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STATUE PARK Lenin, Marx,

Dimitrov and other heroes of the
communist world, and Stalins boots.
A photo collection concerning
the 1956 Hungarian revolution,
and the 1989-90 political changes.
CINEMA The film The Life
of an Agent plays non-stop. This
documentary explains communist
secret service operations.
TRABANT The famous
East-German peoples car.
souvenirs from communism.

-500 eFsttw



Budapest, 22nd district, corner of Balatoni t and Szabadkai utca
HOW TO GET THERE Direct bus from downtown to Memento Park at 11 a.m.
daily (in July and August also at 3 p.m.), leaving from Dek tr (Metro No 1, 2, 3)
at the bus stop with the Memento Park timetable.
By public transport: a/ Bus No 150 from the corner of Fehrvri and Bocskai
Road (Allee Shopping Center, tram No 4, 18, 41, 47, 61). Departing every 20 minutes
(30 minutes at the weekend), then bus No 150 to Memento Park stop. Travel time:
25 minutes. b/ By bus No 710, 720, 721 or 722 leaving from the Volnbusz terminus
next to Kelenfldi Railway Station (bus No 7E, 173E, tram No 19, 49) to the Memento
Park stop. Travel time: 10 minutes..
Tours in English lasting 50 minutes, starting from the entrance to Memento Park.
Times: daily 11.45 am; March-October 12.45 pm and 1.45 pm as well; July-August
3.45 pm and 4.45 pm as well.
For more informations on page 44..

The Budapest Card A Budapest Krtyrl

The Budapest Card

FREE Public Transport

With the Budapest Card you can use the public transport of Budapest for
free without any limitations including bus, tram, metro, suburban railway and
nightbus lines up to the boarder of the city. (More info on page 1617.)

FREE Guided Walking Tours

Discover the city with our fantastic guided walking tours one day Pest side,
the other day Buda side. This sightseeing with professional guide is for free
with the Budapest Card. (More info on page 2425.)

Free Travel Insurance

Every Budapest Card holder will automatically be covered with travel
insurance provided by Chartis Hungary. (More info on page 9798.)

More than 100 discounts

We have filled the Budapest Card with a wide range of useful services and
attractions you need to experience the real Budapest Adventures: from
thermal baths to caves, from folklore programs to museum visits, from nice
dinners to quick cafs, shopping and sightseeing tours, this tourist card
contains all so you can get the most out of your stay in Budapest!

Free for accompanying child

The Budapest Card and its discounts apply for one adult and one child up to
the age of 14. No need to purchase a separate card for the child, it is ideal for
families to visit the whole city!

The most convenient way of discovering

Once you filled in and signed your card, you do not have to worry any more
about validating tickets when traveling, you just show it to the controllers or
at the cashiers and you get free public transport and the discounted services
right away!

The Budapest Card



20100 6




Hnap Mese
Month Mois
Monat Mes

Nap Giorno
Day Jours
Tag Da

ra Ora
Hour Heure
Uhr Hora

Unterschrift Firma


CARD (see page 100.)


(Vedi su pagina 102.)

HASZNLATA (lsd 100. oldalon)


BUDAPEST (Voir la page 103.)


KARTE (Siehe auf Seite 101.)


BUDAPEST (Vase en la pgina 104.)

( : 105.)


Sightseeing with tram number 2 .......... 10
Along the Millennium Underground
Railway line ......................................... 12
Discovering the Buda Castle
District with the Castle Bus .................. 14
Public Transport................................... 16

Getting into the city and

Airport Shuttle-Minibus ........................ 21
Airport Train Transfer ........................... 20

Sightseeing and Sights

Absolute Walking Tours ....................... 27
City Segway Tours ............................... 27
City Tour Hop on and Hop off .............. 29
Cityrama Bike Tour ........................... 36
Friendly Budapest Tours ...................... 36
Hop On Hop Off Rickshaw Service ..... 28
Hungarian National Gallery
Panorama Terrace .............................. 34
Legenda Sightseeing Cruises.............. 26
Mahart Sightseeing Cruises
on the Danube ..................................... 32
Matthias Church .................................. 34
Multigo Tours ....................................... 32
Multi-Walking-Tour Buda...................... 25
Multi-Walking-Tour Pest ....................... 24
Opera Tour........................................... 33
Programcentrum Budapest
Sightseeing .......................................... 30
Programcentrum Sightseeing
with Parliament Tour ............................ 31
Riverride .............................................. 31
St. Stephens Basilica .......................... 35
Synagogue .......................................... 35
Yellow Zebra Bicycle Tours & Rentals . 27

Baths and Wellness Centres

Aquaworld............................................ 38
Dagly Mineral Baths
and Swimming Pool ............................. 38
Kirly Bath ........................................... 39
Lukcs Bath ......................................... 39
Massage in Budapest Medicinal Baths... 42
Palatinus Strand .................................. 40
Rmai Swimming Pool ........................ 40
Rudas Medicinal Bath and Pool .......... 41

St. Gellrt Thermal Bath

and Swimming Pool ............................. 41
Szchenyi Spa and Swimming Pool .... 42

Experiences and special

Alexandra House of Books .................. 52
Botanical Garden ................................. 50
Buda Castle Labyrinth ......................... 53
Budapest Funfair ................................. 49
Cave Tours .......................................... 47
Childrens Railway ............................... 48
Family Cycles ...................................... 46
Hospital in the Rock............................. 45
Hungarian Railway History Park .......... 50
Hungarian State Circus ....................... 47
Margaret Island Athletics Centre ......... 46
Memento Park Statue Park .............. 44
Palace of Wonders
and House of Future ............................ 48
Pl-vlgy Cave .................................... 51
Szeml-hegy Cave .............................. 51
Tropicarium .......................................... 53
Zoo ..................................................... 49
Zwack Unicum Museum ...................... 52

Aquincum Museum .............................. 62
Arany Sas Pharmacy Museum ............ 62
Baths Museum..................................... 72
Bla Bartk Memorial House ............... 60
Bible Museum ...................................... 72
Budapest Exhibition Hall...................... 59
Budapest History Museum
Castle Museum................................. 56
Ernst Museum ..................................... 62
Exhibition House
of the Budapest Gallery ....................... 59
Exhibition of the History of Aviation ..... 63
Ferenc Hopp Museum ......................... 64
Ferenc Liszt Memorial Museum .......... 69
Ferihegy Aircraft Memorial Park .......... 63
Foundry Museum................................. 61
Geological Museum of Hungary .......... 70
Gyrgy Rth Museum.......................... 64
Heritage Gallery................................... 73
Holocaust Memorial Center ................. 60
House of Royal Wines
and Cellar Museum ............................. 69


House of Terror Museum ..................... 63

Hungarian House of Photography ....... 70
Hungarian Jewish Museum ................. 70
Hungarian Museum of Trade
and Tourism ......................................... 59
Hungarian National Gallery ................. 56
Hungarian National Museum ............... 56
Hungarian Natural History Museum .... 57
Hungarian Sport Museum.................... 72
Hungarian Transport Museum ............. 64
Imre Varga Collection .......................... 60
Invisible Exhibition ............................... 65
Kiscell Museum ................................... 66
Kossuth Museum Ship......................... 73
Ludwig Museum .................................. 57
Medieval Jewish Prayer House ........... 65
Miksa Rth Memorial House ............... 65
Millennium Underground Museum....... 71
Museum of Applied Arts ....................... 57
Museum of Electrotechnics ................. 61
Museum of Ethnography ..................... 58
Museum of Fine Arts............................ 58
Museum of Flags ................................. 66
Museum of Hungarian Agriculture ....... 58
Museum of Military History .................. 66
Museum of Textile
and Clothing Industry........................... 68
Museum of the Ambulance Service ..... 73
Nagyttny Castlemuseum ................. 67
Pl Molnr-C. Studio-Museum ............ 61
Palace of Art ........................................ 67
Police Museum .................................... 74
Semmelweis Museum
of Medical History ................................ 67
The House of Hungarian
Art Nouveau......................................... 71
jpest Butterfly Museum ..................... 68
Urban Public Transport Museum ......... 71
Vasarely Museum ................................ 69
Visitors Centre of the Central Bank
of Hungary ........................................... 74
Zoltn Kodly Memorial Museum ........ 68

15th Danube Carnival Gala ................. 79
Budapest Summer Festival ................. 76
Danube Concert & Cimbalom Show .... 78
LaserTheater at the Planetarium ......... 78
Merlin Theatre ..................................... 79
National Dance Theatre....................... 77

Organ Concerts ................................... 77

Rajk Orchestra and Folk Ensemble ... 79
Traf House of Contemporary Arts ... 79

Alcatraz Club & Restaurant ................. 93
Arany Hord Restaurant ...................... 92
Bagolyvr Restaurant .......................... 91
Bali Caffe ............................................. 93
Bar Ladino ........................................... 93
Bohmia Srz s tterem................ 90
Bonfini Restaurant ............................... 93
Brasserie Cellar Gerbeaud House.... 83
Champs Sport Pub .............................. 89
Columbus Ship Jazz Club ................... 87
Corso Restaurant ................................ 85
Gellrt Panorama Restaurant .............. 86
Gellrt Srz & Brasserie .................. 86
Gundel Restaurant .............................. 91
Karma Cafe & Restaurant ................... 90
Krptia Restaurant............................. 88
Manna Restaurant ............................... 88
Matthias Cellar Restaurant .................. 89
McKIWANS Sandwich bar .................. 93
Mirror Caf & Restaurant..................... 85
Molnars Krtskalcs ......................... 82
Peppers! Mediteranean Grill ................ 92
Sir Lancelot Medieval Restaurant........ 92
Trfea Grill ........................................... 92
VakVarj Restaurant ............................ 87
Vnhaj Restaurant ............................. 84
Ypsilon Caf and Restaurant ............... 92
Zskbamacska Restaurant .................. 93

Other services
Chartis Travel Accident Insurance ....... 97
Eclectick .............................................. 99
Ethnosound ......................................... 99
Health Guard Hungary......................... 98
Hungary Card ...................................... 96
Tourinform Internet-point ..................... 96
How to use your Budapest Card........ 100
Map 1................................................. 108
Map 2..................................................110
Map 3..................................................112


Vrosnzs a 2-es villamossal ............ 10
Vrosnzs a Kisfldalattival............... 12
A Budai Vr felfedezse Vrbusszal ... 14
Tmegkzlekeds Budapesten ........... 16

Bejuts a vrosba s Kzlekeds

Reptri Minibusz Transzfer .................. 21
Reptri transzfer vonattal .................... 20

Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk
Absolute Walking Tours ....................... 27
City Segway Tours ............................... 27
City Tour Budapest Hop On-Hop Off ... 29
Cityrama Biciklitra ........................... 36
Dohny utcai Zsinagga ...................... 35
Friendly Budapest Trk ..................... 36
Hop On Hop Off Riksa Vrosnzs ..... 28
Legenda Hajs Vrosnzs ................ 26
Magyar Nemzeti Galria Panorma
Terasz .................................................. 34
Mahart Passnave
Hajs Vrosnzsek......................... 32
Mtys templom .................................. 34
Multigo Tours ....................................... 32
Multi-Walking-Vrosnz tra Buda .... 25
Multi-Walking-Vrosnz tra Pest ..... 24
Operaltogats 33
Programcentrum Budapest
Vrosnzsek ...................................... 30
Programcentrum Budapest
Vrosnzs+Parlament ....................... 31
Riverride .............................................. 31
Szent Istvn Bazilika - Kupola Kilt ... 35
Yellow Zebra Bicycle Tours & Rentals .. 27

Gygyfrdk s Wellness
Aquaworld............................................ 38
Dagly Gygyfrd s Uszoda ............ 38
Kirly frd .......................................... 39
Lukcs Gygyfrd s Uszoda............ 39
Masszzs Budapest Gygyfrdiben ... 42
Palatinus Strandfrd .......................... 40
Rmai Strandfrd .............................. 40
Rudas Gygyfrd s Uszoda............. 41
Szchenyi Gygyfrd s Uszoda ...... 42
Szt. Gellrt Gygyfrd s Uszoda ..... 41

lmnyek s klnlegessgek
Alexandra Knyveshz ........................ 52
llatkert................................................ 49
Barlangtrk ........................................ 47
Botanikus Kert Fvszkert................ 50
Bringhint .......................................... 46
Budavri Labirintus .............................. 53
Csodk Palotja .................................. 48
Fvrosi Nagycirkusz .......................... 47
Gyermekvast ..................................... 48
Magyar Vasttrtneti Park ................. 50
Margitszigeti Atltikai Centrum ............ 46
Memento Park Szoborpark ............... 44
Pl-vlgyi-Barlang ............................... 51
Szeml-hegyi-Barlang ......................... 51
Sziklakrhz ........................................ 45
Tropicarium .......................................... 53
Vidmpark ........................................... 48
Zwack Mzeum s Ltogatkzpont ... 52

Aquincumi Mzeum ............................. 62
Arany Sas Patikamzeum ................... 62
Bartk Bla Emlkhz ......................... 60
Biblia Mzeum ..................................... 72
Budapest Galria Killthza ............. 59
Budapest Killtterem ........................ 59
Budapesti Trtneti Mzeum
Vrmzeum ......................................... 56
Elektrotechnikai Mzeum .................... 61
Ernst Mzeum ..................................... 62
Ferihegyi Replgp Emlkpark ......... 63
Fldalatti Vasti Mzeum .................... 71
Fvrosi Kptr Kiscelli Muzeum ..... 66
Frd Mzeum .................................... 72
HM Hadtrtneti Intzet s Mzeum ... 67
Holokauszt Emlkkzpont ................... 60
Hopp Ferenc Kelet-zsiai Mvszeti
Mzeum ............................................... 64
Iparmvszeti Mzeum ....................... 57
Kirlyi Borhz s Pincemzeum .......... 69
Kodly Zoltn Emlkmzeum .............. 68
Kossuth mzeumhaj .......................... 73
Kzpkori Zsid Imahz ...................... 65
Lthatatlan Killts ............................. 65
Liszt Ferenc Emlkmzeum ................ 69
Ludwig Mzeum .................................. 57
Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza ................. 70


Magyar Kereskedelmi s
Vendgltipari Mzeum ..................... 59
Magyar Mezgazdasgi Mzeum........ 58
Magyar Mszaki s Kzlekedsi
Mzeum ............................................... 64
Magyar Mszaki s Kzlekedsi
Mzeum Replstrtneti
s rhajzsi Killts ......................... 63
Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum.................... 56
Magyar Sportmzeum ......................... 72
Magyar Szecesszi Hza .................... 71
Magyar Termszettudomnyi Mzeum .. 57
Magyar Zsid Mzeum ........................ 70
Mentmuzeum ..................................... 73
MNB Ltogatkzpont ......................... 74
Molnr-C. Pl Mterem-Mzeum ........ 61
Mcsarnok ........................................... 67
Nagyttnyi Kastlymzeum ............... 67
Nemzeti Galria ................................... 56
Nprajzi Mzeum................................. 58
Orszgos Fldtani Mzeum................. 70
ntdei Mzeum ................................. 61
rksg Galria .................................. 73
Rth Gyrgy Mzeum.......................... 64
Rendrsg-trtneti Mzeum .............. 74
Rth Miksa Emlkhz .......................... 65
Semmelweis Orvostrtneti Mzeum ... 67
Szpmvszeti Mzeum ..................... 58
Terror Hza Mzeum ........................... 63
Textil s Textilruhzati Ipartrtneti
Mzeum ............................................... 68
jpesti Lepkemzeum ......................... 68
Varga Imre Gyjtemny ....................... 60
Vrosi Tmegkzlekedsi Mzeum..... 71
Vasarely Mzeum ................................ 69
Zszlmzeum .................................... 66

15. Dunakarnevl ................................ 79
Budapesti Nyri Fesztivl .................... 76
Duna Koncert & Cimbalom Show ........ 78
LzerSznhz a Planetriumban ......... 78
Merlin sznhz ..................................... 79
Nemzeti Tncsznhz .......................... 77
Orgonakoncert ..................................... 77
Rajk Zenekar s Npi Egyttes ......... 79
Traf kortrs mvszetek hza ......... 79

Alcatraz Club & Restaurant ................. 93
Arany Hord Restaurant ...................... 92
Bagolyvr tterem ............................... 91
Bali Caffe ............................................. 93
Bar Ladino ........................................... 93
Bohmia Srz s tterem................ 90
Bonfini tterem .................................... 93
Champs Sport Pub .............................. 89
Columbus Haj Jazz Club ................... 87
Corso tterem ..................................... 85
Gellrt Panorma tterem ................... 86
Gellrt Srz & Brasserie .................. 86
Gundel tterem ................................... 91
Karma Cafe & Restaurant ................... 90
Krptia tterem s Srz ................ 88
Manna tterem .................................... 88
Mtys Pince tterem ......................... 89
McKIWANS sandwich bar ................... 93
Mirror Caf & Restaurant..................... 85
Molnrs Krtskalcs ......................... 82
Peppers! Mediteranean Grill ................ 92
Sir Lancelot Kzpkori tterem ........... 92
Srhzpince Gerbeaud Hz ............. 83
Trfea Grill ........................................... 92
VakVarj tterem ................................. 87
Vnhaj tterem .................................. 84
Ypsilon Caf and Restaurant ............... 92
Zskbamacska tterem ....................... 93

Egyb szolgltatsok
Chartis Utazsi balesetbiztosts ........ 97
Eclectick .............................................. 99
Ethnosound ......................................... 99
Health Guard Hungary......................... 98
Magyar Turizmus Krtya...................... 96
Tourinform Internetpont ....................... 96

A Budapest Krtya hasznlata .......... 100

Map 1................................................. 108
Map 2..................................................110
Map 3..................................................112


Stadtbesichtigung mit Strassenbahn 2 10
Stadtbesichtigung mit Millenium
U-Bahn ................................................ 12
Budaer Burg mit Bus 16 ...................... 14
ffentliche Verkehrsmitteln
in Budapest.......................................... 16

Transfer in die Stadt und Verkehr

AirportShuttle-Minibus ......................... 21
Flughafen-Zugtransfer ......................... 20

Stadttouren und
Absolute Walking Tours ....................... 27
City Segway Tours ............................... 27
City Tour Budapest Hop On-Hop Off ... 29
Cityrama Bike Tour ........................... 36
Friendly Budapest Touren.................... 36
Hop On Hop Off Rickshaw Service ..... 28
Legenda Schiffrundfahrt am Donau..... 26
Mahart Passnave
Schiffrundfahrt am Donau................. 32
Matthiaskirche ..................................... 34
Multigo Tours ....................................... 32
Multi-Walking-Tour Buda...................... 25
Multi-Walking-Tour Pest ....................... 24
Opernhaus Tour ................................... 33
Programcentrum Budapest
Stadtrundfahrt ...................................... 30
Stadtrundfahrt+Parlament ................... 31
Riverride .............................................. 31
Rundblick der St. Stefan Basilika ........ 35
Synagoge Dohnystrae ..................... 35
Ungarische Nationalgalerie,
Panorama-Terrasse ............................. 34
Yellow Zebra Bicycle Tours & Rentals ... 27

Heilbder und Wellness

Aquaworld............................................ 38
Heil- und Schwimmbad Rudas ............ 41
Heil- und Schwimmbad St. Gellrt....... 41
Heil- und Schwimmbad Szchenyi ...... 42
Heil- und Strandbad Dagly ................ 38
Kirly-Bad ............................................ 39
Lukcs-Bad.......................................... 39
Massage in den Budapester
Thermalbdern .................................... 42
Palatinus Freibad................................. 40
Strandbad Rmai................................. 40

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten

Alexandra Bcherhaus ........................ 52
Botanischer Garten.............................. 50
Buda Castle Labyrinth ......................... 53
Cave tours ........................................... 47
Felsenspital ......................................... 45
Hauptstdtischer Grozirkus ............... 47
Kindereisenbahn.................................. 48
Leichtathletikzentrum auf der
Margareteninsel ................................... 46
Memento Park Statuenpark .............. 44
Palast der Wunder ............................... 48
Pl-vlgyi-Hhle .................................. 51
Park fr Eisenbahngeschichte ............. 50
Szeml-hegyi-Hhle ............................ 51
Tiergarten ............................................ 49
Tretkutschen ........................................ 46
Tropicarium .......................................... 53
Vergngungspark ................................ 48
Zwack Unicum Besucherzentrum
und Museum ........................................ 52

Apothekenmuseum zum
Goldenen Adler .................................... 62
Aquincum Museum .............................. 62
Atelier-Museum Pl Molnr-C. ............ 61
Ausstellung ber die Geschichte
des Fliegens und der Raumfahrt ......... 63
Ausstellungshaus der
Budapest Galerie ................................. 59
Ausstellungssaal Budapest ................. 59
Bla Bartk Gedenkhaus..................... 60
Besucherzentrum der Ungarischen
Nationalbank........................................ 74
Bibelmuseum ....................................... 72
Budapester Historisches Museum
Burgmuseum ....................................... 56
Elektrotechnisches Museum................ 61
Erbschaftsgalerie ................................. 73
Ernst-Museum ..................................... 62
Ethnographisches Museum ................. 58
Ferenc Hopp Museum fr
Ostasiatische Kunst ............................. 64
Flaggenmuseum .................................. 66
Flugzeug-Gedenkpark Ferihegy .......... 63
Franz-Liszt-Gedenkmuseum ............... 69
Geologisches Museum ........................ 70
Giesserei-museum .............................. 61
Gyrgy Rth Museum.......................... 64
Hauptstdtische Galerie
Kiscell Museum ................................ 66


Haus der Ungarischen Fotografie........ 70

Haus der Ungarischen Sezession ....... 71
Holocaust-Gedenkzentrum .................. 60
Institut und Museum fr
Militrgeschichte des Ministeriums
fr Verteidigung ................................... 67
Invisible Exhibition ............................... 65
Kossuth-Museumsschiff ...................... 73
Knigliches Weinhaus und
Kellermuseum...................................... 69
Kunsthalle (Mcsarnok) ....................... 67
Ludwig Museum .................................. 57
Miksa Rth Gedenkmuseum ............... 65
Millennium U-Bahn Museum ............... 71
Mittelalterliches Jdisches
Gebetshaus ......................................... 65
Museum der Bildenden Knste ........... 58
Museum des Rettungsdienstes ........... 73
Museum fr angewandte Kunst ........... 57
Museum fr Landwirtschaft ................. 58
Museum fr ffentlichen
Verkehrsmitteln .................................... 71
Museum fr Polizeigeschichte ............. 74
Museum Haus des Terrors .................. 63
Rmisches Badmuseum...................... 72
Sammlung Imre Varga ......................... 60
Schlossmuseum Nagyttny ............... 67
Schmetterlingmuseum in jpest .......... 68
Semmelweis Museum fr
Medizingeschichte ............................... 67
Textil und
Bbekleidungsgewerbemuseum ........... 68
Ungarische Nationalgalerie ................. 56
Ungarisches Handels- und
Gastgewerbemuseum ......................... 59
Ungarisches Jdisches Museum ......... 70
Ungarisches Nationalmuseum............. 56
Ungarisches Naturwissenschaftliches
Museum ............................................... 57
Ungarisches Sportmuseum ................. 72
Vasarely-Museum ................................ 69
Verkehrsmuseum................................. 64
Zoltn-Kodly-Gedenkmuseum ........... 68

15th Danube Carnival gala .................. 79
Budapester Sommerfestival ................ 76
Donau Konzert mit Cymbalom Show... 78
LaserTheater im Planetarium .............. 78
Merlin Theater ..................................... 79
Nationales Tanztheater ........................ 77

Orgelkonzerte ...................................... 77
Rajk Orchester und Volkensemble .... 79
TrafHouse of Contemporary Arts ..... 79

Alcatraz Club & Restaurant ................. 93
Arany Hord restaurant ....................... 92
Bali Caffe ............................................. 93
Bar Ladino ........................................... 93
Bohmia Bierstube & Restaurant ........ 90
Bonfini Restaurant ............................... 93
Brauhauskeller Gerbeaud-Haus ....... 83
Champs Sport Pub .............................. 89
Die Eulenburg ...................................... 91
Gellrt Bierstube & Brasserie .............. 86
Gellrt Panoramarestaurant ................ 86
Gundel Restaurant .............................. 91
Karma Cafe & Restaurant ................... 90
Krptia Restaurant und Bierstube ..... 88
Manna Restaurant ............................... 88
McKIWANS sandwich bar ................... 93
Mirror Caf & Restaurant..................... 85
Molnrs krtskalcs .......................... 82
Peppers! Mediteranean Grill ................ 92
Restaurant Corso ................................ 85
Restaurant Matthiaskeller .................... 89
Restaurant Vnhaj ............................. 84
Schiff Columbus Jazz Club.................. 87
Sir Lancelot Medieval Restaurant........ 92
Trfea Grill ........................................... 92
VakVarj Restaurant ............................ 87
Ypsilon Caf and Restaurant ............... 92
Zskbamacska restaurant ................... 93

Weitere Dienstleistungen
Chartis Reiseunfallsversicherung ........ 97
Eclectick .............................................. 99
Ethnosound ......................................... 99
Health Guard Hungary......................... 98
Tourinform Internetpunkt...................... 96
Ungarn Karte ....................................... 96

Die Nutzung der Budapest Karte ....... 101

Map 1................................................. 108
Map 2..................................................110
Map 3..................................................112


Sightseeing with tram number 2 .......... 10
Along the Millennium Underground
Railway line ......................................... 12
Discovering the Buda Castle
District with the Castle Bus .................. 14
Transporti Pubblici (BKV) .................... 16
Come arrivare in citt e Trasporti
Airport Shuttle-Minibus ........................ 21
Aeroporto Terminal 1
Stazione Nyugati .............................. 20
Tours e Curiosit
Absolute Walking Tours ....................... 27
Chiesa di Mattia ................................... 34
City Segway Tours ............................... 27
City Tour Budapest Hop On-Hop Off ... 29
Cityrama Bike Tour ........................... 36
Friendly Budapest Tours ...................... 36
Hop On Hop Off Rickshaw Service ..... 28
La Sinagoga di via Dohny.................. 35
Legenda Giro in Batello sul Danubio ... 26
Mahart Passnave Giro in Batello
sul Danubio.......................................... 32
Multigo Tours ....................................... 32
Multi-Walking-Tour Buda...................... 25
Multi-Walking-Tour Pest ....................... 24
Opera Tour........................................... 33
Panorama dalla Basilica di St. Stefano .. 35
Programcentrum Budapest Visita
della Citta............................................. 30
Programcentrum Visita della Citta
+ Parlamento ....................................... 31
Riverride .............................................. 31
Terrazza Panoramica della Galleria
Nazionale Ungherese .......................... 34
Yellow Zebra Bicycle Tours & Rentals .. 27

Bagni termali e Wellness

Aquaworld............................................ 38
Bagno Kirly ........................................ 39
Bagno Lukcs ...................................... 39
Bagno termale e Piscina Dagly ......... 38
Bagno termale e Piscina Rudas .......... 41
Bagno Termale e Piscina Szchenyi ... 42
Massaggio nei bagni termali
di Budapest.......................................... 42
Piscina allaperto Rmai ...................... 40
Piscina e Terme St. Gellrt .................. 41
Piscina Palatinus ................................. 40

Avventure e specialit
Buda Castle Labyrinth ......................... 53
Casa del libro Alexandra...................... 52
Cave tours ........................................... 47
Giardino Botanico ................................ 50
Gran Circo equestre della Capitale ..... 47
Grotta di Pl-vlgy ............................... 51
Grotta di Szeml-hegy ......................... 51
Il Centro Atletico di Margitsziget .......... 46
Il trenino dei Bambini ........................... 48
Lunapark.............................................. 49
Memento Park Parco di Statue......... 44
Museo Zwack e Centro di Visite .......... 52
Ospedale nella Roccia......................... 45
Palazzo delle Meraviglie ...................... 48
Parco Commemorativo delle
Ferrovie Ungheresi .............................. 50
Pedali, biciclette................................... 46
Tropicarium .......................................... 53
Zoo ..................................................... 49

Battello museo Kossuth ....................... 73
Casa commemorativa Miksa Rth....... 65
Casa dEsposizione della Galleria
Budapest ............................................. 59
Casa della Secessione ungherese ...... 71
Casa di Bla Bartk ............................. 60
Centro visitatori della
Banca Nazionale Ungherese ............... 74
Collezione Imre Varga ......................... 60
Enoteca Reale e Museo delle Cantine... 69
Esposizione invisibile........................... 65
Galleria dArte (Mcsarnok) ................. 67
Galleria del Patrimonio Culturale ......... 73
Galleria Nazionale Ungherese............. 56
Il Centro Commemorativo
dellOlocausto ...................................... 60
Il Museo Storico-artigiano ai Tessili
ed Abbiglimenti .................................... 68
Istituto e Museo di Storia Militare
del Ministero della Difesa .................... 67
La Casa dei Fotografi Ungheresi ......... 70
Millennium Underground Museum....... 71
Mostra di aviazione e astronautica ...... 63
Musei Bagno........................................ 72
Museo Aquincum ................................. 62
Museo commemorativo
di Ferenc Liszt ..................................... 69
Museo Commemorativo
Zoltn Kodly....................................... 68


Museo dArte dellAsia Orientale

Ferenc Hopp ........................................ 64
Museo dei Transporti ........................... 64
Museo dellAgricoltura ......................... 58
Museo dellAmbulanza ........................ 73
Museo della Bibbia .............................. 72
Museo della Casa del Terrore.............. 63
Museo della Farmacia Arany Sas ........ 62
Museo della Polizia.............................. 74
Museo delle Arti Applicate ................... 57
Museo delle Bandiere .......................... 66
Museo dello Sport dUngheria ............. 72
Museo di Belle Arti ............................... 58
Museo di Castello di Nagyttny ......... 67
Museo di Fonderia ............................... 61
Museo di Storia della Medicina
Semmelweis ........................................ 67
Museo Ebraico Ungherese .................. 70
Museo Elettrotecnico ........................... 61
Museo Ernst ........................................ 62
Museo Etnografico............................... 58
Museo Farfalle di jpest ...................... 68
Museo Geologico Ungherese .............. 70
Museo Gyrgy Rth............................. 64
Museo Ludwig ..................................... 57
Museo Nazionale Ungherese .............. 56
Museo Storico di Budapest
Museo del Castello ........................... 56
Museo Trasporto Pubblico ................... 71
Museo Ungherese del Commercio
e del settore della Ristorazione ........... 59
Museo Ungherese delle Scienze
Naturali ................................................ 57
Museo Vasarely ................................... 69
Museo-studio di Pl Molnr-C. ............ 61
Parco Commemorativo
Aerei Ferihegy ..................................... 63
Pinacoteca Municipale
Museo di Kiscell................................ 66
Sala desposizione Budapest .............. 59
Sinagoga Medievale ............................ 65

15th Danube Carnival Gala ................. 79
Concerti di organo ............................... 77
Concerto Duna .................................... 78
Festival dellestate di Budapest ........... 76
Merlin Theatre ..................................... 79
Orchestra e Gruppo Folcloritistico
Rajk ................................................... 79
Teatro laser al Planetario ..................... 78

Teatro Nazionale di Danza .................. 77

Traf House of Contemporary Arts ... 79

Alcatraz Club & Restaurant ................. 93
Arany Hord Restaurant ...................... 92
Bali Caffe ............................................. 93
Bar Ladino ........................................... 93
Battello Columbus Jazz Club............... 87
Birreria Gellrt & Brasserie .................. 86
Champs Sport Pub .............................. 89
Karma Cafe & Restaurant ................... 90
La Bagolyvr........................................ 91
McKIWANS sandwich bar ................... 93
Mirror Caf & Restaurant..................... 85
Molnrs Krtskalcs ......................... 82
Peppers! Mediteranean Grill ................ 92
Ristorante Bohmia ............................. 90
Ristorante Bonfini ................................ 93
Ristorante Corso.................................. 85
Ristorante e Birreria Krptia .............. 88
Ristorante Gellrt Panorma ............... 86
Ristorante Gundel................................ 91
Ristorante Manna ................................ 88
Ristorante Mtys Pince...................... 89
Ristorante VakVarj ............................. 87
Ristorante Vnhaj .............................. 84
Ristorante Zskbamacska ................... 93
Sir Lancelot Medieval Restaurant........ 92
Srhzpince Casa Gerbeaud ........... 83
Trfea Grill ........................................... 92
Ypsilon Caf and Restaurant ............... 92

Altri servizi
Carta Turismo Ungherese ................... 96
Chartis Assicurazione per il viaggio
contro incidenti .................................... 98
Eclectick .............................................. 99
Ethnosound ......................................... 99
Health Guard Hungary......................... 98
Punto Internet Tourinform .................... 96

L uso della Carta Budapest ............... 102

Map 1................................................. 108
Map 2..................................................110
Map 3..................................................112


Sightseeing with the Budapest Card



There are not many tram rides where it is possible to see all the best tourist
attractions for the price of just a single ticket or for free with Budapest Card. In
Budapest, though, a ride on the number 2 tram is just such.
Circulating all along the Danube bend, from this famous tram line you can
admire numerous tourist attractions of Budapest, including the Unesco World
Heritage site.
Tip! There are interesting sights both to the left and right of the trams
progress, but the best place to sit is on the side nearest the River

Jszai Mari tr

Szalay utca

Lajos tr

Roosevelt tr

On the right is the

neogothic Parliament building one
of the most beautiful
and most known architectural beauty of
the capital. On the
left the former Palace of Justice, now the Museum of Ethnography.
Budapest Card discount at: Museum of Ethnography
On the left hand
side is the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, and to
the right the Chain
Bridge and the
whole panorama of
Buda. As the tram sets off again, catch a glimpse of the
fascinating Art Nouveau Gresham Hotel on the left.
Budapest Card discount at: Folk dance show at Duna Palace

Tram number 2
The pedestrianised
embankment known
as the Korz, is a traditional favourite for
a gentle promenade.
The former Royal Palace, which dominates
the skyline on the
Buda side, was never the permanent home of Hungarian
royalty, although the Habsburg kings would often stay here.
Budapest Card discount at: Vnhaj Restaurant/Kossuth
Museum Ship
The main building
on the square is a
famous concert hall
and ballroom. On
the right is a succession of floating
clubs. Plus we still
have an outstanding view of the Buda panorama.
Budapest Card discount at: Legenda sightseeing cruises

Etvs tr

Vigad tr

Mrcius 15. tr

Fvm tr

here for
much-to-berecommended visit
to the Central Market Hall. Cross the
newly lighted Liberty
Bridge for a nice
relaxation at the famous Gellrt Baths.
discount at: National Museum
The liqueur factory
on the left hand side
is a venerable Budapest institution.
The bridge whose
red support columns are now coming into view is the
Lgymnyosi Bridge.
Budapest Card discount at: Zwack Visitor Centre
On the right is the
new National Theatre and the popular Palace of Arts
buildings. The latter
contains a concert
hall and theatre, as
well as the Ludwig
Museum of Contemporary Art.
Budapest Card discount at: Ludwig Museum

Zsil utca

Borros tr

Haller utca





Sightseeing with the Budapest Card



The Millennium Underground Railway was the first underground line

on the Continent and is now part of the World Heritage. To celebrate the
one thousandth anniversary of the original Hungarian settlement, in 1896
celebrations and exhibitions were held all over the country. To commemorate the
date, the underground railway line was constructed under the longest avenue
in Budapest (Andrssy t). As an electric railway it was unique compared to the
steam engines used elsewhere.
Tip! The most remarkable sights on the Pest side are within easy access
of the metro stations.


