Ni 617 July 2014

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Safety Guidelines for Design,

Construction and Operation of Tugs

July 2014

Guidance Note
NI 617 DT R00 E

Marine & Offshore Division

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Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 25
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2014 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved


1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine & Offshore Division (the "Society") is
the classification (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or offshore unit or structure of any type or part of
it or system therein collectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea
bed or not, whether operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines,
hovercrafts, drilling rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary
equipment, subsea or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise
as decided by the Society.
The Society:
"prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (" Rules ");
"issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (" Certificates ");
"publishes Registers.
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Standards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively referred to as " Certification ".
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and
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1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are prepared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime
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1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or chartering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Shipbuilder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied
obligations by the interventions of the Society.
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following surveys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register.
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards.
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope.
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presentation of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out.
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They
are a collection of minimum requirements but not a standard or a code of construction neither a
guide for maintenance, a safety handbook or a guide of professional practices, all of which are
assumed to be known in detail and carefully followed at all times by the Client.
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those documents.
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention.
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
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3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of random inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verification.
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
"reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Client;
"conducts surveys at the place of their construction;
"classes Units and enters their class in its Register;
"surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the
extent of the surveys to be changed.
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty.
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided for.
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory services, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an implied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value
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5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construction in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder.
5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or
machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any survey by the Society.

6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
6.2. - If the Services of the Society or their omission cause to the Client a damage which is proved
to be the direct and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society,
its liability towards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having
caused the damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thousand (8,000) Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000)
Euro and one and a half times the above mentioned fee. These limits apply regardless of fault including breach of contract, breach of warranty, tort, strict liability, breach of statute, etc.
The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss whether arising naturally or not as
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6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Services were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be interrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
in Article 8 hereunder.
7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
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7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
8.2. - Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable legislation.
8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
notification to pay.
9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
"Clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classification of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit ;
"copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
of class;
"the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of
the Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, may be
passed on to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association
working rules;
"the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
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The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
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11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the Society may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
of Nanterre, France, or to another Court as deemed fit by the Society.
12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
and the Client shall be governed by English law.
13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement. They are not varied by any purchase order or other document of the Client serving similar purpose.
13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
appear in other documents issued by the Society.
BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 L - 7 January 2013


NI 617
Safety Guidelines for Design,
Construction and Operation of Tugs



















July 2014

Section 1






Bollard Pull
Escort forces and speed
Reference towline force
Design Load
Winch Brake Holding Load
Towline breaking strength



Scope of application



Ventilation openings of machinery space and emergency generator room

Intact stability


Loading conditions
Stability criteria
Additional stability criteria for service notations harbour tug and tug
Additional stability criteria for service notation escort tug
Escort performance simulations
Escort performance trials
Operating information for service notation escort tug
Icing considerations
Elements reducing stability

Towing Equipment

Towing equipment for service notations harbour tug and tug


Scope of application
Service notations and additional service feature
Specific considerations for escort tugs


Section 3


Section 2

Typical operational profiles
Typical design arrangements
Other design arrangements



Documents to be submitted
Design Load
Design requirements for towing winches
Design requirements for towing hooks
Design requirements for towlines

Bureau Veritas

July 2014


Towing equipment for service notation escort tug


Section 4

Design requirements for towline guiding fittings

Design requirements for towing equipment supporting structures
Testing requirements


Documents to be submitted
Design Load
Design requirements for escort winches
Design requirements for towlines
Design requirements for towline guiding fittings
Design requirements for towing equipment supporting structures
Testing requirements

Fire Safety for Tugs of less than 500 GT



Scope of application
Fire safety objectives
Requirements for fire safety equipment

Fire pumps and fire main systems




Fire pumps
Portable fire pumps
Fire main
Pressure in the fire main
Fire Hydrants

Fire safety measures



Structural fire protection
Surface of insulation
Ventilation systems
Oil fuel arrangements
Special arrangements in Category A machinery spaces and where necessary
other machinery spaces
3.8 Arrangements for gaseous fuel for domestic purposes
3.9 Space heating
3.10 Means of escape

Fixed fire detection and fire-alarm systems


July 2014


Fire-extinguishing arrangements


Fixed fire-extinguishing arrangements in Category A machinery spaces
Fixed fire-extinguishing systems
Protection of paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers
Fixed fire-extinguishing systems not required by this section
Portable Fire-extinguishers

Bureau Veritas

Fire-fighting equipment

Section 5

Scope of application
Requirements for life saving appliances



Scope of application
Requirements for radio installations

Navigation Equipment for Tugs of less than 500 GT




Scope of application
Requirements for navigation equipment

Hull Outfitting

Anchoring equipment


Radio Installations for Tugs of less than 300 GT


Section 8

Engineering analysis
Evaluation of the alternative design and arrangements
Re-evaluation due to change of conditions


Section 7


Life Saving Appliances for Tugs of less than 500 GT


Section 6

Fire-fighters outfit (which includes an axe)
Description of fire control plans

Alternative design and arrangements for fire safety




Equipment number
Wire ropes
Tugs of less than 500 GT
Number of anchors
High holding power anchors
Chain cables
Water depths greater than 82,5 m

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

Section 9

Assisted Ship

Towing fittings



Making fast

July 2014


Side structure




Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 1




1.1.1 This Guidance Note has been developed on the basis
of cooperative research and development work performed
within the scope of the SafeTug Joint Industry Project and
through bilateral cooperation with industry stakeholders.
The purpose of the Guidance Note is to provide recommended criteria for the design, construction and operation
of tugs.
The recommended criteria are to be used in conjunction
with the Bureau Veritas Rules for The Classification of Steel
Ships (NR 467) and may be applied as an alternative to
and/or in addition to the requirements of NR 467, Pt D,
Ch 14 as applicable for the service notations tug and escort
tug defined in NR 467, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2.
Application of the recommended criteria of this Guidance
Note as alternative to the requirements of NR 467, Pt D, Ch 14
is subject to agreement by the Society on a case by case basis.




2.1.1 Tugs are considered to be ships specially equipped

for towing and/or pushing other (generally larger) ships
and/or floating offshore units. Both the tasks assigned to
tugs as well as the operational profiles show a broad variation. Therefore, differences between tugs can be very significant in terms of general arrangement design, hull lines,
structural reinforcements, machinery and electrical systems,
deck and towing equipment and safety systems.
2.1.2 In order to provide the industry with adequate guidelines and rules, the class requirements for tugs should take
this variation into account. A logical way of doing so is to
define a set of different service notations for tugs, which
reflect the nature of operation of the tug as well as the operational profile. The class requirements for each type of tug are
then defined as a function of the selected service notation.
2.1.3 An overview of typical operational profiles for which
tugs are designed and equipped is provided in [2.2]. The
operational profile is to be considered as a combination of
the function (type of operation) and service (operating area)
of the tug.

July 2014

2.1.4 A general and indicative description of typical tug

design arrangements for towing and pushing operations is
provided in [2.3]. It is recognised that other, specialised tug
design arrangements exist in addition to the ones specified
in [2.3]. The guidelines are applicable to the specific design
arrangements mentioned in [2.3.1], [2.3.2] and [2.3.3], but
may also be applied to other design arrangements, as far as
deemed reasonable and practicable (refer to [2.4]).


Typical operational profiles

Harbour tugs

Harbour tugs are considered to be tugs specially equipped

to assist ships and/or floating offshore units while entering
or leaving port and during berthing and unberthing operations. Harbour tugs are considered to navigate in calm
stretches of water (sheltered area). Usually harbour tugs
work from a fixed port; the crew is familiar with the operating area and shore side facilities for maintenance, repairs,
spare parts, etc., are directly available. In case of emergency
shore side assistance is directly available.

Seagoing tugs

Seagoing tugs are considered to be tugs specially equipped

to assist ships and/or floating offshore units at sea, but may
also be involved in harbour towage operations. Seagoing
tugs can either operate without any restriction (deep sea
towage, in any sea area and any period of the year), within
short distance from shore (coastal towage), or at a specified
location (offshore terminal tugs). Salvage tugs are considered as seagoing tugs having specific equipment for salvage
For coastal towage and offshore terminal tugs the crew is
considered to be generally familiar with the operating area
and shore side facilities for maintenance, repairs, spare
parts, etc., are readily available. It is also considered that in
case of emergency shore side assistance is readily available
if the tug does not proceed in the course of the voyage more
than four hours at operational speed from a place of safe
sheltered anchorage.
For deep sea towage the crew is not necessarily familiar
with the operating area and shore side facilities for maintenance, repairs, spare parts, etc., are generally not readily
available. It is also considered that in case of emergency
shore side assistance is not readily available.
Salvage tugs, due to the nature of their operations, are to be
able to operate fully autonomously under all conditions.
Consequently, even if the crew may be familiar with the
operating area, it is considered that shore side facilities and
emergency assistance are not readily available.

Bureau Veritas

NI 617, Sec 1



Escort tugs

Escort tugs are considered to be tugs specially equipped for

escorting ships during navigation. Escorting is considered to
include active (emergency) steering, braking and otherwise
controlling of the assisted ship while approaching a port or
terminal, or, while navigating in confined waters. Typically
escorting involves indirect towage at speeds in excess of
6 kn. Escort tugs are considered to operate in open sea
areas and/or in sheltered (confined) waters (e.g. in ports).
If escort tugs operate from a fixed station, the crew is generally familiar with the operating area and shore side facilities
for maintenance, repairs, spare parts, etc. are readily available. It is considered that in case of emergency shore side
assistance is readily available if the escort tug does not proceed in the course of the voyage more than four hours at
operational speed from a place of safe sheltered anchorage.


Typical design arrangements

Conventional tugs

Conventional tugs have fixed single or multiple shaft

arrangement. The propeller(s) can be of fixed pitch or controllable pitch type, normally fitted with Kort nozzle(s).
Steering is done by means of rudder(s) or steerable nozzle(s). The towing point is normally located slightly aft of
the centre of lateral resistance for towing over the stern with
a towing hook and/or towing winch.

2.4.1 Other tug design arrangements, having towing and

propulsion configurations different from the design arrangements described in [2.3.1], [2.3.2] and [2.3.3], have been
developed and built:
Reference is made to tugs, other than the tractor tugs
and ASD tugs as described in [2.3.2] and [2.3.3],
respectively, which are equipped with omnidirectional
thrusters installed at a single location along the length,
effectively mixing the characteristics of both design concepts.
The guidelines provide specific recommendations
regarding the anticipated effective towline forces acting
in the transverse direction and the associated heeling
moments in relation to the towing and/or escorting stability requirements.
Reference is also made to tugs which are equipped with
multiple omnidirectional thrusters distributed along the
length. Such tugs have the capability to generate relatively high transverse thrust compared to tugs with
omnidirectional thrusters installed at a single location
along the length described above.
This aspect needs to be specially considered when
applying these Guidelines. Particular attention is to be
paid to the anticipated effective towline forces acting in
the transverse direction and the associated heeling
moments in relation to the towing and/or escorting stability requirements.

Conventional tugs may also be equipped to perform pushing operations.



Tractor tugs

Tractor tugs are fitted with omnidirectional thrusters (typically two steerable propellers or Voith-Schneider type
cycloidal propulsion units), which are located forward of
the towing point (usually not more than 30% of the length
from the forward end). A skeg or vertical fin is fitted aft.
Towing is performed over the stern with a towing winch
and/or towing hook.

Other design arrangements

Scope of application

3.1.1 These Guidelines is applicable to tugs having a (freeboard) length LLL, as defined in the International Convention
on Load Lines (ICLL) in force, of not more than 100 m and
to which one or more of the service notations specified in
[3.2] are assigned.

Tractor tugs may also be equipped to perform pushing operations.

3.1.2 These Guidelines may also be applied to other ships

engaged in towing, such as anchor handling tugs, anchor
handling tug supply vessels, salvage tugs and standby rescue vessels, as far as deemed practicable by the Society.



Azimuth Stern Drive tugs

Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) tugs are fitted with multiple

steerable propellers located near the aft end. Typically, ASD
tugs can perform towing operations over the bow with the
forward towing winch (towing operation similar to a tractor
tug) and over the stern with a towing hook and/or second
towing winch (towing operation similar to a conventional
tug). In both cases the towing point is located forward of the
thrusters. ASD tugs may be fitted with a skeg, the size and
location depending on the intended function).
Azimuth Stern Drive tugs may also be equipped to perform
pushing operations.

Service notations and additional service


3.2.1 On the basis of the typical operational profiles of

tugs, as described in [2.2], the following service notations
are defined:
harbour tug for tugs specially equipped for towing
and/or pushing within the limits of a port,
tug for tugs specially equipped for towing and/or pushing at sea, as well as in port
escort tug for tugs specially equipped for escorting ships
during navigation.

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 1

3.2.2 The service notations harbour tug and tug are to be

completed by the design performance limit as follows:
(Bollard Pull = [TBP/9,81] t)
where TBP is defined in [4.1.1].

Note 1: In direct towing mode the trust is directly applied to generate the towline force, whereby hydrodynamic lift and drag forces
play no significant role.

Example: tug (Bollard Pull = 60 t)

3.2.3 The service notation escort tug is to be completed by
the design performance limits as follows:
(maximum steering force = [TY,MAX/9,81] t, maximum
braking force = [TX,MAX/9.81] t, maximum escort speed
= [Vmax] kn)
where TY,MAX and TX,MAX are defined in [4.2.6], while VMAX is
defined in [4.2.4].
Example: escort tug (maximum steering force = 65 t, maximum braking force = 90 t, maximum escort speed = 10 kn)
3.2.4 The service notations tug and escort tug may be
completed by the following additional service feature:
sailing time 4 h from a safe sheltered anchorage
for tugs which do not proceed in the course of their voyage
more than four hours at operational speed from a place of
3.2.5 Multiple service notations may be assigned.


hydrodynamic lift and drag forces acting on the hull and

appendices of the tug advancing through the water at a drift
angle relative to the water flow, the thrust vector and the
towline force.

