1991 - SuperStor User's Manual

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AddStor /ne
3905 Bohannon Orive
Menlo Park , CA 94025
Tel: 415-688-0465

::% '.


AddStor docs not warranty that the Program, or its functions, will meet your n:quin:ments or thc
operation o{ the Progiam will be unintenupted or error-free. The cntin: risk as to lhc use, quality and
pcormance o{ the Progiam is with you.








Other products mentioncd in this document may be trademarks of their respective

companies and have been used for identification purposes only.






Ali Rights Reserved

P/N 100000-01 Rev A


Howevei; AddStordoes wanant that the diskette(s) on which the Progiam is fumished will be f rcc f rom
defects in materials and woriatla.Mhip under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from thc date
of delivery toyou as cvidcnccd by a copy of your :-~"'acc. AddStor's entin: liability and yourcxclusivc
n:mcdy as to the diskette(s)(which is subject toyou n:tuming the diskette(s)toAddStororan authorizcd
dcalerwith ac~ ofyourrcceipt)will bethe n:placementthediskette(s)or; if AddStororthe dcaler
is unablc to deliver a n:placemcnt diskette, the rcfund oC thc pun:hase price and tennination o{ this



SupcrStor and AddStor are trademarks of AddStor Inc.

Copyright 1991 AddStor Incorporated



GENERAL: This agrcemcnt shall be govemed by thc laws of thc State o{ California. This agrcemcnt
represcnts ourcntin: undeistanding and agrecmcnt n:ganl:ing thc Program, Progiam c.opies and Rclatcd
Materials and supetSCdes any priorpun:hasc oroei; advcrtising, communications or n:pn:scntations, oral
orwritten. If any provision, orportion thcn:of, o{ this agrccmcnt shall be found to be unlawful, void or
for any n:ason unenfon:cable, it shall be scven:d from, and shall in no WiI'f affect the validity or
enfon:cability of, the n:maining provisions of this agrcemcnL
Rclatcd Materials an: provided with RI31RICIED RIGHTS. ie, duplicarion, or disclosun: by thc
Govemment is subject to n:strictions as set forth in subdivision (e Xl Xii) of the Rights in Technical Data
and Computer Softwan: Oause at 48 CFR 252.227-7013. Thc Contractor/Manufactun:r is AddStoc

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Chapter One - Quick Start


AddStor reserves the right to makc pcriodic chaoges, enhanc.ements, revisions and
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alterations of any kind to the software andlor usas' manual without any prior notice :~:.-::: .... J.
to any person, institution, or organization.


Table of Contents

Installation Procedure . . . . . . .
Preparing Fer SupezSt<r Installation . . . . . .
Installing TheSupezStor Software .......
Compressing Your Orives . . . . . . . . ... .
Preparing A Hard Disk Fer Comp:ession . . . . . . .



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Chapter Two - Introduction

What Is SupezStor? .. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Benefits Of SupeiStor . . . . . . .
Increased Disk Capacity . . . . . . .
No Change In The Way You Work . . . . . . . .
No Additional Hardware Required . . . . . .
Flexible Configuration Options . . . . . . .
Expected Comp-cs.sion Using SupeiStor
Specifications . . . . . . . .
System Requirements . . . . . .
IJardware . . . . . . . .
Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
SuperStor Specificatioos . . . . . .


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What Is lncluded . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Chapter Three - Getting Started





Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing Fer SuperStor Installation
Installing The SupezStor Software .
The SuperStor Data Compression System












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Chapter Four - SuperStor Utilities

Running The SuperStor Utility Program . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing A Hard Disk For Compression . . . . . . . . . . .
Prepare Existing Hard Orive . . . . . . . . .
Creating A Mountable Orive . . . . . . . . . . . .
Creating A Compressed Aoppy . . . . . . . . . .
SuperStor Reserved File Names . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mounting A "Mountable" Disk File . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mounting A "Mountable" file Using SSTOR . . . . .
Mounting A "Mountable" File Using MOUNf . . .
Dismounting A Mounted "Mountable" Disk file . . . .
Dismounting A "Mountable" file Using SSlOR . . . .
Dismounting AMountable File Using DISMOUNf . .
Removing ASuperStor Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Displaying Compressed Disk Statistics . . . . . . . . .

Chapter Five - Using Your Superstor Disk

Using Your SuperStor Hard Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Fixed Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Mounl2.ble Files As Orives . . . . . . . . . . . . .
When Would You Want To Use A Mountable Orive? . .
Using Multiple Mountable Orives . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mountable Files and AUfOEXF.C.BAT . . . . . . . . . . .
Using The Mount Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Mount And Dismount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Adding ANew Hard Disk Orive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Your SuperStor floppy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using SuperStor Compressed Aoppies .. . . ... . . . . .
Backing Up Compressed Partitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Using Backup Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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Chapter Six - Compatibility Issues


Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Using SuperStor With Disk Utility Programs . . . . . . . . 35
Loading The SuperStor Driver In High Memory . . . . . . 35
Using SuperStorwith Memory ManagCIS . 36
Using SuperStor On ANetwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Booting Your System From A Aoppy Disk . . . . . . . . . 36
Using S uperStor With WD-7000 FASST . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using SuperStor With Hardcards . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using SuperStor With Cache Programs . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Using SuperStor With PC Tools Deluxe . . . . . . . . . 37
Using SuperStor With Norton Utilities . . . . . . 38
Compatibility Between Operating Systems . . . . . . . 38
Using SuperStor With DR DOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Using SuperStor With Canpaq DOS 3.31 . . . . . . . 38
Using SuperStor With MS DOS 3.X . . . . . . . 38
Using SuperStor With MS DOS 4.01 . . . . . . . 39
Using SuperStor With RAM Disks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Using SuperSt<r With Bemoulli Orives . . . . . . . . 39
Using SuperStor With Wmdows . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Using SuperSt<r with Program Managers . . . . . 40
Sorne Technical InformationAbout SuperStor . . . . . . . . . . 40
What Happens When Data Doesn't Compress? . . . . . . 40
What Happem At Tbe End Of The Logical Disk? . . . . . . 41
What Happens At The End Of The Physical Disk? . . . . . . 41

Chapter Seven - Performance Issues

What Affects Perlormance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Through-put . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Configuration .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guidelines For Achieving Highest Performance . . . . . . . . .
Keep Temporary Directories Uncompressed . . . . . . . . .
Leave Files Which Are Not Accessed Often Compressed . .
Partitioning Your System for Performance . . . . . . . . . .
Small DOS Partition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Large Application Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




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Appendix A - The SuperStor Driver




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The Block Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

The Character J)ri.ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

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A ppendix B - Bootable SuperStor Disks

Bootable Partition Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Making A Bootable Partition . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

Appendix C - Preparing SuperStor Floppies

SuperStor Floppies. . .
Preparing ASuperStor FloWY
Preparing A Mountable Floppy
Preparing A Bootable Floppy .





















The Quick Start chapter takes you through the stepi needed to install
SuperStor and convert the "F.xisting" drives on your system to SuperStor compressed drives. Chapter Three - "Getting Started" and ~
ter Four- "SuperStor Utilities" exiain otherways to aeate SuperStor
"F.xisting" and "Mountable" compressed distes. You may want to read
these chapters befare proceeding.


Appendix D- Glossary


A ppendix E - Technical Support



lnstallation Procedure
Installing SuperS tor on your computer is a simple process.

The three main step.s in the installation process are:

- . .::1;.


Prepare your computer system


Install the SuperStor software


Prepare individual disk drives for compression



I ~

Preparing For SuperStor lnstallation

The following stepi should be taken befare installing SuperStor on

your computer:




Picase take time toread the Software License Agreement on

the diskette envelope and compete the Warranty Registration Card




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Backup all important data on the disk drivesyou ioteod

to compress with SuperStor. Cooverting your disk data
to compressed data involves altering the structure of
portioos oC your disk drive. While this process has beeo
made 88 safe 88 possible, a disk or power failure during
critical portioos of the cooversion could result in the loss



The installation program will then ask if you would like to select ..
AUfOMATIC or MANUAL installation. Select tbe AlJfOMATIC Installation.


After the SuperStor Software has been installed, your computec needs
to be restarted (Booted) so that the SuperStor device drivec is enabled
by DOS. The Restart option will automatically reboot the computer.

Before you install SuperStor read Chapter Six, "Compatibility Issues", to leam about special conditions which
may be aJ>Picable to your installation.

H you have any copy protected software on a chive you

intend to repare as a SuperStor chive, remove the software
and re-install it after preparing your SuperStor drive.


Verify the integrity of'your computer system. In order to

successfully install SuperStor, the internal structures of your
hard disk must be consistent. To verify the structure of your
disk, enter the DOS command

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NOTE: Some Computers have trouble with a

"Software Initiated _
Restart" sequence. H your computer does not respond after the Restart option is
selected, turn off your computer systeni and power it
back OO.

Compressing Your Orives

To begin ccmressing your chive(s) activate the SuperStor Utility program by ty:ing

CHKDSK d: [enter]
SSTOR [enter}
where d: is the letter of the drive you wish to verify. H any
errors are reported, they must be corrected before you can
comress data using SuperStor. 'Consult your DOS manual
for information on correcting errors found by CHKDSK.

You must exit any operating environment (e.g. Windows, DESQView, Software Carousel, etc) before installing or running SuperStor. Once SuperStor is installed
and your drives have been prepared you may reenter your
operating environment and use your disks just like you did
before installing SuperStor.

at the DOS command p:ompt.

NOTE: Read Chapter Six, "Compatibility Issues'',
and Appendix A, " The SuperStor Driver", before
preparing an existing drive. These chapters provide
important information about configuring systems
using SuperStor.



lnstalling The SuperStor Software

To install the SuperStor Software, insert your SuperStor Distribution
Disk in a floppy disk drive (usually drive A:) andstart the installation
program by typing the following command:

...... . . . .

:..:...:-............- .-

Preparing A Hard Disk For Compression

The following procedure will convert an "Existing" partition to a SuperStor Compressed Partition.
Hint:: If you Plan to convert more than one partition
while preparing your system. Convert ali of your partitions (converting your Bootable drive C last) then
reboot your computer.

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Select lhe PREPAREoplioo in the Supe<Stor Utilily pro-

gram. Press the enter key.



Select the Prepare Existing optioo and press the enter key.


Select the Orive letter to convert and press the enter key.


Answerthequestion "Convert Existing Files to Compressed

Files?" "Y" and press the enter key.


.:_. . '.. !.

Select Standard disk type. Press the enter key and watch
as SuperStor defragineots and compresses the files in the

Repeat the above step; till you have converted all of your partitions.
When ali partitions have been converted exit the SuperStor utilities and
reboot your computei:

The SuperStor installatioo and conversion process is compete.



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What Is SuperStor?
Imagine being able to dooble or tripe the capacity 'of your hard disk by
simply installing a software xogram and then forgetting all about iL
You have just imagined SuperStor. SupeiStor is an easy to use
software system that compresses data for more efficient storage oo hard
and floppy disks. Ooce SuperStor is installed oo your system, no additional step; are required to c:njoy the convenience of owning a hard
disk with greatly ccpanded capacity.

Benefits Of SuperStor
Increased Disk Capacity
SuperStor's advanced data compressioo and disk space management
techniques allow you to significandy increase your current disk drive
capacity. Depending oo the type of files oo your computer, you can expect to increase your ament disk capacity L5 to 3 times. Specialized
applications with highly ccmpressiole data can achieve an increase in
capacity a'i much as 8 times.

No Change In The Way You Work

You use SupaStor compressed chives just like you used the drive
before installing SuperStoi: When you use SuperStor your data is automatically compressed when you write to the drive and decompressed
when you read from the chive. Compression and decompression har
pens in real-time with no intervention on your part.


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No Additional Hardware-Required
Since SuperStor does not require any additional hardware, you save
valuable expansion slots, and you don't have to disassemble your computer for installation.
Installing SuperStor does not require you to know anything about
jumpers, switches, or hardware intenupts. 1e installatioo process is
very easy.

