Herget James Carol 1974 Jamaica

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::- T-

Dear Christian Friends,

This month we bring you news on our

"I will very gladly spend an(3 be spent....



Here are a few itees of increased prices

in Jamaica. Me share them with you so

There are 18 boys in the Home..high school

boys doing well, upper grade boys full of

that you can remember our needs in your

school and fun and play and worship.


guys that look up to the bigger guys and to

These prices are in U.S. $'s.


Mom and Dad with full assurance,..faith in

$1.34 per gal.




.72 per LB


2.00 "



S^ btJL"tle



us that all is well.

5 LB

1.28 dozen

^ofcing Oil

.71 Pint

Cabbage, lettuce

.55 Li-

Other items are siiailar - this is just

a sample.

Christian Day School moves ahead nicely

with 112 this term, daily chapel services
and an excellent Peace Corp teacher from
California whom the U.S. Government assigned
to us.

Tho;;isands of pieces of literature have been

printed in our Christian Print Shop for the
Revival Fires Crusade in February.
tIEADOVlBROOK church is in the third night of
a revival and has already had 21 baptisips.

Our income must increase $300.00 per

month to keep our family fed and cared.
We know that your expenses have in
creased too and that your income must
increase to meet them. So you vjill un
derstand when we tell you about the

Medical Clinic quietly but faithfully mpves

ahead with its vigil over the sick children

of a needy area in Kingston. Ir*s a "jby'

loving those bright little kid^.

increase we must have.

Your help at this tine, by increasing

your pledge just a little, can help
save little lives. Pray for us!
God to show you how you can help.

: /

Sun Mountain is producing sweet potatoes and

beans for our family table these days and
Alice, our sweet little pig is nearing fable
size. Saturdays are delightful work days!



Knitted shirts size five and six.


Cotton knitted briefs, sizes 5 to 14.


Send in a brown envelope.

Remove tags

Send in brown envelope. Remove tags

Summer Camp Workers..vesper speakers, counselors, tcachers, mother-helps.

Plan early.



Write for information^

One power lawn mower, one electric typewritter.


^or all the late lovely Christmas mail in January - oh how we enjoyed every card and
For your loving gift both in December and January. Almost everj' person on
our monthly letter-list sent a greeting and gift and we rejoice in beginning the year
with bills paid, llianks so much and God bless you all. We press on faithfully.
In Christian love.


Jamaica Christian Boys* Home d

P.O. Box 5

Half Way Tree,

Jamaica^ W.I.

Dear Friends in Christ Jesus,

REVIVAL FIRES have been burning in the city of Kingston all month
long. It has been a wonderful month for all of us and we are now
completely tired but thoroughly happy.
OVER 500 were baptized and hundreds more were reclaimed for the

Lord. The meetings began with simultaneous revivals at each of

the eight churches in the Kingston area. Ours at Meadowbrook was
held by Joe Carman and brought 29 new members into the congregation
Twenty seven were baptized and two were transfers.

Oh, it was


A ten night meeting followed with Reggie Thomas preaching and the
Good Twins singing and then the climax was a three night crusade at
the National Arena with Cecil Todd and the Lads.

Over 3000 atten

ded in spite of a gasoline strike and severe gas shortage.

We hope

you will see the television film taken that night.

We attended and worked day and night for the entire meeting and our
boys did their part in passing out handbills etc. Now we are doing
our best to visit all the new Christians.

REVIVAL FIRES has certainly done a marvelous job here and we thank
God for their ministry. It has been the greatest gathering of the
churches of Christ ever to be had in Jamaica. We pray God*s blessing
on the whole team.

Homelife has just now begun to settle down and there is heavy em
phasis on homework. Mary Taylor from Lincoln Christian College has

returned to spend several more months with us helping with the boys.
She was here from August until Christmas and then went back to get
her visa to remain in the Island.

We all love Mary and thank God for

her dedication..

THAMKS SO MUCH for your loving gifts once again in February. Please
forgive our delay in writing but February work kept us completely be
hind in office work.

God bless you for helping...keep us in your


ristian love,

d Carol Eerget

March News


^ /


Dear Friends of Little Children,

, It was four minutes before midnight.

\ '

Jamaica Christian Boys' Horn Ltd

P.O. Box 5, Half Way Tree,

Jamaica, W.I,

We saw the Nursery light on and won-

/ dered if Nursie had gone in to one of the children. On investigation we

found the rocking chair tight against the door and small voices inside in
familiar chatter* Pushing into the room we found the four year olds hav
ing a party!

Andrew had gone to the refrigerator and taken out a bowl of

rice and a bowl of mashed potatoes and the four year olds were having a

\ /

midnight snack.

How we wish you could have seen their facecs!

act" situation.

