The Railway Children Exercise

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The Railway Children - Interesting Character

Based on the novel you have read, write about an interesting character.
Give reasons and examples to support your answer.
Model Answer
I read the novel, "The Railway Children" by Edith Nesbit. In this novel, I find that
Bobbie is a very interesting character.
I find her interesting because, she is a brave girl. This is shown when there was a
landslide. Half of the hillside crashed down onto the railway line. The train was in
danger. The children used the girls red petticoat to make six flags to warn the
train.The train came down the track too fast. Bobbie ran onto the railway line waving
two flags. The train stopped twenty metres away from Bobbie. Here, it is very clear
that Bobbie is a brave girl and I am sure not many children her age would do this.
She is an interesting character because she is very loving. This is shown
when Mother was ill. The children did not have money to buy the things listed by the
doctor. Bobbie and her siblings got help. She loved her mother very much and got all
the things in the doctors list for her mother with the help of the old gentleman. The
old gentleman gave all the things in the list and some extra things.
Bobbie has many good qualities and that is why I find her interesting. We
should make her our role model.

1. Brave girl
2. Loving person


Iread the novel The Railway Children by Edith
Nesbit and I find that Bobbie is a very interesting
*Saved the 11.29 train from a major accident
Ask help from the old gentleman to buy
things listed by the doctor because their
mother is ill
Loved her mother so much and got allthe
things for her mother
Bobbie has many good qualities and we should make
her a role model

The Railway Children : Interesting Event

Question : Based on the novel you have read, write about an interesting event. Give
reasons for your choice.
1. State the event
2. Describe the event
3. Give at least 2 reasons
Model Answer:
I studied the novel ' "The Railway Children " by Edith Nesbit. An event which I find
interesting is when Bobbie and her siblings saved the train.
One day, the children took a walk along the top of the hill beside the railway line.
Suddenly, they heard a noise and saw half the hillside crashed down onto the railway
line below. The children realised that the 11.29 a.m train was in danger. They used
the girls red petticoat to make six flags to warn the train. The train came down the
track too fast. Bobbie was afraid that it would not see them. She ran onto the line
waving two flags. The train stopped just twenty metres away from Bobbie.
I find this event interesting because the children have shown their bravery to save
the train. They were not afraid instead they were willing to risk their lives to save the
train and the passengers in it. Bobbie was brave enough to run onto the track when
she realized the train would not stop. This act should be praised.
Another reason is their team work. They worked together to save the train; tore
the girls' red petticoat and made six flags to warn the train. Here, I could see that they
cooperated to accomplish their mission, that was to save the train.
This interesting event makes the story more interesting. Reading about the
children's courage and the adventure they went through is definitely exciting.


Event when

One day, the children took a long walk along

the top of the hill beside the railway line.
Suddenly they heard a noise and saw half the
hillside crashed down onto the railway line
-They realized that the 11.29 train was in

bobbie and her

siblings saved the
11.29 train from a
major accident


-they used their petticoat to make 6 flags to
warn the train
- the train was too fast, bobbie was afraid that
they could not see them, so she ran down to
the railway line.
- she waved two flags
-the train stopped 20 metres away from bobbie

The childrenhave shown their bravery to save

the train

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