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The Composition of Sea Water and Its Concentrates Gino Baseggio Morton Salt Company Woodstock, iinois ABSTRACT The composition of the Caribbean sea water and concen trated brines resulting from the evaporation of water has been determined as a function of specific gravity. The sea vxater sample used isfrom the Morton Salt Company opera- tion at Inagua, Bakamas. From this data, the following conclusions or calculations were made. 1. The composition of the Caribbean sample is exactly the same as sea water from the open oceans, although itis slighily more concentrated. 2, The specific gravity at the CoSOr2H,0 and NaC! points is 1.0897 and 1.2185 respectively when the specific gravity is temperature corrected 10 22.2/15.6. 3. 96.47% of the original weight of water in this slightly concenirated sea woter is evaporated when the density reaches 1.2500 while 76.60% of the NaCl is precipitated. 4. When salt-point brine is placed in a crystallizing pond ‘and water evaporated between the densities of 1.2185 and 1.2500, the salt will theoretically contain 0.60% CaSoy 5. 1,000 liters ofthis sea water is reduced to 112.5 liters of salt-point brine at a specific gravity of 1.2185. On further evaporation to bitterns (1.2500) the volume is reduced to 39.2 liters. 6. All of these data are reported at a specifi gravity of 22,2/15.6 whereas field data are reported or corrected to 15.6/15.6. We recommend correcting all specific gravities 10 22.2/15.6 INTRODUCTION Solar evaporation is the oldest known method of pro- ducing salt from sea water. It has been going on for centu- ries, Tong before plant or animal life appeared on earth ‘According to many authors, evaporation of water from lakes, oceans and other bodies of water is responsible for our naturally occurring salt deposits It was not until 1849 that theoretical aspects of salt deposition from sea water were studied. At that time Usiglio (Usiglio, 1849, p. 92) studied the deposition of salts from sea water during the evaporation process. Al- though it was an excellent piece of research, there is some question regarding the temperature at which the specif gravities were measured. Since then more studies h ‘been made, but all lack detail and depth. The data points are spaced so far apart that itis difficult to interpolate any precision. Its therefore the purpose of this study to determine the precise composition of sea water, at close density intervals, during the evaporation process. With this data it is possible to determine accurately the fol lowing: 1. The precise composition of sea water concentrates as a function of density 2. The density and composition of the brine at the point where CaSQ,-2H,0 starts to crystallize. 3. The density and composition of the brine at the point where NaCl starts to erystallize. 4. The quantity of CaSOy2H,0 crystalli NaCl. 5. The volume of concentrated sea water remaining at any density level starting with a known volume of sea water, ig ith EXPERIMENTAL Sea water, from the Caribbean (received October, 1968), was evaporated in 9.5 liter polyethylene containers, (The reason for using polyethylene containers is that salt will not creep up the sides as it does with glass containers.) Non-equilibrium conditions existed during the evapora tion as day and night temperatures varied about 10°C. After evaporating to the desired densities, the slurry w2s vigorously stirred for about 2 hours and a 50 mi. sample 381 382 Fourth Intemational Symposium on Salt-Morthern Ohio Geological Society of slurry was