Jim Caviezel Edmond Dantès Guy Pearce James Frain Dagmara Dominczyk

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Liwanag, Joanne C.

22, 2014



Professor: Percy

Count of Monte Cristo

This movie was inspired by our very own Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo. It is about revenge, love and betrayal for the sake of
personal ambition. Jim Caviezel as Edmond Dants, Guy Pearce as Fernand
Mondego, James Frain as J.F. Villefort, Dagmara Dominczyk as Merceds are
the main character and they acted very well(clap clap clap for them ).
Edmond Dantes was successful in everything he wants to do, in his personal
life and most of all in his love life. Ferdinand Montego envies Dantes and he
is in loved with Mercedes (Dantes fiance). This lead to the much serious or I
should say greediness of Mondego and other people who wants to destroy
Dantes. They accused him of and on the day of his wedding they arrested for
his alleged crime. They brought him to a Chteau (where the most
dangerous political prisoners kept) while in prison he met Fr. Abbe Faria. He
teaches Dants history, science, philosophy, and languages, turning him into a welleducated man. It shows that whatever we did to others, it will chase us. Mercedes
married Mondego. Dantes rise again and become rich and successful then he
plotted vengeance to his mortal enemy/former friend Ferdinand Mondego. Selfish
ambition will make you greedy and envy others it will also lead to your own
destruction. Money is the root of all evil as well as your personal ambition. It is a
good movie it emphasize the reality of our situation in political aspects who maybe
some of them had a passion is serving but majority had a personal ambition.

Liwanag, Joanne C.

Rizal sa Dapitan
Jose Rizal is an inspiration when it comes to his studies, fighting for what is right
and managing other priorities in life. The movie Rizal in Dapitan portrayed by Mr.
Albert Martinez as Jose Rizal and Ms. Amanda Page as Josephine Bracken (lead
characters) is more about what happened to him in Dapitan even though the
Spaniards tried to deteriorate his life by threatening and harassment (emotional
harassment on the part of his family) he suffered and his family, but despite of this
he choose to serve his fellow Filipinos and he continued to do his part as an
ophthalmologist and as a writer. He operate the eye of his mother in Dapitan and
helped his fellow Filipinos he also met Josephine Bracken who later became his
wife. The relationship of the two was opposed by Father Antonio Obach where he
degraded Rizal as a person, but it only strengthened his love for Josephine and later
she became pregnant but sadly it was miscarried. Truly Rizal in Dapitan shows
Rizals nationalism and patriotism to his beloved country despite of sufferings and
difficulties he faced.

I am with you when things are going good,
when the way is bright and clear
I am with you my child when life looks bleak,
and your Vision is blurred with tears.
I am with you when Happiness fills your heart,
When the sun is shining bright,
I am by your side when you feel alone,
and youre surrounded by darkest night.
I am with you when you have many friends,
when others for you care,
I am always with you when youre alone,
your loneliness to share.
I am with you when youre radiant with health,
when you dont lack a thing,
I am next to you when youre in pain,

I am there to comfort bring.

My child, I will always be there for you,
remember that I care,
Remember that youre not alone,
I am here to your sorrow to share!
I will always be with you til the end of the world,
Ill be there each step of the way,
I am with you every moment, every hour,
and each and everyday
by: Ariane Rjeder

Dont Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road youre trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When cares pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but dont you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won if hed stuck it out,
Dont give up, though the pace seems alow
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than

It seems to a faint and faltering man;
Often the struggler has given up
When he might have captured the night slipped
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when youre hardest hit
Its when things seem worst you mustnt quit

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