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1, FEBRUARY 2004


Adaptive Fuzzy Terminal Sliding Mode

Controller for Linear Systems With Mismatched
Time-Varying Uncertainties
C. W. Tao, J. S. Taur, Member, IEEE, and Mei-Lang Chan

AbstractA new design approach of an adaptive fuzzy terminal

sliding mode controller for linear systems with mismatched timevarying uncertainties is presented in this paper. A fuzzy terminal
sliding mode controller is designed to retain the advantages of the
terminal sliding mode controller and to reduce the chattering occurred with the terminal sliding mode controller. The sufficient
condition is provided for the uncertain system to be invariant on
the sliding surface. The parameters of the output fuzzy sets in the
fuzzy mechanism are adapted on-line to improve the performance
of the fuzzy sliding mode control system. The bounds of the uncertainties are not required to be known in advance for the presented
adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller. The stability of the fuzzy
control system is also guaranteed. Moreover, the chattering around
the sliding surface in the sliding mode control can be reduced by
the proposed design approach. Simulation results are included to
illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal
sliding mode controller.
Index TermsAdaptive fuzzy control, mismatched uncertainties, terminal sliding mode, time-varying.


INCE the exact models of the industrial systems are not always obtainable, the control of the linear systems with time
varying uncertainties has been an important research topic in the
engineering area [18], [23]. It is known that the variable structure with sliding mode has the intrinsic nature of robustness to
the uncertainties [10]. Thus, the sliding mode control is considered as an effective approach for the control of the systems
with uncertainties [2], [15], [21], [27]. That is, when the system
reaches the sliding mode, the system with variable structure control is insensitive to the external disturbances and the variations
of the plant parameters [19].
Recently, a new type of sliding mode control technique called
terminal sliding mode control is developed. Instead of using
linear hyperplanes as the sliding surfaces, the terminal sliding
mode control adopts nonlinear sliding surfaces [17], [22]. With
the nonlinear sliding surfaces, the terminal sliding mode controller can have the system states reach the equilibrium point in
a finite time period. In [28], the terminal sliding mode control is

Manuscript received July 1, 2002; revised October 10, 2002. This work was
supported in part by the R.O.C. National Science Council under Grant NSC
89-2213-E-197-004. Recommended by Associate Editor F. Wang.
C. W. Tao and M.-L. Chan are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National I-Lan Institute of Technology, I-Lan, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail:
J. S. Taur is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National ChungHsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSMCB.2003.811127

successfully applied to the uncertain linear systems with uncertainties which match the traditional matching condition. However, the mismatched time-varying uncertain systems with the
terminal sliding mode control has not yet been studied. Moreover, the undesirable chattering of the (terminal) sliding mode
control systems may excite the high frequency response of the
systems [3], [7].
The fuzzy techniques [5] are also widely utilized to make
the systems with uncertainties satisfy the performance requirements. Therefore, researchers have utilized the fuzzy techniques
together with the sliding mode control for many engineering
control systems. In the work of Yoo [26], the fuzzy sliding mode
control scheme is proposed with the uncertain system function approximated by the fuzzy system. Hwang et al. design
a fuzzy controlled low pass filter to smooth the output from
a sliding mode controller [12]. The fuzzy control rules based
on the sliding function and the derivative of the sliding function are constructed in [11]. It can be seen that fuzzy techniques have been incorporated with the sliding mode control as
the fuzzy sliding mode control to alleviate the chattering in the
pure sliding mode control [8], [13], [20], [25]. Also, the utilization of the fuzzy techniques can release the limitation on the
known bounds of uncertainties which is required for the traditional sliding mode controller [4]. Nevertheless, the determination of the parameters in the fuzzy sliding mode controller is not
trivial. The complexity of the fuzzy sliding mode controller is
increased quickly as the number of sliding functions increases.
In this paper, a new adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller for linear systems with mismatched time varying uncertainties is presented. The proposed controller not only retains
the advantages of the terminal sliding mode controller but also
reduces the undesirable chattering associated with the terminal
sliding mode controller. The adaptive fuzzy terminal attractors
have been applied to the system identification [16]. Unlike the
learning approaches in [16], the parameters of the output fuzzy
sets in the fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller are on-line
adapted with the similar approach as in [9]. The approach in
[9] is extended to minimize the decreasing rate of the square
of sliding function for the case with multi-dimensional sliding
function vectors. The on-line parameter adaptive process simplifies the design of the fuzzy terminal sliding mode control
system. The stability of the fuzzy terminal sliding mode control system is guaranteed provided that the uncertainties are
bounded. The sufficient condition is prepared for the uncertain
system to be invariant on the sliding surface. Moreover, the chattering around the sliding surface in the sliding mode control can

