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Lesson plan

School: Nr. 84, Bucureti

Teacher: Enache Ramona-Mdlina
Grade: 7th
Book: Pathway to English English Scrapbook
Unit: Round up 3A
Type of lesson: Revision
Time: 50 minutes
The students have learned how to express permission, obligation and
The students know how to use the modals in sentences expressing permission,
obligation and prohibition;
The students know how to write an informal letter;
The students have learned how to express and speak about progress in the
The students know how to use Future Continuous in exercises and also in
predicting facts about themselves or possible imaginary situations;
The students have enough English knowledge in order to read and understand
the instructions for starting up for the first time a tablet.
To get the students to practice the use of permission, obligation and prohibition
modals in sentences and all the given exercises;
To get the students to identify the modals of permission, obligation and
prohibition while reading a text;
To get the students to write a letter in which they will use modals expressing
To introduce new vocabulary if necessary;
To get the students to practice the use of Future Continuous in predicting facts
about themselves or possible imaginary situations;
To get the students to practice putting in the right order a Tablet instructions;
To practice the use of the mentioned modal verbs and verbal time.
Aids: students book, pictures, sheets of paper, blackboard and chalk.
Students interaction: individual work, group work
The students will use correctly the modals of permission, obligation and
prohibition in sentences and exercises;
The students will use correctly modals of permission while writing a letter;
The students will use correctly Future Continuous in sentences and in an
activity in which they predict facts about themselves;

The students will be able to use the mentioned verbal times and modal verbs in
The students will be able to put in the right order the instructions when they will
use for the first time their tablet.
Skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening.
Activity 1: Practice (whole class/group work)
The Teacher gives to each student a sheet of paper containing strange
customs and laws around the world. Students have to read and discuss with their
partner about the given information and they have to identify the modals of
permission, obligation and prohibition. The students have to decide which of
these customs would like to have in their country and to choose their top three.
Activity 2: Practice (whole class/individual work)
The Teacher asks students to read the Hotel rules and complete the
sentences using an appropriate modal verb of permission, obligation and
Activity 3: Practice (whole class)
The Teacher asks the students to complete the sentences using must and
have to emphasizing the fact that we use must to talk about personal
obligation and have to when the obligation is imposed by someone else
Activity 4: Practice individual work)
The Teacher asks the students to imagine that their best friend from
another town wishes to attend the same school as you do and they have to email
him/her an informal letter telling him/her what they can do, are allowed to
do or must do in your school, trying to familiarize him/her with the rules of
your school.
Activity 5: Practice (group work)
The Teachers asks students to imagine they are going on holiday in two
weeks time and they have to tell each other what they will be doing/will not be
doing. Students have to share with the rest of the class their mates holiday
Activity 6: Practice (group work)
The teacher gives to each group work a sheet of paper containing a
series of steps that one has to undertake in order to configure the basic settings
when starting up for the first time a tablet. Students have to order in a right way
the instructions for using a tablet.
Activity 7: Homework assignment
The teacher asks the students to do the exercises from page 90.

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