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Use r' s Ma nu al


Last Resort is licensed to:








Software. lnc.

P.O . Box i 8.+-+

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Technical Support
(803) 269-5311 Vo ice
( 803) 269--+7 l 9 FAX
CornpuServe: 7 i 333.J.J.3 or GO VERTISOFT
.~n:eri~~1 Online: \ 'ertisoft

Last Resort Users Guidc Rc\ision i. OV - July 1993

Aii Righ ts Rese rved
Prnted in the USA

Vertisoft Systems

Software License Agreement

Venisoft Systems, Inc. is providing the enclosed material to
you, the end-user, on the express condition that you agree to
this software license. By using any of the enclosed diskettes ,
yo u agree to the terms set forth below.
Titles to and ownership of the software and the User's Guide
shall atal! times remain with the copyright owner.


Use the software on one tem of compatible hardware that

you own or use in person, or in your business or





You May Not

Make copies of the software distribution diskettes or any

files contained therein for any purpose other than backup.

Provide or otherwise make available the software. the

User's Guide, or any portion thereof, in printed, machine
readable. or any other form without the written approval
of Vertisoft.


Vertisoft Systems. Inc. and Working Software reserve the
right to make periodic changes. enhancements. revisions and
alterations of any kind to the software and/or user's manual(s )
without any prior notice to any person. institution or














Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

Limit-ed Warranty
Vertisoft Systems, Inc. warrants that the physical diskette
enclosed herein is free of defects in materials and
workmanship, and that the programs are properly recorded
upon the diskette, for a period of 30 days from the date of

Product Replacement
Should the distribution disk become damaged after the
warranty period. contact your dealer fo r replacement at a
nominal charge.

Should any of the above mentioned defects be discovered

within the warranty period. contact your dealer for a
replacement at no charge.
The sole remedy for a breach of this warranty shall be limited
to replacement and shall not encompass any other damages.
including but not limited to loss of profit. special, incidental.
consequential. or other similar claims.



Customer Support
Should ym1 encounter any difficulty in using the software, or if
the product does not operate as described, first consult this
User's Manual and other instructional material. This
documentation should contain answers to most questions. If
your difficulty is still not resolved. contact your dealer. Your
dealer is knowledgeable about the product and should be able
to provide you with information and assistance.
Last Resort is a registered trademark of Working Software Inc .
Other products mentioned in this document may be
trademarked by their respective companies and have been used
for identification purposes only.














Product Registration
If you purchased this product directly from Yertiso ft Systems.
you have been pre-registered and no furthe r action on your
pan is required. If you purchased thi s product through any
other channel. then you must fil! out :rnd retum the enciosed
product registration card. Registered users are el igible far
technical support, warranty services. and reduced rate
upgrades and updates.





Last Resort User s Manual



Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems


Table of Contents

The Last Resort User's Guide is copyrighted by Working
Software, Inc. and Vertisoft Systems, Inc. Your rights of
ownership are subject to the limitations and restrictions
imposed by the copyright laws .


t f'


Quick Start For Windows Users .................................... vii


Quick Start For DOS Users ............................................. ix

It is against the law to copy, reproduce, or transmit inc!uding
-without limitation electronic transmission over any network,
any part of the manual or program except as perrnitted by the
Copyright Act of the United States, Title 17, United States
Code. Under the law, copying includes translation into
another language or format. However, you are perrnitted by
law to write the contents of the program into the machine
memory of your computer so that the program may be
executed. You are also perrnitted by law to make working
copies of the program, solely for your own use, subject to the
following restrictions: (1 ) Working copies must be treated in
the same way as the original copy; (2) If you ever sel!, lend. or
give away the original copy of the program. all working copies
must also be sold, lent. or given to the same person, or
destroyed: and (3) No copy (original or working) may be used
while any other copy (original or working) is in use except
within the terrns of the license. The copyright notice that is on
the original copy of the program must accompany any working
copies of the program.
The above is notan inclusive statement of the restrictions
imposed upon you under the Copyright Act. For a complete
statement of the restrictions imposed upon you under the
copyright laws of the United States of America, see Title 17,
United States Code.
Last Resort Users Guide 1993 Working Softw are. Inc . and
Vertisoft Systems, Inc .. Ali Rights Reserved
Last Resort 1991-1993 Working Software. Inc .. Al! Rights


Chapter 1 Introducing Last Resort.................................. 1

System Requirements ........................... .. ................ l , 2


Contacting Technical Support .................. ................. 2

What Last Reson Can Do For You .. ......... ............. .... 3


Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows ............................... 5

:.! :


Installing Last Resort For W indows .. ..... ................... S


Using Last Reso rt Fo r W indows ................. ............... 6


Opening T he Last Resort Window ..... .. ..... ......... ....... 6

Opening Last Resort from the Task List.. ....... .. ......... 7
Configuri ng Last Resort For Windows




Getting Help


About Last Resort fo r W indows


Recovering Y our Keystrokes


Retrieve Text to File


Abour the Keys troke File


Hints & T ips ..... .

l '

ANSI Characrers For W indows


Q uestions and Answers







Last Resort User's Manual

Table Of Contents


Vertisoft Systems


Vertisoft Systems

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS ...................................... 21

Quick Start For Windows U sers


About Last Resort for DOS ........... ..... .... ...... ........ ... 21
Installing Last Resort for DOS


Automatic Installation ............................................. 23


Guided Installation
Using Last Resort For DOS

This section contains quick setup information far those of you

who are in a hurry. When you have more time, please refer to
the table of contents and the index to locate the details you
need. You can view Last Resort's online help by choosing
Help from the Last Resort program window.
Installing Windows Last Resort

Stopping Last Resort... ............................................. 29

Passwords and Security ........................................... 29
Recovering Your Keystrokes


Creating a Keystroke Text File


About The Keystroke Text File



Hints & Tips


Network Disk Usage


Questions and Answers


Place the Last Resort diskette in your floppy drive.


Use a word-processor toread the README file on the

Last Resort diskette for installation instructions that did
not make it into the manual.



Seiect Run from the Fiie menu. type A:WININST (one

word. no spaces), and press [Enter]. Substitute B: or
another letter in place of A:. if appropriate for your

Exit Windows and restan your computer.

Last Resort Error Messages .................................... 37

Index ...................................................................................

Quick Start

The installer copies the needed files to your hard disk. It

prompts you to enter the name of the directory into which
to copy the files necessary to run Last Resort. The
installer modifies your Path statement in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT, if necessary.


Last Resort Users Manual


Glossary ............................................................................ 39


The Backspace Key ................................ ................. _32

Using a Keystroke Text File

Turn on your computer and start Windows. You must be

in Windows to use the Last Resort diskette installer


DOS Startup Options

f l


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

Using Last Resort For Windows

Quick Start Por DOS Users

The installer creates a Program Manager group and icon for

Last Resort in Windows 3.0. If you use Windows 3.1 or later,
the installer places the Last Resort icon in your Control Panel.

Here is quick startup information for those of you who are in a

hurry. We recommend also skimming the Table of Contents
for information that might be pertinent to you.
Installing DOS Last Resort

To change Last Resort' s settings, select the palm tree

icon. open it, and choose the Configure Last Resort
Last Resort is set to Autoload, so that Last Resort will run
automatically each time you start Windows. That way
you don't have to wonder if Last Resort is saving your
typing. You might forget that Last Resort is there. until
you need it.


You might wish to change the Last Resort storage file size
from the factory setting of 64 kilobytes. The size you
choose depends on how much and how fast you usually


When you need to recover the text from your Last Resort
keystroke file, select Retrieve Text to File and open the
resulting plain text (ASCII) file with any word-processor.