removed. The slurry was botiled and placed in a constant temperature (222°C) room for about 2 weeks, Several times a day during every working day, the bottles were hand shaken to equilibrate the slurries, At the end of 2 weeks, the slurries were filtered to remove the solids and the specific gravity and density was then mea- sured at 22.2°C. The specific gravity was measured with a Fisher Scientific Company precision hydrometer (15.6/15.6) graduated to 0.0005 units and read to the nearest 0,0005 units. The density was also measured at, 22.2°C with a pycnometer and the specific gravity at 22.- 2/15.6 was calculated, In the discussion that follows den- sity and specific gravity will be used interchangeably, but, will be understood to always mean specific gravity at 22. 2/15.6 unless clearly stated otherwi The analyses were all carried out by standard analytical methods; chloride by the Volhard method, sulfates gravi- metrically as barium sulfate, magnesium by EDTA at pH. 10.0 and calcium by a modified EDTA method at pH 13.0 (modified because magnesium hydroxide co-precipitates calcium at the high magnesium to calcium ratios and only 4 or less of the calcium is then found), Sodium and potas- sium were not analyzed because the analytical precision and accuracy for these ions is not as good as for the four ions analyzed. However, the potassium concentration was calculated up to the salt point by multiplying the chloride concentration by the ratio of potassium to chloride as reported for sea water. Above the salt point the potassium, to magnesium ratio was used. Bromine was similarily claculated while sodium was calculated by difference. Wa- ter was also calculated by difference by subtracting the total salts from the brine weight. In addition to analyzing sea water and its concentrates, a sample of sea water was, analyzed after diluting with an equal volume of water. The reason for this is that this sea water is slightly more con- ccentrated than sea water. This provided data to interpolate back to normal sea water and also to more dilute brine solutions. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS Original data Table I shows the original analytical data. The specific sravity measured with the precision hydrometers agrees very well with the specific gravities measured with a pyc ometer. Although pycnometers are very precise, the hy rometers are equally precise and we conclude that very accurate measurements can be taken with these hydrome- ters. As can be seen, the specific gravities are reported at 22.2/15.6. The reasons for this are several: 1. The densities were measured at 22.2°C both with Pycnometers and hydrometers. To correct this reading to 15.6/15.6 we would have to know the temperature-density TABLE! Analytical reuts for the Lonie eomporition of Caribbean Seo water during the evaporation process laboratory evaporation of Cariobean Ses water) {8 lonw/1000 in Solution at 222°C Specie Gravity Hydromear Pyenometar (222158) (zaanss) # MB S08 1013s 401300228 06831456 10.23 1.0285 107720442 1,409 2876 2089, 1032s 1003830628 1916 4035 28.82 1.0515 10515 0805 2545 5992 22.34 1.0550 10581 1.005 3.686.712.4776 10755 10757 1,170 3.687 7.805 $5.55, 1.0945 109821305 4899 9.433 69.23 4.4190 441231134 5456 1029 82.21 11490 44830, 0870 6.941 11.78 108.4 11685 116690683, 80721287 1215 1865 Wigs7os¢2 8947 1372 1348 1.2080 12076 0408 9.936 1472 1489 1.2180 12198 0930 11.02 46.11 1859 1.2220 12217312 1248 18.05 155.2 1.2370 42387 0212 2168 068 1523, 12465 42520180 27.05 37.89 151 ‘relationship, Since we did not know