Flexible Configuration Options

SuperStor offers the most flexible configuration options of any data
comJX"CSSion product available today. You can compress your entire
disk, or any portion of it, to maximize ease of use, com:ression efficiency and system performance.

System Requirements
In order to iostall and use SuperStor on your computer system you will
need the following:

IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 or 100% compatible
8086, 8088, 80286, 80386DX, 80386SSX, 80486 processors
640KB system memory
Mnimum of 512KB available memory far SSTOR, INSTAIL
At least one 5.25 or 3.5 inch floppy drive
A hard disk is highly recommended, but riot required

Expected Compression Using SuperStor

The exact amount of compression you achieve will depend on the data
in the files you store on your computer. Files which use a limited numbec of cbaracters or which contain repeated sequences of charactei-s
will compress better than those which contain purely random data.
Some typical COIDJX"CSSion ratios are:





Maximum number of SuperStor Partitions

Maximum Partitioo Size


MS DOS 3.2 or later, 4.x or compatible operating system

The resident device driver requires a mnimum of 32K bytes of
RAM. See Appendix A: The Block Driver for more detailed informatioo.



Executable Program files

Word Processing files
Data Base files
Spread Sheet files
Video Image files

- ----- ------------ ---,.


Mnimum Recommended Partition Size




Mnimum required free space to convert fixed partition


In addition to compressing the data in your files, SuperStor's file

management techniques can save space on your disk because space is
reserved in sector units (usually 512 byte) while a standard DOS disk
reserves space in 2048 to 4096 byte units. This meaos that on files that
are less than 512 bytes long SuperStorwill use 4 to 8 times less space
on your disk, regardless of the data in the file.


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What Is lncluded


In your SuperStor package you should have received:

User's Manual
Registration card
License agreement envelope containing
1 5.25 inch software disks
1 3.5 inch software disk

Chapter Three

Both 5.25 and 35 inch versions of the SuperStor software are included
in your package. The following files should be present in the software.

Installing SuperStor on your computer is a simple process.
The three main step; in the installatioo process are:
l. Prepare your computer system
2. Install theSuperStor software
3. Prepare individual disk drives for compression

If your package is missing any of these items picase cootact an Add.Stor

customer service represer:.;.:ative.

Preparing For SuperStor Installation


The following step; should be taken before installing SuperStor on

your computer.


Picase take time to read the Software License Agreement on the

diskette envelope and compete the Warranty Registration Caed By
retuming the Warranty Registration Card, you will be entitled to
AddStor telephone ~istance, and will be informed about future
product uwades.

Backup ali important data on the disk drives you intend to

compress with SuperStor. Converting your disk data to compressed data involves altering the structure of portions of your
disk drive. While this process has been made as safe as possible,
a disk or power failure during critica( portions ofthe conversion
__ ..
process could result in a loss of data.






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Before you install SuperStor read Cbapter Six, "Compatibility Issues", to leam about special conditions which may be applicable to
your installation.
If you have any copy protected software on a drive you intend to
prepare as a SuperStor drive, remove the software and re-install it
after preparing your SuperStor drive.

Verify the integrity of your computer system. In order to successfully

install SuperStor, the interna! structures of your hard cfisk must be
consistent To verify the structure of your disk, enter the DOS
CHKDSK d: [enter]




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You must exit any operating environment (e.g. Windows,

DESQView, Software Carousel, etc) before installing or running
SuperStor. Once SuperStor is installed and your drives have been
prepared you may reenter your opezating environment and use your
disks just like you did before installing SuperStor.


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Most users will select the AUfOMATIC installation. However, if you



want to be able to specify the name of the directory to contain the

SuperStor software orto control the changes to the system startup files,
select MANUAL installation. If you choose the MANUAL installation
option, please read Appendix A for infonnation on the system startup
file requirements.

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-:, _..:

where d: is the letter of the drive you wish to verify. If any errors are
reported they must be corrected before you can compress data using
SuperStot. Consult your DOS manual for infonnation on correcting
errors found by CHKDSK.

- - . ~ - .... -- ..... -

The installation program will then ask if you would like to select
AUfOMATIC or MANUAL installation. The AUfOMATIC installation will create a directory on your hard drive and then copy al1 of the
SuperStor software into that directory. Then the system startup files
will be modified, so that SuperStor is correctly installed each time you
tum on your computer.

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After the SuperStor Software has been installed, your computer needs
to be restarted (booted) so that the SuperStor device driver is enabled
by DOS. There are two optioos on the Exit menu. Tbe RESTARI' option will automatically reboot the computer. If the EXlT o(Xion is
selected the program ex:its to the D0.5 promt. If the EXlT option is
selected the user must manually reboot the comxiter in order to activate the SuperStor drivet.
NOTE: Some Computers have trouble with a
"Software Initiated Restart" sequence. If your computer does not respond after the Restart option is
selected, turn off your computer system and power it
back on.




~ !


lnstalling The SuperStor Software

To install the SuperStor Software, insert your SuperStor Disk in a flor
py disk drive (usually drive A:) and start the installation program by
typing the following command:
If you are installing from a floppy drive other than drive A, then sub-stitute that drive letter in the INSTALL command Any floppy drive
will do.




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NOTE: A copy of the original CONFIG.SYS and

AUfOEXF.C.BAT are placed in the C:V\DDSTOR
directory. They are named CONFlG.OLD and
The next step in the insta!! rocess is to run the SSTOR utility pugram.
Before going on to this step it is necessary to understand how the SuperStor data compression system works.

The SuperStor Data Compression System

SuperStor offers the option of com:ressing an entire disk ora portion
of one. You can convert the entire disk, or one oi"inore of your existing









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disk partitions (such as drive C or D) to a compressed drive. This type

of compressed drive is referred to as a "Fixed Partitionn. When you
comxess only part of a disk, a portioo of an existing uncompressed


- --- -- --





..,. ,..




can run the SuperStor Utilities at any time to convert uncompressed

partitions to Supe:Stor disks.




2 Times Size Difference



.:.:-::. :. :

Befare Prepare

After Prepare Existing
Fixed Partitions.

Mountable File 2
mounted as chive E:

drive is set .mde as a file. The compressed disk file can then be installed or "Mounted" as a new drive. Tbis type of compressed drive is
referred to as a "Mountable Partition".
Using "F"ixed" partitions is the simplest way to begin compressing data
on your system. If you prepare your entire disk as "Fixecf partitions,
all existing files on your disk are automatically converted into compressed format, and you use your disk exactly as you did prior to installing Supe:Stor.
Because some files compress more than others, some users will want to
comress a portian of their disk space while leaving sorne of their disk
un-compressed. This can easily be done by :reparing selected existing
drives as "F'ixed" compressed partitions, or by :reparing one or more
"Mountable" partitions.

After Prepare "Mountable"

Mountable File 1
Mounted as drive D:

Mountable Partitions

If you are an experienced computer user and wish to configure your

system to obtain maximum performance, it is recommended that you
first read Cha:ter Seven, "Performance Issues". If you are not comfortable with the technical details of compiter operations, it is recommended that you follow the instructions in Chapter Four to prepare
existing partitioos for compression. In either case, it is not necessaiy to
all your ...existing
as SupaStor
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Chapter Four



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Running The SuperStor Utility Prgram




The SuperStor Utility program is a collection of routines to aid you in

managing your compressed disk. Start the pugram by typing

SSTOR [enter)
at the DOS OODm111d xompt
WARNING: You must exit any operating envirooment (e.g. Windows, DESQView, Software
Carousel, etc) before running SuperStor. Once

~ ;




, .


SuperStor your drives have been prepared and

mounted you may reenter your operaring environment
and use your csks just like you did before installing
The main Menu of the SupaStor Utility pugram allows you to select
one of the following functions.

Prepare. Formats and initializes a compressed "Mountable"

or "fixecf' partitioo.

Mount. Mounts ''Mountable" partition.

Dismount. Dismounts "Mountable" partition.
Remove. Deletes SuperStor chive.




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Statistics. Displays statistics about SuperStor Orives.


Help (Fl). Displays on-line Help about a selected item.


Exit (ESC). Retums you to DOS.

The following keys are used to communicate with the SupeiStor program:

; ;;~t.:


::" :~
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Arrow keys. Use the arrow keys to select from a list of

choices presented in menu and selection boxes.
Enter key. Press the enter key to execute the currently
selected list choice or to end other p:ogram data inpuL
Escape Key. Press the escape key when you are p-ompted for
input and decide that you do not wish to continue. The Escape key is also used to retum from a menu to the previous

Fl Key. Press the F1 key to obtain)lelp on selected operations.

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Preparing A Hard Disk For Compression

To xepare a drive for use as a compressed drive, select the PREPARE
option in the SuperStor Utility program. Next you will be asked to
select the type of compressed drive you wish to prepare. The choices


.I ,

If you are unsure which option to choa;e, you will p-obably want to
prepare an existing hard drive. Select the desired option and press the
NOTE: Read Chapter Six, "Compatibility Issues'',
before preparing an existing drive._



. - -~

_ _...,.._

Prepare Existing Hard Drive

If you choose to prepare an existing hard drive, the SuperStor Utility
program will convert the existing, uncompressed partition of your
choice (for example, drive Cor chive D) to a SupeStor compressed partition. After converting an existing chive to a SuperStor chive using
this option, you will use the drive exactly as you did beforc installing
SuperStor. The only difference is that every time data is written to the
drive, it is automatically comressed by the SuperStor software and
every time data is read from the drive it is automatically decompressed.
If there is more than one hard drive partition on your system, the SupecStor Utility program will ask you to select the drive you want to coovert to a compressed partition. The available drives will be listed for
you to select using the arrow keys on your keyboard. You may choose
any drive listed.

After you have selected the drive to prepare with the arrow keys on
your keyboard, press the enter key to begin the convasion to a SuperStor drive.
Before the SuperStor Utility program can format your compressed disk,
it must estima.te how much data will fit on the disk. The infonnation
entered at this step is used to set Ede space for the disk' s root directOI)' and File Allocation Table. Unless you know your data is more compressible than 2:1 select the Standard option. If you know your data is
more compressible than 2:1 you should select Special Purpose. Selecting Special Purpose allows you to specify your expected compression
ratio. It tells the Prepare function to allocate more space for directories
and FATs. The compression ratio selected is an upper limit for the
combined comression ratio of ali the files on a SuperStor disk. The
compression ratio for individual files is determined by the data in the
file and can compress up to 8:1 regarclless of the comression ratio
entered here. If you choose too large a compression ratio more disk
space is reserved for DOS than is needed. Unless you plan to use the
SupeStor disk exclusively for data which you know is highly compressible, selecta 2:1 (Standard) compression ratio.
The SuperStor drive preparation p:ogram will now convert the chive
you selected to a compressed drive. If there are no existing files cm the
drive, the conve.rsion process will be competed in a few seconds. If,
however, you chose to convert existing files, the SuperStor program


.. ~- ---- . - ---

.,.._,.__,-~.;..:~~- --~~

.-- .


. ..


will verify the structure of the selected disk, defragment ali existing
files and convert existing data into compressed format. Depending on
the amount of data on the drive you are c:onverting and the speed of.
your computer, this process will take from a few seconds to several
minutes. The completion bars in the cisplay information area indicate
how close to completion each operntioo is.
WARNING: It Is not posslhle to lnterrupt tht program during the conversioo. Aborting the conversion by rebootlng or tumlng off power to your
computer can cause a loss of data on the drive
being cooverted.
NOTE: The conversion pocess requires a minimum
of lM bytes free space on disk. lf there is not enough
free space the defragment program will abort the conversion process. Use the DIR command in DOS to
verify tha1 at least lM bytes of. free space remain
before starting the conversion process.