Please read the "Perform Backspaces/Show Backspace

As" section of this manual to understand why your
keystroke file might not contain sorne text you know you


Place the Last Resort floppy disk in the diskette drive.


Read the document README.LR, if there is one on your

Last Resort disk.


Type A:DOSINST (one word. no spaces). S ubstitute B:

or another letter in place of A:, if appropriate on your


Choose the Automatic installation, which installs in

C:\RESORT with preset standard options, or choose
Guided Installation to insrall according to your wishes.


Resrart your computer.

When you need to see your saved


Last Resort User's Manual




Change to your Last Resort directory (probably



Type: RESORT select option


Use the resulting text file to help you recover your work.
DO NOT trv to edit Last Resort's ori2:inal kevstroke
recordin g file directlv.


Type RESORT and select option 'A' (or type RESORT

/?) at any time for online help.

Quick Start


c. and specify a filename.


Vertisoft Systems

Chapter 1 Introducing Last Resort

Thank You
Thank you for purchasing Last Resort for Windows and DOS.
Last Resort provides a way to recreate your work in Windows
or DOS applications by saving keystrokes while you work.
Last Resort create a disk-bast file containing ali keystrokes
entered during a DOS or Windows session. If you experience
a power failure or system crash. Last Resort can help you
recover your work. E ven if other recovery methods ha ve
failed, Last Resort can help you reconstruct your documents.

System Requirements
Last Resort far Windows

Any Intel-based. FC compatibie computer system running

MS Windows version 3.0 or later in 'Standard" or .. 386
Enhanced" mode. Last Resort will not operare in "Real"

A t least 2 megabytes of memory.

64 KB of Windows system memory

300 KB of hard disk space for the Last Resort program

:md related files, plus space for the keystroke recording
file which can range from 1 KB to 32 MB depending on
the way you work.

A mouse is recommended but not required.

Chapter 1 Introducing Last Resort



Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

System Requirements

What Last Resort Can Do For You

Last Resort for DOS

Last Resort saves every character you type. including spaces.

carriage retums, tabs, and backspaces, in the order you type
them. This can help you recover your work in case a power
failure, system crash, ora late night's grogginess wipes out
your work before you ha ve a chance to save it. Even if other
recovery methods have failed, Last Resort can help you
reconstruct your documents.

Any Intel-based, PC compatible computer system running

MS or PC DOS version 3.0 or later.

A hard disk or networked disk (For networked drives, see

Networks in the "Hints and Tips" section.)

When installed, Last Resort will occupy about 3 Kb of


Last Resort does not store function keys, cursor control

(arrow) keys, pictures. or mouse clicks. It a!so does not store
any text or pictures that you copy .o r cut from one document
and paste into another document.

Contacting Techncal Support

If you have a problem with Last Resort:

Please read this manual as well as related portions of the

Windows manuals carefully.

Check/adjust Last Resort' s settings.

Be sure that you have the most recent versions of Last

Resort, Windows, and the applications you are using.

Try to determine if you are encountering a conflict with

another Windows program.

Windows Users - Make sure your computer is running in

Windows Standard or 386 Enhanced mode. Last Resort
cannot run in Real Mode.

The Last Resort Keystroke File

As you type. Last Resort stores your keystrokes in a disk storage file named LRESORT.BIN. You can set the size of this
storage file from l kilobyte to 32,000 kilobytes. When you
have typed enough keystrokes to fill the fiie, Last Resort
returns to the beginning of LRESORT.BIN and records from
beginning to end again over the original keystrokes in the file.
The process of returning to the beginning of the file is called
"wrapping" .

Sean your computer for viruses .

Reinstall Last Resort from the original locked diskette .

Recovering Your Typing

When you need to recover your typing, Last Resort converts
LRESORT.BIN into a text (ASCII) file that you can read with
any word-processor. DO NOT try to editor read
LRESORT.BIN itself with a word-processor because this will
damage it.

If the problem persists. please contact Vertisoft Technical

Suppo11. at:

Last Resort records your keystrokes in the exact sequence in

which you type them. Because of this sequential recording.
the resulting keystroke files will not look exactly like the
docLtments you work on. especially if you click around your
Jocuments with a mouse .a nd insert or delete text here and
tltere. With a little bit of editing. however, you can recover
much of your work and save yourself hours of time in
reproduction of ideas.

(803) '.269-531 l Voice

(803) '.269-..J.7 l 9 FAX
CompuServe: 71333.443 or GO VERTISOFT
America Online: Vertisoft

Last Resort Users Manual


Chapter 1 Introducing Last Resort

Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

Making Hard Disk Backups

You can count on Last Resort when other backups fail because
it is a!ways there, working in the background, recording everything you type. However, Last Resort is NOT a substitute for
making no1mal backup copies of your important documents.
For example, if your hard disk suffers a complete mechanical
failure Last Resort cannot save you. Its recording file is lost

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows

lnstalling Last Resort For Windows

Tum on your computer and start Windows. You must be

in Windows to m n the diskette installer program.


Place the Last Resort diskette in the diskette dri ve.

Next Steps


If you are a Windows user, go on to Chapter 2. If you will be

primarily using Last Resort fro m DOS, skip to Chapter 3
which describes Last Resort fo r DOS.

Read the README file with a word-processing program,

in case there are any last minute instructions that did not
make it into this manual.


Select the Run command from the File menu.


Type A:WININST (one word. no spaces) and press

[Enter]. Substitute B: or another letter in place of A:, if
appropriare on your computer.


The installer prompts you to enter the name of the

directory in to which to copy Last Resort' s files . If you
type nothing, it chooses your Windows directory. _
If you choose to install the Last Resort files into a directory that is not in your DOS path. the installer modifies
the Path command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT for you. If
you prefer. you can modify the path command in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT yourseif after the installer copies Last
Resort to your hard disk.
If you allow the installer to modify your
AUTOEXEC.BAT, your original is saved as
AUTOEXEC.LRS. If you're not sure how to modi fy your
DOS path. please let the installer do it for you.

Last Resort User's Manual

Windows 3.0

If you use W indows 3.0. the installer creates a Program

Manager group and icon for Last Resort.

Windows 3.1 (or

later) Users

If you use Windows 3.1 or later. the installer piaces the Last
Resort icon in your Control Panel.

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows

Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems


To change Last Resort' s settings, select its palm tree icon

and double-click it (if you use a mouse) or press [Enter] if
you are working from your keyboard.

pausing of keystroke recording, help, the "About" window, or

closing the program) only from the Last Resort Program
Manager group or through the Control Panel.


Read the "Configuring Last Resort" section of this


Running Manually (Windows 3.0)

To run Last Resort manually in Windows 3.0, double-click (or
choose and open) its palm tree icon in the Last Resort Program
Manager group. lf Last Resort is already running, this procedure opens the Last Resort program window without runn ing
Last Resort again.

Using Last Resort For Windows

For Last Resort to save your keystrokes, the Last Resort program must be running (loaded in memory). Last Resort stays
in memory even if you minimize its window or hide its icon.
If you close Last Resort, you remove it from memory and it
stops recording your keystrokes.

Running Manually (Windows 3.1 or Later)

To run Last Resort manually in Windows 3. 1 or later, doubieclick the palm tree icon in the Control Panel. lf Last Resort is
already running, the Last Resort program window open

Unless you change Last Resort's configuration. Last Resort

Ioads automatically (Autoload) every time you start Windows.
That way, Last Resort is ready to capture your keystrokes
immediately. You might forget it' s there until you need it.
To leam how to prevent Last Resort from Autoloading, please
read the "Autoload" section of this manuai. If you disable the
Autoload feature, you must run Last Resort manually each
time you start Windows.