Kow precious are God*s little childrenll

They were a

combination of smeared food and the fright of being in a "caught-in-the-

March winds blew happiness into the Home when two more little brothers

wended their way into the hearts of all of us,

Paul is two and his big

'^brother was just 5. There was no place for them in anyone's "Inn". The
kind lady who had sheltered them for four months was moving where no
children were welcome. Now they have found a home and protection and we
hope years of love and care. Can we hope otherwise? God is our strength
our provider and our Father,

Meadowbrook church building is fast approaching the day we have all been
waiting for. The platform is built, floor down, baptistry finished and
we hope that in a few weeks we will be inside worshipping the Lord. It
will still not be complete but we have certainly made great strides.


Our 14 year old David fell and broke his hand and is

taking it all in his stride

Mary and "Grandma"
are busy daily with homework
New converts classes are being held
weekly at Meadowbrook
Tony continues to do well at Johnson Bible
College, All reports are excellent and our boys are proud of big brother
Tony, He was 18 this week and the boys had a party for him and blew out
the candles for him on his cake......Bobby has gone into the Army
the family all joins in saying thank you for caring..,for your prayers
and for your lovely gifts and thoughtfulness to us.
Yours faithfully serving.

Jim and Carol Herget

(Thanks for the Brown Envelopes!

Wash rags, boys underpants and towels

can come easily this way and are most helpful)

A most happy Easter Season to you,.. and may it droD our hearts closer

to God for His wonderful gift to the world of salvation through His Son,
God bless yout

Blessings of April 197A

Jar:aica Christian Boys^ Home

Box 5, Half Vay Tree
Jamaica, VI.l.


Shox^ers of blessings keep falling and we write to thank you for the good
part you have had in our victories. Your gift has helped again to keep our
work crews driving hard betv/een ileadovbrook. Sun lit and Home. The church
voted to hold off meeting in our nev; building until the windows are in - that
means a little more time.

calves lately.

And speaking of blessings we have had three new

The boys named the last one for big brother Tony whom they

have sorely missed.

Tony has completed a year at Johnson Bible College and has benefitted so
very much from it. VJe are thrilled with the way he took advantage of every
possible opportunity to leam and devote himself Spiritually. Now he has made
a decision. lie feels after much heart searching that he is not called for a
preaching ministry. Ue hopes to enter the University of Tennessee in Fnoxville to do engineering and has already committed himself to assisting with
the establishment of a new church there.
helping with camp.

He will be at home this summer


will be a little heavier. Ero. Bob Forrester of Stone Ht Georgia plans to

bring six of his youth group to help us for two weeks. There v;ill be extra
expense for this...gasoline at $1.34 per gallon is a mounting problem. Our
bill last month was $195.00!

i\nd with driving to evangelistic meetings every

night and to Sun lit in the days for work there, will mean a big increase.
Please pray with us for a fruitful effort in June and help us!

Wary Taylor visited us last June and learned to love Jamaica.

She continued her tour in Barbados vrith the Lincoln Christian

College ''Evangels ' and returned to Jamaica in August to help

us for a year. Now Nary has endeared herself to the boys and
has become a really fine co-worker in the Uome. She is a
beautiful Christian, always villing to serve wherever needed.
Please remember her in prayer that God will richly bless the
labor of her hands and heart.

She is seeking guidance about

returning to Lincoln to finish- her last year toward gaining

her degree, then to return to us.

\ We are excited about our summer camp workers coming out from
' the States to help this sunmier. It's alv/ays a wonderful
working together for Christ.

Thank^ again for nai4ng this YOUR \K)RK In Jamaica. How good to be workers together
for the i-.ingdom. V.e love you and pray daily for you,..giving thanks always.

|y serving,

'Jim and Carol Kerget

June at the dawning.

Jamaica Christian Boys'

Dear Friends,

It's been a real HOME month with special emphasis on Su

Mountain. Good progress has been seen and we hopefully
set our goal for 1975 Camps there. V/e've spent a lot of

time wItK the boy^>>4oving them, teaching them ^d enjoy

ing them.

Many repairs have been done around th^house

and a general 'face 1 lftlng*--t!,as given us encouragement.

At Meadowbrook four more were baptized into Christ.

Andrew has led the fun again...Mary came In^he office one
day holding up a sheet with a big hole in tl^center and
said, -'Andrew has struck againi" Last week he threw away
his milk and Mary scolded him and then asked why he did>-it.

He put his hands.^ his hlps^^ rolled his eyes a bit in deep
thought and then saTdT'^Mary, I just can't drink that milk

when that cow eats all that dlTT^grass and weeds!" Later
at the table when John was sharing his cake with other boys
he turned to Andrew with one last piece and then tosse3~It^-into his own mouth. Andrew watching eagerly, so sure that
John would not leave him out, turned and said, "JOHN! How
you go and forget that I am your brother!"