___ ____ ,_











drive which has been converted, your computer must

be rebooted.
Hint:: lf you Plan to convert more than one partition
while preparing your system. Convert all of your partitions (converting your Bootable drive C last) then
reboot your computer.

back on.
When the SupeiStor chive preparation is compete, exit the SuperStor
Utility xogram. There are two options on the Exit menu. Tbe RESTAR!' option will automatically reboot the computer. The EXIT option
will retum the program to the DOS xompt. If you select the EXIT option you must manually reboot the comxiter to activate the SuperStor





' '

~ . .: ;J

~--- :

-~"--~""'7: ~#'.?i;"'~-:;.;:..o:t

ttCSi?Z.,J 1 (

- ~~;;;:;;;::;;===-----

Creating A Mouotable Drive"Mountable" drives are useful when you wish to canpcs.s only a portian of your files while leaving other files as uncompressed, or wbeo
you wish to logically group certain files together. Anotber benefit of
"Mountable" SupcrStor disks is that since the disk is actually a file on
the host DOS <isk, copying the file to tape a floppy allows you to easily malee a rompressed backup of the entirc SupcrStor disk.
A "Mountable" SupeiSta drive is actually a portian of an existing

DOS disk which is reserved by aeating a file on the disk. That file can
then be attached to the SuperStor driver by using the MOUNT command or by selecting the MOUNT option in the SupcrStor Utility program. When a mountable disk is mounted., it appears as a new drive
letter on your system. For example, if you urreritly have 2 partitions
on your system (drive C: and chive D:) and you create a mountable disk
called C:ACCOUNTS.DSK, a new file ACCOUNTS.DSK is aeated
on your C drive. After this file is mounted you access the data by reading and writing chive E:.
NOTE: Mountable SupaSta disks cannot be created
on a fixed cisk which has already been converted to a
SupcrStor Disk. It is also not possible to acate a
mountable disk and automarically include files from a
DOS disk. An empty mountable disk must be created
using available space on the host disk. Data can then
be written to the disk after it is mounted. -

NOTE: Before DOS will recognize an "Existing"

NOTE: Some Computers have trouble with a

"Software Initiated Restart" sequence. lf your computer does not respond after the Restart option is
selected, tum off your computer system and power it






.j ~~-' '

NOTE: The possible mountable drive letters are

identified on the saeen when the SupeiStor driver is
loaded during the Boot rocess.

After selecting the "Create Mountable Orive" option in the SuperStor

Utility xogram, the rogram will ask you to select the DOS drive on
which to create the compressed disk file and will list the available hard
disk partitions. Select the drive you wish to contain the compressed
disk file. Remember that the size of the compressed disk file is limited
to the space available on the drive you select and tha1 the recommended minimum size for a "Mountable" disk is 1 MB.
When using "Mountable" partitions on your bootable e chive, it is
recommended you leave about one megabyte of. free uncompressed


!;4.~ .. .' ~ ..



. ..

-- - __ ---- .
. .:,.


- --------

,,.,.,:.....-., ~

space on your drive. This allows functions such as PCTOOt.SMinor

to function to work properly. It also allows you to add new device
drivel'S and malee changes to your AUl'OEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS
files without any problems
The program will then display the total amount of free space on the
disk and will ask you how much space you would like to dedicare to
tbe SuperStor "Mountable" disk file. The free space reported and the
file size you enterare both in units of 1 KB (1024 bytes). So, to make
a 4 MB file you would specify a file size of 4000 KB. Remember that
this is the size of the file on the DOS disk and tha1 the resulting SuperStor disk will be about twice as large.

NOTE: If you are using DOS 33 and the size of the

file is 16MB or greater, you must set the
MAXSS =1024 switch on the SuperStor command
line in CONFlG.SYS. See Appeodix A for more information.

The final task in creating a mountable SuperStor Disk is to eoter the

name of the file which will contain the SuperStor Disk data. You can
select any valid DOS file name but you will probably find it beliul to
select a name which suggests the grouping of files on the disk. For ex-


- . 1--

______.....~ .

__.., -



--"- ..


.... -.


-...:~ --

.;..,.;;.- - -

ample if you are aeating a SuperStor disk that will primarily contain
word rocessing files, you might choose the oame WORDPROC.DSK.
After acatlng a mountable SupeiStor disk, it must be mounted before
you can access the disk. You can either mount the disk now while you
are already in tbe SupeiStor Utility rogram or you can mount the disk
Iater, using the Mount command More information oo mounting
SupeiStor disks is included in the chapter titled "Using Your SuperStor

NOTE: You may want to include Mount commands

for your "Mountable" files in your AUfOEXEC.BAT
file so they are already motmted each time you reboot
your computer. An exampe command line is shown

Before the SuperStor Utility program can format your compresscd disk,
it must estimate how much data will fit on the disk. The information
entered in this step is used to set aside space foc tbe disk's rocx directory and File Allocation Table. Unless you know your data is more com:ressable than 2:1 select the Standard optioo. If you know your data is
more compressable than 2:1 you should select Special Pwpose. Selecting Special Purpose allows you to specify your expected compression
ratio. It tells the Prepare function to allocate more space foc directories
and FATs. The compression ratio selected is an upper limit for the
combined comiression ratio of ali the files on a SuperStor disk. The
comiression ratio for individual files is determined by the data in the
file and can compress up to 8:1 regarciless of the com:xession ratio
entered here. If you choose too large a comxession ratio more disk
space is reserved for DOS than is neecled. Unless you plan to use the
SuperStor disk exclusively for data which you know is highly compressible, selecta 2:1 (Standard) compression ratio.

. - - - -- --- a-

.:~~--$1--- -

This command would mount tbe "Mountable" file WORDPROC.OSK

on drive C: as SuperStor drive d:
Creating A Compressed Floppy

ASupeiStor floppy is actually a floppy containing a "Mountable" file.

That file can then be attached to the SupeiStor driver by using the
MOUNT command or by selecting tbe MOUNT option in the SuperStor Utility program.
After selecting the "Create Com:xessed Floppy" option in the SuperStor Utility program, the p:ogram will ask you to select the DOS drive
on which to create the compressed disk file and will list the available
floppy drives. Select the drive you wish to contain the compressed
disk file. See Appendix C - "Preparing SupeiStor Floppies" for furthec
information on SuperStor floJ'Pes.
SuperStor Reserved File Names

The following file names are reserved and should not be used to name
"Mountable" files on "F'ixed" drives. Tbe SuperStor driver looks for
these names and will take special actioos based on these file names.
See the discussion on bootable floppy disks and "Mountable" files on


.. -





;.;~ ~___...c

_., _ - -

....~ -~~-~.- ::

:..-:-..-....;:: ,.

. . .~..;....:_----:~..

~ ,.,.


......... .,;...-




~----- "----

SSPAKI'SS.ADD BO<Xable "Mountable" file for Orive AorC.

Mounting A "Mountable" Disk File

SSPAKI'SS.TMP Temporary "Mount.able" file created during

the Prepare :rocess. If your system is interruptcd during the "Prepare Existing"
process, files already compressed are stored
in this "Mountable" file.

Mountable Orives must be mounted before DOS recogniz.es tbey'-are

present. If you are using Mountable Orives on your system, you will
usually place the mount command(s) far the drive files you normally
use in your AUIOEXEC.BAT file. See Using "Mountable" files as
Orives and Using Multiple Orives in Oiaxer Fve.

-:~_- ,-_'





.. .




There are two ways of mounting a SuperStar "Mountable" Orive. You

may use either the SuperStor Uility (SSTOR) ar the MOUNT program
in the SuperStor Distribution Oisks. Multiple Mountable partitioos require the /MAXMOUNT =nn option to be set in the CONFlG.SYS file.
(See Appencfix A) If tbe MAXMOUNT option is not set correctly you
may experience problems trying to mount multiple "Mountable" partitions.


"F'ixed" partiliom are detected by the driver at boot time and are automatically attached. There is no need to use the Mount command to
mount "F'ixecf' partitions.

- ~..,.

Mounting A "Mountable" Ftle Using SSTOR





After selecting the Mount option from the SSTOR menu, you are
prcm:ted for the name of the "Mountable" file (example
d:'fNAMEDSK), then you are prom:ted to select the rnountable drive
letter if there are multiple mountable chives.


Mounting A "Mountable" Ftle Using MOUNT


To motmt a ''Mountable" file using the MOUNT command, type tbe

following command line at the command prompt This command
could also be added to a batch file.
MOUNT d:'fname.ext el:
where d:'fname.ext identifies tbe file to be motmted andel: identifies a
SuperStor "Mountable" drive letter.




----- - --

. --- ~......... .

~ ~ ::a:: --


~ --~- ,-,-

2 .


"-- -~ ..___


- - -- - - ..


-'"- --~- -~~--"'"!

.. -- - -~.. -~ -

-- - . - .


-- - ----------""-'-~~---------------

Dismounting A Mounted "Mountable" Disk File

Removing A SuperStor Disk

When using multiple "Mountable" files wbere each "Mountable" file

represents a different application's data, you might want to dismount
one application's "Mountable" file and then mount the second's
"Mountable" file before starting the second application. (See also section on Using Multiple Mountable Orives in Cbapter Five.) You should
Dismount a "Mountable" file wben you want to backup the compressed

The Remove command will cismount and delete a SupeiStor "Mountable" file or it will delete a SuperStor "F'txed" partition.

There are two ways of dismounting SuperStor "Mountable" Orives.

The fir5t uses tbe SuperStor Utility (SSTOR), the second uses the DISMOUNT program in tbe Superstor Distribution Disks.

WARNING: Removing a "Mountable" file or

"Fixed" partition will delete aU data contained in
the "Mountable" me / "Fixed" partition. Make
sure you have backed up any data you want to
keep before selecting the Remove option.

NOTE: It is not possible to remove the currently active drive.

NOTE: It is not possible to dismount tbe currently

active drive.
Dismounting A "Mountable" file Using SSTOR
After selecting the Dismount command from tbe SSTOR menu, you
are prompted to select a mounted ''Mountable" file drive letter from the
menu if there is more than one mounted file. The selected file is then
Dismounting A Mountable File Using DISMOUNT
To dismount a "Mountable" file using the Dismount command, type
the following command line at the command prompt:



Where d: identifies a SuperStor mounted drive letter.

The DISMOUNT command can also be added to a batch file.





- ........ - . . ... . - - - -- ~ ......

. t .. :


Selecting tbc Statistics ortion from the SS10R menu displays the comprcssion statistics about a compressed "Fixed" or "Mountable" partitioo. If more than onc SuperStor partition is mounted you will be
promXed to sclcct the partition Cor which you want the statistics displayed.
The Compession Statistics display shows the logical size of the SuperStor disk, the actual physical size of the partition, the Compression
Ratio anda graph showing the number of DOS sectors stored fu each
disk clustec.



. ...






Orive E Comxession Statistics





Compression Ratio =2.2:1

Space Saving =54.5 %

Compression Statistics display



SSI'OR Total (est.) is the total nmnberofbytes theSupeiStor Driver

estimates can be stored oo the co~ drive. This nmnber is initially 2x (3x, etc) the piysical size of the drive, depen<ing oo the expected
compression ratio selected when the drive was prepared. After the
drive contains data SS10R Total (est) is calculated using the actual
compression ratio of data already stored on the drive.
SSTOR Free (est.) is an estimate of the number of bytes that can be
stored on the compressed drive, assuming the new data has the same
compression ratio as the data already stored on the drive. This number

is the difference between.SSTORTotal (est) andSS10RBytes used.