Opening Last Resort from the Task List

Another way to open the Last Resort program window (while
Last Resort is loaded in memory) is to select Last Resort from
the Task List. Press Ctrl-Esc and use an arrow key to
highlight Last Resort. Then Press Enter on your keyboard.

Opening The Last Resort Window

N ote

Last Resort does not appear in the Task List if you hide its

Configuring Last Resort For Windows

Last Resort

To change L::ist Resort's settings. open the Last Resort

Program Window as shown below:

The Last Resort icon (shown above) appears at the bottom of

your desktop while Last Resort is running. To access the Last
Resort program window and make configuration changes.
select and open the Last Resort icon from the desktop.
If you hide Last Resort's icon. you may open the Last Resort
program window (for configuration changes, recovery of text.

Last Resort User's Manual

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows

Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

Last Resor1

R~~Text to File

, -Configure Last

1 T



Pause Last Resort


The Configuration Window provides access to ali of the Last

Resort configurations settings, including the size of the
keystroke recording fiie, whether to Autoload Last Resort
when you start Windows, whether to hide the Last Resort icon,
and how to deal with backspaces.


About Last Resort


Click the Configure Last Resort button. The Last Resort

Configuration Window will appear as shown below:


Storage File Size:


. j







Hide lcon

B:ckspace character options during file ex1ract1on


Configure Last Resort

Perform Backspaces
Show Backspace As

Advanced Options

Setting The
Keystroke File

The Keystroke File size may be set anywhere from 1 KB to 32

MB depending on your particular needs and the amount of
available hard disk space. The default value is 64 KB. This is
large enough to hold about 32 pages of single-spaced typing.
The size you need depends on how much you type ;:md how
much hard disk space you can spare. You may change the size
of the storage file by typing in a new size in the space
provided and clicking the OK button.

This setting allows you to control the size of the keystroke

storage file (LRESORT.BIN). The keystroke file holds the
most recentiy text typed. When the storage file fills up, the
file "wraps", and the newest keystrokes erase the oldest text in
the file. In other words, when the storage file "wraps". Last
Resort retums to the ''beginning" of the file and records over
the file from beginning to end.


Keystroke File

132 SPACEI , ,

~ ~Cancel

If you type a lot more than 32 pages every day, you will want
to increase the size of the storage file. The larger the file size
you choose. the greater the margin of text recovery and safety
you have.
The best way to determine if your storage file is the right size
is to view it from time to time. (Refer to the "Retrieve Text te
File - Creating a Keystroke Text File" section of this manual
for more information about saving and viewing a keystroke
file.) If text you need is disappearing too quickly. you
probably need to increase the storage file size. In other words.
if something you know you typed less than a few days ago no
longer appears in the storage file. you should increase the
storage file size.

About Last Resort

Anmher way to determine whether your storage file size is
right for you is to see how frequently the text "wraps''. Again,

Last Resort User's Manual

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows

Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems
the keystroke recording file "wraps" when it reaches its
capacity and Last Resort retums to the "beginning" of the file
to record new keystrokes from "beginning" to "end". Click
the About Last Resort button in the prograrn window to check
when the recording file last " wrapped". If it wraps severa!
times each day, you might wish to increase the storage file
size. (See the "About Last Resort" section of this manuai to
read more about determining the time of last wrap.)

Reducing The Storage File Size

(Windows 3. 1 or later). Last Resort does not appear in the

Task List when its icon is hidden.

Perform Backspaces/Show Backspace As

This option specifies how Last Resort displays the backspaces
you have typed.


If you decide to reduce the size of your storage file , you rnight
wish to Retrieve Text to File befare changing the size. Then
any data contained in the larger storage file that might not fit
in smailer storage file will at least appear in the resulting text
file .

When you press the [Backspace] key, Last Resort saves aspecial character in the LRESORT.BIN storage file. Even the
characters you erase (by pressing the [Backspace] key) appear
in the storage file . During the Retrieve Text to File process,
Last Resort either deletes characters immediateiy preceding
the back- spaces (Perform Backspaces), or it translates the
backspaces into the character of your choice (Show Backspace
As). Last Resort is configured to Perform Backspaces unless
you change the program settings.

The Autoload option causes Last Resort to load automaticaliy
whenever_you start Windows. When the Auto load option is
'ON' , a Last Resort execution cornmand appears in the LOAD
line of the WIN.INI file in your Windows directory. If you
disable this option. Last Resort removes the LOAD instruction
frorn the WIN.INI file, and Last Resort does not automatically
run the next time you start Windows.


If Autoload is 'OFF' you must run Last Resort from its

Program Manager group (Windows 3.0) or from the Control
Panel (Windows 3.1 or later) each time you start W indows.
until you re-select the Autoload option. Remember. if Last
Resort is not running, it is not saving your keystrokes.

If you choose the Perform Backspaces option, Last Resort

checks the number of backspaces you ha ve typed. deletes
them, then deletes the same number of characters typed
immediately before these backspaces. For example, suppose
you type the following:

A mistke [ Backspace] [Backspace ] ake

With the Perform Backspaces option, your Last Resort text file
(and your original document) will look like:

This is a mistake

Hide lcon
When the Hide Icon option is active. Last Resorfs palm tree
icon disappears from the desktop after you rninimize it. To
open the program window when the icon is hidden, you must
select and open its icon from the Last Resort Program
Manager group (Windows 3.0) or from the _Control Panel


This setting affects only how the backspaces are displayed

after the information in the LRESORT.BIN srorage file is
converted to a readable text file. The storage file is not

Last Resort User's Manual


Use caurion if you choose the Pe1jonn Buckspces option. If

you press rhe [ Backspace] key ajter clicking to around a document with your mol/Se, Last Reson will erase the wrong
characters in your keystroke file.

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems
If important text is not appearing in your Last Resort files
when the Perform Backspaces option is 'ON', switch to the
Show Backspace As option, and re-Retrieve Text to File.


Show Backspace The Show Backspace As option causes Last Resort to display
the character of your choice wherever you ha ve typed a
[Backspace]. That way, you can tell where the backspaces are.
From the drop down list, choose the character you want to represent backspaces. The characters in the drop down listare
special ANSI characters for use with Windows. If you open
your keystroke text files with a DOS program, the character
you have chosen might be displayed differently by that DOS

Keystroke buffer size: Gcharacters (10-256)

Auto save ever:

Keystroke buffer

The document you typed will look like:

A mistake
With the Show Backspace As option (using the ANSI value of
32 which is the code for a space character), empty spaces
represent the backspaces you typed originally. Your Last
Resort text file will look like this:


Last Resort Users Manual

seconds (1 0-60)


For efficiency, Last Resort holds sorne characters in memory

before saving them in the disk storage file . You can adjust this
Keystroke buffer size setting to tell Last Reso1t how many
characters to hold in memory (RAM) befare saving them. The
keystroke buffer can hold from 1O to 256 characters. The
default value is 20 characters--about half of one line of text.


This setti ng determines the max imum number of characters

you might lose in the event of a system crash. If you set a
small keystroke buffer size, you can lose no more than a few
characters: however. sorne systems may run more slowly since
Last Resort will be saving to disk more frequently.