this relationship a rately we chose not to make the temperature correction 10 156/156 2. A smaller error is incurred in solar operations if brine densities are corrected to 22.2/15.6 rather than 15.6 because most brine temperatures are closer t0 22.2 than to 15.6°C, For this reason it is recommended that all brine densities in solar operations be corrected to 22.2/15.6. The data in Table I are grouped in 3 sets of numbers. The first set of six numbers represents the ionic concentrations between the density of diluted sea water and the density where calcium sulfate begins to precipitate. The next six numbers represent ionic concentrations between the den- sity where calcium sulfate starts to precipitate and the density where salt begins to crystallize. The next four numbers are between the salt point and the bitterns point which is arbitrarily picked. Composition of brine versus density at close density intervals, Each set of data points from Table 1 was fitted toa second degree polynomial of the type: Y= a + bX + eX? where X = concentration of ion Y = specific gravity a,b,c = coefficients relating to the slope, intercept and curvature Once the constants are known they are used in the equa tion to calculate the ionic composition as a function of The Composition of Sea Water and Its Concentrates brine density for any desired density. This data is pre- sented in Table II. The data also includes ionic composi- tions 3 to- times more dilute than sea water because some operations use a very dilute sea water as feed The intersection of two polynomials determines where anew phase is appearing and the concentration and den- sity of the ions was calculated for these points (Where 383 CaSO4-2H,0 and NaCl start to crystallize). This data is presented at the bottom of Table IL. The density of sea ‘water from the open oceans was calculated by “plugging” the ionic composition of published sea water data into the second degree polynomial and solving for the density Then the density and composition of open sea water was calculated, using our analytical data. There is excellent TABLE I Grams of tons per 1000 grams of brine as a function of brine density (22.2/15.6) g/1000 9 of brine at 22.2°C Sp.Gr Be Ca 80, Mg K Na Be Tel Salts 10030 072 0.099 0.627 0.302482 0.091250 0.016 ~— 8.18 go 1.0100 144 0.179 1.180 0.548 8.200.184 4.530.028 14.79 985.21 1.0150 2.14 0.257 1.652 0.793 11.88 «0.238.570.0481 21.43 «978.57 1.0200 «284 «(0.935 2.163 10371551 0.311 a8 0.083. 27.99 972.01 10300 4.22 0.483 3.183 1.520 22.81 0.457 1263 0.078 = «4.17-—«958.89 1.0400 6580.64 4.199 «2.000 30.04 0.801 1864 0.103 54.22 94578 1.0500 691 0.790 5.211 2.474 «397.220.7485 2063 0.127 ~—«67.20 «932.80 10600 8.210.937 6.220 2.944 44.95 0.888 2.61 0.152 80.10 919.90 1.0700 9.43 1,083 7.226 «3.410 51.43 1.030 2885 0.176 © 92.91 907.09 1.0800 10.74 1.226 «8.229 3.872 5847 1.171 «3248 0.200 «108.65 894.35 1.0900 11.87 1.363 9.204 4.344 65.27 1.307 36.23 0.224 «117.84 882.08 41000 -13:18 1.256 9.686 4.844 72.91 1.480 4051 0.250 130.92 869.08, 11100 1437 41.187 10.17 5.339 80.44 1.610 48.72 0.275 143.71 858,29 11200 15.54 1.083 10.64 6.828 87.85 1.759 48.85 0.301 156.29 843.71 1.1300 1668 0.975 1112 «6.313. 95.17 1.905 62.93 0.326 168.74 831.26 1.1400 8 0.892 11.59 «6.793 1024 = 2.080 56.95 0.351 187.03 818.97 1.1800 18.91 0.812 12.07 7.268 109.5 2.192 6080 0.975 193.12 808.88 1.1800 20.00 0.735 12.54 «7.739 «118.5 2.332 64.78 0.399 205.03 «794.97 1.1700 21.07 0.682 13.01 «8.206 1235 = 2.473 68.55 0.423 216.82 783.18 1.1800 22:12 0.591 13.48 8.538 190.4 = 2811-7250 0.447 228.70 771.30 41900 23.45 0.822 1394 = 9.127 137.1 2.748 7617-0470 240.07 -—-759.93 12000 2417 0.456 14.41 9.581 1438 2.879 80.08 0.492 251.68 748.32 1.2100 25.17 0.391 14.87 10.03. 