With its legendary Gerbeaud

and Caf, this square is
regarded as the genuine
centre of Pest life. The
square connects the Danube Promenade to Vci
utca, the most beautiful pedestrian street in Budapest.
Budapest Card discount at: Gerbeaud Brasserie Cellar,
Columbus Ship Jazz Club

Dek Ferenc

This junction is one of the

central squares in the city
centre. The area is full of
pedestrian precincts, cafs,
hotels and restaurants. The
Millennium Underground
Railway Museum is located
in the metro station.
Budapest Card discount
at: Multi-Walking-Tour Pest (for free)

Millennium Underground Railway line

Nearby there is St.
Stephens Basilica,
bearing the name of
the king who established the Hungarian
Budapest Card discount at: Panoramic
view from Basilica

BajcsyZsilinszky t

At this underground
station you will find
one of the most
significant 19th century buildings in the
capital, the especially
Baroque and Renaissance features.
Budapest Card discount at: Opera building tour

The square
is named after the
corners of the palaces
forming an octagon.
The Ferenc Liszt
Square is only a few
steps away, where a
large number of restaurants and cafs await tourists wishing to take a rest.
Budapest Card discount at: Karma Caf, Bohemia Restaurant
The most spacious
square in Budapest,
where you can see
the Millennium Monument built in honour
of the original Hungarian
Nearby, there is the
romantically beautiful Vajdahunyad Castle.
Budapest Card discount at: Art Gallery, Museum of Fine
One of the largest
and most spectacular
bath complexes in
Europe located at the
heart of the City Park.
Across from it, you
can visit the Budapest Zoo & Botanical
Budapest Card discount at: Szchenyi Baths, Zoo, Funfair, Hungarian State Circus




Bajza utca

Hsk tere


Mexiki t



Sightseeing with the Budapest Card



Bus routes 16A and 116 run between Dsz Square and Moszkva Square,
while the no. 16 bus runs between Dek Ferenc Square and Moszkva Square
through the Buda Castle District. Residents of Budapest also call these routes
castle buses.
Hint! Enjoy the view from the Fishermens Bastion in the evening hours,
from where you can see the beautiful illuminated Budapest.


Dek Ferenc

Hild tr

Roosevelt tr

The Lutheran church,

which strongly determines
the atmosphere of the
square, is characterised
by the noble simplicity of
early classicism. It has
excellent acoustics, so
evening organ concerts
are organised here quite
frequently. From here, the
new shopping street, the
Fashion Street and Vci Street are just a few steps away.
Budapest Card discount at: Sightseeing by bus
The Gresham palace
was built in 1907 on behalf
of the Gresham Insurance
Company in London, in
Art Nouveau style. After
a comprehensive restoration, the palace functions
nowadays as the Four
Seasons Hotel with guests from all over the world.
Budapest Card discount at: Duna Palace, Rajk Orchestra and Folk Ensemble

Castle Bus
The funicular railway
takes passengers from
the Chain Bridge to
Buda Castle. Stepping
out from the funicular,
there is the impressive
building of the Sndor
palace, the headquarters of the Offices of the President of the
Republic and a neo-baroque wrought-iron gate with a sculpture
of the Hungarian national bird, the turul. Budapest Card discount at: Hungarian National Gallery, National Dance Theatre
Dsz Square is the
Southern gate of the
citizens quarter of
the Buda Castle district. The name of the
square comes from the
parades (in Hungarian: dszfelvonuls),
which were held by the military command, the headquarters
of which were here after 1686.
Budapest Card discount at: Arany Hord Restaurant

Clark dm tr

Donti utca

Dsz tr
Square is the main
square of the Castle
District. Several historic buildings and
monuments can be
found here: the Buda
City Hall, the Fishermens Bastion, the Mathias Church and the Hungarian Culture Foundation.
Budapest Card discount at: Mathias Church
From here, the
Museum of Military
History is just a few
steps away, introducing Hungarian military
history through displays of collections of
several hundred thousands of arms, uniforms, coins, flags and other artefacts.
Budapest Card discount at: Museum of Military History
To can be found
near the square is
the Heart of Jesus
Church of Vrosmajor, an extraordinary
piece of Hungarian
church architecture
and an excellent example of the Bauhaus style, which was
characteristic of the period between the two world wars. The
upper part of the bell tower consists of aerial cubicles, which
can also be well seen from Moszkva Square.
Budapest Card discount at: Budapest Summer Festival
Vrosmajor Open Air Stage


Bcsi kapu

Ostrom utca

Moszkva tr



Free public transport Ingyenes tmegkzlekeds


W a valid Budapest Card you can travel
without restrictions on all lines of the BKV
including trams, trolleybuses, the Millennium
Underground Railway, metro lines, the
cogwheel railway and buses (on the whole
length of the lines), and suburban railway
within the administrative boundaries of
In addition to the Millennium Underground
Railway there are two underground lines
crossing the city in N-S (blue line) and E-W
(red line) direction. The cogwheel railway line,
which can be rarely seen in big cities, operates
useful information,
in Buda, and takes travellers up to the Szchenyi Hill, where
timetables, fares and
its Gyermekvast terminus is located. And even when the
route planner:
city goes to sleep, life goes on. A network of over 30 night
bus lines covers the whole city, offering the opportunity of
i ht ttransportation
t ti ffor nearly
l free for those with a valid card.
The easiest way to get to Ferihegy 1 or 2 is to take the M3 underground line at Dek
Square, and change to bus number 200E at Kbnya-Kispest.
BKV Zrt. wishes you a pleasant journey!
Do not forget to visit our museums! Underground Railway Museum and Urban
Public Transport Museum. More information in the Museums section.


A Budapest Krtya rvnyessgi ideje alatt
korltlanul utazhat a BKV Zrt. jratain; villamoson, trolibuszon, metrn, kisfldalattin,
ffogaskerekn, autbuszon (teljes vonalon),
vvalamint a HV-en Budapest kzigazgatsi
Budapesten, a fldalattin kvl mg kt metrvonal zemel, melyek a vrost -D-i (kk
metr) s K-Ny-i (piros metr) irnyban szelik
t. Ritkasgszmba megy a nagyvrosokban
a ffogaskerek,
a Gyermekvast vgllomshoz kak k amely
l Budn
B d a S
h ih
paszkodik fel. S amikor a vros elcsendesedik, akkor sem ll meg az let: tbb mint 30
jszakai autbuszjrat hlzza be egsz Budapestet, melyeken szintn trtsmentesen
utazhatnak az rvnyes krtyval rendelkezk.
Ferihegy 1-es s 2-es terminlt a belvrosbl a Dek tren a M3-as metrra felszllva,
majd Kbnya-kispesti vgllomson a 200E
BKV buszra tszllva rhetik el a legegyszerbben.
J utazst kvn a BKV Zrt.
Ltogasson el mzeumainkba is! Fldalatti
Vasti Mzeum s Vrosi Tmegkzlekedsi
Mzeum. Bvebb informci a Mzeumok

Free public transport Ingyenes tmegkzlekeds


Die Budapest Karte gewhrt Ihnen whrend
ihrer Gltigkeit kostenlose Fahrten in unbegrenzter Anzahl in den ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von BKV Zrt., d. h. in Straenbahnen,
Obussen, Autobussen, in der Metro, MilleniumU-Bahn und Zahnradbahn (auf der gesamten
Linie), sowie in der Vorortbahn HV bis zur
Stadtgrenze von Budapest.
Auer der Millenium-U-Bahn existieren noch
zwei Metrolinien in Budapest, sie verbinden
die Stadt in nrdlich-sdlicher Richtung (blaue
Linie) und in stlich-westlicher Richtung (rote
Linie). Eine Raritt im Grostadtverkehr ist die Zahnradbahn, die ihre Fahrgste in Buda
auf den Szchenyi Berg zur Endstation der Kindereisenbahn bringt. Wenn die Stadt still
wird, bleibt das Leben noch nicht stehen, mehr als 30 Nachtbusse durchziehen ganz
Budapest und knnen von Inhabern von gltigen Budapest-Karten kostenlos in Anspruch
genommen werden.
Die Flughafenterminals Ferihegy 1 und 2 knnen aus der Innenstadt vom Dek Ferenc
Platz mit der UBahn-Linie M3 mit der Fahrt bis zur Endstation Kbnya-Kispest und mit
Umsteigen in den Bus Nr. 200E am einfachsten erreicht werden.
Die BKV Zrt. wnscht Ihnen eine angenehme Fahrt.
Besuchen Sie auch unsere Museen! Das Museum der Untergrundbahn und Museum fr
ffentlichen Stadtverkehr. Weitere Informationen finden Sie im Kapitel fr Museen.


Durante il periodo di validit della Carta Budapest si
ha diritto di viaggiare sulle linee della BKV Zrt. nei seguenti mezzi di trasporto: tram, filobus, metropolitana,
fferrovia a cremagliera e autobus (sullintero tratto),
mentre nei treni dellHV fino ai confini amministrativi
di Budapest.
A Budapest, oltre alla linea gialla ci sono altre due
linee di metropolitana: quella blu attraversa la citt in
direzione Nord-Sud, mentre quella rossa in direzione
Est-Ovest. E considerata una vera rarit nelle citt
che a Buda sale sul monte Szchenyi, arrivando fino al
grandi la ferro
ia a cremagliera ch
capolinea della Ferrovia dei Bambini. La vita non si ferma neanche quando la citt torna
tranquilla: pi di 30 linee notturne coprono tutto il territorio di Budapest, gratuitamente
utilizzabili dai titolari delle carte valide.
Partendo dal centro citt, il modo pi semplice per raggiungere i terminali Ferihegy
gy 1 e
2, quello di prendere la linea di metropolitana M3 in piazza Dek fino al
capolinea di Kbnya-Kispest e l prendere lautobus n.
200E della BKV Zrt.
La BKV Zrt. Vi augura buon viaggio.
Visitate anche i nostri musei! Museo della Ferrovia
Metropolitana e Museo del Trasporto Pubblico. Per
ulteriori informazioni consultare il capitolo Musei.



Getting into the city Bejuts a vrosba


Transfer in die Stadt Come arrivare in citt

Getting into
the city
hether you arrive to Budapest by plane or train,
the Budapest Card will
help you to get to the city centre and to reach the best places
and sights easily with free public
transport, reduced airport transfer and rent-a-car prices.


Getting into the city Bejuts a vrosba


EN In 2010 you are still entitled to

Ferihegy, Terminl 1
Nyugati Plyaudvar
Phone: 06-40-49-49-49
1 Map3 E6

a 20% discount on single and return

In addition, there is no
surcharge on InterCity trains. From
Terminal 1 at Ferihegy Airport you can
get to the Western Station in the heart
of the city without having to change.
You can buy your direct discount
return tickets for the full journey in
first or second class carriages at the
Tourinform counter of Terminal 1 and
in the ticket offices of MV-START.
By showing the Card, you can use
InterCity trains without additional
However Budapest
Budape Card users have no reserved seats:
fees. However,
they occupy the seats left free.

HU Vonattal Ferihegy 1. s Nyugati plyaudvar kztt.

2010-ben is 20% kedvezmny a retr s az egyti utazsokra is! Radsul az InterCity jratok is ptjegy nlkl ignybe
vehetk! A Ferihegyi repltr 1-es terminljrl tszlls nlkl juthat be vonattal a vros
szvben lv Nyugati plyaudvarra. Kedvezmnyesen vlthat menetjegyet a teljes szakaszra, mindkt irnyba megszakts nlkli utazshoz, 1. s 2. osztlyra egyarnt az 1-es terminl Tourinform pultjnl, valamint a MV-START Zrt. pnztraiban. Az InterCity vonatok is
ignybe vehetk a fenti viszonylaton ptjegy vsrlsa nlkl a krtya felmutatsval, azonban a Budapest Krtyval rendelkez utasok csak a szabad lhelyeket foglalhatjk el.

DE Flughafen-Zugtransfer Terminal 1 Westbahnhof. 20% Ermigung auf einfache

Fahrten sowie Hin- und Rckfahrten auch im Jahr 2010! InterCity-Zge knnen Sie ebenfalls
ohne IC-Zuschlag in Anspruch nehmen! Vom Terminal 1 des Flughafens Ferihegy knnen
Sie ohne Umstieg zum Westbahnhof im Herzen der Stadt gelangen. Fr Fahrten ohne
Unterbrechung in beide Richtungen sind am Tourinform-Schalter und bei den MV-START
Fahrkartenschaltern ermigte Fahrkarten erster und zweiter Klasse erhltlich. Auf Vorlage
der Budapest Card drfen auch InterCity-Zge ohne IC-Zuschlag in Anspruch genommen
werden. Passagiere mit Budapest Card drfen allerdings nur freie Sitzpltze einnehmen.

IT Aeroporto Terminal 1 Stazione Nyugati. Uno sconto del 20% anche nel 2010

per i viaggi andata e ritorno e di sola andata! In pi si possono utilizzare anche le linee
InterCity senza biglietto supplementare! Dal terminale 1 dellaeroporto di Ferihegy potr
arrivare in treno direttamente alla Stazione Nyugati situata nel cuore della citt. I biglietti
con sconto per lintero percorso senza interruzione per tutte le due direzioni in classe 1 e
2 si possono comprare al banco del Tourinform del Terminale 1 e nelle casse della MAVSTART Zrt. Esibendo il Budapest Card si pu salire anche sui treni InterCity senza biglietto
di supplemento, ma i viaggiatori in questo caso possono occupare solo i posti liberi.
Ferihegy Tourist information


Transfer in die Stadt Come arrivare in citt

EN Highly experienced professional drivers with above average
knowledge of the city and a nonstop call center are at passengers
disposal, as well as air-conditioned vehicles equipped with
GPS fleet monitoring systems
and free Hungary program booklets on board. The service is available nationwide through its online
reservation system. Besides the
national service, every day there
are four shuttles to Kosice and
Bratislava and another three to
Schwechat Airport.
Budapest Card holders are entiPhone: 36-1 296-8555
tled to a 10% discount on transfer
between the Airport any location in Budapest.
2 Map3 E6
HU AirportShuttle-Minibusz. Professzionlis, nagy gyakorlattal s tlagon felli vrosismerettel rendelkez gpkocsivezetk, non-stop call center az utazk szolglatban. GPS flottakvet rendszerrel
irnytott klmatizlt jrmvek, a fedlzeten ingyenes Magyarorszg programfzet. A szolgltats orszgszerte elrhet, online foglalsi rendszeren keresztl. Napi ngy jrat kzlekedik
Kassa, Pozsony s hrom Schwechat irnyba is.
A repltr s Budapest brmely pontja kztti transzfer rbl 10% kedvezmny a Budapest
Krtya tulajdonosoknak.
DE AirportShuttle-Minibus. Professionelle und hchst erfahrene Fahrer mit berdurchschnittlichen Stadtkenntnissen. 24/7-Callcenter fr Ihren Komfort. GPS-Flottensteuerung,
klimatisierte Fahrzeuge, kostenloses Programmheft fr Ungarn an Bord. Durch das OnlineBuchungssystem sind wir in ganz Ungarn erreichbar. Wir fahren viermal tglich nach Koice
(Kaschau) und Bratislava (Pressburg) sowie dreimal nach Schwechat.
Bei Transferdienstleistungen vom Flughafen nach allen Zielorten in Budapest wird auf Vorlage
der Budapest Card von den Listenpreisen eine Ermigung von 10% gewhrt.
IT AirportShuttle-Minibus. Autisti di grande professionalit, prassi e conoscenza eccezionale della citt, e un non-stop call center al servizio dei passeggeri. Veicoli climatizzati
attrezzati con un sistema di posizionamento della flotta GPS, sul bordo depliant di programmi
gratis. Il servizio accessibile in tutto il paese, attraverso un sistema di prenotazione online.
Quattro percorsi al giorno anche con destinazione di Kosice e Bratislava e tre a Schwechat.
I proprietari di Budapest Card hanno uno sconto del 10% sul prezzo del trasferimento dallaeroporto a qualsiasi punto di Budapest.



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk

Chain bridge and Buda Castle

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit

udapest enjoys a top position
amongst the most attractive
cities of the world. It successfully combines centuries-old
architectural and cultural heritage with the latest features of
modern life. If you are setting off
on a sightseeing trip, take your Budapest Card along because it gives
great discounts not only on the
most exciting sightseeing tours but
also on the entry fee of a variety of
famous sights.



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk


II., Frankel Le t 51-53.

Phone: +36-1 299-0808
0-24h: +36-70 282-0710
3 Map1 E5

EN When past and present

meet! Guided walking tour in
English on the Pest side of the
city. During the tour, guests can
get an insight into the everyday
life of 21st century Budapest and
its bustling swirl, and at the same
time they can admire the amazing
architectural heritage of the past
centuries while wandering around
the streets of the city. Tourists
will also have the opportunity to
become acquainted with the history
of the city, some urban legends and
also some points of interest that
are only known by local people.
During the sightseeing our guests
will receive a surprise.
The starting point of the tour: in
front of the Tourinform office in
St utca (next to Dek tr)
Dates: every even day (2nd, 4th,
6th... of the month)10:00-12:30
HU Mlt s jelen tallkozsa! Gyalogos vrosnz tra

idegenvezetvel, angol nyelven a vros pesti oldaln.

A tra sorn bepillantst nyerhetnek a XXI. szzadi Budapest mindennapjaiba s nyzsg forgatagba, ugyanakkor a
vros utcin kalandozva megcsodlhatjk az elmlt szzadok
d k llenygz
t ti remekeit,
k a pesti oldal trtnelmi nevezetessgeit, s megismerkedhetnek nem csak a vros trtnelmvel, de vrosi legendkkal s olyan rdekessgekkel is,
amit tnyleg csak a helyiek tudnak. A vrosnzs sorn vendgeinket meglepets vrja.
A tra kiindulpontja: St utcai Tourinform iroda ell (a Dek tr mellett)
Idpont: minden pros napon, 10:00-12:30

DE Vergangenheit und Gegenwart treffen sich! Die Tour ist eine Stadtbesichtigung zu

Fu mit Fremdenfhrer in englischer Sprache an der Pester Seite der Stadt. Whrend
der Tour knnen die Gste einen Einblick in den Alltag und in den grostdtischen Wirbel
von Budapest des 21. Jahrhunderts bekommen. Gleichzeitig knnen die Besucher durch den
Bummel auf den Straen die berwltigenden, architektonischen Meisterwerke der vergangenen Jahrhunderte, die historischen Sehenswrdigkeiten der Pester Seite besichtigen und
knnen nicht nur die Geschichte der Stadt, sondern jene Stadtlegenden und Besonderheiten
kennen lernen, die nur tatschlich nur Ortskundige wissen knnen. Whrend der Tour wartet
auf jeden Gast eine berraschung.
Ausgangspunkt der Tour: vor dem Tourinform Bro in der St Strae (beim Dek Platz)
Zeitpunkt: an jedem geraden Tag, 10:00-12:30

IT Lincontro tra il passato e il presente! Visita guidata in lingua inglese, a piedi sul lato
di Pest della citt. Durante lescursione i partecipanti avranno la possibilit di sperimentare
la vita quotidiana a Budapest del 21esimo secolo con il suo trambusto, e nello stesso tempo,
passeggiando per le vie della citt potranno anche ammirare i capolavori dellarchitettura dei
secoli passati, i monumenti storici del lato di Pest, conoscere non solo la storia della capitale,
ma anche le leggende urbane e le curiosit di cui solo gli abitanti locali sono a conoscenza.
Lescursione riserva una sorpresa ai partecipanti!
Punto di partenza dellescursione:davanti allufficio Tourinform in via St (accanto a piazza
Orari: ogni giorno pari, dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:30
Ticket: 2990 Ft CARD FREE

c86, 160, 206, 260 i17

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit

EN The ultimate Budapest

experience! An Englishlanguage guided walking

tour in the Buda Castle,
which has an amazing
atmosphere and is part of the
world heritage. Wandering
cobbled streets, guests will
have the opportunity to visit
the most prominent sights
of Buda Castle. They can
become acquainted with the
historic events, legends and
curiosities connected to the
castle, and they can also
admire the beautiful building
complex of the Royal Palace andd the
th unique
B d
During the tour each guest will receive a surprise.
The starting point of the tour: Szenthromsg tr 6. (House
of Hungarian Culture Foundation)
Dates: every uneven day (1st, 3rd, 5th... of the month)

II., Frankel Le t 51-53.

Phone: +36-1 299-0808
0-24h: +36-70 282-0710
4 Map1 D2

HU Az igazi budapesti lmny! Gyalogos vrosnz tra idegenvezetvel, angol

nyelven a vilgrksg rszt kpez, lenygz hangulat Budai Vrban. A zegzugos, macskakves utckon barangolva megtekinthetik a Budai Vr legfbb nevezetessgeit,
megismerkedhetnek a vrhoz ktd trtnelmi esemnyekkel, legendkkal, rdekessgekkel, gynyrkdhetnek a Kirlyi Palota pomps pletegyttesben, valamint az egyedlll
budapesti panormban.
A tra sorn minden vendget meglepets vr.
A tra kiindulpontja: Szenthromsg tr 6. (Magyar Kultra Alaptvny Hza)
Idpont: minden pratlan napon, 10:00-12:30

DE Das echte Budapester Erlebnis! Bei der Stadtbesichtigung zu Fu mit Fremdenfhrer wird in englischer Sprache die zum Weltkulturerbe gehrende, berwltigende
Stimmung ausstrahlende Budaer Burg vorgestellt. Die Gste knnen die wichtigsten Sehenswrdigkeiten der Budaer Burg in den winkeligen Straen mit einem Spaziergang auf
Kopfsteinpflastern besichtigen und die mit der Burg verbundenen, historischen Ereignissen,
Legenden und Besonderheiten kennen lernen, sowie den herrlichen Gebudekomplex des
Kniglichen Palastes und die einzigartige Budapester Panorama bewundern.
Whrend der Tour wartet auf jeden Gast eine berraschung.
Ausgangspunkt der Tour: Szenthromsg tr 6. (Haus der Magyar Kultra Alaptvny
Stiftung der Ungarischen Kultur)
Zeitpunkt: an jedem ungeraden Tag, 10:00-12:30

IT Una vera avventura a Budapest! Visita guidata in lingua inglese, a piedi nel Castello
di Buda dallatmosfera affascinante, parte del patrimonio mondiale. Passeggiando per le
vie labirintiche in sampietrini, i partecipanti potranno visitare i principali monumenti del Castello di Buda, conoscere gli eventi storici, le leggende ed altre curiosit legati al posto, ammirare
il magnifico complesso del Palazzo Reale e il panorama di Budapest, unico nel suo genere.
Lescursione riserva una sorpresa a tutti i partecipanti!
Punto di partenza dellescursione: piazza della Trinit n. 6 (Casa della Fondazione per
la Cultura Ungherese )
Orari: ogni giorno dispari, dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:30

Ticket: 2990 Ft CARD FREE

c86, 160, 206, 260 i17



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk




Daytime sightseeing cruise

Nappali vrosnz hajt
Schiffrundfahrt am Tag
Giro in battello sul Danubio in giornata

Evening sightseeing cruise

Esti vrosnz hajt
Schiffrundfahrt am Abend
Giro in battello sul Danubio di sera

Ticket: 3900 HUF CARD 2900 HUF

From March to October guided walk on
Margaret Island included

Ticket: 4900 HUF CARD 3700 HUF

for children/ gyermekeknek/ fr Kinder/ bambini < 12

ingyenes/ free/ gratis/ gratuitamente
Audio guide (30 languages) / Audio Fhrung (30 Sprache)
2 drinks included / 2 Getrnke inklusive
13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30*
18:30 19:30 20:15 21:00
11:00 12:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30*
19:30 20:15 21:00 21:30
MAY-AUG 11:00 12:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 18:30*
20:15 21:00 21:30 22:15
11:00 12:15 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30*
19:30 20:15 21:00 21:30
13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30*
18:30 19:30 20:15 21:00

Departure & tickets: Dock 7,

Vigad tr (in front of Hotel Marriott)
Phone: 36-1 317-2203 Fax: 36-1 266-4190,
5 Map1 E4

No tour on 24, 25, 26 December

*Without Margaret Island walking tour (1 hour)

M1 Vrsmarty tr

c15 i2

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit




Private interactive small groups

discovering the Real Budapest.
Recommended by all the major
guide books!
Absolute Walk All in one tour covering the major sights of Heroes Sq,
Inner Pest & Buda Castle. Tour time: 10:30
everyday all year round. 4500 Ft (4000 Ft)
Office Discover Budapest
Historical Revolution Walk Recent history
VI., Lzr u. 16.
that put Hungary on the political map: 1956 Revolution, WWIII, 19th century overview. Tour time: 10:30 every Wed & Sat
Phone: 36-1 269-3843
(Nov to March Sat only) 4500 Ft (4000 Ft)
6 Map1 E5
Hammer & Sickle Tour Retro communist past, Memento
park visit & private exhibition room of real relics & artifacts.
Tour time: 10:30 every Mon, Fri & Sun (Nov to March Fri & Sun only) 6500 Ft (6000 Ft)
Night Stroll & Danube Boat Cruise Enchanted legends, illuminated sights & 1 hour boat
cruise with a drink. Tour time: 20:00 every Mon, Wed, Fri & Sat (Mar, Apr & Nov Sat only)
6500 Ft (6000 Ft)
Hungaro Gastro Food & Wine Tour Market visit, wine tasting, food history & bowl of goulash
at a local restaurant (vegetarians welcome). Tour time: 11:30 every Tue, Thur & Sat (Nov to
March Sat only) 6500 Ft (6000 Ft)
All tours meet on Dek tr in front of the church steps
M1, M2, M3 Dek tr
9, 16, 105
47, 49
All tours ~3 hrs, go in all weather, in English only. No booking required, just show up!



All tours meet at the

Discover Budapest office
VI., Lzr u. 16.
Phone: 36-1 269-3843
6A Map1 D5

Tour of the center on

a Segway machine.
16,500 Ft / Person.
Daily at 10AM Advanced booking required (min. 24 hrs).


Daily Bike Tour
covering Heroes Sq, City
Park, Inner Pest & Buda
Castle Hill. Tour Time:
11:00 July & Aug twice
a day 11:00 & 17:30
evening ride! (Nov to
Mar Sat only at 11:00)
5500 Ft (5000 Ft)


V., St u. 2.
Phone: 36-1 269-3843
6 Map1 E5

Other Budapest Card discounts: Yellow Zebra Pub Crawl & Budapest Bike Rental 1000 HUF
All tours meet on Dek tr in front of the church steps
M1, M2, M3 Dek tr
9, 16, 105
47, 49
Bike tour ~3.5 hrs, goes in all weather, English only. No booking required, just show up!


Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk



Budapest, Roosevelt tr 2.
Phone (for tickets):
36-20 999-2222
7 Map1 D4

EN Hop on hop off sightseeing in twelve languag-

es. Our city cruisers introduce you to the sights of

Budapest at arms length
length. Using a 24-h
24-hour ticket, you can get on and off the three-wheel
rickshaws every five minutes at the stops near the sights, taking photostops at any time.
HU Riksa Kzlekedsi Vllalat. Hop on hop off vrosnzs 12 nyelven. Vrosi cirklinkrl testkzelbl lthatjk s rezhetik Budapest ltvnyossgait. Az t percenknt
kzleked hromkerekekre 24 rn t rvnyes jeggyel szllhatnak le s fl a nevezetessgeknl tallhat megllinkban s brhol megllhatnak egy csodlatos fot kedvrt
[photostops at any time].
DE Riksa Verkehrs GmbH. Hop on Hop off-Stadttouren in 12 Sprachen. An Bord unserer
stdtischen Kreuzer knnen Sie die Sehenswrdigkeiten von Budapest hautnah erleben.
Unsere Dreirder fahren alle fnf Minuten von den Haltestellen, die sich in der Nhe bedeutender Sehenswrdigkeiten befinden. Die Fahrkarten sind 24 Stunden gltig. Fotohalt
jederzeit mglich.
IT Azienda di trasporto Riksa. Giro della citt Hop on hop off in 12 lingue. Con le nostre
biciclette ricscio potrete vedere e sentire da vicino le curiosit di Budapest. Sul tre ruote che
parte ad ogni cinque minuti potete salire con un biglietto di 24 ore alle fermate che si trovano
presso le pi importanti curiosit da vedere e scendere in qualsiasi punto per fare una bella

1. April31. Oct: every 5 min. (1018h)

All year


20. June1. Sept: (1802h)





Starting point: 1. Roosevelt tr Hotel InterContinental

Hop on Hop off price: 24h 5000 Ft CARD 4500 Ft

2. Dek tr

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit

EN Hop on and Hop off sightseeing

tour in 16 languages. Get on and get off as
much as you wish in any of the 14 stops. On
our open and double decker buses the tickets are valid for 24 hours. Be our guest on a
truly authentic tour of Budapest, which has
impressed millions over the years, and save
money with our coupon book up to 10-50%.
HU Hop on Hop off vrosnzs Budapesten
pesten 16 nyelven. Megvltott jegye 24 rn
t t $l
lk l
l Budapest
B d
keresztl rvnyes. Utazst megszakthatja tetsz$leges
minden nevezetes pontjn vrosszerte 14 helyen tallhat megllinkban. Keresse
emeletes, illetve nyitott autbuszainkat! Legyen a vendgnk egy igazi hamisthatatlan,
budapesti krutazson, mely az vek sorn millikat kprztatott el! Minden jegy mell
egy kuponfzetet adunk ajndkba, mellyel tbb mint 50 szolgltatnl vehet ignybe
szolgltatsokat, 10-50 % kedvezmnnyel.
DE Hop on Hop off stadtouren in 16
Sprachen. An allen vierzehn Haltestellen
knnen Sie ein- und aussteigen so oft Sie nur
wollen. Die Fehrkarte gilt 24 Stunden lang fr
unsere offen und doppel decker Busse. Seien Sie unser Gast bei einer echten und unverfalschen Stadttour durch Budapest, die in Laufe der Jahre bereits Millionen bezauber
hat! Sparen Sie 10-50% mit unseren Cuponen.
IT Giro della citt Hop on Hop off in 16 lingue. Scenda e salga alle 14 fermate
tutte le volte che vuole! Il biglietto valido per 24 ore ai nostri autobus aperti e imperiale,
mentre il biglietto integrato. Ci lasci accompagnarLa in unautentico city tour a Budapest
che nel corso degli anni aveva gi affascinato milioni di turisti! Il prezzo include talloni,
che sono validi da pi di 50 fornitori con sconto 10-50%.


01 APRIL -31 OCTOBER: every 30 minutes

The rst bus leaves at 10.00, the last at 17.30
The rst bus leaves at 10.00, the last at 16.00
01 JANUARY - 28 FEBRUARY: every 2 hours
The rst bus leaves at 10.00, the last at 14.00


Ticket ofce: Andrssy t 2.

Phone: (+36 1) 374 7050 Fax: (+36 1) 327 6690 Map1
Main departure place: Jzsef Ndor Square



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk

Free for children

under 12 years!