Actual Total is the physical size of the disk partition/ "Mountable" file
Actual Bytes Used is the number of bytes used by the driver to store
the files on the piysical partitionf'Mountable" file drive. Actual Bytes
Used are in units of the physical sector size (typically 512 bytes).
Actual Free is the number of bytes left to store data on the physical
partition/"Mountable" file. This number is the difference between Ac-


tual Total and Actual Bytes Used.




h ~

'TT;;:: r. - - -,, cnr==











tiplying the number of clustcrs allocated by the cluster size in bY~~


;: f:L

. _ .,. p



- -- SSTOR Bytes Used is the total numberof bytes allocated by DOS to

store data 00 the compressed Orive. This numbec is calculated bY mul-

Displaying Compressed Disk Statistics

SS10R Bytes Used:

SS10R Total (est):
Actual Bytes Used:
Actual Free:
Actual Total:


t- ~~- .

Compression Ratio shows the dficiency of the Supo:Stor compression algorithm in stong your data If the compression ratio is less
than 1.5:1 your data is not ver compressible and you might want to
consider placing that data in an uncompressed partition. This nwnber
is derived by dividing SSTOR Bytes Used by Actual Bytes Used.
Space Saving is anotherway of stating the compression ratio. It is calculated by divicfi.ng Actual Bytes Used by SSTOR Bytes Used and expressing the result as a percent.age. The result of the division operation
is then subtracted from 100%
The Histogram in the Compression Statistics dispay shows only relative information on the Y axis.. The Histogram represents the number
of physical sectors used to store each cluster allocated by DOS. For example, vertical units over the Hin "High" represent that each physical


... .


,:...,....;.....-_..-~~- ~--

- - - --




~- .


......-::_ .

; : ~.-- . . . . . . . . .. . _ .





, ._.

A_..,,..,__ .,.__
----== -~-- -

sector is used to store orie i5os Cluster (DOS Ousters are in units of
16 sectors). On the histogram shown, the vertical over the lettec H
resents 16:1 compression. Vertical units overthe ccnterposition rexesent 2:1 compression, and units over the letter 'w' in "Low" represent
1:1 orno compression. 1he Histogram shows more data was compressed with a 16:1 compression ratio(the bar over the H) than with a
1:1 compression ratio (tbe bar over the 'w' . .Tue information in this
chart may be useful in tuning your system. See Cbapter 7, "Performance lssues".

- .. ......_ - _.;,. __... w. . . -,: - ..~ ~ :: -


... . - - -


Chapter Five

Using Your Superstor Disk





File by File Compression Statistics

To Oieck the compressibility of subdirectories and files, use the
SSDIR Command




At tbe .DU5 Prom~ type

l. SSDIR - For statistics of the whole directory.
2. SSDIR Subdirectory - For stats on certain Subdirectories

3. SSDIR Subdirectory 'f"tle name xxx - For Stats on

certain Files

Use a /P at the end of the command line to pause between


~< ..

Using Your SuperStor Hard Disk

Using Fixed Partitions
You use a SuperStor "Fixed" partition drive just as you used the drive
before installing SuperStoi: The chive letters are the same as before.
The big advantage is that now you can store twice as much data on the
drive, depending on the compressibility of your files.
When using a SuperStoc fixed partition your data is automatically compressed wben you write to the chive and decompressed when you read
from the drive. Comxession and decompression happens in real-time
with no intervention required on your part.
When SuperStor "Fixed" partitions are detected during the boot
process they are automatically attached as compressed disks by the

Using Mountable Files As Orives

The only thing different about using "Mountable" Orive Partitions instead of "Fixed" Orive Partitions is that the "Mountable" drive must be
mounted before use.
When Would You Want To Use A Mountable Drive?
. ~- ... - ~. .... =---- ~~ ,_-.... ...



. ...._.- _

' ' ~

With a RAM DISK. lbis allows you to store twice the data,
using half as much RAM space for the disk.


--- -~- - ---

-------~~-- .


With a floppy. This allows you to store twice the data on

each floppy.


On a Fixed, uncompressed partition.

Using Multiple Mountable Drives

When you have organized your hard disk with multiple "Morintable"
files you must set the SuperStor driver /MAXMOUNf =NN parameter
on the SuperStor driver line in the CONFlG.SYS file. You should set
the NN parameter to one more than the number of "Mountable" files
you pan to have mounted at one time. The extra drive is provided so
you can mount a floppy or other "Mmmtable"' file without first dismounting one of your "Mountable"' drives.
This sampe SuperStor command line in CONFlG.SYS


-:..1i...:.--.:.-~~ ~ - - ..-


- 7" "f


~i -~~. . .===-==="""'==""'~~




:1":.-.1 :.:;..-... .1-

The next thing you should do for each of the "Mountable" drives which
you pan to use each time you boot is pace a MOUNT command in
your AUI'OEXEC.BAT file to make the "Mountable"' drive accessible
each time you boot. An example of the command line is shown below.

On <isk subsystems where the logical file system driver is

compatible with IX>S but the physical file system is diff eccnt from IX>S (WD 7000-FASST and RAM disks for
example). This allows you to use SuperStor anddouble the
amount of data stored on disk subsystems which are not
compatible with the SupezStor "Prepare Fxisting" function.

Mountable Files and AUTOEXEC.BAT

Groupingdataon"Mountable" compresseddisks
(such as a spread sheet disk, word processing
disk... etc.) allows foreasy backupof thesegroups
of files as well as storing each group of files in its
own file cabinet.


.......~.- -~.:..:-

provides for one mountable drive that you can mount from your
AUfOEXEC.BAT file and an extra "Mountable" file which you can
use to mount a SuperStor floppy.

Using "Mountable" partitions allows you to keep

some of your fdes compressed and others
uncom:ressed. This can help you tune the

When using DOS 3.3, by keeping the physical

partition size under 16M Bytes you can leave the
sector size at 512 bytes. This provides for better
using small files.


The above command line would mount the file C:\WORDPROC.DSK

as drive F:. The "Mountable"' drive letters are displayed on the saeen
when the SupezStor driver is loaded during the Boot process.
NOTE: Each Mount command in your
AUTOEXI;C.BAT file will inaease the size of the
SuperStor driver by 4K: i.e. you will have 4K bytes
less memory per Mount command available for your

Using The Mount Command

The Mount command is most commonly used in your
AUfOEXEC.BAT file to mount "Mountable" partitions you use
regularly. For example, if you keep your word rocessing files in a
"Mountable" file, for exampe WORDPROC.DSK on drive C you
would probably want to include the following Iine in your
Where C:\WORDPROC.DSK is the "Mountable" file and d: is a SuperStor drive letter.
If you have selected multiple "Mountable" drives using the MAXMOUNT parameter to the driver (See Appendix A) you may want to
include more than one mount command in your AUI'OFXEC.BAT file.
However, if you have decided to allow only one "Mountable" drive in


.......,_,..... . .

- - - ---,..-- --

--- -

- -~ ~eJI. ~


-=..=..::=:=::.:::.=..=. ~:. ~=-.


your SuperStor configwation you may want to acate several batch

files ~ shown in the following example to start individual applications
each with their own "Mountable" file.


- - - ..:::---


-i -

- --

r .... ..

....... ....

- ------- -

---~~= __


,. . ' :; ....
:;----..~ -!~.:-"-~:--,= -

will automatically remouot a changed fio)py if the "Mountable" file

SSPARI'SSADD is preseot on the new floppy disk.
See Appendix C f<Y information on how to create SupeiStor floppies.

Using Mount And Dismount

In some applications you may want to change the "Mountable" file to
select the data and executable files for a new application before it

starts. The following example assumes you have acom:ressed ftle

WORDPROC.DSK oo your C: chive. The following batch file could
be used to start your word xocessor.

Adding A New Hard Disk Drive

You can add another hard disk chive at any time to a system that ~
SuperStor in.stalled. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for hard
disk installatioo. Then prepare the new chive's partitiom using SSTOR
to acate SuperStor "F"ixed" or "Mountable" partitiom oo the new
drive. The only effect on your system is the p:>SSible re-assignmeot of
disk drive letters. The reassignmeot of drive letters is done automatically wheo you add a oew hard drive by DOS.
If the new hard drive requires a special driver, you may need to reconfigure your CONFlG.SYS file. See Apx!ncix A and B.

Using Your SuperStor Floppy

Using SuperStor Compressed Floppies
You use a SuperStor Compressed Floppy just like a regular floppy except it must be mounted before use. You can change the com:ressed
floppy while an application program is running provided, the floppy
__was prepared using the SuperStor ~parc F.xisting optioo. Each time a
floppy is changed it is automatically dismountOO. TbC SuperStOrdrlver


AS upeiStor floppy must be mounted with the MOUNT command

Where d: is a SuperStor Mountable drive letter. After a SuperStor
drive letter has been assigned, floppic:S prepared with the SSTOR "Create Floppy" command are automatically mounted when changed.
NOTE: You access a SuperStor floppy by its
SuperStor drive letter not "A" or "B".

For example, to copy several files the total size of. which is greate.r than
a physical floppy (360k, 720k, 1.2m or L44m) but less than two times
a physical floppy, you would perl'orm the f ollowing steps.

Place a floppy which cootains a "Mountable" file in a floppy



Mouot the "Mountable" file using cither SSTOR

MOUNT command


Use the DOS COPY oc XCOPY commands to transfe.r the

files to the mounted chive.


Dismount the "Mountable" file using either SSTOR ar the

DISMOUNT command






Backing Up Compressed Partitions

You can use the DOS BACKUP command to backup compressed partitions. See your DOS manual for more information on the BACKUP
com.mand Backups aeated in this manner are transferable to othe.r
machines using the same DOS level The following command sequence will backup a complete partition on uncompressed floppies
_.,,...: .... : - .


~-.- ~

.. -


- --- . -

. -;e:,, nr=

.. -


- -

- --e,_ .

--.: ..:

..."! ..

~- -

~. :- ~

--~-,..~ -~~ -,.


" ~il.,


d: <entec> Select Orive to backup.


CD \<enter> Go to Roar of partition.


BACKUP ds:. dd: IS <entec> where ds: is source drive

letter and dd: is destination SupeiStor Orive letter.


One advantage of using "Mountable" file partitions is
that you can BACKUP to uncompressed floppies
using compressed data. This will double (depending
on compression ratio) the amount of data stored on
each floppy in the backup set. Backup; created by
backing up a "Mountable" file are restorable on
machines using the same DOS level, however only
machines using SupeiStor will be able to~ the
data in the "Mountable" file. The following example
shows how to backup the "Mountable" file

Compatibility lssues
While we can't guarantee compatibility with every software product
and disk subsystem on the market, SuperStor has been tested extensively with software and hardware from many suppliers. This section and
the README file on the distribution diskette discuss cooipatibility issues related to specific software and hardware xoducts.


Dismmmt the partition you want to baclrup using either

SSTOR or the Dismount command


d: <enter> Select drive that holds "Mountable" file.


CD \<enter> Go to ROOT of partition.


BACKUP ds:\WORDPROC.DSK dd: <enter> backup the

"Mountable" file WORDPROC.DSK on drive ds: to the
destination floppy dd:.

Using SuperStor With Disk Utility Programs

Some of the functions provided by commercially available disk utility
programs such as The Natoo Uilities, and PC Tools Deluxe bypass
normal DOS file operations and directly modify the disk's Ftle Allocation Table. Since SuperStor maintains its own proprietary disk allocation structures, functions such as D.EFRAGMENT will be ineffective
when used on SuperStor disks. The AddStor DEFRAGMENT utility
~can be used to defragment both SupeiStor and normal DOS

UsingBackup Utilities
The above procedures for backing up to floppies also apply when ming
backup utilities , i.e. PCIOOLS Backup, Fastback, Backit Remember
if you are backing up to a Mounted floppy drive you should tum the
backup utility's com:ression oXion "Off". If you are backing up toan
unmounted floppy drive, you can tum the backup utilities compression
"off" or "on" depending on your preference.
Remember when backing up to a mounted floppy that the backup destination will be a SuperStor drive lettec (i.e. <i!iveE).


~ -----


Loading The SuperStor Driver In High Memory

The SuperStor driver can be loaded into High memory (640K through
lMB). It doesn't load into Extended or Expanded (LIM) memory. The
entire driver is loaded into high memory; there is no kernel left below
640K. See your memory manager documentation about the LOADHI








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r ..