Auto save every

After your system is idle for this number of seconds. Last

Resort saves the keystroke buffer to disk. The m nimum Auto
save every setting is l O seconds and the maximum setting is
60 seconds. The default setting is ! O seconds. To change the
Auto save every setting. type the setting you wish to use and
click OK.

Pause Last

Last Resort records whatever you type in Windows, including

passwords and confid(':ntial information . To stop Last Reson s
keystroke recording while yo u entera password (or e!ectronic

Advanced Options



To change the Keystroke buffer size. type in the desired

setting can ciick OK.


Click Advanced Options in the Configuration Window to see

the Advanced Configuration Window (Figure 4). These
Advanced Options allow you to specify how often Last Resort
records keystrokes to your hard disk.

Recalling our previous example, suppose you type the


A mistke [ Backspace] [ Backspace)ake

Advanced Configuration

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows


Vertisoft Systems
mail gossip ora !ove letter to your sweethea1t), open the Last
Resort program window and click the Pause Last Resort


If you have security concerns, you should not leave Last

Resort keystroke files where other persons can access- them.
You should treat Last Resort' s files as you would treat any
other secure info1mation on your computer.

Close Last

The Close Last Resort option removes Last Resort from memory, and stops keystroke saving until you run Last Resort
again. If Last Resort is configured to Autoload. it will run the
next time you start Windows.

Getting Help

Clicking Help or pressing the F 1 key while the Last Resort

program vvrndow is open causes Last Resort to display online

Aboilf Last

About Last Resort


Last Resort v 1.0

Copyright 199::
Working Software, lnc.


Lar Mader
Jim Wright

flast Resort Status

Time of Last Wrap: 11 :22 pm 2 101993
Last Resort is recording keystrokes.
File Size is 64 Kiiobytes.


Choose About Last Resort to check Last Resort's status. The

About Last Resort Window (shown above) displays Last
Resort's version number, time of last wrap, whether keystroke
recording is active, and the storage file size.

When Last Resort is paused, it does not save keystrokes, and

the button says UnPause Last Resort. The About Last Resort
window tells you if Last Resort is recording keystrokes or
paused. If the button reads UnPause Last Resort, click it. The
button again read Pause Last Resort, and keystroke recording

Yertisoft Systems

Last Resort User's Manual

Recovering Your Keystrokes

E ven if other recovery methods have failed. Las-t Resort can
help you reconstruct a text document fro m the contents of your
keystroke file. The ease of recovering text depends on such
thjngs as how you type, how frequentl y you leave one
application or document and start another, how often you jump
to different parts of your document. and if you click around
documents with your mouse.
For example. if you create a document by typing from the beginning to the end of the document without backspaces._then
the Last Resort keystroke file will look almost exactly like the
original document. However, a document that you spend
severa! days to construct with text copied and pasted from
other sources and with extensive modifications or formatting
changes will be very difficult to reconstruct.

Retrieve Text to

When you need to recover lost text. open the Last Resort Program Window and click Retrieve Text to File . Last Resort
copies the LRESORT.BIN storage file's data into a plain text
fil e that you c:m review or edit with your favorite word
Unless you type a different filename, Last Resort names the
keystroke text file LRESORT.TXT. Unless you specify a
different directory, Last Resort saves the text file in the same
directory wi th your Last Reson program files.
Last Resort remembers the last filename you use for the
keystroke file and the last directory to which you saved text.
The next time you need to Retrieve Text to File, Last Resort
will prompt you with !ast fi!ename and directory you used.

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows


Vertisoft Systems


Vertisoft S ystems

If you ha ve already created a keystroke text file, it is a good

idea to change the filename of subsequent keystroke text files.
That way the subsequent files will not replace previously
saved files.

About the
Keystroke File

Last Resort keystroke files will not look like the original
documents you created. They will contain "Time & Date
Stamps" and other differences from your original documents.

Time & Date


Last Resort pastes a Time & Date Stamp into the keystroke
file each time it is started. This helps you locate the text you
typed during a particular Windows session. A Time & Date
Stamp will look like this:

Appearance of

Backspaces appear either as the printed character of your

choice or they do not appear atal! (because they ha ve de leted
the characters preceding them). See the "Perform Backspaces/
Show Backspace As" section above for more details.

Hints & Tips

Creating a Program Manager Group (Windows 3.0)


This text typed after 2 : 35 pm, 2 - 2 - 1993

Please fol!ow this procedure only if you ha ve not run the

WININST program to copy Last Resort to your personal
computer and only if you are running Windows 3.0.
For more informa~ion about creating Program Manager
groups, or about adding items to a Program Manager group,
please refer to your Windows 3.0 manuals.

The keystroke files might not show recorded corrections

you made with the backspace (see the "Perform
Backspaces/Show Backspace As .. section of this manual).


After copying the appropriate Last Resorr files to your

hard disk and noting the directory into which you have
copied them. select New from the Program Manager F ile

They will not contain formmting or pictures.


They will not contain texr copied from one documenr and
pasted into another document.

Make sure the Program Group option is selected and

choose OK. The Program Group Properties wi ndow
open s.

They will not contain function keys you ha ve pressed.


In the Description box, type Last Resort and press [Enter].

The Last Resort group window opens.

They will contain incorrect text along with your corrections. especially if you use the Show Backspace As option .


Select New from the File men u. T he New Program

Object window opens.


Make sure Program Item is selected and choose OK. The

Program Item Properties window opens.


In the Description box. type Last Resort.


Type C:\PATHNAME\LRESORT.EXE in the Command

Line box. The PATHNAME describes the path to the
directory containing the Last Resort fiies . For examp le . if
you store Last Resort in a direc tory called "MYDIR''
which is located on the root directory of your C Dri ve,
you will probably enter C:\MYDIR\LRESORT.EXE.
Choose OK.

As a result. the keystroke text file may appear strange to you at

first. If you look closely, though, you will see pieces of yo ur
text. perhaps interspersed with unfamiliar characters.

Un usual
Keystroke File

Sorne of the unusual groups of characters may represent characters you type when making menu selections. For example.
when you exit a program in Windows you might pcess Alt-f-x.
The Alt will not appear in your keystroke file. but the fx
might. If you press Ctrl-F4 to close a window. neither
keysrroke will appear in your keystroke file.


Last Resort Users Manual

Chapter 2 Last Resort For Windows


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems
Now, you should have a Last Resort group anda Last
Resort icon.

ANSI Characters For Windows

When you choose the Show Backspace As option in the
Configuration Window, a drop down list activates. This list
displays the ANSI (American National Standards Institute)
characters for Windows, i.e., the characters you can substitute
for the backspace characters while working in Windows
applications. The numeric values beside the characters are
ANSI values for these particular characters when they are
displayed in Windows.
If you open the keystroke files with a DOS word-processor,
the characters you chose as replacements for backspace
characters may look different.

Windows environment (version) on the same personal

Yes. as long as you use Windows 3.0 or later. Run the installer in ali Windows environments to make sure that the
proper files are copied for each version of Windows. Also, be
sure to read the Running Last Resort section of this manual to
learn how to access Last Resort in each environment.
Will Last Resort for Windows save my keystrokes if I
enter DOS via the DOS Prompt?
No. Last Resort for Windows saves keystrokes only while you
are in Windows. A different version of Last Resort is
necessary for DOS.
Does Last Resort record the function keys?
No, Last Resort does not record function keys (F 1, F2, etc.), or
Ctrl, Alt. Ese. or delete keys. It does not record clicks of the
mouse. graphics (pictures), or cursor control keys (arrow
keys). It also does not record text or pictures that you paste
into your word processing documents.