1505 «3.013 8363815 26295 737.05 1.22000 26.18 (0.825 16.33 11.40 155.9 3.405 84.97 0.583 272.71 727.29 1.2300 27.11 0.284 «25.16 «17.63 153.3 5.270 74.96 0.952 277.59 722.47 12400-2808 0.194 33.17 25.53.1519 7.029 65.83 1.20 282.85 717.15 1.2500 2900 0.140 40.71 29.18 180.7711 57.48 1.49 (288.09 711.81 1.0247! 3.50 0.408 2.643 1.265 18.95 0.380 10.48 «0.065 34.19 965.81 1.0273" 3.85 0.448 = 2.907 1.390 20.88 0.418 «11.54 0.071 «37.62 982.38 1.0897? 11.9% 1.964 9.195 4.322 65.14 1.304 3613 0.223 117.27 882.73 12185 26.00 0.938 15.26 10.42 158.23 3.128 86.79 053527264 727.36 1.2450 78.53 0.168 97.00 26.38 151.23 7.880 61.43 1.348 285.98 714.62 Sea water from the open oceans. * Caribbean Sea water *Density where CaSO, starts to precipitate assuming little or no carbonates. “Density where NaCl starts to precipitate * Density where bitterns is disearded. 354 Fourth International Symposiom on Salt-Horthern Ohio Geological Sociery agreement between our analytical data and published data for sea water from the open oceans, indicating that the analysis was very good and that this Caribbean sea water has the same composition as sea water from the open ‘oceans, although itis slightly more concentrated. The data between sea water and the calcium sulfate point is a straight line function of specific gravity. How- ever, if the data is extrapolated to zero concentration of the ions as we did, then the line is slightly curved. Between the calcium sulfate point and the salt point, the plot of ionic composition versus specific gravity is also slight ‘curved as is the plot above the salt point. Tables IIT, 1V and V were calculated from Table Il and present the composition in grams per liter and grams per TABLE Ill Grams of Salts per 1000 grams of brine as a function of brine density (22.2/15.6) 9/1000 9, of Sp.Gr. “Be C280, MgSO, MgCl 1.0050 072 0.337 0.431 0.798 4.0100 144 0.608, 0.891 1.443 1.0150 214 0.871 1300 2076 1.0200 2.84 1.137 1708 2.714 1.0300 4.22 1.681 2522 3.957 1.0400 5.58 2.178 3335 5.195 1.9500 691 2.682 4159 6.399 1.0800 a2t 3.188 4978 7.890 1.0700 949-3676 5.803 8.781 10800 10.74 4.168 6627 9.918 10900 «11.87 4.629 7.480 11.12 140001318 4.268 8361 12.36 111001437 3.928 9.270 13.58 112000 «1554 3.608 10.14 14.80 1.1300 1668 = 3.315 11.00 15.97 11800 17.81 3.028 11.85 17.23 1.1500 18.91 2787 12.68 18.43 1.1600 2000-2498 13.53 19.60 41700-2107 2266 14.31 20.81 1180022122008 15.11 21.98 1.1909 23.15 1872 15.81 23.23, 1.2000 24.17 1.552 16.69 24.32 12100 28.17 1.327 17.48 25.48 1.2200 28.18 1103 19.49 23,23 1.230000 oat 0865 = 30.76 = 44,70 12400 28.08 ess 40.98 89.72. 1.2500 29000476 80.59 74.17 1.0247! 3.50 1.385 2.0868 3.302 1.02737 3.85, 1.520 2297 3.624 1.08977 11.94 4,632 7.430 11.05, 1.2185" 26.00 11491810 _26.49, 124505 25853 0565 45.87 «67.00 * Sea water from the open oceans. *Caribbean Sea water. "Density where CaSO “Density where NaCI starts to precipitate. ‘Density where bitterns is discarded ar22.2%C Total Nact kel Neer HO 638 0172 0.012 818 991.84 1150 0.312 00381479 985.21 1867 0.453 0.052, 21.43—«978.57 2176 = 0.593 0.088. «27.99 972.01 3205 0.871 0.101 41.17 958.83 4222 1148 «©0133 54.22 048.78 5236 1.420 0.164 =~ 67.20 932.80 6244 1.693 0.186 80.10 919.90 7248 1.964 0.228 = 9291 807.03 8243 2.233 0.257 105.63. «894.35 91.95 2.493 0.288) 117.94 882.08, 10280 ©2784 «0.322 19092 69.03, 11348 3.070 0.354 = 143.71 