Specific considerations for escort tugs

3.3.1 For the purpose of these Guidelines escorting is considered to include active (emergency) steering, braking and
otherwise controlling of the escorted ship by the tug operating in indirect towing mode, whereby the ahead speed of
the escorted ship is within a typical speed range of 6 to
10 kn.
3.3.2 In indirect towing mode the towline force is the
resulting from the (quasi-static) equilibrium condition
reached between the forces and moments arising from the

3.3.3 Escort tugs may work in different indirect towing

modes, depending on the required action towards the
escorted ship (e.g. steering, braking). The main indirect towing modes relevant for escort tugs are schematically shown
in Fig 1.
Where reference is made to indirect steering the objective
is to maximise the steering force in indirect towing mode.
Where reference is made to indirect braking the objective
is to maximise the braking force in indirect towing mode.
3.3.4 In (basic) indirect mode the towline force is generated primarily by the hydrodynamic forces acting on the
hull and skeg, with the thrust used solely to maintain the
desired drift angle (also referred to as yaw angle).
3.3.5 In powered indirect mode (indirect steering) the
transverse component of thrust is used to maintain the
desired drift angle, while a significant longitudinal component of thrust is applied in forward direction of the tug.
Compared to the (basic) indirect mode, the tug is operating
more sideways of the escorted ship with a relatively large
towline angle, generating a higher steering force.
3.3.6 In combination mode (indirect braking) the same
principle as for the indirect steering mode is applied, except
that the longitudinal component of thrust is applied in aftward rather than forward direction.
Compared to the (basic) indirect mode, the tug is operating
more behind the escorted ship with a relatively small towline angle, generating a higher braking force.

Figure 1 : Schematic overview of indirect towing modes (escort tug)

July 2014

Bureau Veritas

NI 617, Sec 1

3.3.7 For indirect towing modes it is recommended to

design the tug to generate high (indirect) towline forces with
minimal propulsion thrust, while respecting the limits
imposed by stability and strength considerations (towing
equipment, general hull structure).

Figure 2 : Typical escort configuration

3.3.8 The propulsion engines are to ensure sufficient thrust

for manoeuvring the tug quickly for any drift angle (refer to
angle as defined in [4.2.2]).
3.3.9 In the case of loss of propulsion, the heeling moment
due to the remaining forces is to lead to a safe equilibrium
position of the tug with reduced heeling angle.



Bollard Pull

4.1.1 The Bollard Pull TBP, in kN, is the maximum sustained

towline force the tug is capable of generating at zero forward speed, to be initially specified by the Designer and to
be verified by a full scale test, generally referred to as Bollard Pull test.
4.1.2 The Bollard Pull is to be verified by means of a Bollard Pull test performed in accordance with a recognised
For tugs capable of towing over the stern (ahead towing) as
well as over the bow (astern towing), the Bollard Pull test is
to be performed for towing over the stern (ahead towing)
and for towing over the bow (astern towing).
The maximum measured Bollard Pull is to be referenced in
the service notation, see [3.2].
4.1.3 Where the value of the Bollard Pull is not provided,
the following default values may be used for preliminary
design review:
TBP = 0,204 N PS
for conventional tugs with propellers fitted with nozzles;
TBP = 0,176 N PS
for tractor tugs and ASD tugs with steerable propellers
fitted with nozzles.

: Number of propellers


: Maximum continuous power per propeller

shaft, in kW.


Escort forces and speed

4.2.1 The steady towline force during escorting, TESC, in kN,

is the towline force associated with the considered (quasistatic) equilibrium in indirect towing mode, excluding short
time-duration dynamic effects, for a given loading condition
and escort speed V, see Fig 2. The steady towline force is
applied by the tug on the stern of the escorted ship.


4.2.2 The following angles are defined in relation to escort

operations (see Fig 2):
The towline angle , in deg, is the angle between the
towline and the centreline of the escorted ship, and
The drift angle , in deg, is the angle between the centreline of the tug and the centreline of the escorted ship
(also referred to as yaw angle).
4.2.3 The steady towline force TESC can be decomposed
into a steering force TY and a braking force TX (see Fig 2):
The steering force TY, in kN, is the transverse component of the steady towline force TESC with respect to the
escorted ship
The braking force TX, in kN, is the longitudinal component of the steady towline force TESC with respect to the
escorted ship.
4.2.4 The maximum escort speed VMAX, in kn, is the highest
escort speed V for which the escort tug is considered to perform escort operations, to be specified by the Designer and
not to be taken higher than 10 kn.
Note 1: For high powered escort tugs with a free running speed of
more than 15 kn the Society may, on a case-by-case basis, accept a
maximum escort speed of 12 kn.

4.2.5 For the purpose of these Guidelines the following

rated values of the above defined escort forces are specified:
The rated steady towline force TESC,R, in kN, is the highest anticipated steady towline force TESC, as obtained
from the evaluation of the escort forces for a particular
loading condition and escort speed, taking into account
the applicable stability and strength criteria of these
The rated steering force TY,R, in kN, is the m highest
anticipated steering force TY, as obtained from the evaluation of the escort forces for a particular loading condition and escort speed, taking into account the
applicable stability and strength criteria of these Guidelines

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 1

The rated maximum braking force TX,R, in kN, is the

highest anticipated braking force TX, as obtained from
the evaluation of the escort forces for a particular loading condition and escort speed, taking into account the
applicable stability and strength criteria of these Guidelines.


4.2.6 For the purpose of these Guidelines the following

maximum values of the above defined rated escort forces
are specified:
The maximum steady towline force TESC,MAX, in kN, is the
highest rated steady towline force TESC,R over the applicable range of loading conditions and escort speeds
The maximum steering force TY,MAX, in kN, is the m highest rated steering force TY,R over the applicable range of
loading conditions and escort speeds
The maximum braking force TX,MAX, in kN, is the m highest rated braking force TX,R over the applicable range of
loading conditions and escort speeds.

the maximum steady towline force TESC,MAX for service

notation escort tug, see [4.2].

4.2.7 The matrix of rated steady towline forces TESC,R, steering forces TY,R and braking forces TX,R is to be initially specified by the Designer and to be verified by the Society on the
basis of the results of:
full scale trials, or
model testing, or
a computer simulation programme accepted by the
4.2.8 Full scale trials, where applicable, should be performed in accordance with a procedure agreed with the
Society before prior to commencement of the trials and
comply with the requirements of Sec 2, [3.6].
4.2.9 Model testing, where applicable, should be performed in accordance with a procedure agreed with the
Society before prior to commencement of the tests and
comply with the requirements of Sec 2, [3.6]. Special attention is to be paid to scale effects when processing the measurement result to create predictions at full scale.
4.2.10 Computer simulation programmes for predicting
escort performance are to comply with the requirements of
Sec 2, [3.5].

July 2014

Reference towline force

4.3.1 The reference (quasi-static) towline force T, in kN, is

considered to represent:
the Bollard Pull TBP for service notations harbour tug
and tug, see [4.1]


Design Load

4.4.1 The Design Load DL, in kN, is the force taken into
consideration for the strength assessment and testing of the
towing equipment and the associated supporting structures,
and is to be taken as not less than:

: Dynamic Amplification Factor

The DAF takes into consideration dynamic effects. Reference values for the DAF are given in Sec 3, [1.3] for service
notations harbour tug and tug, and in Sec 3, [2.3] for service notation escort tug.


Winch Brake Holding Load

4.5.1 The winch Brake Holding Load BHL, in kN, is the

maximum towline force the towing winch can withstand
without slipping of the (activated) brake, considering the
towline at the first layer.
4.5.2 The BHL is a reference for the strength assessment
and testing of towing winches and associated towing fittings
(e.g. fairlead, staple, gob-eye) as well as their supporting


Towline breaking strength

4.6.1 The towline breaking strength, in kN, is the tension

required to cause failure of the towline (parting of the towline).

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 2





Scope of application

Intact stability


1.1.1 All tugs having a Load Line length LLL equal to or

greater than 24 m may be assigned class only after it has
been demonstrated that their intact stability is adequate.
Adequate intact stability means compliance with standards
laid down by the relevant Administration or with the
requirements specified in this section taking into account
the tugs size and type.


Loading conditions
Standard loading conditions

Standard loading conditions are to be included in the stability booklet:

lightship condition
tug in lightest anticipated loading condition, with full
stores and fuel

In any case, the level of intact stability is not to be less than

that provided by the Guidelines.

same condition as above, but with 10% stores, provisions and consumables

1.1.2 The Guidelines also apply to tugs with a load line

length LLL of less than 24 m in length.

tug in the departure condition at the waterline corresponding to the maximum draught, with full stores, provisions and consumables


same condition as above, but with 10% stores, provisions and consumables.


For the lightship condition, not being an operational loading condition, the Society may accept that part of the mentioned criteria is not fulfilled.


2.1.1 Openings in the hull, superstructures or deckhouses

which cannot be closed weathertight are to be considered
as unprotected openings and, consequently, as down-flooding points for the purpose of stability calculations (the lower
edge of such openings is to be taken into account).


3.1.3 When a tropical freeboard is to be assigned to the

tug, the corresponding loading conditions are also to be

Ventilation openings of machinery

space and emergency generator room

2.2.1 It is recognised that for tugs, due to their size and

arrangement, compliance with the requirements of ICLL
Reg. 17(3) for ventilators necessary to continuously supply
the machinery space and the emergency generator room
may not be practicable. Lesser heights of the coamings of
these particular openings may be accepted if the openings:
are positioned as close to the centreline and as high
above the deck as practicable in order to maximise the
down-flooding angle and to minimise exposure to green
are provided with weathertight closing appliances in
combination with suitable arrangements, such as separators fitted with drains
are equipped with efficient protective louvers and mist
have a coaming height of not less than 900 mm above
the deck
are considered as unprotected openings and, consequently, as down-flooding points for the purpose of stability calculations.


3.1.2 In case a tug is fitted with water ballast tanks the

lightest anticipated loading condition may be a ballast condition (in particular for larger tugs).

3.1.4 For the loading condition corresponding to the maximum draught, when necessary, deck cargo may be applied
to arrive at the required draught. Attention is to be paid to
the associated wind profile for verification of the severe
wind and rolling criterion, refer to part A, 2.3 of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008.

Additional loading conditions to be included

in the stability booklet

Additional loading conditions are to be included in the stability booklet:

tug in the worst anticipated operating conditions for
towing, covering the relevant range of draughts, for service notations harbour tug and tug
tug in the worst anticipated operating conditions for
escorting, covering the relevant range of draughts, for
service notation escort tug.
Further loading conditions may be included when deemed
necessary or useful.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 2


Stability criteria

3.2.1 The intact stability of tugs should comply with the

provisions given in part A, 2.2 and 2.3 of the International
Code on Intact Stability, 2008, except that the alternative
criteria given in part B, 2.4.5, which apply to offshore supply vessels, may be used for tugs of similar design and characteristics.
3.2.2 With reference to Part B, 5.1.4 of the International
Code on Intact Stability, 2008, tugs should possess an adequate reserve of stability to withstand the anticipated heeling moment arising from the towline. It is considered that
this requirement is complied with in case a tug meets the
additional stability criteria as specified in [3.3] and/or [3.4],
as applicable.


Additional stability criteria for service

notations harbour tug and tug

3.3.6 A harbour tug or tug may be considered as having

sufficient stability to withstand the heeling moment arising
from the towline if the following condition is complied with
(see Fig 1):

: Area, in m.rad, contained between the righting

arm and the heeling arm curves, measured from
the heeling angle C to the heeling angle D

: Area, in m.rad, contained between the heeling

arm and the righting arm curves, measured from
zero heel ( = 0) to the heeling angle C

: Heeling angle of equilibrium, corresponding to

the first intersection between heeling and righting arm curves

: Heeling angle, to be taken as the lesser of:

heeling angle corresponding to the second
intersection between heeling and righting
arms heeling and righting arm curves

3.3.1 All the loading conditions reported in the trim and

stability booklet which are intended for towing operations
are also to be checked in order to investigate the tugs capability to withstand the effect of the transverse heeling
moment induced by the combined action of the towline
force and the thrust vector.

angle of downflooding.
Figure 1 : Heeling and righting arm curves

3.3.2 The stability calculations are to be performed on the

basis of the Bollard Pull, as defined in Sec 1, [4.1].
3.3.3 For tugs capable of towing over the stern as well as
over the bow, this check is to be performed for both towing
situations, duly taking into account the location of the associated towing points. If different values of the ahead and
astern Bollard Pull are available, it is acceptable to consider
the ahead Bollard Pull for towing over the stern and the
astern Bollard Pull for towing over the bow.
3.3.4 The values of the ahead and astern Bollard Pull, as
applicable, are to be specified by the Designer in the stability booklet. In addition, an arrangement drawing with the
location of the towing point(s) and propulsion unit(s) is to
be included in the stability booklet. In this drawing the longitudinal and vertical distance, in m, from each of the towing points to the relevant centrelines of the propulsion
unit(s) and the baseline, respectively, are to be specified.

T BP hc
- cos
b H = ---------------9, 81


: Heeling arm, in m


: Bollard Pull, in kN, as relevant for the considered towing situation

: Vertical distance, in m, between the towing

point (fairlead, staple, towing hook or equivalent fitting) and the horizontal centreline of the
propulsion unit(s), as relevant for the considered
towing situation

Bureau Veritas


3.3.5 Preliminary stability calculations on the basis of estimated Bollard Pull values may be submitted for (preliminary) examination. If after completion of the Bollard Pull
test the measured Bollard Pull values exceed the estimated
values, the stability calculations have to be updated for the
measured Bollard Pull values. It is recommended to include
a reasonable margin in the estimated values (on the basis of
design experience).