Questions and Answers

Should I set the Perform Backspaces option or Show
Backspace As option?
You have to decide based on the way you type. If you make
lots of little mistakes, catch them while you are typing,
backspace over them, and type corrections. use the Perform
Backspaces option. If you click around documents and then
press the [Backspace] key severa! times to delete en tire sentences or paragraphs, use the Show Backspace As option.

May I stop doing regular backups of my hard disk?

No, please don't. Last Resort cannot help you if your hard
disk suffers a complete mechanical failure. Last Resort helps
you rebuild individual documents notan entire hard disk.

I use the Perform Backspaces option. Sorne text I typed is

missing from my keystroke text file. How can I recover it?
Before you panic, remember that the characters preceding the
backspaces are not actua!ly deleted until the keystroke file is
converted to text. This means that you can re-Configure Last
Res01t to Show Backspace As and then re-Retrieve Text to
File to recover your work. Please read the .. Perform
Backspaces/Show Backspace As .. and the Retrieve Text to
File" sections of this manual.
1 run more than one \Vindows version on the same
computer. Can Last Resort work in more than one


Last Resort User's Manual


Chapter 2 Last Resort Fer Windows


Vertisoft Systems

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS

About Last Resort for DOS
Last Resort is a program that maintains an on-disk backup of
keystrokes, to help you recover your work in case of a power
failure or other problem. Last Resort is installed as a memoryresident program (also called a TSR) that takes up 3 KB of
memory. This means that it runs invisibly in the background,
while you work with your regular software.

The Last Resort

Keystroke File


Last Resort stores ali your typing keystrokes in a disk file

called a recording file. You determine the size of this file as
part of the installation process. As you type, all your
keystrokes are kept in this file. When it fills up, Last Resort
automatically "wraps" around to begin storing at the start of
the file. replacing the o!dest text.
Function and cursor keys are not saved in the keystroke
recording file. It also will not contain pictures or text that you
paste into your documents. In other words, the recording file
will contain ali the text or characters that you type at the keyboard. When disaster strikes, such as a power failure when
you have not saved your work. you can use Last Resort to
copy your recent typing into a text file. You can then use this
file to recover work that otherwise would be lost, (the
recording file itself is in a special forrnat. so you should not try
to edit it.)
You can count on Last Resort even when other backups fail,
because it is always there. working in the background. saving
every word you type. However, it is NOT a substitute for
making normal backup copies of your important documems:
if your hard disk suffers a complete fai! ure, you will lose your
Last Resort file along with everything else on the disk.
Last Resort is a single program file. RESORT.EXE, that is
normally run from your startup file. AUTOEXEC.BAT. Once
Last Resort has been started. you can use program options to

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems
check on its status, or to copy the recording file to a text form
you can read and edit.


You will now be asked to select either an Automatic or

Guided installation.

Choosing Automatic causes the installation program to

install Last Resort on drive C: using Last Resort ' s default

Choosing a Guided installation lets you decide how and

where Last Resort is installed. Choose a guided
installation if you are installing to a floppy disk, on a
network. or in any other unusual configuration.

lnstalling Last Resort for DOS

We have provided an automatic installation program on the
Last Resort disk. We recommend that you use this automatic
option. However, if you prefer. you can have the installer
guide you through installation in a step-by-step manner.

To begin the installation of Last Resort far DOS,


Start your computer.


Insert the Last Resort diskette into the diskette drive.


Read the file named README.LR. It contains additional

notes and instructions. Use your word processor to view
this text file , or type at the DOS prompt:

The Last Resort program files are installed on Drive C: in

a subdirectory called \RESORT.


The keystroke recording file size is set to 40K.

When you are ready to begin the actual installation, type:

The keystroke recording file is stored in the \RESORT

directory .

The command to start Last Resort with these settings is

placed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.




If the Last Reson diskette is not in drive A:. substitute the

appropriate drive letter.

Press ~, to dismiss the introductory screen . The

next screen will appear as follows:
Th1s prog:::::-am w1 _ l

choose che


~he defa~lt



Resor:::. for you .

::f yo'....:


option, Last Resor: w~l : be i~sca: : ed

se:tings described - ~ ::.~e manual .

do not choose ::.h

aucomacic op:ion



tJil guide you through nsta-=._latior. .

:::~ w 11 move tr.e
Res rt :iles to a direc ory o: your c::oos:. ; , a.;-,_.j N-.:_::_..:._

igure che program to suit your needs .

lease press :he [Space bar]

a::.ion .
!~ you wish ~o i~sca
he 2scape key co quic the in






insta lation

[ Soace bar] for Guied nstallation

~s~ ~e leave :he inscal er


In an Automatic installation;

You will be asked if you use a mouse with your DOS

applications. (A mouse or joystick that you use only when
playing games does not count for the purposes of this
question. ) If you use a mouse, press I. Otherwise, press

Once the automatic installation is finished, you will see a

message instructing you to remove diskettes from the flopp y
disk drives and press S to restart your computer.

guided ins:al ~anually

aller .

Press :

'A ' : or

Automatic lnstallation

Last Resort User's Manual

After your system has been restarted. Last Resort \vil! begin
providing the security of recording your keystrokes. If you
chose an Autorrrntic installation of Last Resort, skip the next
section and go on to the section titled:

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

The file size you specify determines how much of your

work will be saved in the keystroke recording file. This
file is written in a circular manner. so the oldest
keystrokes are replaced as you type new text. When Last
Resort reaches the end of the keystroke file, it wraps
around and starts replacing the oldest keystrokes with the
newest. If you can afford the disk space. set a Large file
size to protect more of your work from disaster.

Guided lnstallation
In a guided installation you will be asked to supply a drive and
subdirectory as well as other operating parameters for Last
Resort. Press ~~.M_IL to select a Guided installation.

At the next screen, you wiil be asked to press ~ACEBAIL' to

accept C:\RESORT as the directory for Last Resort
installation orto type in a new drive and/or directory and
press ' ENTEIL .


The install program will now copy the Last Resort files to
the drive and directory specified.


At the next screen, you will be given the option of having

the installation program place an entry in your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file so that Last Resort is started
automatically each time you start your system, orto allow
you to make this modification yourse!f.

Last Resort works a little differentiy depending on

whether or not you ha ve a mouse or other pointing device.
These differences involve the way that Last Resort
handles the backspace key.

You will now be shown a summary of the options ch osen.

Press :Y to confirm these choices or press ~ to repeat the
selection process. Remember that you can change the
options selected here at any time later on. Press _ese to
quit the installation program without making any changes
to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.


The last step is to determine where in your

AUTOEXEC.BAT file to insert the RESORT command
line. You will see a window displaying the contents of
your current AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Use the Up or Down
arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the location
within your AUTOEXEC.BAT file where you want the
Last Resort TSR command to be inserted. Normally, it is
best to put it right at the start because the Last Resort
command should appear before any command that starts a
menu or shell program. Press Jl-Jm when you have
indicated the proper location.


You will now see a message instructing you to remove

diskettes from the floppy disk drives and press lE_ASEM<.c. to
restart your computer. As your computer restarts. be sure
that you see the Last Resort startup screen. It will be
similar to the one shown below:

Press ~ME_ to have the installation program modify

AUTOEXEC.BAT or ~ if you do not want the
installation program to make these changes.

At the next screen, you will be given the option of having

the Last Resort place its keystroke file in the same
directory as its program files, or in a directory that you
Press ~PACEB_t\L to have Last Resrt place its keystroke file
in the same directory as its program files. or type-in an
alternare directory name and press ENTER


You will now be asked to select certain options to

optimize Last Resort's operation. (These options can be
changed later.) Press .~r~cE~~ to continue.