1083-4419/04$20.00 2004 IEEE

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be alleviated by the proposed design approach. Simulation results are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller. The remainder
of this paper is organized as follows. The system model considered in this paper and the sliding coefficient matching condition
are described in Section II. The adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding
mode controller is designed in Section III. The reaching mode
of the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller
is guaranteed in Section IV. The characteristics of the adaptive
fuzzy terminal sliding mode control system on the sliding surface is stated in Section V. In Section VI, simulation results of
the illustrative examples are presented. Finally, conclusions are
provided in Section VII.

Fig. 1. Block diagram of the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode control

surface of the terminal sliding mode control (as in Mans paper

[17]) is designed to be


In this section, the uncertain linear system with the mismatched uncertainties is described. Let the state equation
of the linear system with the only mismatched time varying
, be in the regular form

matrix. Also,



, and
is an invertible
are required to be odd integers which satisfy

are designed such that the following con-

Also, it is assumed that the constant matrix pair (


has full rank. It can be easily seen that

is controllable and
does not satisfy the classical matching condition. That
is a mismatched time-varying uncertainty. The misis further assumed as
matched time varying uncertainty
in the work of Shen [18] to have the structure
with the constant matrices

, and the uncertain matrix


are satisfied. The sliding coefficient matching condition in [1] is

extended as follows for the fuzzy terminal sliding mode control
of the uncertain systems.
Definition 1: (Extended Sliding Coefficient Matching Condi,
, and
tion): If the uncertainty
in (4) satisfy

then the uncertainty

is said to satisy the extended sliding
coefficient matching condition.
Definition 2: (An ESCMS System): For an uncertain system
with the state equation in (1), if the mismatched time-varying
uncertainty satisfies the extended sliding coefficient matching
has full rank, then the uncertan system is
condition and
called an extended sliding coefficient matched uncertain system

where is the corresponding identity matrix. From (3), it can

be easily seen that

is a zero matrix, and

, the nonlinear sliding

The block diagram of the uncertain system ESCMS with

the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller is shown
in Fig. 1. The adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller
AFTSC is a fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller with an
adaptive mechanism to adjust the its parameters. Let the
terminal sliding surface be defined as in (5). When
, the fuzzy terminal sliding

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, are made to be the same. That is, there

is only one set of input and output membership functions (in
) and output
Fig. 2) utilized for the input (
), respectively. With the
variables (
centroid defuzzification technique, the switching output
the fuzzy sliding mode controller is calculated as

Fig. 2. Input and output membership functions.

mode controller is designed to be an additive combination of

an equivalent controller and a fuzzy switching controllers,
of the fuzzy terminal sliding mode conThen the output
times the sum of the equivalent control
troller is that
and the output,
, of the fuzzy switching controller,

are column input membership functions, the

, is
the corresponding value of output fuzzy singleton, and
is a matrix function to generate a diagonal matrix with the elements of the vector on the corresponding diagonal cells. Note
of the
in (10) is equal to an
that the
identity matrix since the triangular membership functions are
can be simplified to be
described as in Fig. 2(a). Thus,



If there exists one

is specified to be


, the

On-Line Adaptation Mechanism: To simplify the design of

the fuzzy switching controllers, the values of the output fuzzy
singletons are specified to be symmetrical to zero (
in Fig. 2). Also, because the outputs of the fuzzy switching controllers are required to be zero when the system is in the sliding
), the value of the output singleton for the output
mode (
fuzzy set is determined to be zero. With the membership functions in Fig. 2, it can be seen that for each input variable , if
the membership value of the membership function for
not zero, then the membership value of the membership funcfor
is zero, and vice versa. Thus, the outputs of the
can be simplified to be
fuzzy switching function

to have the system dynamics away from the singular points (occurred in
) [17].
Fuzzy Switching Controller: For the fuzzy switching controller, the input and output variables are defined to be

