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Dominance of English language

English language as we see today is one of the most powerful languages of

the world which is considered now as fate deciding language for many third
world nations due to its prestigious nature. Which is obviously in turn is a
game to rule the world, arranged by USA and past British colonies. I am as
Pakistani also suffering from this English language dilemma all around,
although I belong to an independent nation but in real we are puppets in the
hands of an alien language speakers by pushing backward our own
indigenous languages that make our identity.
English language is the language of globalization, its been learning by billion
people and about third of the worlds population is exposed to it by many
ways. Previously the spread of this language was through colonization led by
British to various countries. The British Empire was the largest in history,
covering a quarter of the Earths land area, with a population of over 450
million people.
They introduced their education system in colonized countries in English
language to strengthen their hold deep in the dominated minds. As rightly
described by Philipson,1992, The primary aim of education in the colonies
became the acquisition of the English language, and the future academic
and financial success of those living in colonized countries came to depend
mainly on their English language ability.

People who wanted to rush in success had to learn English language. Those
with good command over this language were given various jobs by British
government. This is from where the initiation of English language spread
took place and people started to divert their minds from their mother
languages to this very language.
After World War II, when colonized countries started to gain independence,
the English language maintained its influence by being selected as an official
or national language by leaders who were themselves the products of
colonial education (Phillipson, 1992, p.182). In the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, the United States steadily ascended to replace Great Britain as the
world's largest economy.
Language played and is playing vital role in spreading power influence on
recessive nations as English is being used as lingua franca in many countries
that has given path to its global reach. Now the question arises what is
lingua franca? A lingua franca is a language that is spoken by people from a
variety of cultures in order to facilitate trade and international relations.
Different parts of the world have seen many different lingua francas
throughout the course of history. Perhaps most famously, Latin was the
lingua franca of the Roman Empire, but Greek was also used as a lingua
franca among merchants, especially around the Mediterranean, and on the
north coast of Africa. Akkadian was an ancient lingua franca that was used
by the Babylonians and Egyptians, but with the spread of the Assyrian and

later the Persian Empire, it was replaced by Aramaic. Today, Arabic is the
lingua franca of the Muslim world, and Chinese is the lingua franca of much
of Eastern Asia, but the only truly global language is English.
The rise of English as an international language has been meteoric, and
today it is the dominant or official language in over 75 countries and
territories. There has never been a time in recorded history when one
language has been spoken by such a large percentage of the worlds
English language Pakistan
Initially British came to subcontinent by trading means under the name of
east India Company in 1600 and they got attracted by its wealth and natural
resources. After which the spread of English language can be divided into
three phases the missionary phase (1614 1765); the phase of local demand
(1765 1835); and governmental policy following T.B. Macaulays Minuteof
1835 (Rehman, 2014). These phases took great part in the spread of English
language throughout the subc
In 1835, the British came to conquer and rule India. They believed in
superiority of western culture, their language and their religion. They wanted
to civilize Indian people by giving them their way of life

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