Now specify the length of Last Resort' s keystroke file

determines how much keyed input is saved. Select a size
for this file, in kilobytes. If you are unsure of what to
en ter here, press . ENTER. and the default size of 40 KB will
be used.


Last Resort User's Manual

Next. you will be asked if you use a mouse for your DOS
applications. (A mouse or joystick that you use only
when playing games does not count for the purposes of
this question.) Press 1>1. if you use a mouse, otherwise.
press ~'

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

La st R50.tT l. O
Copyr ight 1991 Wo rki ng Soft.vare, Portions copyrig ht
Pete Maclean .

Creat ing C : \RESORT. KEY (only the tirst time after installation)
Openi ng e: \RESORT. KEY (whenever you run it after the first time)

?osicioning .
Recording .

Last Resort program, its location must be specified. This has

been included automatically if you used the insta!ler to add the
command to your A UTOEXEC.BAT file.
The IR switch tells Last Resort to load itself as a memoryresident program (TSR). If you type the RESORT command
without the IR, you will see severa! options which are
discussed later.

Using Last Resort Fer DOS

Once installed, Last Resort starts automatically every time you
turn on or restart your computer. When Last Resort starts you
will see:

The IS parameter allows you to specify the size. in kilobytes,

for the keystroke-recording file . IS= 100, for example, tells
Last Resort to allocate a file 100 KB in size. If you omit this
option then a default size of 40 KB is used.

Last Resort. :!.. . O

Copyr ight 1991 Working Sof:t,'lare,

Por:;:ions copyright

,. Pete Maclear:..

Creat ing C: \RESORT. KEY (only the first time after installation)
Opening C : \ RESORT. KEY (whenever you run it after the first time)

?osicion i ng .

Last Resort runs in the background while you work with your
other software. Yo u can forget it' s there - until you need it.

DOS Startup Options

Last Resort provides a number of command line options which

are detailed below. This section is provided for you use in
fine-tuning the operation of Last Resort, but is not required
reading for most users.

The command line in AUTOEXEC.BAT that starts Last

Resort is in this format:
d: \pa th \RESORT<pat hname> [ / R]

[ / S=nn] [/M]

The size that's best for you depends !argel y on how fast a typist you are. Except for the disk space used, it always helps to
use a big file - and the bigger it is the more safety margin
you have. The range of supported file sizes is l to 32,000 KB
(that's 32 megabytes). Sorne tips are given later on to help
you seiect a suitable file size.
The best way to decide if your keystroke file is the right size is
to check on it from time to time. You can use the "T ime of
Last Wrap" information (see "Checking the Status of Last
Resort" below). Or you can create a keystroke text file from
time to time, and review it to see how far back its informatio n
goes (see "Creating a Keystroke Text File" later in the
Note that. if you reduce the size of the file, part of your current
keystroke recording file will be lost the next time you restart
your computer. Before you restan, make a copy of the current
file, or use the /C option discussed later to create a text
version, if you want to avoid losing sorne information it
currently holds.

The d:'yxllh refers to a location on disk, with d: representing
the drive, and \path representing the directory. If you installed
Last Resort in C:\RESORT, the program files are on Drive C
in the directory named \RESORT, and this part of the
command line will read C:\RESORT\RESORT . To run the


Last Resort User's Manual

The /M option should be included if you ha ve a mouse and use

it to position the cursor when entering text. If you ha ve a
mouse but use it only, say, when playing garues, then you can
safely omit the option and are better off doing so.

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft S ystems:

Displaying Last Resort Status

Stopping DOS Last Resort

When you type RESORT 1ENTER i all by itself at the DOS

prompt, Last Resort (if it has been loaded in memory) displays
it current status and the version number . Here is a sample of
what you will see:

To stop Last Resort from recording keystrokes you must

remove the line starting d:\path\RESORT ... from your
AUTOEXEC.BAT and then restart the computer.

No other option is provided for unloading Last Resort from

memory. Since it's so small and should never get in the way,
we think that security is better served by not providing an
unload option. For the same reason, we provide no way to
disable keystroke recording except when you are entering a
password, as we'll see next.

Last Resort i -s-- loaded anci recording you::- .

1'eyscroke file : C : \RESORT\RESORT . KEY
File size is 100 kilobytes .
Time of last wrap :
11 : 23am 10-24-91
Please select an oocion :
Press ' A ' for iformation about loading Last Re~ort in
Press ' C' to copy che keystroke file in arder to retrieve
lost text
Press Enter to quit

Passwords and Security

The first line tells you that Last Resort is loaded and running.

The following two lines tell you the name of the recording
file and its size.

The fourth line indicates when the file last 'wrapped,''

that is, the time when Last Resort reached the end of the
allocated recording space and started writing over the
beginning of the file. By checking the wrap time once in
a while you can get an idea of how much work Last
Resort is saving at any one time. You may then want to
adjust the file size.

You will also be prompted to press:

- A to see a help screen
- C to copy the keystroke file to a DOS file
- ENTER, to exit back to the DOS prompt

Getting Help
To view a help screen for Last Resort. type;



Protecting Your

When you type a password. you normally terminare the line by

pressing JNTER If. instead. you hold down the Shift key while
pressing Jl'JTER , Last Resort suppresses recording of that line.
Thus if your password is CABOOSE. you would type:

The text will be passed through to application program exactly

as typed. but the infom1ation wi 11 not be recorded in the Last
Resort ke ystroke file.

Recovering Your Keystrokes

at the DOS prompt. you see a screen of help information

describing how to invoke Last Resort from the DOS command
line or from within a batch file such as AUTOEXEC.BA T.


Last Resort records whatever you type. including passwords

and confidential information. In general, if you have security
concerns. you should not leave Last Resort keystroke files
where other people can access them. You should treat Last
Resort s files as yo u would treat any other secure information
on your computer. However. you may occasionally need to
type a password that you don't want recorded. Last Resort
gives you a way to temporarily suppress keystroke recording
for any single line you type.

Last Resort User's Manual

Last Resort is designed to be there when you need it most.

such as when sorne mishap like a power failure wipes out your

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft S ystems

recent work. Even if other methods of recovery ha ve failed,

Last Resort can help you reconstruct a text document from the
contents of your keystroke files.

at the DOS prompt. A status screen will appear similar to the

one shown below:

The ease with which you will be able to recover text depends
on such things as how you type, how often you leave one
application or document and start on another, and how often
you jump to different parts of your document.
For example, if you create a document by typing from the beginning to the end of the document without backspaces, or
jumps to different places, then the Last Resort keystroke file
will look very much like the original document. However. a
document that was created over severa! days with text that is
coped into it from places other than the keyboard and with
extensive modifications made throughout the document will be
diffrcult to reconstruct.

Creating a Keystroke Text File

Last Resort records keystrokes in a special file named
RESORT.KEY. This file contains program formatting
information, and usually does not contain your keystrokes in
the order you typed them, since it is constantly being updated
in a "circular" manner. For these reasons, you should not try
to edit or read this file.
When you need to recover Iost text, you cause Last Resort to
copy the keystroke recording file into a plain text file that you
can review or edit. In the process of making this copy, Last
Resort "unwraps'' the saved text so that, instead of appearing
as a Iooped file with a "seam" somewhere in the middle, it
becomes a document containing your most recent keystrokes
in sequence. You can then use this file to recover lost work, as
discussed in a later section.
To create a keystroke text file which you can read and edit,

Press .,8 to copy the keystroke file. When prompted for a

filename, type the name you want for your keystroke text file,
for example:, SA VED.TXT. This will create a file called
SA VED.TXT that you can edit.