Let the input and switching output variable,

, of the fuzzy switching controller
be simply
(posipartitioned into fuzzy sets
tive). The triangular type input membership functions and the
membership functions for output fuzzy singletons are shown
in Fig. 2(a), (b). The fuzzy ifthen rules of the fuzzy switching
controller is developed as
is .
1) If is , then
is .
2) If is , then
is .
3) If is , then
As in Fig. 2, the input membership functions for
are designed to be the same for
simplicity. Likewise, the output membership functions for

is a column vector with the membership values of
the corresponding fuzzy sets of the elements in vectors . Note
is negative. The parameter
of the fuzzy switching
is on-line adjusted. To minimize the reaching rate
of the sliding mode with respect to , the adaptive laws are

where is a positive learning rate. From (13), it can be easily
is always negative when is not zero and
seen that
. This adaptation makes the system reach the sliding
mode quicker when the sliding function is getting smaller,
and the system performance is therefore improved. Moreover,

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the chattering can be alleviated with this adaptation mechanism

is small when the sliding function is large at the
beginning of the system operation. With this proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller AFTSC, the reaching
mode of the uncertain system ESCMS is guaranteed as described
in the next section.

, the
Proof: For
output of the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller is


It is known that the reaching mode of the uncertain system
with a terminal sliding mode controller (in Fig. 1) is guaranteed
[17] if

Lemma 1: [18]: If

Then the reaching condition of the sliding mode is

, then

With Lemma 1 applied, the sliding mode reaching condition

of an uncertain system ESCMS becomes
Since all the
, are assumed when
is specified to be as in (9) for the sigular points],
the elements in are bound. Also, is Hermitian and positive
semidefinite. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that
where is the identity matrix with the corresponding dimension.
, for
, then the
It is known that if
membership value for
is equal to one (see
Fig. 2). Since

Also, because the

is getting more and more negative with the
adaptive law in (13), the term
is going to have different sign from when

Thus, the reaching rate of the sliding mode is negative. If

, for
, then the
. The
is going more negative according to the adapwill be larger than . In this case
tive law, and finally

. Note that

since the
is defined to satisfy the extended sliding
coefficient matching condition.
Theorem 1: The uncertain system ESCMS with the proposed
adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller AFTSC can
have its reaching mode guaranteed.

Thus, the reaching mode of the uncertain system ESCMS

using the adaptive fuzzy teminal sliding mode controller is
Remark 1: The only assumption for the uncertain matrix
is that the format of the matrix is known.
can be defined to have
Thus, the sliding surface
. If the matrices
are exactly known,
approach with the numerical iterative method [6],

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[14] (e.g., the interior point method) can also be adopted to

design a stable controller for the uncertain system.
Remark 2: Note that even the bound is used for the proof
of the guarantee of sliding mode, is not used for the design
of the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller
AFTSC for ESCMS. Therefore, the requirement of the uncertainty bounds is no longer necessary for AFTSC.
Remark 3: For a nonlinear system NLS which can be properly decoupled and can be stabilized by the terminal sliding
mode controller, the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding
mode controller can be designed to have


to stabilize the nonlinear system NLS [24], where

are the outputs of the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller and the output of the terminal sliding mode controller,
Remark 4: The other fuzzy schemes with the outputs
can be designed to stabilize the ESCMS system if


Theorem 3: A linear uncertain system ESCMS (see Section II) with the designed adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller
AFTSC is stable and the system states on the sliding surface
will arrive at the equilibrium point in the finite time period.
Proof: As in Section II, the sliding surface for the proposed terminal sliding mode controller is designed to satisfy the
conditions in (6). Also, the uncertain system ESCMS is shown
to be invariant on the sliding surface. Then with the same approach in the proof of Theorem 2 in Mans paper [17]

in the terminal sliding mode. With the

substituted in (1), it
can be easily seen that the uncertain system ESCMS with the
adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller AFTSC is stable
and the system states converges to equilibrium point in the finite
time period.
The illustrative examples are included in the next section to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the adaptive fuzzy sliding controllers designed here.
Let the uncertain linear system be described by the (1) with

is the output of the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal
sliding mode controller.
In Theorem 2, the invariant characteristic of the ESCMS with
an adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller AFTSC is described.
Theorem 2: A linear uncertain system ESCMS (see Section II) with the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller AFTSC
is invariant with respect to time varying uncertainties on the
sliding surface.
Proof: Since

and the uncertain system ESCMS satisfies the extended sliding

coefficient matching condition

It is known that
is a mismatched time varying uncertainty, and the mismatched uncertainty
can be represented as


If the sliding coefficient matrix

is designed as

then it can be easily seen that

Thus, when the system is on the sliding surface,

That is, the uncertain system ESCMS is invariant with respect to
time varying uncertainties on the sliding surface.
The stability and the convergence property of the uncertain
system with the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode
controller are stated in the next theorem.

