Isaac Newton On Daniel 9:24

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Isaac Newton’s view on Daniels

70 “7” prophesy.

…His meticulous approach to

problem solving deserves our
serious consideration….
Information contained here is available in his book, titled,

His thoughts on Daniel 9:24

"Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince ..”

…. because there are two comings of the Messiah,

Newton suggests, that Gabriel intended two
decrees to restore Jerusalem, as a preceding
signals of his coming….
"Know and understand this: From the issuing of the decree to restore and
rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, the ruler, comes, there will be
seven 'sevens,
and sixty-two 'sevens.”

Notice, that his coming as a ruler or

prince suggests his second coming…
“…and threescore and two weeks: it shall be built again, with street and moat,
even in troublous times. And after the threescore and two weeks shall the
anointed one be cut off, and shall have nothing…

….and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy
the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be
with a flood, and even unto the end shall be war;
desolations are determined…”

In the second year of

Vespasian, on September 7, 70 A.D.
Nehemiah Titus took the city….
436 B.C.
“….We avoid also the doing
violence to the language of Daniel,
by taking the seven weeks and
sixty two weeks for one number.
Had that been Daniel's meaning, he
would have said sixty and nine
and not seven weeks and sixty
two weeks, a way of numbering used
by no nation. “
Isaac Newton
About the marker of his first coming Isaac Newton writes thus:

“...Now Nehemiah came to Jerusalem in the 20th year of

this same Artaxerxes, while Ezra still continued there,
(Nehem. 12:36), and found the city lying waste, and the
houses and wall unbuilt, (Nehem. 2:17. 7:4), and
finished the wall the 25th day of the month Elul,
(Nehem. 6:15), in the 28th year of the King, that is, in
September in the year of the (436 BC )Julian Period
4278. Count now from this year threescore and two
weeks of years, that is 434 years, and the reckoning will
end in September in the year of the Julian Period 4712
which is the year in which Christ was born, according to
Clemens, Alexandrinus, Irenæus, Eusebius, Epiphanius,
Jerome, Orosius, Cassiodorus, and other antients; and
this was the general opinion…”
About the marker of his second coming Isaac Newton writes thus:

“ …and that since the commandment to return and to

build Jerusalem, precedes the Messiah the Prince by 49
years; it may perhaps come forth not from the Jews
themselves, but from some other kingdom friendly to
them, and precede their return from captivity, and give
occasion to it; and lastly, that this rebuilding of
Jerusalem and the waste places of Judah is predicted in
Micah 7:11, Amos 9: 11-14, Ezek. 36: 33- 38,
Isa.54:3-12, 55:12, 61:4, 65:18-22, and Tobit 14:5,
and that the return from captivity and coming of the
Messiah and his kingdom are described in
Daniel 7, Rev 19, Acts 1,Mat. 24, Joel 3, _Ezek. 36-37
Isa. 60, 62,63,65,66,
and many other places of scripture. The manner I know
not. Let time be the Interpreter.”
Now, his text was written 300 hundred years
ago, and Daniels prophesy 2550 years ago

I don’t know about you, but I am impressed! Wow!

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