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The GOOD NEWS Of Canaan

A Monthly Publication of the Canaan Baptist Church

Committed to God, Church and Community

The Benefits and Blessing of Tithing

"Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test
me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates
of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store
it." - Malachi 3:10

JUNE 2015
Inside this issue:
A Word From
The Pastor

Meet the



Why Tithe?

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Grace and peace unto you!

In Malachi 3:8-15, tithes and offerings were very important and widely practiced
in the Old Testament. This standard of giving was an act of worship to show
obedience to God for the many blessings received among the people of God.
Also, tithes and offerings provided support for the theocracy and the people to
enable the work of the church to continue.
With this in mind, the New Testament continued to observe tithing by
elaborating on the importance and benefits of giving willfully and generously in
reverence to God. As written in 2 Corinthians 9:6-12, God loves a cheerful giver
and this spiritual act of worship is voluntary. The more we sacrifice for God's
work, the greater the reward will be for our sacrifice.
"But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which
soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." - 2 Corinthians 9:6
In today's 21st century Christian church, it is interesting to note that God's
standard of giving has not changed in building His kingdom. The biblical
concept of tithing in the Old Testament, remains the same in these times we
live in. As we genuinely embrace the fundamental benefits of tithing and giving
to the Lord's work, our obligation to embrace the spiritual impact is paramount
to living a purposeful life. Here are a few benefits of tithing:
Dependence on God - He is our source of supply and owns everything,
according to Psalm 24:1; Psalm 50:10 and Haggai 2:8. Undoubtedly, know that
God is in everything. Trust Him and give to God what is already His!
-continued on page 3

Page 2

The GOOD NEWS of Canaan

Canaan Baptist Church
Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock
Newsletter Staff
Deirdre Crew
Alan Hicks
Alveretta Mobley
Pat Risher
Rutha Williams
Canaans Mission Statement
An urban Baptist Church which
serves as a vanguard of liberation,
faith and empowerment through
our Christian witness. Canaans
mission is to do ministry for the
Master through the five-fold
ministries of Discipleship,
Fellowship, Service, Worship,
and Evangelism.
Acts 2:42-47
Canaans Core Values
Congregational Intimacy
(1 Corinthians 13:13)
Salvation For The Lost
(St. John 3:16)
Applied Christianity
(James 2:14-20)
Impact the Human Condition
(St. Luke 4:18-19)
The Good News of Canaan is a monthly
The Good News
of Canaan
is a monthly
to inform
publication Canaan
to inform
and family.
encourage Canaan
and must
for the friends
Material must
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15th of theeach
preceding each issue.

Welcome and Greetings

Thank you for worshipping with us at Canaan Baptist Church. The
corporate life of this congregation is the true witness of the vitality of
our faith. While the high point of our Christian service is to be
found in the experience of Sunday worship, what we do from
Monday to Saturday, speaks volumes about Canaans commitment
and dedication to Christ and our community.
Canaan is a family where all of us are saved sinners hammering out
our salvation under the auspices of Gods amazing grace. We are
structured, but not so structured as to prevent the powerful work of
the Holy Spirit to impact the life of our in-reach and outreach
ministries. We are organized, but not so organized to prevent the
organism, which is the Church, from bearing full life.

We Welcome You!
Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock and First Lady Dr. Debbie Bullock
and the Canaan Baptist Church Family

Thank You
Pastor Bullock and the Charles L. Kirksey Prison
Ministry would like to thank the church congregation
for donating over 300 books. The books were
distributed to the New Castle County Detention
Center (detained youth); The Jane E. Mitchell Forensic
Facility (level V inmates with mental illness) and the
Positive Change Alternative School (at risk youth). We
also want to send a special Shout Out, to the Canaan
Youth Ministry for providing us with books. With the
youth providing so many books, we were able to give
books to an alternative school and expand our
partnership with yet another Ministry in the church.
To God be the Glory for all the great things he has
done and will continue to do.
Gratefully submitted,
The Charles L Kirksey Prison Ministry
Nancy Pearsall, Chairperson
Rev. Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock, Pastor

Page 3


~ from page 1

Rev. Chuck Johnson

Obedience to God - When we are obedient to

God, He will use us for His glory and be pleased. In
bringing our tithes and offerings to the House of
God, we can watch the many blessings poured out
from our obedience.

