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About the B ook Book

Seventeen-year-old Stevie is trapped. In her life. In her body. And now in an Club
eating-disorder treatment center on the dusty outskirts of the New Mexico Pick!
desert. Life in the center is regimented and intrusive, a nightmare come
true. Nurses and therapists watch Stevie at meal time, accompany her to the
bathroom, and challenge her to eat the foods she’s worked so hard to avoid.
Her dad has signed her up for sixty days of treatment. But what no one
knows is that Stevie doesn’t plan to stay that long. There are only twen-
ty-seven days until the anniversary of her brother Josh’s death—the death
she caused. And if Stevie gets her way, there are only twenty-seven days
until she, too, will end her life.

Discussion Q uestions
1. W
 hen Stevie first arrives at the treatment center she is counting 6. W
 hen Stevie is diagnosed with bulimia, she is angry and
down the days until the anniversary of her brother’s death so that disappointed. When asked how it makes her feel she says, “That
she too can end her life. Why do you think she is so determined I’m fat. That I’m lazy. No self-control. Disgusting. Weak. The
to stick to her plan? lowest of the low.” (p. 70) Why do you think she reacts so
2. S
 tevie thinks that anyone with a yellow or green wristband strongly to the diagnosis? Why do you think she is obsessed with
(marking their progress) is weak. “She is nothing like me. I am maintaining control?
contained, self-sustaining. I don’t need contact; don’t need food. 7. S
 tevie’s flashbacks often include memories of Eden. Why do
I do not need.” (p. 31) Why do you think Stevie looks down on you think Stevie was so fascinated by Eden? Why do you think
the girls who are making progress in the program? Why does she Stevie blames Eden for so much of her pain? Why does she keep
obsess over having a red wristband? turning to Eden for help?
3. S
 tevie makes promises to Josh throughout the book as if he is still 8. W
 hen Stevie and the other girls sneak out of their cottage to go
alive. Why do you think Stevie is holding on so tightly? Do you swimming, Stevie finds herself laughing and playing with them.
think she should let him go? How would you describe this moment for Stevie? Do you think
4. S
 tevie believes that her mother left because she wasn’t a perfect she is genuinely having fun?
daughter. “Maybe if I could mold myself into the perfect girl, the 9. H
 ow does Stevie’s relationship with Ashley (“CB”) change over
kind of girl who didn’t sneak chocolates or beg for sugary cereal. the course of the book? Do you think Stevie cares for Ashley? Do
Maybe then” she’d come back. (p. 40) Why do you think Stevie you think her feelings toward Ashley reflect progress for Stevie?
blames herself for her mother’s leaving? Why do you think Stevie 10. W
 hat did you think of the ending? Do you think Stevie got what
associates being skinny with being perfect? she wanted, or what she needed?
5. W
 hen Stevie meets Anna (“Shrink”) she assumes that Anna
doesn’t understand what Stevie’s going through. Do you think
Stevie misjudged Anna? Who else does Stevie shut out? Do you
think Stevie was being unfair?

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