A -10%
B -30%
Travel Agency
Hotel Le Meridien,
V., Erzsbet tr 9-10.
Phone: 36-1 317-7767
9 Map1 E5


EN Look out for our orange buses! In our city tours you will be introduced to the sights of

Budapest in your mother tongue. You can choose from Hop on Hop off or classical tour in cabrio
or covered buses. All our guests will receive 2x1-hour free river cruises and numerous fantastic
discounts in the form of bonus vouchers.
HOP ON HOP OFF: Tickets are valid for 24, 48 or 72 hours.
Hop on and hop off at any of the stops!
CLASSICAL (2 and 3-hour city tours): 2 photostops (HeroesSquare, Citadel)
Within the 3-hour city tour, a 45-minute walk in the medieval Castle District.


HU Keresse narancssrga buszainkat! Vrosnzseinken anyanyelven ismerkedhet meg

Budapest nevezetessgeivel! Vlaszthat Hop on Hop off s classical vrosnzsek kztt, zrt
vagy cabrio vltozatban! Minden vendgnk, 2 x 1 rs ingyenes hajutat s szmtalan ms,
risi kedvezmnyet tartalmaz kuponfzetet kap!
HOP ON HOP OFF: 24-48-72 rn keresztl rvnyes jegyek!
Le- s felszlls tetszs szerint brmely megllban!
CLASSICAL (2- s 3 rs vrosnzs) 2 x fotostop ( Hsk tere, Citadella)
3 rs vrosnzs sorn 45 perces sta a kzpkori vrnegyedben.


DE Suchen Sie unsere orangefarbenen Busse! Bei unseren Stadtrundfahrten haben Sie

die Mglichkeit, die Sehenswrdigkeiten von Budapest in Ihrer Muttersprache kennen zu lernen.
Sie haben die Wahl zwischen unseren Hop-on Hop-Off-Touren und der Classical Fhrung
im geschlossenen oder Cabrio-Bus. Unsere Gste bekommen automatisch ein kostenloses
Gutscheinheft mit zwei Gutscheinen fr eine einstndige Schifffahrt und zahlreichen anderen
HOP ON HOP OFF: Tickets fr 24/48/72 Stunden.
Ein- und Ausstieg bei jeder Haltestelle mglich.
CLASSICAL (2- und 3st. Stadtrundfahrten): 2 x Fotohalt (Heldenplatz, Zitadelle).
Bei 3stndigen Fahrten: 45-Minuten-Spaziergang im mittelalterlichen Burgviertel.


IT Cercate i nostri bus arancioni! Durante i nostri tour potrete visitare le curiosit di Budapest

con guida in cuffia, nella vostra lingua. Potrete scegliere tra il giro della citt Hop on Hop off e
quello classico, in versione chiusa o cabrio! Ogni ospite ricever due gite gratis di unora e un
libretto coupon che offre innumerevoli alri sconti importanti!
HOP ON HOP OFF: Biglietti validi per 24-48-72 ore!
Si pu scendere e salire a piacere in qualsiasi fermata!
CLASSICO (giro della citt di 2 e di 3 ore): Due fotostop (Piazza degli Eroi e
Cittadella). Il percorso di 3 ore prevede una passeggiata di 45 minuti nel quartiere
medievale della Collina del Castello di Buda.


Departure: M1 M2 M3 Dek tr
A: In summer every 30 minutes 10:00-17:30
47, 49
9, 15, 16, 105
In winter, every hours.
CARD -10%
B: All around the year: 11:00 (3-hour tour) CARD -30% Tickets in hotels, travel agencies
and at the departure place
14:30 (2-hour tour)

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit

EN A sight-seeing tour by bus combined

to the House of Parliament (3+1 hours). After
you can admire the inside of the first House of
Hungary. Guiding in English. (During sessions
the Parliament reserves the right to cancel the
visits.) The same admission fee applies for all
foreign participants of the tour. For children
under 12 years the tour costs only 2800 Ft!
HU Autbuszos vrosnzssel egybekttt Parlament-ltogats (3+1 ra).
A vrosnzst kveten megtekinthetik az orszg els hzt
bellrl. (lsek ideje alatt a Parlament a lemonds jogt fenntartja.) Csaldosoknak: minden 12 ven aluli gyermeknek a
rszvtel csak 2800 Ft!
DE Stadtundfahrt mit Bus und Besuch des Parlamentes



with a visit
the city tour

Travel Agency
V., Erzsbet tr
Phone: 36-1 317-7767
10 Map1 E5

(3+1 Stunden). Nach der Stadtbesichtigung ist das erste Haus

des Landes von innen zu besichtigen. Fremdenfhrung auf Deutsch. (Whrend der Sitzungen
behlt sich das Parlament das Recht der Absage vor.) Der Preis des Programmes ist fr jeden
auslndischen Gast einheitlich. Kinder unter 12 Jahren zahlen: 2800 Ft!
IT Visita della citt con autobus seguita da una visita guidata del Parlamento (3+1 ore). Dopo
il giro fatto nella citt si entra nella casa pi importante del Paese. Guida in lingua tedesca e inglese.
(Il Parlamento riserva i diritti per cancellare la visita durante le sedute.) Il prezzo del biglietto e uguale
per tutti i visitatori stranieri. Bambini sotto12 anni possono partecipare solo per 2800 Ft!
Departure: M1 M2 M3 Dek tr
47, 49
9, 15, 16, 105
Tickets in hotels, travel agencies
and at the departure place

Timetable: All around the year

TueSat 11:00

Ticket: CARD 25 %

EN Budapest the way you cannot see it with


anyone else! Until now you could choose between

touring our beautiful capital on four wheels or marvelling at it from the deck of a pleasure boat. Now
you dont need to choose... The bus first drives along
busy streets and, and then you splash into the lapping water of the Danube and continue enjoying the
breathtaking panorama from the river.
HU Budapest ahogy csak velnk lthatja!
Eddig vlaszthatott, hogy szp fvrosunkat ngy
V., Roosevelt tr 7-8.
kerken jrja be, vagy inkbb egy stahaj fedlzetrl csodlja. Mostantl nem kell dntenie... Elbb az utcPhone: 36-1 33-22-555
kon haladva, majd egy llegzetelllt csobbanssal a Duna
habjai kz veti magt a busz, s a foly vzn ringatzva
11 Map1 D4
lvezheti tovbb a vros csodlatos panormjt.
DE Budapest wie Sie es nur mit uns erleben knnen! Bislang hatten Sie die Wahl,
die ungarische Hauptstadt entweder auf vier Rdern oder an Bord eines Rundfahrtschiffes
zu bewundern. Ab jetzt brauchen Sie sich nicht mehr zu entscheiden... Sie erblicken die
Sehenswrdigkeiten zuerst durch die Straen fahrend, dann gleiten Sie aber auf einmal in
die Donau hinab und knnen die Stadt vom Wasser aus genieen.
IT Budapest come la pu vedere solo con noi! Finora ha potuto scegliere tra girare
per la nostra bella capitale su quattro ruote o ammirarla piuttosto sul bordo di un battello.
Dora in poi non dovr fare una scelta... Percorrendo prima le vie, il bus si butta nelle acque
del Danubio con un tuffo da togliere il respiro, e Lei potr continuare a godere laffascinante
panorama della citt cullandosi sulle onde del fiume.
1. April31. Oct: 9, 11, 14, 16, 18 h 1. Nov31. March: 11, 13, 15, 17 h
Ticket: 7500 Ft CARD 6500 Ft


Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk


for the quality

EN Get to know Budapest and the various

regions of Hungary. We offer guaranteed tours
and programs all over the country, transfers,
cruises and incentive programs, events,
wellness, golf and varied tailor-made private
HU Ismerje meg Budapestet s Magyarorszg
klnbz rgiit. Garantlt kirndulsok s
programok orszgszerte, transzferek, hajs s
incentive programok, rendezvnyek, wellness,
golf, testreszabott privt trk.

DE Entdecken Sie Budapest und die verschiedenen Regionen Ungarns. Garantierte Touren
und Programs landesweit, Transfer, Schifffahrten
und Incentive-Veranstaltungen, Events, Wellness, Golf, mageschneiderte private Touren.


II., Frankel Le t 51-53.

Phone: +36-1 299-0808
0-24h: +36-70 282-0710
12 Map1 A3

IT Scoprite Budapest e le varie regioni dellUngheria! Programmi e escursioni garantiti, transfer, programmi in battello ed incentive, manifestazioni, wellness,
golf, gite private personalizzate.

Head office opening hours: MonFri: 9:0018:00


c86, 160, 206, 260 i17

EN Duna Corso: One-hour sightseeing tour with
guided in eleven languages. The ticket includes a
welcome drink. A cruise with music and dancing:
A 2.5 hour cruise with buffet dinner.
HU Hajkirndulsok a Dunn. Duna Corso: 1
rs vrosnz stahaj 11 nyelv idegenvezetssel.
A jegyr magban foglal egy welcome drinket. Zenstncos esti stahaj: 2,5 rs hajkzs svdasztalos vacsorval s tncolsi lehetsggel.
Bootsrundfahrten auf der Donau. Donau
V., Vigad tr, Pier 5-6.
Corso: 1 stndige Stadtrundfahrt an Bord eines AusflugdampPhone: 36-1 484-4013
fers. Fhrung in 11 Sprachen. Der Preis enthlt ein
getrnk. Abendliche Dampferfahrt mit Musik und Tanz: 2,5
13 Map1 E4
stndige Fahrt mit Abendbuffet und Tanzmglichkeit.
T Escursioni in battello sul Danubio. Duna
Corso: una gita in battello di unora sul Danubio
con guida in 11 lingue. Nel biglietto incluso un
welcome drink. Escursione serale in battello con
musica e ballo: una gita di 2 ore e mezzo sul Danubio con cena a buffet e pista da ballo.
Duna Corso: 3. April31. Oct, daily 912 tours
Ticket: 2990 (1490) Ft CARD 1990 (990) Ft
A cruise with music and dancing: 19:3022:00
2. April2. May: FriSun; 4. May26. Sept: every day;
2. Oct18. Dec: Saturday
Ticket: 6990 (3490) CARD 4990 (2490) Ft

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr


c i

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit


EN Budapest is proud of possessing one
of the most beautiful opera houses in the
world. Guided tours of the Neo-Renaissance
palace are available in English, French,
Hungarian, German, Italian and Spanish.
Times may be subject to change.
HU Operaltogats. Budapest a vilg

egyik legszebb operahzval bszklkedhet. A neorenesznsz palott angol, francia,

magyar, nmet, olasz vagy spanyol nyelv
vezetssel tekinthetik meg. Az idpontok
esetenknt vltozhatnak.

DE Besichtigung der Oper. Budapest

kann sich einer der schnsten Opernhuser
Europas rhmen. Der NeorenaissancePalast kann mit Fhrungen in Deutsch, Englisch,
Franzsisch, Italienisch, Spanisch oder Ungarisch
besichtigt werden. Das Recht auf Terminnderungen wird

VI., Andrssy t 22.

Phone: 36-1 332-8197
14 Map1 D6

IT Visita al Teatro Lirico. Budapest pu vantarsi di uno dei pi bei teatri lirici del
mondo. Il palazzo neorinascimentale pu essere visita con guida in lingua inglese,
francese, ungherese, tedesco, italiano e spagnolo. Per alcuni spettacoli gli orari possono
Open: MonSun 15, 16
Ticket: 2800 (1400) Ft CARD 2520 (1260) Ft

M1 Opera



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk


I., Szenthromsg tr 2.
phone: 36-1 488-7716
15 Map1 D2

EN Neo-gothic in its present appearance, the most

beautiful and most famous Catholic church in Budapest
goes back to the 13th century. It preserves the pomp of
royal coronations. The church is open for visitors during
its reconstruction.
HU Mtys-templom. Budapest legszebb s leghresebb katolikus temploma a XIII.szzadban plt vgs
formja neogtikus. Belsejben a kirlykoronzsok
pompjt rzi. A templom a feljts alatt zavartalanul
DE Matthiaskirche. Die schnste und bekannteste
katholische Kirche von Budapest wurde 13. Jahrhundert
im neogotischen Stil fertig gestellt. Das Kircheninnere
zeugt immer noch vom Prunk der ehemaligen Krnungszeremonien. Whrend des Umbaus bleibt die Kirche fr
Besucher weiterhin zugnglich.
IT Chiesa di Mattia. La chiesa cattolica pi bella e pi
rinomata di Budapest costruita nel 13. secolo, nella sua
forma definitiva in stile neogotico. Il suo interno ricorda la
pompa delle cerimonie dincoronazione. La chiesa accoglie i visitatori anche durante i lavori di rinnovamento.

Open: MonFri: 917, Sat: 913, Sun: 1317 Closed: 23. April
Ticket: 750 (450) Family 1250 Ft CARD 680 (410) Family 1130 Ft

c16, 16A, 116


EN An architectural highlight of the Royal Palace is the cupola
rising in the centre of the building, from which you can have a
360-degree view of the whole city: the Danube, the sights on
the Pest side and the Buda Hills. The terrace is closed down
in unpleasant weather. The Panorama terrace is available with
the tickets of the Gallery.
HU Magyar Nemzeti Galria Panorma Terasz. A Kirlyi
Palota ptszeti dsze az plet kzepn magasod kupola,
aamelyrl pratlan krpanorma nylik a vrosra: a Dunra, a
pesti oldal nevezetessgeire, valamint a budai hegyekre. A kiI., Buda Castle
lt rossz id esetn sajnos nem ltogathat. A panormatePhone: 36-1 201-9082
rasz a Magyar Nemzeti Galria belpjegyeivel ltogathat.
16 Map1 E3
DE Ungarische Nationalgalerie, Panorama-Terrasse.
Die Kuppel in der Mitte des Kniglichen Palastes ist ein
architektonisches Schmuckstck, von wo aus man einen wunderschnen Blick auf die Stadt
hat: auf die Donau, die Sehenswrdigkeiten von Pest sowie die Budaer Berge. Bei schlechtem
Wetter kann die Aussichtsterrasse leider nicht besucht werden. Mit der Eintrittskarte der
Nationalgalerie knnen Sie die Panoramaterasse besuchen.
IT Terrazza Panoramica della Galleria Nazionale Ungherese. La bravura architettonica
del Palazzo Reale la cupola nel centro delledificio, che offre uno splendido panorama a 360
gradi su tutta la citt, sul Danubio, sulle curiosit della parte di Pest, ed anche sulle colline
di Buda. Il belvedere aperto soltanto quando fa bel tempo. La Rotonda pu visitare con i
biglietti della Galleria Nazionale Ungherese.
Open: 30. March 31. October: 1018 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 900 Ft CARD 700 Ft

c16, 16A, 116

Stadttouren und Sehenswrdigkeiten Tours e Curiosit


EN Unique in Budapest, marvel at the
360o panorama from 65 metres up. The ascent can be made by modern lifts or by foot
(370 steps).
HU A Budapesten egyedlll 360 fokos
krpanormban 65 mter magassgbl
lehet gynyrkdni. A felfel vezet utat felvonkkal vagy gyalog (370 lpcsfok) tehetik
meg a ltogatk.
DE Rundblick der St. Stefan Basilika.
In Budapest einmaliger 360 Grad Rundblick von 65m Hhe. Moderne und sichere
Aufzge oder 370 Treppenstufen fhren zur
IT Panorama dalla Basilica di Santo
Stefano. In un panorama unico, di 360 gradi possibile
ammirare Budapest, in 65 metri di altezza. Per salire ci sono
ascensori moderni, o per i pi allenati le scale (370).
Opening hours:
MonFri: 9:0017:00
Sat: 9:0013:00
Sun: 13:0017:00
Treasury: Due to reconstruction closed until
Open every day 9:0017:00
Ticket: 400 (300) Ft CARD 300 Ft

V., Szent Istvn tr

Phone: 06-30 703-6599
17 Map1 D5

View from the cupola:

Open: 1. April31. May: 10:0016:30
1. June31. August: 9:3018:00
1. September31. October: 10:0016:30
Ticket: 500 (400) Ft CARD 400 Ft

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

i47, 49

EN The Synagogue in Dohny utca is the largest in

Europe and the second largest in the world. Lively

religious and cultural life is organised around it all
through the year, with an active Jewish community
using the 150-year-old building.
HU A Dohny utcai Zsinagga a vilg 2. legnagyobb zsinaggja, Eurpban a legnagyobb. Kr
egsz esztendben l s mkd valls-kulturlis
let szervezdik, aktv templomkzssg hasznlja
a 150 ves pletet.
DE Synagoge Dohnystrae. Die Synagoge in
der Dohnystrae ist die grte in Europa und zweitgrte auf der ganzen Welt. Mit seinen regelmigen Gottesdiensten gilt das 150jhrige Gebude als
Zentrum eines lebendigen kulturellen und religisen
Lebens ber das ganze Jahr.
IT La Sinagoga di via Dohny. La Sinagoga di
via Dohny la seconda pi grande sinagoga nel
mondo, in Europa la pi grande. Ledificio di 150
anni usato da un attiva comunit religiosa ed al centro
di una fervente vita religiosa e culturale tutto lanno.

V., Dohny u. 2.
Phone: 36-1 342-8949
18 Map1 E6

Open: 1. March31. Oct: SunThu 10.0017.30 Fri 10.0015.30

1. Nov28. Feb: SunThu: 10.0015.30 Fri 10.0013.30
Ticket: 2000 (850) Ft CARD 1750 (750) Ft

M2 Astoria
47, 49



Sightseeing and Sights Vrosnzsek s Ltnivalk


Why punish your feet walking?! The best way to see the sights & learn the
history of B
Budapest by joining a bike tour. Price includes: 3 hour tour, local guide (in
English and German), photo opportunities, helmet, safety vest, 1 drink.
Price: 5000 Ft CARD 3800 Ft Reservation needed
Departure: April-October Wed-Sun: 11:00 a.m. from the
Cityrama Office: V. Bthory u. 22. (near the Parliament)
Phone: 36-1 302-4382


19 Map1 C5
M2 Kossuth tr



Guided walking tours in English about dramatic past and present beauty
1 April
31 O
October, every day no reservation needed, just show up!
A: Blood and Freedom Tour: 10.30, 12.30 meeting in Erzsbet Square,
at Budapest sightseeing bus stop. M1, M2, M3 Dek tr 20A Map1 E5
B: City Park Art & Photo Tour: 11.30, 13.30 meeting in Heroes Square,
in front of Art Gallery (Mcsarnok). M1 Hsk tere 20B Map2 C5
Price: 3000 HUF


1500 HUF Phone: 36-20 534-5819

The Tourism Office of Budapest founded a workgroup uniting the leading

cultural institutions of Budapest with the aim of joining forces with the
cultural institutions that play an important role in the cultural life of Budapest.
The cultural institutions who participate in the project promote the revival of
cultural tourism with joint promotions and activities.
Visit the members of Cultural Budapest with Budapest Card discounts*!

-20% Budapest History Museum

-12.5% Ferenc Liszt Memorial Museum
-20% Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism
-20% Hungarian National Gallery
-20% Hungarian National Museum
-20% Hungarian Natural History Museum
-12.5% Jewish Tourism and Cultural Centre
-20% Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art
-20% Museum of Applied Arts
-20% Museum of Ethnography
-10% Museum of Fine Arts
-25% Museum of Hungarian Agriculture
-10% National Dance Theatre
-10% Opera-tour
*further information on current discounts at the venue

Sign up to our newsletters at

Heilbder und Wellness Bagni termali e Wellness

Szchenyi Thermal Bath

Spa & Wellness

udapest is a city of spas.
Although baths from Roman
times (2nd century) have been
uncovered in Budapest, the true
bathing culture started during
the period of the Turkish occupation in the 16th and 17th centuries. You can enjoy the oldest
baths, the modern pools and various wellness services for less with
the Budapest Card!



Baths and Wellness Centres Gygyfrdk s Wellness

EN Aquaworld, one of the biggest indoor
water theme parks in Central Europe offers
unforgettable entertainment to visitors of
every age throughout the year. Covered by
a 72-meter diameter giant dome, there are
ffifteen pools, including a surf pool which
is rare in Europe, eleven slides and an
outdoor pool in the summer.
HU Az Aquaworld Vzibirodalom KzpEurpa legnagyobb fedett vzi tmaparkja,
egsz ven t felejthetetlen szrakozst
knl minden korosztlynak. A 72 mter
IV., ves t 16.
riskupola alatt 15 medence tbbek kztt
tmrj ris
Phone: 36-1 231-3772
az Eurpban ritka szrfmedence , 11 csszda, nyron
pedig strand vrja a ltogatkat.
21 Map3 A4
DE Das Wasserreich Aquaworld, der grte Hallenwasserfreizeitpark Mitteleuropas
bietet jeder Altersgruppe unvergessliche Unterhaltungsmglichkeiten das ganze Jahr ber. Unter der Grokuppel mit einem Durchmesser
von 72 Metern befinden sich 15 Becken unter anderem ein in Europa uerst rares
Surfbecken und 11 Rutschen. Im Sommer steht den Besuchern auch ein Strand zur
IT Il mondo acquatico Aquaworld, il pi grande parco acquatico coperto dellEuropa
centrale, propone un divertimento indimenticabile in tutto lanno per ogni fascia di et. Sotto
la cupola gigantesca dal diametro di 72 metri 15 piscine tra cui una piscina per i surfisti,
rarit anche a livello europeo 11 scivoli e destate una spiaggia attendono i visitatori.
Ticket: from 2800 Ft

Open: every day 622 Free shuttle bus from Heroes Square

EN In winter the complex has a tent-covered swimming pool and two large thermal
sitting pools, while in summer there are ten
pools of different sizes and water temperatture. The surrounding spacious park also offfers adventure pools, a wave pool, sauna, a
street ball court, a flavored ice dispenser and
a playground for kids.
HU Dagly Gygyfrd s Uszoda. Tlen stortets uszodval s 2 nagy mret
tterml lmedencvel, nyron 10 klnbz
s hmrsklet medencvel vrja
A frd terletn lmnyfrd,
XIII., Npfrd u. 36.
hullmfrd, szauna,
street ball plya, jgksa automata,
Phone: 36-1 452-4556
jtsztr ll az nk rendelkezsre.
DE Heil- und Strandbad Dagly. Heil- und Strandbad
22 Map B3
im Winter mit Zeltdachbad und zwei groen Sitzbecken mit
Heilwasser und im Sommer mit insgesamt zehn Becken alle mit unterschiedlichen Formen
und Temperaturen. Auf dem Gelnde befinden sich ein Erlebnisbad, ein Wellenbad, Sauna,
Streetballfeld, Granitamaschine sowie ein Spielplatz.
IT Bagno termale e piscina Dagly. Il bagno aspetta i suoi ospiti dinverno con una
piscina coperta e con due grandi vasche da sedervi e destate con 10 piscine di varia forma e
temperatura dellacqua. Nell territorio del bagno vi aspettano un centro acquatico, una piscina
a onde, saune, un campo street ball, un distributore di ghiaccio e campo di giochi.
Open: 620

M3 Forgch utca

i1 c133

Heilbder und Wellness Bagni termali e Wellness

EN Turkish bath in the city center. The construction of the bath was started in 1565 by Arslan, the
Pasha Buda and completed by Pasha Mustapha
Sokoli. There are separate days for women and
men during the week, while sundays there is nonnaked for everyone.
HU Kirly frd. Trkfrd a belvrosban.
A frd ptst Arszln budai pasa kezdte meg
1565-ben s utda, Szokoli Musztafa fejezte be.
Kln ni s frfi napok ht kzben, minden vasrnap frfi-ni frdruhs trsas frdzs.
II., F utca 84.
DE Kirly-Bad. Das trkische Bad der Innenstadt.t Mit
Phone: 36-1 202-3688
seinem Bau wurde 1565 unter der Herrschaft des Budaer
Paschas Arszln begonnen und durch seinen Nachfolger,
23 Map2 C2
Sokoli Mustafa, beendet. Es ist tglich wechselnd fr
Mnner oder Frauen geffnet, sonntags gemeinsames Baden f
fr bbeide
id G
hl ht
IT Bagno Kirly. Il bagno turco nel centro citt. La costruzione del bagno fu iniziata
nel 1565 dal pasci Arslan di Buda, e la fin il suo successore, Sokoli Mustafa. Giorni
separati per donne e uomini durante la settimana, mentre la domenica bagno in costume
per uomini e donne.
Ticket (in 2009): 2100 Ft CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.
10% discount on 20 and 30-minute aroma relaxing massage.
Open: Ladies: Mon, Wed 819 Gentlemen: Tue, Thu, Fri, Sat 920
Ladies and gentlemens day: Sunday 920
M2 Batthyany tr

EN The bath of artists in the heart of Budapest.

In the middle there is a fancy pool with a number

of quality services. In addition, there are two
swimming pools, a wellness island, a salt wall, infra
sauna, pedicure salon and solarium in the area of
the bath.
HU Lukcs Gygyfrd s Uszoda. A mvszek frdje Budapest szvben. A kzppontban
az lmnymedence, melyben megtallhat sok
ismert szolgltats. Ezen kvl kt szmedence,
II., Frankel Le u. 25-29.
valamint wellness sziget, sfal, infraszauna, pediPhone: 36-1 326-1695
kr szalon, szolrium tallhat a frd terletn.
DE Lukcs-Bad. Das Knstlerbad im Herzen von
24 Map2 C2
Budapest. Im Zentrum des Angebots steht das Erlebnisbecken mit zahlreichen bekannten Dienstleistungen.
Darber hinaus befinden sich im Bad zwei Schwimmbecken, eine Wellness-Insel, eine
Salzmauer, eine Biosauna mit Lichttherapie, ein Fupflegesalon sowie ein Solarium.
IT Bagno Lukcs. Il bagno degli artisti nel cuore di Budapest. In primo piano la piscina
con giochi dacqua che offre molti dei servizi conosciuti. Nellarea del bagno troverete
anche due piscine notatorie, unisola wellness, una parete di sale, linfrasauna, pedicure
e doccia solare.
Ticket (in 2009) weekdays: 2800 Ft, weekends: 2900 Ft
CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.
10% discount on 20 and 30-minute aroma relaxing massage.
Open: 620

i4, 6, 17



Baths and Wellness Centres Gygyfrdk s Wellness

EN Budapests finest strand baths
is on Margaret Island. It has 11 pools
(some with thermal water), slides,
wave bath, and a huge park with
sports facilities and playgrounds.
HU Palatinus


Budapest legszebb strandfrdje a

Margitszigeten tallhat. Tizenegy
medencje (kztk termlviz is) vzi
csszdval, hullmfrdvel, hatalmas
parkja pedig sportplykkal, jtszterekkel van felszerelve.

XIII., Margitsziget
Phone: 36-1 340-4505
25 Map2 A3

E Palatinus Freibad.
Das schnste Freibad von
Budapest auf der Margareteninsel. Elf Becken (einige
auch mit Thermalwasser), Wasserrutsche, Wellenbad,
gewaltiger Park mit Sport- und Spielpltzen..

IT Piscina Palatinus. situata sullisola Margherita la piscina pi bella di Budapest.

un vero acquapark con undici piscine dotate anche di acque termali, onde artificiali,
parco giochi, campo sport.

CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.

Open: 1. May31. Aug: 920



EN One of Budapests most
popular establishments includes
childrens, swimming and fun
pools, a huge chute park and a
variety of sports facilities.
HU Rmai

Budapest egyik legnpszerbb
strandfrdje gyermek-, szs lmnymedenckkel, risi
csszdaparkkal s sportplykkal
vrja nket.

III., Rozgonyi Piroska u. 2.

Phone: 36-1 388-9740
26 Map3 B3

DE Strandbad

Rmai. Es
erwartet die Erholung suchenden
mit Kinder-, Schwimm- und Erlebnisbecken, riesigen
Wasserrutschen und Sportpltzen.

IT Piscina allaperto Rmai. E una delle piscine

ll aperto
t piu
i popolari
l i di B
che accoglie i bagnanti per ricrearsi con vasche
di divertmenti, con quelle per bambini, con piscine, con un grandissimo parco scivoli e
campi sportivi.

CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.

Open: 1. May31. Aug: 920

c34, 106

HV Rmai frd

Heilbder und Wellness Bagni termali e Wellness


EN Magnificently restored memorial from
the period of Hungarys Ottoman occupation.
Steam bath for men* and women**. Bathing
parties in swimsuits in the weekends***.
HU Rudas Gygyfrd s Uszoda. Gynyren feljtott, eredeti trk kori, memlk
Gzfrd, frfiak* s nk** rszre egyarnt.
Minden htvgn trsas*** frdruhs frdzsi lehetsg.
DE Heil- und Schwimmbad Rudas.
Wunderschn rekonstruiertes Dampfbad aus der
I., Dbrentei tr 9.
Zeit der trkischen Besetzung fr Mnner* und Frauen**.
Phone: 36-1 356-1322
Badeparty im Badeanzug jedes Wochenende***.
27 Map2 F3
IT Bagno termale e Piscina Rudas. Un originale
bagno turco dellepoca rinnovato deliziosamente, sia per
uomini* sia per donne**. Ogni finesettimana possibilit di bagno colletivo in costume***.


























617, 2204 617, 2204

Ticket (in 2009): weekdays: 2100 Ft (Swimming pool), 2700 Ft (Thermal)

Weekends: 2200 Ft (Swimming pool), 2800 Ft (Thermal)
Night ticket: 3100 Ft
18, 19

c7, 86


EN Budapests most elegant bath is
awaiting visitors with its world-famous
sparkling bath, open-air pool with artificial
waves, as well as with womens and mens
thermal pools and full medical services.
HU Szt. Gellrt Gygyfrd s Uszoda.
Budapest egyik legelegnsabb frdje vilghr pezsgfrdjvel, szabadtri hullm
medencjvel, valamint ni s frfi termlmedencivel s gygyszolgltatsokkal vrja
XI., Kelenhegyi t 4.
DE Heil- und Schwimmbad St. GelPhone: 36-1 466-6166
lrt. Das eleganteste Bad von Budapest erwartet Sie
mit seinem berhmten Sprudelbecken, mit einem
Wellenbecken im Freien, mit Thermalbecken fr Damen
28 Map2 F3
und Herren und mit einem vielseitigen Angebot von
Leistungen im Bereich Heil- und Gesundheitswesen.
IT Piscina e Terme St. Gellrt. Il bagno e piscina pi elegante di Budapest aspetta i
suoi ospiti con la vasca gassosa di fama mondiale, con la piscina allaperto con le onde
artificiali, con i bagni termali separati per signore e signori nonch con servizio totale di
terapie termali.
Ticket (in 2009) weekdays: 3800 Ft, weekends: 3900 Ft
CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.
10% discount on 20 and 30-minute aroma relaxing massage.
Open: 620
18, 19, 47, 49

c7, 86



Baths and Wellness Centres Gygyfrdk s Wellness


EN One of Europes largest bath
complexes in the City Park, in the heart
of Budapest. Thermal, swimming and
fun pools are offered to the guests. The
reduction is valid at the entrance from
the Circus side.
HU Szchenyi Gygyfrd s Uszoda. Eurpa egyik legnagyobb frdkomplexuma Budapest szvben, a Vrosligetben.
Terml, sz- s lmnymedenck vrjk a
frdvendgeket. A kedvezmny a cirkusz
felli bejratnl vehet ignybe.

XIV., llatkerti krt 11.

Phone: 36-1 363-3210
29 Map2 B5

DE Heil- und Schwimmbad Szchenyi.

Einer der grten Badkomplexe Europas im

Herzen von Budapest, im Stadtwldchen. Thermal-, Schwimmund Erlebnisbassins erwarten die Badegste. Die Ermigung
ist am Eingang vom Zirkus her gltig.

IT Bagno Termale e Piscina Szchenyi. E uno dei

complessi termali piu grandi in Europa, situato nel cuore di Budapest, nel Boschetto della
Citta, Vrosliget. Vasche termali e di divertimenti, nonch piscine accolgono i bagnanti.
La facilitazione pu essere utilizzata allingresso vicino al Circo.

Ticket (in 2009): weekdays: 3400 Ft, weekends: 3500 Ft

CARD The discount is always on the full-price ticket with cabin rental.

Open: 622

M1 Szchenyi frd


EN The massage services of Buda-

pest medicinal baths meet the varied

needs of all looking for rest and relaxation.

HU Masszzs Budapest Gygy-

frdiben: A pihensre s ellazulsra

vgyk ignyeit minden szempontbl
kielgtik a budapesti gygyfrdk
masszzs szolgltatsai.

DE Massage in den Budapester

Thermalbdern: Das Massageangebot der Budapester Thermalbder

wird den Erwartungen derer, die Ruhe
und Entspannung suchen, in jeder
Hinsicht gerecht.

IT Massaggio nei bagni termali di

Budapest: Tutte le richieste dei visitatori che desiderano riposarsi o rilassarsi, possono essere soddisfatte dai
servizi di massaggio dei bagni termali
di Budapest.
CARD 10% discount on 20 and 30-minute aroma relaxing massage at the following

spas: Gellrt Spa, Szchenyi Spa, Rudas Spa, Kirly Spa, Lukcs Spa.