. That is, the uncertainty

satisfies the
extended sliding coefficient matching condition. The parameand
are selected to meet the requirement
. Also, the parameter is simply determined to

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Fig. 3. Performance comparison for state x of the uncertain system with

TSMC (dashed line) and AFTSC (solid line).

Performance comparison for state x

T SMC (dashed line) and AFTSC (solid line).
Fig. 4.

Fig. 5. Performance comparison for state x of the uncertain system with

TSMC (dashed line) and AFTSC (solid line).

of the uncertain system with

Fig. 6.

have value one. Simulation results are provided for the uncertain system ESCMS with the terminal sliding mode control controller and the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller, respectively. The initial condition for the uncertain system is

Parameters .

Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller AFSMC: The

output of the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode controller is designed
as in Section III with the adaptive laws

Let the
in (1) be
, and the
in (1) be
Terminal Sliding Mode Controller TSMC: For a simple terminal sliding mode controller, the control action
is designed to be

, and
. From (21), it can be seen that
the exact matrices
are necessary to be known for the
implementation of the simple terminal sliding mode controller.

To determine the learning rate, a very small value is utilized as

the initial learning rate. Then, the learning rates are increased to
reduce the overshoot and the rising time of the control system.
If (the control action is too large and is over the limit) or (the
chattering of the control action is large) then the learning rate
of the input membership
is decreased. Since the parameters
functions [see Fig. 2(a)] has the effect of boundary layer,
is assigned to be a small number,
. The performance
) of the uncertain system
comparisons for each state (
and AFTSC are provided in Figs. 35. In Fig. 3,
it shows that the uncertain system with AFTSC has better performance than the uncertain system with the terminal sliding
mode controller (TSMC) in the sense of shorter rising time. The
is indicated in Fig. 6 to empirically conform that
the sliding mode is guaranteed. Also the control actions

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Moreover, the chattering around the sliding surface for the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode control is reduced. Simulation
results are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller.

Fig. 7.

Control actions u

Fig. 8.

Control actions u (solid line) and u (dashed line) of TSMC .

(solid line) and u

(dashed line) of AFTSC.

of AFTSC and TSMC are illustrated in Figs. 7, and 8, respectively. It is illustrated in Figs. 7 and 8 that the chattering is reduced for the uncertain system with the adaptive fuzzy terminal
sliding mode controller. Moreover, as proven in Section V, the
adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode control system is stable in
this simulation example.
An adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller is proposed for the linear systems with mismatched time varying uncertainties in this paper. The sliding coefficient matching condition is extended for the terminal sliding mode controller. The
reaching mode of the uncertain system with the proposed adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller is guaranteed. The
requirement of the available uncertainty bounds for the design
of the traditional terminal sliding mode controller is not necessary for the adaptive fuzzy terminal sliding mode controller. The
system is shown to be invariant on the sliding surface when the
new matching condition is matched. Also, the adaptive fuzzy
terminal sliding mode control system is indicated to be stable.

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J. S. Taur (M95) received the B.S. and M.S. degrees

in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1987 and 1989,
respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, in
He was a Member of Technical Staff in Siemens
Corporate Research, Inc. Since 1994, he has been a
Professor at the National Chung Hsing University,
Taiwan. His primary research interests include neural
networks, pattern recognition, computer vision, and
fuzzy systems.
Dr. Taur received the 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Societys Best Paper

C. W. Tao received the B.S. degree in electrical

engineering from National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1984, and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from New
Mexico University, Las Cruces, in 1989 and 1992,
Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the
Department of Electrical Engineering, National
I-Lan Institute of Technology, I-Lan, Taiwan. His
current research is on the fuzzy systems including
fuzzy control systems and fuzzy neural image
Dr. Tao is the Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS


Mei-Lang Chan received the B.E. degree from the

Department of Industrial Education, National Taiwan
Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1979,
M.S. and Ph.D. degree from the Department of
Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1992
and 2000, respectively.
He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 2000. He is now
an Associate Professor at National I-Lan Institute of
Technology, I-Lan, Taiwan. His current research interests include sliding mode control, adaptive control,

and fuzzy systems.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Jan Vascak. Downloaded on February 24, 2009 at 04:09 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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