- - ...

~ ........,.,.;. .:- --

...o-......... - ~ --- - - -~ ~- ...~ - - ..

- . -.- - --

Using SuperStorwith Memory Managers
SuperStor is compatible with ~popular memory management
software products on the market today. In miez' to load the SupeiStor
drivec into the high memory area between 640K and 1MB the memory
managec cbiver must be Ioaded fust in your CONFIG.SYS. Tbis meaos
that the SupeiStor cbiver should be tbe second line in your CONFlG.SYS file. H you expericncc any cooflicts by changing the :>00tions of the SupeiStor cbiver and tbe memory manager cbivec.
SuperStor is not compatible with the QEMM "opimize" command

Using SuperStor On A Network

Sec Appendix A for more infonnation on loading the SupeiStor driver

from thc CONFlG.SYS file.

Using SuperStor With WD-7000 FASST

At this time SupeiStor "Mountable" Partitions work with the WD-7000
FASST, howevec "Fixed" and bootable partitions are not supported.
You must use "Mountable" Partitions.

Using SuperStor With Hardcards

SupeiStor works with Plus Hardcards. The Hardcard can be either the
primary cr secondary chive in your system.

SuperStor doesn't currently support operating systems other than DOS.

It will co-exist peacefully with other operaling systems n their own
disaete partitions.

The following Hardcard dvec line in CONFIG.SYS

SuperStor can be used on W<Xlc Stations to suppcrt the local drive(s). It

cannot be used on the file SClVcr cr tbe nctwOlk chives.

should appear after tbe SuperStor device line.


- -


Using SuperStor With Cache Programs

Booting Your System From A Floppy Disk
WARNING: Never attempt to access SuperStor
Orives after bootlng from a floppy disk that doesn't
have the SupeiStor cbiver called out in it's CONFlG.SYS file. After a disk has been cooverted to a
SuperStor sk, the SuperStor cbivec must be loaded
by DOS before data oo the SuperStor disk can be
accessed. If the canmarid that loa~ -the SuperStor
driver is not present in tbe CONFIG.SYS file when
your system is l~ data on any SuperStcr disks on
the system will appear garbled .and any attempt to
wte to tbe SuperStor disks will result in lost data
H you intend to boot your system from a floppy disk and access data on
SuperStor disks you must copy the SuperStor chiver to the floppy and
add the following line to load the driver to the floppy disk's CONFlG.SYS file:

- ~.





Cache :rograms are utilities that help imxove computer system performance. SuperStor works well with the most popular cache utilities.
Your cache JX08ram can be loaded before or after SuperStor. Howevei;
we recommend loading SupeiStor as the first line in your aJNFlG.SYS file except as noted in other sections of this manual.

Using SuperStor With PC Tools Deluxe

SupeiStor is compatible with ali functions within PCIOOLS Deluxe
with the following exceptions. The defragment or "compress disk"
function will not perform optimally oo a compressed chive. AddStor
provides its own proprietary defragmentation tool to defragment compressed chives to resolve this situation. AddStor's de!ragmentation tool
will also work on uncompressed dves. Also, H you have the "Mllror"
function installed in your AUI'OEXEC.BAT file you will receive a
false error message when your system is booted When your system is
booted, :Mirror runs and penorms its operation successfully. As Mirror
unloa~, it sends a false error message to the screen and then the boot
process continues. You can ignore this error messag~othing is
wroag with your system.



.. :- . .-:........

~-~~ ~-~: -.~:. ~:.. :


- ....- ---

- ' .

.~ .... -.. .. , ~ ~.-

__ _,

-- ----


Using SuperStor With Norton Utilities

SupetStor is very compatible with The Norton Utilities except for the
previously noted defragmentation part of "speed disk" and disk doctoc. However, some functions within The Norton Utilities do not n:c<lgnizc logical drives. 'Ibis means that functions such ~ "calibratc" and
"safe format" can not be performed upon SupCIStor drives. Theic is no
risk of arr kind to your data wben using any function of The Norton
Utilities and SuperStor. Ali other functions of The Norton Utilities
operate normally oo a SupeiStor comp-essed disk.

Compatibility Between Operating Systems

It is not nssible to mount or attach a SupetStor "F'ixed" or ''Mountable" partition on a hard drive aeated on one DOS version onto a cfifferent DOS version. SupeiStor comp-essed floppies are portable
between DOS versioos.
'Ibis means that a compressed "Mountable" file cannot be transferred
between two systems with cifferent operating system versions. 'Ibis
also means that you cannot boot a floppy with one DOS version and access compressed data on your hard disk that w~ formatted with
another DOS version..

Using SuperStor With DR DOS

The maximum size of a SuperStor Logical Partition for DR DOS 5.0 is
512 MB (DOS Dysical partition of 256 MB).

.. _.,,.
~--...:..~-- ~ J



- ~~ ..... .__.._-~ -::: ~1--

,,. ;, .. : . .


- -.,,.


performance if you keep the logical partition size to 32MB or less. You
will alsogetbettercompressiononsmall files. (SeeAppendix A)
NOTE: The SuperStor driver detects "F'ixed" partitions of greater than 32MB and will automatically set
the MAXSS =1024 switch. You only need to set this
switch if using "Mountable" parititions with a logical
size greater than 32MB.

Using SuperStor With MS DOS 4.01


The maximum size of a SuperStor Logical Partition for MS DOS 4.01

. is 512 MB (DOS physical partition of 256 MB).




Using SuperStor With RAM Disks


"Mountable" Orives work wcll with RAM Disks. You can get twice
tbe storage in your RAM Disk using the same amount of RAM.
You must repare a "Mountable" file on the RAM Disk and then
Mount it before using the SuperStor RAM Disk. 'Ibis must be done
each time you reboot your computei:


An Example of the commands in the CONFIG.SYS file are as foaows:


1000 512 128 /E

The RAM Orive above is specified to use lMB of extended Memory.

Refer to the DOS manual for further information on RAMDRV.SYS.


Using SuperStor With Compaq DOS 3.31

The maximum size of a SuperStor Logical Partition for Compac DOS
331 is SU MB (DOS physical partition of 256 MB).


Using SuperStor With Bernoulli Drives

SupeiStor "Bootable", "Mountable" and "Fixed" partitions work with

Bemoulli subsystems.

Using SuperStor With MS DOS 3.X



The maximum size of a logical SuperStor Partition foc MS DOS 3.X is

64 MB (DOS physical partition of 32 MB).

Follow the instructions in the Bemoulli manuals for formatting and partitioning the drive. If the drive is bootable, boot up on the drive and fostall SuperStor.


When using a "Mountable" SuperStor logical partition that exceeds 32

MB (DOS physicalpartition size is greater than 16MB) the MAXSS =
1024 switch must be set for the SuperStor Driver. You will get better

Using a Bemoulli drive requires the following lines in the CONFlG.SYS file. Note that the Bemoulli driver RCD.SYS must come




-: .

- - -=-----------....

e=-. . ._..~~

- . bdorc thc Supc:iStor Driv~ On a Bootablc Cartridgc thc Bcmoulli

Driver must be in the uncamrc:sscd pmtition aloog with OONFlG.SYS
and thc SupcrStor driv~ Thc fust two lincs of thc OONHG.SYS file
should be as shown Jelow for a system with one or two floppies anda
_Bcmoulli ~ dve. _(See AA>endix B.)



Whe.n the SupeiStor logical disk is fuU, thc stabstics display may still
show sane Actual Bytes Remaining. 1his is nmnal. SupeiStor reserves 64KB at thc cnd of thc disk. lf tbere is more than 64KB rcmaining,
the disk is probably full becausc there are no mme FAT or dircctoay
cntries left

.thcJ ~ ~~~ -~ ~ "Mountablc" or ~isting plrlitiom.






~-Riio Hoi~


"' ~ :. -~ ,,-~~ -';~ '




_ -


Ushig Super,Stor With W-mdows

Supc:iStor offczs \V"mdows compatibilitf. lbvcvcr, SupeiStor is not a
Wmdows pugram. You sbould nm Supc:iStorf~ ~DOS pu.mpt .
not from within Wmdows. You may S&Ve Wm.dows progriuris and ftle.s ~ ...
to a SuperStor C(]IDpl'CSSCd partition or DJOUDtablc ftlc.

~- -~~ ...,..,......~

When a Supmtor logical cisk fills up you wil1 rca2vc a disJc full"
mcssagc from ~. You must ddctc somc files to makc spacc availablc <m thc disk. 1his is thc samc thing you would do if you weie
using DOS Without SupcaStoc ... --- - _______ -~- - .



-- What Happens At The End Of The Logical Disk?

. ~ .-~ ::_;'=;:-::.;:;.. - ~ - .



What Happens At The End Of The Physica.I-Disk?

When lDlcanpessible data is stoR:d ~a Iogi~ s~ior disk and tbc
data is ncar tbc end of tbc pbysical <isk and therc is still room on thc
SuperStor fogical disk, thc drivei- will makc bad bloc:b on thc logical
disk to fill thc spac:c on thc <isk which it is DOt ablc to use for data.
When this occurs thc DOS CHKOSK command will show bid blocks
OD the logical disk. F.ach time your System is i'cbooted
""Mount. ablc" file is mounted, thc SuperStor drivei- checks for thcsc bad blocks
and will reallocate them as good if therc is still space left on tbc ilysi-


UsingSuperStor.withPrOgramManagers ' ,. .~. ,~,

~-Ma~~~i:''~-~;mt&at _,_ ~<filr~Ievcls

of mUltigHg or~sWit~~iti~DOS.Wmdows,
Sofny~ ~ ~.!?'80vicw ~ ex~pe.s of xogram managec
utilitic:s.. Sstor is c:oJjablicwith rogrmi managQ,; utilities, but
should not berun froi_Withinthcm. Always invok SuperStor commands from thc I:>OO pompt. Run thc SupeiStor functions such as
prepare, mount, or dismount that you nced to run. Thcn exit Supc:iStor.
Now you can loadyour rogram manager and ~ your system as
yo'always &ave;. . ~ ,


):al drivc.

>. _- " ~ f:; . ~. ~- 7 ";;~
Sorne Technlcal lnformation About SuperStor '" ;.. .,

>t -


,. ......

The information in this scction is tecbnical in nature. You do not need

to unclestand it to use SuperStor.

What.Happens When Data Doesn't Compress?

- ~

When uncomressablc data is stored on a SupeiStor disk (like tiying to

storc already comprcSscd data on the disk) the data is stored in uncom-
presscd form. "if
. -...
:.. .

. -:~

.._/'~.- - ~-::.=::~; :-


J .,

.;....- : - ._. ,~

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- .,- ....



..... : -::::::;::::::. -

'"'""."'- -=--v:

... .:

. ...................,,,.__. _..


Chapter Seven
Peormance lssues

\,i ,.


What Affects Performance

SupoStor uses advanced programming techniques to autoinatically
cooixess and decompress data as the operating system transfe:s data to
and from the disk. Although the SuperStor software is highly ~
timized, this additiooal processing may inaease the tine required for
your system to perform certain operalions. Wbether this additional
overhead is noticeable as you use yom computer depenck oo what you
are using your computer for, bow you configure your disk drives, and
the speed of the rocessor in your computer.


System Through-put
The speed at which the SuperStor software compresses and decompresses files depenck oo your rocessor's speed as well as the speed of your
disk subsystem. The Iongest delays in the disk subsystem are the seelc
and rotational Iatency delays of the disk. The next longest delays are
due to system overhead {the time from when the appl.ication issues a
read or write cooimand till the disk begins to seek the data, and the
time from whe.n the disk data transfer completes till the appl.ication is
informed the data transfer is complete). The shortest delay in this
process is the actual data transfer between the disk and memory.