Good News Of Canaan (GNOC):

Tell us about your call to the
CJ: I heard and felt Gods calling
in 1995. I preached my initial
sermon in 1997. I feel I am a true product of
Actuate your Faith - Always put God first, to
Gods grace and mercy. I believe every
demonstrate and build up your faith. Believe in His
believer has a unique purpose in serving God
amazing power to ensure that our needs will be
and God provides the strength and resources
met. Focus on the sacrifice He made for us, so we
for us to do what He asks. Being chosen to
may live purposely. It is by God's grace, we are able
preach is a divine blessing. My aim is to tell
to see amazing things happen when we give with a
others how God has blessed me and how He
loving heart.
can bless them.
Uplift the needs of God's people - Whatever
ministry God has placed before us, we must
support it! With tithes and offerings, we are able to
continue building God's Kingdom and assisting
those that need in many different circumstances of
Unlock a Selfish Heart - Sharing clears a path to
God. Don't give with conditions attached. Give in a
loving, joyous, and willing posture. It will create a
grateful heart and a desire to give far and beyond.
Gravitate from the notion that our money belongs
to us because God is the true owner and provider
of everything we have.

GNOC: Whats your passion for ministry?

CJ: My passion for ministry is teaching and
preaching the Word of God. When I study I
experience God in a special way. So in
teaching I want Gods people to experience
God the way I do. It gives me great joy to see
the faces of Gods people light up when the
Word of God comes to their understanding.
Faithfully preaching and teaching the Word is
the very heart of my ministry philosophy.
Seeing Gods people understanding, seeking,
and living Gods Word is what excites my
passion for teaching.

GNOC: How is it serving with Pastor Bullock

to help him carry out Gods vision ?
In conclusion, it takes money to operate Canaan,
promote Canaan's programs and send the gospel to CJ: The very first day we stepped into Canaan
the end of the Earth. Remember every time we
I felt an instant connection with Pastor
give, we are sowing seeds for a harvest to come.
Bullock. In Haggai the Lord says your latter
Plant your seeds!
house shall be greater than your former. With
Pastor Bullock the Lord is doing great things
Stay Strong!
in my life and its a matter of being in the
Dr. Christopher Alan Bullock, Senior Pastor
right house. Im in the right house. God has
given Pastor Bullock a vision. Im here to
serve in that vision. In other words serving
God means that Im serving my pastor. Pastor
Bullock has given me the opportunity to serve
in my passion. What a combination to be able
to serve in your passion, to serve a great
pastor, and serve a God who has given you
the gifts to serve others. To God be the Glory!

Page 4

JOIN US for our impactful classes

each Sunday at 9:30 am. Our
varied classes offer children, youth
and adults a chance to learn more
about the bible and discuss
questions in an age appropriate

Rev. Colleen Johnson

Good News Of Canaan (GNOC): Tell us about your call to the ministry.
CJ: I was called to the ministry in 7553. However, I didnt want to accept the
responsibility to the call. As Luke 12:48b states: For unto whosoever much is given, of
him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will
ask the more. Gods call to ministry on my life is very serious and sacred to me. There is a
cost for Gods anointing on your life and I will never take this for granted. Isaiah 6:8
states: Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then
said I, Here am I, send me.

GNOC: Whats your passion for ministry?

CJ: My passion and purpose for ministry is to spread Love, Kindness, Encouragement, Knowledge
and Compassion on Gods people. Isaiah 61:2b-3a states: The Lord has sent me to comfort those who
mourn, 3a: especially in Jerusalem. He sent me to give them flowers in place of their sorrow, olive
oil in place of tears, and joyous praise in place of broken hearts. In other words, we must pray
without ceasing, serve the lost, serve the hopeless, serve the broken hearted, and the despaired. We
must guide them into a saving relationship with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

GNOC: How is it serving with Pastor Bullock to help him carry out Gods vision for Canaan?
CJ: Serving with Pastor Bullock has blessed my life tremendously and touched my heart and soul to
the core of my spiritual being. God truly sent us here to this ministry for such a time as this. Serving
as Co- Servant Leader over the CLEAVE Marriage Ministry, Teaching at Womens Ministry, Sunday
School, and Teaching Health, Wellness, and Nutrition are all apart of Canaans Core Values and
Mission Statement. God sent me here to help Pastor Bullock fulfill his vision for Canaan and to
serve His people.