A laugh a day keeps the doctor away...no wonder we thank God

for good health and happiness In our work.
June promises some nice things...our Evangelistic meetlng;the
closing of a bright school year, and really heart-warming -

the return of our Tony for summer hoi Idays^'Tomorrow Is the

day and we have planned a family picnic at the seaside on the
way home from the airport. He has
a v/onderful time and is
thankful to the Lord for keeping him.
Thanks so much! Your gifts are
sorely needed, and so helpful.
God bless you in every way.
Christian love.

JIm and Carol





P.O. Box 5, Half Way Tree

Jamaica, V.I.
Dear Friends

A warm and grateful "Thank Vou' comes from all the family this month as
we realize once again how very much you mean to us. Thank you for your
gift of support to meet our financial needs, your gift of food Items
sent with various summer workers, your gifts of clothing so carefully
and thoughtfully chosen making our little ones feel your special love,
and your prayers that have been like a warm lovwg^ cloak "round us.
Thank you for being our



Bill Dennison, Minister Dunnellon, Fla.

Tom Clark, Lincoln Christian College

Meadowbrook Youth continue to turn

Don Huchmuth

Faith Brandon returns for her second



Carolyn Fawley, Lakeview, Apopka, Fla.

Amy Unger,
Debbie Carroll, Englewood, Jax. Fla.
Byron Pugh,
Lynn Smith, Johnson Bible College
Debbie Brock, Roanoke Bible College
It's been a great team this summer
and good results are thrilling our
hearts. Thanks to all of you who
have helped these workers to come!

Christian Work

their hearts toward Bible College.

year, and Carolyn Henry begins her
first year late this month.
Hugh Black returned from his year In
Boston to assist with 3 weeks at

Camp. He enters the U.S. Kavy in

September as a Paramedic. Pray that
his testimony v;ill continue to be as
powerful for the Lord as it has thus
far! These are your youth tool Be
thankful with us and pray for them.

there have been 16 baptisms this

Enrolment is high for Christian Day

School in September, .pray v/ith us for


a Christian teacher.

Meadowbrook church continues to grow

What a joy this work is!

Ou/L Tony has done an excellent job

this summer with camps and at Home. He
has worked hard for his education.


member him in prayer as he enters the

University of Tennessee in September to
do Civil Engineering.

Thaj/ik6 oQcUn*,

Baby Jason Is not with us yet. Covernment is holding him a little longer
while they search for a mother. Mean
while we anxiously await having ouJi
baby! V'e have been to Court with him
three times so far awaiting a decision.

God (OtCfi a& - thank

and Pta&t

Your servants for Jesus* sake,

Jim and Carol Herget


>\o6t 0^ Tomj*^

yjcej have, been

given pQ/L&onaZty by ^/U.enc/4 and

6onaZ 6a.vlng/i ovz/i a i^^/Uod of. yejvu.

$500 coinej)


oua petThe.

of ono. oi oat

Camp butts
Tantj 1x06 eoAned thU
We thougfit you migtvt mnt to know.

SEPTEflBER NE!^rS of the

Jamaica Christian Boys' Home


Dear Christian Family,


The old school house is dancing with activity for school has be
gun again. We are busy as bees! Homework and football fill the
afternoons while the nights find us with reading hour and family

By now you have guessed that our boys help with the news letters by coloring
the pictures. They look forward eagerly to this. Other chores like washing
dishes are less enjoyable but, alas, so necessary. A few hurricanes have been

around giving us leaking roofs but no disaster - praise God!

versity after a heartwarming last week vd.th his 18 brothers.
much as we do#

Tony got off to Uni

They miss him as
At Meadowbrook windows are almost completed in the new building

and attendance is good.

It was great seeing those 19 teenagers in the choir loft

last Sunday.

We are enjoying the success and happiness of this work

heoccuse God has blessed us with your good help and friend^
ship* Thank you so very much for your gift onoe again- We
deeply appreciate your oonoem for our Jamaican family^
our work and their ever growing needs*
Christmas is just around the comer and the boys will
soon be talking about It. It is time to be thinking of
needs and gifts for them. If you want to help, your box
should be in the mail before the end of October,

Mark It

for free distribution, no commercial value, remove all tags

and do not list a value on the outside.

Packages that are

not valued by you come to us duty free.

We*re well and happy

and we hope you are

Here are some suggestions:

Good ball point pens, pencils, wash rags, boys underwear, baking powder, dry
yeast, shirts - all sizes for church wear, sheets, socks, matching trousers
and shirts for the size 6 boys for church, and peanut butter in unbreakable
containers. Let's make Christmas a happy time for the boys...and remember,
you can tuck in a few toys along with the needs.