About The Keystroke Text File

Last Resort keystroke files will not usually Iook exactly like
the original documents that you created. For one thing, you
will see date and time information for each time you started up
your computer, or restarted it. In addition:

The keystroke files may not have recorded corrections

you made with the backspace (depending on whether you
specified the Mouse option when you installed - see

They will not contain formatting or pictures.

They will not contain text that was pasted into the

They will not contain function keys you have pressed.

They will contain incorrect text along with your


As a result, the keystroke text file may look pretty strange at

first. If you look closely, though, you will see pieces of your
text, perhaps interspersed with unfamiliar characters.
Sorne of the unusual groups of characters may represent characters you typed to make a selection from a menu. For ex-



Last rtesor is loaded and recording your ~eys t ~oKes .

Keystroke iie : C : \RESORT\RESORT . KEY
File size s 100 kilobyte s.
Ti me of l ast wrao : 11 : 23am 10-24 - 91
?lease s e le c t an ootion :
Press ' A ' far i~ f ormation about loading Last Resort in
Pr e ss ' C ' to copy the keystroke file in orde:::- to retrie,1e
lose cext
Press En t er to quic

Last Resort User's Manual

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft S ystems

ample, if your word processor requires the keystrokes AltF 10. S, Y, E to save and resume editing, you will see sye in tfie
keystroke file. The Alt-F lO is not recorded, but the Ietters or
numbers you type to make menu selections will appear in your

The Backspace Key

Another explanation for unusual looking text has to do with
the use of the backspace key. Exactly what Last Resort
records when you type a backspace depends on whether or not
you are using the Mouse option.
If you specified No Mouse when you installed, Last Resort
performs a backspace when you press the backspace key. So,
for example, if you make a correction like this:

With a little practice, you will see quckly how to fit together
the mist and ake, deleting the characters in between. to correct
the text.
NOTE - If you freque ntly use the backspace key to delete text
that you might change your rnind about later, be sure to enable
the Mouse option. T his way, even text deleted by backspacing
immediately after typing will be saved by Last Resort.

Using a Keystroke Text File

Once you have created a readable keystroke file, there are
severa! ways you can use it to recover your work:

A correctn McKsPcEion

TYPE <fi l e name>

Both your document and the Last Resort keystroke file show
the right text:

You can edit the fi le using your word processor. Open the
file as a plain text. or ASCII, document, if your word
processor has this option. You may then want to remove
irrelevant parts and store the useful portions as a new
document. Or you may be able to cut and paste the useful
sections into your original document(s). Or you may want
to print the useful portions of the file to help you
reconstruct your work.

You may want to keep a series of archive copies of your

keystroke files as a run ning record of your work. In this
case. you can use sequential filenames for the text
keystroke files you create, or include the date of each one
_as part of its filename.

the result in your original document wi ll appear as:

mis t ake

but the Last Resort keystroke file will show:

A mistke



Last Resort User's Manual


A mistke ~cKsP~ ~CKJPce_ ake


(The 1is the vertical bar character.) For <fiiename>,

substitute the name of the keystroke text file you created
in the previous section. The file will be displayed one
screen ata time. with the word MORE at the bottom.
Press Enter when you want to view the next screen, or
press Ctrl-C to stop displaying the file. Reviewing the
contents of the keystroke file al!ows you to see what you
have done previously and decide how to use the file.

A correction
However. if you chose the Mouse option when you installed, a
different rule applies. Last Resort has no way of knowing
whether you have used the mouse to move the cursor before
you press the Backspace key, and so it can't know just what
correction you are making. For that reason. it stores the
backspace as a character. For example, if you typed the
following into your document:

You can view the contents of the file using the command:

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft S ystems

Hints & Tips

Editor) that includes the name of this batch file, and creare an
icon far it. Then you can create the keystroke text file and
view it in your word processor by double clicking the icon.

Microsoft Windows & Last Resort DOS Version

Last Resort DOS is compatible with Microsoft Windows, but
it does not save keystrokes that are typed into Windows
applications. It does save keystrokes that are typed into DOS
applications running in Windows.
When you run "remate-control" programs such as Carbon
Copy, CO/SESSION, TakeOver and pcAnywhere, you may
find that Last Resort does not record your keystrokes. These
programs, of necessity, take over the PC ata very low level
and short-circuit the trap that Last Resort uses to intercept
We could make Last Resort work with such programs. but it
would have to be considerably bigger and more cumbersome.
We decided the best compromise was to provide a utility that
is very small and unobtrusive .

Batch File Text Retrieval

Here' s a batch file yo u can use to create a keystroke text file
and retrieve it with your word processor. This batch file uses
the command Iine argument IC=<filename> to create a text
Our example assumes you start your word processor with the
command WP; substitute whatever is appropriate for you.

e cho off
cl s
\d : \pa t h \RESORT / c=\d : \path \ <filename>
wp \d : \ p ath\< fi lename>
Create this file as a plain text (unformatted) file with your
word processor. Store it with a name such as LRTXT.BAT in
your root directory or DOS directory.
Then you type LRTRXT at the DOS command line to create a
keystroke text file and retr.ieve it for review or printing. If you
are a Windows user, you can create a .PIF file (using the PIF


Last Resort User's Manual

HINT: Y cu may be able to simplify the commands somewhat.

If your Last Resort directory is included in your_P A TH
statement, and you are willing to have the text file created in
your root directory, you can rewrite the third line to re ad:


/ c = \ < f il e narne >

ANOTHER HINT: if you replace <filename> both places

where it appears in the batch file wi th % l , yo u can create
different text files. Run the batch file by typing:
LRTXT <filename>. You can then use a different text
filename each time you use the batch file.

If you frequem!y use the backspace key to delete text that you
might change your mind about later. be sure to enable the
Mouse option during installation. This way, even text deleted
by backspacing immediately after typing will be saved by Last

Network Disk Usage

You may install the Last Resort program (RESORT.EXE) o n a
network, provided you have purchased a license for each
workstation that might load it.
You can install the keystroke file on a network drive , if necessary, although performance will be better if you store it on a
local dri ve. If you do place keystroke files on a network drive,
ali users must place their file in a different di rectory and, of
course, they ali must have write permission for their directory.
The IBM PC LAN program creates an AUTOUSER.B A T file
in addition to AUTOEXEC.BAT. T he Last Resort command
will be placed in A UTOUSER.BAT, if one exists. rather than

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft S ystems

Questions and Answers

Keystrokes are sent to the disk whenever you type Retum or

Enter with at 1east 20 characters waiting in memory, or when
80 characters are waiting in memory.

When 1 look at Last Resort's keystroke recording file, 1 see

strange characters, and the text is not in chronological
Y ou are viewing the raw data file kept by Last Resort. U se the
command RESORT /c=<filell.ame> to create a text version of
this file in chronological order. Then view or edit that file.
See the section "Recovering From Disaster."
How come there are no pictures in my Last Resort
keystroke file?
Last Resort only' saves characters that you type on the keyboard. Last Resort also does not save text that is copied into a
May 1 stop doing regular backups?
No. Last Resort will not help you if your hard disk fails. Last
Resort is for use as a last resort for rebuilding text documents.
Is Last Resort compl!tible with all hardware and software?
We have tested Last Resort extensively, although it is not
possible to test it with every combination of hardware and
software. We have found no incompatibilities other than those
limitations discussed earlier.