Page 5

Hallelujah Sunday Photos

God took the strength of a mountain,

The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it ... Dad

- Author Unp
e 21s


Canaan Bereavement Ministry Policy Why Tithe? - 33 reasons why...

Procedures for reporting the death of a family member


During normal business hours, notify the Canaan

church office of the death of your loved one. The
office staff will then contact:
Pastor Bullock, Deacon and Bereavement
Ministry Leaders

2. A Bereavement Team will be notified and

assigned (by proximity)
3. Team leader will contact the family to make
arrangements for visitation
4. Team leader informs the family to contact the
church office for any funeral arrangements or
other assistance
5. Decisions concerning funerals or funeral
related matters are to be made exclusively by
the Pastor or the Chairman of the Deacon

Membership benefit privileges can be

made if the deceased was an active
(regularly in attendance and a financially
contributing) member of the church

Nights, Weekends, or Holiday Calls

When the Canaan church office is closed, call the
Chairman of the Deacon Board Deacon Earl
Green at: (302) 584-6936
Chairman of the Pastoral Care Bereavement
Ministry Rev. Paul Wilson at: (302) 325-0403

Canaan Baptist Church Office

(302) 654-8818



-For Future Reference; Bereavement Ministry Policy

information is permanently available on the church website under


the Five-Fold Ministries page. Our website address:


The earth is the Lords

and the fullness thereof.
Psalm 24


Page 6

Because the Bible teaches it.

Because Jesus commands it.
Because Abraham, Jacob, and other good men did it.
Because the New Testament Christian did more than
"tithe," I should not do less.
Because it saves my self-respect.
Because it removes uncertainty from my giving.
Because it is business like.
Because it is simple and easy to calculate.
Because it sets a good example.
Because no less would express my appreciation for
my Church and Pastor.
Because if practiced by half of our people it would
enable our Church to meet all of its obligations.
Because if all our people would do it we could
enlarge our Missionary work.
Because it provides for our Church expenses.
Because it dignifies the finances of our Church.
Because it would do away with questionable money
raising schemes.
Because it would enable us to give more time to
deeply spiritual work in our Church.
Because it would enable our Pastor to do his work
without being constantly tormented about money
Because it takes the pain out of giving.
Because it increases one's spiritually.
Because it keeps God in my thought.
Because it makes me a partner with God.
Because it makes my business a sacred thing.
Because it keeps religion first in my plans.
Because it makes me more careful with the other
nine tenths of my income.
Because I have tried it many years and it has been a
great blessing and joy.
Because it increases Church and prayer meeting
Because all "tithers" I know are happy people.
Because it makes handling Church finances a
pleasure instead of a pain.
Because it promotes good business methods.
Because it helps me get out of debt when I thought I
was bankrupt.
Because it saves me from covetousness.
Because it is the only plan that God has approved
and promised to bless.
Because I love the Lord.

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Calling All Canaan Men
Did you know that God has destined YOU
for Greatness?!?
Jesus said that if you believe in Him you will do greater
works than He did (John 14:12).
The Mens Ministry will continue with the Kingdom Man
series Bible Study on Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 911
am. Come out and join us as we endeavor to examine
what it means to be a Kingdom Man! A lite meal will be
Ministry Cochairs
Revs. Jeff Miller and Kenneth Washington



Easier to Navigate - Updated Listings

Join a Ministry Today!

Canaan Baptist Church welcomes and encourages each
member to get involved in at least one of the ministries
we offer at Canaan. To join one of our ministries see our
website for our list of ministries and contact information
for your ministry of interest.

Sisters Of Canaan Womens Ministry

Faith & Fitness with Rev. Colleen Johnson

Saturday June 13, 2015 10 am11:30 am

Healthy Refreshments following Activities
Arise and Build
If you have not completed a pledge card, please consider
doing so. We need everyones participation. Pledge cards
are available in the pews or at the Wall of Recognition.

Youre Just A Click Away.

For more information, contact Rev. Miller
(302)377-7004 or Sis. Hurd (240) 988-1526.

To God Be The Glory!

-Nehemiah 2:18
Page 7


Canaan Business Network / Directory of Businesses

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