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Myanmar officials are making plans for a $6 billion hydropower dam in Shan State. The
hydropower dam project has fierce critics, including Shan state residents. They say the
project will flood an area nearly the size of Singapore and destroy 100 communities.
Ethnic Shan ......(1)..........(2)........and environmentalists are appealing for help to fight the
"Mong Ton" project. It is just one of five hydropower projects ......(3)......(4)... the Salween
About 16 Shan organizations released a statement in Bangkok this week. It said Myanmars
government would ...(5)....(6).........(7) ... troops to secure land for the dam project. The
groups warned that an increased ....(8).......(9)...... could restart civil war. The statement noted
that the area is already unstable.
The proposed 241-meter high dam ....(10)......(11)........ more than 7,000 megawatts of
electricity. Almost all ...(12)....(13).....(14)..... to be exported to China and Thailand.
Mong Ton would be Myanmar's largest hydroelectric dam and the tallest dam in Asia, except
for China and India.
Pianporn Deetes is with the Thai office of the ....(15).....(16)....... International Rivers. In his
words, "Not ....(17)....(18)..... are on this river ...(19).
Dam Project Involves Australian Firm
The Shan ethnic group has been involved in several civil wars with Myanmars central
government over ...(20).....(21)....... The Shan held several protests in April and May ....
(22)....(23)...attempt to halt work on the project. At the time, a large Australian company
was ...(24).....(25)... and...(26) .....(27) ..... studies. The company is Snowy ....(28)....
Engineering Corporation, or SMEC.
The statement from Shan groups criticized SMEC's study process. It said the process ...
(29).....(30)........ and that the company planned to support the project from the ...(31).
The statement criticized the actions of ..(32)...(33)..... last month. It said they "angered local
villagers by only explaining the ...(34).....(35).... of the dam, giving them gifts' which they
saw as bribes, and ...(36)... them to sign documents they didn't understand."
This ...(37)..... happened a month after Australian Federal Police ...(38).... International
headquarters in New South Wales. The police were said to be ...(39).........(40) of foreign
Australian investigators have not said whether the ...(41)......(42)...... involves the project in
Myanmar. SMEC has not answered questions from VOA about the ....(43)...... made by
dam ...(44)..
China, Thailand Back $6 Billion Project

The $6 billion project involves China's Three Gorges Corporation, the Electricity Generating
Authority of Thailand, Myanmar's Ministry of Electric Power and International Group of
Entrepreneurs, or IGE. Local media say the sons of a powerful ....(44).....(45).... minister
control IGE.
Myanmar, also known as Burma, has long planned to build a dam in the area. A Japanese
company did the first ....(46).....(47)... in 1981. There was a ceremony in 2007 to open the
project. But, little work has been done ..(49).
The dam is expected to take ....(50)....(51).... to build. Separate ethnic armies in Shan state
have ...(52) .....(53)..... against the central government. The state also is home to most of
Myanmar's opium ...(54)....(55)..
Local environmentalists say Chinese workers ....(56).........(57).... the dam project have been
in the area for ...(60). Some of the Chinese workers were ...(61) May 2011 and later
rescued by a Shan army. Since then, thousands of Myanmar ...(62)....(63)....... and police have
guarded in the area. They sometimes fight with ethnic....(64).
Shan community groups say the security forces ....(65).......(66)..... along a 32-kilometer
stretch of the Salween. The groups say the security forces ....(67).....(68).... not involved with
the project.
Few people live in the area that activists say ....69).....(70).. A government campaign against
rebels in the late 1980's forced about 300,000 Shan ...(71).... to (72)..
The Shan statement from Tuesday says, "The remaining (rural) communities continue to
suffer from ...(73)..... committed with impunity by government troops.
The Salween is one of the longest free- (74).....(75)...... in the world. It runs 2,800 kilometers
from the mountains of Tibet through China, Myanmar and Thailand. Its waters ...(76)...(77)....
the Andaman Sea.
Myanmar's government has not ...(78)....(79)..... the villager's objections to the project.
Officials in the past have praised the Salween dam projects as helpful to the ...(80).......
(81)..... populations. They have said the dams will help make electricity for Myanmar and
lead to ..(82).
But, critics say the dam will help only ...(83)... and ...(84).... people in Thailand and
Myanmar. They say those people will profit from selling electricity around a region of fast-...
Im Caty Weaver.

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