855.29 12397 3.354 0.388 «= 156.29 843.71 13432-3633 0.419 168.74 831.28 14453 3909 0.452 181.03 818.97 185.734.1860 0.483 103.12 06.88, 164.41 4447 0514 205.03 794.97 17398 4.718 0.544 216.82 783.18, 18399 4.979 0.875 228.70 771.20 19330 5.234 0.605 240.07 759.03 203.18 5.490 0.633 251,68 748.32 21224 = 5.746 0.663 262.95 737.05 21560 6.493 0.750 -272.71—727.28 189.87 1005.22 277.83 722.87, 165491341 1.54 28285 717.15 144270 1661 1.91 288.09 711.91 2661 0.723 0.0833 34.19 965.81 2329 0.798 © 0.0922 37.62 962.38, 9169 2486 0.287 117.27 «882.73, 220.25 = 5.963 0.689 272.84 727.38 18818 1503 1.73 205.38 714.62 2H20 starts to precipitate assuming little or no carbonates. The Composition of Sea Vater and Its Concentrates 1000 grams for both the ionic composition and for the ational analysis. In calculating the rational analysis it was assumed that little or no carbonates were present even though the data shows that there is a trace of CaCO, precipitating. CaCO; was not included in the rational analysis because in the actual solar operations the CaCO; crystallizing depends on the CO; content and pH of the 355 brine which depends on plant and animal life present in the brine, In actual solar operations the density where CaSO4-2H,0 starts to crystallize may be higher than our data shows. This may be due to supersaturation of CaSO, 2H,0. It will also depend on how much calcium has exystallized a5 CaCO, and this then will influence the quantity of sulfates present at the bitterns point. TABLE 1V Grams of lons per liter of brine as a function of brine density (22.2/15.6) g/liter of brine at 22.2°C a Kew Ho 1.0050 0.72 0.100 0.830 0.308 455 ost -251 0016 820 996.00 woo 144 181.151 0553 829s «458 0028 1494 95.08 10180214 0.257 1.677 0805 1208-0242 867 aos 2175 99978. 10200284 0.942 © 2208-««1.088. 15820317875 O0S4 288899145 1.0300 422 0.504 «3.278 1.886 2349 0471301 0.080 42.41 087.69 10400558 0.687 «4.367 2080 31.24 ©0825 17.31 0.107 «8839 OB 10500 6810830 «54722593 39080782 2183 0132 7056 7B 10800 821 0.993 65933120 47.01 08412509 181 e4g1 975.09 10700943 -1.159 7.732 «3649 $5.03 1.102 3085 0.188 99.41 97059 0300 0.7 1.924 B87 4.182 ©6315 1.205 3503 218 114.10 965.90 09001187 1.488 100324795714 142s 3980 0.248 12058 Sor-Ms 11000 1818 1.982 1085 © «5.328 8020 «1.808 4458 0275 148.00 95000 11001497 1.284 11295925 929.787 4364 0.305 15952 950.48 442001584 1.491 11926527 98.99 «1.970 S471 0337 17505 968.95 419001862 1.402 1257«-7.138 «1075 2153881 0.368 19064 999.90 yt400 17.81 1.017 1321774867 ©2537-6482 0.400 2083399367 11500181 0.834 138883581259 ©2521. To0s 431 22205 927.98 11600-2000 08531455 «8977 135.1 «27057514 0463 297.79 92221 11700 21.07 0.775 1522 «9601 184528098020 0.495 25368 918.32 we00 22.12 0697 1591 10.23.1538 30818555 0577 25980 910.10 1.1900 23.15 0.621 1659 1088 163:1 4.787 064 0559 28564 905.96 42000 24.17 0887 1729 «1180 «17268 += 3455 9607 0590 30205 897.95 12100 25.17 0.473 17891214 tt 3643 TOL? 0623 siBI7 BST BS 42200 26.18 0.397 1982 1391 190.2 154 1037 711 33289 887.01 42900 27.11 0.312 3085 21.68 188.6 ©6482 9220 1.171 94140 888.60 12400 2808 0.281 41.13 2918 1884718 B63. 1.488 360.79 889.21 125002309 0.175 5089 36431826 ©1089-7148 1863 360.15 899.85, 10247! 350 0.418 = 2.708-1.296 19.42 0.389 10.78 0.0665 95.04 989.66 1.0273? 3.85 0.460 2.986 1.428 21.42 0429 11.86 0.0734 38.66 988.64 1.08977 11.94 1.486 10.02 4.710 70,98 1.421 29.27 0.243 128.23 961.47 1.2185* 26.00 0.412 18.59 12.70 190.37 3811 105.75 0.652 332.29 886.21 1.24508 28.53 0.207 48.07 32.84 188.29 9.811 76.48 1.678 355.38 889.62 * Sea water from the open oceans, * Caribbean Sea water. Density where C280, - “Density where salt starts to precipitate, * Density where bitterns is discarded. 