Dw2 Generators v1

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Dystopian Wars 2.

0 Generators

Unless otherwise stated a Generator will activate

during the Consolidation Step of the Command
Segment of a Models Activation.
The effects of a Generator are NOT reduced by
Unless it has a Continuous Effect, a Generator
may only be Activated once per Activation.
Generators with a Continuous Effect are
considered to be ALWAYS Active unless the
Model suffers the Generators Offline Critical
Effect or is in some other way disabled.
A Model CAN initiate an Aggressive Boarding
Action against a Model it has targeted with an
Offensive Generator in the current Activation,
unless otherwise specified.
A Model CAN use a Generator AND fire both
Ordnance and Auxiliary weapons in its current
A Model CANNOT fire an Offensive Generator
against a SAS.
The Range in inches (Range ) of all Generators
is made from the Centre of the Model.
Models that are Prized, Salvaged, or left Derelict
CANNOT use Generators.

Generator Strikes
External Generators maybe targeted by Ordnance
Attacks. This must be declared in the Declare
Attacks Step of the Firing Segment. Indiscriminate
Weaponry, Tertiary Weaponry or Auxiliary
Weaponry may not be used.
All attacks suffer a -1 To Hit modifier for a Generator
Strike. If the target suffers a Critical Hit from a
Generator Strike Attack, when applying Critical Hits,
do not roll the Critical Hit Table, instead apply 2 HP
loss and the Generators Offline result.
Convertible Generators operating Externally maybe
subjected to a Generator Strike.

Glacier Generator (Range, Value)
Each Glacier Generator has a value listed in the
brackets that represents Ice Points. Ice Points
generated from a squadron are added to form a total
for the squadron.
Ice Points are used for:
Spend 1 Ice Point to place ONE Medium
Iceberg (2 by 1) Terrain Feature anywhere
within the Range listed in the bracket. The
Terrain Feature MUST be placed on the
Water Major Surface and no closer than 4 to

an enemy model. All Icebergs placed in this

manner are removed during the Persistent
Effects Step of the End Phase.
Spend 2 Ice Points to target an enemy model
within the Range listed in the brackets. Roll a
D6 and apply these Critical Hit effects 1-2 No
Effect, 3-5 Navigational Lock, 6 Engine Failure
and Navigational Lock

If a squadron has enough Ice Points, they may do

either or both of the above effects multiple times.
Kinetic Generator
A Kinetic Generator is activated during the
Movement Declarations Step of a Models Activation.
Player rolls a D6 and adds number to the Minimum
move of the model. The remainder of the models
move is then used as normal. Models in squadron
make individual rolls.
A model using a Kinetic Generator increases its Turn
Limit by 1 during that Activation.
GNE Boost Generator (Range)
When this Generator is activated, it may target a
Squadron within Line of Sight that has the Surface
Skimmer Model Function and is Ready to Activate.
The affected Models gain an additional 2D3
Movement which is added to their MV when they
Activate this turn.
A Model may only benefit from ONE GNE boost per
Game Turn.
Mimic Generator (Range)
A Model with a Mimic Generator can select ANY
other Model within the Range listed in the brackets
and attempt to copy the abilities of ONE Generator on
that Model that is NOT Offiline.
A Model may not attempt to Mimic a Generator they
already possess.
Roll a D6; on a 3+ the Generator is copied.
The abilities of the Copied Generator CAN be used
by the Model with the Mimic Generator in the
current Squadron Activation if appropriate.
These abilities remain until the Model with the Mimic
Generator suffers a Generator Offline Critical
Result or it copies a new Generator.
The Targeted Model does NOT lose the use of the
Copied Generator.
Mine Controller Generator (Range)
This Generator may move any number of Mines
within the Range listed in the brackets that were
placed by the Controlling player up to D3 in a
straight line.

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Dystopian Wars 2.0 Generators

If the Mine Marker is moved so its Detonation
Criteria is met, the Mine Explosion is resolved
A Force with multiple Mine-Controller Generators
may cause Mines to move MULTIPLE times in a
Game turn.
Any attempt to move a Linked Mine results in the
Mines Detonating IMMEDIATELY.

The effect of this Generator lasts until the

Consolidation Step of the End Phase at which point the
Template is removed.


