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Changes/New features WinREG 3.9

WinREG V 3.8.18 from 2010/04/07
WinREG V 3.9.6 from 2013/01/25
Product description / type : WinREG parametrisation software
Christian Schobert

Initial release for version 3.9.3

update to version 3.9.4
update to version 3.9.6 (text in bold letters)

Operating systems, other requirements:

Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7
Windows Server 2003 or higher
Microsoft DotNet Framework 3.5

Firmware compatibility
The WinREG parametrisation software is in general compatible with all firmware versions. That means you may use the
latest WinREG version also for old firmware versions. The WinREG 3.9.6 is optimised for REG-D(A) and PAN-D firmware
version 2.23/3.23 and REG-DP(A) firmware version 2.3.34.
The WinREG 3.9 is equipped with a version matrix. That enables the WinREG software to determine whether a parameter is
available on a certain firmware version or not. This function is available for REG-D(A) and PAN-D at the moment.

New features
+ modification of the WinREG help file to work with Window 7
+ The WinREG is now able to automatically detect A. Eberle devices with integrated USB interface (hardware feature I1).
First off all you have to install the driver for the USB device. The driver can be found on the WinREG CD.
If the driver is installed and the device is connected there would be a automatically generated connection for each
available A. Eberle USB devices in the Connection Manager of the WinREG. The existence of a new device that is not
included in the connection list will be indicated by an message box on the start up of the Connection Manager.
The selection of the devices can be done in the connection list like any other connection.

On USB devices you will find the assinged COM port in the Phone column. This information can be very helpfull if you
want to use the device with a program that can not automatically detect A. Eberle USB devices. With the button USB
Devices >> its possible to show the details e.g. the driver version of the connected devices.
+ A. Eberle communication auto setup. With this function its possible to detect A. Eberle devices automatically without
the need of knowing the communication settings in detail. Therefore the Device and Settings Detection assistant
comes up after pressing the Auto Detect button.

In the assistant its possible to specifiy the COM interface where the A. Eberle device is or might be connected. If a
A. Eberle device is detected, a message box comes up and you can directly create a connection in the up coming dialog.
The handshake settings are read from the device.
+ The range of the port setting of the TCP/IP connection setup of the WinREG is now 1 to 65535. Up to version 3.9.4 the
range was 1 to 9999.
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+ general technical and visual update of the Panel program
+ Panel view for REG-DM(A) and EOR-D devices
+ new transformer monitoring view in the Panel programme. It is available on REG-D(A) regulators with the software feature

+ Visualisation of the COM3 extension modules BIN-D (8 relais or 16 binary inputs) in the Panel

The labels in front of the LEDs are taken from the relay and binary input assignment. Therefore it is necessary that the
channels of the BIN-D are assigned to relays and binary inputs of the REG-D(A) or PAN-D (COM3 mapping). The colour of the
LEDs can be changed in groups. Every group consists of eight LEDs. The definiation of the colour is done by two variables in
the REG-D(A) or PAN-D. The available colours are red, green, and orange.

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+ The Panel is now equipped with a foldable menu bar in which it is possible to change the selected device and the view.

Button to fold and unfold the

menu bar

Device and connection selection, you may

also click inside the screen (green area) to
start the device selection

View selection, depending on the device and

the software features of the device its
possible to select different views.

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+ The parameter group was added on the tab System. This parameter is used by the collector tool of the REGView
software to record data automatically in a special folder on the PC. That means if e.g. all regualators inside the substation
have the same group setting, the collector tool will store all the recorder data from this devices in a folder that is named
like the group setting. The folder is located inside the WinREG folder.
+ The setpoint value setting in the tab basic values now shows also the primary value of the set point values. If active or
reactive power regulation is used the setpoint values 3 and 4 will be shown as power values. The switch over between
voltage and power values can be done with the parameter Active-/Reactive power regulation active. This parameter will
be automatically set by the software feature PQCtrl.