July 2014

3.3.7 The heeling arm curve is to be calculated as follows:

NI 617, Sec 2

: Coefficient to be taken equal to:

c = 0,50 for tugs with non-azimuth propulsion (conventional tug, see Sec 1, [2.3.1])
c = 0,90 / (1 + d / LLL) for tugs with azimuthing thrusters installed at a single point along
the length (tractor tug and ASD tug, see Sec
1, [2.3.2] and Sec 1, [2.3.3], respectively, as
well as similar tug designs), as relevant for
the considered towing situation, but is in no
case to be taken as less than 0,70 for ASD
tugs towing over the stern and tractor tugs
towing over the bow and 0,50 for ASD tugs
towing over the bow and tractor tugs towing
over the stern, respectively

: Loading condition displacement, in t

: Angle of heel, in deg

: Longitudinal distance, in m, between the towing point (fairlead, staple, towing hook or equivalent fitting) and the vertical centreline of the
propulsion unit(s), as relevant for the considered
towing situation.

3.4.5 The value of the highest anticipated heeling moment

is to be specified by the Designer in the stability calculations. In addition, an arrangement drawing with the location of the towing points and propulsion units is to be
included in the stability booklet. In this drawing the longitudinal and vertical distance, in m, from the towing point to
the relevant centrelines of the propulsion units and the
baseline, respectively, are to be specified.
3.4.6 Preliminary stability calculations on the basis of estimated highest heeling moment and associated heeling arm
values may be submitted for (preliminary) examination. If
after verification of the heeling arm values on the basis of
the results of escort performance trials, model tests or a
computer simulation programme accepted by the Society
(refer to [3.5]) the final values exceed the estimated values,
the stability calculations have to be updated for the final
heeling moment and heeling arm values. It is recommended
to include a reasonable margin in the estimated values (on
the basis of design experience).
3.4.7 An escort tug may be considered as having sufficient
stability to withstand the heeling moment arising from the
towline, if the three following conditions are complied
A 1,25 B


Additional stability criteria for service

notation escort tug

C 1,40 D
C 15 deg

3.4.1 All the loading conditions reported in the trim and stability booklet which are intended for escorting operations are
also to be checked in order to investigate the tugs capability
to withstand the effect of the transverse heeling moment
induced by the combined action of the following forces:
hydrodynamic forces acting on the hull and appendices


: Righting arm curve area, in m.rad, measured

from the heeling angle C to a heeling angle of
20 deg (see Fig 2)

: Heeling arm curve area, in m.rad, measured

from the heeling angle C to a heeling angle 20
deg (see Fig 2)

: Righting arm curve area, in m.rad, measured

from the zero heel ( = 0) to the heeling angle
D (see Fig 3)

: Heeling arm curve area, in m.rad, measured

from zero heel ( = 0) to the heeling angle D
(see Fig 3)

: Heeling angle of equilibrium corresponding to

the first intersection between heeling arm and
righting arm curve, to be obtained when the
highest anticipated heeling moment resulting
from the steady towline force TESC as defined in
Sec 1, Fig 2, is applied to the escort tug.

: Heeling angle, to be taken as the lesser of:

thrust forces
steady towline force.
3.4.2 The stability calculations are to be performed on the
basis of the highest anticipated heeling moment for the considered loading condition, which is to be obtained from the
results of full scale tests, model tests, or, alternatively, the
results of a computer simulation programme accepted by
the Society (refer to [3.5]).
3.4.3 For each relevant loading condition the evaluation of
the highest anticipated heeling moment is to be performed for
the applicable range of speeds and towline angles, as defined
in the escort towing arrangement plan (see Sec 3, [2.2]). As a
minimum, the conditions corresponding to the highest rated
steering force, TY,R, and highest rated braking force, TX,R, as
defined in Sec 1, [4.2], are to be included in the evaluation.
3.4.4 The highest anticipated heeling moment is to be
assumed constant for the purpose of the stability calculations.


Bureau Veritas

the angle of down-flooding

40 deg
the heeling angle corresponding to the second intersection between heeling and righting arms heeling and righting arm curves.

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 2

Figure 3 : Definition of areas C and D

Figure 2 : Definition of areas A and B


Escort performance simulations

3.5.1 Where the highest anticipated heeling moment is

obtained from the results of a computer simulation programme, the basic assumptions and theoretical models
underlying the software are to be presented in detail to the
Society. Items to be addressed include:
hydrodynamic lift and drag computation (hull and

Rated steering force TY,R or steering force TY corresponding to rated braking force TX,R, as applicable
Rated braking force TX,R or braking force TX corresponding to rated steering force TY,R, as applicable
Corresponding towline force TESC

modelling of thrust forces

interaction effects between hull, skeg and (steerable)
propulsion units

All corresponding forces acting in transverse direction

(hydrodynamic, thrust and towline)
Corresponding heeling angle

flow separation effects

Corresponding heeling moment

water pile-up effects

Corresponding towline angle relative to the escorted

ship (refer to in Sec 1, Fig 2);

effects of waves and/or swell

dynamic effects before a steady state is reached (e.g.
during initiation and turning manoeuvres) and scaling
effects (if any).
3.5.2 A validation report, containing comparisons between
simulation results and full scale and/or model test results, is
to be presented to the Society.
3.5.3 A clear description of the input and output data is to
be provided, along with explanations on how the output
data are obtained/calculated by the software.

July 2014

3.5.4 As a minimum, for each relevant loading condition

(see [3.4]) the following set of results is to be provided in
tabular form as function of the escort speed for the rated
values of the steering force TY,R and the braking force TX,R:

Corresponding drift angle of the escort tug (refer to in

Sec 1, Fig 2).
Note 1: The highest anticipated values of the steering force, braking
force, towline force and heeling moment do not normally all occur
in the same condition (defined by the position of escort tug relative
to the escorted ship and the drift angle), although more than one
parameter may have its highest value in a particular condition.
Hence it is necessary to consider at least two conditions: one for
the highest anticipated steering force and one for the highest anticipated braking force. In case the highest anticipated heeling
moment and/or towline force do not occur in either one of these
two conditions, the relevant conditions are to be added.

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NI 617, Sec 2

3.5.5 It is recommended that the results of the escort performance simulations are presented in the form of diagrams
showing the envelope of the (steady state) combinations of
steering and braking forces obtained from the simulations.
Such diagrams should cover the applicable escort speed
range, with a recommended step of 2 kn.


Escort performance trials

3.6.1 Escort performance trials at full scale or model scale

may be carried out in order to obtain the characteristics of
escort tugs defined in Sec 1, [4.2].
3.6.2 The trials are to cover the applicable range of loading
conditions and escort speeds.
3.6.3 The following documents are to be submitted for
information prior to testing:
Relevant loading conditions, defined by draught (or displacement) and trim, for which the tug is designed to
perform escort services
Applicable range of test speeds of the escorted ship: the
speed is defined as the relative speed with respect to the
sea, taking into account current effects
Main propulsion characteristics, in particular power and
maximum orientation angle of the rudder(s) (propellers);
Preliminary calculation of the rated steering force TY,R,
rated braking force TX,R and rated steady towline force
TESC,R as defined in Sec 1, [4.2], as well as the corresponding heeling moments and heeling angles, for the
range of test speeds

3.6.6 As a minimum, the following data is to be collected

during testing for post-processing and analysis:
Towline force (tension) TESC

Towline angle , as defined in Sec 1, Fig 2

Drift angle , as defined in Sec 1, Fig 2
Heeling angle of the escort tug
Towline length and angle of towline with the horizontal

3.6.7 It is also recommended to measure the following

Power setting and orientation angle of rudder(s) (propellers) of the escort tug
Time needed to perform swing the tug from the equilibrium position to its mirror position (see Sec 1, Fig 2).
3.6.8 For each combination of loading condition and test
The rated steering force TY,R and rated braking force TX,R
and are to be calculated on the basis of the corresponding measured steady towline force TESC and the associated measured towline angle, drift angle and the angle
between the towline and the horizontal plane
The maximum heeling arm is to be calculated on the
basis of the corresponding measured steady towline
force TESC, as defined in Sec 1, [4.2], the associated
measured heeling angle and the GZ curve applicable to
the loading condition considered.
Note 1: The GZ curve is to be based on the escort tug in upright
position before commencing the escort operation

Calculation of the route deviation of the escorted ship

(for testing purposes the escorted ship is to be selected
so that the route deviation induced by the tug is kept
reasonably small

3.6.9 As a minimum, for each tested loading condition the

following set of results is to be provided in tabular form as
function of the escort speed for the rated values of the steering force TY,R and the braking force TX,R:

Preliminary stability calculations for the above mentioned conditions

Rated steering force TY,R or steering force TY corresponding to rated braking force TX,R, as applicable

Escort towing arrangement plan, including the load cell

and specification of the components

Rated braking force TX,R or braking force TX corresponding to rated steering force TY,R, as applicable

Documentation relevant to the Bollard Pull test, see Sec

1, [4.1].
3.6.4 Prior to commencing the escort performance trials
the following data are to be recorded:
Wind speed and direction
Sea state, including significant wave height and peak
Current speed and direction
Water depth
Loading condition of the escort tug: draught (or displacement) and trim
Loading condition of the escorted ship.
3.6.5 Testing is to be performed over the applicable range
of towline angles as defined in the escort towing arrangement plan. The length of the towline and the angle of the
towline with the horizontal plane are is to represent a typical operating condition.


Corresponding towline force TESC,R

Corresponding heeling angle
Corresponding heeling moment
Corresponding towline angle relative to the escorted
ship (refer to in Sec 1, Fig 2)
Corresponding drift angle of the escort tug (refer to in
Sec 1, Fig 2).
Note 1: The highest anticipated values of the steering force, braking
force, towline force and heeling moment do not normally all occur
in the same condition (defined by the position of escort tug relative
to the escorted ship and the drift angle), although more than one
parameter may have its highest value in a particular condition.
Hence it is necessary to consider at least two conditions: one for
the highest anticipated steering force and one for the highest anticipated braking force. In case the highest anticipated heeling
moment and/or towline force do not occur in either one of these
two conditions, the relevant conditions are to be added.

3.6.10 For model testing due consideration is to be paid to

scale effects for establishing the escort tug characteristics at
full scale from the model test results.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 2


Operating information for service notation escort tug


3.7.1 Additional operating information is to be provided in

the stability booklet in relation to the design limitations
related to the assignment of the service notation escort tug .
Note 1: Reference is made to Pt B, Ch 3.8 of the International Code
on Intact Stability, 2008.

3.7.2 As a minimum, the following information is to be

Design operating area and environmental conditions for
performing escort operations (refer to Sec 1, [2.2.3])
The maximum escort speed VMAX (refer to Sec 1, [4.2])
A table with permissible values of heeling angle and
steady towline force as function of loading condition
and escort speed (based on the rated steering and braking forces as obtained from [3.5] or [3.6], as applicable)
Instructions to the master regarding the handling of the
escort tug and the associated towing equipment, demonstrating the implementation of effective means to limiting the steady towline force and heeling angle within
the permissible limits and the use of the emergency
quick-release device.
Note 1: Adjustable audible or visible alarms, providing a warning
to the master when the heeling angle and/or steady towline force
exceeds the permissible value(s) applicable to the relevant loading
condition and escort speed, in combination with appropriate handling instructions are as effective means.

3.7.3 The table with permissible values of heeling angle

and steady towline force as function of loading condition
and escort speed is to be displayed in the wheelhouse next
to the control desk or another appropriate location.

July 2014

Icing considerations

3.8.1 For tugs operating in areas where ice accretion is

expected due consideration is to be given to the stability
affecting effect of added weight due to ice accretion.
To this end relevant loading conditions, including ice accretion are to be included in the stability booklet, together with
detailed calculations of the expected ice accretion.
Note 1: Reference is made to Pt B, Ch 6 of the International Code
on Intact Stability, 2008.


Elements reducing stability

3.9.1 Provisions are to be made for a safe margin of stability at all stages of the voyage, regard being given to additions of weight, such as those due to absorption of water
and icing and to losses of weight such as those due to consumption of fuel and stores.

3.10 Alterations
3.10.1 Where any alterations are made to a tug or its towing equipment so as to materially affect the stability information supplied to the master, amended stability
information shall be provided.
Note 1: While in service life it may be considered to carry out
(periodical) lightweight surveys to verify any changes in lightship
displacement and longitudinal centre of gravity. In case significant
deviations are found in comparison with the approved stability
information, it may be necessary to (re-)incline the tug.

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 3




Design load of towing hook and towline guiding fittings

Towing equipment for service

notations harbour tug and tug

Design calculations of the towline guiding fittings and

the supporting structures of towing equipment, including detailed analysis reports in case three dimensional
finite element models have been used.


1.1.1 Towing winches, towing hooks and towline guiding

fittings (fairleads, staples, gob-eyes, towing pins, etc.) are
normally to be arranged in way of the tugs centreline, in
such a position as to minimise heeling moment exerted by
the towline force.
Effective means are to be provided to lead and restrain the
towline within the designed limits of its sweep.
1.1.2 Materials used in towing equipment are to comply
with the applicable class requirements for materials. Class
certificates are required for the materials used for winch
drums, drum shafts, winch brake components, winch supporting frames, towing hooks and towline guiding fittings.

1.2.2 The following documents are to be submitted for

Detailed drawings of towing winches, including winch
drums, main shaft, load carrying non-rotating structures
(support frame), winch brakes, gears and clutches
Hydraulic, electrical and control system diagrams of the
towing winch, as applicable
Detailed drawings of towing hook and towline guiding
Supporting structures of towing equipment.


Design Load

1.1.3 Reliable emergency quick-release arrangements,

capable of releasing the towline under the maximum anticipated load regardless of the angle of the towline and the
tugs trim and heel, are to be provided.

1.3.1 The Design Load DL to be considered for the strength

assessment of the towing equipment and the associated
supporting structures is given in Tab 1.

The emergency quick-release devices shall be operable in

case of failure of the main power supply.