And nov7, just a word about Sun Mountain,

^^e are sleeping

in the new building on Friday nights and rising early for

a work 'Jay#

The boys just love it and we must admit that

we do too. There vjas great excitement last week when the

Esso Standard Oil Co. came to give us a check for the

first Dormitory there. Our T.V. carried a full account of

the presentation as well as radio and the newspapers. Our
prayer is that Sun Mountain will someday bring great
blessing to our Lord and His church.

Thanks so much for helping....pray for us!

6utside the Sun Ht
jalousies lies a beautiful

Your servants... in Christian love,


Jim and Carol llerget

Jamaica Christian Boys Hoxoe

P.O. Box 5

Half Way Tree

Jamaica W.I,




^(V He,ten, H.rqe.-b

Dear Friends In Christ Jesus,

It was so unexpected. Last month we told you that Jim left hurriedly for
Buffalo, N.Y. to see his Mother who was ill. He stayed close to her until she
passed away on November 17th, Sunday morning. What a lovely doming to leave
this earthly home and find that precious gift of eternal life awaiting I We
thank God for her Christian life.

But there was sadness too which could not be

shared fully since Jim had gone alone leaving me with the children. How thankful
we are for the comfort that comes fr^i our Heavenly Father at a time like this.
The family includes four children, Betty Herget Smith who remained at home
to care for Mother Herget, Jane Herget Jackson, wife of Minister Autrey Jackson,
Rincon, Ga., Grace Herget Fish, wife of Carl Fish, missionaries to Indonesia,
and Jim and Carol Herget*..Jamaica.

May God bless her memory.

She has been a faithful Christian Mother.




Let us linger again by Bethlehem's manger. Let us feel the Love that came down
from the Father; the Love that left the Heavenly Palace beautiful to walk and
talk with us, to love and grieve and die for us. The years slip away and hate
and haunting fears linger with us, growing day by day. But unmistakable signs
now appear that the longed for reappearing of our Lord is at hand, when the
government shall be upon His shoulder as the prophet foretold .long ago.










And God shall wipe away all our tears...we shall sorrot^ no more..there shall be
no more sin and sadness.

Is here and with us.

The real meaning of Christmas is all about us for He

This Is the joy of our Christmas and we pray It is yours.

Thank you for helping us.

Thank you for loving our children at Christmas.


you for caring about our needs - the mortgage which we so hope to reduce, the
expense of Jim's trip, the needs of our Home at Christmas, and the hopeful plans

we look forward excitedly to in the future.

Yes, thank you from the depths of

our hearts for making our work possible in Jamaica.

Your servants for Christ,

Jim and Carol Herget


About December - at the



P.O, Box 5j Eatf Way Tree

Jamaica^ W,I,
Dear Friends^

December was a beautiful month! Of course there were those days of

rush and real hard work - choir practices^ school functions^ youth
parties at churchy programs^ y^s* oil of the usual December things*
And our boys had their share of our attention with Christmas shopping
and baking* Christmas day was lovely with a beautiful early morning
service at Meadowbrook,

Sandwiched into the events was a hard drive on our building program*

The church building made good progress and at Sun Mt the dining hall
floor was completed. Oh^ it looks really great* And the second
building now has the foundations poured.

Some people wonder where our strength comes from - others know abotet
our Heavenly Father who cares and keeps us going*

But the children inspire us greatly*

Love: i

heard that i- was Mom's birthday too.

Like Christmas Day when Met

He looked up quickly and said^

"Mormyf I didn't know it was your birthday - I want to give you some
presents for a birthday present*" With that he ran to his roan
and returned with a tiny boatt a book^ and a can of playdough and pre
sented them. What a beautiful tittle soul ties behind that tiny face!
This is love* This is the real meaning of Christmas.

YOV and MEL have inspired us to press on!

How can we do less than

give our all? You hive sacrificed this month to give us the helping


hand we needed and we are truly grateful.

gratitude as we would like!


How can we ever express our

One letter should not have say thank-you and also tell of needs*
wish it did not have to be*

But our needs are ever with us,



the Lord - we were able to pay $1000*00 on our mortgage in December*

But to get the payments down to where we can manage them easily we
will need to pay another $2000* Won't you helx>? The interest has
jimped from 7 to 12% and it is no longer economical to pay only tl^







We must pay on the principal.

Than ks again,,,and please remember our needs in your prayers.


try and reach that goal and ease our payments* This mortgage is on
our school and dormitory. Our first mortgage was paid off two

years ago.

Have a loonderful new year - May God keep you in His loving care.
lours faithfully serving^


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