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SHRjr Production Schedule

Week One (June 1-5)

Monday -Absent: Erin Sellers
-ask kids what responsibilities are of each crew member
-name, something you love about theater
-Expectations-Promptness, be prepared (memorization,
pencil/water/script, dress),
script care (hand out scripts,
light pencil, be nice), 3 rules: pay atten
tion, be safe, have
fun (ECT kids), Numbering call attendance-put num
on script
-Beccas 3 min Safety Brief
-Name thumper
-movement (dance or non) to go with your name
-Hey Everybody
-Parade, Beach, Theme Park
1:25-ZipZapZop OR Freeze(2 groups)
1:35-Yes, and...
-Split in two groups, two lines-specified opening sentence
w/o I am...
1:50-2 min break
-Teach new number or earlier number, divide in groups
2:50-5-10 min break
-Directors meet to discuss dance casting
3:00-Warmup Voice
-5nD Miniminimin
-Nasty Nyahs
3:10-Learn Noun
-speak rhythm in 3 chunks at beginning-learn music
-speak rhythm in 4 chunks/chorus - learn music
-Sing together slowly, memorize
-add tracks
-bring soloists out if wanting
3:45-Wrap up
-Review expectations

SHRjr Production Schedule

Week One (June 1-5)
-Talk about casting-Based on how well you fit the part
- not a reflection of you personally
- trust us
- sometimes the part you wanted is not the absolute best for
the good of
the production
-you will be on stage a lot regardless of who you are
3:55- Trans to parent meeting
-Game from yesterday
1:15-MUSIC Noun
-Assign parts
-Learn all Chorus
-Assign/practice interjections
-**Kathy may steal Dori to work on movement **
1:45 -MUSIC 3 is a Magic Number
-Walk through entire song-skip long solo parts
-Speak numbers
2:30 - BREAK
2:40 - DANCE Noun
2:40 - MUSIC Noun Dori
-No soloist
- Dori learns solo
3:00 - Dori joins DANCE
-**Jay might steal George for 3 solo work**
-feel free to start 3 Choreo as well
3:45 - Reconvene in theater
-Do minimal opening blocking
-OR if not enough time: debrief/chat about scheduling
4:00 - END

SHRjr Production Schedule

Week One (June 1-5)

1:00 - Welcome
-Bippity boppity
1:15 - MUSIC review Noun & 3
-Add in solos/memorize
1:45 - DANCE - Review
-Review Noun & learn the rest of 3
2:30 - BREAK
2:40 - MUSIC - Adjectives
-Only chorus parts
3:00 - DANCE
3:00 - MUSIC Adj Solos
-Chorus Adjectives
3:50 - Regroup
-Memorization deadline
-Costume reminders
4:00 - See ya!
1:00 - Welcome
1:15 - MUSIC
-Review Adj
-Touch any other songs that need help
1:45 - DANCE
1:45 - MUSIC Bill solo
-Finish Adj
2:15 - BREAK
2:30 - BLOCK till Bill
3:15 - Review anything that needs be done
-Specifically Choreo or transtions
3:55 - Regroup
4:00 - Bye

SHRjr Production Schedule

Week One (June 1-5)

1:00 Welcome
1:15 BLOCKING Bill
-DANCE in Studio for review
1:45- MUSIC Preamble
-Chorus first
-Chorus only
-Dismiss chorus for BREAK, hold soloists
2:15- BREAK
2:20 -DANCE
-Learn Preamble
-Take this time to review/learn anything you would like
2:45 -Soloists return from break
3:45 - Regroup
-run anything needed together
-**may run first 1/2 of show if at a good place/needed (will decide
4:00 - Have a good weekend!

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