Table 1 : Design Loads for harbour tug and tug


Documents to be submitted

1.2.1 The following documents are to be submitted for

Towing arrangement plan, showing the location and
general lay-out of the towing equipment, the range of
anticipated lines of action of the towlines with the associated maximum steady towline forces and the corresponding points of application of the towline forces on
the towing equipment
Note 1: The steady towline force is the towline force without
dynamic amplification effects (also called quasi-static towline

Detail arrangement drawings of towing winches, towing

hooks and towline guiding fittings (fairleads, staples,
gob-eyes, towing pins, stern roller, etc.)
Design information of towing winches, including maximum rated line pull, winch brake holding force, rendering load and specification of emergency quick-release
Design calculations of towing winches, including winch
drums, main shaft, load carrying non-rotating structures
(support frame) and braking capacity


Harbour tug


TBP [kN]

DL [kN]

T 200


200 < T < 800

2600 T
---------------------- T

T 800

1,5 T

T 400

2,5 T

400 < T < 1000

3400 T
---------------------- T

T 1000


Note 1: The DL takes into consideration dynamic effects

through the application of the Dynamic Amplification Factor
(DAF) (see also Sec 1, [4.4]).


Design requirements for towing winches

1.4.1 The winch brake shall normally act directly on the

drum and shall be operable in case of failure in the primary
power supply system (either manually or otherwise
1.4.2 The towline attachment to the winch drum shall be
provided by means of a weak link or equivalent.

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 3

1.4.3 Towing winches shall be provided with an emergency quick-release device operable from a position on the
bridge with full view and control of the towing operation.
Means of control for the emergency quick-release device
shall be protected against unintentional use.
The time delay between the initiation and actual start of the
emergency quick-release (pay-out of the towline) should be
as short as reasonably practicable.
The speed of paying out shall be such that the tension in the
towline is reduced as fast as reasonably possible, taking into
consideration that paying out is to be done in a controlled
manner. Spinning (free, uncontrolled rotation) of the winch
drum is to be avoided, as this could cause the towline to get
stuck and disable the release function of the winch.
1.4.4 After a quick-release event the winch brakes shall
directly be able to operate normally (automatically), while
the winch motor shall be engaged manually (not automatically).
The applicable procedures for the emergency quick-release
device, including time delays and release speed, shall be
communicated to the crew and vital information shall be
displayed next to the control desk or another appropriate
1.4.5 The dimensioning of the winch drum is to take into
account the rope bending specifications provided by the
towline manufacturer.
Due consideration is to be given to the proper spooling of
the towline on the winch drum, as well as preventing the
towline to slip over the flanges of the drum.
1.4.6 Towing winches (in particular the components which
are exposed to the tension in the towline, such as the winch
drums, drum shafts, brakes, support frame and connection
to the hull structure) shall be able to:
sustain the DL, as specified in [1.3] without permanent
deformation, and
sustain the BHL, as defined in Sec 1, [4.5], without
exceeding an equivalent stress level (based on Von
Mises criterion) of 0,80 ReH.

: Minimum specified yield stress of material,

in N/mm2.

1.4.7 Where deemed necessary by the Society, buckling

and/or fatigue analysis, performed in accordance with a
standard or code of practice recognised by the Society, may
be required to be submitted for information.
1.4.8 Towing winches may be equipped with an active payout and haul-in system automatic adjustment of towline. In
that case the relevant requirements of [2.4] and [2.8] are to
be complied with.
1.4.9 It is recommended that the towing winch should be
fitted with equipment to continuously measure the tension
in the towline.
In case a towline measurement system is installed on board,
the measured data are to be displayed in the wheelhouse
next to the control desk or another appropriate location.

July 2014


Design requirements for towing hooks

1.5.1 Towing hooks and their load carrying attachments

(connecting the towing hook to the hull structure) shall be
able to sustain the DL, as specified in [1.3], without exceeding an equivalent stress level (based on Von Mises criterion)
of 0,80 ReH.
Towing hooks shall be provided with an emergency quickrelease device operable from a position on the bridge with
full view and control of the towing operation, as well as at a
location near the hook where the device can be safely operated. Identical means of control for the emergency quickrelease devices shall be provided at each control station
and are to be protected against unintentional use.
The force necessary to open the hook under load is to be
not greater than 150 N.
The applicable procedures for the emergency quick-release
device shall be communicated to the crew and vital information shall be displayed next to the control desk or
another appropriate location.


Design requirements for towlines

1.6.1 The breaking strength of towlines is not to be less

than the DL, as specified in [1.3].
In addition, the breaking strength of towlines used on a towing winch is not to be less than the BHL of the associated
winch (see Sec 1, [4.5]).
The towline shall be protected from being damaged by
chafing and abrasion. To this end cargo rails, bulwarks, and
other elements, supporting the towline should be sufficiently rounded with consideration to the bend radius limit
of the towline in order to ensure that the towline breaking
strength is maintained.
It is recommended that the total length of the towline
applied on a towing winch is to be such that under normal
operation at least half a layer remains on the drum. In no
case less than three turns shall remain on the drum in under
normal operation.


Design requirements for towline guiding


1.7.1 Towline guiding fittings, such as fairleads, staples,

gob-eyes, towing pins, stern rollers and equivalent components which guide the towline, shall be able to sustain the
force exerted by the towline loaded under a tension equal
to the DL, as specified in [1.3], in the most unfavourable
anticipated position of the towline without exceeding the
following stress level criteria:
Normal stress 0,75 Rref
Shear stress 0,47 Rref
Equivalent stress VM 0,85 Rref
: Reference stress of the material, in N/mm2, norRref
mally to be taken as 235/k, but may be taken as
ReH for fittings not made of welded construction.

: Material factor, defined as function of the minimum guaranteed yield stress ReH, see Tab 2.

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NI 617, Sec 3


Table 2 : Material factor k

ReH, in N/mm2








1.9.1 A robust and efficient fendering system is to be fitted

in areas intended for pushing. The fendering system purpose is to distribute the pushing force and limit its dynamic
component on the hull structure of both the tug (and the
assisted ship).

1.7.2 Towline guiding fittings used for guiding the towline

when towing on a towing winch shall be able to sustain the
force exerted by the towline loaded under a tension equal
to the BHL of the associated winch, as specified in Sec 1,
[4.5], in the most unfavourable anticipated position of the
towline without exceeding the above mentioned stress level
1.7.3 Where a towline guiding fitting (e.g. fairlead or guide
pin) has been designed for a specific Safe Working Load
SWL, defined as the maximum static working load, the fitting shall be able to sustain a force equal to 2 times the SWL
without exceeding the above mentioned the above mentioned stress level criteria.
1.7.4 In case the yielding check of the towline guiding fittings is carried out by means of a three dimensional finite
element model, the permissible stress levels given above
may be increased by 10 per cent (compared to a beam


Within the context of these guidelines it is considered that

during pushing operations the contact between the tug and
assisted ship is maintained and that no bouncing (e.g. under
wave action) is taking place. Forces resulting from bouncing
loads are not taken into consideration, as it is understood
that pushing operations (in waves) are normally halted
when bouncing starts taking place (due to operational difficulties to keep position within the pushing area of the
assisted ship as well as to control the associated impact type
1.9.2 The Design Load DL to be considered for the strength
assessment of the fender supporting structure may be taken
as follows:
DL = 1,5 TBP


1.8.1 The supporting structures of towing equipment shall

be able to sustain the load exerted on the supporting structure under the action of the towline loaded under a tension
equal to the DL, as specified in [1.3], in the most unfavourable anticipated position of the towline, without exceeding
the stress level criteria specified in [1.7].
1.8.2 Supporting structures of towing equipment engaged
when towing on a towing winch shall be able to sustain the
load exerted on the supporting structure under the action of
the towline loaded under a tension equal to the BHL of the
associated winch, as specified in Sec 1, [4.5], in the most
unfavourable anticipated position of the towline without
exceeding the stress level criteria specified in [1.7].
1.8.3 Where a towline guiding fitting has been designed for
a specific Safe Working Load SWL, defined as the maximum static working load, the associated supporting structure shall be able to sustain a force equal to 2 times the
SWL without exceeding the stress level criteria specified in


The design of the fendering system, in particular the contact

area and stiffness distribution, is to result in an acceptable
pressure distribution on the supporting structure of the tug
(and the assisted ship) under the maximum anticipated
loads during pushing operations.


Design requirements for towing equipment supporting structures

1.8.4 In case the yielding check of the

supporting structures is carried out by
dimensional finite element model, the
levels given above may be increased by
pared to a beam model).


towing equipment
means of a three
permissible stress
10 per cent (com-

: Bollard Pull, as defined in Sec 1, [4.1].

The DL takes into consideration anticipated dynamic effects

through the application of the Dynamic Amplification Factor (DAF) (see also Sec 1, [4.4]), but not bouncing effects
(see above).
The fender supporting structure shall be able to sustain the
DL, as specified above, without exceeding the stress level
criteria specified in [1.7].

1.10 Testing requirements

1.10.1 Towing winches, including the associated emergency quick-release devices are normally to be load tested
at the DL, as defined in [1.3], or the BHL, as defined in Sec
1, [4.5], whichever is the greatest. Generally, load testing is
to be conducted at a special facility equipped to generate
the required line tension (e.g. makers premises) and to be
witnessed by the Society.
In case a towing winch is of conventional, proven design,
for which load testing has been previously performed in a
deemed acceptable by the Society, it is sufficient to perform
on board function testing in accordance with the requirements specified below.
Note 1: The Society may request the winch manufacturer to supply
records of the load tests performed.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 3

1.10.2 Towing hooks, including the associated emergency

quick-release devices, are normally to be load tested at the
DL, as defined in [1.3]. Generally, load testing is to be conducted at a special facility equipped to generate the
required line tension (e.g. makers premises) and to be witnessed by the Society.
For novel or particular designs the emergency quick-release
devices is also to be load tested with the towline at an
upward angle of 45 degrees with the horizontal plane at a
towline force of not less than 50 per cent of the Bollard Pull,
as defined Sec 1, [4.1].
In case a towing hook is of conventional, proven design, for
which load testing has been previously performed in a
deemed acceptable by the Society, it is sufficient to perform
on board function testing in accordance with the requirements specified below.
Note 1: The Society may request the winch manufacturer to supply
records of the load tests performed.

1.10.3 In general, the proper functioning of the towing

equipment is to be verified by on board testing and to be
witnessed by the Society. Function testing is to be performed both for normal operating conditions and in accordance with the towing arrangement plan, see [1.2], as well as
in emergency conditions (emergency quick-release, failure
of main power supply). The safe operation of the towing
winch from all control stations is to be demonstrated.
1.10.4 Towing winches are to be function tested on board.
The correct functioning of the winch brake, the load carrying winch components and the associated supporting structure is to be demonstrated at a towline force equal to the
Bollard Pull, as defined in Sec 1, [4.1]. The emergency
quick-release is to be function tested under normal power
supply with a towline force corresponding to the minimum
thrust (engine(s) clutched in and running at idle speed), as
well as in dead-ship condition (without strain in the towline).
Winch operating modes to be function tested include hauling in and paying out of the towline, as well as braking.
Hydraulic and electrical systems shall be function tested on
board in accordance with the Societys requirements for
machinery and electrical systems.
1.10.5 Towing hooks are to be function tested on board.
The correct functioning of the hook and the associated supporting structure is to be demonstrated at a towline force
equal to the Bollard Pull, as defined in Sec 1, [4.1]. The
emergency quick-release is to be function tested under normal power supply with a towline force corresponding to the
minimum thrust (engine(s) clutched in and running at idle
speed), as well as in dead-ship condition (without strain in
the towline).
1.10.6 Where deemed necessary by the Society towline
guiding fittings may be required to be function tested under
specified conditions.

July 2014

1.10.7 Operational tests are to be performed by the crew in

order to ensure the satisfactory operation of the towing
equipment, in particular the emergency quick-release systems, as requested by the operating manual.
Records of operational tests are to be kept on board and
made available to the Society upon request.


Towing equipment for service

notation escort tug

2.1.1 The requirements of [1] are to be complied with in

relation to normal towing services.
Note 1: Normal towing services are to be understood to include
towing and pushing operations other than escorting as defined in
Sec 1, [2.2.3].

2.1.2 Towing winches and towline guiding fittings (fairleads, staples, etc.) used for escort services are normally to
be arranged in way of the tugs centreline, in such a position
as to minimise heeling moment.
2.1.3 Materials used in towing equipment are to comply
with the applicable class requirements for materials. Class
certificates are required for the materials used for winch
drums, drum shafts, winch brake components, winch supporting frames and towline guiding fittings.
2.1.4 Reliable emergency quick-release arrangements,
capable of releasing the towline under the maximum anticipated load regardless of the angle of the towline and the
tugs trim and heel, are to be provided.
The emergency quick-release devices shall be operable in
case of failure of the main power supply.


Documents to be submitted

2.2.1 The following documents are to be submitted for

Escort towing arrangement plan, showing the location
and general lay-out of the towing equipment used for
escorting, the range of anticipated lines of action of the
towlines with the associated maximum steady towline
forces and the corresponding points of application of
the towline forces on the towing equipment
Note 1: The steady towline force is the towline force without
dynamic amplification effects (also called quasi-static towline

Summary tables of maximum steering force TY, in kN,

and maximum braking force TX, in kN, for the intended
range of speeds VY, in kn, as obtained from the results of
full scale tests or model tests, or alternatively, the results
of a computer simulation program accepted by the Society, refer to Sec 2, [3.5]
Note 2: In case the final values are not yet available, estimated values may be submitted as preliminary information for the purpose drawing review. In case the final values are significantly
higher than the preliminary values, the drawings are to be
reviewed against the final values.

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NI 617, Sec 3

Detail arrangement drawings of the escort winch and

towline guiding fittings used for escorting (fairlead, staple)
Design information of escort winch, including maximum rated line pull, winch brake holding force, rendering and recovering loads and specification of
emergency quick-release arrangement

This system is to automatically and reliably pay-out the towline in a controlled manner when the towline force exceeds
a pre-set (adjustable) level equal to 110 per cent of the rated
towline force TESC,R and, as the towline force is reduced,
actively haul-in the towline to prevent slack-line events and
maintain a pre-set or adjustable towline force consistent
with the rated towline force.

Design calculations of escort winch, including winch

drums, main shaft, load carrying non-rotating structures
(support frame) and braking capacity

Pay-out and haul-in speeds and pull capability shall be chosen taking into account the anticipated escort services and
the dynamic characteristics of the escort tug.

