FINAL SIAM Report North Wheatley

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National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist

Schools Report
North Wheatley Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary
Sturton Road
South Wheatley
DN22 9DH
Previous SIAMS grade: Outstanding
Current inspection grade: Outstanding
Diocese: Southwell and Nottingham
Local authority: Nottinghamshire
Date of inspection: 15 May 2015
Date of last inspection: May 2010
Schools unique reference number: 122772
Headteacher: Joanna Hall
Inspectors name and number: Lizzie McWhirter 244
School context
North Wheatley is a small, growing rural school. There are 94 pupils on roll,
who are almost all from a White British background. The proportion of pupils
with special educational needs and disadvantaged pupils is below average.
The school is within walking distance of the parish church of St Peter and St
Paul. A new school hall is currently being built and is close to completion.
The distinctiveness and effectiveness of North Wheatley as a Church
of England school are outstanding

The dedicated headteacher and parish priest are instrumental in

promoting the Christian vision of North Wheatley School. This ensures
the Christian character of the school permeates all school life.
This worshipping, family community nurtures all children, adults and
parents, regardless of their faith background. Consequently, everyone
enjoys learning together to be the best that they can be.
The partnership between church and school is really important to
everyone, whether or not they belong to the local Christian community.
Areas to improve

Ensure pupils deepen their understanding of Christianity as a worldwide

faith and enable them to meet people of other faiths to enhance their
spiritual, moral, social and cultural [SMSC] development. This includes
learning about saints, such as St Peter and St Paul and what it means to
be part of the Anglican family outside their own community.

The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is outstanding

at meeting the needs of all learners
North Wheatley provides an inspirational Christian learning environment for
the whole school community. Relationships are excellent because all
members of this supportive, family school continually and consistently
demonstrate Christian values, such as courage, endurance and forgiveness in
their lives. There have been no exclusions and attendance is very good.
Consequently, all pupils thrive in a Christian culture and ethos where they are
positively encouraged to think and question. As a result, all pupils feel valued
and achieve highly. This is because North Wheatley includes and nurtures
children of all backgrounds, abilities and interests within a Christian
framework where expectations are high, and Christian values are engrained.
In addition, the well-being of the whole community is of paramount
importance. The dedicated staff team enable all pupils succeed in their
learning within a Christian culture of praise and encouragement to be the
best we can be. Links with parents are extremely important. The school
attributes the excellent progress and attainment of all groups of children to
the positive relationships between teacher, pupils and their parents. They all
work together in partnership with one another. A wide variety of achievement
is celebrated, with pupils involved in the school choir, and other extracurricular activities, including cooking and sports clubs. Pupils global
understanding and awareness is well supported through the schools link with
Suryapal School In Nepal. Excellent examples include pupils running a table
top sale after school to raise money for this link school. Pupils at North
Wheatley show respect for diverse cultures and beliefs through their religious
education [RE] and worship. These make very good contributions to the
schools Christian character and to pupils SMSC development. Pupils enjoy
RE and are able to link values such as honesty and respect to Islam,
Hinduism, Judaism and Christianity. They enjoy finding out about different
lifestyles and beliefs. They welcome visiting other places of worship to meet
people of faith. This is an area the school has already identified for action.
They relate the Christian narrative well, beginning with creation. They enjoy
asking important questions, such as Is God around us? However, the school
recognises the need for children to learn more about saints, such as St Peter
and St Paul. This enhances their understanding of their local community as
part of the Anglican communion and supports their SMSC development.
The impact of collective worship on the school community is
Worship which engages everyone is integral to the life of this school and
enjoyed by pupils and adults alike. This is because acts of worship promote
Christian values and respond to the needs of pupils, successfully advocating
positive spiritual development. One of the hallmarks of worship at North
Wheatley is the procession of the class crosses into worship. Parents say how
proud their children are when they are chosen to lead their class in. Parents
and pupils speak highly of worship led by Open the Book every Thursday. As
a result, pupils are able to make links between Biblical teaching and their own
lives. Very good examples include the story of Jonah and the whale, which
pupils link with Gods forgiveness. Parents also speak highly of church
services led by the vicar. Very good examples include the Easter services
when pupils feet are washed and the symbolism of bread and wine is
NS 03 2015

SIAMS Inspection School Report

explained. This is recognition of the special nature of Jesus. Pupils are

increasingly taking on more responsibility for planning and leading worship.
Very good examples include the Christmas and Easter services which take
place in the parish church. In addition, pupils experience worship as part of
the wider diocesan family in events at Southwell Minster. Liturgy is integral to
daily collective worship. Very good examples include pupils reflecting on
Christ shining as a light as worship concludes each day. They consider how
they can mirror this in their own lives with a challenge linked to one of their
Christian values, such as the courage to be different. Pupils own prayers are
used in classroom reflection areas. Pupils welcome worship taking place
outdoors, using the willow dome and other areas in their school grounds.
Pupils are growing in their understanding of The Holy Trinity, and the school
has already identified this as part of the ongoing review of worship. Collective
worship is evaluated weekly, with children and staff contributing their
viewpoints. In addition, pupils have good ideas about how to share their
thoughts more widely with governors so that worship is continually evolving
in integrity and quality.
The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school
as a church school is outstanding
Parents attribute the success of North Wheatley School to the Christian
vision, dedication and hard work of the headteacher. Leadership is very
strong. In addition, the pastoral work of the vicar amongst the staff is very
much valued in this school where wellbeing is a priority. Parents praise the
very committed staff who know their children inside out and are able to put
strategies in place to support children early on. Consequently, pupils are
successful learners and achieve well in all they do. Parents say that because
staff really look out for their children, they feel valued and feel supported
with their parenting. The cycle of review on governing body agendas
rigorously examines annually if the school is meeting expectations in its
Christian ethos. All areas from the previous inspection have been addressed
and the school has clear priorities for action. Governors acknowledge that the
schools Christian ethos underpins everything and is articulated in everything
the governors do for the school. Staff in this rural primary school take on
many roles and responsibilities. Individual professional development is
prioritised, with the emphasis on a collaborative approach, sharing good
practice. This is modelled by the headteacher, who supports the development
of other schools within the diocese and beyond. The RE subject leader is new
in post, but has been active in her monitoring role. She is well supported and
mentored by the school and has benefitted from diocesan training. Parents
testify to their children having the confidence to ask about different religions
in the street and recognise different places of worship. Consequently, RE and
worship meet statutory requirements. Links with the local community are
strong, with pupils and parents raising money for their own school hall. As
this school is geographically on the edge of the diocese, North Wheatley
governors welcome governor support and training from the diocese.
SIAMS report May 2015 North Wheatley Church of England VC Primary School
DN22 9DH

NS 03 2015

SIAMS Inspection School Report

NS 03 2015

SIAMS Inspection School Report

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