 Safety Code,
Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities. This lesson is not restricted to one specific
manufacturer. Identification of non-compliant installations will lead to a higher level of safety. .
Code, Directors Ruling, Interpretation
CSA B 355-00 Safety Code, Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities

Clause 6.6.6
A device shall be provided that will automatically relevel the platform if creep of more than 20
mm occurs, but it shall not operate if the carriage is more than 50 mm away from the landing.
The device shall comply with Clauses 8.4.2 and 8.5.1

Formatted by Miles Murphy

Approved by Marc Tevyaw

Issue Date: 10/24/02

TSSA Lessons Learned
Uncontrolled Document if Printed

Technical Standards and Safety Authority

Lessons Learned

Lesson No: LL ED0004

Author: Pierre
Program Area:
Elevating Devices
Lesson Category:
Page 2 of 2
Revision Level :A

Anti-Creep Non-Conformance

Clause 8.4.2
The design and installation of the control and operating circuits shall conform to the following:
(a) The occurrence of a single ground or the failure of any single magnetically operated
switch, contactor, or relay, or the failure of any static control device or any leveling
switch shall not
render any electrical protective device ineffective (see clause 8.5); and
permit the carriage to move beyond the levelling zone.
(b) When a single ground or failure as specified in Item (a) occurs, the carriage shall not be
permitted to restart.
Clause 8.5.1
The operation of a protective contact or switch described in Clauses 8.5.2-8.5.10 shall occur by
means of positive mechanical separation, and the separation of electrical contacts shall not be
solely dependent on springs.
Risk / Hazard / Safety
There is a potential hazard to the riding public. If the anti-creep switch contacts become welded
in the closed position the lift will operate regardless of the closed or open state of the safety
circuit that may lead to serious or fatal injuries to the user or attendants.
Supporting Documentation
CSA B355 Safety Code, Lifts for Persons with Physical Disabilities.
Special Note
In some cases it is difficult to determine compliance due to switch location or switch design.
TSSA internal Technical Review Committee will determine the need to issue a Directors Order
to address existing devices that may not conform and establish any necessary corrective action to
eliminate the potential risk to the riding public.

Formatted by Miles Murphy

Approved by Marc Tevyaw

Issue Date: 10/24/02

TSSA Lessons Learned
Uncontrolled Document if Printed

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