+ The tab Current Influence was extended by the parameter Gradient I Decrease (neg.). The other parameters have been
partly renamed and the units have been changed from [%] to [V/In] and [V]. The remark is now extended.
+ Modification and extension of some parameter descriptions, e.g. remarks with drawings for the inverse tap changer and
the current influence.
+ The parameter Manu/Auto at M/F Start has been added in the Parallel Operation section.
+ The tab Tap Changer was added. Here you will find all OLTC related parameters, including the new parameters Invers
Tap Changer, the tap limiter and the debouncing of the tap position indication.

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+ The tab Analogue I/O was extented by the possibility to configure the Modbus communication (data acquisition via the
COM3/Modbus converter) and the resistor input module for tap position indication. A resistor input module can be added
or removed to the configuration for Offline configuration.
+ The parameters Setpoint adjustment by binary inputs and Block high speed switching were added on the tab
+ The Tab I/O Mapping (COM3) was included in the configuration of the REG-D(A) and the PAN-D. Here it is possible to see
the mapping of the channels of the ANA-Ds and BIN-Ds to the channels of the REG-D(A) and PAN-D. The mapping can be
changed in the service programme.

+ The rules for the summer time switch (daylight saving time) can be found in the section SCADA/Time. Here it is possible
to see, store and send the settings. To change the settings please use the Service tool.
+ With the menu item edit\convert it is possible to use a REG-D parameter file on a REG-DA regulator and vise versa.
+ The additional data are now equipped with a history where you can see the latest three entries. In addition you are able to
define two templates. The dialogue can be reached by pressing the button Insert in the Addition data menu.

+ new read-only part implemented for support issues (parameters are only saved, not displayed).
+ parameter export in the RSEI format (XML).
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+ The note for the jumper setup of the nominal current of the current input of the REG-D is now extented by a drawing.
The note comes up automatically during a change of the setting or by pressing the Note button.

+ The software features (system tab) can be send to device now. This functionality can be enabled in the menu
Edit\Configuration\Activate Sending of Features. The release of this function is password protected.
+ The sending of the I/O Mapping (COM 3) includes a firmware version check now. That means the I/O Mapping can be
send only to devices with firmware version 2.15 or higher.
+ The ratio (voltage and current transformers ratio) of the second voltage and current input are send to device without
checking the feature Three winding.

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+ The time synchronisation (using the time from the PC) can be done in groups of devices (e.g. REG-D only) now.
+ On the tab Log/Divers it is possible to change the set point index from remote. Furthermore it s now possible to erase the
event log (log book) of the devices.
+ The Statistics can be erased on the device now. Until firmware version 2.20 an overflow can happen on the tap sum. The
Service tool is now able to handle this.
+ A new tab for remote control of the simulation mode of the REG-D(A) and REG-DM(A) is now included.

+ The monitor of the Service tool can be used to see online measurement values. It opens automatically on the start of the
simulation mode remote control.

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+ The new section I/O Mapping (COM3) enables you to assign the channels of a ANA-D, BIN-D or Level 2 hardware
extension (only REG-DA) to the binary inputs or relays or analogue channels of the REG-D(A) or PAN-D.

Assistant to do the COM3 mapping automatically

Total number of channels including the COM3 master device (e.g. REG-D). Here it is also possible to
define virtual analogue channels that can be used for e.g. Modbus value

Manual mapping. If you mark some channels and

press the right mouse button it is possible to use a field
filling assistant.