Design load of towline guiding fittings used for escorting

Escort operations in conditions where dynamic oscillations

of the towline are likely to occur may not be based on the
use of the brakes of the winch drum.

Design calculations of the towline guiding fittings and

the supporting structures of towing equipment used for
escorting, including detailed analysis reports in case
three dimensional finite element models have been
2.2.2 The following documents are to be submitted for
Detailed drawings of the escort winch, including winch
drums, main shaft, load carrying non-rotating structures
(support frame), winch brakes, gears and clutches
Hydraulic, electrical and control system diagrams of the
escort winch, as applicable
Detailed drawings of the towline guiding fittings used
for escorting
Supporting structures of towing equipment used for


Design Load

Table 3 : Design Loads for escort tug


DL [kN]



The measured data are to be displayed in the wheelhouse

next to the control desk or another appropriate location.
2.4.4 The escort towing system is to be designed so as to
enable the proper spooling of the towline on the winch
drum when hauling in. Generally this can be achieved by a
suitable design of the fairlead or staple guiding the towline
between the escort winch and the assisted ship.

500 < TESC,MAX < 1000

2000 T
---------------------- T



2.4.5 Winches shall be provided with an emergency quickrelease device operable from a position on the bridge with
full view and control of the towing operation. Means of
control for the emergency quick-release device shall be
protected against unintentional use.
The time delay between the initiation and actual start of the
emergency quick-release (pay-out of the towline) should be
as short as reasonably practicable.
The speed of paying out shall be such that the tension in the
towline is reduced as fast as reasonably possible, taking into
consideration that paying out is to be done in a controlled
manner. To that end effective means to prevent spinning
(free, uncontrolled rotation) of the winch drum are to be

Note 1: The DL takes into consideration dynamic effects

through the application of the Dynamic Amplification Factor
(DAF) (see also Sec 1, [4.4]).

Design requirements for escort winches

2.4.1 The winch brake shall normally act directly on the

drum and shall be operable in case of failure in the primary
power supply system (either manually or otherwise
Escort winches intended to be used in conditions where
dynamic oscillations of the towline are likely to occur, such
as in open sea areas or other areas exposed to waves, are to
be equipped with an active pay-out and haul-in system.


2.4.3 Escort winches are to be fitted with equipment to

continuously measure the tension in the towline.

Where a spooling device is fitted, this device should be

designed for the same Design Load and stress criteria as the
towline guiding fittings, see [2.6].

2.3.1 The Design Load DL to be considered for the strength

assessment of the towing equipment used for escort services
and the associated supporting structures is given in Tab 3.


2.4.2 Escort operations in calm water conditions, such as in

ports and sheltered (confined) waters, may be based on the
use of the brakes of the winch drum. As a minimum, the
winch brake holding load BHL is to be equal to or greater
than two times the maximum steady towline force TESC,MAX.

After a quick-release event the winch brakes shall directly

be able to operate normally (automatically), while the
winch motor shall be engaged manually (not automatically).
Note 1: Spinning of the winch drum could cause the towline to get
stuck and disable the release function of the winch

The applicable procedures for the emergency quick-release

device, including time delays and release speed, shall be
communicated to the crew and vital information shall be
displayed next to the control desk or another appropriate

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NI 617, Sec 3

The dimensioning of the winch drum is to take into account

the rope bending specifications provided by the towline
Due consideration is to be given to preventing the towline
to slip over the flanges of the drum.
2.4.6 Escort winches (in particular the components which
are exposed to the tension in the towline, such as the winch
drums, drum shafts, brakes, support frame and connection
to the hull structure) shall be able to:
sustain the DL, as specified in [2.3] without permanent
deformation, and
sustain the BHL, as defined in Sec 1, [4.5], without
exceeding an equivalent stress level (based on Von
Mises criterion) of 0,80 ReH

: Minimum specified yield stress of material,

in N/mm2.

2.4.7 Where deemed necessary by the Society, buckling

and/or fatigue analysis, performed in accordance with a
standard or code of practice recognised by the Society, may
be required to be submitted for information.


Design requirements for towlines

2.5.1 The breaking strength of towlines used for escort services is not to be less than the DL, as specified in [2.3].
In addition, the breaking strength for towlines used for
escort services on an escort winch is not to be less than the
BHL of the associated escort winch (see Sec 1, [4.5]).

2.6.3 Where a towline guiding fitting has been designed for

a specific Safe Working Load SWL, defined as the maximum static working load, the fitting shall be able to sustain
a force equal to 2 times the SWL without exceeding the
stress level criteria specified in [1.7].
2.6.4 In case the yielding check of the towline guiding fittings is carried out by means of a three dimensional finite
element model, the permissible stress levels given above
may be increased by 10 per cent (compared to a beam


Design requirements for towing equipment supporting structures

2.7.1 The supporting structures of towing equipment used

for escort services shall be able to sustain the load exerted
on the supporting structure under the action of the towline
loaded under a tension equal to the DL, as specified in
[2.3], in the most unfavourable anticipated position of the
towline, without exceeding the stress level criteria specified
in [1.7].
2.7.2 In addition, supporting structures of towing equipment used for escort services shall be able to sustain the
load exerted on the supporting structure under the action of
the towline loaded under a tension equal to the BHL of the
associated winch, as specified in Sec 1, [4.5], in the most
unfavourable anticipated position of the towline without
exceeding the stress level criteria specified in [1.7].

2.5.2 The towline shall be protected from being damaged

by chafing and abrasion. To this end cargo rails, bulwarks,
and other elements, supporting the towline should be adequately rounded.

2.7.3 Where a towline guiding fitting has been designed for

a specific Safe Working Load SWL, defined as the maximum static working load, the associated supporting structure shall be able to sustain a force equal to 2 times the
SWL without exceeding the stress level criteria specified in

2.5.3 It is recommended that the total length of the towline

applied on a towing winch is to be such that under normal
operation at least half a layer remains on the drum. In no
case less than three turns shall remain on the drum in under
normal operation.

2.7.4 In case the yielding check of the

supporting structures is carried out by
dimensional finite element model, the
levels given above may be increased by
pared to a beam model).



Design requirements for towline guiding


2.6.1 Towline guiding fittings used for escort services, such

as fairleads, staples and equivalent components which
guide the towline, shall be able to sustain the force exerted
by the towline loaded under a tension equal to the DL, as
specified in [2.3], in the most unfavourable anticipated
position of the towline without exceeding the stress level
criteria specified in [1.7].
2.6.2 In addition, towline guiding fittings shall be able to
sustain the force exerted by the towline loaded under a tension equal to the BHL of the associated winch, as specified
in Sec 1, [4.5], in the most unfavourable anticipated position of the towline without exceeding the stress level criteria
specified in [1.7].

July 2014

towing equipment
means of a three
permissible stress
10 per cent (com-

Testing requirements

2.8.1 Escort winches, including the associated emergency

quick-release device are normally to be load tested at the
DL, as defined in [2.3], or the BHL, as defined in Sec 1,
[4.5], whichever is the greatest. Generally, load testing is to
be conducted at a special facility equipped to generate the
required line tension (e.g. makers premises) and to be witnessed by the Society.
In case an escort winch is of conventional, proven design,
for which load testing has been previously performed in a
deemed acceptable by the Society, it is sufficient to perform
on board function testing in accordance with the requirements specified below.
Note 1: The Society may request the winch manufacturer to supply
records of the load tests performed.

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NI 617, Sec 3

2.8.2 In general, the proper functioning of the towing

equipment used for escort services is to be verified by on
board testing and to be witnessed by the Society. Function
testing is to be performed both for normal operating conditions and in accordance with the escort towing arrangement
plan, see [2.2], as well as in emergency conditions (emergency quick-release, failure of main power supply). The safe
operation of the escort winch from all control stations is to
be demonstrated.
Escort winches are to be function tested on board. The correct functioning of the winch brake, the load carrying winch
components and the associated supporting structure is to be
demonstrated at a towline force equal to the Bollard Pull, as
defined in Sec 1, [4.1]. The emergency quick-release is to
be function tested under normal power with a towline force
corresponding to the minimum thrust (engine(s) clutched in
and running at idle speed), as well as in dead-ship condition (without strain in the towline).
Winch operating modes to be function tested include hauling in and paying out of the towline, braking and the active
pay-out and haul-in system when fitted (see [2.4]).


Hydraulic and electrical systems shall be function tested on

board in accordance with the Societys requirements for
machinery and electrical systems.
2.8.3 Where deemed necessary by the Society towline
guiding fittings used for escort services may be required to
be function tested under specified conditions.
2.8.4 Operational tests are to be performed by the crew in
order to ensure the satisfactory operation of the towing
equipment used for escort services, in particular the emergency quick-release systems, as requested by the operating
Records of operational tests are to be kept on board and
made available to the Society upon request.



2.9.1 Escort tugs are to be equipped with a calibrated heeling angle measurement system (inclinometer).
The measured heeling angle is to be displayed in the wheelhouse next to the control desk or another appropriate location.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 4



Fixed fire extinguishing systems should be installed, as

applicable, having due regard to the fire growth potential of the protected spaces; and



Scope of application

1.1.1 This section applies to tugs of less than 500 GT.

Fire extinguishing appliances should be readily available.



Fire safety objectives


2.2.1 The total capacity Q, in m3/hour, of the main fire

pump(s) is not to be less than:

1.2.1 The fire safety objectives of this section are to:

Prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion

Q = ( 0,145 L ( B + D ) + 2,170 )

Reduce the risk to life caused by fire

Reduce the risk of damage caused by fire to the tug and
the environment
Contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the
compartment of origin; and
Provide adequate and readily accessible means of
escape for crew.
1.2.2 The fire safety objectives set out above could be
achieved by ensuring compliance with [2] to [7], or by
alternative design and arrangements which comply with [7].
A tug could be considered to achieve the fire safety objectives set out in first paragraph when either:
The tug's designs and arrangements, as a whole, comply
with [2] to [6], as applicable
The tug's designs and arrangements, as a whole, have
been reviewed and approved in accordance with [7]; or
Part(s) of the tug's designs and arrangements have been
reviewed and approved in accordance with [7] and the
remaining parts of the tug comply with the relevant Recommendations in [2] to [6].


Requirements for fire safety equipment

1.3.1 Requirements for fire safety equipment are defined in

Tab 1.

Fire pumps and fire main systems



2.1.1 The purpose of this requirement is to suppress and

swiftly extinguish a fire in the space of origin. For this purpose, the following functional requirements should be met:

July 2014

but need not exceed 25 m3/hour,


: Freeboard Length, in m

: Greatest moulded breadth of tug, in m

: Moulded depth to bulkhead deck, in m.


Fire pumps

2.3.1 Generally one main power pump and one portable

fire pump should be provided as specified below:
a) Sanitary, ballast, bilge or general service pumps may be
accepted as fire pumps, provided that they are not normally used for pumping oil, and that, if they are subject
to occasional duty for the transfer or pumping of fuel
oil, suitable changeover arrangements are fitted
b) A power pump is a fixed pump driven by a power
source other than by hand. An independently driven
power pump is independent from the main engine(s)
c) Provisions are to be made for clearing sea inlet gratings
of fire pump sea inlet valves. Special attention is to be
paid to ice clearing arrangements for tugs intended for
navigation in ice (e.g. air blowing, heating)
d) Relief valves should be provided in conjunction with
any fire pump if the pump is capable of developing a
pressure exceeding the design pressure of the water
service pipes, hydrants and hoses. These valves should
be so placed and adjusted as to prevent excessive pressure in any part of the fire main system
e) Where a centrifugal pump is provided in order to comply with this sub-section, a non-return valve should be
fitted in the pipe connecting the pump to the fire main.

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NI 617, Sec 4

Table 1 : Fire safety requirements

tug / escort tug

harbour tug


sailing time 4h from a

safe sheltered anchorage

(in port)

power pumps

hand pumps

power pumps

hand pumps

1 (1) (2)

1 (1) (2)

150 gt Sufficient number and so located that at least

the number of powerful water jets can reach any
normally accessible part of tug

< 150 gt Sufficient number and so located that at least

the number of powerful water jets can reach any
normally accessible part of tug

fire pumps
150 gt independently driven power pumps

< 150 gt independently driven power pumps

portable or fixed emergency fire pump

fire hydrants

fire hoses (length)

number of hydrants
+ 1 spare hose


with coupling and nozzles

number of hydrants
+ 1 spare hose

number of hydrants
+ 1 spare hose




firemans axe

150 gt fire control plan

accommodation and service spaces

machinery spaces (5)

hose nozzles
dual purpose (spray/jet) with 12 mm jet and integral shutoff; jet may be reduced to 10 mm and shut-off omitted for
hand pump hoses

portable fire extinguishers

machinery spaces (one extinguisher per 375 kW of internal
combustion engine power (4) (capacity 45 l fluid or equivalent)

fixed fire extinguishing systems

150 gt Category A machinery spaces

fixed fire detection system (Category A spaces)

firemans outfit
complete outfit

means of escape



For tugs of less than 150 GT fitted with an approved fixed fire-fighting system in the engine room, portable pumps may be omitted.
When a portable / emergency firepump is fitted, (independent) power pump may be omitted.
Sufficient in length to project a jet of water to any of the spaces in which they may be required to be used.
Alternatives may be proposed taking into consideration the size of the tug and the installed power.
Unless when the small size of the machinery space makes it unpractical.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 4


Portable fire pumps

2.4.1 Portable fire pumps should comply with the following:

a) The pump should be self-priming
b) The total suction head and the net positive suction head
of the pump should be determined taking account of
actual operation, i.e. pump location when used

d) Pump is required to supply water for a fixed fire-extinguishing system in the space there the main fire pump is
situated, it should be capable of simultaneously supplying water to this system and the fire main at the required
e) The pump may also be used for other suitable purposes,
subject to the approval in each case

Note 1: Net positive suction head of the pump is to be realised

from the deck where the pump is fitted (in practical cases on
tugs this is typically the maindeck).

c) The portable fire pump, when fitted with its length of

discharge hose and nozzle, should be capable of maintaining a pressure sufficient to produce a jet throw of at
least 12 m, or that required to enable a jet of water to be
directed on any part of the engine room or the exterior
boundary of the engine room and casing, whichever is
the greater
d) Except for electric pumps, the pump set should have its
own fuel tank of sufficient capacity to operate the pump
for three hours. For electric pumps, their batteries
should have sufficient capacity for three hours
e) Except for electric pumps, details of the fuel type and
storage location should be carefully considered. If the
fuel type has a flashpoint below 60C, further consideration to the fire safety aspects should be given

The pump set should be stored in a secure, safe and

enclosed space, accessible from open deck and clear of
the Category A machinery space

g) The pump set should be easily moved and operated by

two persons and be readily available for immediate use
h) Arrangements should be provided to secure the pump at
its anticipated operating position(s)


The overboard suction hose should be non-collapsible

and of sufficient length, to ensure suction under all
operating conditions. A suitable strainer should be fitted
at the inlet end of the hose
Any diesel-driven power source for the pump should be
capable of being readily started in its cold condition by
hand (manual) cranking. If this is impracticable, consideration should be given to the provision and maintenance of heating arrangements, so that readily starting
can be ensured.

