(Associate Professor Bogdan HNATIUC) : Electric Devices

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(Associate Professor Bogdan HNATIUC)

Electricity is now an indicator of life quality that occurs

daily in our activities
Electric installations have an energy power supply S,(power
stations, national energy system), transmission lines L
(aerial, underground, low voltage or high voltage) and
consumers, C, (home or industrial)

Electric devices

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1


Electric devices (ED) are indispensable elements of
electrical installations, usually placed between the energy
power supply, S, and the consumer, C. There are involved
in energy production and employment installations of
electric energy.
ED are specialized ensembles containing electric, mechanic
and magnetic elements providing leading, protection,
control and adjustment of the devices proper work, where
there are included.

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1


Classification criteria of ED:

- functionality (the main criteria)
- nature of the electric current: DC or AC.
- number of poles or current paths: monopolar, bipolar, tripolar, multipolar (or
multi phase);
- after the place where it is used: exterior or interior;
- after working voltage values: low voltage or high voltage;
- after working current values: heavy or soft ED
- after working principle: electromagnetic, electrodynamic, electropneumatic,
- after extinction environment of the electric arc: IUP (IO), circuit breakers with
SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride) or vacuum circuit breakers.

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1

Types of ED (considering functionality)

Switching electric devices (automatic or non-automatic, with or
without electric arc, contactor, switch or breaker type);
Protection electric devices, apprehending dangerous defect values of
certain electric or non-electric parameters and providing a
convenient protection command (usually a disconnecting command):
triggers, relays, fuses;
Constriction electric devices, that limit (electric) parameters' values
to non-hazardous limits: current limiters (reactance or other types of
coils), surge arresters (with metal oxides, variable resistance DRV

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1

Types of ED (considering functionality)

Signalization, command and control electric devices: command
buttons, signalling lamps or assemblies with similar functions for
complex systems;
Stabilizers or amplifiers electric devices: stabilize and increase
(usually) electric sizes for comparison with a reference and automatic
Electric drives which provides mechanical energy for assuring
previewed displacements related to the operation of a device
(electromagnets are a typical example).

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1

Place of electric devices inside the installations -1

High voltage circuit (turbine T and generator G)

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Place of electric devices inside the installations -2

High voltage circuit

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Place of electric devices inside the installations-3

Medium and low voltage electric circuits

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Place of electric devices inside the installations-4

Low voltage circuits

Aparate Electrice - Curs 1

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