SupoStor adds additional time to the system overhead delay. This ti.De
is used to compress/decompress the data and maintain the data structures far the compressed data (FAT, Directory entries, etc). Most of the
additional time SuperStor adds to the system overhead is made up because there are fewer seek and rotational Iatency delays.









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Most of the additional time is spent doing processor intensive calculations. 1\vo factors affect this speed. The first is the speed of the processoi: The faster the processor, the less any delay will be noticcd by the
user. The second is the compressibility of tbe data. Highly compressible data processes faster than uncompressible data.

Overall, SupezStor read operations are faster than write operations.

Write operatioos are slower because the "FAT' and "Directory" structures must be read and written and because the compression algorithm
takes longer than the decompression algorithm to execute. Whereas
read operations are faster because the read operation only needs toread
tbe FAT, directory, and data and execute the decompression algorithm.


Most com.mon compiter application5. spend most o their execution

time processing data which is stored in memOI}', only occasiooally
transfeni.ng data to and from the computer's cfisk drives. Word ~
ing and s:read sheet rograms are examples of this type of "xocessor
intensive" applicalioo. Other applications spend a much highec percentage of their cxecution time transfening data to and from the cfisk. Examples of tbesC "<isk intensive" appications are comJXIter language
canlers and data base xograms.
In general, the more your apPication transfers data to and fron the
disk, the more likely it is that you might notice some degradation in performance. However, this is also dependent on the speed of your proces-

sor and whether your ap:iication is primarily reading or writing data

The software overlJCad to decomress data is less than the overhead to
com:xess data
Actually some applications which read a loe: of data operate faster with
the SuperStor chiver than the DOS driver. This occurs because each
disk read operatiori get.s more data (because the data is compressed)
and there aren't as many seelc operations to get the data.

._ _

. .::.-- .


..... . -

--~ ::



_;...,. ...,

:- .--- -
.- ----- . .

~--- ---

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--. _____.......


- ~

of your existing disk drives to compressed disks to gain the maximum

disk space. In these situations there is usually no noticable degradation
in system perfonnance.
If, however, your processa is slow, or your computer is used extemively for disk intensive' applications, you may want to dedcate only portions of your disk space ~ SupeiStor disks while leaving the rest ~
normal DOS disk space. In this case you will probably want to use
"Mountable" parititons ora combination of "Ftxed" and "Mountable"

Guidelines For Achieving Highest Peormance

Keep Temporary Directories Uncompressed
Many apJiications pericxiically wte temporaiy files to the disk which
are then deleted when the program is complete. Since these files are
only temporary, they have no long term effect on disk space. If you
have a xogram that allows you to specify the location of its temporary
files, specify an uncomressed drive for the temporary files.

Here is a list of some of the types of programs which write temporary

files: complers, link~ some text editors, and desk top publishing

If your comJXIter system has a fast rocessor (a 286 o 12MHz or 386

of 16 MHz 9!.fast_~. g! if it i!>_ used primarily for "processor inlensive"
application.5 as described above, you will probably want to convert all



Leave Files Which Are Not Accessed Otlen Compressed

Leaving seldom used files comressed allows you to save space on
your disk wlle using your uncompressed partition(s) to hold data to
which you need quick access. An example would be to keep programs
and data files which are not accessed often, but which you need to access periodically, e.g. once a month, on a compressed disk. This allows you to gain extra disk space. You would keep the programs and
data you used daily on uncompressed partitions.





1 .

Partitioning Your System for Performance

System Configuration


~-> -1 . .- ~

----=- --..;...-...:.;.a.-0~--~


If you are doing a fi.rst time setup of your system, you may want to partition your system as shown below.







~ ,....._.,..



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-- _.

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. .-... .




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- -

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- ..... l.





,,__,__.:::-. --.::.:.=------'----

Small DOS Partitioo.

Malee a small DOS physical partitioo (2 to 5 MBytes). Keep this partitioo uncompressed. This will speed up your boot process and malee installing new applicatioos easier. (You probably woo't have to manually
change your CONflG.SYS and AUfOEXEC.BAT files.) In this partition keep your boot files, DOS, disk drivers (SupeiStor), memcxy
managCzs, CONflG.SYS, AUI'OEXEC.BAT, etc.


Note: You will now be installirig your applications on

a drive other than e

__,,=-=''""' '

Large Application Partitioo

Malee large Xiysical application partition(s) up to 32MB for .DOS 3.3
or 256MB for DOS 4.01. Keep your executable files and data ftles for
processor intensive apXications in compressed partitions. Keep data
fes for disk intensive apXications and temporary files in uncompressed partitions. The easiest way to ac.complish this is to use "Mountable" partitions.

Note: Wben using MSDOS 3.3, keeing the

The- SuperStor Driver

In order for the SupeiStor Driver to be activated in your system a

DEVICE= command must be included in your CONflG.SYS file.
This line must be the firstline in the CONflG.SYS file. The ooly exceptioos to this rule are when your hard disk subsystem requires a
driver to ta1k to the hardware. (e.g. WD 7000-FASST, . etc) orwhen
your memory managec must be loaded first so the SupeiStor driver can
be loaded into high memory.


Only the SupeiStor Block driver is specified in the OONflG.SYS file

for SuperStor compressed systems. The SuperStor Character driver
SSBOOT.SYS is automatically installed if needed by the repare
process. You must never include it in your CONFIG.sYS me.

sector size at 512 bytes will provide the highest per-

formance. This is accomplished by keeping the

physical partition size at 16 MB or less.
This method of setting up your disk is a bit more complicated than
using one or two "Fixed" DOS partitions, but it gives you the
flexibility to tune the performance of your system.

The Block Driver

The Block Driver manages your compressed volumes. It automatically
detects SuperStor Fl.Xed partitions and attaches (mounts) them during
the boot process. The drivec also allocates chive letters for mountable
drives based on the /MAXMOUNT switch on the driver command line.
The ''Mountable" drive letters are displayed during the boot process.
The Block Driver also detects when a SuperStor floppy has been
changed and automatically remounts the changed floppy.
The Block Driver occupies a minimum of 28K bytes. The Block
Driver will increase in size by about 4K bytes for each fixed or mountable chive allcx_:ar:ed in y~ system. It will als~ increase in size by 8K
bytes for each mcrement m BUF'SIZ (Buffer S1ze).


;. ,:

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... :.

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-,:___;:: . -..;: ~~ -~




- - : ;.


- T he Driver automatically detects the maximum sector size of

"F'ixed mtitions. You ooly need to set MAXSS =1024 when
using "Mountable" partitions with DOS3.3 systems where the
physical mtition size is grcater than 16M bytes.

NOTE: The Block Driver can be loaded into high

memory using memOI}' manager programs such as
QEMM, 386MAX and QRAM. See your memory
manager documentation on bow to do this. See
Chapter Six for other notes on using SuperStor with
memory managers.

In order to use the SuperStor data compression system the block driver

/BUFSIZ = NN Sets the amount of space used to cache reads

and writes from SuperStor cisks. This number is in cluster
buffer size units. The default buffer size is 1, which allocates
an 8KByte buffer.

command line must be included in your CONFIG.SYS file.

If you set this to a value greater than 1 you may increase the
speed of SuperStor Operations. However, you will also
decrease the amount of available memory for your applications
by 8K bytes times the value you specified for NN.

The format for the command to load the SuperStor block driver is:
Drive: \Path. Orive and path of the directory where the SuperStor driver resides. This can be any drive and ~ that are valid
at boot time. Because SuperStor drives are not valid until after
DOS loa<h, yom CONFIG.SYS file must not reside on a SuperStor disk. The only cxception to this is in the case of a bootable
SuperStor cfisk. Tbe SuperStor driver must reside in the root
directory of the bootable SuperStor disk. See Appendix B for a
further discussion of bootable SuperStor disks.
/OP'fION =VALUE. The options which custom.ize the SuperStor driver for com:ression operations.

/MAXMOUNT=NN This option sets the maximum numbec

of mountable drives which can simultaneously be mounted on
your system. If this option is not included, the SuperStor
driver will reserve the space f or one mountable chive. H you
plan on using ma"C than 1 mountable drive simultaneously set
/MAXMOUNf = the number of mountable drives you wish to
use.The range of the MAXMOUNT parameter.is from 1 to
8.The Default MAXMOUNTvalue is l.
For ex:ample if the following line were included in your CONFIG.SYS


If you assume you are using MS DOS 3.3, the above command line is
interpreted as: You have a SuperStor "Mountable" Partition of greater

Valid options are:

/MAXSS=NN The sector size on SuperStor disks depend on
the size of the disk and the version of DOS you are using.
When the driver is loaded this value is set to the largest sector
size on any of the fixed SuperStor disks on your computer. If
you attempt to attach a mountable SuperStor disk with a larger
sector size than the driver maximum, you will see a message
that you have exceeded the maximum sector size. If this happens, modify this option in the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot
your computer. The default maximum sector size is set to 512

than 32MB with a 1024 byte logical sector size and have allocated 16
KBytes foc the SuperStor cache buffer. You have also indicated you
will use up to 4 "Mountable" partitions at a time.




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m mm;rn;


:1 l! .11:1asmss11w:

Bootable SuperStor Disks

Bootable Partitlon Requirements

The following is a list of the requirements for a bootable SuperStor
SuperStorbootabledisksmust beformatted withthe
system option.


e There must be a CONIFG.SYS

with the line
..... --.
. ..file
as the first line in the file.
NOTE: Wben using disks that require a driver, for
example, Western Digital 7000 series controller.;, the
device driver for the disk must be called before the
SuperStor Driver.
The files SSTORDRV.SYS and SSBOOT.SYS must be present in the
uncompressed ROOf partition.
NOTE: Hardware disk or memory manager drivers
which are called out befare the SuperStor driver in
the CONFlG.SYS file must be in the uncompressed
ROOT partition.



~-~ , ~



... ,..... ......,:... . .. --r



....... .

-::-..._.. ~-.:.=:--::-- :_::;;,.. --= - -

The SuperStor Mountable file with the reserved name

SSPARfSS.ADD must be in the root directory. All other required boot




t -- '!..

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--::-- -


7 .~. ~... ........~~ -- .



____,.., __



~----~ ..,.-

-- ~~"':""~--=:-----:--.:=-::.

and driver files) must be in the Mountable F'tle SSPARfSS.ADD.

Maklng A Bootable Partition


other OONHG.SYS lines as required


Boot a DOS system with the SuperStor Driver installed.


Run the SS10R~ andcreate amountable chive with

the SuperStor reserved name SSPARI'SS.ADD. This

Mountable file should leave about 256k bytes free on the
root directory to allow you to later add other drivers in the
uncompressed root partition.

Format the chive using the DOS format utility with the
system option.
R)RMAT d:/s/v

Note: Certain hardware configurations require special

partitioning and formatting utilities. For examplt; the
Bemoulli box and large drives from Seagate use a
disk manager rogra.m to format and partition a drive.


Mount SSPARfSS.ADD and exit SSTOR


Copy COMMAND.COM to Mounted Orive.


Copy CONHG.SYS to Mounted Orive.

10. Copy each of the chivers in the uncompressedRoot partition

to the mounted drive.



11. Reboot the system. The bootable Floppy or Drive C: will

boot as a compressed drive.



12. Create AUfOEXEC.BAT on comxessed drive.


Copy the files SSBOOT.DRV and SS10RDRV.SYS to the

newly formatted drive.


Copy any other driver files required to be present before the

Supe:S tor Driver to the root directory of the formatted chive.