2.4.2 Alternatively to the requirements of [2.4.1], a fixed

fire pump may be fitted, which should comply with the following:
a) The pump, its source of power and sea connection
should be located in accessible positions, outside the
compartment housing the main fire pump
b) The sea valve should be capable of being operated from
a position near the pump

2.4.3 For tugs of less than 150 GT fitted with an approved

fixed fire-fighting system in the engine room, portable
pumps may be omitted.
2.4.4 Means to illuminate the stowage area of the portable
pump and its necessary areas of operation should be provided from the emergency source of electrical power.


Fire main

2.5.1 The diameter of the fire main should be based on the

required capacity of the fixed main fire pump(s) and the
diameter of the water service pipes should be sufficient to
ensure an adequate supply of water for the operation of at
least one fire hose.
2.5.2 The wash deck line may be used as a fire main provided that the requirements of this sub-section are satisfied.
2.5.3 All exposed water pipes for fire-extinguishing should
be provided with drain valves for use in frosty weather. The
valves should be located where they will not be damaged
by tug operations.


Pressure in the fire main

2.6.1 When the main fire pump is delivering the quantity of

water required by [2.2], or the fire pump described in
[2.4.2], through the fire main, fire hoses and nozzles, the
pressure maintained at any hydrant should be sufficient to
produce a jet throw at any nozzle of not less than 12 m in
length. (For tugs of less than 150 GT, the jet of water may be
specially considered).


Fire Hydrants
Number and position of hydrants

For tugs of less than 150 GT the number and position of

the hydrants should be such that at least one jet of water
may reach any part normally accessible to the crew,
while the tug is being navigated and any part of any
deck space when empty.

c) The room where the fire pump prime mover is located

should be illuminated from the emergency source of
electrical power, and should be well ventilated

July 2014

Pressure and quantity of water delivered by the pump

being sufficient to produce a jet of water, at any nozzle,
of not less than 12 m in length. For tugs of less than 150
GT, the jet of water may be specially considered.

Bureau Veritas

Furthermore, such hydrants should be positioned near

the accesses to the protected spaces. At least one
hydrant should be provided in each Category A
machinery space.


NI 617, Sec 4

For tug equal to or greater than 150 GT the number and

position of hydrants should be such that at least two jets
of water not emanating from the same hydrant, one of
which should be from a single length of hose, may reach
any part of the tug normally accessible to the crew
while the tug is being navigated and any part of any
cargo spaces when empty.
Furthermore, such hydrants should be positioned near
the accesses to the protected spaces. Other Requirements specified by the Administration may be considered.

2.9.2 For accommodation and service spaces, the nozzle

size need not exceed 12 mm.
2.9.3 The size of nozzles used in conjunction with a portable fire pump need not exceed 12 mm.
2.9.4 All nozzles should be of an approved dual purpose
type (i.e. spray/jet type) incorporating a shut-off.

Fire safety measures


Pipes and hydrants

a) Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat should not

be used for fire mains. Where steel pipes are used, they
should be galvanized internally and externally. Cast iron
pipes are not acceptable. The pipes and hydrants should
be so placed that the fire-hoses may be easily coupled
to them. The arrangement of pipes and hydrants should
be such as to avoid the possibility of freezing. In tugs
where deck cargo may be carried, the positions of the
hydrants should be such that they are always readily
accessible and the pipes should be arranged, as far as
practicable, to avoid risk of damage by such cargo.
There should be complete interchange ability of hose
couplings and nozzles
b) A valve should be fitted at each fire hydrant so that any
fire-hose may be removed while the fire pump is at work
c) Where a fixed fire pump is fitted outside the engine
room, in accordance with [2.4.2]:
1) an isolating valve should be fitted in the fire main so
that all the hydrants in the tug, except those in the
Category A machinery space, can be supplied with
water. The isolating valve should be located in an
easily accessible and tenable position outside the
Category A machinery space; and


3.1.1 The purpose of this regulation should contain a fire in

the space of origin. For this purpose, the following functional requirements should be met:
The tug should be subdivided by thermal and structural
Thermal insulation of boundaries should have due
regard to the fire risk of the space and adjacent spaces;
The fire integrity of the divisions should be maintained
at openings and penetrations.


Structural fire protection

3.2.1 The minimum fire integrity of bulkheads and decks

should be as prescribed in Tab 2.
Table 2 : Minimum fire integrity of bulkheads and


Separation by

From space

Machinery Space
Class A


Control stations
Service spaces of
high fire risk

Machinery Space
Class A


Other than above

(Item 1)



Unless specified

Service space of
high fire risk
other than galley


Unless specified
above (Item 1)

Staircase / escape


Unless specified
above (Item 1)

2) the fire main should not re-enter the machinery

space downstream of the isolating valve.



2.8.1 Fire-hoses should be of approved non-perishable

material. The hoses should be sufficient in length to project
a jet of water to any of the spaces in which they may be
required to be used. Their length, in general, is not to
exceed 18 m. Each hose should be provided with a nozzle
and the necessary couplings. Fire-hoses, together with any
necessary fittings and tools, should be kept ready for use in
conspicuous positions near the water service hydrants or
2.8.2 One hose should be provided for each hydrant. In
addition one spare hose should be provided on board.



2.9.1 For the purpose of this section, standard nozzle sizes

are 12 mm, 16 mm or 19 mm, or as near thereto as possible, so as to make full use of the maximum discharge
capacity of the fire pump(s).


Note 1: The divisions used to separate spaces not mentioned

above should be of non-combustible material.

3.2.2 The hull, superstructure, structural bulkheads, decks

and deckhouses should be constructed of steel or other
equivalent material. For the purpose of applying the definition of steel or other equivalent material, as given in SOLAS,
the applicable fire exposure should be one hour. Tugs built
of materials other than steel should be specially considered.

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NI 617, Sec 4

3.2.3 Stairways should be enclosed, at least at one level, by

divisions and doors or hatches, in order to restrict the free
flow of smoke to other decks in the tug and the supply of air
to the fire. Doors forming such enclosures should be selfclosing.
3.2.4 Openings in A Class divisions should be provided
with permanently attached means of closing which should
be at least as effective for resisting fires as the divisions in
which they are fitted.
3.2.5 Interior stairways serving machinery spaces, accommodation spaces, service spaces or control stations should
be of steel or other equivalent material.
3.2.6 Doors should be self-closing in way of Category A
machinery spaces and galleys, except where they are normally kept closed.
3.2.7 Where A Class divisions are penetrated for the passage of electric cables, pipes, trunks, ducts, etc., or for girders, beams or other structural members, arrangements
should be made to ensure that the fire resistance is not
impaired. Arrangements should also prevent the transmission of heat to un-insulated boundaries at the intersections
and terminal points of the divisions and penetrations by
insulating the horizontal and vertical boundaries or penetrations for a distance of 450 mm.



3.3.1 Paints, varnishes and other finishes used on exposed

interior surfaces should not be capable of producing excessive quantities of smoke, toxic gases or vapours and should
be of the low flame spread type in accordance with the
IMO FTP Code, Annex 1, Parts 2 and 5.
3.3.2 Except in cargo spaces or refrigerated compartments
of service spaces, insulating materials should be non-combustible.
3.3.3 Where pipes penetrate A or B Class divisions, the
pipes or their penetration pieces should be of steel or other
approved materials having regard to the temperature and
integrity Recommendations such divisions are required to
3.3.4 Pipes conveying oil or combustible liquids through
accommodation and service spaces should be of steel or
other approved materials having regard to the fire risk.
3.3.5 Materials readily rendered ineffective by heat should
not be used for overboard scuppers, sanitary discharges and
other outlets which are close to the waterline, and where
the failure of the material in the event of fire would give rise
to the danger of flooding.
3.3.6 Primary deck coverings within accommodation
spaces, service spaces and control stations should be of a
type which will not readily ignite, or give rise to toxic or
explosive hazards at elevated temperatures in accordance
with the IMO FTP Code, Annex 1, Parts 2 and 6.

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3.3.7 Materials used for insulating pipes, etc., in machinery

spaces and other compartments containing high fire risks
should be non-combustible. Vapour barriers and adhesives
used in conjunction with insulation, as well as the insulation of pipe fittings, for cold service systems need not be of
non-combustible materials, but they should be kept to the
minimum quantity practicable and their exposed surfaces
should have low flame spread characteristics.


Surface of insulation

3.4.1 In spaces where penetration of oil products is possible, the surface of the insulation should be impervious to oil
or oil vapours. Insulation boundaries should be arranged to
avoid immersion in oil spillage.


Ventilation systems

3.5.1 Ventilation fans should be capable of being stopped

and main inlets and outlets of ventilation systems closed
from outside the spaces being served.
3.5.2 Ventilation ducts for Category A machinery spaces
should not pass through accommodation spaces, galleys,
service spaces or control stations, unless the ducts are constructed of steel and arranged to preserve the integrity of the
3.5.3 Ventilation ducts for accommodation spaces, service
spaces or control stations should not pass through Category
A machinery spaces or galleys unless the ducts are constructed of steel and arranged to preserve the integrity of the
3.5.4 Ventilation arrangement for store rooms containing
highly flammable products should be specially considered.
3.5.5 Ventilation systems serving Category A machinery
spaces and galley exhaust ducts should be independent of
systems serving other spaces.
3.5.6 Ventilation should be provided to prevent the accumulation of gases that may be emitted from batteries.
3.5.7 Ventilation openings may be fitted in and under the
lower parts of cabin, mess and dayroom doors in corridor
bulkheads. The total net area of any such openings is not to
exceed 0.05 m2. Balancing ducts should not be permitted in
fire divisions.


Oil fuel arrangements

3.6.1 In a tug in which oil fuel is used, the arrangements for

the storage, distribution and utilization of the oil fuel should
be such as to ensure the safety of the tug and persons on
3.6.2 Oil fuel tanks situated within the boundaries of Category A machinery spaces should not contain oil fuel having a flashpoint of less than 60C.
3.6.3 Oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils
should not be carried in a forepeak tank or a tank forward of
the collision bulkhead.

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 4

3.6.4 As far as practicable:

a) oil fuel lines shall be arranged far apart from hot surfaces, electrical installations or other sources of ignition
and shall be screened or otherwise suitably protected to
avoid oil spray or oil leakage onto the sources of ignition. The number of joints in such piping systems shall
be kept to a minimum.
b) surfaces with temperatures above 220C which may be
impinged as a result of a fuel and/or hydraulic oil system
failure shall be properly insulated. Precautions shall be
taken to prevent any oil that may escape under pressure
from any pump, filter or heater from coming into contact with heated surfaces.
c) external high-pressure fuel delivery lines between the
high pressure fuel pumps and fuel injectors shall be protected with a jacketed piping system capable of containing fuel from a high-pressure line failure. A suitable
enclosure on engines having an output of 375 kW or
less having fuel injection pumps serving more than one
injector may be used as an alternative to the jacketed
piping system.

3.7.5 The controls required in [3.7.4] should be located

outside the space concerned, where they will not be cut off
in the event of fire in the space they serve. Such controls
and the controls for any required fire-extinguishing system
should be situated at one control position or grouped in as
few positions as possible. Such positions should have a safe
access from the open deck.


Arrangements for gaseous fuel for

domestic purposes

3.8.1 Where gaseous fuel is used for domestic purposes,

the arrangements for the storage, distribution and utilization
of the fuel should be specially considered.


Space heating

3.9.1 Space heaters, if used, should be fixed in position

and so constructed as to reduce fire risks to a minimum. The
design and location of these units should be such that clothing, curtains or other similar materials cannot be scorched
or set on fire by heat from the unit.

3.10 Means of escape


Special arrangements in Category A

machinery spaces and where necessary
other machinery spaces

3.7.1 The number of skylights, doors, ventilators, openings

in funnels to permit exhaust ventilation and other openings
to machinery spaces should be reduced to a minimum consistent with the needs of ventilation and the proper and safe
working of the tug.
3.7.2 Skylights should be constructed with steel frames and
are not to contain glass panels, unless fire-retardant glass
equivalent to steel is applied. Suitable arrangements should
be made to permit the release of smoke, in the event of fire,
from the space to be protected.
3.7.3 Windows should not be fitted in machinery space
boundaries. This does not preclude the use of glass in control rooms within the machinery spaces.
3.7.4 Means of control should be provided for:

opening and closure of skylights, closure of openings in

funnels which normally allow exhaust ventilation, and
closure of ventilator dampers;
permitting the release of smoke;

b) closing power-operated doors or actuating release

mechanism on doors other than power-operated watertight doors;

3.10.1 The purpose of this requirement is to provide means

of escape so that persons on board can safely and swiftly
escape to the lifeboat and liferaft embarkation deck. For this
purpose, the following functional requirements should be
Safe escape routes should be provided;
Escape routes should be maintained in a safe condition,
clear of obstacles; and
Additional aids for escape should be provided as necessary to ensure accessibility, clear marking, and adequate
design for emergency situations.
3.10.2 Stairways, ladders and corridors serving crew
spaces and other spaces to which the crew normally have
access should be arranged so as to provide ready means of
escape to a deck from which embarkation into survival craft
may be effected.
3.10.3 There should be at least two means of escape, as
widely separated as possible, from each section of accommodation and service spaces and control stations.
a) The normal means of access to the accommodation and
service spaces below the open deck should be arranged
so that it is possible to reach the open deck without
passing through spaces containing a possible source of
fire (e.g. machinery spaces, storage spaces of flammable
b) The second means of escape may be through portholes
or hatches of adequate size and preferably leading
directly to the open deck.

c) stopping ventilating fans; and

c) Dead-end corridors having a length of more than 7 m

should not be accepted.

d) stopping forced and induced draught fans, oil fuel transfer pumps, oil fuel unit pumps and other similar fuel

Note 1: The escapes should be positioned either both at centerline,

at centreline and at port side, at centreline and at starboard side or
at starboard side and at port side. Having both escapes on one side
of the tug should be avoided.


