Invoking Ritual of The Pentagram

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In the following pages I will provide the entirety of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram as

performed by the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and relayed to modern day by Israel Regardie in
An overview of the steps of the Supreme Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram is as follows.
Face East and make the Qabbalistic Cross.
Make the Equilibriated Active Pentagram of Spirit pentagram of the Spirit.
Make the Invoking pentagram of the Air.
Face South and make the Equilibriated Active Pentagram of Spirit
Make the Invoking Pentagram of Fire
Face West and Make the Equilibriated Passive Pentagram of Spirit
Make the Invoking Pentagram of Water
Face north and make the Equilibriated Passive Pentagram of Spirit
Make the Invoking Pentagram of Earth.
Face East and with your arms outstretched in the form of the cross say
Before Before me Raphael
Behind me Gabriel
At my right hand Michael
At my left hand Auriel
Before Me flames of the Pentagram
Behind me shines the Six Rayed Star
Perform the Qabalisitic Cross as at the begginning.
Now with the Overview in place I will give you the Ritual of the Qabbalistic Cross.
Take a steel Dagger in the right hand and face East.
Touch thy forehead and say ATEH (Thou art)
Touch thy breast and say MALKUTH (The Kingdom)
Touch thy right shoulder and say VE-GEBURAH (The Power)
Touch thy left shoulder and say VE-GEDULAH (and the Glory)
Clasp thy hands in front of thee and say LE-OLAM (forever)
Dagger between fingers point up and say AMEN.
Some explanations of the Golden Dawns pentagrams are here required. Much of the golden dawn
methods are derived from qabalistic and christian resources such as the Greater and Lesser Keys of
Solomon and the like as such much of their symbolism is based on biblical tradition. In this respect
each pentagram has a symbol in the center of it already. The pentagrams of the spirit are centered with
the symbol of the wheel, a circle with 8 spokes. The pentagram of Air has two squiggly lines the
zodiac sign of aquarius in the center of it. Aquarius is the head of the house of the element of air.
Within the earth penagram is the sign of the bull, taurus. The fire contains the zodiac sign of leo, and
the water is the alternate image used for scorpio, that of the eagle. In this case it is glyph of the head of
an eagle, this association with scorpio dates to at least the 11th century CE.
According to the Supreme Ritual of the pentagram as you draw each pentagram you are to incant (they
use the word vibrate) words and titles that are given in the Enochian language. One while you draw
each pentagram and one while you draw the symbol within the pentagram. They use the word Vibrate
to describe the way the incantation is supposed to be spoken. The instructions for vibrating a name is
as follows.

In vibrating the Divine Names, the Operator should first of all rise as high as possible towards the idea
of the Divine White Brilliance in Kether keeping the mind raised to the plane of loftiest aspiration.
Unless this is done, it is dangerous to vibrate only with the astral forces, because the vibration attract a
certain force to the operator, and the nature of the force attracted rests largely on the condition of mind
in which the operator is.
The ordinary mode of vibrating is as follows: take a deep and full inspiration and concentrate your
consciousness in your heart, which answers to Tiphareth. (Having first, as already said ascended to
your Kether, you should endeavor to bring down the white Brilliance into your heart, prior to centering
your consciousness there.)
Then formulate the letters of the Name required in your heart, in white, and feel them written there. Be
sure to formulate the letters in brilliant white light, not merely in dull whiteness as the color of the Apas
Tattwa. Then, emitting the breath slowly pronounce the Letters so that the sound vibrates within you,
and imagine that the breath, while quitting the body swells you so as to fill up space. Pronounce the
name as if you were vibrating it through the whole Universe, and as if it did not stop until it reached the
further limits.
According to the instructions with the qabalistic cross and the lesser ritual of the pentagram the divine
names should be vibrated on the inward breath as much as possible.
The Golden Dawn follows a Qabalistic system wherein the entirety of man is associated with the Tree
of Life. In the tree of life there is considered to be 10 worlds. The uppermost is Kether which
repesents the divine consciousness or divine soul of mankind. In many modern practioners it is
associated with the chakras in this case Kether is associated with the Crown Chakra at the top of the
head and Tiphareth is associated with the heart chakra. Each has its own symbolism and associations
however explanations would get quite lengthy. For more information on the Tree of Life I reccoment
Israel Regardie's book on the subject.
The incanted words that are associated with the inscribing of each pentagram and its containing symbol
are from the Enochian dialect of Dr. John Dee. The Golden Dawn's method of proununciation is to
hebraicize the name and becomes complex to say the least. Other linguists since then have come up
with theorized pronunciation of the actual enochian languaged based on Dee's notes. The names and
associations with each pentagram and symbol follows in the following format.
The table on the next page shows the pentagrams and their incantations and directions to draw them.
Below is a table of the translations or short explainations of those Incantations.
Exarp-the Spirit of Air
Eheieh- A hebrew name of god. In the old testement at one point when god is asked for his name he
replies I am that I am which in hebrew is Eheieh asher Eheieh (sometime spelled Ehyeh)
Oro Ibah Aozpi a phrase in the enochian language which translates as He who cries aloud in the
place of desolation
YHVH- known as the tetragrammaton one of the most holy names of god. Pronunciation of this name
has been lost but modern scholars say it was most likely Yaw-weh
Bitom-the spirit of fire
Oip Teaa Pedoce- A phrase in Enochian translating to he whose name is unchanged from what it was
Elohim another of the oldest names for god. It can either be translated as singular(god) or plural
(gods) and is often indicated by the form of the verb paired with it. In the case of a singular

verb it is usually translated as God as in the name of and many scholars consider it as the Royal
Hcoma-the spirt of water
Agla- is an acronymn for the hebrew phrase Atah Gibor Le-Olam Adonai, You, O Lard, are mighty
Empeh Arsel Gaiol- He who is the first true creator; the horned one.
Al- the literal translation of al is above however al is also a transliteration of the Hebrew word more
properly translated as El which translates literally as simply god but more accurately as the
almighty god
nanta spirit of the earth
emor dial hectega He who burns up iniquity without equal
Adonai a name of god used only in jewish prayer and liturgical cermonies. It translates as a plural
form of master or lord. assumed to be a royal plural. When reading hebrew scripture in
ceremony any time a jew comes across the tetragrammaton he reads it allowed as Adonai.

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