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit


Margaret Island

Experiences and
special features
xperience the real Budapest
with the Budapest Card! Here
you will find a selection of activities and sights that are unique
to the city and places that make
sure your stay in Budapest will be


Experiences and special features lmnyek s klnlegessgek



XXII. (South-Buda) corner of

Balatoni t and Szabadkai utca
Phone: +36 1 424 7500
30 Map3 E2

EN Hundreds of tonnes of communism in one of

tthe most interesting museums in Central Eastern
Europe: Monuments to the past political regimes,
communist heroes, Soviet soldiers, statues of comrades
d andd dictators
di t t removedd from
th streets. Time travel into the world behind the Iron
Curtain, the Stalin tribune, exhibitions about the 1956 Revolution and the 1989-90 political switchover. Film screening about the communist secret police. A Trabant and a retro
souvenir shop. This was the refrigerator socialism or goulash communism.
HU Memento Park Szoborpark. Sokszz tonna kommunizmus. Kzp-Kelet-Eurpa egyik legrdekesebb mzeuma Budapesten! A bukott politikai rendszer emlkmvei, kommunista hsk, szovjet katonk, elvtrsak s dikttorok eltvoltott szobrai
az utckrl. Idutazs a Vasfggny mgtti vilgba. Sztlin-dsztribn, killtsok az
1956-os forradalomrl s az 1989-90-es rendszervltsrl. Filmvetts a kommunista
titkosrendrsgrl. Trabant s retr-szuvenrbolt. Ilyen volt a fridzsiderszocializmus s
a gulyskommunizmus.
DE Memento Park Statuenpark. Mehrere hundert Tonnen Kommunismus. Eins
der spannendsten Museen Mittelosteuropas in Budapest! Statuen von kommunistischen
Helden, sowjetischen Soldaten, Genossen und Diktatoren, die inzwischen von den
Straen gerumt worden sind Erinnerungsstcke aus einem gescheiterten Regime.
Zeitreise in eine Welt jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs mit Stalin-Ehrentribne sowie
Ausstellungen zur Revolution 1956 und zur politischen Wende 1989/90. Filmvorfhrung
ber den kommunistischen Spitzeldienst. Souvenirladen mit Trabis und Retro-Objekten.
Gulaschkommunismus pur.
IT Memento Park Parco di Statue. Molte centinaia di tonnellate di comunismo.
Uno dei musei pi interessanti dellEuropa centrale a Budapest! I monumenti del regime
politico caduto, le statue di eroi comunisti, di soldati sovietici, di compagni e dittatori
allontanati dalle piazze pubbliche. Un viaggio nel tempo nel mondo chiuso dietro la
cortina di ferro. La tribuna donore di Stalin, mostre dedicate alla rivolta del 1956 e
al cambiamento di regime del 1989-90. Proiezione di un film sulla polizia segreta del
comunismo. Negozio di souvenir Trabant e retro. Ecco comera il socialismo di frigorifero
e il comunismo gulash.
Open: Every day 10 A.M. till sunset
Ticket: 1500 HUF CARD 1000 HUF
Ticket for Direct bus from Dek tr (include entrance fee):
4500 HUF CARD 4000 HUF

c150, 710,
721, 722

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit



EN Secret Hospital and Nuclear Bunker beneath

the Buda Castle. Mostly known from urban legends, the
Hospital in the Rock, the former top-secret military hospital and bunker is an international sensation. The institution used in 1944-45, as well as in 1956 has preserved
its past, portraying the everyday heroes who served the
cause of medical care rather than destruction even in the
hardest moments. The nooks and crannies of the museum equipped with wax figures, contemporary furnishings
and artifacts offer a genuine thrill as you are exploring war
conditions in their authentic environment. During the Cold
I., Lovas t 4/c.
War, the institution kept top secret up to 2002, was to function
Phone: 36-30 689-8775
as a nuclear bunker in case of a nuclear attack.
Permanent exhibitions:
World War II hospital and health care (1944-45, 1956)
31 Map1 D2
German HQ 1945
Nuclear bunker and civil defense (Cold War era 1950-1970)
Medical equipments of the wartime health care (1944-1980)
HU Sziklakrhz Titkos Lgkrhz s Atombunker. A jrszt csak vrosi legendkbl
ismert Sziklakrhz, a korbbi titkos lgkrhz s bunker, nemzetkzi szint szenzci. Az
1944-45-ben s 1956-ban is hasznlt krhz megrizte mltjt s bemutatja mindazon htkznapi
hsk sorst, akik nem a pusztts, hanem a gygyts szolglatban maradtak a legnehezebb
pillanatokban is. A viaszfigurkkal s korabeli berendezsi trgyakkal felszerelt ltestmny
zegzugos termeiben valdi izgalmakat lhet t, ahogy felfedezi a hbors llapotokat eredeti
krnyezetkben. A 2002-ig szigoran titkos ltestmny a hideghbor alatt atombunkerknt ltta
volna el feladatt egy esetleges nukleris tmads sorn.
lland killtsok:
II. vilghbors hadikrhz s egszsggyi killts (1944-45, 1956)
II. vilghbors nmet harcllspont s vezetsi pont (1945)
Atombunker s polgri vdelmi killts (hideghbor idszaka 1950-1970)
A hbors ellts orvosi eszkzei, mszerei (1944-1980)
DE Felsenspital Geheimkrankenhaus und Atomschutzbunker. Das vor allem durch
moderne Legenden bekannt gewordene Felsenspital, ein ehemaliges Geheimkrankenhaus und
Atomschutzbunker wurde in letzter Zeit als eine Sensation internatonalen Ranges bekannt. Die
Institution, die sowohl 1944/45 als auch 1956 als Krankenhaus diente, bewahrt ihre Vergangenheit, und prsentiert nun das Schicksal jener alltglicher Helden, die auch in den schwierigsten
Zeiten im Dienste der Heilung blieben anstatt sich auf die Seite der Zerstrung zu stellen. In
den winkeligen Rumen des zeitgenssisch mblierten, mit Wachsfiguren belebten Museums
knnen Sie wahre Abenteuer erleben, whrend Sie die Kriegszustnde in ihrer ursprnglichen
Umgebung kennen lernen. Die bis 2002 streng geheime Errichtung htte whrend des Kalten
Kriegs im Falle eines eventuellen Atomanschlags als Schutzbunker dienen sollen. Ab 2009 ist
auch das deutsch-ungarisches Hauptquartier des Weltkrieg II. zu besichtigen.
IT Ospedale nella Roccia Ospedale ricovero antiaereo e Bunker
antiatomico segreto. LOspedale nella Roccia conosciuto pi che altro
dalle leggende urbane, prima ospedale in un rifugio antiaereo e bunker,
una curiosit di livello internazionale. Lospedale in uso nel 1944-45
ed anche nel 1956 ha conservato il suo passato e presenta la sorte
di tutti quegli eroi della vita quotidiana, che anzich della distruzione,
rimasero al servizio della cura dei loro pazienti anche nei momenti pi
difficili. Nelle sale tortuose della struttura arredata con cere e oggetti
darredamento depoca il visitatore, scoprendo le condizioni di guerra
in un ambiente originale, potr vivere emozioni reali. La struttura top
secret fino al 2002 durante la guerra fredda avrebbe dovuto funzionare
da rifugio antiatomico nel caso di un aventuale attacco nucleare.
Open: Tue-Sun 1020. Closed on Mondays except if national holiday.
Ticket: Full tour: 60 min. 3000 (1500) Ft, Family 7000 Ft CARD 1500 (1500) Ft Family 5000 Ft
WW II. Hospital Tour: 30 min. 2000 (1000) Ft, Family 5000 Ft CARD 1000 (1000) Ft Family 5000 Ft
Tours depart on the hour. Last group departs at 19:00. The price
includes the mandatory tourguide. A guide in Hungarian and
English is always available.


c16, 16A, 116


Experiences and special features lmnyek s klnlegessgek

EN Pleasant relaxation and active entertainment on the Margaret Island. Bringhint
(pedalled coach-like vehicle), bicycles, roller
skates and childrens toys are for hire, which
are excellent to explore and tour the island,
make family programmes, and do sports.
HU Bringhint. Kellemes kikapcsolds s sportos szrakozs a Margitszigeten.
Bringhintk, kerkprok, grkorcsolyk s
gyermekjtkok klcsnzse, melyek kivXIII., Margitsziget
lan alkalmasak a sziget feltrkpezsre, kirndulsokHajs Alfrd stny 1.
ra, csaldi barangolsokra s sportolsra.
Phone: 36-1 329-2073
DE Tretkutschen. Eine angenehme Abwechslung und
sportliche Entspannung auf der Margaretheninsel. Verleih
32 Map2 B3
von Bringos (eine aus zwei Fahrrdern bestehenede,
mit Pedalen betriebene Kutsche), Fahrrdern, Inlinern und Kinderspielzeugen, alle
geeignet zur Erkundung der Insel, zu Ausflgen, zum Bummeln mit der ganzen Familie,
bzw. zum Sport treiben.
IT Pedali, biciclette. Il noleggio dei pedali, biciclette, pattini a rotelle e giochi per
bambini, adatti a scoprire lIsola Margherita, offre opportunit di escursioni, di programmi
familiari, di sport e di divertimento.


Open: every day 8o

EN The facility offers a 400metre synthetic running track and
the 5,350m running route around
the Margaret Island to runners and
jjoggers. Amateur athletes can also
use a football pitch, street ball and
clay tennis courts.
HU Margitszigeti
Centrum. A ltestmny 400 m-es
rekortn plyjval, valamint a MarXIII., Margitsziget
gitsziget 5350 m-es futkrvel vrja a futs, kocogs
Phone: 36-1 329-3406
szerelmeseit. Az amatr sport kedveli szmra
lys foci-, streetball- s salakos teniszplyk is rendel33 Map2 C3
kezsre llnak.
E LLeichtathletikzentrum
i ht thl tik t
auf der Margareteninsel. Auf der Margaretheninsel
erwarten eine 400-m-lange Laufbahn mit Rekortanbelag sowie der 5350 m lange
Laufkreis die Freunde des Laufens. Fans des Amateur-Sports stehen ein kleiner
Fuballplatz, Streetball- und Tennispltze mit Ascheboden zur Verfgung.
IT Il Centro Atletico di Margitsziget. Lo stabilimento con una pista da corsa di 400
m in materiale rekortn, e con il circuito da corsa, di 5350 metri dellIsola Margherita
aspetta gli amanti della corsa. Campi di calcio ridotto, di streetball, e da tennis sono a
disposizione degli appassionati dello sport amatoriale.
Open: 1. April31. Oct: MonFri 612, 1422, SatSun 720
1. Nov31. March: MonFri 712, 1420, SatSun 817
Ticket: 1000 Ft CARD 700 Ft

c26, 134

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit

EN If you are prepared for adventure and equipped with
stamina, you will enjoy climbing and crawling through narrow
passages during the 2.5-3 hour long tour in the 20-kilometre
long Plvlgyi-Mtyshegyi cave system. This highly
protected site is part of the Buda Thermal Karst area, to be
declared part of the UNESCO World Heritage.
HU 2,5-3 rs sportos hozzllst ignyl, kalandos kszs-mszs Magyarorszg msodik leghosszabb barlangjban, a Budapest alatt hzd 20 km hossz PlvlgyiII., Szpvlgyi t 162.
Mtyshegyi-barlangrendszerben. A fokozottan vdett
Phone: 36-20 928-4969
barlangrendszer az Unesco Vilgrksg Listra felterjesztett,
Budai Termlkarszt rsze.
DE 2,5 bis 3 Stunden langes abenteuerliches Kriechen und
34 Map3 C2
Krabbeln fr Sportfreunde im Plvlgyi-Mtyshegyi-Hhlensystem, das sich unter Budapest erstreckt und mit seinen 200 Kilometern als zweitlngstes
Hhlensystem Ungarns gilt. Das besonders geschtzte Hhlensystem ist Teil des Budaer Thermokarstes, der zur Aufnahme in die Liste des UNESCO-Welterbes vorgeschlagen wurde.
IT Una gita avventurosa della durata di 2.5-3 ore per coloro che hanno uninclinazione allo
sport, tra strisciare e arrampicarsi nella seconda pi lunga grotta dellUngheria: nel labirinto
di grotte Plvlgyi-Mtyshegyi della lunghezza complessiva di 20 km che si estende sotto
Budapest. Il sistema di grotte sotto protezione speciale fa parte delle Colline Carsiche Termali
di Buda, proposte allElenco del Patrimonio Mondiale dellUnesco.
* No alcohol, Min. 8 ages, No sandals/slippers, Temperature: 10C/50F

Open: Mon, Wed, Fri 16:15

Ticket: 4500 Ft CARD 3600 Ft

c 65


EN The Hungarian State Circus

has been entertaining audiences

in the City Park for 120 years.
Each year three different shows
are staged with the best Hungarian
and international circus artists.
HU A Fvrosi Nagycirkusz
120 ve szrakoztatja a nagyrdemt a Vrosligetben. Egy
vben 3 klnbz msort mutatunk be, melyekben a magyar
s a vilg cirkuszmvszeinek
legjava lp fel.
D E Hauptstdtischer
XIV., llatkerti krt. 12/a
Grozirkus. Der Hauptstdtische
che Grozirkus im
Phone: 06-1 343-9630
Stadtwldchen bezaubert sein Publikum mittlerweile seit
120 Jahren. Jhrlich drei neue Vorstellungen in unserem
35 Map2 B5
Programm unter Mitwirkung der allerbesten ungarischen und
internationalen Artisten.
IT Gran Circo equestre della Capitale. Il Gran Circo equestre della Capitale accoglie
il pubblico da 120 anni nel Parco Comunale. In un anno presentiamo tre diversi spettacoli
con lesibizione della prima linea degli artisti del circo ungheresi e stranieri.

Open: WedFri: 15.00 Sat: 11.00, 15.00, 19.00 Sun: 11.00, 15.00
Closed: Monday, Tuesday Closed in September

M1 Heroes Sq.



Experiences and special features lmnyek s klnlegessgek

EN The Palace of Wonders hands on sci-

ence museum for children and the House of

Future presenting the novelties of technology
can be found in the green park of the Millenaris cultural centre.
HU A Millenris kulturlis kzpont zld
parkjban tallhat interaktv killtsok. Az
vente megjul Csodk Palotja a termszet trvnyeit lmnyszeren mutatja be.
Minden kiprblhat s gy megtapasztalhat,
hogy a vilg rdekes. A Jv Hza Killts a
II. Fny u. 20-22.
technika jdonsgait vonultatja fel.
Phone: 36-1 336-4000
DE Im grnen Millenaris Park befindet sich, die Kulturzen36 Map2 C1
trale mit Interaktiven Ausstellungen. Der jhrlich sich immer
d Palast
P l t der
d Wunder
W d stellt wissenschaftliche Gesetze vor, die man ausprobieren
und fhlen kann, wie Interresant unsere Welt ist. Das Haus der Zukunft stellt technische
Neuigkeiten vor.
IT Mostre interattive nel giardino del Centro culturale del Millenario. Il Palazzo delle Meraviglie rinnovato di anno in anno propone unillustrazione suggestiva delle leggi della natura.
Si pu sperimentare tutto, e capire quant interesssante il nostro mondo. Lesposizione della
Casa del Futuro presenta le novit tecnologiche.
Open: MonFri 917, SatSun 1018
House of Future: Closed on Monday and Tuesday
Ticket: Palace of Wonders: 1350 (1100) Ft CARD 1080 (880) Ft
House of Future: 1350 (1100) Ft CARD 1080 (880) Ft
M2 Moszkva tr
Combined: 2150 (1300) Ft CARD 1720 (1040) Ft

i4, 6

EN It races a 12-km winding path through
the Buda Hills between Szchenyi Hill and
Hvsvlgy. With the exception of the engine
driver, all the functions are carried out by 1014year-old schoolchildren.
HU Gyermekvast. A Szchenyi-hegy s a
Hvsvlgy kzti 12 km-es utat a Budai-hegyek
lanki kztt teszi meg. Klnlegessge, hogy
a mozdonyvezet kivtelvel a vasutat 1014
ves iskols gyermekek mkdtetik.
Kindereisenbahn. Fhrt 12 km vom SzchenyiPhone: 36-1 397-5394
Berg bis Hvsvlgy durch die Budaer Berge. Auer
des Lokfhrers sind alle Mitarbeiter Kinder zwischen
37 Map3 D1 and
10 und 14 Jahren.
37A Map3 B1
IT Il trenino dei Bambini. Questo trenino fa il suo
percorso di 12 chilometri nei boschi di Buda, tra Hvsvlgy e la collina Szchenyi. La
linea gestita da studenti di 1014 anni, salvo il macchinista.

14. March1. Nov

1. Jan13. March and
2. Nov12. March 2011




45 perc/min.
60 perc/min.
60 perc/min.
60 perc/min.

Closed: Mondays between Sept and April

Ticket: 700 (350) Ft CARD 500 (300) Ft

i18, 56 c256

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit

EN The Budapest Amusement Park
has a large number of novelties for
kids and adults alike. In the summer
months the Park is open at night as
well. A 15% discount on the price of
the daily entrance ticket.
HU Vidmpark. Rengeteg jdonsggal hv kalandra kicsiket s nagyokat a Budapesti Vidmpark. Nyri
hnapokban jszaknknt is nyitva
tart. A napi belp karszalag rbl
15% kedvezmny.
DE Vergngungspark. Zahlreiche
XIV., llatkerti krt 1416.
Neuigkeiten fr Klein und Gro im Vergngungspark
Phone: 36-1 363-4460
Budapest. Im Sommer auch nachts geffnet. 15
zent Ermigung auf den Preis der Armbndchen fr
38 Map2 B5
IT Lunapark. Il Lunaparka di Budapest invita allavventura piccoli e grandi con mille
novit. Nei mesi estivi aperto anche di notte. Uno sconto del 15% sul prezzo della
fascia di braccio per lingresso.

Open: March 15., 2021., 2728.

Every day: April: 1218h, May: 1220h, JuneAug: 1020h, Sept: 1220h, OctNov: 1218h
Ticket: 4700 (3300) Ft CARD 4000 (2800) Ft

M1 Szchenyi frd

u 72, 74, 75

EN The Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden was
founded in 1866, and it is one of the oldest amongst
all Zoos. Most of its buildings are monuments. In
this historical surrounding, more than 800 animal
species, as well as a great variety of plants await
the visitors.
HU llatkert. Az 1866-ban alaptott Fvrosi
llat- s Nvnykert a vilg egyik legrgebbi llatkertje. pleteinek tbbsge memlki oltalom
alatt ll. A patins krnyezetben tbb mint nyolcXIV., llatkerti krt 612.
szz klnbz llatfajjal, s ktezer klnfle nvnynyPhone: 36-1 273-4900
nyel ismerkedhet meg a nagykznsg.
DE Tiergarten. Der Budapester Zoologische und
39 Map2 B5
Botanische Garten wurde im Jahre 1866 errichtet, und
es ist einer der ltesten aller Zoos. Die meisten von seinen
b d stehen
t h unter
Denkmalschutz. In dieser historischen Umgebung erwarten mehr als 800 Tierarten und
eine vielfltige Pflanzensammlung die Besucher.
IT Zoo. Lo Zoo e Giardino Botanico della Capitale fondato nel 1866 e uno dei Zoo
piu antico del mondo. La maggior parte dei fabbricati e protetta dal punto di vista
architettonico. Nellambiente patinato vivono piu di 800 specie di animali e duemila
specie di piante ed incantano i visitatori.
Open: every day from: 9:00 a.m.
Close at: Jan, Feb, Nov, Dec 16:00 March, Oct 17:00 (17:30) April, Sep 17:30 (18:00)
MayAug 18:30 (19:00) (weekend)
Ticket: 1850 (1290) HUF CARD 1350 HUF

M1 Szchenyi frd

u 72, 74, 75



Experiences and special features lmnyek s klnlegessgek

EN The visitors may try the ancient machinery in

Europes largest open-air railway museum. Interactive

games: engine driving, handcar driving, engine simulator, Csajka railcar, model railway controlling, engine
turntable operation, garden railway.
HU Magyar Vasttrtneti Park. Eurpa legnagyobb szabadtri vasti mzeumban a ltogatk ki
is prblhatjk az si masinkat. Interaktv jtkok:
mozdonyvezets, hajtnyozs, mozdonyszimultor,
Csajka snaut, vastmodell-vezets, mozdonyfordtXIV., Tatai t 95.
korongozs, kerti vast.
Phone: 36-1 450-1497
DE Ungarischer Park fr Eisenbahngeschichte. Im
grten Freilichtmuseum der Eisenbahn knnen die Be40 Map3 B4
sucher die alten Maschinen auch ausprobieren. Interaktive
i l Lokomotivfahrt,
L k
if h D
i i ffahren, Lokomotivsimulator, Schienenauto Csajka, Fahren
von Eisenbahnmodellen, Lokomotiv-Drehscheibe, Garteneisenbahn.
IT Parco Commemorativo delle Ferrovie Ungheresi. Museo delle ferrovie allaperto in
Europa possono essere provate i meccanismi vecchi. Sono a disposizione giochi interattivi:
guida locomotiva, simulatore di locomotiva, guida di carrello ferroviario, guida di modelli
ferroviari, guida del disco per girare locomotivi, ferrovia da giardino.
Ticket: 1100 (600) Ft CARD one child for free
Open: 1625 March: 10:0015:00
2 November5 December 10:0015:00
30, 30A, 120
26 March30 October 10:0018:00
Nyugati pu. 10:20,
Closed: on Mondays
(Open-air activities available 26 March31 October: until 16:00)
11:20, 13:20

EN The oldest of its kind in Hungary, the Botanical
Garden with its 3.1 hectare park, 2000 square meters
of greenhouses* and over 6000 plant species helps
the visitor in understanding the rich world of botany. In
2010, the garden is undergoing partial reconstruction.
HU Botanikus Kert Fvszkert. Az orszg legrgebbi botanikus kertje 3,1 hektros parkjval s
2000 m2 alapterlet veghzaival*, tbb mint 6000
nvnyfajval a nvnyvilg megismersben segti a
ltogatkat. 2010 folyamn a kert rszleges feljts
alatt ll.
DE Botanischer Garten (Fvszkert). Der lteste
botanische Garten Ungarns mit seinem 3,1 ha groen Park, Gewchshusern* von insgesamt 2000 qm
Grundflche und ber 6000 Pflanzenarten bietet Ihnen
VIII., Ills u. 25.
die Mglichkeit, die wunderbare Welt der Pflanzen zu
Phone: 36-1 314-0535
entdecken. 2010 werden im Garten teilweise
beiten durchgefhrt.
41 Map2 F6
IT Giardino Botanico (Fvszkert). Il pi antico giardino botanico del Paese con uunestensione di 3,1 ettari di terreno, con una superficie di
serre di 2000 m2* e oltre 6000 specie di piante aiuta la conoscenza della variet della
flora. Nel 2010 nel giardino sono in corso lavori di rinnovamento parziale.
Open: Garden: 1. April31. Oct 917, 1. Nov31. March 916
*Greenhouses: 1. April31. Oct 1016, 1. Nov31. March 915

M3 Klinikk


Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit

EN Although it earned fame with its stalactites,
high gorge-like corridors, large differences in level
and ball-like shapes eroded by hot springs are more
typical. The new 500-meter long visitors route holds
plenty of excitement. The temperature is about 11
degrees throughout the year.

HU Pl-vlgyi-Barlang. Leginkbb cseppkveirl lett nevezetes, br jellemzbbek r a magas,

hasadkszer folyosk, a nagy szintklnbsgek
s a hvizek ltal kioldott gmbszer oldsformk.
tszz mter hossz, megjtott tratvonala sok
izgalmat tartogat. A hmrsklet egsz vben 11 C krli.

DE Pl-vlgyi-Hhle. Die Hhle ist vor allem fr die

II., Szpvlgyi t 162.

Phone: 36-1 325-9505
42 Map3 C2

Tropfsteinformationen bekannt, obwohl hier auch die hohen,

gespalteten Korridore, die groen Hhenunterschiede und die vom wamen Wasser gelsten
kugelfrmigen Formen charakteristisch sind. Der unlngst erneuerte fnfhundert Meter lange
Tourenweg birgt viele Geheimnisse. Die Temperatur ist das ganze Jahr hindurch ca. 11 C.

IT Grotta di Pl-vlgy. Conosciuta prevalentemente per i stalattiti, anche se e caratterizzata

dai particolari corridoi strettissimi ed anche dalle forme sferiche lavate dalle acque termali e
dispone di grande differenze di livelli. Il percorso aperto per i turisti rinnovato ha lunghezza di
500 m. La temperatura costante in tutto lanno e intorno a 11 gradi C.

Open: TueSun 1016

Ticket: 1050 (800) Ft CARD 940 (720) Ft

c 65

EN Visitors may admire pisolite fallouts and
gypsum crystals, both considered a rarity in
Europe, along the close to 300-meter long route.
The air is suitable for the treatment of people who
suffer from asthma or other respiratory diseases.

HU Szeml-hegyi-Barlang. A mintegy hromszz mter hosszsg tratvonalat bejrva az

Eurpban ritkasgnak szmt borsk-kivlsokban s gipszkristlyokban gynyrkdhetnek
a ltogatk. A barlang levegje lehetv teszi
asztmsok s lgti betegsgben szenvedk kezelst.
DE Szeml-hegyi-Hhle. Auf dem etwa dreihundert

II., Pusztaszeri t 35.

Phone: 36-1 325-6001
43 Map3 C2

Meter langen Tourenweg knnen die Besucher die in Europa

seltenen Erbsensteine und Gipskristalle bewundern. Die Hhlenluft wird zur Heilung von
Asthmatikern und an Beschwerden der Atemwege leidenden Patienten benutzt.

IT Grotta di Szeml-hegy. I visitatori durante il percorso di circa trecento metri

possono ammirare le rarita in assoluto in tutta Europa di rocce piselli e cristalli calcare.
Il clima fresco della grotta consente la cura della malattie delle vie respiratorie e dei
problemi asmatici.

Open: WedMon 1016

Ticket: 850 (650) Ft CARD 760 (580) Ft

c 29



Experiences and special features lmnyek s klnlegessgek


EN Alexandra

Grand Parisian
Stores. The bookstore, wine shop and
caf are located in one of the most
fascinating Art Nouveau buildings of
Budapest. In the elegant atrium interior customers can choose from a wide
selection of the Hungarian and foreign
books and wines.
HU Alexandra Knyveshz a Prizsi Nagyruhzban. A knyvruhz,
borszakzlet s kvz Budapest
egyik lenygz szecesszis pletben vrja ltogatit. Az elegns, triumos bels trben bsges knyv-,
VI. Andrssy t 39.
CD- s DVD-knlatbl vlogathatnak
Phone: 36-1 48-48-000
a vsrlk.
44 Map1 C6
DE Alexandra Bcherhaus Pariser-Growarenhaus.
Buchladen, Weingeschft
und Caf in einem der schnsten Jugendstilgebude
haus Buchladen
von Budapest. Der elegante, Atrium-strukturierte Innenraum erwartet Ihnen mit seinem
reichhaltigen Sortiment an ungarischen und fremdsprachigen Bchern und an Weine.
IT Casa del libro Alexandra Gran Magazzino di Parigi. La libreria, lenoteca e il
caff vi aspettano in uno dei palazzi pi suggestivi della Secessione ungherese. Nellelegante spazio interno il pubblico ha unampia scelta di libri ungheresi e di lingue straniere
e vini.
Open: every day 1022

M1 Oktogon

i4, 6


EN The museum offers visitors a fascinating

overview of 200 years of the history of Hungary, of

the Zwack family and of Unicum, Hungarys national
drink, with display cabinets showing memorabilia
from the time of Emperor Joseph II up until the
Space age and a documentary film. The Museum
also houses one of Europes largest collections of
miniature bottles.
HU Zwack Mzeum s Ltogatkzpont. A
mzeum zeltt ad a Zwack csald, a titkos recept
s Magyarorszg trtnetbl. Filmvetts, zenl
IX., Soroksri t 26.
trgyak II. Jzsef udvartl az rutazsig. Itt
vitrinek beszdes
Phone: 36-1 476-2383
tallhat Eurpa egyik legnagyobb minipalack-gyjtemnye.
DE Zwack Unicum Besucherzentrum und Museum.
45 Map2 G5
Das Museum bietet eine Kostprobe aus der Geschichte der
Zwack sowie Ungarns. Filmvorfhrungen, musizierende
geheimen Rezepturen,
Rezepturen der Familie
Vitrinen, erzhlende Objekte, angefangen am Hof von Joseph II. bis hin zur Weltraumfahrt.
Hier befindet sich eine der grten Sammlungen von Miniflaschen in ganz Europa.
IT Museo Zwack e Centro di Visite. Il Museo documenta la storia dellUngheria, dellAmaro
Unicum e delaa famiglia Zwack durante gli ultimi 200 anni con laiuto di un film documentario e
bacheche colme di memorabilia dai tempi dellImperatore Giuseppe II fino allEra dello Spazio.
Ospita anche una delle collezioni piu prestigiose di bottiglie in miniatura in Europa.
Open: MonFri 1018
Ticket: 1770 Ft CARD 990 Ft

i2, 24

Erlebnisse und Spezialitten Avventure e specialit




Secret tunnels and passageways under the Buda Castle, known as one of
the worlds 7 underground wonders.
A budai Vr alatt hzd titokzatos s kalandos tveszt, amelyet a vilg ht fldalatti
csodja kz soroltak.
I., ri utca 9./Lovas t 4. Phone: 36-1 489-3281 Open: 9:3019:30
Ticket: 2000 Ft CARD 1500 Ft

46 Map1 D2

c16, 16A, 116



You will see sharks, rays, alligators and numerous other creatures in this
special zoo, the Tropicarium. You can watch sharkfeeding at 3 oclock every thursday.
Cpk rjk, aligtorok s rengeteg ms egzotikus llat egy klnleges llatkertben, a
Tropicariumban. Cpaetets minden cstrtkn 3 rakor!
XXII., Budapest, Nagyttnyi t 37-43. (Campona)
Open: 1019 h Phone: 36-1 424-3053

47 Map3 F2
33, 33A, 33E, 113, 113A,
114, 213, 214, 233E

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Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

Museum of Fine Arts

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

udapest is a city of culture
that boasts many great museums. From fine arts to contemporary and from religious to
historical collections, you can
see some exceptional exhibitions
on the most special themes as well.
The venues marked with the Cultural Budapest icon shows that
the place is a member of the Cultural Budapest Group.



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The museum introduces the history of the royal
palace from the earliest times to the present in its most
extravagant halls.
HU Budapesti Trtneti Mzeum Vrmzeum. A
kzpkori palota legszebb termeiben a mzeum Budapest
s a kirlyi palota trtnett mutatja be az skortl napjjainkig.
DE Budapester Historisches Museum Burgmuseum. Das Museum befindet sich in den schnsten Slen des
I., Budavri Palota
Palastes und prsentiert die Geschichte der
Wings E
Hauptstadt und des Burgpalastes von der Urzeit
Phone: 36-1 487-8887 ungarischen
b heute.
IT Museo Storico di Budapest Museo del Castello.
48 Map2 E3
Il museo presenta nelle sale pi prestigiose della regia
Budapest e del palazzo reale dallet primitiva ai nostri giorni.
medievale la storia di Budape
Open: 1 March31 Oct: 1018 h 1 Nov28 Feb: 1016 h Closed: Monday

c16, 16A, 116

Ticket: 1300 (650) Ft CARD 1040 (520) Ft



I., Buda Castle

Wings A-B-C-D
Phone: 36-1 201-9082
49 Map1 E3

EN With over 100.000 artifacts from the Middle Ages to the

present days, the Gallery in the Buda Castle has the largest
collection of Hungarian fine art.
HU Nemzeti Galria. A Budavri Palota pletben tallhat
t a magyar kpzmvszet legnagyobb gyjtemnye, mely
t mint 100 000 mtrgyat riz a kzpkortl napjainkig.
DE Ungarische Nationalgalerie. Der Burgpalast in Buda
beherbergt die grte Kunstausstellung Ungarns mit fast
100.000 Gegenstnden vom Mittelalter bis in unsere Tage.
IT Galleria Nazionale Ungherese. Nel Palazzo della Fortezza di Buda si trova la pi grande collezione darte ungherese che racchiude oltre 100.000 oggetti darte dal medio evo
fino ai nostri giorni.

Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

Ticket: permanent exhibitions 900 Ft CARD 700 Ft
temporary exhibitions 1900 Ft CARD 1400 Ft

c16, 16A, 116

EN In the countrys first museum, you can see the following exhibitions: The Coronation Mantle; The History of
Hungary from the Foundation of the State to 1990; the
Roman Lapidary and an archaeological display.
HU Magyar Nemzeti Mzeum. Az orszg els mzeumban megtekinthet killtsok: Magyar Koronzsi Palst, Magyarorszg trtnete az llamalaptstl 1990-ig,
Lapidarium, modern rgszeti killts.
VIII., Mzeum krt. 1416. DE Ungarisches Nationalmuseum. Dauerausstellungen
i bedeutendsten Museum Ungarns: ungarischer KrnungsPhone: 36-1 327-7773
mantel, Ungarns Geschichte von der Staatsgrndung bis
1990, Lapidarium, moderne Archologieausstellung.
50 Map1 F6
IT Museo Nazionale Ungherese. Le esposizioni del
primo museo del paese sono:
sono Il manto reale dincoronazione, La storia dellUngheria
dalla fondazione dello Stato al 1990, Lapidario, mostra archeologica moderna.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 1100 (550) Ft CARD 880 (440) Ft

M2 Astoria M3 Klvin tr
9, 15, 7, 115
47, 49

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN In addition to presenting the nature of Hungary and the
Carpathian Basin, the museum also offers glimpses into the
fascinating worlds of African papyrus swamps and coral reefs,
among others.
HU Magyar Termszettudomnyi Mzeum. Magyarorszg s a Krpt-medence termszetnek bemutatsa mellett
bepillantst nyjt tbbek kztt az afrikai papiruszmocsarak,
valamint a korallztonyok csodlatos lvilgba.
DE Ungarisches Naturwissenschaftliches Museum.
Neben der Prsentation der Natur Ungarns und des KarpaVIII., Ludovika tr 2-6.
tenbeckens kann man afrikanische Papyrussmpfe sowie die
Phone: 36-1 210-1085
wunderbare Welt der Korallenriffe bewundern.
IT Museo Ungherese delle Scienze Naturali. Oltre a
51 Map2 F6
presentare la natura dellUngheria e del Bacino dei Carpazi, d
unocchiata fra laltro sulla meravigliosa flora e fauna delle paludi dei papiri
papiri, nonch su quella delle
scogliere corallifere africane.
Open: 1018 Closed: Tuesday
Ticket: 600 (300) Ft CARD 480 (240) Ft

M3 Klinikk


EN Museum of Contemporary Art. The museum shows

Hungarian and international contemporary art. Masterpieces donated by Mr and Mrs Ludwig, Aachen, exciting
temporary exhibitions.
HU Kortrs Mvszeti Mzeum. Magyar s nemzetkzi
kortrs mvszetet bemutat mzeum. Remekmvek az
aacheni Ludwig hzaspr adomnybl, izgalmas idszaki
DE Museum fr zeitgenssische Kunst. Das MuseIX., Komor Marcell u. 1.
um fr zeitgenssische ungarische und auslndische Kunst.
(Mvszetek Palotja)
Kunstwerke aus der Gabe des Aachener Ehepaares Ludwig;
Phone: 36-1 555-3444
bemerkenswerte Wechselausstellungen.
IT Museo dellArte Contemporanea. E un museo che pre52 Map3 D3
senta arte contemporanea ungherese nonch internazionale.
Capolavori della donazione dei coniugi Ludwig di Acquisgrana emozionanti mostre temporanee.
Open: TueSun 1020 Closed: Monday

HV Lgymnyosi hd



EN This palace, one of the most magnificent public build-

ings in the capital was built in 1896 in Hungarian Art Nouveau style. Its collection comprises European masterpieces
of applied art from the Middle Ages to our days.
HU Iparmvszeti Mzeum. Az 1896-ban, szecesszis
stlusban plt palota a fvros egyik legszebb kzplete.
Gyjtemnyt az eurpai iparmvszet remekei alkotjk a
IX., lli t 3337.
kzpkortl napjainkig.
Phone: 36-1 456-5107
DE Museum fr angewandte Kunst. Der 1896 im
stil errichtete Palast gehrt gegenwrtig zu den schnsten
53 Map1 G7
Gebuden der ungarischen Hauptstadt. Zu seiner Sammlung
zhlen Meisterwerke der europischen angewandten Kunst vom
m Mittelalter bis heute
IT Museo delle Arti Applicate. Il palazzo costruito nel 1896 in stile della Secessione
ungherese uno degli edifici pi belli della nostra capitale. Le sue collezioni raccolgono i
capolavori delle arti decorative europee dal Medio Evo ai nostri giorni.
M3 Ferenc krt
Open: TueWed & FriSun: 1018, Thu: 1022
Closed: Monday
4, 6



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN One of the biggest ethnographical museums in Europe with almost 250,000 Hungarian and international artefacts. The building, which is located next to the Parliament,
hosts several temporary exhibitions and events.
HU Nprajzi Mzeum. Eurpa egyik legnagyobb nprajzi
mzeuma csaknem negyedmilli magyar s nemzetkzi
mtrggyal. A Parlament szomszdsgban ll plet
szmos idszaki killts s rendezvny helyszne is.
DE Ethnographisches Museum. Es ist eines der grten
etnographischen Museen Europas mit fast ein Viertel Million
ungarischen und internationalen Kunstgegenstnden. Das
V., Kossuth tr 12.
Gebude in der Nachbarschaft des Parlaments ist auch der Ort
Phone: 36-1 473-2400
fr zahlreiche temporre Ausstellungen und Veranstaltungen.
Museo Etnografico. E uno dei pi grandi musei etnogra54 Map1 C4
fici dEuropa, con quasi 250 mila opere darte ungheresi e
internazionali. Ledificio situato nelle vicinanze del Parlamento ospita anche numerose espointernazionali
sizioni temporanee e vari eventi.
M2 Kossuth tr
70, 78

i u


XIV., Hsk tere

Phone: 36-1 469-7100
55 Map2 C5

EN The museum presents foreign works of art and archaeological finds dating from Antiquity to the present day. The
Museum will be closed for construction foreseeably from the
end of April to the end of September.
HU Szpmvszeti Mzeum. A mzeum klfldi malkotsokat s rgszeti anyagot mutat be az kortl napjainkig.
Feljtsi munkk miatt elrelthatlag prilis vgtl szeptember vgig zrva tartunk!
DE Museum der Bildenden Knste. Das Museum auslndische Kunstwerke und Archologiematerial vom Altertum
bis heute.
IT Museo di Belle Arti. Il museo fa vedere opere darte
straniere e materiali archeologiche dallAntichiot ai giorni nostri.

Open: TueSun 1017:30, Thu 1822 (Museum+programmes) Closed: Monday

(Closed between 25 April and 22 Sept)
M1 Hsk tere
20E, 30, 30A, 105
72, 75, 79
Ticket: 1600 (800) Ft CARD 1400 Ft


EN The museum in the famous Vajdahunyad Castle is about the
history of Hungarian agriculture, hunting and wine-making. The Museum also features temporary exhibitions and various other events.
HU Magyar Mezgazdasgi Mzeum. A hres Vajdahunyadvrban tallhat mzeum a magyar mezgazdasg, vadszat, borszat trtnett mutatja be. Idszaki killtsokkal, programokkal
vrja ltogatit.
DE Museum fr Landwirtschaft. Das Museum im beXIV., Vrosliget,
rhmten Schloss Vajdahunyad prsentiert die Geschichte
der Landwirtschaft, des Forstwesens, der Fischerei und der
Phone: 36-1 422-0765
Weinkunde in Ungarn. Das Angebot wird durch
stellungen und verschiedene Veranstaltungen abgerundet.
56 Map2 C5
IT Museo dellAgricoltura. Il museo che si trova nel famoso
Castello di Vajdahunyad presenta
la storia dellagricoltura, della caccia e della vinicoltura
ungherese. Aspetta i visitatori con esposizioni temporanee e con vari programmi.
Open: 1. April31. October TueSun 1017
1. Nov31. March TueFri 1016, SatSun 1017

M1 Szchenyi frd
20E, 30, 30A
75, 79

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN Situated next to Saint Stephens Basilica, this museum features exciting temporary exhibitions related to
Hungarian trade, catering and tourism.
HU Magyar Kereskedelmi s Vendgltipari Mzeum. A Szent Istvn Bazilika mellett izgalmas idszaki
killtsokat tekinthetnek meg a magyar kereskedelem,
vendglts s idegenforgalom tmakrben.
V., Szent Istvn tr 15.
DE Ungarisches Handels- und Gastgewerbemuseum.
Phone: 36-1 375-6249
Das Museum in der Nhe der St.-Stephans-Basilika
tet mit spannenden Wechselausstellungen zu den Themen
57 Map2 D4
Handel, Gastgewerbe und Fremdenverkehr in Ungarn.
IT Museo Ungherese del Commercio e del settore della
d ll Ristorazione.
Ri t
N ll
vicinanze della Basilica di Santo Stefano potete vedere interessanti mostre temporanee
nella tematica del commercio, della ristorazione e del turismo ungherese.
Open: Wed 1119 Closed: Tuesday

M1 M2 Dek tr M3 Arany Jnos utca

Ticket: 800 (400) Ft CARD 640 (320) Ft

c15 u70, 72, 73, 78


EN The gallery introduces the best of Hungarian and contemporary foreign art in its temporary exhibitions, as well as
the permanent exhibition of the sculptor Pl Ptzay.
HU Budapest Galria Killthza. A magyar s klfldi
kortrs kpzmvszet legjavt mutatja be idszaki killtsain, s Ptzay Pl szobrsz lland killtsa is lthat itt.
DE Ausstellungshaus der Budapest Galerie. Wechselausstellungen mit Werken von der Crme de la Crme der
ungarischen und auslndischen zeitgenssischen Kunst,
stndige Ausstellung des Bildhauers Pl Ptzay.
IT Casa dEsposizione della Galleria Budapest. Le sue
mostre temporanee presentano il fior fiore dellarte figurativa
contemporanea ungherese e straniera e una mostra permanente dedicata allopera dello scultore Pl Ptzay.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 450 (225) Ft CARD 225 (110) Ft

III., Lajos u. 158.

Phone: 36-1 388-6771
58 Map3 C3

i c

HV rpd hd


EN This branch of the Budapest Gallery is the regular

venue of high-standard Hungarian and foreign contemporary art displays.

HU Budapest Killtterem. A Budapest Galria egyik
egysge rendszeres helyszne rangos magyar s klfldi
kortrs kpzmvszeti bemutatknak.
DE Ausstellungssaal Budapest. Diese Einheit der
Budapest Galerie ist regelmiger Schauplatz fr Ausstellungen erstrangiger ungarischer und auslndischer
IT Sala desposizione Budapest. uno dei punti desposizione della Galleria Budapest che ospita regolarmente mostre darte di prestigiosi artisti ungheresi e stranieri.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 450 (225) Ft CARD 225 (110) Ft

V., Szabad sajt t 5.

Phone: 36-1 318-8097
59 Map1 F5

i2 c5, 7, 112, 173

M3 Ferenciek tere



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The collection comprises Imre Vargas lifework:

his statues, sketches for public statues, drawings,

plaques and other creations.
HU Varga Imre Gyjtemny. Varga Imre letmvvel, szobraival, kztri szoborvzlataival, rajzaival,
rmeivel s egyb munkival ismertet meg.
DE Sammlung Imre Varga. Lebenswerk des Bildhauers Imre Varga einschlielich Skulpturen, Denkmalentwrfe, Zeichnungen, Plaketten und anderer
IT Collezione Imre Varga. Presenta lopera, le
sculture, gli schizzi di sculture pubbliche, disegni, medaglie ed altri lavori di Imre Varga.

III., Laktanya u. 7.
Phone: 36-1 250-0274
60 Map3 B3

Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 600 (300) Ft CARD 300 (150) Ft

i c

HV rpd hd


EN The former home of the famous Hungarian compos-

er of the 20th century today houses an exhibition of the life

of Bartk, and is also the stage for regular concerts.
HU Bartk Bla Emlkhz. A XX. szzad vilghr
magyar zeneszerzjnek egykori otthona ma Bartk
lettjt reprezentl, szemlyes emlkeit bemutat killts, valamint rendszeres zenei programok helyszne.
DE Bla Bartk Gedenkhaus. Ausstellung ber den
Lebensweg des weltberhmten ungarischen Komponisten Bla Bartk in seinem ehemaligen Wohnhaus. Oft
Schauplatz von Musikveranstaltungen.
IT Casa di Bla Bartk. La casa di Bla Bartk rappresenta
la vita del famosissimo compositore ungherese attraverso
oggetti personali e offre programmi musicali.

II., Csaln t 29.

Phone: 36-1 394-2100
61 Map3 C2

Open: 1017 Closed: Monday

c5, 29

Ticket: 1000 Ft CARD 500 Ft


EN The Holocaust Memorial Center with the Pva Synagogue

IX., Pva u. 39.

Phone: 36-1 455-3333
62 Map2 F5

houses permanent exhibition about the Hungarian Holocaust and

also hosts multicultural programmes, exhibitions, music events.
HU A Holokauszt Emlkkzpont a Pva utcai zsinaggval
kivteles pletegyttest alkot. A magyarorszgi holokauszt trtnett bemutat lland killtsa mellett multikulturlis programok, killtsok, zenei esemnyek helyszne.
DE Das Holocaust-Gedenkzentrum und die Synagoge in der
Pva Strae beherbergen zusammen die stndige Ausstellung der
Geschichte des ungarischen Holocaust und sind der Ort fr multikulturelle Programme, Ausstellungen und Musikveranstaltungen.
IT Il Centro Commemorativo dellOlocausto e la sinagoga
della via Pva, oltre allesposizione permanente sulla storia
dellolocausto in Ungheria, danno luogo a vari programmi, eventi musicali e mostre multiculturali.

Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 1300 Ft CARD 650 Ft

M3 Ferenc krt

i4, 6

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN Relics of the Hungarian foundry practice,

cast iron stoves, decorative castings are

introduced together with the lives and works of
Abraham Ganz and the Bavarian Mechwart.
HU ntdei Mzeum. Bemutatja a magyar
ntszet relikviit, ntttvas klyhkat, dszntvnyeket, Ganz brahm s a bajor szrmazs
Mechwart munkssgt.
DE Giesserei-museum. Vorgestellt werden die
Reliquien des Gieereigewerbes in Ungarn, fen
aus Gusseisen, Ziergsse, die Ttigkeit von Abraham
ham Ganz
und des aus Bayern stammenden Mechwart.
IT Museo di Fonderia. Fa vedere le reliquie della fusione
ungherese, stufe di ferro fuso, decorazioni fuse, lintera opera
di Abraham Ganz e di Mechwart di provenienza bavarese.
Open: 917 Closed: Monday

II., Bem Jzsef u. 20.

Phone: 36-1 201-4370
63 Map2 C2

M2 Batthyny tr

c11, 86 i4, 6

EN Set up in a historical building, the exhibition includes rarities such as authentic reconstructions of nyos Jedliks original
motor, dynamo and generator, as well as early transformers.
HU Elektrotechnikai Mzeum. A memlk pletben az
elektrotechnika trtnett bemutat killts olyan klnlegessgekkel bszklkedhet, mint Jedlik nyos smotorjnak,
dinamjnak s villmfesztjnek hiteles msolatai.
DE Elektrotechnisches Museum. Ausstellung ber die
Geschichte der elektrotechnik authentische Kopien des UrMotors, des Dynamos und des Blitzentwicklers von nyos
Jedlik, Originale und Kopien von Ur-Transformatoren.
IT Museo elettrotecnico. La mostra vanta di oggetti preziosi
come per esempio le copie originali del motore, della dinamo
di nyos Jedlik e altre copie e oggetti originali del trasformatore di una volta.
Open: TueFri 1017, Sat 916 Closed: Monday, Sunday
M2 Astoria
Ticket: 400 (200) Ft CARD 300 (150) Ft

VII., Kazinczy u. 21.

Phone: 36-1 342-5750
64 Map1 D6

c7 i4, 6, 47, 49

EN The family studio and housing museum in the villa on

Gellrt Hill gives an overview of the classical oeuvre of Pl

Molnr-C. (1894-1981) and of another great artist.
HU Molnr-C. Pl Mterem-Mzeum. Csaldi mterems laksmzeum a Gellrt-hegyi villban. Molnr-C. Pl
(1894-1981) klasszikus letmve s egy msik nagy mvsz
idszakos killtsa.
DE Atelier-Museum Pl Molnr-C. Familienmuseum
im ehemaligen Atelier- und Wohnhaus von Pl Molnr-C.
XI., Mnesi t 65.
(18941981). Neben dem klassischen Lebenswerk des
Phone: 36-30 201-1073,
Knstlers beherbergt die Villa auf dem Gellrtberg auch
36-1 385-3637
IT Museo-studio di Pl Molnr-C. Museo casa e studio
65 Map2 F2
della famiglia del pittore in una villa sulla collina Gellrt. Lopera classica di Pl Molnr-C. (1894-1981) e la mostra temporaneaa di unaltro artista
Open: Wed 1013, Thu 1518, Sat 1013 Closed in July and August
Ticket: 800 (400) Ft CARD 600 (300) Ft



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


III., Szentendrei t 135.

Phone: 36-1 430-1083
66 Map3 B3

EN The archaeological park and the exhibits include the

archaeological remains of the Roman town Aquincum.
HU Aquincumi Mzeum. A rmai vros rgszeti emlkei tekinthetk meg a killtsokban s a rgszeti parkban.
DE Aquincum Museum. Die archologischen Denkmler der Rmerstadt Aquincum sind im archologischen Park
und in den Ausstellungen zu sehen.
IT Museo Aquincum. Allesposizione e allaperto si vedono i monumenti archeologici di Aquincum, citt romana.

Open: 15.30. April, 1.31. Oct: 1017 h

1. May30. Sept: 1018 h
1. Nov14. April: 1016 h (Archaeological Park closed!)
Closed: Monday
HV Aquincum
Ticket: 1300, 650 (500) Ft CARD 1040, 520 (400) Ft
34, 134, 106
1. Nov14. April 850 (450) Ft CARD 680 (360) Ft


EN The exhibition is about the universal and Hungarian

history of the pharmaceutical profession, with special emphasis on the value of Renaissance and Baroque items.
HU Arany Sas Patikamzeum. A killts az egyetemes
s magyar gygyszersztrtnetet mutatja be, kiemelve a
renesznsz s barokk korok iparmvszeti rtkeit.
DE Apothekenmuseum zum Goldenen Adler. Die
Ausstellung prsentiert die internationalen und ungarischen Pharmaziegeschichte. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird dabei den kunstgewerblichen Requisiten der
Renaissance und des Barock gewidmet.
I., Trnok u. 18.
T Museo della Farmacia Arany Sas. Il museo illustra
Phone: 36-1 375-9772 la storia della farmacologia mondiale e ungherese con
particolare rilievo ai tesori artigianali della farmacia dellepoca
rinascimentale e barocca.
67 Map2 D2
Open: 1. Nov14. March 10:3016:00
15. March31. Oct 10:3018:00 Closed: Monday
16, 16A, 116
Ticket: 500 (250) Ft CARD 400 (200) Ft


VI., Nagymez u. 8.
Phone: 36-1 413-1310
68 Map2 D4

EN Flexibly reacting to changes, the museum offers thematic contemporary art exhibitions by national and internattional individuals and groups.
HU Ernst Mzeum. A krnyezetre gyorsan reflektl
egyni s csoportos, hazai s nemzetkzi tematikus kortrs
kpzmvszeti killtsoknak ad helyet.
DE Ernst-Museum. Das Museum beherbergt thematische
Projekte unter ihnen individuelle und Gruppenausstellungen
vvon ungarischen und internationalen Knstlern , die unsere
sich stndig verndernde Umgebung reflektieren.
IT Museo Ernst. Il museo ospita esposizioni tematiche personali e collettive darte contemporanea ungherese ed internazionale di pronta reazione allambiente.

Open: 1119 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 700 (300) Ft CARD 560 (240) Ft

M1 Oktogon

u70, 78

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN Main sections of the exhibition with around 1000 exhibit
items: flight instruments, aircraft engines, history of aviation,
commercial, sport and civil aviation, space exploration.
HU Magyar Mszaki s Kzlekedsi Mzeum Replstrtneti s rhajzsi Killts. A repls elmlete, replstrtnet, munka-, sport- s kzforgalmi repls, rhajzs.
DE Ausstellung ber die Geschichte des Fliegens und
der Raumfahrt. Instrumente des Fliegens, Flugzeugmotoren,
oto e ,
Geschichte des Fliegens, Arbeit-, Sport- und VerkehrsXIV., Zichy Mihly utca
fliegen, Raumflug.
(Petfi Csarnok)
IT Mostra di aviazione e astronautica. gli strumenti
Phone: 36-1 363-0809
dellaviazione, motori di velivoli, storia dellaviazione,
aeroplani da lavoro, da sport, da trasporto pubblico,
69 Map2 C6

i1 u70, 72, 74

Open: 1. May11. Oct: 1017 Closed: Monday


EN In the the open-air exhibition outside Ferihegy Ter-

minal 2, board the legendary passenger planes or get into

the pilots seat.
HU Ferihegyi Replgp Emlkpark. A Ferihegy 2.
terminl eltti szabadtri killtson lpjen a legends
utasszlltk fedlzetre s foglaljon helyet akr a piltalsben.
DE Flugzeug-Gedenkpark Ferihegy. Auf dem Freigelnde vor Terminal 2 des Flughafens Ferihegy haben
Ferihegy 2. terminl
Sie die Mglichkeit, sich an Bord der legendren FlugPhone: 36-30 914-5531
zeuge zu begeben und sogar den Pilotensitz zu testen.
IT Parco Commemorativo Aerei Ferihegy. Allespo70 Map3 E7
sizione allaperto di fronte al Terminale 2 di Ferihegy
salga a bordo dei leggendari aerei di linea e si accomodi anche
h sull sedile
dil ddell pilota.
il t
Open: 15. March15. October: 9.0017.00 16. October30. November: 9.0015.00
Closed: 1. December14. March
Ticket: 1200 (550) Ft CARD 960 (440) Ft


EN The House pays tribute to the victims of two tragic periods of Hungarian history, i.e. Nazi and communist terror.

HU Terror Hza Mzeum. A hz a XX. szzadi

magyar trtnelem kt tragikus korszaka, a nyilas s a

kommunista terror ldozatainak llt emlket.
DE Museum Haus des Terrors. Dieses Haus dient als
Denkmal fr die Opfer von zwei tragischen Epochen der
ungarischen Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert dem Terror
der Pfeilkreuzler und der Kommunisten.
IT Museo della Casa del Terrore. La Casa rievoca
due epoche tragiche della storia ungherese del 20. secolo,
commemorando le vittime del terrore dei crocifrecciate e del
Open: TueSun: 1018 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 1800 (900) Ft CARD 1440 (720) Ft

VI., Andrssy t 60.

Phone: 36-1 374-2600
71 Map2 C5

M1 Oktogon

i4, 6 c105



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The museums collections comprise some 20,000 items from
China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, Nepal, Tibet and Mongolia. Exhibitions are held in the former villa of the art collector Ferenc Hopp.
HU Hopp Ferenc Kelet-zsiai Mvszeti Mzeum. A Hopp
Ferenc mgyjt egykori villjbl kialaktott mzeum gyjtemnye
mintegy 20 ezer fkppen knai, japn, indiai, dlkeletzsiai, nepli, tibeti s mongol mtrgybl ll.
DE Die Kollektion des Museums in der ehemaligen Villa des Kunstsammlers Ferenc Hopp besteht aus etwa 20.000 Objekten aus
China, Japan, Indien, Sdostasien, Nepal, Tibet und Mongolien.
VI., Andrssy t 103.
IT La collezione del museo, costruito nella residenza di un
Phone: 36-1 322-8476
tempo del collezionista dopere darte Ferenc Hopp
to di circa 20 mila oggetti darte, soprattutto cinesi, giapponesi,
72 Map2 C5
indiani, del Sud-Est dellAsia, nepalesi, tibetiani e mongoli.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

Temporary exhibition When the Gates of

Asia opened until May 2010.

Ticket: 1000 (500)Ft CARD 800 (400) Ft

M1 Bajza u.


EN Permanent Exhibitions of the Ferenc Hopp Museum of

Eastern Asiatic Arts are housed in the one-time villa of art collector and art critic Gyrgy Rth. There is also a Gyrgy Rth
memorial room.
HU A mgyjt s mvszeti r Rth Gyrgy egykori villjban a Hopp Ferenc Kelet-zsiai Mvszeti Mzeum
lland killtsai lthatk, valamint itt rendeztk be Rth
Gyrgy emlkszobjt is.
DE In der ehemaligen Villa des Kunstsammlers und Kunstkritikers Gyrgy Rth sind die stndigen Ausstellungen des Ferenc
VI., Vrosligeti fasor 12. Hopp sowie das Gedenkzimmer fr Gyrgy Rth zu sehen.
Phone: 36-1 342-3916
IT Nellex-residenza del collezionista di opere darte e
tore artistico Gyrgy Rth si possono vedere le esposizioni
73 Map2 C5
permanenti del Museo Ferenc Hopp, nonch la stanza commemorativa di Gyrgy Rth.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday
M1 Bajza utca
70, 78
Ticket: 600 (300) Ft CARD 480 (240) Ft



XIV., Vrosligeti krt 11.

Phone: 36-1 273-3840
74 Map2 C6
Open: 1017 Closed: Monday

EN One of Europes oldest transport

history collections. Its model railway material
is world-famous.
HU Magyar Mszaki s Kzlekedsi Mzeum. Eurpa egyik legrgibb kzlekedstrtneti gyjtemnye. Vastmodellanyaga
DE Verkehrsmuseum. Eine der ltesten
europischen Sammlungen fr Verkehrsgeschichte. Weltberhmte Modelleisenbahnsammlung.
IT Museo dei Transporti. Una delle collezioni pi
antiche della storia dei mezzi di trasporto. La collezione dei trenini unica.
M3 Ferenc krt

i4, 6

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN An invisible interactive journey with a blind guide,
giving you an experience that will change your life forever.
Thats what you call blind trust.
HU Lthatatlan, interaktv utazs egy vak vezet ksretben egy olyan tra, ami rkre megvltoztatja az leted. Bzz vakon!
DE Invisible Exhibition. Ein blinder Fremdenfhrer
nimmt dich mit auf eine unsichtbare, interaktive Reise, die
garantiert dein Leben verndern wird. Du brauchst nur eins::
Blindes Vertrauen
IT Esposizione invisibile. Un itinerario invisibile, interattivo con una guida cieca, in un viaggio che ti cambier la vita
per sempre. Abbi una fiducia cieca!

X., Npligeti t 2.
Phone: 36-20 771-4236
75 Map2 G7

M3 Npliget

Open: MonFri 1220, SatSun 1020

Ticket: 1750 (1450) HUF CARD 1290 (990) HUF

i1 c103


EN A museum presenting memories of medieval Buda
Jewry is in a Baroque apartment built on the ruins of the
14th century prayer house in Zsid (Jewish) Street.
HU Kzpkori Zsid Imahz. A XIV. szzadi Zsid
utcai imahz maradvnyaira plt barokk lakhzban kapott helyet a kzpkori budai zsidsg emlkeit bemutat
DE Mittelalterliches Jdisches Gebetshaus. Das
I., Tncsics Mihly u. 26.
Barockwohnhaus auf berresten eines jdischen GebetsPhone: 36-1 225-7815
hauses des 14. Jahrhunderts beherbergt das Museum fr
Denkmler des mittelalterlichen Judentums in Buda.
76 Map1 C2
IT Sinagoga Medievale. Il museo che fa vedere i
la casa di abitazione barocca
ricordi degli ebrei di Buda del medio evo stato arredato nella
costruita sulle rovine della sinagoga di via degli Ebrei del XIVo secolo.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

c16, 16A, 116

Ticket: 600 (300) Ft CARD 480 (240) Ft


EN The museum with lead-glass pictures and mosaics from the

beginning of the 20th century - of the most important Hungarian glass

painter of historicism and art nouveau was opened in the former dwelling house of the artist.
HU Rth Miksa Emlkhz. A historizmus s a szecesszi legjelentsebb magyar vegfestmvsznek lakhzbl kialaktott mzeum, 20. szzad eleji lmozott vegkpekkel s mozaikokkal.
DE Miksa Rth Gedenkmuseum. Das Museum des bedeutendsten
Glaskunstmalers des Historizismus und des Jugendstils wurde in seinem
ehemaligen Wohnhaus erffnet und zeigt Bleiglasgemlde und
VII., Nefelejcs u. 26.
Mosaiken vom Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts.
Phone: 36-1 341-6789
IT Casa commemorativa Miksa Rth. Il Museo convertito
dalla casa di abitazione dellartista di pittura vetraria pi
77 Map2 D5
importante dello storicismo e dello stile liberty, con quadri di
vetro e mosaici piombati dellinizio del Novecento.
Open: 1418 Closed: Monday Closed 1.31. August
Ticket: 750 (350) Ft CARD 600 (280) Ft

M2 Keleti pu.

u74, 76



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The former monastery houses the 20th century art collection of the Municipal Gallery and its Modern Urban History
Department, as well as contemporary exhibitions.
HU Fvrosi Kptr Kiscelli Muzeum. A hajdani kolostorban a Fvrosi Kptr 20. szzadi kpzmvszeti
s az jkori Vrostrtneti Osztly gyjtemnye, valamint
kortrs killtsok lthatak.
III., Kiscelli u. 108.
DE Hauptstdtische Galerie Kiscell Museum. Das
ehemalige Kloster beherbergt neben der Kunstausstellung der
Phone: 36-1 250-0304
Hauptstdtischen Galerie auch die Sammlung der Abteilung
fr Neuzeitliche Stadtgeschichte sowie Wechselausstellungen
zeitgenssischer Knstler.
78 Map3 C2
IT Pinacoteca Municipale Museo di Kiscell. Nel convento
di una volta si possono vedere lla collezione darte del 20mo secolo e quella della Sezione di storia urbana dellEt moderna della Galleria della Capitale, nonch esposizioni contemporanee.
Open: 1. April31. October: 1018 h

1. November31. March: 1016 h

Ticket: 800 (400) Ft CARD 640 (320) Ft

c160, 260, 165 i17

EN The 10-year-old private collection displays the
flags of countries in six continents, most of which
were added to the collection by prime ministers and
HU Zszlmzeum. A 10 ves magngyjtemny hat fldrsz orszgainak zszlajait mutatja be,
nagy rszk llamfk, uralkodk ajndkaknt kerlt
a gyjtemnybe.
DE Flaggenmuseum. Die 10 Jahre alte Privatsammlung prsentiert Nationalflaggen aus sechs
VIII., Jzsef krt. 68.
K ti t die meistens als Geschenk von StaatsoberhupKontinenten,
Phone: 36-1 334-0159
ten, Herrschern in die Sammlung gelangt sind.
IT Museo delle Bandiere. La collezione privata che risale
79 Map2 F5
a 10 anni fa, presenta le bandiere nazionali di paesi di sei
ti ti La
L maggior
i parte
t ddella collezione consiste in regali ricevuti da capi di stato o da
Open: 1217 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 400 Ft


320 Ft


EN Supervised by the Ministry of Defence, the Institute and Mu-

seum of Military History is a collection and exhibition of Hungarian

and Hungary-related military objects from the past one thousand
HU HM Hadtrtneti Intzet s Mzeum. A mzeum az elmlt 1000 esztend magyar s magyar vonatkozs hadtrtnelmi trgyainak gyjt- s killthelye.
DE Institut und Museum fr Militrgeschichte des MiI., Tth rpd stny 40. nisteriums fr Verteidigung. Das Museum dient als Sammlungs- und Ausstellungsort fr ungarische militrhistorische
Phone: 36-1 325-1600
Objekte und militrhistorische Objekte mit ungarischem
zug aus dem letzten Jahrtausend.
80 Map1 C1
IT Istituto e Museo di Storia Militare del Ministero della
Difesa. Il museo un luogo di ra
raccolta e di esposizione degli oggetti di storia militare ungheresi
e di interesse ungherese di questultimo millennio.
Open: 1018 Closed: Mon.

c16, 16A, 116

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN The permanent exhibition in the 28 rooms of the Ba-

roque mansion presents the European furniture-making art

from Gothic to Biedermeier style. Events in 2010: Ages-Flowers: 810th May. Funny antique days in the garden of Kentaur
in September. Christmas in the castle in December.
HU Nagyttnyi Kastlymzeum. A barokk kastly 28
termben lthat lland killts a gtiktl a biedermeierig
mutatja be az eurpai btormvszetet. 2010 vi programok:
Korok-virgok mjus 810, kori vg napok a Kentaur kertjXXII. Kastlypark u. 9-11.
ben szeptemberben, Karcsony a kastlyban decemberben.
Phone: 36-1 207-0005
DE Schlossmuseum Nagyttny. Eine stndige Ausstellung
veranschaulicht in 28 Slen des Barockschlosses die europi- 81 Map3 G2
sche Mbelkunst von der Gotik bis zum Biedermeier.
IT Museo di Castello di Nagyttny. Nelle 28 sale del castello
tello barocco viene
iene dimostrata
larte dei mobili europea dalla gotica al biedermaier.
Open: 1018 Closed: Monday

c33, 33A, 33E

Ticket: 600 (300) Ft CARD 480 (240) Ft


EN Mcsarnok is Hungarys definitive contemporary exhibition space: Its mission is to introduce trends
in international and national contemporary visual arts.
HU Mcsarnok. A Mcsarnok Magyarorszg
meghatroz kortrs killthelye: kldetse a nemzetkzi s hazai kortrs kpzmvszeti trendek
XIV., Hsk tere
DE Kunsthalle (Mcsarnok). Die Kunsthalle gehrt zu den bedeutendsten Ausstellungsorten fr ungarische
Phone: 36-1 460-7000
Gegenwartskunst. Ihr Auftrag besteht in der Vorstellung von
wichtigen Tendenzen der bildenden Knste in Ungarn sowie
im Ausland.
82 Map2 C5
IT Galleria dArte (Mcsarnok). La Galleria dArte il luogo desposizione di maggior rilievo dellUngheria: la sua missione
one quella di presentare le
tendenze dellarte contemporanea internazionale e nazionale.
Open: 1018, Thu 1220 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 1400 (600) Ft CARD 1120 (480) Ft

M1 Hsk tere
20E, 30, 30A
75, 79


EN The exhibition in the house where Ignc Semmelwe-

is was born is a summary of the three thousand years of

European medicine, comprising a rich collection of artefacts
and documents.
HU Semmelweis Orvostrtneti Mzeum. A Semmelweis Ignc szlhzban megtekinthet killts az eurpai
orvosls 3000 ves fejldst sszegzi gazdag trgyi, mvszeti s dokumentumanyag bemutatsval.
DE Semmelweis Museum fr Medizingeschichte. Durch
I., Aprd u. 13.
eine reiche Sammlung von Gegenstnden, Kunstobjekten und
Phone: 36-1 201-1577
Dokumenten prsentiert die Ausstellung im Geburtshaus von
Ignc Semmelweis 3000 Jahre Medizingeschichte.
IT Museo di Storia della Medicina Semmelweis. La
83 Map1 F3
mostra allestita nella casa nativa di Ignc Semmelweis offre
ropeo con la presentazione
una sintesi dellevoluzione di tre millenni del medicamento europeo
di un ricco materiale artistico, di oggettistica e documentazione.
Open: 1. Nov14. March 10:3016:00
15. March31. Oct 10:3018:00 Closed: Monday

i18, 19 c5, 86



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


IV., Dessewffy u. 26.