2H,0 starts to precipitate assuming little or no carbonates. 356 Fourth International Symposiom an Ssit-Northern Ohio Geological Society Weights of salts remaining during the evaporation of sea water Table VI presents the weight of constituents remaining in solution and the volume of solution (as a function of density) starting with 1000 liters of Caribbean sea water cor 1103 liters of open ocean water. The calculations were ade using chlorige ratios* (from Tables II to ) forall densities below 1.2185. Above 1.2185, magnesium ratios were used. The reason for using both chloride and mag- nesium ratios to make the calculations is that the chloride analysis is the most accurate of the two analyses. However “us necessary 1 have a reference point when calculating the weight of ater evaporating of some other component crystallizing In this case, the reference poiat picked was Cl The ratio Cl (inital}/Ch (Sn) mult plied by the water (Binal) should give the Bxal weight of water ia the Solution. This isthe eatio dicusted above, TABLE V Grams of Salts per liter of brine as a function of brine density (22.2/15.6) g/ liter of brine at 22.2°C Sp.Gr. Be CaSO, MgSO, MgCl, 1.0050 072 0.340 0.493 0.799 1.0100 1440514 0.900 1.457 1.0150 214 0.884 1.320 2.107 1.0200 284 1.160 1.738 2.768 1.0300 42200 wii 2598 4.076 1.0400 558 2.265 3.468 5.403 1.0500 6st 2816 = 4.367 6719 1.0600 a21 3.377 8.277 8.045 4.0700 9439 -3,933 6.209 9.374 40300 10.74 «4.499 7.487 10.71 10900 11.97 8.048 a0 12:12 110001318 = 4695 9.197 13.60 1.1100 1437 4,360. 10.29 18.07 112001554 = 4.041 11.36 16.58 113001668 «= 3.748 12.83 18.05, 1.1400 17.81 35431381 19.64 415001891 31711458 21.19 1.1600 20.00 2.898 «= 15.69 22.74 1.1700 21.07 2.628 18.74 24.35 11800 22.12 2.389 17.83 25.94 1190023152228 18.81 27.64 1.2000 24.17 1.862 20.03 29.18 1.2100 25.17 1606 21.13 30.81 1.2200 2615 1.346 «23,78 = 35.66 1.23000 27.11 1.084 -27.83 54.98 1.2400 © 2808 «0.817 50.82 74.05 1.2500 29000595 83.24 92.71 10247 501.419 2.138 3,384 10277385 1.562 2.360 3.723, 1.08977 11.88 5.048 8.096 12.04 1.2185 = 26.00 1.400 22.08 32.28 1.2450 2853, 0.703 57.11 83.42 * See water from the open oceans. *Caribbean Sea water. Density where CaSO. “Density where NaCl starts to precipitate. ‘Density where bitterns is discarded. Total Nach Kel NaBr H,0 Salts 638 0.173.012 8.20 996.80 11.62 0315 0.037, 14,94 995.08 1682 0.460 0.053 21.75 993.25 2220 © 0605 0.070 * 28.55 891.45 3301 0897 0,104 «42.41 87.59 43.91 1.192 0.138 86.39 983.61 54.98 1491 0.172 70.88 879.44 66.19 1.795 0.208 «= 84.91 975.09 7753-2101 0.242 = 99.41 970.59 99.02 2412 0.278 114.10 985.90 100.23 2.717 0.314 12856 961.44 113.08 3.052 0.354 144.00 958,00 12595 3.408 «0.393 18952 950.48 138.85 «3765 0.435 «175.05 944.95 15178 4.105 0.473 190.64 939.38, 164.75 4.456 0.515 208.33 933.67 17909 © 4.807 0.55 222.06 927.98 190.72 5.189 0.598 237.78 922.21 20353 5.518 0.638 «283.68 916.32 2741 5875 0.679 289.90 910.19. 