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Individual Assignment
Learning Outcome:


Understand the procedures in computer crime and investigation.


Describe possible ways for the existence of fraud and red flags.
Explain the differences between confidentiality and privacy data.
Understanding on the roles of IT auditor and E-business policies and Assignment
Marks are awarded based on the following guidelines:
Description of performance level
80% -100%

60% -79%

40% -59%

Below 40%

APU Level 3

There were mature and interesting points based on your research and
reading. Each point supported with valid explanation. Shows
understanding of subject matter. Adequate references given. No
grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.
There were sufficient points raised with valid explanations provided.
There is adequate understanding of subject matter. Minor grammatical
errors and spelling mistakes.
No clear understanding of research subject. Insufficient points given and
explanations are unclear or not helpful in clarifying points. Not enough
reference given. Major grammatical and spelling mistakes.
You did not show understanding of the subject matter. Points are off-topic
and do not tie back to research. No understanding of theories and concepts
taught. Not enough reference given. Numerous grammatical and spelling

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation




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Julia Katchum is in charge of the Eastern Regional Counterterrorism Computer Forensics
Unit. Her recent investigations led her to believe that an imminent threat of a terrorist act in
the Chicago area exists. She did not know much about the attack except at least four terrorists
were involved, and one of them had just made a phone call from inside the main offices of
Stevenson and Barnes International Corporation, a manufacturing company that sell goods
and provide services through the internet. Her immediate task was to proceed directly to
Stevens and Barnes with an eight-person tactical team including a counterterrorism field
officer to apprehend the suspect.
Julias primary mission was to search the suspects office and home computers and find any
information that could help towards the attack. It was thought the attack could take place
before the day was over. When Julia and the CTU (counterterrorism unit) team arrived at the
office, only the CTU officer went inside to avoid drawing undue attention.
Inside, the CTU officer surreptitiously spoke to the security guard at the front desk and asked
to be escorted to the office of the head of security. Once there, the CTU officer used the
buildings surveillance cameras to locate the suspect who was in the center of a very large
room full of staff accountants working in individual cubicles.
The CTU officer decided against sending in the entire team and to make the arrest alone.
There was too big a chance that the suspect could see the team coming at him because of his
position in the center of the room. If he saw them coming, he could have time to delete
valuable evidence or notify other terrorists.
The CTU officer worked his way through the cubicles in as casual a way as possible, but
when he got half way to his destination; the suspect seemed to identify him and began typing
frantically on his computer. When the CTU officer realised what the suspect was doing, he
ran the rest of the way and stopped the suspect by pressing his 10mm pistol into the side of
the mans head.
The CTU raided the suspects home at the same moment he was arrested. Just a few minutes
later, the officer in charge of that raid delivered the notebook computer to John Dobson,
CTUs forensic accountant, as he was just beginning to look over the suspects computer in
the Stevens and Barnes offices.
John noted the following facts:
1) The suspects office computer had opened an instant messenger program (Skype). He
could see a piece of message written in Arabic;
2) The battery in the home notebook computer was warm, even though it was turned off
and not plugged in when it was seized;
3) Suspects office computer hard drive seems to be cleaned up and changed with the
home computer prior to the investigation;
4) There are few application software that are unable to access which requires password
and special encryption was found unreadable; and
5) It was found out that the suspect involved in an illegal E-business activities using
the computer office and his personal notebook in providing confidential information
to the unknown parties.

APU Level 3

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation




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What approach should John take in examining the two computers that was seized for
the investigation?
(15 marks)
What are some specific things that he should include in his examination towards both
(30 marks)
Briefly describe the fundamental approach in performing a forensic investigation.
(20 marks)
What are the differences between privacy and confidentiality? Please provide
evidence from any published journals or articles.
(10 marks)
Discuss the risk associated of having E-business activities in an organisation based on
any published journals or articles.
(10 marks)
Describe the roles of IT auditor in ensuring the effectiveness of E-business activities
within an organization.
(15 marks)

APU Level 3

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation


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