Phone: 36-1 360-3309
84 Map3 B4

EN Visitors can admire minerals, butterflies,

bugs, Indian folk art objects, shells, snails and
HU jpesti Lepkemzeum. svnyokat,
lepkket, bogarakat, indin npmvszeti trgyakat, kagylkat, csigkat, fosszlikat tekinthetnek meg az ideltogatk.
DE Schmetterlingmuseum in jpest. Mineralien, Schmetterlinge, Kfer, Volkskunstgegenstnde der Indianer, Muscheln, Schnecken
und Fossilien erwarten die Besucher.
IT Museo farfalle di jpest. Minerali, farfalle, insetti, oggetti
artigianali degli indiani, coniglie, chiocciole, fossili possono
essere veduti dai visitatori.

Open: 1218, SatSun 1018, Closed: Monday

Ticket: 500 (250) Ft CARD 400 (200) Ft

M3 jpest kzpont

i12, 14



VI., Kodly krnd 1.

Phone: 36-1 352-7106
85 Map1 B7

EN The exhibition in the former home of the world-famous

composer and music educator features Zoltn Kodlys personal objects.
HU Kodly Zoltn Emlkmzeum. A vilghr zeneszerz s zenepedaggus egykori otthonban berendezett
killts Kodly szemlyes trgyaibl ll.
DE Zoltn-Kodly-Gedenkmuseum. Die Ausstellung
in der ehemaligen Wohnung von Zoltn Kodly zeigt persnliche Gegenstnde aus dem Besitz des weltberhmten
Komponisten und Musikpdagogen.
IT Museo Commemorativo Zoltn Kodly. Lesposizione
allestita nella casa dove abitava il compositore e pedagogo
musicale di fama mondiale presenta oggetti personali di Kodly.

Open: Wed 1016, ThuSat 1018, Sun 1014

Ticket: 300 (150) Ft CARD 240 (120) Ft

M1 Kodly krnd


EN Objects and documents of the Hungarian textile

and garments industries are to be found in the Goldberger

Factory (18-19th century historical monument) in buda.
HU Textil s Textilruhzati Ipartrtneti Mzeum.
A budai Goldberger-gyr XVIIIXIX. szzadi memlk
pletben tallhat gyjtemny a magyar textil- s konffekciipar trgyi s rsos dokumentumait rzi.
DE Textil und bekleidungsgewerbemuseum. Objekte
und Dokumente zur Geschichte der ungarischen Textil- und
III., Lajos u. 136138.
Konfektionsindustrie, in der Goldberger-Fabrik in buda.
Phone/fax: 36-1 367-5910
Das Gebude aus den 18.-19. Jahrhunderten steht unter
36-1 430-1387
Il Museo Storico-artigiano ai Tessili ed Abbigli86 Map2 A3
menti. Nell edificio protetto della ex-fabbrica Goldberg c
una collezione di oggetti e docume
documenti scritti della industria tessile.
Open: TueThu 1016, Fri 1014
HV Tmr utca
Ticket: 700 Ft CARD 600 Ft

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN This is a permanent exhibition of Hungarys wine and
drink culture with wine tasting in Hungarys only Renaissance cellar museum.
HU Kirlyi Borhz s Pincemzeum. Magyarorszg
bor- s italkultrjt bemutat lland killts, borkstolk
az orszg egyetlen renesznsz pincemzeumban.
DE Knigliches Weinhaus und Kellermuseum. Dauerausstellung zur ungarischen Wein- und Getrnkekultur und Weinproben im einzigen Renaissance-Kellermuseum Ungarns.
IT Enoteca Reale e Museo delle Cantine. Mostra permanente dei vini e delle bevande ungheresi, degustazioni
del vino nellunico museo cantina del paese.

I., Szent Gyrgy tr,

Nyugati stny
Phone: 36-1 267-1100
87 Map1 E3

Open: 1 May30 Sept: MonSun: 1220 h 1 Oct30 April: TueSun: 1220 h

c 16, 16A, 116

Ticket: 900 Ft CARD 810 Ft

EN The exhibition in the Zichy Castle in Old Buda intro-

duces the oeuvre of Hungarian born painter Victor Vasarely

and the work of contemporary artists.
HU Vasarely Mzeum. budn a Zichy-kastlyban tallhat killts Victor Vasarely magyar szrmazs fest letmvt, valamint kortrs mvszek alkotsait mutatja be.
DE Vasarely-Museum. Die Ausstellung im Schloss Zichy
in buda prsentiert das Oeuvre des ungarischstmmigen
Malers Victor Vasarely sowie Werke von ausgezeichneten
IT Museo Vasarely. La mostra del Palazzo Zichy a buda
presenta le opere del pittore di origine ungherese Victor Vasarely ed i lavori di artisti contemporanei ungheresi.
Open: TueFri 1017:30 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 800 (400) Ft CARD 700 Ft

III., Szentllek tr 6.
Phone: 36-1 388-7551
88 Map3 B3

i1, 1A c86, 106

HV rpd hd


EN Ferenc Liszts former home, the Old Academy of Mu-

sic, is a museum where the musicians musical instruments

and other personal objects are on display.
HU Liszt Ferenc Emlkmzeum. Liszt Ferenc egykori
otthonban, a Rgi Zeneakadmin tallhat a mzeum a
zenemvsz eredeti hangszereivel, szemlyes trgyaival.
DE Franz-Liszt-Gedenkmuseum. Das Museum befindet
sich in der ehemaligen Wohnung von Franz Liszt im Gebude
der Alten Musikakademie und prsentiert neben Originalinstrumenten auch persnliche Gegenstnde des Musikgenies.
IT Museo commemorativo di Ferenc Liszt. Il museo
che si trova nellabitazione di una volta di Ferenc Liszt,
nella vecchia Accademia della Musica, espone gli strumenti
musicali ed oggetti personali del musicista.
Open: MonFri 1018, Sat 917 Closed: 15. July30. Aug
Ticket: 800 (400) Ft CARD 700 (350) Ft

VI., Vrsmarty u. 35.

Phone: 36-1 322-9804
89 Map1 C7

M1 Vrsmarty u.

i4, 6



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The permanent exhibitions in the listed Art Nouveau building
are about the history of geology and our Earth, introducing mineral
associations and even displaying minerals in UV light.
HU Orszgos Fldtani Mzeum. A vdett szecesszis plet lland killtsain a magyar geolgiatrtnetet, fldtrtnetnket, svnytrsulsainkat lthatjk, st uv-fnyben vilgt svnyokat is.
DE Geologisches Museum. Die Dauerausstellungen des Museums im denkmalgeschtzten Jugendstilgebude zeigen den
XIV., Stefnia t 14.
Besuchern die Geschichte der ungarischen Geologie, die ErdPhone: 36-1 267-1427
geschichte und die Mineralien Ungarns und sogar Mineralien,
die unter UV-Licht zu leuchten beginnen.
90 Map2 D7
IT Museo Geologico Ungherese. Alle esposizioni permanenti allestite nel palazzo liberty sotto tutela potete conoscere
la storia della geologia ungherese, la storia geologica dellUngheria, le nostre associazioni di
minerali e persino minerali che risplendono sotto la luce UV.
Open: 7. Jan16. Dec: Thu, SatSun 1016
Ticket: 500 (250) Ft

CARD 250 Ft

M2 Stadionok

c5, 7, 173 u75, 77


VI., Nagymez u. 20.

Phone: 36-1 473-2666
91 Map1 C6

EN Besides the unique Daylight Studio, the photographer

Man Mais former studio and home now houses a contemporary and a historical photo exhibition, a special library and a
bookshop specialised in photography.
HU Magyar Fotogrfusok Hza. Mai Man fotogrfus egykori mteremhzban az egyedlll Napfnymtermen kvl
trtneti s kortrs fotkillts, szakknyvtr s fotogrfiai
knyvesbolt tallhat.
DE Haus der Ungarischen Fotografie. Das ehemalige
Atelierhaus des Fotografen Mai Man beherbergt auer dem
einzigartigen Atelier Sonnenschein auch historische und zeitgenssische Fotoausstellungen.
IT La Casa dei Fotografi Ungheresi. Nella casa studio
dove visse il fotografo Man Mai, oltre allunico Studio fotografico con la luce naturale, si trovano una mostra fotografica
storica e contemporanea.

Open: MonFri 1419, SatSun 1119

M1 Opera

c105 u70, 78


EN There is a permanent exhibition of Jewish artefacts
and the history of Holocaust in Hungary, supplemented by
temporary exhibitions.
HU Magyar Zsid Mzeum. lland killts mutatja be
a zsid mtrgyakat, s a magyarorszgi holokauszt trtnett. Idszaki killtsok egsztik ki a programot.
DE Ungarisches Jdisches Museum. Im Rahmen der
Dauerausstellung werden jdische Kunstdenkmler sowie die
VII., Dohny u. 2.
Geschichte des Holocaust in Ungarn prsentiert. Das AngePhone: 36-1 342-8949
bot des Museums wird durch Wechselausstellungen ergnzt.
92 Map1 E6
IT Museo Ebraico Ungherese. Una mostra permanente
presenta gli oggetti darte eb
ebraici e la storia dellOlocausto in Ungheria. Il programma
completato da mostre temporanee.
Open: 1. March31. Oct: SunThu: 10.0017.30 Fri: 10.0015.30
1. Nov28. Feb: SunThu: 10.0015.30 Fri: 10.0013.30
Ticket: 2000 (850) Ft CARD 1750 (750) Ft

M2 Astoria

c9, 109 i47, 49

Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN The museum displaying the history of the first underground of the continent awaits you in an out-of-use tunnel with
original carriages and a unique environment.
HU Fldalatti Vasti Mzeum. A kontinens els fldalattijt bemutat mzeum egy korbban felhagyott alagtszakaszban, eredeti fldalatti kocsikkal, egyedi krnyezetben
vrja nt.
DE Museum mit einer Ausstellung fr die erste U-Bahn des
Kontinents erwartet Sie in einer frher auer Betrieb genommenen Tunnelstrecke mit echten U-Bahn-Wagen in individueller Umgebung.
IT Il museo situato in un tratto di tunnel non pi usato, presenta la prima ferrovia sotterranea del continente con delle
carrozze originali in un ambiente unico.

Dek sq. metro station

Phone: 06-1 461-6500/
93 Map2 E4

Open: 1017 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 300 (250) Ft


Free photo and video ticket

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr


EN A hidden gem of Art Nouveau architecture, the House offers

a unique insight into the ambiance of Budapest bourgeois life in

the happy pre-war years.
HU Magyar Szecesszi Hza. A szecesszis ptszet egyik
rejtett gyngyszeme, melyben egyedlll killts nyjt betekintst a bkebeli idk budapesti polgri letnek hangulatba.
DE Haus der Ungarischen Sezession. Die einmalige Ausstellung in diesem verborgenen Schatz der Budapester Jugendstilarchitektur gewhrt Einblick in das Ambiente des brgerlichen
Lebens in Budapest whrend der seligen k.u.k.-Zeit.
IT Casa della Secessione ungherese. una delle V. Budapest, Honvd u. 3.
perle nascoste dellarchitettura della Secessione un- Bed hz Phone: 36-1 269-4622
gherese, nella quale una mostra singolare d unidea
dellatmosfera della vita della borghesia budapestina
94 Map2 D3
nei tempi di pace.
Open: MonSat 1017
Ticket: 1000 (500) Ft

CARD 500 Ft

M2 Kossuth tr M3 Arany Jnos u.

15, 115


EN The museum, located in a carriage-stable built in

1914, exhibits some 60 fully restored, authentic vehicles

(trams, buses, trolleybuses etc.) from the past 120 years.
HU A mzeumban mintegy 60 korhen feljtott jrm
lthat (villamosok, buszok, trolibuszok stb.) az elmlt
120 vbl egy 1914-ben plt egykori kocsisznben.
DE Im Museum sind etwa 60 zeitgerecht renovierte
Fahrzeuge (Straenbahnen, Busse, Obusse usw.) aus
den vergangenen 120 Jahren in einem im Jahre 1914
gebauten Wagenschuppen zu sehen.
IT Al museo, in una rimessa costruita nel 1914, si trovano ben
60 mezzi restaurati dellepoca (tra questi tram, autobus, filobus,
ecc.) risalenti agli ultimi 120 anni.
Open: 1. April31. Oct: 1017 Closed: Monday
Ticket: 300 (250) Ft CARD Free photo and video ticket

Dzsa Gyrgy t 3.
Phone: 06-1 461-6500/
95 Map3 A3
HV Szentendre



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei


EN Temporary exhibitions are held in the exhibition hall
of the Hungarian Sports Museum in the vicinity of the Lszl
Papp Budapest Sport Arena. Prior notice is advisable.
HU Magyar Sportmzeum. A Magyar Sportmzeum
a Papp Lszl Budapest Sportarna szomszdsgban
tallhat killttermben idszaki killtsokat rendez.
Elzetes rdeklds ajnlott.
DE Ungarisches Sportmuseum. Im Ausstellungssaal
des Ungarischen Sportmuseums in der Nhe der Lszl
Papp Budapest Sportarena finden Wechselausstellungen
XIV., Ifjsg u. 13.
statt. Voranmeldung wird empfohlen.
Phone: 36-1 252-1696
IT Museo dello Sport dUngheria. Il museo ungherese
96 Map2 D7
dello sport allestisce mostre temporanee nella sua sala
desposizione che si trova nell
nelle vicinanze del Papp Lszl Sportarena Budapest. Si consiglia
un preavviso.
Open: 1018
Closed: Friday

M2 Stadionok

c95, 95A, 130 i1, 1A u75, 77

EN The remains of the public baths of the Roman legionary

III., Flrin tr subway

Phone: 36-1 250-1650
97 Map3 C3

fortress can be seen in the Flrin Square pedestrian

HU Frd Mzeum. A Flrin tri aluljrban lthatk a
rmai lgi tbor nagyfrdjnek maradvnyai.
DE Rmisches Badmuseum. Die Ruinen des im Lager
der rmischen Legion errichteten groen Heilbades sind in
der Unterfhrung am Flrinplatz zu besichtigen.
IT Musei Bagno. Nel sottopassaggio di piazza Flrin
si possono vedere i resti del gran bagno del campo della
legione romana.

Open: 15.30. April, 1.31. October: 1017

1. May30. September: 1018
1. November14. April: 1016 (depends on weather)
Closed: Monday

Ticket: 0 Ft

c86, 106, 34

EN This is a museum of Bibles and related cul-

IX., Rday u. 28.

Phone: 36-1 217-6321
98 Map1 G6

tural heritage. Its permanent exhibition focuses on

the three thousand years of the Bible.
HU Biblia Mzeum. Biblik, kapcsold kultrtrtneti emlkekek mzeuma. lland killtsa a
Biblia hrom vezredt mutatja be.
DE Bibelmuseum. Im Museum werden Bibeln
sowie verbundene kulturhistorische Denkmler
ausgestellt. Die Dauerausstellung prsentiert drei
Jahrtausende der Bibel.
T Mus
Museo della Bibbia. il museo delle Bibbie e delle relative testimonianze di storia culturale. La sua mostra permanente
racconta la storia di tremila anni della Bibbia.

Open: TueSun 1017 Closed: Monday

Ticket: 0 Ft CARD Free guided tours

M3 Klvin tr


Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN The exhibition is about the history of the built and material

cultural heritage, architectural history, Hungarian monuments

and research findings.
HU rksg Galria. Az ptett s trgyi kulturlis rksg trtnett, az ptszettrtnetet, a hazai memlkeket
s kutatsi eredmnyeket bemutat killts.
DE Erbschaftsgalerie. Ausstellung zur Geschichte der
Bau- und Kunstdenkmler, zur Architekturgeschichte, zum
ungarischen Denkmalgut und zu den einschlgigen Forschungsergebnissen.
IT Galleria del Patrimonio Culturale. La sua esposizione illustra la storia del patrimonio architettonico e artigianale, la storia
dellarchitettura, i monumenti darte ed i risultati delle delle ricerche in materia.

I., Tncsics Mihly u. 1.

Phone: 36-1 224-5587
36-1 225-4800
99 Map1 D2

Open: MonSat: 917

Ticket: 0 Ft

c16, 16A, 116


EN The museum presents the exciting history of Danube

shipping. The specialities of the Vnhaj Restaurant are served in the rooms restored in the style of the early 20th century.
HU Kossuth mzeumhaj. A Mzeum a dunai hajzs
izgalmas lett mutatja be a ltogatknak. A korhen feljtott termekben a Vnhaj tterem specialitsai vrjk a
DE Kossuth-Museumsschiff. Das Museum veranschauDock 2. (near Chain
licht das aufregende Leben an Bord eines Donauschiffes. In
Bridge Pest side)
den zeitgetreu restaurierten Rumen werden die Gste mit
Phone: 36-80 205-026
Spezialitten des Restaurants Vnhaj verwhnt.
IT Battello museo Kossuth. Il Museo presenta ai
100 Map2 E3
visitatori la vita emozionante della navigazione sul Danubio.
Nelle sale rinnovate secondo gli stilemi dellepoca gli ospiti sono
no attesi con le prelibatezze del
ristorante Vnhaj.
Open: every day 1224
Ticket: 0 Ft

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

c16 i2


EN Our museum is about the history and instru-

ments of life saving in Hungary, with the old ambulances of each era are also to be seen.
HU Mentmuzeum. Mzeumunkban a magyarorszgi ments trtnett, mszereit s az egyes
korszakok muzelis mentgpkocsijait mutatjuk
DE Museum des Rettungsdienstes. Unser
Museum prsentiert die Geschichte der Lebensrettung in Ungarn durch historische Instrumente
und Rettungswagen aus verschiedenen Epochen.
IT Museo dellAmbulanza. Nel nostro museo presentiamo
la storia dellambulanza in Ungheria, i suoi mezzi e le
autoambulanze storiche delle varie epoche.

Open: MonFri 816, Sat 814 Closed: Sunday

V., Mark u. 22.

Phone: 36-1 374-4008
101 Map1 B5

M3 Nyugati tr

i4, 6



Museums Mzeumok Museen Musei

EN The museum is about the most significant cases in
Hungarian criminal history, displaying the tools and equipment of crime and crime detection, as well as introducing
Hungarian crime writers.
HU Rendrsg-trtneti Mzeum. A mzeum a magyar
rendrsg trtnett, kiemelked bngyeket, a bnzs
s bnldzs eszkzeit, kellkeit, valamint a magyar
krimirkat mutatja be.
VIII., Mosonyi utca 7.
DE Museum fr Polizeigeschichte. Neben der GePhone: 36-1 477-2183
schichte der ungarischen Polizei prsentiert das Museum auch bekannte Kriminalflle, ungarische Krimiautoren sowie
102 Map3 D3
Mittel, mit denen Straftaten begangen und verfolgt werden.
IT Museo della Polizia. Il museo fa conoscere la storia
della polizia ungherese, i casi criminali pi memorabili, i mezzi ed i requisiti della delinquenza
e della polizia, nonch gli atuori ungheresi della letteratura poliziesca.
Open: 917 Closed: Monday
M2 Keleti plyaudvar

i24 u80, 80A c7, 7E, 173, 173E



V., Szabadsg tr 8.
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Phone: 36-1 428-2752
103 Map1 C5

EN If you wish to know more about money... The interactive

exhibition is about the world of money: its origins, history and
role in everyday life.
HU MNB Ltogatkzpont. Ha tbbet akarsz tudni a
pnzrl Az interaktv killts megismerteti a ltogatkat a
pnz vilgval: kialakulsval, trtnetvel, a mindennapokban betlttt szerepvel.
DE Besucherzentrum der Ungarischen Nationalbank.
Was du schon immer ber das Geld wissen wolltest... Im Laufe der interaktiven Ausstellung erfahren Besucher mehr ber
die Welt des Geldes seine Entstehung, Geschichte und seine Rolle im Alltag.
IT Centro visitatori della Banca Nazionale Ungherese.
Per chi vuol sapere di pi dei soldi... Lesposizione interattiva
presenta ai visitatori il mondo dei soldi: la loro nascita, la loro
storia e la loro funzione nella vita quotidiana.

Open: 916 Thu 918 Closed: SatSun

M2 Kossuth tr M3 Arany Jnos utca

Events Programok Programme Program

udapest offers a wide range
of cultural entertainment all
year around. Hungarian classical and folk music are world-renowned. The concert halls of the
capital attract not only the best
Hungarian artists, but also the
greatest performers from every
corner of the world. Choose the
one you prefer indoors or openair and enjoy it with discounts!



Events Programok Programme Program


EN Budapest Card holders enjoy a 20% discount on all
events of the Budapest Summer Festival. All through the
summer there are ONE HUNDRED unique events awaiting you in SEVEN special venues.
HU Budapesti Nyri Fesztivl. 20% kedvezmny Buddapestt Krtyval
K t l a Budapesti
B d
ti Nyri Fesztivl valamennyi programjra! HT klnleges
helysznen SZZ egyedlll program vr nre egsz nyron!
Programme information:
tickets at each venue

DE Budapester Sommerfestival. 20 Prozent Ermigung auf alle Veranstaltungen des

Budapester Sommerfestivals mit der Budapest-Card. HUNDERT einzigartige Veranstaltungen
an SIEBEN besonderen Standorten ber den ganzen Sommer hindurch!

IT Festival dellestate di Budapest. Uno sconto del 20% con

la Carta Budapest per tutti i programmi del Festival dellestate di
Budapest! In SETTE luoghi particolari CENTO programmi unici Ti
aspettano durante tutta lestate!
Margaret Island Open-Air Stage
(1138, Budapest, Margitszigeti Vztorony,
phone: +36-1 340-4196)
104 Map2 A3
Vrosmajor Open Air Stage
(1122, Budapest, Vrosmajor,
phone: +36-1 375-5922)
105 Map2 D1
Vajdahunyad Castle
(1146, Budapest, Vajdahunyadvr,
phone: +36-1 363-4201)
56 Map2 C5
Budapest Zoo and Botanic Garden
(1146, Budapest, llatkerti krt. 6-12.,
phone: +36-1 273-4901)
39 Map2 B5
St. Stephen Square Basilica (17 Map1 D5)
(1065, Budapest, Hajs utca 13-15.ticket office,
phone: +36-1 302-4290)

Hungarian State Opera (14 Map1 D6)

(1065, Budapest, Hajs utca 13-15. ticket office,
phone: +36-1 302-4290)

Dominican Court (133 Map2 D2)
((1065, Budapest, Hajs utca 13-15. ticket office,
pphone: +36-1 302-4290)

The discounts are available only in case of tickets booked at the indicated locations!
A kedvezmny csak a megjellt helyszneken vltott jegyeken rvnyesthet!
Die Ermigung gilt nur fr Karten, die an einer der angegebenen Verkauftstellen erworben worden sind!
Lo sconto valido solo per i biglietti acquistati sul posto indicato!

Events Programok Programme Program


EN Dance performances in
various styles for every age group
practically all through the year.
HU Nemzeti Tncsznhz
Tnceladsok minden stlusban
minden korosztly szmra szinte
egsz vben.

DE Nationales Tanztheater
Stilrichtungen und fr jede
Altersgruppe fast das ganze Jahr

IT Teatro Nazionale di Danza

Spettacoli di danza in ogni stile,
ad ogni classe di et, quasi in tutto lanno.

Closed: 14. January,

20. June13. July, 20. August14. September
24, 25, 26, 31 December

I., Sznhz u. 1-3.

Phone: 36-1 375-8649,
36-1 201-4407
106 Map1 D3

c 16, 16A, 116

CARD 10% off the price of tickets organised by the National Dance Theater.

Tickets available at the ticket office of the National Dance Theater (open every day
1318, and until the end of performances, phone: 36-1 375-8649)

EN Mikls Teleki, Lszl Attila Almsy, Anasztzia
Bednarik organ artists and Kolos Kovts Kossuth
prize awarded opera singer give recitals of works
by Liszt, Bach, Pachelbel, Mozart and Verdi in the
Church Saint Ann, Buda. Concert is possible to book
also together with the Dinner & Cruise program after
it (see advertisement on the page 33.).
HU Orgonakoncert. A budai Szent Anna-templomban Teleki Mikls, Almsy Lszl Attila, Bednarik
Anasztzia orgonamvsz s Kovts Kolos Kossuth-djas operanekes ad koncerteket Liszt, Bach,
Pachelbel, Mozart s Verdi mveibl. A koncertet
I., Batthyny tr 7.
lehetsges Dinner & Cruise programmal egytt foglalni
l i (hi
(hir(Szent Anna-templom)
dets a 33. oldalon).
Phone: 36-1 317-2754
DE Orgelkonzerte. In der Budaer St. Annenkirche spielen
die Organisten Mikls Teleki, Attila Lszl Almsy, Anasztzia
137 Map1 C3
Bednarik Orgel Knstler und Kolos Kovts Kossuth-Preise
Opernsanger Werke von Liszt, Bach, Pachelbel, Mozart und Verdi.
erdi Konzert ist mglich auch
zusammen mit dem Dinner & Cruise Programm zu buchen (sehe Anzeige auf der Seite 33.).
IT Concerti di organo. Opere di Liszt, Bach, Pachelbel, Mozart e Verdi nella Chiesa
SantAnna nellinterpretazione di Gbor Mikls Teleki, Lszl Attila Almsy, Anasztzia Bednarik
e Kolos Kovts. E possibile prenotare il concerto anche insieme con il programma Dinner &
Cruise a seguire (vedere descrizione a pagina 33.).
Ticket: 4200 Ft CARD 3360 Ft

M2 Batthyny tr

i19, 41 c11, 86

May: 7. 14. 21. 28. 30. June: 4. 6. 11. 13. 18. 20. 25. 27. July: 2. 4. 9. 11. 16. 18. 23. 25. 30.
August: 1. 6. 8. 13. 15. 22. 27. 29. September: 3. 5. 10. 12. 17. 19. 24. 26.



Events Programok Programme Program

EN Danube Koncert & Cimbalom Show with Duna Symphonic Orchestra and hungarian cymbalom in the neo-Baroque theater
of Duna Palota. The most beautiful classical melodies from Liszt,
Mozart, Beethowen, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, J. Strauss, Albinoni.
Concert is possible to book also together with the Dinner & Cruise
program after it (see advertisement on the page 33.).
HU Duna Koncert & Cimbalom Show. A Duna Szimfonikus
Zenekar koncertje cimbalom ksrettel a Duna Palota neobarokk
A szimfonikus zenekar s a cimbalom kombincijn
keresztl vendgeink lenygz magyaros formban hallhatjk a
V., Zrnyi utca 5.
legszebb klasszikus meldikat. A koncertet lehetsges Dinner &
(Duna Palace)
Cruise programmal egytt foglalni (hirdets a 33. oldalon).
Phone: 36-1 317-2754 DE Donau Konzert mit Cymbalom Show im Neobarocksaal
von Donau Palast. Durch die instrumentale Kombination des unga138 Map1 D4
rischen Cymbalom und Symphonieorchesters knnen Sie geniesen
die schnsten klassischen Melodien von Liszt, Mozart, Beethowen,
Albinoni. Konzert ist mglich auch zusammen mit dem Dinner &
T h ik k Schubert,
S h b Strauss,
Cruise Programm zu buchen (sehe Anzeige auf der Seite 33.).
IT Concerto Duna. Attraverso la combinazione di un cymbalon ungherese e di orchestra sinfonica Duna nel palazzo neo-barocco Duna Palota, potrete godervi le pi belle melodie classiche di
Liszt, Mozart, Beethowen, Tchaikovsky, Schubert, J. Strauss, Albinoni in magnifico stile ungherese.
E possibile prenotare il concerto anche insieme con il programma Dinner & Cruise a seguire
(vedere descrizione a pagina 33.)

Ticket: 6400, 7200, 8100 Ft CARD 5760, 6480, 7290 Ft

M1 M2 M3 Dek tr
15, 16, 105

Januar: 1. April: 3. May: 1. 8. 15. 22. 29. June: 5. 12. 19. 26. July: 3. 10. 17. 24.
August: 7. 14. 21. 28. September: 4. 11. 18. 25. Oktober: 2. 9. 16. 23. December: 25. 27. 30.


X., Npliget - Planetarium

Phone: 36-1 263-0871
139 Map2 G7

EN The fantastic lights of the LaserTheatre offer

the viewer the experience of visible sounds in the
Planetariums one -hour show, where you can also
enjoy Queen, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson, DM, Vangelis and Best of... laser-shows.
HU LzerSznhz a Planetriumban. A LzerSznhz fantasztikus fnyei a lthat hangok lmnyvel gazdagtjk az egy rs elads nzit a
Planetriumban, ahol a Queen, a Pink Floyd, Michael
Jackson, DM, Vangelis s egy Best of... lzer-show is
DE LaserTheater im Planetarium. Fantastisches
Licht- und Sounderlebnis mit sichtbaren Klngen
beim LaserTheater im Planetarium. Lasershows mit
der Musik von Queen, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson,
DM, Vangelis und Best of...-Vorfhrungen.
IT Teatro laser al Planetario. Le luci fantastiche
dello spettacolo di unora del Teatro Laser offronoo
lesperienza dei suoni visualizzati ai visitatori del Planetario, dove si possono vedere anche laser show del
Queen, Pink Floyd, Michael Jackson, DM, Vangelis e
un Best of

Ticket: 21902690 HUF CARD 16902190 HUF

Show Time: MonSat 7.30 p.m.

M3 Npliget

c103 i1

Events Programok Programme Program


EN The world-famous 56-year old Rajk Orchestra and
Folk Ensemble present the most special Hungarian dances,
and works by famous composers that have been arranged
for a Gipsy orchestra, which invariably includes a cymbalom.
Discounted tickets are only available in the box office of the
Duna Palace (Zrnyi u. 5.). Performance is possible to book
also together with the Dinner & Cruise program after it (see
advertisement on the page 33.).
HU A vilghr 56 ves Rajk Zenekar s Npi Egyttes
a legklnlegesebb magyar tncokat vonultatja fel. A jegyek
V., Zrnyi utca 5.
Budapest Krtya kedvezmnnyel kizrlag a Duna Palota pnznznz(Duna Palace)
trban vsrolhatak meg. Az eladst lehetsges Dinner &
Phone: 36-1 317-2754
Cruise programmal egytt foglalni (hirdets a 33. oldalon).
DE Das weltberhmte Rajk Orchester und Volkensemble
138 Map1 D4
prsentieren die speziellsten ungarischen Tnze und fhren fr
Zigeunerorchester adaptierte Werke berhmter Komponisten mit
Cymbalbegleitung vor. Budapest Karte Ermigung kann nur in der Kasse des Duna-Palastes
(Zrnyi u. 5) in Anspruch genommen werden. Veranstaltung ist mglich auch zusammen mit dem
Dinner & Cruise Programm zu buchen (sehe Anzeige auf der Seite 33.).
IT Orchestra e Gruppo Folcloritistico Rajk presentano le danze pi particolari ungheresi.
I biglietti a prezzo ridotto con Budapest Card potranno essere acquistati esclusivamente presso la
biglietteria del Palazzo Duna (Zrnyi u. 5). E possibile prenotare lo spettacolo anche insieme con il
programma Cena & Crociera/Dinner & Cruise a seguire (vedere descrizione a pagina 33.).
Ticket: 3600, 5400, 6200 Ft CARD 3240, 4860, 5580 Ft

M1 M2 M3 Dek tr
15, 16, 105

April: 2. 30. May: 7. 14. 21. 28. June: 4. 11. 18. 25. July: 2. 9. 16. 23.
Aug: 6. 13. 27. Sep: 3. 10. 17. 24. Oct: 1. 8. 15. 22. Nov: 6. 12. 20 .27. Dec: 4.


Featuring international folk dance ensembles, the Hungarian State
Folk Ensemble and the Duna Art Ensemble
Kzremkdnek: nemzekzi tncegyttesek, Magyar llami Npi Egyttes, Duna
104 Map2 A3

18. June 2010 Friday 20:00 Phone: 36-20 314-2062

The theatre hosts festivals, dance nights, international guest performances,
contemporary music events, but, is above all, famous for modern English-language
theatre productions.
A sznhz otthona fesztivloknak, tncesteknek, klfldi vendgjtkoknak, kortrs
zenei rendezvnyeknek, de legfkppen modern angol nyelv eladsairl hres.
Ticket: 15002000 HUF V., Gerlczy u. 4. Phone: 36-1 318-9844 M1 M2 M3 Dek tr

135 Map1 E5

c9 i47, 49


Where dance meets theatre, music and fine arts. Where the Hungarian, and
international scene of contemporary arts performs.
A kortrs kultra otthona, ahol tncrl, sznhzrl, kpzmvszetrl, irodalomrl,
zenrl szl az let. Befogadhely, ahol megfordul a magyar s a nemzetkzi
eladmvszet szne-java.
Open (ticket office): MonFri: 1420 h Sat-Sun: 1720 h
IX., Liliom u. 41. Phone: 36-1 215-1600

136 Map2 F5
4, 6
M3 Ferenc krt.



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia

Hungarian gastronomy

Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia

ungarian cuisine is world
famous despite being characterized by slightly spicier, heartier dishes than the average. The establishments listed
here are places where you can try
the finest of traditional and contemporary Hungarian and international cooking without hesitation, thus launching yourself on
a journey of discovery, whether
at the more expensive end of the
scale or at the opposite end. Dont
forget your discounts!