Bureau Veritas

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NI 617, Sec 4

3.10.4 At least two means of escape should be provided from

machinery spaces, except where the small size of a machinery
space makes it impracticable. Escape should be by steel ladders that should be as widely separated as possible.

Fixed fire detection and fire-alarm





5.1.1 The purpose of this requirement should suppress and

swiftly extinguish a fire in the space of origin. For this purpose, the following functional requirements should be met:
Fixed fire-extinguishing systems should be installed, as
applicable, having due regard to the fire growth potential of the protected spaces; and
Fire-extinguishing appliances should be readily available.


Approved types

All fire-extinguishers should be of approved types and


Extinguishing medium

a) The extinguishing media employed should be suitable

for extinguishing fires in the compartments in which
they are intended to be used.



a) The capacity of required portable fluid extinguishers

should not exceed more than 13,5 litres but not less
than 9 litres. Other extinguishers should be at least as
portable as the 13,5 litre fluid extinguishers, and should
have a fire-extinguishing capability at least equivalent to
a 9 litre fluid extinguisher.
b) The following capacities may be taken as equivalents:
9 litre fluid extinguisher (water or foam);
5 kg dry powder;

Fixed fire-extinguishing systems

5.3.1 Fixed fire-fighting systems where required, should be

in accordance with the requirements of the IMO FSS Code.


tugs of less than 150 GT (see [5.6.7])

Fixed fire-extinguishing arrangements

in Category A machinery spaces

5.2.1 Machinery spaces of Category A on tugs with GT

greater than or equal to 150 except for harbour tugs, should
be provided with an approved fixed fire extinguishing system, as specified in [5.2].


tugs greater than or equal to 150 GT

b) The extinguishers required for use in the machinery

spaces of tugs using oil as fuel should be of a type discharging foam, carbon dioxide gas, dry powder or other
approved media suitable for extinguishing oil fires.

Fire-extinguishing arrangements



Note 1: Upon special consideration, taking into account the size

and arrangement (general layout and number of deckhouse tiers) of
the tug, approved fire detectors may be connected to a group alarm


Accommodation and service spaces

Machinery spaces (one extinguisher per every 375 kW

of internal combustion engine power)

4.1.1 An approved and fixed fire detection system should be

installed in all Category A machinery spaces. Manual activating units should be positioned near each emergency exit.

Table 3 : Portable Fire-extinguishers

Protection of paint lockers and flammable liquid lockers

5 kg carbon dioxide.

Spare charges

A spare charge should be provided for each required portable fire-extinguisher that can be readily recharged on board.
If this cannot be done, duplicate extinguishers should be


a) The extinguishers should be stowed in readily accessible positions and should be spread as widely as possible
and not be grouped.

5.4.1 The Recommendations for the protection of paint

lockers and flammable liquids lockers should be specially

b) One of the portable fire-extinguishers intended for use

in any space should be stowed near the entrance to that



Fixed fire-extinguishing systems not

required by this section

5.5.1 If such a system is installed, it should be of an

approved type.


Portable Fire-extinguishers

5.6.1 Number of portable fire-extinguishers

The number of portable fire-extinguisher is defined in Tab 3.

July 2014

Portable fire-extinguishers in accommodation

spaces, service spaces and control stations

Accommodation spaces, service spaces and control stations

should be provided with a sufficient number of portable fireextinguishers to ensure that at least one extinguisher will be
readily available for use in every compartment of the crew
spaces. In any case, their number should be not less than
three, except where this is impractical for very small tugs, in
which case one extinguisher should be available at each deck
having accommodation or service spaces, or control stations.

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 4

Fire-fighting equipment

Table 4 : Language in fire control plan

Service notations



6.1.1 The fire-fighting equipment should comply with the

minimum requirements as specified below:


Fire-fighters outfit (which includes an


tug, escort tug (unrestricted)


harbour tug
tug, escort tug with additional service feature sailing
time 4 h from safe sheltered anchorage

Official language(s) of the

Administration(s) concerned
with the tugs service, or language(s) recognized by such
Administration(s) (possibly
However, description in such
plans and booklets for tugs
engaged in domestic service
only may be in the official
language of the Flag State

6.2.1 Except for harbour tugs, at least one fire-fighters outfit complying with the Requirements of the IMO FSS Code,
should be provided on board.


Description of fire control plans

6.3.1 In all tugs, general arrangement plans should be permanently exhibited for the guidance of the tug's officers,
using graphical symbols that are in accordance with IMO
Resolution A.952(23), which show clearly for each deck the
control stations, the various fire sections enclosed by steel
or A Class divisions, together with particulars of:

6.3.4 In general, on all tugs greater than or equal to 150

GT, a duplicate set of fire-control plans or a booklet containing such plans should be permanently stored in a prominently marked weather tight enclosure outside the
deckhouse for the assistance of shoreside fire fighting personnel.
6.3.5 For service notation harbour tug a duplicate set of the
fire-control plan may be stored at a shore side facility.

The fire detection and fire-alarm systems

Fixed fire-fighting system
The fire-extinguishing appliances


The means of access to different compartments, decks,

The position of the fireman's outfits
The ventilating system, including particulars of the fan
control positions, the position of dampers and identification numbers of the ventilating fans serving each section, and
The location and arrangement of the emergency stop for
the oil fuel unit pumps and for closing the valves on the
pipes from oil fuel tanks.
6.3.2 Alternatively, the details required by [6.3.1] may be
set out in a booklet, a copy of which should be supplied to
each officer, and one copy is at all times to be available on
board in an accessible position.
6.3.3 The plans and booklets should be kept up to date,
any alterations being recorded thereon as soon as practicable. Description in such plans and booklets should be in the
official language of the Flag State and in the language as
shown in the following Tab 4. In addition, instructions concerning the maintenance and operation of all the equipment and installations on board for the fighting and
containment of fire should be kept under one cover, readily
available in an accessible position.



Alternative design and arrangements

for fire safety

7.1.1 The purpose of this recommendation should provide

a methodology for alternative design and arrangements for
fire safety.



7.2.1 Fire safety design and arrangements may deviate from

[2] to [7] of this section, provided that the design and
arrangements meet the fire safety objectives and the functional Recommendations.
7.2.2 When fire safety design or arrangements deviate from
the requirements of this section, engineering analysis, evaluation and approval of the alternative design and arrangements should be carried out in accordance with this
Note 1: Reference can be made to MSC/Circ.1002 "Guidelines on
alternative design and arrangements for fire safety".


Engineering analysis

7.3.1 The engineering analysis should be prepared and

submitted to the Society, based on the guidelines developed
by the International Maritime Organization and should
include, as a minimum, the following elements:
a) determination of the tug type and space(s) concerned
b) identification of recommendation(s) with which the tug
or the space(s) will not comply

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NI 617, Sec 4

c) identification of the fire and explosion hazards of the

tug or the space(s) concerned:
identification of the possible ignition sources
identification of the fire growth potential of each
space concerned
identification of the smoke and toxic effluent generation potential for each space concerned
identification of the potential for the spread of fire,
smoke or of toxic effluents from the space(s) concerned to other spaces
d) determination of the required fire safety performance
criteria for the tug or the space(s) concerned:
performance criteria should be based on the fire
safety objectives and on the functional Recommendations of this section
performance criteria should provide a degree of
safety not less than that achieved the recommendation in [2] to [7], and
performance criteria should be quantifiable and
e) detailed description of the alternative design and
arrangements, including a list of the assumptions used
in the design and any proposed operational restrictions
or conditions, and

July 2014


technical justification demonstrating that the alternative

design and arrangements meet the required fire safety
performance criteria.


Evaluation of the alternative design and


7.4.1 The engineering analysis required in [7.3] should be

evaluated and approved by the Society taking into account
the guidelines developed by the International Maritime
7.4.2 A copy of the documentation, as approved by the
Society, indicating that the alternative design and arrangements comply with this regulation should be carried on
board the tug.


Re-evaluation due to change of conditions

7.5.1 If the assumptions, and operational restrictions that

were stipulated in the alternative design and arrangements
are changed, the engineering analysis should be carried out
under the changed condition and should be approved by
the Society.

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 5







Requirements for life saving appliances

1.2.1 Requirements for life saving appliances are defined in

Tab 1.

Scope of application

1.1.1 This section applies to tugs of less than 500 GT.

1.2.2 The equipment specified in Tab 1 should comply

with the IMO Life Saving Appliances Code or specified otherwise by the Administration.

Table 1 : Life saving appliances

tug / escort tug

harbour tug


sailing time 4h from a

safe sheltered anchorage

(in port)


life rafts
100% capacity on each side / easy side to side transfer,
150% capacity on each side
hydrostatic releases


Illumination and operating instructions


X (2)

X (2)

Jasons cradle

search light

with smoke/light

with light

with lifeline

X (3)

X (3)

rocket parachute flares


red hand flares

smoke signals

MOB arrangement
rescue boat


lifejackets with lights

each person on board

immersion suit
each person on board

other equipment



2 buoyant

line throwing apparatus

general alarm

A float free buoyant apparatus is to be provided.

The tugs operational working area, manoeuvrability, size, freeboard and propulsion arrangement may be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the applicability of the requirement for a rescue boat.
If the tug is constantly engaged in warm climates (refer to MSC Circ.1046) where, in the opinion of the Administration thermal
protection is unnecessary, immersion suits need not be carried on board.
An illustrated table describing the life saving signals shall be readily available to the officer of the watch of every tug to all tugs
on all voyages. The signals shall be used by tugs or persons in distress when communicating with life-saving stations, maritime
rescue units and aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations.

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NI 617, Sec 5

tug / escort tug

harbour tug


sailing time 4h from a

safe sheltered anchorage

(in port)

communication system
to engine room / accommodation / deck

documentation on board
fire and safety plan


training and instruction manual

SOLAS life saving table (4)

muster list and emergency instructions

A float free buoyant apparatus is to be provided.

The tugs operational working area, manoeuvrability, size, freeboard and propulsion arrangement may be taken into consideration for the evaluation of the applicability of the requirement for a rescue boat.
If the tug is constantly engaged in warm climates (refer to MSC Circ.1046) where, in the opinion of the Administration thermal
protection is unnecessary, immersion suits need not be carried on board.
An illustrated table describing the life saving signals shall be readily available to the officer of the watch of every tug to all tugs
on all voyages. The signals shall be used by tugs or persons in distress when communicating with life-saving stations, maritime
rescue units and aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations.

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NI 617, Sec 6




300 GT



Requirements for radio installations

1.2.1 Requirements for radio installations are defined in

Tab 1.

Scope of application

1.1.1 This section applies to tugs of less than 300 GT.

Table 1 : Radio installations
tug / escort tug

harbour tug


sailing time 4h from a

safe sheltered anchorage

(in port)

general requirements
300 gt

SOLAS (A1+A2+A3+A4, as applicable)

< 300 gt

no duplication of equipment required


SART (1)

EPIRB / satellite

1 (A2+A3)


1 (A1)






GMDSS porto

electrical power supply

specific requirements



SART is not required if the 406 MHZ EPIRB provided has a 121.5 MHz frequency transmitting capability and is of the non-float
free type for placing in a life raft.
MF / DSC or INMARSAT C depending on region.

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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 7







Requirements for navigation equipment

1.2.1 Requirements for navigation equipment are defined

in Tab 1.

Scope of application

1.1.1 This section applies to tugs of less than 500 GT.

Table 1 : Navigation equipment
tug / escort tug

harbour tug


sailing time 4h from a

safe sheltered anchorage

(in port)

general requirements
SOLAS Ch V is to be taken into account for all tugs on all voyages
The administration shall determine to what extent the provisions of
SOLAS Ch V do not apply to the following tugs:
tugs below 150 gt on any voyage
tugs below 150 gt not engaged on international voyages (1)

specific requirements

1 (2)

1 (2)

gyro compass

1 (2)

1 (2)

GPS compass

1 (2)

1 (2)



magnetic compass


nautical charts / ECDIS

daylight signalling lamp

echo sounding


code of signals

International voyage: voyage from a country to which the SOLAS Convention applies to a port outside such country, or conversely.
Optional 2 out of 3

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NI 617, Sec 8





Anchoring equipment

: Distance, in m, from the summer

load waterline amidships to the
upper deck


: Height, in m, on the centreline of

each tier of houses having a breadth
greater than B/4.