Create a CONHG.SYS file in the root crectory with the

following Iine(s) (See your Disk Driver or Memory
Manager manual for the exact command to place in the



- ,- .. ....

- ~~~~>.~~-:.


(this line required for memory managers
when SuperStor is loaded High.)

In n<m-standard configurations the following manual method of

making a bootable fixed partition may be required. In most cases converting drive C: to a bootable drive using the SuperStor Utility is the
eas~est me;thodpf making a bootable drive on a bard disk.

Note: Only drives A: and C: can be used as bootable


.-.-... ~ .... . . ..-& '.


(this line required for some disk drivers.)

When your system requires a hardware disk chiver or other driver (such
as a memory manager) to be loaded befare the SuperStor Driver, this is
a non-standard configuration. Making a bootable compressed floppy is
also another case of a non-standard configuration.



13. Copy/lnstall rest of system files and application(s) to the

compressed disk.

DEVICE= diskdriver.sys



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1 1 11

1111111: a:m

Preparing SuperStor Floppies

SuperStor Floppies.
Using a comxessed floppy allows you to store about twie as much
data on the floppy as DOS currently allows.
Most users who want to use floppies will want to p:epare mountable
SuperStor floppies using the SSTOR Create Floppy command
ASuperStor floppy must be mounted with the MOUNT couimand initially.

-~~ -:-:--..

Where d: is a SupetStor Mountable chive letter. After a SupetStor

drive letter has been assigned, floppies prepared with the SSTOR Create Floppy command are automatically mounted when changed.
NOTE: You access a SuperStor floppy by its
SuperStor drive letter not "A" or "B".
NOTE: Compressed SupetStor Floppies can be used
with programs which expect you to change disks
while the program is operating. e.g. PCTOOLS
Backup or FastBack. The DOS BACKUP, RESTORE. utilities are not compatible with SuperStor



T :"::..:.._:

- -55



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- - ~--

- ... . . ~ . ~ - ,...




Preparing A SuperStor Floppy

Preparing A Bootable Floppy

You should prepare several SuperStor compressed floppies so they' 11

be ready when you ne.ed them.

the following rocedure.

A floppy can be made into a bootable compressed SuperStor floppy by

The procedure for preparing SuperStor floppies is shown below:


Format the floppy as a Data Disk (See your DOS manual

for how to use the f'ORMAT command.)

NOTE: To acate a bootable SuperStor floppy com1-3 below:



Format the floppy as a system drive using the

FORMAT d:/s/v
DOS command(wheredisAorB)


Copy the SuperStor Driver SSTORDRV.SYS to d:.


Create a CONFIG.SYS file on the floppy which contains

the followingline. See your DOS manual on how to acate



Use the SuperStor Utility program SSTOR to acate a

mountable drive oo the floppy using the "Create Floppy"

NOTE: A Supe:Stor floppy cannot have any files oo

it befare the "Create Floppy" command is executed.


Preparing A Mountable Floppy

If you want to specify the name of the mountable file on your floppy,
use the SS10R Prepare Mountable command Floppies prepared using
the prepare mountable command are not automatically remounted


Using the SuperStor Utility :rogram SS10R, create a

mountable drive on the floppy with the reseIVed name
SSPARI'SS.ADD. The size of the file should equal the size
of thedisk.


Mount the floppy file SSPARrSS.ADD and copy OOMMAND.OOM CONFIG.SYS and the desired program/data
files to the compressed floppy.

when changed.
It is recommended that the entire disk be used as the mountable file.
The procedure for preparing mountable floppies is shown below:


Format the floppy as a Data Disk (See your DOS manual

for how to use the f'ORMAT command.)


Use the SuperStor Utility program SSTOR to acate a

mountable drive on the floppy with the "Create Mountable"





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Arrow Keys. The ( f L -

-} up, down, right and left keys oo your

keyboard. These keys are used in the AddStor software to allow you to
select menu choices

AUTOEXEC.BAT File. The last thing DOS does in its initial start sequence is ex:ecute a series of user selected commands. SuperStor
modifies the AUI'OEXEC.BAT file to inform DOS where to find the

SupezStor software.
Block Device. One of two ways DOS uses to ta11c to peripheral
devices. Block devices pass data to and from DOS in fixed sized (typically 512 bytes or multi:ies of 512 bytes) blocks. See a.lSoOiaracter
Boot. The process of starting up your computer and loading the operating system. See a1so Restart.
Boot Drive. The chive (hard or floppy) which contains the operating
system and system start up files used during the boot process.
Character Device. One of two ways DOS uses to ta11c to peripheral
devices. Character devices pass data to and from DOS one byte (character) ata time. See also Block Device.

Compatibility. The ability of a software (hardware) product to be inserted into your system without causing any problems or chanpjnp; the
way you work.



~ -,,:;.


... ...: . -~ ....<. ~1--......


- ~--- 1




::;:a: --


Data Compres,goo. The process of replacing recurring sequences of

bytes in a data stream with shorter codes, which will allow the original
sequences to be reconstruded. This :xocess fits your data into a
smaller physical space on your disk chive.
Compression Ratio. The number of sedors SuperStor uses to write a
file divided by the number of sectors DOS allocated to the file. The
average compression ratio of most files is about 2:1.
CONFIG.SVS File. Identifies special configuration o::rions for DOS.
SuperStor modifies the CONHG.SYS file to instrud DOS to load the
SuperStor device driver during the DOS startup sequence.
Decompression. The process of restoring comressed data to its
original form.
Device Driver. A program that provides a fundion that is not provided
by DOS. The SuperStor device driver SSTORDRV.SYS adds a compression/decompression fundion to the DOS disk subsystem.
Disk Cache. Adisk driver utility which rrecficts which data might be
frequently requested from your drive and places this data in RAM buffers in your system. A disk cache significantly improves the perlormance of your system.
Disk Deragmenter. A disk utility program which reorganizes the
files on your disk to improve the performance of your disk drive. Your
disk becomes fragmented during normal use because deleting files
leaves empty spaces which are then filled by writing new files. Afragmented disk causes the access time for a file to increase because the
number of seeks it takes to access the file increases. Adefragment
utility rearranges the files on the disk to make them occupy sequential
sedors. This deaeases the total time to access a file, making your system run more efficiently.
Disk Utilities. DOS programs which help you manage the data on
your hard disk. The SuperStor Data Compression package provides
programs which Prepare, Mount, Dismount, Defragment, Remove, and
provide Disk Statistics for SuperStor Partitions.


..... --.~ - ~- .,_...,,._,......_ .. :.......::J: :: ..-

111 ' -



a ....

Drive. The disk, or portion of a disk which DOS considers a separate

device. A disk drive corresponds to a DOS disk chive letter.
Existing Drive. A chive letter assigned by DOS to a Floppy (A: or B:)
or hard disk or other block devices. (Letters C: through Z; ). SupezStor
Disks are Block devices to DOS.
FAT (File Allocatioo Table). The File Allocation Table (FA1) is a portion of a DOS disk's Directory Structure which specifies which ysical blocks of tbe disk are free, used or bad
File System. 'The method an operating system uses to store and locate
files on a storage subsystem. SuperStor provides a more efficient file
system than DOS.
Los&e~ Compres,gon. A compression algorithm that guarantees the
original data can be recovered 100%accurately. A pocess of removing redundant infonnation from a data stream and encoding the output
such that the data OCOJpies a smaller space and can be recovered with
complete accuracy. SuperStor uses lossless compression.

Lo~ Compres,gon. Acompression algorithm that doesn't guarantee

the data stored can be recovered 100% accurately. Using Lossy compression usually allows for a higher compression ratio for the data compressed Lossy com:xession is usable in applications such as drawing
or photography, and voice or music where you do not necessarily need
every bit of the original data to understand the data content

Memory Manager. A program which allows you to use your

compiter's memory more efficiently. SuperStor is compatible with
memory managers.
Menu. A list of choices provided by a program which allows you to
seled which actions the program should take.
Mountable Drive. A file on a DOS drive wbich has been prepared as a
SuperStor comxessed drive.
Partition. A portion of your hard disk drive which appears to you as a
separate disk chive lette.t: Large disk drives are usually divided iro---~ ,-
several different drive letters. See also Existing Orive.


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1. 2 --'~


Realdme, On-the-Oy. A process, such as compression or decompression, that takcs pace continuously with no apparent delays in normal operation. SupeiStor is a real-time data compression system.

.~ ::- '. r" ;, ~.. .. ,~ . ...

Reboot / Restart. Thc xocess of starting up your computec and loading the operating system.


; J/'.
:' ...,~ 7- :e::-~
. . . .,,. ...
-..--~- -

Technlcal Support
-:-;_,,-. :-- -:- ~. . !

S uperStor is easy to instan and use. If you encountec problems using

or installing SuperStor, pe.ase read the manual, espe;cially Oiaptec
Five Using Your SuperStor Disk and Oaapter SiX :Compatibillty
~es. Also read the REDMETXI' file on your SupeiStor diskette.
If aftec following all of these step you cannot determine how to solve
your problem contactan AddSta Customec Scrvice Representitive.

Before calling pease collect the following information about your system.

Your SuperStor Serial Number

- ::

.. ...- -- .

2. The SuperStor Version number


The ~ system and version number. Use the ~ VER


A list of memory resident software (xograms that are

started from the CONFIG.SYS a AUIUEXEC.BAT files).
Include the version numbers.

5. A printed copy of your AUIUEXEC.BAT and OONFlG.SYS files.




Your Disk subsystem configuration

Controller type(s)
Orive type(s) (ST506, ESDI, SCSI, IDF., etc) andSize(s)


-A list of ali cards installed i1 your systein (vide0-C3rds,

communication card.5, etc)


~.. ~ ..:~:;~~~.~..;

~ .

- -.



. === -==

,_,';...:.~;.. ~~'---- --

-- :C- w

~- ._......;....;..;..=....~-=-=-'

8. What Application Software was running at the time you

encouotered the xoblem. What was the software doing
(rcading cfisk, writing disk, copying files, etc) when you
encouoted a problem?
9. What the problem was that you encountered.
AddStor Customer Service is available from 8:00AM to 5:00 PM PST
(PDT) Monday through Friday. Picase call (415) 688 -0465.
It is ma;t helpful if you are actually sitting at the computer system that
is ex:periencing the xoblem when you call. This allows us to determine immediately if we have corrected your problem. Also, it saves
you the time and money of making repeated calls to AddStor.





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--.:.:_:.=..::-. --


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Superstor 1 .3 notes

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- _- lnstruction ~ide
1. You shoold have received 2 5 1/4 360k floppy diskettes. The
manual says you should only receive 1. (pg. 8) To install Superstor
trom the 5 1/4 diskettes. place either diskette in the floppy drive and
type.;,!instalf~ ;_-;You,~11 be~ when to cha11ge diskettes. All cJ
the files from both disloettes will be copied. ,

"J...... ........


-~ -'-?'

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. ':.




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.... .

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. :. . ;;!!":.

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,,_i .

: ..

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2. This version is not oompatible with DR C?OS. (pgs. 7, 38) __ _







\:t:.-":;.,;' .

;: ~ . -

._ -..

_,, : .

3. The maximum number ot Superstor devices is 4 instead cJ 8, as

----idicatedintheuser'sguide. Cpg.n : ;., -'--'~-'- -..,~ ,._ :,__,
- -- ~"' ~-



-;~~;: ~.::. .:

.":_. t ----,o:.h:f.:.-:

-~ -;~.

4. The BUFSIZE optiOn iS o l_onger Used~ ln~ead use the BUFFERS=

command from DOS~~~~q~~~~~f.i~~.. (pg.j?L ,,,,~ ;.


5:. .,_,.;:; ~~:..~~

5. When aeating mountmte<lislcson QMDRJVER partitions, you must set

the ~xss=" switch ciri'lhe S~ dr~
ID ttM!'eorrect sector
, size number used by DMDRIVER. - -



_.. _. . .



6. lf you encounter any ot the following situations, refer to lhis user gu ide
addendum for instruc:tions about sorne new Superstor uti lities we h ave
included on your disks free
A) Yoo hav~- compres~ your boot drive _a nd want to load the
Superstorrlverint~.i8fl -~;.'.~-SU~DATE" '..-~.,_

8) You have any.dvr loded ahead of Superstor in CONFIG..SYS

and want to compress your boot drive. See "SUPDATE
C) You are plann ing on upgrading to DOS 5 .O and already have
installed Superstor on your system. See upgrading to DOS S.o
0) You have filled the physical drive and Superstor has begun
reporting bad blocks. See -SSHRINK.W

.llpgrllillg from MS DOS 3.30 o_r below to MSDOS 5. O with Supecstor 1nstal1ed

s._aa- B
lnstaJling MS-DOS S.0 on an MS-DOS 4.01 system with Supentor imtalled
andan ... rnu41 boot drive, drive C:.

lf you are upgrading from MS-DOS 3.30 or below to MS-DOS S.O and bave
Supentor installed on your system follow these steps.

Step 1. Rename the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT in the following


At the C:\ prompt type:

rename CONFIG.SYS CONFIO.HLD <enter>

Step 1. Ba.ckup your entire hard drive and ali of its partitions. You can do this
with either DOS's BACKUP command or your favorite ba.ckup utility.
You - i ~ ~
or your data will be lost forever.

Step 2. Hold down the <Ctrl><Alt><Dei> k.ey combina.tion to reboot your


Step 2. Imert Supentor floppy A in drive A: and type: A: <enter>.

Step 3. From the A:> type: dismouot C: <enter>. You will see a reply,
dismouated. Repea.t tbis ~ umil you bave dismounted all of the
compressed partitiom on your hard disk.
Step 4. Delete any file called "SSPARTSS.ADD."
Step S. Follow the imtructiom in DOS S.O for upgrading to MS-DOS S.O.
*note: This is the perfect time to repartition your disk with DOS S.O to make
bigger partitiom if you would like. One beoefit of repartitioning is
you bave fewer partitiom to compresa. This saves 4K for ea.ch
partition you don't bave on your system. Follow the DOS instructiom
for partitiooing with FDISK and refonmuing under DOS S.O.
Step 6. Alter your system is upgraded to DOS S.O imert the Supemor
distribution diskeue and follow the Supentor imuuctions for
compressing an entire partition.


. . . ...-.

Step 3. Insert the MS-DOS S.O setup disk in drive A:.. O.nge_the A: drive and
type: S.tup <eoter>; Follow the remaining Microsoft instructions
for imtalling MS-DOS S.O.
Step '4. Restore your original CONFIO.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT in the
followin maaoer:
At the C:\ prompt type:
Step S. Use the <Ctrl><Alt><Del> by combim.tion to reboot your syswm.
You have oow upgraded your sysiem from MS-DOS '4.01 to.MS-DOS S.O. Your
computer is ready to \De nonally.
~ , '

Step 7. Restore your files from the bacltup of your system tbat you made.

Installing MS-DOS S.O a.fter Supentor is imtalled on an MS-DOS '4.01 system
with a ca 1n111 'bootahle

You bave successfully upgraded and are oow ready to use your system as you
bave before.

Step 1. Boot from a DOS '4 .01 bootahle floppy disk.

!JFgrading from MS-DOS 1.01 to MS-DOS

5.0 with Superstor iost,alled.
Sit.uio. A
lnstallin MS-DOS S.O before Supentor is imtaJled