Last Resort Error Messages

Last Resort checks carefully for error conditions to increase
reliability. If it detects an error Last Resort will display one of
the following error messages:
IC option must be followed by "=<filename>
This appears if the program is run with /C and no filename.

Dupiicate pathname argument

This appears if you include more than one pathname
lnvalid option
You wi!l see this if an invalid option appears on the command
line, such as "/X".
!C is valid only when Last Resort is resident
This means you must load Last Resort as a TSR (resident)
program before you can create a text file of saved keystrokes .

Cannot access this path

You probably typed the pathname incorrectly. Check it and
try again.

Will Last Resort work with databases?

Yes. Last Resort works with databases. Ali the keystrokes are
recorded, but the inforrnation will not be in database format. It
may be necessary t print the relevant portions of the Last
Resort text file , and use it to retype the data in the database

This program requires at least version 3.0 of DOS

To see what version of DOS is running. type the command
VER ENTER . at the DOS prompt.

What happens if my disk fills up?

When Last Resort is started, it creates a file of the size you
specified, and the file never grows or shrinks. Last Resort will
not fill up your disk.

Bad syntax on file-size option

The IS argument must indicate the size you want in kilobytes
for the keystroke recording file . For example. 15=60 indicares
a 60K file.

How often are keystrokes moved onto the disk from


A file size of O is not acceptable

You would see this only if the command line included "/S=O" .
Arrggh! Cannot locate DOS Critica! Error Flag


Last Resort User's Manual

Chapter 3 Last Resort For DOS


Verti-soft S ysterns

Vertisoft Systerns
This outburst would only appear with sorne unusual version of

Error opening .
Error reading . . .
Error writing . . .
These occur either upon initialization of the keystroke file or
on copying it. The messages continue with details of the error.

ANSI - (pronounced "ANN-see"), is short for American
National S.tandards Institute. It provides the standard numerical way of referring to particuiar characters you see displayed
in Windows. See the "ANSI Characters For Windows" section for more information about ANSI characters and how they
differ from DOS to Windows.
Argument - Nota verbal duel, but a piece of information or
a setting that you specify as part of a program command; also
called a parameter. Thus, when you type RESORT /? the !? is
considered an argument.
ASCII - A system of codes that represent characters. An
ASCII file is a plain text file that includes no formatting or
other encoded information. The Last Resort keystroke text file
is a plain ASCII file.
AUTOEXEC.BAT - The startup file on your PC that runs automatically whenever you turn on or restart the computer.
This rnight contain a PA TH command which tells DOS and
Windows which directories to search when looking for certain
files and commands. (See also PATH.)
Command line - A line that you type at the DOS prompt to
run a program or perform sorne other function. The DOS
prompt usually shows the disk drive followed by an arrow, or
sornetimes by the name of the current subdirectory, like this:
C> or this: C:\RESORT>.
Directory - A location on a disk (or other storage mediurn)
that can contain files. A directory that is within another directory is called a subdirectory.
Document - Whatever you create wirh an application program -informarion you enter. modify. view, or save. See also

File - Any collection of information stored on a disk under a

filename. Application prograrhs and documents are examp!es


Last Resort User' s Manual



Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

of files . You make a file when you create text or graphics,

give the material a name, and save it to disk. The term file is
often used as a synonym for document.


Keystroke recording file - The program file used by Last

Resort to store your keystrokes. It contains sorne program

information, and is written in a "circular" manner, with new
text stored at the beginning once the file has filled up.

Keystroke Text File - Windows - A plain text (ASCII) file

Last Resort creates from the LRESORT.BIN file when you
choose the Retrieve Text to File option from the Last Resort
program window.
Keystroke Text File - DOS - A file you create from the
keysrroke recording file using the /C form of the RESORT
command. This is a plain text file you can read or print with
your word processor.

Kilobyte (also K or KB) - Just over 1,000 bytes (1024 bytes).

A byte is a basic unit on computers, and corresponds roughly
to one typed character in a text file. Disk capacity is specified
in kilobytes or megabytes (MB). (One megabyte is 1024

PATH - Also pathname. A complete description of a disk

location. including subdirectories. if any. For example:
C:\WINDOWS\LRESORT. This specifies Drive C , in directory called \LRESORT that is a subdirectory of \WINDOWS.
The AUTOEXEC.BAT file can contain a PATH command
that searches certain directories far program (.EXE) files.
Plain text -Another name for an ASCII file (see above).

Storage File - The program file (LRESORT.BIN) used by

Last Resort to store your keystrokes. Do not open or edit this
file with a word-processor because doing so can damage it.


A TSR is a program that is loaded into memory and

then terminates, but remains active in the background (TSR
stands for "terminare and stay resident"). Last Resort is a


Last Resort Users Manual

9. 14. 15
About Last Resort - Windows
Advanced Configuration Window - Windows
Advanced Configuration - Windows
Auto save every
Keystroke Buffer Size
Advanced Options - Windows
12. 18. 39
Arrow Keys - Windows
Auto save every - Windows
6. 8. 10. 14 . 16
Autoload - W indows
Automatic Installation - DOS

Batch file text retrieval

Clase Last Resort - Windows
Configuration Window - Windows
Configuring Last Resort - Windows
Control Panel - W indows
Customer Support
DOS Programs in Windows Yersion

Error Messages - DOS


31, 32, 35

8, 18
7, 13
5, 6. 7, 10. 14





Vertisoft Systems

Vertisoft Systems

Full disks
Function Keys - Windows

3, 16, 19

Guided Installation - DOS


Hard Disk Backups
Hardware Requirements - Windows
Help screen - DOS
Help - Windows
Hide Icon - Windows

3, 19,36
6, 7, 10

Icon - Windows


Keystroke Buffer Size - Windows
Keystroke File - DOS
Keystroke Recording File - DOS
Keystroke Text File - DOS
Suggestions for Using
Keystroke Text File - Windows

.n, _ _ __

Last Resort
Program directory
Last Resort DOS
Compatibility with other software
Using with Windows
Last Resort Icon - Windows
License Agreement

6, 7, 10, 14
1, 3, 9. 11, 13, 15, 40

Mouse (installation option - DOS)

27, 32

Network disk usage



Options - DOS
Options - Windows


21. 30. 36


31. 32
30, 31

12, 15, 16. 18. 40

Last Resort User's Manual

Palm Tree Icon - Windows

Pasted Text - Windows
Pause Last Resort - Windows
Perform Backspaces - Windows
Missing Text
Product Registration
Product Replacement
Program Manager Group - Windows
Program Manager lcon - Windows
Program Window



10. 14

3, 16, 19
5, 26,40
11. 18
11. 18
3, 19. 31. 36

6. 7. l

14. l 7



--Vertisoft S ystems

Vertisoft S ystems

Quick Start

Version Number

--. -



Recovering Text
Removing Last Resort from memory - DOS
Retrieve Text to File - Windows



Windows 3.0 vs. later versions
Wrap - Windows



5. 14, 18
3, 9, 15

Settings - DOS
Settings - Windows
Show Backspace As - Windows
Startup options - DOS
Status screen - DOS
Status - Windows
Stopping Last Resort - DOS
Storage File Size - Windows
System Requirements


11. 12, 16, 18


3, 9, 15

Table of Contents
Task List - Windows
Technical Support
Time & Date Stamp - Windows
Time of Last Wrap - Windows

7. 10


UnPause Last Resort- Windows
Using Last Resort - Windows



Last Resort User's Manual



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