+ The COM 3 mapping setting in the service tool stay untouched during the selection of a new target device. This enables
the user to send the same setting to different devices. The mapping settings can be reset by using the RESET button.
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+ On the tab Summertime Adjustment, UTC you are able to defined rules for the summer-/winter time switch and to set up
the time zone. For some countries there are templates for the summertime adjustment available.
Read the present rule setting for the year xxxx from the selected device
Definition begin of summer time e.g. last Sunday in march, 2 oclock am
Definition end of summer time e.g. last Sunday in October, 3 oclock am
Load a template for a certain county
Send rule setting to the selected device and define the
use of the rules

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+ On the REG-L tap you can open, edit, send, read, and save REG-L files (e.g. background programmes)

Save REG-L file as

Save REG-L file
Open REG-L file
Send REG-L file to device
Send REG-L file to several devices
Read REG-L file vom device
Monitor, it shows the communication between
the service tool and the device

The Log functionality creates a capture

file of the communication between the
Service tool and the device, it has to
be activated before it can be used

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+ The tab RAM-Backup enables you to control the backup of the parameters and the background programme to the flash
memory. To use this feature the device needs a bootloader version 2.12 and a suitable hardware.

Start bootloader mode. If firmware version < 2.22 or feature bootload =0 it is necessary to start the boot
loader manually
Date of last Backup, if one is available
Backup of parameters and background program to the flash memory
Restore the datas from the backup. If firmware version is 2.22 this
will be done automatically if necessary.

Close boot loader mode

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+ Runtime Error Nr. 35603=Invalid key fixed.The issue occurs with South African Windows local scheme.
+ display issue with the IP address setting fixed. The problem comes up with e.g. Danish and Swiss Windows local scheme.
The issue is related to the thousands and the decimal separator.
+ The list to select the parameter scaling methode for the analogue in-/outputs was empty in offline mode. That means it
was not possible to change the scaling methode for the analogue in-/outputs.
The bug exists since version 3.9.3 on REG-D and REG-DA.
+ The ESC-key of the REG-DA panel was not working.
The bug exists since version 3.9.3 on the REG-DA Panel.
+ The saving of the panel configuration (dsk-files) failed, as soon as the device with the direct communication is not shown as
Panel. E.g. the PC is connected to a PQI-D and a REG-D is connected via ELAN to the POI-D. The Panel of the REG-D is open
and you try to save the panel setup in a dsk-file.
The bug exists since version 3.9.3.
+ The parameter inverse tap changer was preset with false instead of 0 when opening a .prm file that doesnt
content this parameter (e.g. a parameter file from WinREG 3.8). The sending of the wrong parameter lead to a Error:
Illegal argument range message from the PAN-D. After changing the setting in the WinREG once, the parameter was
correct. The bug exists since version 3.9.3.
+ The Creeping Net Breakdown was specfied to exist since firmware version 2.07. Therefore the status of this parameter
was not read in e.g. version 2.03. The bug exists since version 3.9.3..
+ The sending of the COM- and ELAN settings of the REG-DP(A) was not working. It causes syntax errors because of a
wrong assignment of the commands. The bug exists since version 3.9.3.
+ The sudden break down (e.g. wire break) of the TCP/IP connection leads to a crash of the panel programm. The bug
exists since version 3.9.3.
+ It wasnt possible to modifiy the limitation setting of the parallel programs dIsin(phi) and dIsin(phi)*S+ in the
paramertisation tool of the WinREG. This is ok as long as the value of this settings is twenty (standard setting). But it can
be possible that the modification of these values is necessary when using a existing parameter file. Therefore the
modification of the limitation setting is now possible as soon as the value is different to twenty.
+ The parameters Scrolling and Time Resolution of the recorder havent been send to the REG-D(A).
The bug exists since version 3.9.3.
+ A change in the parameterization of the LEDs 7 and 8 of the PAN-D was not recognized by the instant compare function
(compare without reading the parameters from the device again). The bug exists since version 3.9.3.
+ The automatic extension of a parameter set that was done with an older WinREG version was not working correctly. It
affects only parameters that has been added in WinREG 3.9. This parameter were not set to correct values and therefore
you got some error indications during the download to the device. The bug exists since version 3.9.3.

Known Issues
+ The function RAM Backup of the service tool cannot be used if the connection is done via a ComServer that runs in
parallel to a scada communication on a communication interface card sharing the same COM port (e.g. REG-PE with IEC 104
and COMServer sharing the COM port 2 of the REG-D(A)).

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