~~~P4 ,

f40. Q

il> + ..

Step 2. Make a copy of the MS-DOS S.O up~ disb by:

a) Insert the DOS S.O setup disk in drive A:.
b) Changie to drive A:.
e) Type: setup /F <enler>
d) Follow the insttuctiom for making MS-DOS S.O floppy disk:s. You
will oeed 7 S .is of '4 3.S- disk:s.

Step 1. Follow the imuuctiom in the Microsoft manual for upgradin to or

imtallin MS-DOS S.O.

Step 3. Boot from your compreued, bootable C: drive.

Step 2. lnstaJl Supentor as per the imtructions in the Supen;tor manual.

Step 4. OJange directories to the DOS directory. Delete ali of the old DOS
files. Type: . del*.* <enter>.


Step S. Copy all of the DOS S.O floppy disks to your C:\DOS direciory. For
ea.ch disk type: copy A:\*.* C:\DOS <enter>.

Step S. When SSHRINK finishes adjusting the size of your compressed drive
you will see tbe meaage, "SSHRINK completed OK."

Step 6. Copy command.com to C:\ by ioserting the DOS S.O Startup disk in
drive A: and type: copy A:\command.com C: <enter> .

Step 6 . Reboot the system.

R.w+i4 BU Blocb widt

Step 7. With tbe MS-DOS S.O Staz1Up disk in drive A:, reboot your computer.
Step 8. Confinn that you booted DOS S.O by typin: ver <enter>. You should
see: "MS-DOS Version S.O."

Step 9. lnstall DOS S.0 on your physical drive C: by inserting tbe DOS 5.0
disk labeled "Support" and type: sys C: <eater>. You will be asked to
insert tbe DOS S .O system disk. lmert the DOS 5 .O disk labelled
stanup and presa tbe <enter> tey. DOS 5_.~w be tnmfened.

-- ------------

SSHRINK is med to mab tbe Supentor compreaed drive amller. Ita main
purpose is to remove any bad bloclts tba1 Supemor has created to keep DOS
from attempting to write past tbe end of tbe physical disk. SSHRINK is also
meful in adjtsting tbe size of any compc-d partition, indudin mouma.ble
dri.._. To me SSHRINK, perform tbe followin:

Step 2. Follow tbe instructiom for nmning"Supemor's SSHRINK utility.

Wben you enter tbe SSHRINK command, type: "abrink
C:\aparta.add 1." This tells SSHRJNK to only decrease the size of
tbe compreaed disk by 1 kbyte.
Step 3. After you reboot tbe system, run CHKDSK and aU of tbe bad blocks
reported by Supentor sbould be ~wd. . .__ ._ .:e~ .
--' - .. Note: Al tbis point you ma.y wish 10 run Supemor's SSXPANO utility to
regain tbe 1 kbyte of space you decreued your compreaed disk by.





-,. :

- ~ ?::.:-.- : .: ~:.~~~-.J"~; ta:::: '~~:+'.~:- ..

Supemor's SSXPAND utility is med to iocreue tbe size of tbe compressed

drive. Tbe main purpose of XXPAND is to retum tbe compressed disk back to
ita origim.1 size after SSHRINKing il to remow bad blocks. SSXPA ND can be
med on any compreaed partition, iocluding mountable drives, to make them
larer. To me SSXPAND, perform tbe follo"trin steps.

Step 2. Make drive A: active by typin: A: <enter>.

Step 3. From tbe A:> prompt, type: dismount C: (wbere any compreaed drive
leuer can be substituted for C:.) Tbe system will reply, "dismounted."
Step '4. Type:
"ahrink C:\sspartss.add xxx" <enter>.
Substitute for C: the drive leuer of the compressed drive you just
dismotmted, and for xxx, substituae tbe oumber of kbytes by wbich
you wish to shrink the compressed partition. Tbe number xxx must be
a wbole number and can be u low u 1. lf you try to sbrink
SSPARTSS.ADD by too lare a number you will be prompted by etror
mes:sages about your Rquest. lf you a.mwer "N", for oo, SSHRINK will
abort and no cha.nges will be wriuen to your disk. lf you answw "Y-,
for yes, Superstor's SSHRINK command will automa.tically adjust your
Rquest to a safe amount and proceed with tbe oper.uion.

~ - -

-"'"~-~.:;:.::..:~---~~ji;~~~'.'.), -. -

Step 1. Place tbe Superstor floppy B in drive A:.


When a user fills up the physical disk, Superstor keeps DOS from writing past
tbe end of tbe physical disk by telling DOS tba1 tbe logical disk is full of bad
blocks. These bad bloclts are phony. To remove them perfonn tbe following
Step 1. Delete some files from tbe bard disk.

Step 10. Remove tbe floppy from tbe drive and reboot from your bard disk
boot partition. You now bave rebooted from DOS S.O. Your computer
is upgnded and ready to use normally.



Step 1. Place tbe . Superstor floppy B in drive A:.

Step 2. Make drive A: a.ctive by typing: A: <enter>.

Step 3. Dismount tbe compreaed partition by typin: dismount e:. (where
any compreaed driw leuer can be substituted for C:. ) The system will
reply, "dismoumed."
Step '4. Type:
SSXPAND C:\apart.add xxx <enter>

, ."),

Substitule for C: the drive leu.er of the compreaed partition you just
dismounted, and for xxx, substitule the number of kbytes by wbich
you wish to expand the compreaed disk. Uaua.Uy this oumber will be
the same oumber you used with the SSHRINK command. lf you enter
an iocorrect value for XXX, SSEXPAND will prompt you with error
rnessases. lf you answer "N", for DO, SSEXPAND will abort and DO
clDngea will be made to the disk. lf you anawer y, for yes,
SSXPAND will a.utoma.tically make the neceaaJY a.djustments in your
requeat and proceed aafely.

Step 6. SUPDATE automatically does a hard reboot of your ayatem. Do not be

alarmed when your screen goes black momentarily.
An example of using S UPDATE to load lhe Superstor driver, SSTORDRV.SYS,
into high memory with QEMM386 appears below.
After you have compressed your C: drive with Superstor your CONFIO.SYS
would look somet..liliig lik.e tls:

Step 5. Wbeo SSXPAND fmisms adjustin the size of your compresaed drive
you will aee the memge, "SSXPAND compleled OK to*"*****"
c c c c c c will be the oew size, in actual bytes, of the compresaed

device-\sstordrv .sys
device-c:\qemm\qemm386 .sys ram

Step 6. Reboot the ayat.em.

Now you would edit your CONFIO.SYS to appear as followa:

SUPDATE is used to auaom:Wcally move dri~ to the pbysic:al boot area of a
bard disk. Typically, memory manager driver.s, Disk Manager' DMDRIVER.,
and aecondary hard disk and b:ardcanl driwrs are enmpics of file men will
wam to load befon the Supemor driver, SSTORDRV.SYS. lf a driver is to be

~ ~~s~g:~:~~i~u~in the p~~-boo~U:. ,~ the--" - ,~ -~,.~

Step 1. UsinJ the text editor, edit your C:\CONFIO.SYS file. Pbce any
devioe= lioe you want to nm Wore Supentor as the lioe(a) preceding

- ~7

Step -4. From tM root directory C:\type: SUPDATE <emer>.

Step S. SUPDATE will reapond with the follo'WDg memgies: "SSHRINK
completed OK" and "moving driven from logic:al drive to physical
drive. Do DOt be alarmed if you do DOt aee any meaaa,. about
SSHRINK. SSHRINK only rum if it is required to IUll. In moat caMS
SSHRINK will IUll.

QEMM386.SYS is the memory manager driver.

RAM is ooe of QEMM'a defa.ult awitcms.
LOADHl.SYS is QEMM's command to load a driver inSo bigh memory areas of
DOS. In tls example it is loading the Superstor driver into the bigh memory
atn. .

**Notice*" We ha.ve told SUPDATE to look for ti-e two drivers in the
QEMM subdirectory. lt is critica! for SUPDATE to ha.ve the proper aean:h path
iu c..rder for it to locate the files it must move.

Step 2. Wben e<:liting tbe CONFIO.SYS file make certn IO give the proper
aearch palh, including any subdireciories. SUPDATE will oeed this
informuion to find tbe driver files it must copy to tbe boot area of the
Step 3. Save your oew CONFIO .SYS file.


We save the new CONFIO.SYS then nm SUPDATE and tbe system replies with
its mess:ages: "SSHRINK completed OK" and "moving driven from logical
drive to physical drive." When the system retums to the DOS C:\> prompt, we
ha.ve successfully updaled the system. We DOW reboot the compmer.
After the system boots we nm CHKDSK to ftnd tbat we DOW ha.ve more memory
available to nm our progr.uns because lhe Superstor driver is DOW located in
the upper memory area imtea.d of in conventiom.l memory.

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