23002 6.228 0.720 285.64 908,38, 243.81 6588 © 0.760 © 302.05 897.95, 256.81 6.953 0.802 «318.17 891.83 263.03 7.921 0.915 332.99 887.01 23384 1236 «1.50 341.40 888.60 20845 1663 1.91 350.79 889.21 18034 20.76 «= 239 360.15 889.85 2727 0.741 0.085 35.04 989,68, 30.09 0818 0095 38.65 988.64 99.92 2709««0.313-128,33 981.47 268.38 7.288 «0,840 332.29 886.21 193.20 1871 = «2.16 355.38 839,62 2H; 0 starts to precipitate assuming little or no carbonates, The Composition of Sea Water and Its Concentrates above 1.2185 the chloride erystallizes out and therefore magnesium data has to be used. Nevertheless there is, excellent agreement between the calculations irregardless of whether the caleutations are made with the use of chlo- ride ion or magnesium data Ie is seen that 1000 liters of Caribbean sea water con- tains 30.09 kilograms of NaCl which starts to crystallize at 1.2185. However only a part of this is removed during crystallization in a solar pond. Most of the CaSOy2H,0 and water are removed during solar operations. 357 The calculations were made to show that KCI and NaBr do not crystallize out with salt whem in fact they do ‘However the amount in solid solution with NaCl is smal) and depends on such factors as rate of salt crystallization, temperature, brine movement and other factors. This data can only be obtained from salt samples in the field and ‘cannot be predicted Between a density of 1.2185 and 1.25 there are 30.09- 7.04=23.05 kilograms of NaCl erystallized and 0.162- 0.024=0.138 kilograms of CaSO, erystalized. If all the TABLE VI Weight of constituents remaining in solution at 22.2°C as a function of density (22.2/15.6) starting with one cubic meter of Caribbean Sea water, Volume ; of Brine Sp.Gr Be Rema CaSO, MgSO, (iter) 10247! 35011030 1.562 -2.360 102737 385 = 10000-11862 -2.360 110300 4.22 e9 1562-2360 10400558 685.7 1.862 2.360 19500 .at S431 1.582 2.360 1.06092 4558 1.562 2.360 10700 9.4a 3892 © 1.862 2.360 110800 10.74 339.2 1.562 2.360 1039783 41,94 3018 1.862 -2.360 10800 11.97 Bont 1557 -2.360 11000 13.18 267.1 1.286 2.360 111001437 2339 1.073 2.360 1.1200 18.54 2177 0.902 2.360 1.1300 16.68 1993 0765 2.360 11400 17.81 1835 0650 2.360 1.1800 tat 1701 0.553 -2.360 1.1600 20.00 1585 ©0471-2360 11700 21.07 1482 ©0389 2360 1.1800 22.12 1392 0.338 2.360 1.1900 2315 1313 0.300 2.360 1.2000 26.17 124.1 0.238 -2.360 12100 25:17 1178 = 0193 -2.360 1.2188" 26.00 125 0.162 2.360 1.2200 26.15 1027 0.143 2.360 12300 27.11 6590 0071 2.360 12400 ©2808 4898 0.041 2.360 1.24505 28.89 4351 0.031 2.360 1.25005 28.00 3920 0.024 © 2.360 ‘Sea water from open oceans. Caribbean feed bri 2 Density where CaSO, “Density where NaCl starts to precipitate. * Alternate densities where bitterns ate discarded, Kilograms of Salts or Water Remaining in Solution MgCl; NaC KCL NaBr H:0 3.723 3009 ogg 0.095 1091.52 3.723 3009 0818 0.095 gaa.64 3723 3009 0.818 ©0095-0088, 3723 3009 0818 0.095 674.45 9.723 3009 0818 0.095 56.84 3723 30.09 ogg 0.095 44.25, 3.723 3009 0818 = 0.095. 977.75 3723 3009 0.818 = 008s) (327.64 3723 30.08 081g 0.085 290.18 3.723 3009 0818 0095 289.49 3.723 3009 0818 0.095 255.33 3.723 3009 0818 0.095 228.02 3.723 30.09 0.818 © 0.095 205.72 3.723 3009 0.818 0.095 187,27 3723 3009 0818 0.095 171.33 3.723 3009 0.818 = 0.095 157.84 3723 3009 0818 0095 146.17 3.723 3009 0818 0.095 135.80 3.723 3009 0.818 0.095 126.69 3.723 3008 0818 0.095 118.77 3723 30.09 0818 0095 111.43 3.723 3009 0818 0.095 104.88 3723 3009 0818 0.085 99.70 3723 2692 0818 0.095 91.10 3723 15.34 0.818 0.095 58.56 3.723 1007 0.818 0.095 43.54 3723 837 0.818 0.095 38.71 3723 7.04 0.818 0.095 34.88 2H, O starts to precipitate assuming little or no carbonates. 358 Fourth International Symposium on Salt--Narthern Ohio Geotagiesl Sociery CaSO, were contained in the NaCl, the NaCl would con- tain 0.60% CaSO,, REFERENCES, Usiglio, 1, 1849. Annales Chem. P, 27:92-107 as cited in Clarke, F. W., 1924, The data of geochemistry. US. Geol. Survey Bull. 770.219.

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