Teleport Generator (Size, Range)

A model may not use P or S weapons in the same turn
as activating its Teleport Generator.
The Generator automatically places a pair of Energy
Templates one within 8 and Line of Sight of the
Model. The Second placed within the Range listed in
the bracket and also within Line of Sight of the Model.
Templates are referred to as Energy Portals.
No Energy Portal maybe placed within 4 of a Model
or other Energy Portal. Once placed, a Template
remains in play until the Compulsory Actions Step of
the End Phase.
Energy Portals are considered to exist at the Surface
Height Level and have no effect on any Models
occupying the other Height Levels. All Models fully
within or any Firing that passes through and Energy
Portal is considered to be Partially Blocked.
Once the Portals are in play, any Model equal to or
smaller than the Size listed in the Bracket that make
contact with a Portal MUST move between the two
Portals. They are IMMEDIATELY removed from
play and placed with its Aft in contact with the other
Portal, facing a random direction (use the Random
Determination Template) and may continue its
Movement Segment as normal after a D6 roll is made
refer to below.
1. The Model suffers D3 AP Loss and may not
execute a Boarding Action in the Boarding
Segment of its current Activation
2. The Model may not execute a Boarding
Action in the Boarding Segment of its current
3. The Model may be placed in ANY direction
the player chooses (DO NOT use the Random
Determination Template) and continue its
Movement Segment as normal.
Time Flow Generator (Range)
The Time Flow Generator may be activated during the
Consolidation Step of the Command Segment of the
Models Activiation.
Place a Large Effect Template with the listed Range of
the Model Activating the Generator. All Models
regardless of Height Level that make contact with the
Template will have their Maximum MV increased or
decreased by D3+1 with the player Activating the
Generator deciding.

Disruption Generator (Range)

The Disruption Generator can take all localised
Generators Offline. It affects ALL Models equipped
with a Generator within the Range listed in the
bracket of the centre of the Activating Model,
including your own Models. The effects of the
Disruption Generator do not affect the Model using
the Generator. Roll a D6 for each Model:
No Effect
Target suffers a Generators Offline Critical
Target gains a Generators Offline Game
Marker AND loses 1 AP
Fury Generator (Range)
The Activating Model may target a single Model within
the Range listed in the bracket. Roll a D6:
No Effect
D3 Raging Fire Markers
D3 Raging Fire Markers AND 1 AP Lost
Pulse Generator (Range)
The Model places ONE Energy Template touching
the controlling Model then places another within the
Range listed in the bracket this represents the
range of the Pulse.
The Pulse operates in a Fixed Channel starting from
the Template touching the controlling Model and
terminating at the other Template.
Any Mines, both Surface and Airburst, within the
Fixed Channel of the Pulse AUTOMATICALLY
Target Painter Generator (Weapon, Range)
When activated, the Generator can target ONE Model
within the Range listed in the bracket. Roll a D6:
No Effect
Model gains a Target Painted Game Marker
Any Attack made by Models in the controlling
players Force using the Weapon listed in the bracket
against a Target Painted Game Marker receives a
+1 bonus to Hit on their AD rolls.
The Target Model remains Painted until the end of
the current Game Turn, or until the Target Painter
Generator is taken Offline. Multiple instances of this
Generator DO NOT have a cumulative effect.

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Dystopian Wars 2.0 Generators

Sonic Generator (Range)
When activated, the Generator can target ONE Model
within a Squadron occupying the Surface or Aerial
Height Bands that is within the Range listed in the
bracket. Roll a D6:
No Effect
Squadron containing the Target Model must
take an immediate Disorder Check
Squadron containing the Target Model must
take an immediate Disorder Check, requiring
an additional Success.
The effects of a Sonic Generator do not affect any
other Model equipped with a Sonic Generator.
Tesla Gernerator (Range)
The Tesla Generator may be activated during an
Activation in TWO different ways Boost or Surge
Boost: Must be activated during the Movement
Declarations Step of the Models Movement
Segment. Boosting changes the Generator to a
Standard Generator rather than an Offensive
Generator. The Models gains 1D3 of Movement; roll
independently for models in a squadron. The model
must move at least its Minimum Move AND its bonus
Boost Movement during the Movement Segment.
Surge: Must be activated during the Consolidation
Step of the Models Movement Segment. The
Generator affects ONE model within the Range
listed, regardless of their Height Level. If the
Generator is present on a Node, the Generator effect
is applied IMMEDIATELY to a single Model within
the Range listed, measured from the Nodes
location. Roll a D6:
No Effect
Roll on the Critical Hit Table
Re-roll any results of Double 1 or Double 6. The
Target model does NOT suffer HP Loss.
If a Target Model has one or more Lighting Rod
Game Markers on it, the Surging Tesla Model may
elect to re-roll the result of the INITIAL roll, accepting
the re-roll.
Calcification Generator (Range)
A Model activating a Calcification Generator does so
during the Consolidation Step of the Models
Movement Segment. The Activating Model may
target a single Model within the Range listed in the
bracket. Roll a D6:
No Effect
Target Suffers a Shredded Defences Critical
Target suffers a Shredded Defences & Hard
Pounding Critical Effect