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


Molnrs krtskalcs
Cafe, ice-cream shop
107 Map1 F5



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN The offers of the Gerbeaud
Brasserie range from snacks to different versions of the popular Hungarian prklt, through the delicacies
that in-house butchers prepare. From
spring to autumn, we offer our beers
and dishes on the most spectacular
terrace in the city.
HU Srhzpince Gerbeaud Hz.
A Gerbeaud Srhz knlata a srkorcsolytl kezdve, a Gerbeaud
hzi hentesnek specialitsain t,
egszen a kzkedvelt magyar prklt
vltozatig terjed. Tavasztl szig a
vros egyik legszebb teraszn knljuk kivl sreinket s teleinket.
DE Brauhauskeller GerbeaudHaus. Das Angebot des Bierhauses
Gerbeaud reicht von Hppchen durch
Spezialitten des Hausmetzgers bis
zum populren ungarischen Prklt.
Ausgezeichnetes Bier und kstliche
Gerichte auf einer der schnsten
Terrassen der Stadt von Frhjahr bis
IT Srhzpince Casa Gerbeaud. Il Gerbeaud Srhz
offre una vasta gamma dei piatti compreso i bocconcini, la
specialit del macellaio locale del Gerbeaud, ed i diffusi
spezzatini di carne ungheresi. Dalla primavera allautunno
vi proponiamo birre e piatti eccezionali su una delle
terrazze pi belle di Budapest.

V., Vrsmarty tr 78.

Dorottya utca)
Phone: 36-1 429-9022
108 Map1 E5
Open: every day 1223
M1 Vrsmarty tr




Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


Dock 2. (near Chain

Bridge Pest side)
Phone: 06-80 205-026
100 Map2 E3

EN Would you like to experience early 20th century

atmosphere? Would you like to have your dinner in the
traditionally exciting environment of a museum while
marvelling at the breathtaking panorama of the Danube,
Szchenyis Chain Bridge and the Buda Castle? This
is what you will get on board the Vnhaj, whose name evokes the old ship. It will
introduce you to the unparalleled gastronomic delights of international cuisine, supervised
by the Michelin-rated chef, Gregor Klter. Enjoy the delicious food, the friendly service,
the reasonable prices and the best panorama in Budapest on board our museum ship.
HU Vnhaj tterem. Szeretne bepillantst nyerni a mlt szzad elejnek hangulatba? Szeretn egy mzeum tradicionlisan izgalmas krnyezetben elklteni vacsorjt,
mikzben a Duna, Szchenyi Lnchdja s a Budai Vr llegzetlltan szp panormjban gynyrkdik? A Vnhaj tterem fedlzetn minderre lehetsge nylik! Sfnk,
a Michelin-csillagos Gregor Klter felgyelete mellett, a nemzetkzi konyha zeivel nyjt
betekintst nnek egy pratlan gasztronmiai vilgba. Trjen be mzeumhajnkra, lvezze egyszerre a csodlatos zeket, a csaldias kiszolglst, korrekt rainkat s Budapest legszebb panormjt!
DE Restaurant Vnhaj. Mchten Sie einige Stunden lang das Ambiente der Jahrhundertwende erleben? Mchten Sie in der traditionellspannenden Atmosphre eines
Museums dinieren whrend die Donau, die Szchenyi-Kettenbrcke und die Budaer
Burg auf Sie hinabschauen? An Bord des Restaurant-Schiffes Vnhaj bieten wir Ihnen
all dies und noch mehr! Mit kstlichen Gerichten der internationalen Kche gewhren
wir Ihnen Einblick in eine unbertroffene gastronomische Welt unter Leitung unseres
Kchenchefs Gregor Klter, der bereits mit einem Michelin-Stern ausgezeichnet worden
ist. Wir erwarten Sie mit wunderbaren Speisen, freundlicher Bedienung, angemessenen
Preisen und dem atemberaubendsten Blick in ganz Budapest!
IT Ristorante Vnhaj. Le piacerebbe avere un saggio dellatmosfera dellinizio del secolo scorso? Le piacerebbe cenare nellambiente tradizionale ed eccitante di un museo,
ammirando nel frattempo il panorama incantevole del Danubio, del Ponte delle Catene
e del Palazzo reale di Buda? a bordo del Ristorante Vnhaj dove potr farlo! Con la
sorveglianza del nostro Chef, Gregor Klter, stella Michelin, il ristorante La accompagner
con i sapori della cucina internazionale attraverso un incomparabile mondo gastronomico.
Venga a visitarci sul nostro battello museo, goda contemporaneamente i sapori , il servizio
familiare, i nostri prezzi corretti e il panorama pi bello di Budapest!
Open: every day 1224

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

c16 i2

Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN The traditionally trendy Mirror Caf & Restaurant
awaits its guests with excellent Hungarian delicacies and
brilliant combination of Eastern and Western flavours.
Dishes prepared according to the latest trends will be
served on unique tableware as artistic compositions.
Having lunch or dinner in the genuine last turn of the
century style restaurant will provide an incomparable
gastronomic experience.
V., Kossuth u. 19-21.
(Danubius Hotel Astoria)
HU A tradicionlisan trendi Mirror Caf & Restaurant
Phone: 36-1 889-6022
kivl magyar telekkel s a Kelet-Nyugat zvilgnak
pomps tvzsvel vrja kedves vendgeit. A legjabb
trendek szerint kszlt teleket egyedi porceln tksz109 Map1 E6
leten, mvszi kompozcikban szolgljk fel. A hamstatlan szzadforduls hangulat tteremben elfogyasztott ebd, vagy vacsora pratlan
gasztronmiai lmnyt nyjt.
DE Das traditionell trendy Mirror Caf & Restaurant erwartet seine verehrten Gste mit
hervorragenden ungarischen Speisen und der gelungenen Verquickung der Geschmackwelten
von Ost und West. Die nach den letzten Trends angefertigten Speisen werden auf exklusiv
Porzellanservices als knstlerische Kompositionen serviert. In die Stimmung der Jahrhundertwende anfhrendes Restaurant bietet ein unvergleichliches gastronomisches Erlebnis.
IT Il tradizionalmente trendy Mirror Caf & Restaurant aspetta i clienti con delle squisite
pietanze ungheresi e con la miracolosa lega dei sapori eccellenti dellOriente e dellOccidente. Le pietanze preparate secondo le ricette pi trendy sono serviti su piatti unici di porcellana, in composizione darte. Il pranzo o la cena consumati nel ristorante dallatmosfera
originale dello scorcio di secolo offrono unesperienza gastronomica davvero inimitabile.
Open: every day 723

M2 Astoria

c7, 9 i47, 49

EN One of the oldest restaurants in the
Inner city, serving traditional Hungarian
cuisine, offers Gipsy music in the evenings, a cool interior terrace in the summer, set meals for tourists, a six-language
menu, and reasonable prices.
HU Corso tterem. A belvros egyik
legrgebbi vendgljben hagyomnyos
magyar konyha, estnknt cignyzene,
nyron hvs bels terasz, valamint turistamen, hatnyelv tlap s szolid rak
vrjk a vendgeket.

DE Restaurant Corso. Traditionelle

ungarische Kche, abends bei Zigeunermusik, im Sommer auf der khlen Innenterrasse, Touristenmen, sechssprachige Speisekarte und solide Preise all das bietet
eines der ltesten Restaurants der Innenstadt.

V., Petfi Sndor u. 3.

Phone: 36-1 318-5628
110 Map1 F5

IT Ristorante Corso. In uno dei pi vecchi ristornati

del cuore della citt tradizionale cucina ungherese, la sera con musica degli zingari,
destate terrazza accogliente, menu turistico, carta in sei lingue, e prezzi economici
aspettano gli ospiti.
Open: every day 1222

M2 Dek tr M3 Ferenciek tere i2, 47, 49

c5, 7, 7E, 8, 15, 112, 115, 173, 173E 178, 178A



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN Traditional Hungarian cuisine with a

modern twist. The dynamic menu offers daily

specials and an evening tasting menu with a
carefully selected wine list. A broad range of
draught and bottled beers are served.
HU Gellrt Srz & Brasserie. Tradicionlis magyar konyha j felfogsban.
Lendletes tlap, napi knlatok s specilis kstol men vrja a vendgeket, melyekhez gondosan megvlasztott borokat,
srkedvelknek csapolt s palackozott
klnlegessgeket knlnak.
DE Gellrt Bierstube & Brasserie.
H1111 Szent Gellrt tr 1.
Traditionelle uungarische Kche in neuer Interpretation.
(Danubius Hotel Gellrt)
Eine schwungvolle Speisekarte, Tagesangebote und ein
Phone: 36-1 889-5566
spezielles Verkstigungsmen erwartet die Gste, zu den
Speisen werden umsichtig ausgewhlte Weine, fr Bier28 Map2 F3
liebhaber besondere Biere vom Fass bzw. Flaschenbiere
IT Birreria Gellrt & Brasserie. Cucina tradizionale ungherese in una concezione
moderna. Un menu grintoso, offerte della giornata e un assaggio speciale aspettano i
clienti che possono scegliere tra i vini prescelti con cura, per gli amatori della birra invece
sono a disposizione specialit di birra anche in bottiglia ed anche alla spina.

i47, 49, 19 c7, 173

Open: every day 1223


EN The restaurant offers the most popular

H1111 Szent Gellrt tr 1.

(Danubius Hotel Gellrt)
Phone: 36-1 889-5437
28 Map2 F3

dishes of the past ninety years with excellent

Hungarian wines adding to the gastronomic
experience. Live Gypsy music each night, on
Fridays musical show. Summertime you can
unwind on the pleasant panoramic terrace.
HU Gellrt Panorma tterem. Az elmlt 90 v legsikeresebb teleit knlja.
Nagyszer magyar borok fokozzk a gasztronmiai lmnyt. Estnknt cignyzene,
pntekenknt zens msor, nyron dunai
panorms terasz.
DE Gellrt Panoramarestaurant. In unserem Angebot finden Sie die grten kulinarischen Hits der letzten 90 Jahre in Begleitung von groartigen ungarischen Weinen.
Abends Zigeu
Zigeunermusik, freitags Musikveranstaltungen, im
Sommer Panoramaterasse.
IT Ristorante Gellrt Panorma. Offre le pietanze
pi apprezzate degli ultimi 90 anni. Ottimi vini ungheresi
enfatizzano lesperienza gastronomica. Tutte le sere
musica zigana, venerd spettacolo musicale, destate
terrazza panoramica sul Danubio.

Open: TueSat: 1224 (in Summer); 1924 (in Winter)

Sunday Brunch from 1215
Monday: closed

i47, 49, 19 c7, 173

Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia

EN The restaurant awaits you
and your family with a friendly atmosphere, low prices, live piano
music in the evening, tap-it-yourself beer, free Internet access and
typical Hungarian dishes.
HU VakVarj tterem. Egyedi
atmoszfrval, alacsony rakkal,
estnknt l zongorajtkkal,
csapold magad srpulttal, ingyenes internet hozzfrssel, magyaros telekkel vrjuk nt, s
VI., Paulay Ede u. 7.
Kedves Csaldjt.
Phone: 36-1 268-0888
DE VakVarj Restaurant. Einzigartiges Ambiente,
scheidene Preise, abends Live-Klavierspiel, Bier zum
111 Map1 D5
Selbstzapfen, kostenloser Internetzugang und traditionelle
ungarische Speisen fr die ganze Familie.
IT Ristorante VakVarj. Vi aspettiamo insieme alla Vostra Famiglia con un atmosfera
speciale, musica di piano dal vivo tutte le sere, un banco di spillatura fai da te, accesso
Internet gratuito e pietanze ungheresi.

Open: every day 1124

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

i47, 49 c9, 16


EN The lively Irish pub on board the Columbus Ship

awaits you every day of the week, while the Jazz Club
in the restaurant performs from Wednesday to Saturday,
where you will enjoy an amazing panorama, sophisticated
jazz and culinary pleasures at the same time. Holders of
the Budapest Card are given a 15% discount in the restaurant and on the ticket to the Columbus Jazz Club.
HU Columbus Haj Jazz Club. A Columbus Hajn
zemel hangulatos r pub a ht minden napjn, az tteremben mkd Jazzklub szerdtl szombatig vrja a
Vigad tr Pier 4.
vendgeket, ahol a csodlatos panormt, az ignyes jazz
Phone: 06-1 266-9013
zent s a kulinris rmket egyszerre lvezhetik. A
pest Krtyval rkezk rszre a fogyasztsbl s a Jazzklub
belpjegy rbl 15% kedvezmnyt biztostunk.
112 Map2 E3
DE Schiff Columbus Jazz Club. Auf dem Schiff
Columbus erwartet der stimmungsvolle Irish Pub jeden Tag,
ag und das Restaurant mit
seinem Jazzclub zwischen Mittwoch und Samstag seine Besucher, die neben einer
anspruchsvollen Jazzmusik und kulinarischen Genssen auch mit einem wunderschnen
Blick auf Budapest rechnen knnen. Auf Vorlage der Budapest Karte wird auf den Konsum
und den Eintrittspreis in den Jazzclub ein Rabatt von 15 Prozent gewhrt.
IT Battello Columbus Jazz Club. Laccogliente pub irlandese che troverete sul Battello
Columbus vi aspetta ogni giorno della settimana e il Jazz Club ospitato dal ristorante da mercoled
al sabato, per offrirvi la possibilit di godere nello stesso tempo il panorama suggestivo, la musica
jazz di qualit e le gioie del palato. Chi arriva con la Carta di Budapest potr usufruire di uno
sconto del 15% per la consumazione e per il prezzo del biglietto dingresso nel Jazz Club.
Open: 1224h Concerts start: WedSat 20h

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

i2 c16



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia

EN Classic restaurant of Budapest since
1877, with traditional and contemporary Hungarian gastronomy, spirited gypsy music. Terrace in the summertime. Recommended in the
Michelin Guide, listed in Gault Millau.

HU Krptia tterem s Srz.

1877 ta Budapest klasszikus tterme, hagyomnyos s kortrs magyar gasztronmival,
estnknt tzes cignyzenvel. Nyron terasz
a Ferenciek udvarban. A Michelin Guide s a
Gault Millau ajnlsval.
V., Ferenciek tere 78.
Phone: 36-1 317-3596
113 Map1 F5

DE Krptia Restaurant und Bierstube.

Das klassisc
klassische Restaurant von Budapest seit 1877, mit
traditioneller und zeitgenssischer ungarischer Gastronomie, und abends mit feuriger Zigeunermusik. Im Sommer
Terrasse im Franziskanerhof. Mit Empfehlung von Michelin
Guide und Gault Millau.

IT Ristorante e Birreria Krptia. Ristorante classico di Budapest dal 1877 con

gastronomia tradizionale e contemporanea, di sera con focosa musica zigana. Destate
terrazza nel cortile dei Francescani. Consiglio di Michelin Guide e Gault Millau.

Open: every day 1123

M3 Ferenciek tere i2
c5, 7, 7E, 8, 15, 112, 115, 178, 178A

EN Restaurant atop the Tunnel! While
seated, you may enjoy an astounding
panoramic view. We are offering Hungarian and international dishes to the highest of standards. We present our dishes
with style, flavor and finesse.
HU tterem az Alagt tetejn!
Gasztrofilozfink lnyege, hogy a nemzetkzi s a magyar konyha remekeit
eredeti alapanyagok felhasznlsval, a
lehet legignyesebben tlalva knljuk
Restaurant auf dem Burgtunnel!
I., Palota t 17.
Unsere Philosphie is
ist es, die Spezialitten der ungarischenPhone: 36-20 999-9188
und internationalen Kche unter Verwendung von originalen
authentisch zuzubereiten und ansprechend zu ser114 Map1 E2
T Ristorante sopra il Tunnel! Lessenza della nostra gastrofilosofia di servire ai nostri
clienti le specialit della cucina ungherese ed internazionale preparate in modo autentico da
ingredienti originali.

Open: every day 1224


Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN Named after King Matthias of Hungary, the restaurant in the city centre has been welcoming guests
since 1904 with authentic Hungarian flavours and the
fine juices of the local wine regions. In the evenings, a
Gypsy band under the direction of Dki Lakatos Sndor offers entertainment, while on Wednesdays and
Thursdays a folklore programme is staged.
HU Mtys Pince tterem. A hres Mtys kirlyrl elnevezett tterem 1904 ta vrja vendgeit a
belvrosban hamistatlan magyar zekkel s a hazai
borvidkek nemes nedivel, amelyekhez estnknt ciV., Mrcius 15. tr 7.
gnymuzsika szl Dki Lakatos Sndor vezetsvel. Szerer
Phone: 36-1 266-8008
da s cstrtk estnknt folklrprogram szrakoztatja a
115 Map1 F5
DE Restaurant Matthiaskeller. Das nach dem bekannten Knig Matthias benannte Restaurant erwartet seit 1904 di
die G
t iin dder Innenstadt
t dt
mit ungarischen Speisen und herrlichen Weinen der ungarischen Weingegenden. Abends
spielt ein Zigeunerorchester unter der Leitung von Dki Lakatos Sndor. Mittwochs und
Donnerstags steht eine Folkloreshow auf dem Programm.
IT Ristorante Mtys Pince. Il ristorante intestato al nome del famoso re Mattia accoglie
i suoi ospiti dal 1904 al centro della citt, con genuini sapori e con nobili bevande dei
vigneti ungheresi accompagnati di sera dal suono di musica zigana diretta da Dki Lakatos
Sndor. Il mercoled e il gioved sera un programma folcloristico diverte gli ospiti.
Open: every day 1124

M3 Ferenciek tere i2
c5, 7, 7E, 8, 112, 173, 173E


EN Champion dishes, fitness cuisine, free wi-fi, 33 sports channels,
two large screens, 35 televisions and
unforgettable Friday and Saturday
parties await you at the Champs.
HU Champs Sport Pub. Bajnok
telek, fitness konyha, ingyenes wifi,
33 sportcsatorna, 2 kivett, 35 tv,
pnteken s szombaton felejthetetlen bulik vrjk a Champsben.

DE Champs Sport Pub. Meisterhafte Gerichte, Fitnesskche,

freies WLAN, 33 Sportsender, zwei Leinwnde,
i d 35 FernF
seher, Freitags und Samstags unvergessliche Partys im

VII., Dohny u. 20.

Phone: 36-1 413-1655
116 Map1 E6

IT Champs Sport Pub. Pietanze da campione, cucina fitness,

fitness wifi libero
libero, 33 canali
sportivi, 2 schermi di grandi dimensioni, 35 tv, venerd e sabato feste indimenticabili Vi
aspettano nel Champs.

Open: 1224

M2 Astoria

i47, 49 c7, 7E, 173



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN The newest restaurant and pub on

Liszt Ferenc tr evokes the atmosphere

of the turn of the century, and it is the favourite place of those who fancy excellent
beers and delicious meals to match their
HU A Liszt Ferenc tr legjabb tterme
s srzje a szzadfordul hangulatt
idzi, mely a kivl srket s a hozzjuk
ill pomps fogsokat kedvelk helye.
DE Das neueste Restaurant und die
neueste Bierstube auf dem Liszt Ferenc
Platz erwecken die Stimmung der JahrVI., Liszt Ferenc tr 11.
hundertwende und sind der Treffpunkt fr
Phone: 36-1 321-8425
den Liebhaber der ausgezeichneten Biere und dazu senden Gerichte.
117 Map1 C6
IT Il ristorante-birreria pi recentemente aperto in piazza
Liszt Ferenc rievoca latmosfera tipica a cavallo dei due
secoli passati ed il luogo ideale per gli appassionati delle buone birre e delle pietanze
eccellenti che le accompagnano.

Open: SunWed: 11:3000:00

ThuSat: 11:3001:00

M1 Oktogon

w4, 6


EN A household name for locals, the Karma
Cafe Restaurant in Liszt Ferenc Square offers
traditional Indian, spicy oriental and modern
cuisine. In addition, there are over fifty types of
tea and coffee on the menu at this downtown
HU A Karma Cafe & Restaurant a Liszt Ferenc tren immr fogalom a fvrosban lknek.
Tradicionlis indiai telek, s fszeres keleti zek
mellett a modern konyhamvszetbl is kstolt
kaphatunk. Tbb, mint tven fle tea s kvklnlegessggel szolgljuk nyugalmt a budapesti
belvros szvben.
VI., Liszt Ferenc tr 11.
Phone: 36-1 413-6764
DE Das Karma Cafe & Restaurant am
Platz ist fr die Bewohner der Hauptstadt zu einem festen
Begriff geworden. Neben den traditionellen indischen
Speisen und dem wrzigen Geschmack des Ostens
117 Map1 C6
knnen Sie hier auch eine Kostprobe der modernen
K hk t bekommen.
b k
M h als
l fnfzig Tee- und Kaffeespezialitten tragen ebenfalls zu
einer perfekten Entspannung im Herzen von Budapest bei.
IT Il Karma Cafe & Restaurant in piazza Ferenc Liszt diventato uno dei locali pi in vista
per i budapestini. Oltre ai piatti tradizionali dellIndia ed ai sapori dellOriente offre un saggio
anche dellarte culinaria moderna. Ci proponiamo di contribuire alla Vostra serenit con pi di
cinquanta specialit di t e di caff nel centro citt.
Open: every day 1102

M1 Oktogon

w4, 6

Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia

EN Come to the distinguished Gundel Restaurant in City
Park, enjoy a cocktail in the Colonnade Bar, superb cuisine,
and Gipsy music in the evening. Visit the Gundel Boutique
and take a little souvenir of the experience home. Guests
holding a Budapest Card receive a free Gundel Pancake to
their main course.
HU Gundel tterem. A vrosligeti Gundel tterem patins pletben egytt lvezheti a Colonnade Br koktljait,
a konyhamvszet remekeit, estnknt a cignyzent, s vgl az lmnyek egy darabjt haza is viheti a Gundel ButikXIV., llatkerti krt. 2.
bl. A Budapest Krtyval rkezk ftel fogyaszts esetn
Phone: 36-30 603-2480
a hz vendgei egy Gundel-palacsintra.
DE Gundel Restaurant. Im altehrwrdigen Gebude
118 Map2 C5
des Restaurants Gundel im Stadtwldchen knnen Sie
Cocktails der Colonnade Bar, kulinarische Kstlichkeiten mitt der abendlichen ZigeunerZigeuner
musik genieen und als Andenken der Erlebnisse auch ein Souvenir aus der Gundel
Boutique mitnehmen. Gste mit einer Budapest Karte erhalten die berhmte GundelPalatschinke gratis nach ihrem Hauptgericht.
IT Ristorante Gundel. Nel palazzo impatinato del Ristorante Gundel, situato nel Boschetto della citta, potete godervi allo stesso tempo dei coctails del Bar Colonnade, dei
capolavori dellarte culinaria, accompagnati di sera dalla musica zigana e alla fine potrete
portarvi a casa un pezzo delle vostre esperienze vissute dalla Boutique Gundel. Agli ospiti,
proprietari di Carta Budapest, nel caso di consumo cibi, viene offerta una Crpe Gundel.
Open: MonSat 1216, 18:3024
Sun 11:3015, 18:3024 Bar 1024

M1 Hsk tere

u72, 75, 79

EN The Owls Castle is an agreeably smart, pre-war
style restaurant with a family-like atmosphere, located
in the City Park, offering excellent home fare. Unique in
Hungary, where only women cook and serve the food
and pamper guests with traditional Hungarian hospitality.
Guests holding a Budapest card receive a dessert
complimentary to their main course.
HU Bagolyvr tterem. A Bagolyvr szolidan elegns,
bkebeli s csaldias hangulat tterem a Vrosligetben,
jfle hzikoszttal. Az tteremben kizrlag nk fznek,
XIV., llatkerti krt. 2.
fogadjk a vendgeket, felszolgljk a hzias teleket s
hagyomnyos magyar vendgszeretettel veszik krl a vendPhone: 36-1 468-3110
geket. A Budapest Krtyval rkezk ftel fogyaszts esetn
a hz vendgei egy desszertre.
118 Map2 C5
DE Die Eulenburg ein solide elegantes Restaurant der
guten alten Zeiten mit familirer Atmosphre im Stadtpark, das Hausmannskost serviert. Alle
Speisen werden von Frauen hergestellt und serviert, der Gast wird mit hausgemachten Gerichten und mit der traditionellen ungarischen Gastfreundschaft verwhnt. Gste mit einer
Budapest Karte erhalten das Dessert gratis nach ihrem Hauptgericht.
IT La Bagolyvr una trattoria familiare di eleganza schietta, del tempo della pace,
nel Giardino della Citt, con una cucina casalinga di buona sorte. Nel ristorante ci sono
esclusivamente donne a cucinare, a servire i piatti di casa ed a ricevere gli ospiti circondandoli
con la tradizionale ospitalit ungherese. Ai titolari della Carta Budapest, nel caso di consumo
di piatti principali, viene offerto un dessert dalla casa.
Open: every day 1223

M1 Hsk tere

u72, 75, 79



Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


EN Every evening there is live music, belly dancing,
fire-eaters and strongman shows, as well as knightly
games and royal feasts awaiting guests.
HU Sir Lancelot Kzpkori tterem. Kzpkori hangulat krnyezetben, minden este l zenvel, hastncos, tznyel, ermvsz msorval, lovagi jtk ksretben kirlyi lakomkkal vrjuk!
DE Wir erwarten Sie jeden Abend mit mittelalterlichem
Ambiente, Live-Musik, Bauchtanz, einem Feuerschlucker
und akrobatischen Kunststcken. Das knigliche Mahl wird
VI., Podmaniczky u. 14.
Ritterspiele begleitet.
Phone: 36-1 302-4456
IT Vi aspettiamo in un ambiente di atmosfera medievale
ccon musica dal vivo, spettacolo di danza del ventre, di un
119 Map1 C5
mangiatore di fuoco, di un acrobata e, con banchetti reali
accompagnati da duelli di cavali
cavalieri tutte le sere!
Open: 1224

M3 Nyugati plyaudvar

i4, 6


Fantastic Karaoke parties every Friday and Saturday night! Traditional
Hungarian and international food and a wide selection of wines and spirits is served in
the restaurant with a pleasant garden.
Pntek s szombat este fergeteges karaoke party. Hagyomnyos magyar s
nemzetkzi telek, borok, plinkk szles vlasztka. Hangulatos kerthelyisg.
Open: MonThu: 924, Fri: 905, Sat: 11.3005, Sun: 11.30 24 120 Map2 D7
XIV., Stefnia t 1. Phone: 36-1 468-3357
M2 Stadion


T restaurant which is located in the oldest building of the castle district, is
iti ffor our guests with live gipsy music, past citing feasts and a unique wine cellar.
ttemnk, mely a vrnegyed legregebb pletben tallhat, l cignyzenvel,
mltidz lakomkkal s egyedlll pinceborozval vrja nt.
I., Trnok u. 16. Open: every day 1224 Phone: 36-1 356-1367 121 Map1 D2
16, 16A, 116


TThe stylish restaurant with a great atmosphere and a magnificent panorama
off th
the D
Danube offers a 15% discount on prices for dinner guests.
A pezsg hangulat, stlusos tterem csodlatos dunai panormt s 15% kedvezmnyt
knl az tel-italrbl a vacsorz vendgek rszre.
V., Apczai Csere Jnos u. 4. Budapest Marriott Hotel
Open: every day 6.3023.00 Phone: 36-1 737-7377

122 Map1 E4
M1 Vrsmarty tr


A you can eat and drink from a rich buffet selection for a
fixed price. At the weeke
weekend, the restaurant is FREE for children under twelve. You
celebrate your birthday here, we give the birthday cake free.
ttermnk korltlan tel- s italfogyasztst knl gazdag svdasztalrl, fix rrt.
Htvgn gyermekeknek 12 v alatt INGYENES. Ha szletsnapjt nlunk tartja, a
tortt mi lljuk
123 Map2 B4
XIII., Visegrdi u. 50/a Open: MonSat 1224, Sun 1220.30
M3 Lehel tr
75, 76
Phone: 36-1 270-0366

Gastronomy Gasztronmia Gastronomie Gastronomia


Every day late-afternoon menu, pub, cocktail bar, live concerts
(blues, jazz, funky, rock) and party until dawn!
Minden nap ks dlutni men, pub, koktlbr, lzenei koncertek (blues, jazz, funky,
rock) s buli hajnalig!
Open: caf 818h, restaurant 1702h, weekends 1704h
124 Map1 E7
VII., Nyr u. 1.
4, 6
M2 Blaha L. tr
Phone: 36-1 478-6010, 36-30 584-1066

c i

We are looking forward to serving our guests, be it with a cup of good
coffee, a tasty breakfast, lunch or intimate dinner.
Vrjuk kedves vendgeinket, legyen sz akr egy j kvrl, egy italrl, zletes
reggelirl, ebdrl, meghitt vacsorrl.
Open: MonFri: 1024h, SatSun: 1124h
V., Kroly krt. 4. Phone: 36-70 389-3642

M2 Astoria

125 Map1 E6
47, 49

c i

We await our guests with delicious food, fine wines, exhibitions, dance
and music in the heart of the cultural and entertainment quarter of Budapest.
Budapest kulturlis s szrakoztat negyednek szvben vrjuk kedves
vendgeinket finom zekkel, zamatos borokkal, killtsokkal, tnccal s zenvel.
126 Map1 D6
4, 6

VII., Dob. u. 53. Open: every day 1002

Phone: 36-30 874-3733

The Bonfini Restaurant is situated at the gate to the Buda Castle. It is a
perfect choice whether you are the lover of Italian tastes or you wish to try the famous
Hungarian cuisine. Terrace and grill specialities in the summer.
A Budai Vr kapujnl tallhat Bonfini Kert tterem tlapjn a kreatv olasz
konyha szles vlasztka mellett fzis s hagyomnyos magyaros telek szerepelnek.
127 Map1 C1
Open: 1222 I., Lovas t 41.
Phone: 36-1 224-7420

M2 Moszkva tr

i4, 6


Our shops offer 33 types of vitamin-rich McKIWANS sandwiches to choose from.
33 fle friss, vitaminds McKIWANS szendvics kzl vlaszthat belvrosi zleteinkben.
V. Honvd utca 17/A Open: MonFri: 7.3017.30 M2 Kossuth tr 128 Map1 B4
V. Vmhz krt. 10. Open: MonFri: 7.3017.30 M3 Klvin tr 128A Map1 G6
II. Margit krt. 46. Open: MonFri: 7.3019.00; SatSun: 7.3014.00 128B Map1 B2
Phone: 36-1 332-5433
4, 6

A cosy place in Budapest city centre, where traditional Hungarian cuisine
and excellent wines await our guests.
Egy bartsgos hely budapest belvrosban, ahol a tradcionlis magyar konyha s
borszat remekeivel vrjuk.
129 Map1 C5
VI., Lovag u. 3. Open: TueSat: 1724h, Sunday: 1224h
M3 Nyugati tr
4, 6 Phone: 36-1 354-1810



Other services Egyb szolgltatsok

Vajdahunyad Castle

Weitere Dienstleistungen Altri servizi

Other services
selection of services that
can be useful for tourists
while discovering the city,
such as Internet access in the
Tourist Information offices and
the free travel insurance that is
included in the price of the card.



Other services Egyb szolgltatsok

EN Pay for one and get two! If you
buy one coin (worth 150 forints for 15
minutes), you will be given another
15 minutes of free Internet time in the
downtown Tourinform Office, where
maps, guide books, cultural and tourist
programs as well as souvenirs are
HU Egyet fizet, kettt kap! 1 db
zseton (150 HUF/ 15 perc)vsrlsa
esetn jabb 15 perc internetezst
kap ajndkba a belvrosi Tourinform
irodban. Internet, trkpek, tiknyvek, kulturlis s turisztikai programok
V., St u. 2.
rtkestse, ajnd
Phone: 36-1 438-8080
DE Tourinform Internetpunkt. Zwei fr den Preis
von einem! Bei Kauf eines Vouchers (150 HUF/15
3 Map1 E5
Minuten) bekommen Sie weitere 15 Minuten kostenlose
I t
t t
i unserem Tourinform-Bro in der Innenstadt. Internet, Stadtkarten,
Reisefhrer, Eintrittskarten fr verschiedene kulturelle und touristische Veranstaltungen,
IT Punto Internet Tourinform. Paga uno e riceve due! Comprando un gettone (150
HUF/15 min.) avr altri 15 minuti di Internet nel nostro ufficio Tourinform nel centro citt.
Vendita di uso di Internet, mappe, guide, programmi turistici, souvenirs.
Open: Every day 820

M1, M2, M3 Dek tr

i47, 49

EN With the card you get half-price travel

on trains, buses and motorways for one year.

Visit museums and thermal baths around the
country free or for half price, and hundreds of
hotels, pensions and restaurants offer 10-20%
discounts. The card is available for a special
rate at Hotelinfo Agency.

