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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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Home TV Remote Jammer Circuit

TV Remote Jammer Circuit

June 24, 2014 By Administrator

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We have already seen in the earlier posts about how to jam the mobile signals using simple mobile
jammer circuit. Now, In this post, we are going to know about another interesting concept i.e. TV Remote
jammer circuit. It is designed using NE555 Timer IC.

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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This proposed TV jammer circuit confuses the infrared receiver in a TV by producing the constant signal that
to top ofthe
remote control signal. If you switch on the circuit once,
the TV will
not receive
any command
from the remote. This allows you to watch your own program without anyone changing the channel or
The fundamental technology used in TV Remotes is Infrared light. This infrared light is invisible to the human
eye, but we can see these IR rays through camera.

TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit Principle:

The idea behind TV remote control jammer is sending a constant IR pulse with the carrier frequency of the
transmitter. Hence the result will be non-accepted signal from the receiver and therefore no action will be
Basically the TV remote emits a sequence of pulses when you press a button. IR transmitter is xed to the
surface of the TV remote. This IR transmitter emits the pulses in unique con guration for each button.
IR receiver which is arranged to TV will receive these sequence of pulses that are transmitted by TV Remote
and identi es which button is pressed in TV remote.
Generally Philips TV remotes follows RC5 (Remote Control) protocol. This protocol was developed by Philips
in the late 1980s. According to this protocol, for each button, Remote transmits 14 bits. The below gure
shows the frame format of RC5 protocol.

RC-5 Frame Format

The rst two pulses are start bits, and both are logic 1.
The 3rd bit is toggle bit. This bit toggled every time when a button is pressed or released. Using this bit, we
can identify weather the button is pressed or not.
The next 5 bits represent the device address. Bit 4 is the MSB of the device address and bit 8 is the LSB of the

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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Last six bits in the frame format are command bits. These command bits varies for each button in the
remote. Using these command bits, we can identify which button is pressed in IR remote.

Features of RC5 protocol:

1. Bi-phase coding (Manchester coding)
2. 36Khz or 38Khz carrier frequency
3. Constant bit time of 1.778ms
4. 5 bit address and 6 bit command length
Modulation: The RC5 protocol uses bi phase modulation. All 14 bits are equal length of 1.778ms.

TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit Diagram:

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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Circuit Diagram of TV Remote Jammer using 555 Timer IC

Circuit Components:
NE555 timer
1n4148 diodes -2
Resistors 470 ohm, 1k, 5R6
Pot 10k
9V Battery
Ceramic capacitor 10nF
Transistor NPN

TV Remote Jammer Circuit Design:

The circuit is designed to produce a 38 KHz signal. The main component in this circuit is 555 Timer. Here, it is
operated in astable multivibrator mode. In this circuit, 2nd and 6th pins are shorted to allow the triggering
after every timing cycle and these two pins are grounded through the capacitor. 4th pin of 555 timer is
connected to supply to avoid sudden resets.
10k pot is used to adjust the frequency of 555 timer. The current through the IR-LED is limited to 100mA
because of two 1n4148 diodes, as these form constant current arrangement when combined with transistor

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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and resistor.

Related Post: Also get an idea about how simple FM Radio Jammer Circuit Works!

How to Operate this TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit?

Connect 9v battery to the circuit.
Now adjust the pot 10k to produce 38 KHz signal.
Now press the TV remote buttons.
You can observe that TV will not receive any commands from remote
Disconnect the battery from circuit and press TV remote buttons.
Now you can observe that TV will receive the commands from Remote

TV Remote Jammer Circuit Simulation Video:

TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit Advantages:

1. We can use this circuit to jam the remote signals so that the other people cannot change the channel
while watching our favorite program on TV.
2. It will not a ect the signal receiving capacity of the TV.

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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Limitations of the Circuit:

The circuit should be tuned correctly to 38 KHz frequency to get accurate results.

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TV Remote Control Jammer Circuit using 555 Timer IC

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