Cloud Generator
The Cloud Generator has a Continuous Effect.
Targeted Attacks against a Model with this
Generator suffer a -1 to hit modifier. This does not
apply to Indiscriminate Attacks and the Generator
has no effect at Range Band 1.
Dilation Field Generator (Range)
The Dilation Field Generator is Activated during the
Consolidation Step of the Movement Segment in the
Models Activation, allowing the placement of a Large
Effect Template, the Centre of which must be within
Line of Sight and the Range listed.
Any Model firing into, through or out of the Template
at ANY Height Level is considered to be Partially
The effect of this Generator lasts until the
Compulsory Actions Segment of the End Phase of
the current Game Turn.
Shield Generator (Value)
This Generator has a Continuous Effect. Shield
Generators can be used to deflect all attacks except
from Indiscriminate Attacks, Aggressive Boarding
Actions, Bombs or other Generators.
Roll a number of Shield Dice equal to the Value listed
in the bracket for each Shield Generator.
A 4, 5 or (RED) 6 is required to succeed
against Gunnery Attacks.
A 4, 5 or (BLUE) 6 is required to succeed
against Rocket or Torpedo Attacks.
For each Hit scored, reduce the amount of incoming
Hits by 1. Some Attacks will reduce the effectiveness
of Shields by affecting the Hit Number required, the
Colour of Dice used etc
Guardian Generator (Value, Range, Protection
The Guardian Shield Generator grants the Model to
which it is fitted ALL of the effect of a Shield
Guardian Shield Generators also grant ALL Models
from the same Force within Range, on ANY Height
Level, a number of Shield Dice equal to the
Protection Value listed in the bracket.
Nearby Models must NOT have their own Shield
Generator of any type to benefit from a Guardian
Generator. SAS may not benefit from the Guardian
Generators protection.
A Model can only gain the benefit of ONE Guardian
Shield Generator of any type at any one time and
must choose the highest Protection Value within

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Dystopian Wars 2.0 Generators

Nullification Generator
The Generator has a Continuous Effect. The
Nullification Generator can cancel the effects of an
Offensive Generator. It automatically Activates
AFTER an Offensive Generator has successfully
targeted the Model. Roll a D6:
No Effect
Enemy Generator Effect Ignored
Enemy Generator Effect Ignored & the
attacking Model gains a Generators Offline
Game Marker.
A result will only cancel the effect on the Model itself.
Rampart Generator
This Generator has a Continuous Effect. The
Generators effect ONLY works against Attacks
originating from Models on the Surface Height Level
that are directed against targets occupying the
Surface Height Level.
Two functional Rampart Generators within 8 of each
other will cause any Attack, NOT using the Indirect
Fire Firing Option, passing between them to use
A model with a Rampart Generator does not gain any
benefit from its own Generator.
Target Jammer Generator (Weapon System, Value)
This Generator has a Continuous Effect. This
Generator resolves the instant an enemy Squadron
targets the Model with the Generator using the
weapon noted in the bracket.
Roll the number of Dice equal to the Value with a To
hit number of 4, 5 or (RED) 6. For each Hit, REMOVE
that many dice from the firers Initial Attack Dice
Pool BEFORE it is rolled.

Storm Effect: A Model with a functioning WM

Generator may spend Storm Points to place a
number of Storm Templates, represented by the
Large Effect Template on the tabletop.
Each Storm Template costs TWO Storm Points to
maintain and may placed anywhere on the Tabletop
within the Range listed in the bracket.
If a Squadron for any reason does not have sufficient
Storm Points to maintain a Storm Template, the
Template must be removed IMMEDIATELY. If a
Squadron maintains multiple Storm Templates the
controlling player may decide which Templates
should be removed.
Multiple Storm Templates placed by a Squadron
must be placed touching by not overlapping.
Storm Templates have the following effects:
All Surface and Aerial Models that touch a
Storm Template at any point during their
Movement Segment suffer a -1 Movement
All AD from Surface and Aerial Models firing
into, through or out of Storm Template suffer
a -1 To Hit modifier.
Storm Templates may never overlap under
any circumstances but the effects of multiple
Templates ARE cumulative.
The effect of this Generator (be it Cloud Effects or
Storm Effects) lasts until the Compulsory Actions
Segment of the End Phase of the current Turn, at
which time Storm Templates are removed and Cloud
Effects dissipate.

Weather Manipulation Generator (Value, Range)

Each functioning Weather Manipulation Generator
(WM Generator) has a Value listed in the brackets
that represents Storm Points available to the Model.
Any Storm Points generated from various Squadron
members are added together to form a total for the
Storm Points may be used in one of two ways,
transforming the Generators purpose from Defensive
(Cloud Effect) to Area Denial (Storm Effect).
A WM Generator may use both types if it has
sufficient Storm Points to spare.
Cloud Effect: A Model with a functioning WM
Generator is considered to have a functioning Cloud
Generator with IMMEDIATE effect. Each Cloud
Effect costs ONE Storm Point to maintain. A Model
may only ever place a Cloud Effect upon itself, not
other models.

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