Equipment number

1.1.1 The Equipment Number EN is to be obtained from

the following formula:
EN =


+ 2, 0 hB + A 10


: Moulded displacement of the tug, in t, to the

summer load waterline
: Moulded breadth, in m
: Area, in m2, in profile view, of the hull, superstructures and houses above the summer load
waterline which are within the equipment
length of the tug and also have a breadth greater
than B/4
: Effective height, in m, from the summer load
waterline to the top of the uppermost house; for
the lowest tier h is to be measured at centreline from the upper deck or from a notional
deck line where there is local discontinuity in
the upper deck.
h = a + h i

1.1.2 The equipment length, in m, is the length between

perpendiculars but is not to be less than 96% nor greater
than 97% of the extreme length on the summer load waterline (measured from the forward end of the waterline).
1.1.3 All tugs are to be provided with equipment in
anchors and chain cables, or wire ropes according to [1.2],
to be obtained from Tab 1 and Tab 2, as applicable, based
on their Equipment Number EN. For tugs with restricted
navigation the equipment in anchors and chain cables may
be reduced. For tugs with navigation notation coastal area
the reduction comprises of entering in Tab 1 and Tab 2, as
applicable, one line higher, while for tugs with navigation
notation sheltered area the reduction comprises of entering
in Tab 1and Tab 2, as applicable, two lines higher, as based
on their calculated Equipment Number EN

Table 1 : Equipment for EN 205

Stockless bower anchors


Stud link chain cable for bower anchors


Mass per anchor (kg)

Total length (m)






Minimum diameter
Mild steel
Gr. 1 (mm)

Special quality
Gr. 2 (mm)

Extra special quality

Gr. 3 (mm)









































































































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July 2014

NI 617, Sec 8

Stockless bower anchors


Stud link chain cable for bower anchors


Mass per anchor (kg)

Total length (m)







Minimum diameter
Mild steel
Gr. 1 (mm)

Special quality
Gr. 2 (mm)

Extra special quality

Gr. 3 (mm)




































































































































































































































(1) The total length of chain is to be divided in approximately equal parts between the two bower anchors.
Note 1: Two bower anchors of the three bower anchors under col. 2 of Tab 1 are to be connected to their cables and positioned on
board ready for use while the third anchor is intended as a spare bower anchor. Installation of the spare bower anchor on board is not
compulsorily required.

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NI 617, Sec 8

Table 2 : Equipment for EN < 205

Stockless bower anchors

Stud link chain cable for bower anchors


Mass per anchor


Stock-less stream
anchor (kg)

Total length
(m) (1)








Minimum diameter


strength (kN)








































Mild steel
Gr. 1 (mm)

Special quality
Gr. 2 or 3 (mm)










The total length of chain is to be divided in approximately equal parts between the two bower anchors.


Wire ropes

: Coefficient depending on the service notation

and optional additional service feature, as
shown in Tab 3.

1.2.1 Wire ropes may be used as an alternative two chain

cables as follows:

Table 3 : Equipment coefficient K

Where L < 30 m, may be replaced with wire ropes of

equal minimum breaking strength, which should:
Have a length 1.5 times that for chain cable required
by Tab 1, and
Have a short length of Grade 2/1 chain cable is to be
fitted between the wire rope and the anchor, having
a length equal to 12.5 m or the distance from the
anchor in the stowed position to the winch, whichever is the lesser
Where 30 m L 40 m one chain cable may be
replaced with wire rope meeting the requirements of L >
40 m, while the other chain cable may be replaced with
wire rope meeting the requirements of L < 30 m
Where 40 m < L 90 m, both chain cables may be
replaced with wire rope of equal minimum breaking
strength which should:
Have a length 1.5 times that for chain cable required
by Tab 1, and
Have a minimum mass per unit length of 30% that
of Grade 2 chain cable required by Tab 1, and
Have a short length of chain cable is to be fitted
between the wire rope and the anchor, having a
length equal to 12,5 m or the distance from the
anchor in the stowed position to the winch, whichever is the lesser.


Tugs of less than 500 GT

1.3.1 For tugs of less than 500 GT, the EN may be obtained
from the following simplified formula:
EN = K ( LBD )


service notation


: Moulded depth, in m

additional service feature

harbour tug



sailing time 4 h from safe

sheltered anchorage




escort tug

sailing time 4 h from safe

sheltered anchorage


escort tug



Number of anchors

1.4.1 Tugs are to be provided with equipment in stockless

anchors, chain cables and/or wire ropes. This equipment is
to be obtained as a function of the Equipment Number EN.
The number of anchors, as obtained from the equipment
table depends on the service notation and optional additional service feature, the propulsion arrangement and the
application of a fixed fire fighting installation. In general,
the recommended number of anchors and chain cables is
shown in Tab 4.
Table 4 : Number of anchors and chain cables
service notation

additional service feature


harbour tug


sailing time 4 h from safe

sheltered anchorage


escort tug

sailing time 4 h from safe

sheltered anchorage

escort tug


Stream wire or chain

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 8

1.4.2 A reduction of the number of anchors and chain

cables can be accepted as depicted in Tab 5 if the following
conditions, based on redundancy principles, are complied

1.5.4 The mass of the head, including pins and fittings, of

an ordinary stockless anchor is to be not less than 60 per
cent of the total mass of the anchor.

The tug is equipped with at least twin propulsion, of

which each main engine can maintain sufficient propulsion power to safely return to berth. For this purpose,
the main engines should be able to run self-supporting,
i.e. independent of generator sets intended for auxiliary
power, unless these are able to run parallel and, in case
of black-out, have automatic starting and connecting to
switchboard within 45 seconds

1.5.5 When stocked bower or stream anchors are to be

used, the mass ex-stock is to be not less than 80 per cent
of the mass given in Tab 1 and Tab 2, as applicable, for ordinary stockless bower anchors. The mass of the stock is to be
25 per cent of the total mass of the anchor, including the
shackle, etc., but excluding the stock.

A single failure, except fire, should not cause total propulsion failure
A fixed fire fighting installation is provided.
1.4.3 It may be considered by the tug builder and operator
to apply a spare anchor as an alternative to a second bower
anchor. In such case special provisions, such as a crane and
suitable storage space for the spare anchor, are to be
present on board and the weight and dimensions of the
anchor are to be such that it can be handled swiftly. For tugs
with the additional service features sailing time 4 h from a
safe sheltered anchorage, effectively operating in a fixed
and limited area, the spare anchor may be stored ashore.

additional service feature



sailing time 4 h from safe sheltered anchorage



escort tug

sailing time 4 h from safe sheltered anchorage

escort tug


1.6.2 If approval is sought for a range of sizes, then at least

two sizes are to be tested. The smaller of the two anchors is
to have a mass not less than one-tenth of that of the larger
anchor, and the larger of the two anchors tested is to have a
mass not less than one tenth of that of the largest anchor for
which approval is sought.

1.6.4 The test should normally be carried out from a tug,

and the pull measured by dynamometer or derived from
recently verified curves of tug rev/min against bollard pull.
A scope of 10 is recommended for the anchor cable, which
may be wire rope for this test, but in no case should a scope
of less than 6 be used. The same scope is to be used for the
anchor for which approval is sought and the anchor that is
being used for comparison purposes.


1.5.1 Anchors are to be of an approved design. The design

of all anchor heads is to be such as to minimize stress concentrations, and in particular, the radii on all parts of cast
anchor heads are to be as large as possible, especially
where there is considerable change of section.
1.5.2 Anchors which must be specially laid the right way
up, or which require the fluke angle or profile to be
adjusted for varying types of sea bed, will not generally be
approved for normal ship use, but may be accepted for offshore units, floating cranes, etc. In such cases suitable tests
may be required.
1.5.3 The mass of each bower anchor given in Tab 1 and
Tab 2, as applicable, is for anchors of equal mass. The
masses of individual anchors may vary by 7 per cent of
the masses given in the Table, provided that the total mass
of the anchors is not less than would have been required for
anchors of equal mass.

July 2014

1.6.1 Anchors of designs for which approval is sought as

high holding power anchors are to be tested at sea to show
that they have holding powers of at least twice those of
approved standard stockless anchors of the same mass.


harbour tug


High holding power anchors

1.6.3 The tests are to be conducted on not less than three

different types of bottom, which should normally be soft
mud or silt, sand or gravel, and hard clay or similarly compacted material.

Table 5 : Reduced number of anchors and chain

cables based on redundancy principles
service notation


1.6.5 High holding power anchors are to be of a design

that will ensure that the anchors will take effective hold of
the sea bed without undue delay and will remain stable, for
holding forces up to those required in this section, irrespective of the angle or position at which they first settle on the
sea bed when dropped from a normal type of hawse pipe.
In case of doubt, a demonstration of these abilities may be
1.6.6 When high holding power anchors are used as bower
anchors, the mass of each such anchor may be 75 per cent
of the mass given in the Tab 1 and Tab 2, as applicable, for
ordinary stockless bower anchors.


Chain cables

1.7.1 Chain cables may be of mild steel, special quality

steel or extra quality steel in accordance with the requirements of Rules for Materials and are to be graded in accordance with Tab 6.

Bureau Veritas


NI 617, Sec 8

ing power anchors. Grade 3 material is to be used only for

chain 20,5 mm or more in diameter.

Table 6 : Grades of chain cables



Range of UTS

Mild steel

300 to 490

Special quality steel

460 to 690

Extra special quality steel

> 690

1.7.4 Where stream anchors are used in association with

chain cable, this cable may be either stud link or short link.
1.7.5 The form and proportion of links and shackles are to
be in accordance with the Rules for Materials.

1.7.2 The designation Grade 1 may be replaced, at discretion of the Society, by Grade 1a where UTS is greater
than but not exceeding 400 N/mm2 or by Grade 1b where
UTS is greater than 400 but not exceeding 490 N/mm2.
1.7.3 Grade 1 material having a tensile stress of less than
400 N/mm2 is not to be used in association with high hold-



Water depths greater than 82,5 m

1.8.1 Where Owners require equipment for anchoring at

depths greater than 82,5 m, it is their responsibility to specify the appropriate total length of the chain cable required
for this purpose. In such cases, consideration can be given
to dividing the chain cable into two unequal lengths.

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

NI 617, Sec 9



1.1.7 Given the scope of application of IACS UR A2, careful consideration is to be given to towing fittings to be used
for offshore towage and escorting operations.

Towing fittings



1.1.1 The assisted ship towing equipment is regulated by

the following documents:
SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-8 Towing and mooring equipment
IACS UR A2 Requirement concerning mooring, anchoring and towing
Classification Society Rules
OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines (can be used for
design purposes).
1.1.2 For emergency towing arrangements, ships subjected
to SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-4 are to comply with that regulation and resolution MSC.35(63).
1.1.3 Reference is made to IACS UR A2 "Shipboard fittings
and supporting hull structures associated with towing and
mooring on conventional vessels".

Note 1: In accordance with IACS UR A1, A1.1.1, the anchoring

equipment required herewith is intended for temporary mooring of
a vessel within a harbour or sheltered area when the vessel is
awaiting berth, tide, etc. In accordance with A1.1.2, the equipment
is therefore not designed to hold a ship off fully exposed coasts in
rough weather or to stop a ship which is moving or drifting. In this
condition the loads on the anchoring equipment increase to such a
degree that its components may be damaged or lost owing to the
high energy forces generated, particularly in large ships

For towing operations in waves, due to dynamic effects, the

maximum towline force may be expected to exceed the
maximum (static) bollard pull by more than 25 per cent (as
considered in the UR A2), in which case a higher SWL of
the towing fittings on the assisted ship would be required.
For offshore escort operations similar considerations apply
with respect to dynamic effects.
In case offshore towing and escort operations are envisaged, it is recommended to apply the Design Load (DL)
specified in Sec 3, Tab 1 and Sec 3, Tab 3, as applicable, for
the towing fittings on the assisted ship.

1.1.4 For towage and manoeuvring in port the Design Load
(DL) for towing fittings on the assisted ship is the load
exerted on the considered fitting under the action of the
towline loaded under a tension equal to 1.25 times the
maximum Bollard Pull (BP), as defined in Sec 1, [4.1], in
the most unfavourable anticipated position of the towline.
Note 1: Reference is made to IACS UR A2, Sec A.2.1.3.

1.1.5 The associated Safe Working Load (SWL) is not to

exceed 80 per cent of the Design Load (DL).
Note 1: Reference is made to IACS UR A2, Sec A.2.1.6.

1.1.6 For escort towage the Design Load (DL) for towing fittings on the assisted ship is the load exerted on the considered fitting under the action of the towline loaded under a
tension equal to towline breaking strength according to the
IACS Recommendation No 10 "Equipment" for the ships
corresponding EN is to be applied, in the most unfavourable
anticipated position of the towline.
Note 1: Reference is made to IACS UR A2, Sec A.2.1.3.

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2.1.1 To ensure the integrity of the assisted ship side structure during pushing operations, it is recommended that the
pushing forces exerted by the tug are applied on a locally
reinforced side structure of the assisted ship (towing push
point or area).
The maximum applied load (in terms of force and pressure)
by the tug on the assisted ship side structure is to be less
than the design load for that part of the structure.
The strength and size of the reinforced areas of the assisted
ships side structure should be designed to take in account
tug motions.
It is recommended to consider the Design Load (DL) specified in Sec 3, [1.9] for the design of the push points/area of
the assisted ship (in combination with a suitable contact
2.1.2 Tug push points/areas should be clearly marked.

The associated Safe Working Load (SWL) is not to exceed

the Design Load (DL).
Note 2: Reference is made to IACS UR A2, Sec A.2.1.6.


Side structure

2.1.3 The strength characteristics of the assisted ship side

structure (maximum pushing force and pressure) should be
communicated between the tug and the assisted ship.

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NI 617, Sec 9


no (or limited) reserve power, which reduces the tugs ability to escape from a critical situation.

Making fast

3.1.1 It is recognised that large and fast ships, in particular

container ships, with high main engine power enter ports at
relatively high minimum speeds of 6 up to 11 kn through
the water and, consequently, that making fast by tugs would
have to be performed at speeds close to the tugs maximum
speed (typically 11 to 12 kn).
It is also recognised that making fast at high speed incorporates risk for the tug and its crew. Increased ships speed
leads to stronger water flows between and around the ships
and hence increases the risk of collision. In addition, at
speeds close to the tugs maximum speed the engines have


It is recommended to explicitly address during the design

stage (of the assisted ship) the minimum speed through the
water (propulsion configuration) as well as the proper location and strength of the towing fittings (bollards, fairleads,
etc.) in relation to connecting to a tug.
Tug owners/operators and port authorities are recommended to specify an appropriate maximum speed for merchant ships in relation to making fast of tugs.
3.1.2 The maximum speed and procedure for making fast
should be communicated between the tug(s) and assisted

Bureau Veritas

July 2014

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