HU A Magyar Turizmus Krtyval egy

V., Vci u. 7880.

Phone: 36-1 266-3741
130 Map1 G5

vig fl ron utazhat vonaton, buszon, autplyn. Orszgsze

Orszgszerte ingyenesen vagy flron ltogathat mzeumokat, gygyfrdket, valamint tbb szz szlls- s vendglthely knl 10-20% kedvezmnyt. A krtya kedvezmnyes
ron kaphat a Hotelinfo Irodban.

DE Ungarn Karte. Sie knnen mit der Ungarn Karte ein

Jahr lang zum halben Preis mit der Eisenbahn, mit Linienbussen und auf der Autobahn fahren.
Sie knnen in ganz Ungarn kostenlos oder zum halben Preis Museen und Heilbder besuchen,
und erhalten in mehreren Hunderten Unterknften und Gaststtten eine Ermigung. Im
Hotelinfo Bro ist die Karte zu ermigtem Preis erhltlich.
IT Carta Turismo Ungherese. Carta Turismo Ungherese. Con la carta e possibile viaggiare

a meta prezzo per un anno in autobus, in treno e sullautostrada. In tutta lUngheria e possibile
entrare gratis o a meta prezzo nei musei, nei bagni termali ed usufruire sconti per una centinaia
di alloggi ed ospitalit. Le carte si comprano a un prezzo ridotto presso lAgenzia Hotelinfo.

Open: MonFri 1017.30

M3 Ferenciek tere
5, 7, 15, 112, 173E, 178,
2, 47, 49

Weitere Dienstleistungen Altri servizi


EN Every Budapest Card cardholder under age of 75 and maximum one child under

age of 14 travelling together with the cardholder will automatically be covered with travel
accident insurance provided by Chartis Europe S.A. Branch Office in Hungary while staying
in Hungary and the Budapest Card is valid.
You can find more information on the insurance conditions in the client information sheet
which is joint to the Budapest Card and contains information on the conditions of use of the
insurance, in the Tourism Offices of Budapest or on the website.
If you have an accident while staying in and you need health service or legal advice service,
call the 24 hours assistance service, Travel Guard in the case of any other claims (e.g.
luggage damages) call Chartis Europe S.A. Branch office in at the following numbers:

HU Minden 75 v alatti Budapest Krtya birtokos, valamint a vele egytt utaz legfeljebb

egy 14 v alatti gyermek, a Budapest Krtya rvnyessge alatt magyarorszgi tartzkodsa

sorn automatikusan utazsi balesetbiztostsi vdelemben rszesl, melyet a Chartis
Europe S.A. Magyarorszgi Fiktelepe nyjt.
A biztostsra vonatkoz feltteleket megismerheti a Budapest Krtyhoz mellkelt, a
biztosts ignybevtelnek feltteleit tartalmaz biztostsi gyfl-tjkoztatban, a
budapesti Tourinform irodkban, valamint a weboldalon.
Amennyiben magyarorszgi tja sorn baleset ri, egszsggyi elltsra, vagy
jogseglyszolglatra van szksge, hvja a Travel Guard 24 rs asszisztencia
szolglatot, egyb kresemny esetn (pl. Poggyszkrok) pedig a Chartis Europe S.A.
Magyarorszgi Fiktelept az albbi telefonszmokon:

DE Jeder Inhaber einer Budapest Karte unter 75 Jahren und hchstens ein, mit ihm reisendes Kind unter 14 Jahren werden fr die Dauer ihres Aufenthaltes in Ungarn whrend
der Gltigkeit der Budapest Karte automatisch zu einer Reiseunfallsversicherung berechtigt,
die ihnen durch die ungarische Niederlassung von Chartis Europe S.A. Magyarorszgi Fiktelepe angeboten wird.
Die Bedingungen der Versicherung sind in dem der Budapest Karte beigefgten, die Bedingungen fr die Inanspruchnahme der Versicherung enthaltenden Kundeninformationsheft,
in den Bros des Budapester Tourismusamtes, sowie auf der Webseite www.budapestinfo.
hu zugnglich.
Wrden Sie whrend Ihrer Reise in Ungarn einen Unfall erleiden, bzw. rztliche Versorgung
oder Rechtshilfe bentigen, so rufen Sie den 24-Stunden-Assistenzdienst von Travel Guard
oder bei sonstigen Schadensfllen (z.B. Gepckschden) rufen Sie Chartis Europe S.A.
Magyarorszgi Fiktelepe unter folgenden Telefonnummern an:
Travel Guard 24 hours phone number: 36-1 501-1501
Chartis Hungary, phone number: 36-1 801-0801 (1088 Budapest, Rkczi t 1-3.)



Other services Egyb szolgltatsok


IT Ogni portatore di Budapest Card sotto i 75 anni e un bambino che viaggia insieme a

lei/lui avente meno di 14 anni durante il periodo di validit della Budapest Card protetto
automaticamente dallassicurazione per il viaggio contro incidenti nel corso del suo soggiorno
in Ungheria offerta dalla Filiale Ungherese della Chartis Europe S.A. Magyarorszgi
Le condizioni dellassicurazione sono disponibili nel libretto informativo alla clientela
sullassicurazione allegato alla Budapest Card e comprensivo delle condizioni di uso
dellassicurazione, negli uffici dellEnte per il Turismo di Budapest, nonch sulla pagina web
Nel caso dovesse subire un incidente nel corso del Suo soggiorno in Ungheria, o avesse
bisogno di assistenza sanitaria o giuridica chiami il servizio dassistenza continuo di 24 ore
della Travel Guard, nel caso di altri danni (per esempio danni al bagaglio) chiami lChartis ai
seguenti numeri telefonici:
Travel Guard 24 hours phone number: 36-1 501-1501
Chartis Hungary, phone number: 36-1 801-0801 (1088 Budapest, Rkczi t 1-3.)


Health Guard Hungary

Doctor Visits in Your Hotel
Covered by Travel Insurance

If necessary:
Medical assistance
Consultation with specialist
Blood tests, X-ray, Ultrasound
Transportation to hospital
Organization of repatriation

24-hour Urgent Care for Adults and Children

Telephone: +36 (1) 78 666 58
Major credit cards accepted

Weitere Dienstleistungen Altri servizi



EN In addition to traditional
musical instruments from five
continents, visitors can also
try out special sound therapy
equipment in our store. We are
also proud to offer one of the
largest ranges of world music
CDs in Hungary.
HU zletnkben t kontinens
tradicionlis hangszerei mellett klnleges hangterpis eszkzket
is kiprblhatnak az ideltogatk.
Itt tallhat az orszg egyik legnagyobb vilgzenei cd knlata is.
DE In unserem Geschft knnen die Kunden die traditionellen Musikinstrumente von 5
Kontinenten, sowie besondere Instrumente und Mittel zur Musiktherapie ausprobieren. Hier finden die Besucher das grte
Angebot an CDs der Weltmusik in Ungarn.

VIII., Krdy Gyula u. 7.

Phone: 36-1 266-8105;
36-20 492-7789
131 Map1 F7

IT Al nostro negozio, oltre agli strumenti musicali tradizionali

di cinque continenti, i visitatori hanno la possibilit di provare speciali
ciali mezzi di terapia di suono
Il negozio vanta una delle pi grandi collezioni internazionali di cd in Ungheria.

Open: MonFri 1118

M3 Klvin tr


i4, 6

100% Hungarian design from the best young designers of Hungary.

100% magyar dizjn Magyarorszg legjobb fiatal tervezitl.
132 Map1 F5
V., Irnyi u. 20. Phone: 36-1 266-3341
Open: MonFri: 1019, Sat: 1116
M3 Ferenciek tere
5, 7


The Budapest Card A Budapest Krtyrl


The Budapest Card is only valid if it features the holders signature and the starting
time of its use. Please enter in ink into the boxes on the back the exact time (date and
hour) when you intend to start using the card. Put the month in the first two, the day in
the second two, and the hour in the third two boxes (the last full hour). Please make sure
that all six boxes are filled in, putting 0 where appropriate. (For example, if you start using
the card at 14.15 on 27th June, you enter: 06 27 14) Please make sure you fill in the card
correctly, as overwritten, corrected or illegible cards may not be used. Dont forget to
sign your card before starting to use it.
The Budapest Card is issued for a particular person. The services listed may be used
by the card owner and an accompanying child of maximum 14 years of age. Budapest
Cards are available for 48 or 72 hours.
During the validity period of the Budapest Card you can travel without restrictions on
all lines of the BKV including trams, trolleybuses, the Millennium Underground Railway,
metro lines, the cogwheel railway and buses (on the whole length of the lines).
The HV services connect Budapest with the surrounding towns, but please note that
the Budapest Card is valid only to the city borders. So if you want to go to Szentendre or
Gdll, remember to purchase a supplementary HV ticket in one of the BKV HV
ticket offices.
The Budapest Card is not valid for the Funicular, the Chairlift and the boat lines of
BKV Zrt.
When travelling on the lines of BKV Zrt., the Budapest Card functions as your valid
ticket, so please at request present it to the conductors, who are also authorised to validate
the signature on the Card by checking your personal identification documents. Travellers
using the lines of the BKV Zrt. without a valid ticket or Card are liable to pay a fine.
The card offers discounts only at the places listed in the booklet. Please show your
card or give it to the cashier before payment. Note that certain sights and museums stop
selling tickets half an hour before closing time. The Budapest Card includes insurance
cover for travel accidents. Further information is given in the chapter Other Services.
In restaurants, the Budapest Card discount is available to cardholders as well as to all
guests accompanying them, with the exception of the Gundel and Bagolyvr restaurants,
where free dishes are offered exclusively to cardholders and a child having a meal with
them. The discount is on prices listed in the a la carte menu, and cannot be combined
with other offers. When placing your order for your meal, please show the card to the
waiter, and if requested, please sign the bill.
Editorial work on the Budapest Card booklet was completed on 11th December 2009.
The Tourism Office of Budapest cannot take responsibility for any later changes in prices,
opening hours or in any other areas. Please always obtain up-to-date information on
discounts and services on the spot.
Unused cards cannot be changed or refunded.


A Budapest Krtya rvnyessgnek felttele, hogy szerepeljen rajta a tulajdonos alrsa, valamint a hasznlat kezdetnek idpontja. Krjk, a htlapon lv kockkba
rja be tintval azt az idpontot (dtum, ra), amikortl a krtyt hasznlni szeretn. Az
els kt kockba rja a hnap, a msodik kt kockba a nap, a harmadik kt kockba
pedig az ra (utols eltelt ra) szmt. Krjk, hogy mind a hat kockt tltse ki, az esetlegesen resen marad kockkba 0-t rva (pldul jnius 27. 14.15: 06 27 14). Krjk,
gyeljen a pontos kitltsre, ugyanis az trt, tjavtott vagy olvashatatlan krtya nem
felhasznlhat! Az els hasznlat eltt ne felejtse el alrni krtyjt!
A Budapest Krtya szemlyre szl, t nem ruhzhat. A Budapest Krtya a tulajdonosa
s egy ksretben lv, legfeljebb 14 ves gyermek szmra nyjtja kedvezmnyeit.
Budapest Krtya 48 rs s 72 rs rvnyessggel kaphat.
A Budapest Krtya rvnyessgi ideje alatt korltlanul utazhat a BKV Zrt. jratain; villamoson, trolibuszon, metrn, kisfldalattin, fogaskerekn, autbuszon (teljes vonalon),
valamint a HV-en Budapest kzigazgatsi hatrig.

ber die Budapest-Karte La Carta Budapest


A HV-vonalak a Budapesthez kzeli teleplsekhez jelentenek kapcsolatot, azonban

a Budapest Krtya csak a vros hatrig rvnyes. Ezrt, ha pldul Szentendrre vagy
Gdllre szeretne utazni, felszlls eltt felttlenl kiegszt HV-menetjegyet kell
vltani a BKV HV-pnztrban!
A Budavri Siklra, a Zugligeti Libegre s a BKV Zrt. hajjrataira nem rvnyes a
Budapest Krtya.
A BKV Zrt. kzlekedsi eszkzein utazva a Budapest Krtya az n menetjegye, krsre mutassa fel, illetve adja t az ellenrknek, kalauznak, akik jogosultak szemlyazonossgot igazol okmny elkrst kveten, azzal sszevetve a krtyn szerepl
alrs eredetisgt is ellenrizni. Az rvnyes jegy nlkl vagy lejrt krtyval utazk
ptdjat ktelesek fizetni.
A krtya kedvezmnye csak a prospektusban megjellt elfogadhelyeken vehet
ignybe. Az elfogadhelyeken a krtyt fizets eltt krjk felmutatni, illetve a pnztrosnak tadni. Bizonyos ltnivalknl s mzeumokban a pnztr zrra eltt egy-fl
rval korbban zr be. A Budapest Krtya baleset- s utasbiztostst is tartalmaz. Az
erre vonatkoz informcikat az Egyb Szolgltatsok fejezetnl tallja.
A Budapest Krtya a vendglthelyeken a krtya tulajdonosn kvl a vele tartzkod s egytt fogyaszt vendgekre is rvnyes, kivve a Gundel s a Bagolyvr ttermet, ahol az ajndk tel csak a krtyatulajdonosnak s egy vele fogyaszt gyermeknek
jr. Az rengedmny az a la carte tlap raibl rtend s egyb kedvezmnyekkel (pl.
csoportkedvezmny) nem vonhat ssze. A krtyt krjk rendelskor elre felmutatni,
tovbb a pincr krsre a szmlt alrni.
A Budapest Krtya prospektusnak szerkesztst 2009. december 11-n zrtuk le. A
kiadvnyban szerepl adatok (rak, nyitvatartsi idpontok) idkzben megvltozhattak,
gy azokrt a BTH Budapesti Turisztikai Szolgltat Nonprofit Kft. nem tud felelssget
vllalni. A kedvezmnyekrl s az elfogadhelyek szolgltatsairl krjk, mindig
rdekldjn a helysznen.
A fel nem hasznlt krtykat nem tudjuk kicserlni vagy visszavltani!


Die Budapest Karte ist nur gltig, wenn mit der Unterschrift des Karteninhabers sowie
dem Zeitpunkt des Nutzungsbeginns versehen. Wir ersuchen Sie, den Zeitpunkt (Tag
und Uhrzeit), ab dem Sie die Karte benutzen mchten, in die hierfr vorgesehenen Felder auf der Rckseite der Karte einzutragen. In die ersten beiden Felder tragen Sie bitte
den Monat, in die darauf folgenden Felder den Tag und in die letzten beiden Felder die
Uhrzeit (die letzte angefangene Stunde) ein. Lassen Sie dabei keine Felder leer. Felder,
die Sie gegebenenfalls nicht bentigt haben, mssen mit einer 0 gekennzeichnet werden (dem 27. Juni 14 Uhr 15 entspricht zum Beispiel die Zahlenabfolge 06 27 14). Bitte
fllen Sie die Karte sorgfltig aus, da Karten, die Korrekturen, Ergnzungen oder unleserliche Angaben enthalten, automatisch als ungltig betrachtet werden! Denken
Sie auch daran, vor Nutzungsbeginn Ihre Karte zu unterschreiben!
Die Budapest Karte ist personengebunden und somit auf Dritte nicht bertragbar. Die
Budapest Karte berechtigt ihren Inhaber sowie ein Kind mit einem Hchstalter von 14
Jahren in seiner Begleitung zu den bekannten Ermigungen. Budapest Karten sind mit
einer Gltigkeitsdauer von 48 Stunden bzw. 72 Stunden zu erwerben.
Whrend der Gltigkeit gewhrt die Karte Ihnen kostenlose Fahrten in unbegrenzter
Anzahl in den ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von BKV Zrt., d. h. in Straenbahnen, Obussen, Autobussen (in der gesamten Linie), in der Metro, Milleniums-U-Bahn und Zahnradbahn.
Die Linien der Vorortbahn HV sichern die Verbindung zwischen Budapest und den
Stdten und Drfern der nheren Umgebung. Die Budapest-Karte gilt jedoch nur bis zur
Stadtgrenze. Wer z. B. nach Szentendre oder Gdll fahren will, sollte vor dem Einsteigen unbedingt eine Anschlussfahrkarte an der BKV HV-Kasse lsen!
Fr die Standseilbahn (Sikl) zum Budaer Burgpalast, die Schwebebahn in Zugliget
und die Schifffahrtslinien der BKV Zrt. gilt die Budapest-Karte nicht.
Whrend der Fahrt in den ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln von BKV Zrt. ist die Budapest-Karte Ihre Fahrkarte, auf Aufforderung der Kontrolleure haben Sie die Karte den
Kontrolleuren und dem Schaffner vorzuzeigen bzw. zu berreichen. Diese Personen sind


The Budapest Card A Budapest Krtyrl

berechtigt, von Ihnen einen Ausweis zur Identifikation Ihrer Person zu verlangen und
dadurch auch die Echtheit der Unterschrift auf der Karte zu kontrollieren. Die Fahrgste
ohne gltigen Fahrschein oder mit abgelaufener Karte sind verpflichtet, eine Nachgebhr
zu zahlen.
Die mit der Karte verbundenen Ermigungen knnen nur bei den in dieser Broschre
aufgelisteten Akzeptanzstellen eingerumt werden. Wir ersuchen Sie, die Karte vor der
Zahlung vorzuzeigen bzw. dem Mitarbeiter der Akzeptanzstelle zu berreichen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass der Kassenschluss bei einzelnen Sehenswrdigkeiten und in gewissen
Museen bereits 30 bis 60 Minuten vor Schlieung erfolgt. Die Budapest Karte beinhaltet
auch eine Kranken- und Reiseversicherung. Zu weiteren einschlgigen Angaben siehe
das Kapitel Weitere Dienstleistungen.
In Restaurants gilt die Budapest Karte neben dem Inhaber der Karte auch fr weitere
Gste in seiner Begleitung, die mit ihm zusammen konsumieren. Ausgenommen sind die
Restaurants Gundel und Bagolyvr, in denen die kostenfreien Gerichte nur dem Karteninhaber sowie einem Kind in seiner Begleitung zustehen. Die Ermigungen beziehen
sich auf Preise der A-la-carte-Speisekarte und sind mit anderen Ermigungen (z. B.
Gruppenermigungen) nicht kombinierbar. Wir ersuchen Sie, die Karte vor der Abgabe
Ihrer Bestellung vorzuzeigen und auf die Aufforderung des Kellners hin die Rechnung
zu unterschreiben.
Der Redaktionsschluss dieser Ausgabe der Broschre zur Budapest Karte erfolgte am
11. Dezember 2009. Preise und ffnungszeiten knnen sich im Laufe des Jahres ndern,
daher kann die Budapester Tourismusamt fr die Richtigkeit diesbezglicher Angaben
keine Haftung bernehmen. Wir bitten Sie, sich ber Ermigungen und Dienstleistungen
bei den Akzeptanzstellen vor Ort zustzlich zu informieren.
Nicht verwendete Karten knnen weder umgetauscht noch rckerstattet werden!


La Carta Budapest valida se firmata dallutente, e reca la data dellinizio delluso.
Sul rovescio della Carta dovete scrivere a penna la data e lora dellinizio delluso della
stessa: le prime due rubriche servono per il mese, la terza e la quarta per il giorno, la
quinta e la sesta per lora (lultima ora passata). Tutte e sei le rubriche devono essere
compilate scrivendo 0 nelle rubriche che rimarrebbero vuote (per esempio: 27 giugno
14.15: 06 27 14). Siete pregati di far attenzione a compilare correttamente, perch la
carta trascritta, corretta o illeggibile non sar valida! Prima di cominciare ad usarla
si ricordi di firmare la Sua carta!
La Carta Budapest personale e non pu essere ceduta ad altri. La Carta Budapest
offre gli sconti al suo proprietario e ad un bambino in sua compagnia di 14 anni al
massimo. La Carta Budapest ha validit per 48 o 72 ore.
Durante il periodo di validit della Carta Budapest si ha diritto di viaggiare sulle linee
della BKV Zrt. nei seguenti mezzi di trasporto: tram, filobus, metropolitana, ferrovia a
cremagliera e autobus (sullintero tratto).
La rete della ferrovia suburbana (HV) assicura collegamento per i dintorni di
Budapest, ma la Carta valida soltanto entro i onfini amministrativi della capitale. Chi va
oltre a Budapest, Szentendre o Gdll, deve fare assolutamente un biglietto di
supplemento presso le casse della HV!
La Carta Budapest non valida per la funicolare (Budavri Sikl), per la seggiovia
(Zugligeti Libeg) e per le linee navali della BKV Zrt.
Viaggiando sui mezzi di trasporto pubblico della BKV Zrt., la Carta Budapest
il Vostro biglietto. Se richiesta, deve essere presentata o consegnata ai controllori o
al conduttore che hanno il diritto di verificare anche lautenticit della firma presente
sulla carta, paragonandola con un documento didentit. Coloro che viaggiano
senza un biglietto valido o con una carta scaduta, sono obbligati a pagare un
Le agevolazioni offerte dalla Carta sono a disposizione solo nei posti segnalati
nel depliant. Ai punti di accettazione siete pregati di esibirla prima del pagamento, o
consegnarla al cassiere. In certi musei o luoghi di curiosit le casse chiudono mezzora
prima dellorario di chiusura. La Carta Budapest funge anche da polizza di assicurazione
infortuni e di viaggio. Le relative informazioni si trovano nel capitolo Altri Servizi.

ber die Budapest-Karte La Carta Budapest


Nei luoghi di ristorazione la Carta Budapest potr essere utilizzata dal titolare e dalle
persone in sua compagnia, salvo il ristorante Gundel ed il Bagolyvr, dove le pietanze
in omaggio spettano solo al titolare della Carta e ad uno suo figlio o figlia. Lo sconto
sintende per i prezzi alla carta e non possibile ridurre con altre agevolazioni (come sconto comitiva). I gentili clienti sono pregati di esibire la Carta prima di ordinare e,
su richiesta del cameriere, di firmare il conto.
I dati forniti dal depliant della Carta Budapest sono stati aggiornati il 11 dicembre 2009.
Per eventuali cambiamenti riguardanti orari e prezzi lEnte per il Turismo di Budapest non
pu assumersi la responsabilit.
Le Carte non utilizzate non possono essere n scambiate, n rimborsate!


La Carte Budapest nest valable que si elle comporte la signature du titulaire et la date
du commencement de son utilisation. Marquez avec un stylo dans les cases au revers
de la carte la date (heure, jour, mois) partir de laquelle vous voulez lutiliser : crivez
les chiffres du mois dans les deux premires cases, le jour dans les deux suivantes, et
lheure (dernire heure passe) dans les dernires deux cases. Veuillez remplir toutes
les six cases, en crivant un zro dans les cases qui resteraient vides (p. ex. : 14h 15 le
27 juin : 06 27 14). Prenez soin de remplir la carte de faon prcise, car on naccepte
pas les cartes rcrites, corriges ou illisibles. Noubliez pas de la signer avant la
premire utilisation !
La Carte Budapest est nominative et nest pas transfrable. La Carte Budapest donne
accs un certain nombre doffres et de rductions avantageuses son titulaire et un
enfant de moins de 14 ans qui laccompagne. On peut acheter des cartes valables pour
48 ou 72 heures.
Pendant la dure de validit de la carte vous pouvez voyager sans limitation sur les
moyens de transports de BKV Zrt.; en tram, en trolley, en mtro, en train souterrain, en
train crmaillre, en autobus (sur toute la longueur des lignes). La Carte Budapest
nest valable que jusquaux limites de la ville sur les lignes du HV (train de banlieue), si
voulez voyager plus loin, p. ex. Szentendre, vous devez acheter un supplment.
La Carte Budapest nest pas valable pour le funiculaire du Chteau de Buda, le
tlsige de Zugliget et les bateaux de BKV Zrt.
Sur les moyens de transports de BKV Zrt. la Carte Budapest fait fonction de ticket.
Sur demande, veuillez la montrer ou la donner aux contrleurs qui, aprs vous avoir
demand votre pice didentit, sont habilits vrifier lauthenticit de la signature
appose sur la carte, en le comparant avec celle figurant dans votre pice didentit.
Toute personne voyageant sans ticket valable ou en possession dune carte prime est
tenue de verser une amende.
Les rductions proposes par la Carte ne sont valables quaux endroits o lon
accepte et dont vous trouvez la liste dans ce prospectus. Dans ces endroits, veuillez
prsenter la carte avant de payer et la remettre la caissire. Dans le cas de certains
lieux touristiques et muses, la vente des billets se termine une demi-heure ou une heure
avant la fermeture des espaces dexpositions.
La Carte Budapest comprend galement une assurance voyage et accidents. Pour
plus dinformations se reporter au chapitre Autres prestations .
Dans les restaurants, la Carte Budapest est valable pour son titulaire et les personnes
qui laccompagnent, except dans les Restaurants Gundel et Bagolyvr o un plat nest
offert par la Maison quau titulaire de la carte et lenfant qui laccompagne. La rduction
est valable sur les prix du menu la carte et nest pas cumulable avec dautres
rductions (p. ex. pour les groupes). Veuillez prsenter la Carte Budapest avant de
commander et signer laddition sur demande du garon.
La rdaction du prospectus de la Carte Budapest sest termine le 11 dcembre 2009,
ainsi lOffice de Tourisme de Budapest (BTH Budapesti Turisztikai Szolgltat Nonprofit
Kft.) dcline toute responsabilit concernant les donnes (prix, heures douverture) qui
sont susceptibles de changer avec le temps. Veuillez toujours vous informer des offres et
des rductions avantageuses sur place.
Les cartes non utilises ne peuvent pas tre changes ni retournes.


The Budapest Card A Budapest Krtyrl


La Tarjeta Budapest slo tendr validez si lleva incorporada la firma del titular y la
fecha del comienzo de su utilizacin. En las casillas al dorso de la tarjeta marque
con tinta la fecha (hora, da, mes) a partir de la cual quiere utilizarla: ponga las cifras
correspondientes al mes en las dos primeras casillas, las del da en las dos siguientes y
las de la hora (ltima hora pasada) en las ltimas dos casillas. Rellene todas las casillas,
poniendo un cero en la casilla que quedara vaca (p. ej.: 14 h 15 de 27 de junio: 06 27 14).
Rellene la tarjeta cuidadosa y precisamente porque no se aceptan tarjetas modificadas,
corregidas o ilegibles. No olvide firmar la tarjeta antes de la primera utilizacin.
La Tarjeta Budapest es nominativa y no es transferible. La Tarjeta Budapest permite
a su titular y al nio menor de 14 aos que le acompae a acceder a ciertas ofertas y
descuentos. Se vende tarjetas vlidas por 48 72 horas.
Se puede viajar en cualquier lnea de BKV hasta la fecha de caducidad; en tranva,
trolebs, metro, subterrneo, ferrocarril de cremallera y en autobs (en toda la longitud
de las lneas). En los trenes de cercanas (HV), la Tarjeta Budapest es vlida slo
hasta los lmites de la ciudad. Si quiere ir ms lejos, por ejemplo a Szentendre, tiene que
comprar un suplemento.
La Tarjeta Budapest no es vlida para el funicular de Budavr, para el cable car de
Zugliget y para las lneas de barco del BKV Zrt.
Viajando en los medios de transporte de BKV Zrt. la Tarjeta Budapest le servir de
billete. Mustrela, o entrguela a los revisores o a los cobradores que tambin estn
autorizados a pedirles los documentos de identidad y comprobar la autenticidad de la
firma en la tarjeta. Los que viajen si billete vlido o con tarjeta caducada debern pagar
Los descuentos propuestos por la Tarjeta son vlidos slo en los lugares donde se
acepta la Tarjeta y que estn enumerados en este folleto. En estos lugares, srvase
mostrar la tarjeta antes de pagar y entregrsela a la cajera. En ciertos lugares tursticos
y museos la taquilla finaliza 30 minutos una hora antes de la hora de cierre de la
exposicin. La Tarjeta Budapest incluye tambin un seguro de viajero y de accidentes.
Para ms informacin vase el captulo Otros servicios.
La Tarjeta Budapest es utilizable en los restaurantes por su titular y las personas que
le acompaen, excepto en los restaurantes Gundel y Bagolyvr en los cuales la Casa
ofrece un plato slo al titular de la Tarjeta y a un nio que le acompaa y consuma con l.
El descuento se otorga sobre los precios del men a la carta y no es cumulable con otras
ofertas o descuentos (p. ej. para grupos). Se ruega mostrar la tarjeta antes de hacer el
pedido y firmar la cuenta si as lo pide el camarero.
La redaccin del folleto informativo sobre la Tarjeta Budapest ha terminado el 11
de diciembre 2009, as la Oficina de Turismo de Budapest (BTH Budapesti Turisztikai
Szolgltat Nonprofit Kft.) no se responsabiliza por eventuales modificaciones que se
produzcan en los datos (precios, horario). Infrmese siempre de las actuales ofertas y
descuentos en todo lugar.
Las tarjetas no utilizadas no son canjeables ni reembolsables.

. . , .
, (, 27 , 14 .15
. = 06 27 14). , , .

ber die Budapest-Karte La Carta Budapest


14 .
48 72 .

BKV ( ) , , , , , ,
(HV) ,
, , , ,
. , ,
, . , , .
, , , . .
. .
Gundel Bagolyvr, . (a la carte)
(, ).


. 11 2009 .
(, ) ,
- .

, .

Kiadja / published by:

BTH Budapesti Turisztikai Szolgltat Nonprofit Kft.
Szerkesztette / edited by: Viva Mdia Holding Kft.
Nyoms / printed by: Komromi Nyomda


The Budapest Card A Budapest Krtyrl

I Budapest
ltal nyjtottMUSEUM
for Budapest
Card holders
EN Indiscount
the countrys
first museum,
you can see the folErmigung
durch die
lowing exhibitions:
Coronation Mantle; The His
of the State to 1990
1990; the
of Hungary
Roman Lapidary
par an
la Carte
de Budapest
HU Magyar
Az orszg els mDescuento
por laMzeum.
Tarjeta Budapest
megtekinthet killtsok:


zsi Palst, Magyarorszg trtnete az llamalaptstl

1990-ig, Lapidarium, modern rgszeti killts.
DE Ungarisches Nationalmuseum. DauerausstellunDau
VIII., Mzeum krt. 1416.
helye Museum
a trkpen
gen imObjektum
Ungarns: ungarischer
KrPhone: 36-1 327-7773
nungsmantel, Ungarns Geschichte von der Sta
bis 1990, Lapidarium, moderne Archologieauss
43 Map1 C3
dei siti
sulla piantina
IT Museo
Le esp
esposizioni del
la curiosit sur la
imo museo del
d l paese
see sono:
sono Il manto
storia dellUngheria
la curiosidad
en el mapa
dalla fondazione dello Statoo al 1990, Situation

Open: 1018 Closed: Monday
M2 Astoria M3
M Klvin tr

c9, 15, 7, 115 i47, 49

Ticket: 1100 (550) Ft CARD 880 (440) Ft

Felntt s (gyermek) belpdj

Admission for adults and (children)
Eintrittsgebhren fr Erwachsene und (Kinder)
Ingresso per adulti e (bambini)
Prix dentre pour adultes et (enfants)
Entradas para adultos y (nios)
HU: Nyitva tarts
EN: Opening hours
DE: ffnungszeiten
IT: Orari di apertura
FR: Heures douverture
ES: Horario
M1, Metr
M2, Underground
M3 U-Bahn

Suburban railway
Ferrovia suburbana
Ligne et banlieue
Ferrocarril suburbano
eee opo

HU: Eljuts tmegkzlekedssel

EN: Public transport
DE: ffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln
IT: Trasporto pubblico
FR: Transports publics
ES: Transporte pblico



Budapest Public Transport Map


Check out where the Budapest
Card partners are and plan your
itinerary with the help of the
following maps on Budapest.
In case you need a more detailed
map or help, please go to any
of our Tourinform Offices in













7 thw













11 138





92 116









130 128A




















7 thw

39 35


69 74









139 75





















STATUE PARK Lenin, Marx,
Dimitrov and other heroes of the
communist world, and Stalins boots.
A photo collection concerning
the 1956 Hungarian revolution,
and the 1989-90 political changes.
CINEMA The film The Life
of an Agent plays non-stop. This
documentary explains communist
secret service operations.
TRABANT The famous
East-German peoples car.
souvenirs from communism.

-500 eFsttw



Budapest, 22nd district, corner of Balatoni t and Szabadkai utca
HOW TO GET THERE Direct bus from downtown to Memento Park at 11 a.m.
daily (in July and August also at 3 p.m.), leaving from Dek tr (Metro No 1, 2, 3)
at the bus stop with the Memento Park timetable.
By public transport: a/ Bus No 150 from the corner of Fehrvri and Bocskai
Road (Allee Shopping Center, tram No 4, 18, 41, 47, 61). Departing every 20 minutes
(30 minutes at the weekend), then bus No 150 to Memento Park stop. Travel time:
25 minutes. b/ By bus No 710, 720, 721 or 722 leaving from the Volnbusz terminus
next to Kelenfldi Railway Station (bus No 7E, 173E, tram No 19, 49) to the Memento
Park stop. Travel time: 10 minutes..
Tours in English lasting 50 minutes, starting from the entrance to Memento Park.
Times: daily 11.45 am; March-October 12.45 pm and 1.45 pm as well; July-August
3.45 pm and 4.45 pm as well.
For more informations on page 44..

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